A TIMELY GIFT, g 8 g By EVELYN LEE. $3socggocccgoococcccoogco& (Copyright, 1920, WMtern Newpper Union.) "Now, then, Dnvld, tomorrow Is your birthday, mid I linvo n present for yoii that I may ns well give you now." "Not neckties, or n sport shirt, or n stUkplu?" Inquired David Woolwon suspiciously. "Not likely, seeing Unit you nmke knoKed strings of the ties In n week, never would wenr anything but cali co shirts nnd lost the pin I gave you the second day. No, David, I'm going lo give you a wntch." "Why I you gave me ono once." "I did, on the anniversary of our sil ver wedding, nnd you let It drop on tho floor and put It out of commission." "No uie burdening a man with Jew airy vho Is too busy wlHi farming to pay attention to fnl-lalsl" pronounced David. "Well, n watch Is something that every man should carry. "I declare 1 It makes n fellow feel sort of dressbd up to carry a watch, eh, Martha? And you're n dear, whole souled woman to think that much of n liurd-hcnded, clumsy old fellow like myself I" David delivered n resounding sninck squarely on Martha's Hps, and she fluttered and flushed like some school girl. Sho Jui'J to scold mildly nnd In struct In detnll to get the watch placed In tho right pocket and the chnln bnr In tho correct button-hole. Martlia smiled an extra welcome when, on the stroko of six, David came Into the houso from the field, rather boyishly compared his watch with the kitchen clock, and announced : "You've had a good time-keeper made of the old wreck of a watch, Martha. It's right to the minute." Arthur Moore called that evening. He was keeping compnny with the eld est daughter, Hazel, nnd was n gen eral favorite with tho family. The smaller children bad considerable fun repeatedly asking father what time It was, while Haze! declared the watch must bo fast when her father ob served that It was ten o'clock, which was the usual hour of departure of her lover. It was two days later when David walked over to Brownsville on some business. The distance was only live miles, and he did not care about spar ing a horse from harvest work. It wns nt Brownsville that young MOore lived with his stepfntber, Hugh Grlscom. Those two bad not been very con genial, and Arthur had told Hazel that the sooner they were married, tho bet ter plenscd he would be, as Orlscom had grown Into n gruff, unsociable com panion. It seemed that tho latter was a second husband of Arthur's mother, who had left quite an estate. The .stepfather was to havo a life Income from tho property, but after his death It was to revert to Arthur. - It was about three miles from Brownsville Unit David paused on tho path lining the river, to ga.e In aston ishment at two persons conversing an- inintcdly under some trees. Ono was n handsome young wiynnn David bad never scon before. Tho other wns Ar thur Moore. The woman seemed under n strain of Intense emotion. Her gestures wore nnlmnted nnd her familiar manner with Arthur aroused a deep suspicion in, Dnvld's mind. As she clung plead ingly to bis arm David's ffico dark ened. Why wns this prospective son-In-lnw meeting a woman clandestinely? She acted as though she wns pleading with Arthur iiis only a woman stirred by love- or some kindred emotion wps likely to do. For over half an hour David watched the pair. IIu resolved to seek nn ex planation of the apparently recreant love. Finally the twain parted. The woman went away weeping. Arthur ' came up the river path, his faco serl ous.nnd troubled. Ho acted startled ns David sternly confronted him. "I hnve boon here some time," spoke Dhvld. "What does .this mean, your mejjtlng a woman secretly?" "If I tell you In conlldence will you regard It as. a pledged secret?" In quired Arthur. , "Yes." "Very well; I enmo to meet that woman, tho doserted wife of n dose friend, to see If I cannot bring about h reconciliation," "Oh I by the way, what Is the time?" half Jocularly inquired Arthur as bo turned where their paths parted. "Half-past four," reported David. "Coming over tonight?" "Oh, surolyl" Arthur 'Moore did not go to tho Woolsox bbmo that night. Before dusk n telephone- message announced to the Btnrtled David that Arthur bad been ' arrested, charged with the murder of his stepfather at threo o'clock that vnfternoon the motive tho possession of his mother's cBtato. At the