.1 - NORTH PLATTE S13MTAVETCTCLY TP1WTNE UFFERED THREE YEARS Finally waa Restored to Health by Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Lowell. Mass. "I WAS all mn rlntrm nnr! had an awful pain in my right side, was persistently consti pated and had very dizzy spells. I suf fered for three years and was perfectly miserable until a friend was telling me to try Lydia E. Pinkhanvs Voire- tablo Compound and I found it a wonder ful medicine. I can now do twice as much work and I recommend the Vegetable Compound to other women. You can use those facta as a testimonial." Mrs. M. Theall Bessey, 186 Appleton Street, Lowell, Mass. Why women will continue to suffer so long 13 more than wo can understand, -when they can find health in Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound 1 For forty years it ha3 been the stand ard remedy for female ills, and has re stored the health of thousands of women who have been troubled with such ail ments as displacements, inflammation, tilceration, irregularities, etc. If you want special advice write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confi dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will he opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. in New York City alone from kid ney trouble last year. Don't allow yourself to become a victim by neglecting pains and aches. Guard against this trouble by taking Th world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric ncid troubles. Holland's national remedy slnco 1696. All druggists, three sizes. Guaranteed. Leak for the Dame Gold Medal on every bos and accept no Imitation V . -T - Foresight. "This seems to be u case of near tove." "Whnt kind is that?" "A beautiful young creature prora ted nn elderly millionaire unbounded lffcPtlon if he would first settle $100, 500 on her to Insure that love's lubor would not be lost." Birmingham Age Beralil. 0YES HER GARMENTS BUT NONE CAN TELL Diamond Dyes" Turn Faded, Shabb Apparel Into New. Don't worry about perfect results. Use "Diamond Dyes," guaranteed to give n now, rich, fadeless color to nny fabric, whether it bo wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods, dresses, blouses, stockings, skirts, children's coats, feathers everything I Direction Book in pneknge tells how to diamond dye over any color. To match nny mnterlnl, hnvo dealer show you "Diamond Dye" Color Card. Adv Others mny make us happy, but wt make the most of our unhnppinoHi ourselves. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County es. , Franjt J. Cheney makes oatli that ho li junior partner of the nrm of F. J. Cheney 8 Co., doing business In the City of TO' ledo, County and State aforesaid, and thai laid firm will pay tlio sum of ONE HUN DRED DOLLARS for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use ot BALL'S CATARRH MKDICINK. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence, this Cth day of Dccombor, A. D. 16S6. -i (Seal) A. W. Olpason. Notary Public. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is tak. en Internally and nets through the Blood bn the Mucous Surfaces of the Systoin. IT. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. When n farmer makes a mistake oi loafs there is no overseer to talk loud to hi in. The fellow who never tries to gel even with somebody is really odd. Relief 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief BE LL-AMS FOR INDIGESTION U. S. Army Overalls and Khaki Breeches, 95c per Pair or MO Pr 100, Array drub wool ihlrta $1.76 a, or 114.60 dor. Ilusaet shoes, worth new fit. 1l.il pr. Hob nailed ahoes. 