The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 16, 1920, Image 5

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    Keith, Saturday.
Dorothy.; Green
Arthur Ashley
A Carter DeHavcb comedy---EXCESS
Graduate Dentist
Office over th McDontld
State Bunk.
Frank Turplo tins loaned 105 acros
lof lils farm six miles wost of town to
Japs who will plant 100 acros to boots
nnd five acres to potatoes. Anient nl
for the beet land Turplo receives one
sixth, of the crop
Most lin in ilnto wall nnnnr nntforn!
at the Roxall. " " 14tf
Ferdinand Streltz left Wednesday !
ffor Jerome, Idaho, where ho expects i
to locate. Ho was living in that state
when lie ontered service as nN soldier
nnd "no well liked the country that he
decided to return.
. Salesmen wanted at Dixon's. Sec
our add In this paper. Young men
only. 26-2
George Crntty was arrested Tuesday
on charge of stealing two suits from
the bawrgago room at the depot, llo
was arraigned in court Wednosdny but
refused to plead until ho consulted a
lawyer. He was remanded to Jail.
Get your lawn mower sharpened at
Van( leave's blacksmith shop. 2C-4
J. U. Hemphill, who seriously Injur
ed his hip several weeks ago, Is now
able to appear on tho streets on
crutches. The Injury has shortened
and twisted a leg that will not likely
regain Its normal condition.
Potatoes and dahlia liulbs fofr sale.
Phono 1297J. 2G-4
For, Sale or Trade a little mare
heavy, with foal. Inquire at this office.
Mrs. II. B. Elliott returned to her
home in Council Muffs tho early part
of tho week after having visited
relatives and friends in town.
Our store Is as near as your tele
phone. When you want goods in a
hurry you can bank on the SMITH
Hotel McCabo Bldg.
Work on tho now Huffman building
on Front street has boon stopped for
Victor Heck transacted' business in soino tilne (iuo to nn Injunction served
Kearney for a day or two this week, i0y tne McDonald estate which claims
Wanted, Washings. Phono 1001W. 4 that tho east wall projects four feet
Mrs. Walter Fuller, of Fresno, Cal., t"e 't owned by tho estate. '
left for her homo Tuesday nftor a 1 Deginning promptly at eleven
visit with Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Payne. o'clock Saturday. April 17th, we will
You can save money by buying a suit so11 at greatly reduced prices a limited
at TRAMP'S sale beginning Saturday, "timber of trimmed hats. No charges,
April 17. no refunds, sale final. VILLA WHIT-
tw t.wiM i., 0m i, TAKER, mock's Store.
j v. v. u iv.uuv,i a jit lino nvviiuii it in u u
paid thirty-one dollars an acre this
season, six dollars an acre more than
last season.
Quality Yes, we live and breathe
Quality the clock around each day.
Smith-Johnson Drug Co. Hotel Mc
Cabo Bldg.
Ladles and gentlemen you can all
vote for Chas. Llerk, Jr., in tho prl-
As this is tho lust issue prior to the
primary. The Tribune will be excused
for devoting a big share of its reading
matter space to political articles,
rather than to local matter. However,
it Is only fair that the candidates be
given a hearing.
There is nothing that will add more
to the attractiveness of your homo
for the same amount of expenditure
mary election April 20th for the office Make your solee-
of County Commissioner. 25-4 Uon nQW whllolJ0,r Btock , completo.
Ladles and gentlemen you can all
vote for Chas. Llerk, Jr., in the pri
mary election April 20th for the office
of County Commissioner. 25-4
The right garment at the right price.
The Printzess Garments at E. T.
DUKE & ORVEN, 218 East Gth St.
Phono 207. 2G-8
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Collagen, who
were married at Maxwell Sunday ar
rived tho early part of the week and
will make this city their home. Mrs.
Cohagen was formerly Miss Zelma
The remains of Alfred Cooper, who Feather, of Maxwell, and Charley Is a
was killed at the depot last Friday son ofoT. M. Cohagen.
night, Were taken to McPherson coun-1 our store is as near as your tcle
ty Tuesday for interment. 'phone. When you want goods in a
Quality Yes, wo live and. breathe hurry you can bank on the SMITII
Qunlity tho clock around ach day. JOHNSON DRUG CO. Phone , No. 8.
Smith-Johnson Drug Co. Hotel Mc- Hotel McCabe BIdg.