hour stated a servant had board a shot. Hho rushed to tho Rv Ing room of tho house, to tlnd Hugh Orlscom lying dead on tho tloor, shot through the heart. She observed n scurrying llguro In tho garden rosom bllng In build the stepson. Bnck to Brownsville sped David. It took only a fow moments to convluce tho mnrshal that hi? evidence would absolutely clear Arthur Moore. An empty, rilled drawer In a cabinet . where Orlscom kept his money ludj ' cntcd, that somo common burglar had ,,:ommlttod tho crime. So Martha's birthday present had ?Idctl nn Innocent man; at least had saved him from serious trluls and tribulations. NORTH PLATTE HOME BUILDERS, - Organized and fully equipped for the build ing and selling of homes. Buying and selling of residence lots. We build what you want You pay like rent. Office Room 11, Hrodbcck Whig. C. F. TEMPLE, President PRIVATE SALE OF PROPERTY; liming sold my farm, I will sell the following property: Black 7 year old Kentucky bred saddle maro weight 1080, gray marc 5 yours old weight 13f0, broke, spun bay Holdings smooth mouth weight 2400, 5 milch" co.vs 4 of which are roans and coming fresh, 2 'calves, 2-year-old red bull, 0 sows with pigs by side, 4 sows with pig, GO Ihend of shoats weight about 175 lbs., extra good 3M Inch wldo tire wagon, truck wagon, 5-horse power Horcules gas onglno only been out n fow months, good Challenge feed grinder, good 314 inch Concord harness, good single harness, oxtra good. 38 pound saddle. Thii prpporty must bo sold by May 1st, as I give possession at that time. ED. KIEIUG, Owner. Pliond 912. 400 East Third St. STEGEMANN GROCERY THE QUALITY STORE Carries a Full Line of High Grade Groceries, Fruits and Vegetables in Season Our Motto is "Quality Goods and Good Service at Reasonable Prices." Call in and tell us if you want Quality Goods, cheap goods we do not handle. Phone 212 R. G. STEGEMANN 813 N. Locust NEED OF SPECIAL TRAINING Youth Starting In Life Must Remem ber That This Is an Age of Specialists. Wo nre living today In tho ago of specialists In almost all lines nnd un less the young man who goes out to enrn ills own living Is definitely train ed In some one line, his ciinnces of ad vancement nre negligible. It Is true that ho can enrn good wages at the outset and can hope for a few ad vancements, but unless he fits himself by trnlnlng, experience and study for something bigger he will soon find he Is In a blind alley Job. A boy does not always realize this: school life becomes humdrum to the lad bubbling over with fun and energy, and for him to sit on u bench with h book In bis hands, studying what seems to be uninteresting facts, Im presses 111 in as u real hardship when he longs to be out In the world taking n place among comrades who have proved themselves Independent. This Is the place where the guiding bjind of the parent Is necessary. The boy must be made to understand that tho training he Is receiving now Is sharpening him for future opportun ities. He Is likely to be reasonable If his parents have retained bis con fidence, and If they can show him that In dollars and cents he will be the gnlner by continuing In school. Em ma Gary Wallace, In Christian Herald. EUROPE TAKES TO 'TYPISTS' Coastal Defense of China. The government of Peking, It Is said, has a complete coastal defenso plan for China, according to which the wholo Cblneso coast will ho divided into four sections, I. e., tho Gulf of Chlhlll, the coast of Klang-su and Che klang, tho coast of Fuklen and the coast of Kwantung. A coast defenso commissioner will bo appointed for ench section, ami ho will be held re sponsible for the maintenance of pcaco and order In his own section. Ilo will also control nil ships entering his section. The first, the second and tho trnln lng squadrons will retain their pros- i cut stntus, under tho direct control of the navy department. The navy min istry contemplates appointing Admlrnl LI Tlng-bslng as commissioner for the , Gulf of Chlhlll, Admlrnl Lnn Chlcn-shu , for the Klnng-su nnd Che-klang sec- ; tlon and Admiral Liu Kuan-hslng for i Fukleri. As to Kwang-tung, the com- mlssloner will bo appointed nftor tho ! north and south havo been reunified. East and West News. Business Men There Are Gradually Laying Aside Steel Pen and Using Modern Methods. Without a typewriter an American