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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1920)
fa .4 -4' 4 li I b . mtk THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR; NORTH PLATTE, rNEB.,. APRIL 27, 1020. Nu. 31 V JIKItK IS A HOY'S KDITOltlAL that wk Should hebjd. Walter MoMullon, a Ninth grader in tho city schools, wroto the following editorial for tho English class. It is A boy's view on a vital subject that has too long been neglected by the men of Platte It tolls a story with which a majority of us are conversant yet wo sit idly by with folded hands. Shall wo not hearken to this boy's appeal "which is voiced by hundreds of other North Platto boys? This Is what Waltor writes: Before tho Boy Scouts had boon re organized this last tlmo, thoro was no place for a boy between twelve and eighteen to go'. If he "was, or Is now, scon upon tho streets after nine o'clock he Is asked to turn , In. Ho cannot go in tho pool halls, or should not, becauso his parents object to that and so does tho law. llowovor, you can go into any poolliall In town and And lads In thoro who are uudor eight een years of age. Many boys who have quit school were Induced to do so by tho company they met. This company was met and became acquainted with in tho pool hall. If a boy goos to the depot and sita down with some of his frtlonds he is asked to leave with his friends and not loiter around. Where olso can they go? Thoro is no place for them to bo entertained in a decent way, or a decent plpco to go. If the boys want to play ,pqol, and will, why don.t the city build a Y. M. C. A. where they can play and still maintain their own company It is not tho gamo of pool Itself which harms, It Is tho foul-mouthed sayings wH)p1i Hinv lipar in a nool hall, and which Anally has an effect upon them. Tho law of this town tells a boy that bo can't do this and he cannot do that, ho must not go to that place or this placo and must always steer clear of those places, but it has never helped to provldo a place whore A BOY CAX GO. What will bo tho effect on the boy? Ho won't sit still and twiddle his thumbs. He will finally go to this or that place because there Is no placo else to go. , . Dr. Kerr who is now organizing, or rather reorganizing the old Boy Scouts of this town, is being backed by many of the large business Iioubcs. They can not do it alone and they In turn must bo backed by the people. . If a successful Boy Scout troop is organized fin this towil It will provide a iplaco for the boyaGj and havo clean sport, providing every1 one gets behind this new movement and pushes it strongly. ::o:: If you are interested in a Blouse be sure to see ours. Our prices art! open to comparison. E.-T. TRAMP & SUNb ,v JT ZJhe Peerless wcauccwy , , " rfr Sbr in a Drama I v 1.1 Biaiyiay - - i.'SV.. I W t-, .-iJSM "!l8 f a' r, FvNiL 1 1 3uV fa fflajferawM 1 ( S urn i Af, Ma,inee- kh 1 - I'Oait'&VSAXlOX CASKS AGAINST CITY AUK KHAKI). Labor Commissi onet Konncdy, of j Lincoln, spent yesterday in town hear lug arguments' in the cases of Mrs. S. 0. Mecoinbor and -Mrs. Geo. E. Rodnera who each ask $5,400 of lho city muter the compensation act for the death of their husbands who were murdered vlilifj ;lt duty, B Jaii'ury. Mr. Kennedy is a brother of John Konnedy, steward at the Elks' .club. rho oiaiuis are made by tho womoti as benefits under tho law, but were re sisted by the city becauso It was claim ed that this Workman's 3omponsatl0n Law did not apply to policemen em-, ployed by the city, and thnt tho olty was not liable at all. At the conclusion of the hearing Commissioner Kennedy Rtated that he 'believed that the City of North Platte was liaiito un.lor f lu to pay tho amount tlxed by tho statute to tho widows of these pollceinon, who gave tholr lives in tho service of tho city. Ho ttatod, however, that he would return to