12.96 pr. rtl goods all uaad by army, but are clean and serviceable. We carry complete line ot tenia, atovea, refrigerator and alt other army gooda. Write for complete Hat. Send caab with order; If not pleased we will gladly re fund money. ART 8AI.V4QK WAKK HOXJflH COMPANY. Oreenvllle. H. C- PA iCN I S SwntLawrer.VvMhlnatonl T tail B V ,.0. Adrloeano. book free. BotaarMMoabla. IIl:betreferenoi. ttestserrlc. I own Jmprored Fonui, Chickasaw. Adjoin to-Cos. Direct from ownara. $178 to t;t a. Acta. Wtd. Itelllr Bros.. New Hampton. la. WLmm DIED GOLD MEDAL GOOD ROADS MORAL NECESSITY TO BUILD To Maintain Happy and Prosperoui People on Farms We Must lm prove Rural Conditions. (By J. DENNY O'NEIL, Pennsylvanli Hl"hwny Commissioner.) The prouluin confronting the high way department In these ubnornml times when labor and materlnl are Ro scarce and so high, Is this: Shall wo go nhontl constructing new roadsl I am convinced that good roads arc nn economic as well ns a moral ne cessity. Wo must have food, nnd It we want boys nntl girls to stay on the farm to produce It, we must dig them out of the mud by building ronds so they can get to market or to a rail road. There are places In Pennsylvania where It costs more to haul farm products to a railroad station than it does to pay the freight to France. As in the past, the hope of the future from a moral point of view, Is to mnlntnln a happy, contented and prosperous people on the farms nnd in the small towns and vlllnges. Thoy don't produce I. W. W.'s. ballot-box stuffers. election fraud crooks, gun- A Brick Road in Pennsylvania. men and commercialized vice on the farms. These are the exclusive prod ucts of the cities, and if we want to keep the people away from the cities, we must give them good roads and do what we can to Improve living con ditions in rural communities. ARMERS ARE BEHIND ROADS National Grange Officers Confer With Senator Townsend on Bill He Has Introduced. Proceeding In accordance with In structions given them at the annual meeting of the National Grange, held recently in Grand Itaplds. Mich., Washington representatives of the or ganization, which comprises some 700,000 farmers, have conferred with Senator Charles E. Townsend of Mich igan and will hold further meetings with him on the measures which he has Introduced In Congress providing for national highway system to lie built and maintained by the govern ment under the direction of a federal commission. In a special report adopted at the grange meeting, it was held that the time has come when, with due regard for the present and future necessi ties for permanent, linrd-surfaced high ways, all the highway activities of the national government should be untiled In a single administrative department under such limitation of powers as will secure the greatest possible de gree of ellieieney and economy In the expenditure of national funds. VITAL IMPORTANCE OF ROADS Modern Medicine Points Out There Are Few Physicians and Nurses in Rural Communities. That good roads are of vital Im portance to the 4iealth of a enmmu nlty jind particularly those who live in rural communities Is shown in an article In .Modern Medicine. It Is pointed out by the writer that there are few physicians, few nurses, and practically no hospital facilities In rural districts. In some communl' ties, even in older states, there Is only one practicing physician to 1,fi00 popu lation. Hardships of travel mako young physicians s'lirce. Hotter high ways, he points out, will lead physi cians to go after country practice In Increasing numbers. HIGHWAY WORK IN WYOMING Now Under Way $2,500,000 Worth of Federal Aid Improvements More to Follow. There are now under way in Wyo ming $2,000,000 wortli of federal aid highway Improvements. These Im provements are the llrst ones of n program contemplating the expendi ture of 50,000,000 in three yeurs. THREE PRINCIPAL DIVISIONS Due Consideration Must Be Given to Location to Reduce Cost oT Maintenance. Tho three principal divisions of netuul road making nre locntlon, con struction nnd maintenance. In plan ning n ronil It is necessary that we take Into consideration all three of these steps, since proper location af fects the cost of construction and mny materially reduce cost of maintenance APPROVED WRAPS -:- FOR SUMMER -:- SUMMEIt time will see some or the most beautiful wraps thnt have ever been made under the In spiration of Its sunny skies. Design ers must be dreaming of It when they begin, In the heart of winter, to fash Ion cloaks and coats to be used months afterward, hut destined to hnve their llrst airings at the fashion nble winter resorts. The styles favored b;- women of trained Judgment, nre promoted, and they become the fash ions of the summer season. Among the taffeta wraps there are such masterpieces of superb designing as that which compels our homage In tho garment shown In the picture. You must imagine it In peacock blue silk, with wide black satin ribbon having a lino of gold along the edges, outlining the sleeves and simulating FOR THE YOUNGER GIRLS THE outstanding excellence of chil dren's clothes for spring lies mostly In their simplicity and their neatness, and neatness In children's apparel Is another mime for smart ness. Leaving furbelows to party frocks, designers have taken blue serge, plaid woolens and muny sub stantial cotton goods and turned them into enchanting things for little girls to spenrl their days In. For the younger girls serge dresses with bloomers to match or with bloom ers of iilnlrt material leave nothing to bo desired In dresses for everyday wear. Detachable white collars and cuffs at linen or heavy cottons or llnn nel, start the llttfe maid off In the morning properly freshened up for school. When the weather Is warm a pretty chambray or gingham dress re place serge for dally wear. The enre nnd the success with which thoy have been designed Is convincingly shown In the box plaited school dress of chambray pictured, abovo nt the right. n deep yoke that reaches to tho waistline in front. The skirt of the cent is cut In long pointed panels that overlap, and there Is a large and very becoming collar with silk cord and tiwsel In the color of tho cloak that ties about it. Huge, embroidered roses, set In leaves cut from black satin and outlined with gold thread, make a decoration that measures up to the excellence of the design. They are placed nt each side on a panel and at the waistline on one side. Another wrap of taffeta has a deep yoke with a full cape gathered to II under u band of embroidery. Black taffeta was chosen for this cape with embroidery In sapphire blue and blu satin lining. It was shorter than the wrap pictured. Ii is a ouc-pieeo dress with plain body, elbow sleeves and box-plaited skirt. It Is lilted with a deep vestee and white collar and cuffs, these edged with u very narrow braid or Ince that look like tatting. The plain belt, witii Mat pockets set over It nt tho sides, Is made of the chambruy. Hut school and play do not 1111 all the tluio and small girls must some times be daintily dressed for other af fairs as visits and parties. They have been provided for with frocks of pretty cotton goods, like organdie or dimity or lawn. Plain orgnndle In yel low with collar, pockets and sash of white organdie are displayed In one of these dress-up frocks as pictured ubovu. It Is as dainty as can bo and lina n hat of white organdie to match. OTHRAAnU TDDIIDI C AMrJ OIUlVIMUn inUUDLLHllU CONSTIPATION ENDED Suffered So He Couldn't Work for a Year, but Mr. McCormlck Was Cured Promptly. I "I had stomach troublo and constipa tion for nvo years. Ono year of this tlmo I was unable to work, sulTorlng untold cony. I doctored with sotno of the best physicians, nlso took many proprietary medicines, but could not find permanent relief. Finally n friond recommended Milks Emulsion. Tho first few dosos re- ' Moved mo greatly, and three bottles ot It p effected a permanent euro." C. A. Mc Cormlck, Anderson, Ind, , Mr. McCormlck Is only ono of many hundreds who havo endured torture for years and thon found that Milks Kmul- I slon elves blessed relief and real, lasting benefit. It costB nothing to try. Milks ISmulslon is a pleasant, nutritive , food and a corrective