The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 23, 1920, Image 6

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irfM I - , . Ilillf!! I
Acknowledged to be the Greatest
Phonograph To-day
Come in and-hear it.
Pianos. Phonographs. Sheet Music. Records
D'Ihciiss Water Question.
At, the mooting of the city council
Tuesday evening much of tho time was
Twentieth Century Club Meeting,
Tho TWontleth Century Club was
entertained nt the spacious home of
devoted to. tho wator nuuHtlon tho. Mrs. D. M. LoiDoldt on Tueadav af-
extenBlon of water main and plana ternoon, with Mrs. Harry Porter and
for getting rid of tho flood waters Mrs. frank Yearsloy assisting hostes
whlcll flows thrbugh th streets. As ses.
to the extension of water mains, tho i Tho report of tho Clcun Up cam
prellmlnary. work is lie'uy pushed palgn was g.von, and plans for tho
along as rapidly as possible and It is annual Dandallon Dig were discussed,
hoped that at tho first niaetlng in May All children who dig a certain number
tho council will be ready to submit a of bushels 6f dandelions will be the
bond proposition to tho voters. Under guests of tho Club at a picnic, and tho
tho law only $50,000 can be voted, child who digs tho most will be given
whereas under the plans outlined by an additional prize
Water Commissioner, at least The, program consisted of t)io Com
$150,000 would bo needed. Hovovcr, munlty 9 ng with Mrs. Gllfoyl as lend
tho mayor and council v!1. go as far er, a piano solo by, Miss Leota Schar
as possible "with Hie funds available maim; Mrs.-Ethel Cotterell conducted
,nnd wtien the law tho Household Economtsa).and Amerl
Is changed 'so that bonds In a greater conization In a very pleasiiig manner;
amount can be voted. Tho puniplns? Mrs. I. L. Stcbblns conducted a di's
plant must be rejuvenated and addi- play of needle work and handicraft of
tions to the capacity mde,'irtUiow -different fGrelgn countrios which was
pump being an imperative necossity. of Interest. Those things all help us
, The mayornnd council renewed the . to appreciate I what we .are receiving
discussion of tho west end drainage (unconsciously from the foroicner. and
Miss Cornell and Miss Johnson ar
rived from Donvor the early part of
tho' week to accept positions in tho
Stylo Shop. '
Stcam IJathH, MasHago and Electric
Treatment at H12 East fltli, St. lMionq
897. Mh. Arthur Hush. tf.
Mrs. J. H. Morrow, who has been
R. C. Langford transacted business
in Sarben yesterday.
Dr. H. O. Brock. Dentist. X-Ray
DUgnorfB. Reynolds Bids. Phono 148
P. C. Plelstickor was a business,
ttlnitor in Bayard Wednesday.
Wall paper and paint at tho Roxall. "seriously 111 for soveral weeks, will bo
Mrs. Roy Cathcrs loft yesterday for !tak(m to Excelsior Springs in a day or
a visit with friends In Omaha. jtwo to take treatments.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Jesso Smith loft this The canvass of votes cast at tho pri
mornlng for a fow days' visit with jinary election Tuesday was begun this
frlonds in-J?onver. momIng, tho belated precinct returns
Judge Woodhurst united in marriage h!n JV"?, Tu" Hnln ,
Wednesday Afcles Dlltz, of Loxlngton, ' MrB" Ko th vllle wlU entertain at
nn.i'Mnrin ti,w., r a br UIko luncheon tomorrow compll-
IllUniUrV IU I'. u. uuillliu, miw
Max woll touring,
TAa. On1 T.I 1 A ...I I
nu.u rum luurillg lUlU a VJW ,,a .,, ,., nf vnlntivnH in town.
A & B Garage, half
mocK south or depot. 30-1.
Mrs. Dan Smith loft yesterday for
hor homo in Montana after spending
a fow days with Mrs. Charles Vernon.
