IltA h BAKE, Editor and Publisher attornoy. The olty counoli grantod Jloon H consofl to nine nppllonnts. Tliaeiippll ctuitfl wore: Guy Lalng, Huh dflrthdr, W. D. Wnldo. Fred Knoor.AVVlI.Tuc- SUBSORIPTTON HATES: 'ker. Hush Ilrndy. Oyster & UrMBth, J. Ono i'car by Mall, in ndTnncc.ftI.75 jr. Hupror and Win. Landgra' Ono Year by Carrier, in ndvnncts $2.00 ! Bishop Worlhlngton came up from Iriinnlin try llflld Bnrvlfdn nt tllrt HniH- Enor?d.t 1110 orth ,Ptte' ol?raskn!oopnl church. While hero he wn ten- tiered a reception nt tho home or 'Mr. and Mrs. Lester Ells. Arbor Day wan observed In North I'lutto by tho planting of hundrods of trees. There were no waterworks In those days and to keep the trees alive In dry. weather, wator wan pumped. oan:ed In buckets and poured nrounil the troes The old-thliors will toll you this wns some task. :o: : LINCOLN COUNTY EVENTS ANB 1'UieSONAL 3IENTION. Postofflco- as Second Glass Matter. TUESDAY, APIUL 271 li, 1920. EVENTS IN NORTH PLATTE TJIIHTY-l'IVE YEARS AGO SUGAR FACTORY GIVES 61.00 DONUS TO 0 KMW KItS. (Frdm Tho Tribune April 28, 1SSB.) Chas. P. Ross, agent for tho Rock Islnnd synU.calo, sold twenty sections of lnnd In township 9, range 28. and J township o, range 27, for three dollars per acre. The purchaser were Now York parties. , i , , 77-" ,, , , , ' John Worthl6y. foreman at the IJO(Jt growora In the valley who had Union Pacific shops, wns prosontod contracts with tho American Beet with n, fine buggy and sot or,harno Sugar Co. laat your- have received by th& omployos of tho shops. ' trmn th0 company a bonus of J1.00 a In flow of lookodxfor introduction l ho0 rown ln8t Accom- of Asiatic cholera 'into tho United Sta- Pftny.lng the bonus was the following tcs. The Tribune advised the city lettor: , . authorities to clean up tho alleys, "Ear'y H Mr an ndvanco wns which were In bnd shape. niade tn the prlco of sugar, at which Tho Inst big drive of cattlo from tl,no ono of tho BUSar manufactur- Toxas to northorn point had started. orP Mt Justlfiod in distributing Tho number in tho drlvo Was close to among Its growers aB n bonus $1 200.000. Tho greater numbor of them l'or ton for hwtH delivered from wore destined for points In Wyoming wWch tho sugar was made, and Montana. "At tliat t'mo tlllH company did Walld "Walla lodgo I. O. O. P. celo- Mot fel warranted In acting ns llb- brated tho nnnivorsnry of Odd Follow- orally with Its growors and conse- ship by, Indulging In a soclalnnd a 1otiUy did not pay a bonus. An- "fecd." Music was furnished by the oth(SV ndvanco has now boon mnde Mothotllst choir. In tho sugar market and although Alex , England, Jr.. a young mnchln- Uil company has a vory small 1st In the shops, loft for the Pacific amount of It, 'nevertheless, fools that coast "to Jay a. foundation for his Its growors should share in the futuro prosperity," Tho boys gavo "ononis thorofrom and thoroforo him a send-off. takes pleasuro In paying to them $1 Homesteaders who had located in ver ton on nil boots received by It tho county during tho early spring during tho last campaign. had begun fnrmyng operations, Sod ::o:: 1 houses dotted nearly overy quarter ' Print paper has now advanced to section of tillablo land. such a figure lO1 cents n pound nt U. & M. surveyors were .ranking a Omnha that wo must demand prompt survey for the "high llnp" railroad In payment on tho part of allsubacrIbors. tho south part of tho county. Wb cannot afford to carry delinquent Tho Tribune acknowledged an In- subscriptions, nor