medicine. It ro-! stores healthy nnd natural bowel action, 1 doing away with all need of pills and physics. It promotes appettto nnd quickly , puts tho digestive organs In shape to as- ' stmllato food. AS a builder ot (lesh and strength Milks Emulsion Is strongly rec ommended to those whom sickness has weakened, and Is a powerful aid In re sisting and repairing tho effects of wast ing diseases. Chronic stomach troublo and constipation nro promptly rcllovod usually lij ono day. This Is tho only solid emulsion mado, and so palatable that It Is eaten with a spoon llko lco cream. Truly wonderful for weak, sickly children. No matter how severe your caso, you are urged to try Milks Emulsion under this guarantee Tako six bottles home with you, uso It nccordlng to directions, and If not satisfied with tho results your monoy will bo promptly refunded. Price COc nnd $1.20 per bottlo. The Milks Emul sion Co., Torre Ilnuto, Ind. Sold by drug gists everywhere. Adv. Maybe She Wanted a Car. "Young .lobbies has bought a rakish roadster. It's spite work, I fear." "How so?" "The money spent for thnt car was Intended for a bungalow. Young Jol hlcs wants to show that lie lias no In tention of proposing u second time.'1 Houston Post. - 25 MILLIONS! "Cascarets" is bicgest selling Laxative -Cathartic for Liver and Bowels ttMllli, Twenty-five million boxes of Cas carets were sold last year to folks who wanted relief without Injury, from Constipation, Biliousness, Indigestion, Gases, Colds and Sick Headachri. Cas carets work while you sleep, remov ing tho toxins, poisons nnd sour, Indi gestible wnstc without griping or In convenience. Cnscnrets regulate by strengthening tho bowel muscles. They never weaken or shock tho liver llko cnlomel orliarsh pills. Cascarets cost so little too. Adv. It doesn't take self-conceit long to put hashfulncss out of business. Tho mini who figures In an explosion begins nt the bottom nnd goes up. Catarrh is a Real Enemy and Requires Vigorous Treatment . v . a W . ana . 1 1 ' I . f Do Not Neglect It. When you uso sprays, atomizers nnd douches for your Catarrh, you may succeed in unstopping tho choked-up air passages for tho time being, but this annoying con dition returns, and you havo to do tho same thing over and over ngnin. Catarrh has never yet been cured by theso local applications. Have you ever oxperienced any real benefit from such treatment? Nebraska DOCTORS MACH & MACfl, DENTISTS Third Floor 1'uxton lllock IClh andFamamSta.,Omalia,Neb, llnnt cnu I inert dontnl otneo In Omaha, U.t.onibl. rrlrr. tJpnclal discount to all paoplo living ouuldo of Omaha. Lara tit Kiflailt. n.w anil I'm! fll.r. anil OfflM Flltar lloau I au.rira Off imj Ul.r I!, OOO Bqatra fMt. OMAHA FIXTURE & SUPPLY CO.: S. W.Cor. 11th and Douglaa Sta., Omaha, Neb. Mfrs. of MODERN STORE, OFFICE and BANK FIXTURES I'taona Douglaa 2724. All wo ask la a chanco to bid. Expert Radiator Repairers Ndw Corea Installed Wo mako 'em Wo sell 'em Wo repair 'om OMAHA AUTO TINNERS Telephone Douglaa 3MI 2107ii Farnam St., Omaha COLORADO FOR SALE BURLINGTON DISTRICT, 160 acres un improved; good fanning or investment. $35 per acre, $1,500 cash. Balance easy terms. Address, FRANK GASS, Owner, 4005 North 25th Street, Omaha, Nebraska llOILUUH HMOKKHTACUS TWO rijANTH DRAKE, WILLIAMS. MOUNT COMPANY Muln Office) iiml Works 23rd, Hickory and U. P. It. R. l'hona Douelaa 1048 I1IIANCII 20th, Center nnd C. D. 6c Q. l'Uonu Douglaa 1141 Oxy-Acctylno Welding STANDl'II'lCS TANKS DR. BRADBURY, DENTIST 30 YEARS IN OMAHA. Painless Dental Work Guaranteed 1 0 yearn. Fillings, Crowns, Bridgo-worlc, Plates and Extracting. Homo troatmont for Gum Disoases, tightens tooth and preserves health. It v111 pay you to come for this Quality Work. Send for Booklet a at WOODM EN Of WORUO QUIt-DINGs, OMAHA, Nl WEAK AND WORin lias winter left you dull, tiled; all worn but? Do you have constant back ache, with headaches, dizzy spells, sharp, shooting