Teachers' Exniiilnnlloii.
Tho next Lincoln county teachors
examination will bo hold Saturday.
April 24th, at tho usual places.
."IT1 Allocn G. Cochran, Co. Supt.
To whom are you going to Bell your
Hay and Grain? Tho Harrington Mor-
,-cantllo Co. will offer tho highest
prlcos. C4tl
Christian Science service Sunday 11
a, m. Wednesday evening mcotings
every week at 8:00. vA cordial invi
tation js extended to all to attend
tlieso services. Building & Loan build
ing, room 25.
After having lived In Uncolncounty j High School Entertainment,
almost continuously for fifty, years. This evening the high and junior
Mr. and Mrs. John Burke went to Den- high school students will give an en
vor this, week to make their future .tortrilnment at the Franklin audt-
homo. ' torlum. giving a varied Droeram of
Every hat In tho house will be sold stunts that will botli interest and
at greatly reduced prices from April please. There w'll be selections by
24th to May 1st. No charges, no re- the high schoo) band, a one-act play,
funds, sale final. Villa Whittnker, at readings by Mildred Skinner and May
Block's, second floor. Browplng, feats of legerdemain and a
Tho engine on train t No. 1G died minstrel stunt by thirteen boys who
when renchlng a point 'easf'Of tho ' " "lira a iiumuer oi now
lirlrlnn IIWo mnrnlmr nml.llm Irnln m. JUKUH. 1 HO UUUUHSIOU 18 piaCOll Sll
u...,oy ... m ...... 1.i..-J,,- v t.. , ., .... I.
pulled back to tho depot b4f rtvltch "W.""
engine nn.i another train erigrne sup- iUH.L" ,l aj' ?'n. n801( .wincii-
plied. ' exist in me aiuietic uepariment,
Are you going to paint? We are
ready to meet your demands In any j
thing In tho varnish or paint lino
i ditch which had been pretty well
, threshed out a meeting held the pre
ceding evening. This ditch l!l not
'cost less than $15,000, and whore the
j money is to con' from is not alto
Igether clear. Tho matter vuj put up
,tc the city attorney who will digent
I the statutes anl .-.ce how the funds
can legally be obtalnto.
Carl llrodheck l'nsscs Xvay.
Carl Brodbeck, aged fifty-seven, nnd
a resident of North Platte since 1889,
Ked at tho WIso Memorial Hospital
In Omaha Tuesday evening following
an operation for abscess on a lung
periormeo ten uays previously or a
week following the operation his- con
dition was conei'dered satisfactory and
physicians and ro'r.ttves were hopeful
of recovery, but a turn for the worse
ensued and death came Tuesday.
The remains were brought home
Wednesday night and the funeral hel(l
irom tne resilience nt aia cast Ninth
street" at ten o'clock this forenoon.
Carl Brodbeck waft born in Germany
in 1863 and ca,me direct from that
country to North Platte In 1S89, and
for this period of thirty years was em
ployed as a butcher by his brother
Chris Brodbeck. He attended very
closely to his work, his homo was his
pleasure nnd Ills recreation and he
lived the life of a good citizen. He
leaves a wife, one son and a daughter.
The Old Line Life Mm,
Res. Phone 1138. Office Phone G12.T
Five .room house, gas, wator, elec
tric lights, ii!cc shade and fruit trees,
chicken house and garage. Located
at 718 west Third. Phone 1044W. 30tf
100 per cent Men in the
H. E. Ewartl Motor Co
Are reconized as the best. Have your automobile
, attended by efficient Automobile men, trained to
render best service. We will do it right.