Lincoln and make a study of the law upon tho proposition and rendor his decision after duo con sideration. These claims wore presented to the, city council several weeks ngo and the council refused payment. An appeal was then made to tho Workmen's Com pensation Commissioner, who came yesterday to try" the case. The city was represented by City Attorney I Crosby and Councilman C. L. BasMns ( in tho trial of tho case, while tho claimants wer represented by Attornoy Geo. N. GIbbs, who appeared for Mrs. Macombor and Wra. E. Shuman, who appeared for Mrs. Rogers. ::o:: Notice to Water Consumers. Beginning April 5th water w',tll bo shut off on all services whore water ;roht or motors arb not paid. Wo have a number of places where meters are Jong past due and water rent also We iliave notified the parties Jind no ntten Ifcion Is paid to our notices so some other means seem:' to be necessary to collect thes bills. . "Acorajng to ow ordinance where water in shut :? for non payment of bill woHliouM arfu $1.00 for turnint? .It on again in addition to the water , rent. Wo havo never put this Into effect ut in .future it wjll be charged. Klnd ly give prompt attention and seo thnt .bills are paid before that date, i . HERSHEY S. WELCH, Water Commissioner. ::o:: The M. E." aid society will meet Thursday afternoon in the church par lors wit Mesdamos Derrybery, McMlc heal. Gllnes. Getty and Tuckeriis en- tertalhlhg' cOnjmittee. '" ' '-" ' ' Gift Parchments A 'distinctive gift for overy occasion. Call in and seo this very fine line of gifts at D xon's. Wanted 'to knew the name of tho v idtvv lady who has tho barn for sale for $250. Address Herbett Anion, City, m , - SOUTH PLATTK $H(M10 KILLS . j Ilarvoy B. Davis. -colored, who hnd been ohiployad us yortov at tho Platto Valley State Bunk hi tills city, killed his wlto In Uqnver at nine o'clock yes terday morning, shooting hor throe time with a 88-callber revolver. Mrs. Davis and her threo yoar old son hRd beea in Denver for about a month nad Davta loft for that dty Saturday l ight. Upon his nrriVnl in tfonvo'r Mf called on his w fe ahfl do im.mltiig to see his son was '.old that the lad was in tho care of a woman who conducted a rooming house. Davis wept to tho rooming house and engag ing a room slept v tilt his son Pttnauy night. Yostorday, morning Mrs. Davis called at tho rooming house and was closeted with hor husband for an hour. Suddenly three shots rang out In quick succession, and the rooming houso keeper without waiting to investigate wont to a neighbor's houso and tele phoned tho police. In the meantime Davis picked up his grip and leading his on bv tho hand left the house, and lator gave hlmsolf up to the police. To the officors Davis said: "I told my Wife I was gofng to take tho boy back to North Platto with mo nnd sho pulled n gun out of hor coat pocket and fired at me. I grabbed tho sun to protect myself.. In tho struggle she ,was killed. That's all." I . . ;:o;t Never boforo havo wo had such com plete stock of beautiful skirts, in plain tailored, accordlan plotted and sport modelB in nil the plain wool materials, plaids and summer silks. All prlc(cd o stand comparison, BLOCK'S. I Henry Coker, of "Sutherland, who was nominated for county commis sioner for tho Third district by tho republicans In the primary election uesday, was a business visitor In town yesterday. Mr..Coker is one of the earliest settlers in tho Sutherland 'section, in fact if wo remember rightly ho "arrived" ahead of tho town. Last jyear ho was appointed manager of the Lincoln andKotth Countlos irriga tion ditch, and so well iVd he manage .Its affairs that he was re-elected this, year. Ho Informs us that tho ditch, which Is twenty-eight miles long, has boon cleaned out and ''a now in first class condition for carrying tho neces sary volume of water. Major A - L. Morris, of the