oil I ce would not be an office, but a relic of a past age. But Europe lias been writing with pen and Ink, and Is Just wnklng up to the typewriter, remarks the Golden Age. In Franco the courts are working on the problem whether a document such as a deed or a mort gage Is legal If written on n type writer. Tho world war taught Europe many things, among others to value tho type writer. I'rlor to the conflict the pro portion of the American writing ma chine output thnt was exported was 85 per cent tp 10 per cent; now It Is 50 per cent The machines would be going over the wnter much faster if Europe could get the credits necessnry to correct the unfavorable conditions of exchnngc. When the great loans thnt nre expected have been mnde. the situation will be Improved and a much greater volume of typewriter exports Is looked for as n result of the credits. Europe needs nmong other things modern olllco methods. She will be helped In effecting this Improvement, because the prices of writing machines havo not increased nearly as much ns those of other products, partly perhaps beenuse tho prices were unduly high before the wnr. Improvement Is the order of tho day, and the tendency will become ever more marked as the golden ago comes on. The Reds Win. Ladv Red Feather Is a Rhode Island Red hen belonging to the Peters Mill ing Company, of Omaha, but placed in tho egg laying contest at tho State Farm during February. Miss Red Feather laid twenty-eight eggs, thus mashing all long distanco egg lay ing records so far. This is proof pos itive of the value o tho Reds for egg production. But this vory Important quality is not the only ono possessed by tho Rhodo Island Reds. They cannot bo beat for beauty or table use I have eggs for salo from tho best Rhode Island Red blood In America Improve your stock at small cost. J. H. VANCLEAVE. Rose Comb Reds only. Birds Clever Nutcrackers. There aro certain kinds of birds that can crack nuts. Tho nuthatches have n clever manner of cracking nuts, They first wedge tho nuts In the creV' ices of the bnrk of n tree and then pick nt them with their bills until the nuts nre opened. Woodpeckers use their tails for support as they climb the trunk of a tree, .but the nut hatches usually climb 'with their tall pointed to tho zenith. When the nut-hatches call It sounds as If they were saying, "Yank, yank yank," and this strange noise Is benrd from both the white-breasted and the red-breasted birds, says tho American lTorestry association of Washington Naturally. "I suppose accidents vary mueb on this Icy hill, do they not?" "Yes. there is no fixed number. They are on a sliding scale." PUBLIC SALE! Owing to tho lack of help 1 will soil at Public Auction nt my place known ns tho Hlankonburg Ranch BVd miles east of North Platte. V4 mile south of Gannett Switch, on Lincoln Highway, tho following proporty, on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, 1920 Commoncng at One o'clock. 96 Head of Cattle 33 cowb mostly throe yenrs old, several havo calves by side, nil bred to roglstored Hereford bulls. 33 heifors two years old. 17 yearling liolfors. 14 stcors two years old. C yearling steers. 3 registered Hereford bulls, ono threo year old, two nro coming two years old. Thoso cntUo are 95 per cent vhltofacos which havo been bred up for yearn by tho best rogstored bulls money could buy, all aro young nnu houltby, havo boon liny fed for all viinter nnd aro In good condition for grass, Hogs 35 shoats averaging nbout 150 pounds ONE SPAN OF GELDINGS, SMOOTH MOUTH FREE LUNCH AT TWELVE O 'CLOCK TERMS OF SALE: $25 and undor cash, Bums over $25, 8 months tlmo will bo given on bnnknblo paper bear'ng 10 por cent Intorost from date of snlo. No proporty to bo romovod till settled for. J. A. JACKSON ED. KIERIU, Auctioneer. HAY ('. LANGFORB, Clerk. When In North Plntto atop at the' Mow Hotel Palace and Cafe. You will , bo treated well. C8tf FARM LOANS I have the Money on hand to close loans promptly. Real Estate Mortgages Bought and Sold T. C. PATTERSON Loan Broker Building & Loan Building DR. REDFIEL1) Physician, Ohstotrlctan Surgeon, X-Ilny 1 Calls Promptly Answered Night or Day I'honc Office 012 Residence 070 ALII HUT A. LANE, Dentist I Room I Mid 2 Bolton Building I North Platte, Nebraska. ED. KIERIG, Auctioneer General Farm Sales a