Will Soon Play Ball. a
This weather which Observer Shll-
1 f 11 rr Tin a linnn frt irltitr tin fit to MtnaV linn
9""?.In. a"20 bf"?tti??.ou' not been conducive to base ball en-
?m ni on? U"VJ' -ia tluisiasm. but Shilling nbw promises
(,th St., Phono 207. 2G-S us beUer thIngg nndbn8 goon n8 Ule
Headed by the band and followed ly grounds dry, and are put In shape
tho cadets and -a big bunch of students practice m the diamond will begin,
wearing paper caps, a parade was hold .Having secured tho service of two
yestorday afternoon to boostmd ad- pitchers and a catcher for a seasoii of
vertiso high school night wJjdch wllllfour months, nnd with a plenty ol
bo hold nt tho auditorium this evening, jlocal talent-to fill tho other positions,
Tho Boy, Scouts' council hold a meet- the North Platte- team will have a line
lug Tuesday, adopted a constitution iiip that is likely to put a good tasto lii
nnd by-laws for tho govornment,of tho iinouths of the fans. While the finan
Scouts and decided to start a cam- cial backing of the. team is not just as
paign for funds with which to estab- strong ns tho management would like
lish a camp for tho scouts on the Mrs ,to have at tho start of the season, the
George Roberts farm near Maxwell. Chamber of Commorco has promised
On tho last pago of today's Tribune to,llc,,n out ns far a9 Possible. By the
will bo found the danoe ordlnanco middle of next month tho season will
passed by the council Tuesday even- Pen and The Tribune nuggests that
lug. Peoplo who danco should read tbo oponlng gamo be made a big event
tin's ordinance for It plainly atntos ,"u "", overyuouy do urgeu to nueno ,,hn lw.1.1 1, n In.1,1 ..ll. I ..w..
lum liuv juu Dtitiii itu.u iiiu tiiKiy iicu
help townrds mutual appreciation
so needful In true Americanization.
The afternoon closed wfth delicious
refreshments and all hurried to the
polling places to exorcise their , new
political rights
Mrs. C. F. Spencer, Press Cor.
Hazel Mao Dearlng (noo Donaldson)
wife of John Wesley Dearing and only
daughter of Fred W1. and Cora Don
aldson of North Platte, was born in
ths city December 30, 1897, and passet
away at Brule, Nebraska, Monday,
April 19th, at the age of 22 years, 3
months and 20 days.
Mrs. Dearlng attended the public
schools of North Platte, graduated,
from tho local High School with the
class of 1918.
She was united In marriage June 23d
1919, to John Wesley Dearlng who with
an Infant girl, father and mother,
in laW, and a host of friends are left
to mourn hor loss.
Mrs. Dearing was a young woman of
estimable character, one well loved
for her sterling worth.
Funeral services vere conducted
Wednesday afternoon from the home
of her parents, West 6th, Street with
Internment in the North Platte
Card of Thanks.
Wo desire to thank our friends, both
of Brule and North Platte for their
many acts of kindness and beautiful
floral offerings during tho illness and
death of our beloved wife and daugh
ter. John W. Dearing,
Mr. and Mrs, F. W. Donaldson,
Mr. an(i Mrs. Geo. C. Dearing.
dancing' nmj somo thing's you must not
C. T. Whelnn spent a day or two at
Chnppell this week going over the
state aid road which ho has received
iTho Municipal Band.
Tho Municipal Band has begun re
hearsals for tho summer work and
starts out with a ' membership of
twenty-six and with a possibility of
an Increase In the number of mem
tho contract to grade. This stretch of ;bors)i DeB,nnlng thIs yoar-thc baml ,3
a road is ten miles irt length running j
oast from Chappoll. , Eventually tho
other ten or twelve miles between
Chnppell and Big Springs will bo
promised the proper supnort: a sup
port that heretofore has never been
Pi'ven it. In nddltion to being tho bene
ficinry of a one mill lovy ton city, prop
erty which will create a revenue of
E. C LAMB, Manager.
North Platte, Auto Top
and Cushion Co.
