THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. DESTITUTE SEEKING RELIEF IN JERUSALEM WOULD SAVE HISTORIC HOME OF MARK TWAIN I '5Iohnmmedan women mid Chrlstluns, nil hungry. nigged; children mid beggars, gathered nt tlio relief headquar ters opposite David's tower In Jerusalem, to receive food and clothing. CABINET WOMEN DO THEIR OWN MARKETING Uistorlc dome of Murk Twain tit Hartford, Conn , one of the oldest residences In New England, to save which i nation-wide movement has been started. Interesting such bodies ns the Chicago Art Institute and many othurs. Announcement of the destruction of the building, In which was written "Innocents Abroad" and other stories, has resujted in offers of flnauclnl aid from all over tho country, the Hartford Art society announces, but It Is said flint tho present owners, who bought tho property for $55,000 nv few months ago, are demanding $300,000 for It. Tho jtnte park commission has been asked to condemn the pro perty for a state park o avoid paying this price. AIR VIEW OF THE CAPITOL IN WASHINGTON A new and Interesting aerlnl view of the capltol In Washington, made from a United States army plane (lying overhead. Forced by the over-Increasing cost of living, members of Washington's olllclal family are doing their own mar. kctlng. Photograph shows left to right: Mrs. David Houston, wife of tho secretary of tho treasury; Mrs. Robblus, wlfo of the former United States minister to Chile, anil Mrs. Cary N. Grayson, wife of tho president's physician, Admiral Grayson, purchasing meat for their tables at a stall In tho Central market, Washington, D. 0. FRENCH TOWNS SELL BREAD TO POOR VICTIM OF TURK CRUELTY FLAGSHIP TO BE USED AS TARGET HONORS FAMOUS SERGEANT Tho U. S. S. Iowa. In Its day tho prldo of the American navy nnd flugshlp f tho lato "Fighting Hob" Evans, unless plans of nnvu! experts fall, will bo xiued ns a moving target for modern dreadnoughts, Its movements directed by powerful wireless apparatus Invented by John Hoys Hammond. The lown is about thirty years old and Is of no further use as a lighting machine. AMERICAN AVIATORS GREET CAPRONI Wtitrrn Newipaper Union? Lord French, viceroy of Ireland, on whoso life an attempt was mode, dec orating Sergeant Walsh, at an Invest! ture held In tho Chelsea barracks L,oru French was driving in an an morcd cor along a road near the VIco roy lodgo In Ireland, when several shots wero fired at his cur. Municipalities In tho Seine and Olse districts In Franco sell bread nt tho rntc of one frnnc per kilo (2 1-5 pounds) to keep down tho prices. Bakeries which refuse to conform to this price wero closed. VETERANS OF TWO WARS HOLD CELEBRATION JUDGE ERIK SJOEBERG American aviators who (lew Caproul pitmen to greet Gttinut Gnpronl, tnvoulor of the Cnpronl type or plane, on his nrrlval on tho S. S, Gluseppl Wrdl. Left to right are: Lieut. Talbot O, Freeman, Medtlcld, Mat.; Lieut. Allan V Itt'Vln, .Iiiiiiutca, U I.; Gianni Cnpront, Lieut. Frank Lambert or ljuliutiuro Md.. nud Lieut. Phillips. Melville, N. Y. Nergls Avnglnn, the fifteen-year-old Armenian girl, who arrived recently nt Now York. She was tho only one of 20 Armenians nt Znra, Turkey, who was spared. She was then only twelvo years old nnd was kept pris oner for two years, when she was forced to marry one of her captors, and was tuttocd on tho faco to show that she had becomo a Mohammedan. She wns found by her brother at Savas, Turkey, after dhe bad escaped from her captors, and ho brought her back to this country. SEEKS SEAT IN SENATE Miss Anne Mnrtln, for several years prominent In the Woman's party, has . announced her enndjdacy for tho sen a to In Nevada nnd will seek n plnco ; on the Republican ticket. In 1018 she ; run as an Independent from tho soma state. Swedish delegate to the Internation al peuco conference, who bus recently been appointed arbitrator In tho Fran co-American court nt Purls. Hundreds of Harlem public school children participated In tho celebrn tlon, marking tho founding of the G. A. It. organisation, and the third annl rprsury of tho entrance of the United States Into the world war, which was neld at Mount Morris park, New York city. Education, I believe every man In a Christina kingdom ought to be equally well edu cated. Iluskln, I.V