can wo afford to vitatUmto attond the May Parly to bo nlro collectors or pay clerk litre and given-May first by Grand Island Dlvl- p08tnR0 nnd stationery In sending out sSlnVS' : statements. Tho fact is. tho cost , of In a spelling match between nunlls Producing a newspaper these days s Blackburn's room, tho final contest- P'c- an ,0 m,lp matjora as much as ants woro Agnos Loftus and Magglo pnuslblo a cash-ln-advance plnn Is Sch&rmnrin. Agnes finally mis-spelled necessary. tho word "villain," whllo It wns cor- Diamonds sot In platinum i.aro our roctly. spelled by Magglo. speciality. Dixon, tho Jowelor. tym. Ritnor nnd Lorcn Purely woro North piatto garages, servjeo sta- npprjnled ns rond I overseers. W. P. tlons, repair shops and vulcanizing and &S.U1St,?Biwh0 1'T for Gar battery, plants arc reported to give cm- s'e sor for I ndT preclnci Vr,nn" t0 ltylht people. As The county S$fifrmm paid "Tbr ' autombllo1B IncrcT' Thos. ltowloy $1,000 for 100 acres of thoru 18 a corresponding incroaso in land southwest of town, tho land being tho nunui" of people omployed In tho purchnscd for a poor farm. above linos. D. A- Bakor was appointed chief of Diamonds nt reasbrtablo pn'cos nt police nnd streot commlssfonor by Dixon's. A largo stock at your com Mayor Peach, and John I. Nesbltt cltv miuid. (Condansfjii ircttn Coupty Exclmhgos.) The oa'iireatl dt tho Brady Stnto Bank bns been increased from $16,000 to 1 $26,000. Under the presidency of W. W. Wnnnest the bank has made a rapid growth. ! Levert McGoe, aged twenty, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jamos McGee living nliif rillfs south of Maxwell, died the early 1 part of last weok. l Mrs. Knte Sullivan, of Brady, sub- j mlt tod to an oporntion ut nn Omnha ! hospital Tuosday of last weok nnd l 'reported to be doing well. 1 I The Slitherland Courier advocate? ' the orcctlon of a $50,000 community building in that village. I Tho tele phono company has ordored i$r.000 worth of how equlpmont, which I moans hotter service for patrons at ! Sutherland. A company Is being organized at Sutherland fortho purpose of drilling for oil. Tho backers say they are will ing to drill 3.B00 foot. People of Sutherland have gone- on record as favoring a community church, and a committee has boen ap pointed to Investigate the matter. 1 :;o;: - The Hoover Teal. The first roal tost of Herbert Hoover aB a presidential possibility on tho republican ticket will como iii Mon tana today. Thore hPs name will appear on tho ballot, together with those" of Harding, Wood, John son and Lowden. Tho last named three have boen touring tho state in thoir own Interest. Many states will also namo tha'r delegates by conven tion next week. ::o::. Slinmcful I'roiUecring. Profiteers were denounced in the senate Saturday by Senator Capper, republican. Kansas, , who presented statistics which ho said, showed that tho earnings" of many American cor porations represented profiteering ."open, scandalous and shameless." .Senator Capper attackojl tho depart 'mont of justice's cheapcr'meat cam 'paign, arid Bald Increased prices for sugar wefo "the,most brazen challenge ,we ever had In tln'B saturnalia of forced' I ' Senator Lonroot, republican, Wis consin, agreeing with tho Kansas sen ator's declaration that profiteering had become a national menaco, said Attor 'ney General Palmer was "settilr? a Ifow mouso traps around tho country ,whon ho ought to be setting bear traps" to catch the big or mllllonilr Inrnflteors. Tho administration was hold responsible by Senator Lenroot for tho Increasing sugar prices. ::o:: Tf von havo iiolayed buying your spring wrap, we can give you rqpl, quality and stylo and save you money. 