. k
Ho vowed to protect with his life ,$800 or $900 tho organization hafl
itlioso giants of tho forest those mas-,boen promised financial support from
slvo retlwoods. But when ho returned the Cliaipber of Commerce. Ono thing
,ho found that tho hoary glnnt thnt.that is really needful for tho band is
guarded his mother's gravo had beeftjnow uniforms; those which have been
j desecrated; his mother' gravo had (ln sorvico nro bomcwha: shnbhy, and
neon destroyed, 'rnon )i was man .not an momuors aro even thus pro
agalnst man. Soo tho story,' "The vlded. To uniform the bund will cost
vauoy, or tne wants wiiu wnuio ,in tne noighuoriioa-i or jmju. it is
Rcid, nt tho Keith Monday nnd Tuoa-
Is now located V block south of U. P. Station on
Pino St. Wo do all kinds of par upholstering,
and repair work also Repair Furniture. Havo
our car new by upholstering It. We guarantee
satisfactory work. Call or fiee us Phono 480.
North Platte Auto Top
and Cushion Co.
01 ft Pino Street.
J. A. 11 ANT Ar Hnnngor.
n -
For Sale.
Span of big mulos, wolght 2600, 7
and 9 years old; also ono mule
wolght 1000. Addross It. L. Doug
las, North Platto. or phono 792F013.
Hereford Bulls for Sale.
Eight Registered Hereford Bulls for
Bale. Addross E. Sodorman, North
Platto. 29-4
Hereford Bulls for Sale.
Twenty head, of registered Horoford
Bulls for sale. S.J. Koch, Hcrshoy,
Nob. - 23-8
::o;: .
ltcglstered Suffolk StnlUou
for salo or trado. Wolglit 1C50, six
y.oars old. Inqulro of Albert A. Glnnpp
nrady. lOtf
Wo havo loft In storago In North
Platto a flno standard mado pfano. In
order to sell immediately, without fur
thor dolny, a big discount In prlco
will bo given. Torms nrrnngod with
responsible party if desired. Write
nt onco to
30 8 Denver, Colo.
hoped that somo means can be devi'serl
for securing those 'inula.
There is no discounting 'be ability
of tho organization, It has always been
ngarded ns one of tho rest In tho
stato, nndi wfith the support it is as
sured, it will become even bettor.
For Sale, Lease or Trade.
Ono section of pasture land, ton
miles south of Maxwell. Woll fenced,
plenty of water nnd lots of sliado.
H. &. II. Korr. 25-7
I offer for salo 1120 acres of sand
hill land located 23 miles from North
Platto on Tryon road; 200 acres broko
and can break another 100, all in one
body, 700 ncros fenced with 3-wlro
fonco, good frnmo barn, sod houso,
woll nnd windmill, tank nnd cistern,
good cavo nnd othor improvements.
Address R. L. Douglas, North Platto,
or phono 792F013.
Estrny Notice.
Taken up by tho undorslgnod on his
plaeo six mllo8 southwest of North
Platto, on or about March 20th. 1920,
ono bay mare, ono gray mrfro and ono
yoarllng bay colt. Ownor can have
samo by proving property and paying
charges. N
27 Cw Meadow View Farm
New Materials
Blouses Await
Your Selection.
Visit the Piece Goods Section
your first opportunity and let Miss
Hanafin show you the beautiful
new fabrics for Blouses. They
have all the freshness for spring.
Georgetts, fjersey Silks, Heavy
Sport Silk, Satins, Pongees, etc.,
The variety is almost endless.
And with one of these charming
McCall styles you can make a
Beautiful Waist in so little time
and at a tremendous saving
Always show advance styles and they
are easy to use.
Coats and Suits Reductions
Profit Cutting Knife
On all the High Grade Suits, Coats and Dresses. You'll
save from $10.00 to $25.00 on any of the Highest
Grade Garment you buy now.
Greatly Reduced Prices
Bungalow Aprons
Standard Percale
light or dark colors
others at $2.45 and S2.95,
House Dresses
Percales light or
dark colors others
at 3315 and $3.95.