pains, or annoying kidney irregularities? Inlluciiza and grip epidemics havo left thousands with weak kidneys hud failing strength. Don't wait until serious kidney trouble develops. Help the weakened kidneys with Dean's Kidney Pills. Doan's have bellied thousand nnd should help you. Ask your neighbor! A. Nebraska Case ueo. j. nertzier, rotlred farmer, S23 12. Second St., Has tings, Nebr., says: "I suffered from t o r r 1 b 1 o pains across my back and hips. Tho pain In my back troubled mo at night and my kidneys were disordered. The se cretions were too freiuent In uansace ty and contained a I-jbrlck-dust scdl- but got no results and finally procurod Donns' Kidnoy Pills, Thoy were not long in ridding mo of tho troublo. I havo never been bothered with my kldnoys slnco." Gat Doan's at Any Store, 60c Box DOAN'S KJ?T FOSTER. M1LBURN CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y. Clogged-Up Liver Causes Headache It's foolish to suffer from constipation, sick headache, biliousness, dirzincsa. tndigtouon, nnd kin dred ailmento when Carter' Little Liver Pllla will end CARTER'S IITTLE all misery in a few hours. Purely vege table. Act PILLS gently on liver and bowels. Small Pill Small Dose Small Price DR. CARTER'S IRON PILLS, Nature's great nerve and blood tonic for Anemia, Rheumatism. Nervousness, Sleeplessness and Female Weakness. Otlllaa Bill km llllllirt nvW! KecpYourSkin-Pores Active arid Healthy With Cuticura Soap Soap 25c, Ointment 25 nod 50c, Talcum 25, PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM RemoTiDAndraa-StopaIUIrralllnd Koatorea Color and BeautrtoGrarand Faded Hair otra. ana a i.iki at arugsriiib ninooiChem. Vi. l'trhogfl.N.T. HINDERCORNS ltcmoren Corn.. Cl- Ioihob. tut., itopi all pala, aoiurra comfort to tba tret, wakra walking fair. lta. br mall or at Uraf cUt. UUcoaCtoeuilcai Worka, 1'atcbocaa, N. X. niACi: III Kit, the llneat ranolilui; tract I WoHturn Cnnmlui aplomllil wuter, uliumlanc nf huy, nevcnty-llvB thousand acres en bloaa oieriitlnir rnncli across river from thla )rop orty, $8.60 per iicro, itooil torma. Federnl Sm curltlnn, 015 Teftler lllk., ttdmonton, Canada. (Iriipufp County, New York, Karma. Flftr Dnllura ncre nnd up. Finn Itonds. Marketa, Schools. Clet list, wo (runrnntoe to allow youu I.ntiKworthy lloalty Co.. Inc., Untifvla, N. X. Throw theso makeshift remedies to the winds, and get- on tho right treatment. Get a bottle of S. S. S., and begin & treatment that has been praised by sufferers for half n century. S. S. S. gets right at the sourco of Catarrh, nnd 'forces from tho blood the germs which cause . tho disease. Special medical advico regarding your own caso free. Ad dress Medicnl Director, 106 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. Directory MID-WEST ELECTRIC CO, 1U07 Huriioy 8U Oniulin, Nb. 70l)Cliorry HU Ilea Mulnoa, la. ELECTRICAL JOBBERS Dtitrlbntors for General Jllpctrlo Co. American Uleotrla Co.. Telophoneai O. A. Wood l'reserror Co. t7" A good atock of gcnoral supplies, both cltlea. BE A NURSE Exceptional opportunity at the present tlmo for young women ovor nlnoteen yours of citro who havo had at leapt ona year In hlKh school to take Nurses' Train Ine In general hospital, Our graduates are In nrcat demand Address flupt. ot Nartea, Lincoln Hunltarlam. Lincoln, Nebr. Motel Castle 032 S. 16lh Street Omaha. Neb. New, absolutely fireproof 300 HOOMS With private toilet l.S5 with private bath tl.75 to t3.W FRED A. CASTLE, Proprietor Motor Truchs The modarate coat, steady aervlce and Ions llta of Stewart Trucka la made poaatbte br ellmlnutlon of all needleaa parts In Btewart cnnatructlon. The Stewart lubricating system, which Is nlmo'at automatic, la your Iniuranc. against ntRlla-ent drlvera. Thousands In use tn over 600 American cltlea, on hundreda ot farms and In 27 for eign countrlea. Ask for free booklet, "How to Choose a. Motor Truck." I.lMNOIClt IMVI.KMKNT CO. Distributor Blh ami roc III c Omaha, Neb.