Fifty-fifth Infantry, stationed at Camp Funston, nrrived In town yesterday and will re main this week In tho Interests of re- foruiting men for the Seventh Division, of which, a number of Nebraska boys RfffeV&uberV. Z, . " I Nob only, can y$u save from $10.00 to $25.00 when buying your suit here, but I you also have tho advantago of selec ting your suit from tho largest and most exclusive suit stock In the city when buying at BLOCK'S. I taOCAL AND PERSONAL iL Foote, of Omaha, is spending to- (Id&ui town on professional buBlnesH.' Elliott returned yesterday from where he tpent a day or two. aft. Victor Beck and son Harold left thli'tRornliifc for Omaha to spend tho HiirtiiBr. 8rt- McGuffy, of Chefomia, Is In toWft today, looking after Union Pacific bUsliite. TUff "Mioeday Bridge Luncheon Club will 'bo 6ntortalned Wday by Mrs. F a. K&16. T$ehIIo8 Ouna club wilt bo entor talned IVori.tcsday nflornoon by Mrs. Herbati Baker. J. Rivilnshnll, a formor North Platto resident, spont yostorday in town visit ing frTends. He is . now located at BroadVntr. r . Kln Rhlloy, of Oshkosh, the nuto racor, pent yostorday in town ami was ono ofmb.0 twonty Initiated into tho Elks lalti evonlng. MYs. "F. AV. Rinckor ontortatned tho Travel and Study Club at' a social ses sion ! evonlng. Eaoh member was accotTWtinlcd by a guo8"t. 4 SybiI;tiAldrich has filed hor petition in th'i-district court praying for a divorce from her husband John R. Al drlchjlleglna desertion. -Hundireds of -now spring blousos In Fronch voile, organdlo, georgette, tub Silk, tnffettn. etc., In long and short 8leove8from $1.98 up at BLOCK'S. For Sale A team of well matched Shotland pony mares black and white spottodj. gentle and well broko to drlvo and ride. Address J. B. Crablll, Slither-lnnd'-Ndb. The Itoyal Neighbors social club will meet with Miss Elsfe Cohagen, 403 cast B street tomorrow afternoon. Assist ing hostesses will bo Mesdames Wayc. Trogo and Stebblns. If the, 'suit vint have admired hero Is still In sUck you can, now buy tho very same suit at a saving in prico from $10.00 tdl$25.00 at BLOCK'S. I. P. Gage, of Fremont, grand secre tary of the Nebraska Odd Fellows, will bo present at the colobratlon to be given by; tho local lodgo Thursday ovomng,,. ' The.iEUto Club will be entertained this afternoon by Mrs. Lyman Bertha ATJssSfl'rtrudo Grady and brother Paul, who, lultl beeiT-visitlhg friends-ln town, left tho latter ipart of last week for -California where they will make their home. 1 Guy Swopo, who with other loca' Odd Fcliows attendod the colobratlon at Hershey last ovonlng, says the lodge At. that placo put on an exceedingly fine program. There was a largo at tendance and everybody had n fine time. We specialize In carrying a large stock of stylish stout garments for ,the ladlen that are blessed to bo of stout build t stout suits, coats, iircflses. skirts, waists nnd furnishings. AH i reasonably, nrlrod nt BLOCK'S. ' p if www Crystal, Tonight and Tomorrow MITCHELL LEWIS IN Last of His People" A story of tho primitive olomonts of man with "a softened attitude A con flict and contrast of pharacters of tho Red man nnd the .white. This Ib the plcturo that was to havo been shown two'weoks ago but was delayed by tho storm. Ton ght special FATTY AR BUCKLE in "The Bellboy." Intension Rniid '. "7. T whom it may, concern: The special commissioner appointed kx-ate a public road as follows; i oniinenclng at . tho Nti corner of "Hon 20, township 11 north, range 30 t ind runtiKt thenec north oa line een So'e 10 nnd 17 said township i r:inge 00 chs. to the SV corner of i of NWVf of Section 10 said ishtn Kiid ranne to connect with talon of Road No. 107, this road to i feot uitlM, nnd to be an extension A No. 77, lute reported in favor ttamo. vouo having objoctloue thereto, of t A or c tins fordamajcOB bv reason of tho oeUiVtshment of the above road must file . 