13. T. TRAMP & SONS. f 'lirlstinn Science- service Sunday 11 t m. Wednesday evening meetings nverv week at 8:00. A cordial lnyt tntion Is extended to all to attond ; theso services. Bulldlne ft Loan build- in c. room 25. Ba . M fj iSfMflh jmnmm HIM 1 ites , BREAD is fhe besf food Besides it wholesome and nutritive value, bread is simply delicious and appeals lo all appetites. ' . Balce-ilito Bread has a, pleasing tastlness and appetizing flavor 'that will. satisfy the most exacting. Serve this delicacy made with Bake-Rite Broad at your next party. . Ih-cad artsfor speciulr occasions 1 cup fresh bread crumbs ;5,eggS 1 cupBugar I , 4-2 tablespoons grape 1 cup chbppd nut meats , ; juice,; V teaspooiiSj taking' powder 1, lemon 1 Q8S - Va cup sugar lemon. ' i;-,cup chopped walnut meats Soak broad cWntbs with grapo juico and v.kstralned juice, qf lemon. -Beat yolks and sugar together until light, hen add nuts, baking p6vder, bread .crumbs and beaten whites of eggs. , Divide into two, buttered , I,'. " and llourcd layer tins and ' hake- in moderate oven twenty minutes. Put t.ogothor with filling. f; Beafup egg, add sugar. lemon juice, nnl walnuts. Thjs tart nifty "bo covered You will ilnd Broad Tarts irrestible. Try them today. WB USE COW BRAND FLOUR EXCLUSIVELY. V !Knt more hrond ami make 11AK li-lUTH Broad you Battery repairs are often the result of failure to use that service which' Willard has established for the car owr.?rs of America in over seventeen hundred places. There are two distinct sides to Willard Service: One is paid service curing battery, troubles by skill and thoroughness in handling repairs doing the job in a work manlike fashion bo that it doosn't have to be done aver. The other side of Willard Service is pre vention of battery trouble and that you do not pay for. Registration of new batteries for special service, cards entitling any owner to testing and filling, good advice, informa tive literature and general helpfulness. Every WflTard Service Station scils the Still Better Willard Battery a battery that was already better in material, worlrrnanship and record of. service, and was made Still Better by the invention of Threaded Rubber Insulation. Ii D. ML BROOKS Opposite Postoffice .m mm ksis HF It Willard Threaded W W m ST OR AG ATTERY Rubber Insulat ion E ,alB An Jiiunib'i'atlon Issue. Tho nuostlon of tariff and nrotectlon takes on a new form nt Washington. Europe has so. little to sell that lm- Iioitatlon o fioods stirs up Jitue in terest or resentment, Importation of labor, together with tho quostion of protection for homo lnbor. Is becoming u subject for hot discussion. Tho embargo on Mexican lauor.ore was let down the other day lor the benefit- of the sugar beet growers of tho southwest. Tho homo beet fiold Workers are not orgntVzod and made no serious protest It Is different with labor in general. Thfcro Is a shortago of labor In tho country. Every man ablo to hold a job can have ono. The supply Is sufficiently short of the de mand to glvo tho laborers constder- aijio sway In tho nxlng of wngos. Any movement to bring immigrants is to them a movement to increase competition and reduco wages. The labor unions take .the Bame attitude toward immigration nojv that their employers have been used to taking toward Importation. Tho demand