Specialty. References and Dates ut First Na tional Hank, North PInttc, Neb. 400 Enst Third St. Phone 912 Sale Dates. JOHN JACKSON. APltIL 28th.. NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Hall Block North ot Postoflice. Phone 58 A modern institution for the ciantific treatment of medical, surgical and confinement casot. Complatly equipped X-Ray and diagnostic laboratories. Staff: Geo. JJ. Dent M. D. V. Lucas, M. D. J.B. Reaficld,M.D. J. S. SIMMS, M.D. DOCTOR C. A. SELBY Physician and SurgeOK Office over Rcxnll Drug Stote Office Phone 371. Houso 1068 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estato No. 1734 of E. It. Raworth, Deceased, In tho County Court ot Lin coln County, Nebraska. The Stato of Nebraska, ss: Credit tors of said estato will tako notice that tho time limited for presenta tion and filing ot claims against said estate is July 20th,1920, and for set tlement of said estato is March 25th, 1921, that I will sit at tho county court room in said county on April 29th, 1020, at 10 o'clock a. m. nnd on July 29th, 1920, at 10 o'clock a.m., to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. W. II. C. WOODHURST, m30-4 County Judge. GEO. B. DENT, Phsjiclaa and Surgeon. Special Attention Glren to Surgery and Obstretrics. Office: Building & Loan Building Phones: Office 130, Residence 116 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estato No. 1737 of Georgo W. Trembly, Deceased in tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. The Stato of Nebraska, ss: Credi tors of said estate will tako notice that the tlmo limited for presentation and filing of claims against said estate Is July, 30, 1920, and for settlement of said estato is March 26, 1921; that I Mil sit at tho county court room in said county, on April 30, 1920, at 9 o'clock A.M. and on July 30, 1920, at 9 o'clock A. M., to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. WM. II . C. WOODHURST, M30-4 County Judge. NOTICE OF PETITION. DK. HAROLD FENKER Ostcopnth Over Hlrschfeld's Office Phono 333 Res. Phono 1020 ROBERT A. PHILLIPS Plumbing and Heating Contractor. I am prcpare'd to do all kinds of plumbing and heating. All materials and work guaranteed. Estimates cheerfully given. Shop and Residence 1303 East Cth St. Phono Red ICS SAXON Embodies for the first time in motor car building the scientific princple of Duplex Engineering. Dailey Motor Car Co. LINCOLN, NEB. We carry a complete line of repair parts. HIDES, FURS AND JUNK. CAST IRON AND BONES. We want these. Big Price for Cast Iron. Dry Bones $10 to $12 ton L. LIPSHITZ. R. I. SHAPPELL GENERAL AUCTIONEER Seo or wrlto mo for datos SUTHERLAND, NEBRASKA Notice of Final Report, Estato No. of David Day. de ceased In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nobrasluv. The Stato ot Nobraska, to all por sons interested in said Estato tako notlco that tho Administrator has filed a final account and roport of his ad ministration ami a potltlon for final settlement and' dlschnrgo as such which has boon set for bearing booro said court on May, 7th, 1920, at o'clock a. .m, whon you may appear and contest tho same. Dated April 13, 1920. Win. II. C. WOODHURST, JOHN S. SIMMS. M. D. Special Attention Given to Surgery McDonald Rank Building Office Phone 83 Residence 39 Office phone 241. ReB. phone 217 L . C . DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, NebraBku. Knights ot Columbus Building. DR. L. J. KRAUSE, DENTIST McDonald Bank Bldy. Phono t7. Offlco Phono 340 Res. Phone 1237 DR. SHAFFER, O&teopathle Physician Bolton Bldg. North Platte, Neb Phono for Appointments. THE TWINEM HOSPITAL, 100S WEST FOURTH STREET, North PInttc, Ncbr. For the treatment of Medical, Surgical and Obstetrical Cases. A place where the sick are cared for so as to bring about normal conditions in the easiest, most natural and scientific manner. Phono 110. North PInttc, Neb. Estate No. 1750 of Mary Norris, De ceased, in the County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, to all per sons Interested in said Estate: Take notice that a petition has been filed for tho probato of an Instrument pur porting to bo the last will and testa ment of said deceased and the ap pointment of William Norris as ex ecutor of said estate, which has been sot for hearing herein on April 30th, 1920, at 9 o'clock a. m. Dated