'mio on or befor twelve o'clock noon if tho 2Sth day of June 1920. He ! fit tho County Olork's offlco In NortV IMalte, Nehrsnka. this ICtli day of April 1920. A. S. ALLEN. ROTAMA.NS WlMi EKTIiUTAlX HOY SCOUTS T0.n0HH0W. Tlio Rotary Club 1 htterestVug lt solf in the Boy Scout movement iu North Platte, nnd in onler to have greater insight In tho work, have in vited V. K. Reed, of Omaha, t6 nddrasa them a) dinnor to bo held at the cflc iiotel tomorfow ovanln. Mi. Reed Is closely Identified with tho Boy Soout movement i Omaha, has made a studv of the work, and will bo nble 1 to give the Rotni'Ians tho benofit of Ins exporkneu in the vnrk. Bach Ilocirltiit vltl aca u Boy Scout to be his guest at tho dinner, as there are only twenty- flvo Rotnrlans only that numhor of Stouts can bo oxtondod an invitation, hut those not InV.tod tjiis time win r.e Kiiests at futuro times. The Scouts will no doubt be interested In tho addross Mr. Rood will make. ::o:: Now Is tho time to buy your spring suit, whon you can buy ono of our nowost and depondablo spring suits' at a great saving iu price during the suit salo now on at BLOCK'S. Thoro will bo a parent-teachers meeting at tho Lincoln school build ing at four o'clock on Wednesday af ternoon. The feature of tho afternoon program will bo a concort by tho cadet band. Dixon & Son. Sight Specialists. Crystal, Thursday and Friday. VIVIAN MARtlN IN uTTiE THIRD KISS" He was one of thore men who won't be dafed. She knew in her heart that sometime, somewhere, that third kies wos coming to her just as surely as her next birthday. And it did! Hal Ford plays opposite the leading lady. Come and see it. 1 Keith Theatre, Wednesday and Thursday. 1 CONSTANCE TALMADGE I A tale of vBroadwny chorus girls adventure witli three " ' M bachelors, three woman haters- at that. But no one 1 could hate Constance long, now could they? 1 I Adults 30c. Children ISc. N 1 "i " - ...I... , ,, . The Tire that goes a long way to make friends The fact that one of the first successful cord tires was a General Tire undoubtedly has had something to do with ' the present position that the General holds in the tire world but the main reason is that every General. Tire; Cord or Fabric Truck or Passenger Type for 6mall cars or large i has gone a longer way to make friends than its price promised, i The General Tire is j-eady to go a long way to make friends with you. ' ' " '''''' ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' " to make friends Vl- "ZliW We also have a complete Vulcanizing Shop and Repair Tires by Factory Methods, ADAIR-LEE RUBBER CO. i Americas Largest Distributors of General Tires. Across from Post Office. North Platte, Neb. 411 Locust St. Itlnl.s Hnd l'lowii. Tho yalo rooming houso over Marin's meat markot was raided by tho polloo Saturday, but if thore had been any birds there, thoy had flown, nnd tho only thing found by tho pbllce wore poker chips and empty, beer bottles. The place was owned and conducted by E. H. Hay, who sold out following the raid and Is reported to havo toft town Sunday. i ::o:: I. 0. 0. Ft Celclirnlton. Tito Odd Fellows of this city will on Thursday evonlng of tlils week colebrato their ono "hundred and first birthday. Clttsaos of candidates from Choyonne. Wyo., Cc-znd, Lexington, Farnuni, Sutherland, and North Piatlo will reoolve tho First Degree. Procodlng the detreo work the Robeknh brauoh of the order will ser vo a six thirty dinner In tho Banquet hnll, All transient Odd Follows are oxtondod a most cordial Invitation to bo prosont. For Itotii. A good storo room In tho business section all on tho ground floor until Sopu 15th, or longor. Storago mupt b'o of a perishable nature Seo or Phono tho II. &. S. Agency; : Dixon's lonod service Is nt your ser vice. Just bring in tho brokon lenso firen, Tho General Tiro and Rubber Co. AI7-4 County Clerk ...n