for protection for tho home Industry is supplanted by demand for protectfon for tho homo laborer. A Now York republican congress man writes Soorotary Wilson asking for froo trade in hoaso-help. There is a servant shortago of housemaids with incidental high wagos to the" housomat'd. Congressman Siogal wants the pauper housemaids of Europe ad mitted, accordingly, without restric tion. But Secretary, AVilson. demo cratic member of tho cabinet, a union labor man, rejoins with a plon for protection, It la a quoer crossing of hht6rloal principles. But j;bo world Is full of Ouoer things nowadays. State Journal. J. E. StilUSTIAX, Tho Old Line Lifo Man, lies. lMtonc 1138, Office l'lione 012.T ,;:o:: For Snlc. Mnteherl tnnm nf jrrnvs 4 nnd K vn;ira ! old. Phone 1194w. ?9ftf 'Braying of AH Kinds. entored tho light and heavy araymg business, wo sollct a share of the pat ronage of tho public, 1 OLD LINE TRANSFER CO., Spicor & Breeze . Phone 247, Huffman's Cigar Store. 23-8 4 Legal Notice. . . J. Beckwitli is hereby npti'fled that the Omaha Van and Storage. Co., will nail. .it. 2 o'clnnk n. m.. on MavlStli. on lot 7, block 2, Peniston's Addition to tho city or North 1'intto, tnejouowing; goods left In storage by him, and upon there is dlle afl StoYacO COStS the sum of $82.00, together with accruing costs towit; sofa, 4 bed rails, tool box, 2 rockers, 2 chairs, cratfu of glass, crate marble,' bundle of bed- slats, 2 bed ends, 2 bed springs, stqve and a 31-2 ' Omaha Van & Sdra'go Co. favorllq brand. Q ILIJJIU M,.n..rT. J , L -- jfemKE-MTE'1 BAKERY " ""SjSfel 1 Notice. j "Wo Rosilvor Mirrors, Repair Fur- inlturo. Retfre Bnbby Buggios, Frame jnnd enlarao Picturos. All work gunr- !MitwHl. Cllvo us a trial. TOQPS & MAIZE. 113 Ritner Hotol Bid jr.. Woat ,0tii St. " 29tf j ;.0:: i "WJiKkey Supply Runs Low. I .ui;i)nniiif w proutoiuon eniorco mont officers, thtf whiskey is on ita way to Join the dodo. Tho government figure show but GO.000,000 gnllonB '.now with ir the United States. Befoi'o tho prohibition act boenmo effective. tljo nonual conaunvpllon was 100.000, (000 gallons a year. , Roal whlakay will vory soon bo be yond tlip rnnon of all but brtcklayors, pluinbors, lanltors and other Inunonse lv wealtjiv persons. BoglnM'ng May 15. plu'slclans will be permitted only 100 prescriptions nvory throe months. Those Will bo worth $10 a proscription. -jo:: Atllo Repairing. Prkjos night, satisfaction guaran teed. Half block south of dopot. 30U SKIN HEALT Skin health depends upon the lungs, kidney and liver befog normallj' heal-. thy and vlgorousnnd upon tho Individ ual having no depraved or abnormal appetites. ' Where thore arc pimples, blackheads, or skin dlBobloratJ'ons, the cause is in faulty elimination. No nnaylsls In general, will lit any particular case, but is snfo to say that in practiotilly every case of poor comploxlon or skin trouble, the .cause lies in . lack of ner vous tone . in some of tho organs of oJJAnlnatlon. Spinal adjusting frees nerves for the delivery. ofa full dgi;e of nervous power,' to tho organa that throw off bodily wastes or poisons. Tho skin altars naturally whon ollm InatVon Is 1gorgus. NO OHARGD v Consultntlon Is without a'Oharg or obligation. Drs. States & States, -The P. S. C. Chiropractors. Building and Loan Building North Piatto Nebraska. CORRECTS 0i5A523 fV,Z FOLLOWING HEAD EVES HCftUT rOHflLWDEft r,Adm imam LOWER PINCHED fifaVS, IMPOSSIBLE TO FURNISH PROPER MiUUlZS (LIFE ANDjlEALTK) TO THEIR ORGANS AND TI55UE? jrn'TTtTTniviri