April 2, 1920. WM. H. C. WOODHURST, a6-3 County, Judge. NOTICE OF PETITION. Estato of Henry B. Plant, Deceased, in the County Court of Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska. Tho State of Nebraska, to all per sons interested in said Estate: Take notice that a petition has been filed for tho probate of the last will and testament of said deceased and ap pointment of V. H. Halligan as ad ministrator with tho will annexed, of said estate, which has been set for hearing herein on April 30, 1920 at 9 o'clock a. m. ' Dated April 5, 1920. mi. H. C. WOODHURST, a6-3 County Judge. DRS. STATES & STATES Chiropractors 5, 0, 7 Building & Loan Building. Office Phono 70. Res. Phono 1242 DOCTOR D. T. QUIGLEY Practice Limited to Surgery and Radium Thernp; 788 City National Bank Building. Omaha. Nebraska. Gamble with Springer. THE CHAIN SYSTEM No. 1, 220 .North Locust, Phono 203. No. 2, 110 East B Street, Thono 490. No. 3, C21 Enst Fonrth, Phono 971. No. 1, 821 West TlUrd, Phouo No. 75. AUTO LIVERY. Romigh Garage. Phono 814 Day Call. Phone 1270 Com. merclal Hotel Night Ca'l. Taxi Service. DERRYBERRY & FORBES, Licensed Em burners Undertakers and Funeral Directors Day phone 41 Night phono Black &88 Notlco of Final Report. Estato No. 1702 of Mary A. Simants, deceased in tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nobraska, to all porsons Interested In said Estato tako notlco that tho Admlstrator has filed a final account and roport of his administra tion nnd a potltlon for final settlement nnd discharge as such, which hns been sot for hoarlng boforo said court on May 14, 1920, at 9 o'clock a. m., when you may appear and contest tho same. Dated April 17, 1920. WM. H. C. WOODHURST, County Judge A20-3vk County Judge NOTICE OF PETITION. Estate No. 1751 of David Jones, De ceased, in the County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho State of Nobraska, to all per sons Interested in said Estate: Take notlco, that a petition has been filed for the appointment of Honrletta Jones as administratrix of said estato, which has been set for hearing hero in on April 30th, 1920, at 9 o'clock a. m. Dated April 5, 1920. AVM. H. C. WOODHURST. aG-3 County Judgo. NOTICE. To Elsie S. Hoy, Harry A. Hoy, Doris Hoy, his wlfo; Ruborta E. Von Goetz nnd Victor Von Goetz, her husb Goetz and Victor Von Goetz, nor hus band; Alta B. Eastman and Charles II. Eastman her husband; William A. Hoy; and Loreta I. Hoy a minor and Elsie S Hoy, mother and natural guardian of Loreta I. Hoy, a minor nnd nil other persons interested In the estate of Frank P. Hoy, deceased. You and each of you, aro heroby notified that there was filed on March 2Gth, 1920, in tho district Court In and for Lincoln County, Nebraska, by A. E. Jafed, executor of tho estate of Frank P. Hoy, deceased, a certain petition, tho object and prayor of which aro that an order bo issued by tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nob raska, authorizing A. E. Jared, ns executor of tho estato of Frank P. Hoy, deceased, to oxecuto ills certain good nnd sufficient deed of conveyance convoying to ono Lester II . Joy tho fee simple title to tho east half (E) of tho North west quarter (NW) and tho east half (E) of tho South west quarter (SW) of section 19, nnd tho east half (E) of tho south west quarter (SWV4) and lots 3 and 4 all in section 18, all in Township 1G North of Rango 20 West of tho Gth P. M., Lincoln County,,Nebraska, upon tho payment to him, by tho said Lester II . Joy, of tho sum of ?2SG0.00 with Interest thereon at tho rate of 5 por cent from March 1st, 1920 being tho balanco duo in accordance with tho provisions and terms of a certain con tract of sale executed by tho said Frank P. Ho,y during his lifo tlmo and in accordnnco with tho prayor of said petition, said matter has boon set for hearing by ordor of tho District Court, of Lincoln County, Nobraska, for May, 14, 1920, at tho offlco of H. M. Grimes, Judgo of tho District Court, of Lincoln County, Nebraska, at tho Court houso in tho city of North Platte Lincoln County, Nobraska, at which tlmo. you nnd each of you, may appear and show causo why tho prayor of said petition should not bo granted ns prayed . A. E. JARED, Executor of tho estato of Frank P. Hoy, deceased. By Booler, Crosby & Basklns. His Attorneys. M30 M7 A13-3w';