Cabe Dldg. Through the series of meetings
Owing to the walk out of switchmen which have been held in all the wards,
an embargo has been placed on lumber much interest has been aroused in the
which if long continued will seriously , clean-up campaign which begins next
discommode building operations in Monday. By, the end of next week
North Platte as well as elsewhere. every lot and alley in tho city will no
Did you contemplate purchasing a'(lubt bo in a condition beyond criti
spring wrap? If so our entire stock clsm.
of suits and coats go on sale Saturday Try tho Rexall first, It pays. 14tf
'at. real sale nrices. 'Alterations free. I We conduct our business on the
merits of our service and merchan
dise. Both arc guaranteed. SMITH -
through to Cheyenne the early part of JOHNSON DRUG CO.. Phone No. 8
the week where he was called by tho j i' ol
walk out of switchmen. Chairman ; Bulls.
Boguo of the B. of R. T., is also at 'Neb.
Cheyenne. Now
Salo Registered Hereford
rl. P. Hanson,' North Platte,
1 GU
Is the opportune time for the
Wo conduct our business on the conservative buyer because we can
merits of our service and Mnerchan- glvo you quality, style and a perfect fit
dise. Both are guaranteed. SMITH- at reduced prices, beginning Saturday.
JOHNSON DRUG CO.. Phone No. 8. April 17. E. T. TRAMP & SONS.
The (Jrcati'st PolUteul Mriuir
of tho Pretfcnt Ape.
This Is addressed to Republicans
and all voters who will cull Tor Re
publican ballots at the Primary Iflloc
tlon noxt Tuesday,, and thereby
unite to protect Lincoln County '
against the greatest political menace
It has ovor faced in its history.
It Is tho custom of tho Non-Pnrtlsnn
League to file Us candidates under any
party heading Its loaders decide to be
tho strongest In nny particular vicinity
whothor this be Republican or Demo
cratic. Thou masciuonuCng under the
popular party head those candidates,
who are plodged to a platform abso
lutely destructive to tho chosen party,
attempt to fool enough of the voters
to got themselves into ofllice. If the
Non-Partisan League wins In Lincoln
County it will be by tho use of this
stylo of tactics. Already there has
been circulated throughout the county
printed cards headed: "Ask for Repub
lican Ticket at Primary." This ticket
contains tho following names: State
Senator Win. Ebright,. State Legisla
ture Homer Mylander, Float Repre
sentative Earl Hilllard, County Judge
J. M. Calhoun, County, Commissioner
First District Thomas Orton. Tho men
who appear above arc pledged to sup
port tho platform stated on this card.
This cartels falling 'Into the hands of
many nn unsuspecting voter who may
be lead to believe he Is voting for Re
publicans who w'ill support the prin
ciples In which tho Republican Party
believes. They are Non-Partisan
Leaguers pledged to tho support, not
of the Republican principles, but of
tho principles of this socially destruc
tive organization. Tho purpose of this
article Is not to attack these men per
sonally for they are merely .the dupes
and tools of the higher organization,
tho principles of which, It Is to bo
sincerely hoped, they do not fully un
derstand, and If they do understand
these principles and the result of their
application and still permit theVr
names to be used they are the enemies
of every patriotic loyal American far
mer, laboring man and business man
of this county.
Ignoring the platitudes in their plat
form which are printed merely as
catch phrases and mean nothing, tho
attontiion of tho farmer is called to
some of tho particular earmarks of
this Non-Partisan League organization
For Instance, ,they profess to believe
in the exemption from taxation of
farm, improvements and working men's
homes. Any thinking man knows that
class legislation such as this would
not stand In tho courts oven If It did
get by the Legislature. In North Da
kota it did get by tho Legislature and
what was the result? It Is an actual
fact that can easily be proven that the
Non Parisan League having control of
tho State of North Dakota raised, not
lowered, the taxes of the farm lands in
North Dakota approximately' threo
hundred per cent, and ono of the prom
inent speakers for this peculiar organ
ization says: "What wo have done in
North Dakota we expect to do In Ne
braska." You may rest assured that If
they were unable to run their state
without tripling the tnxes of the far
imers themselves, when tho farmers
control the organization, that the
Union Labor Man and the Business
Man is not .paying anv less proportion
than tho farmers.
The next four paragraphs of the
platform call for state and municipal
ownership of all manufactories, rail-
1 roads, water power, telephone and
telegraph lines and banks. It 1s hard
ly necessary, to go Into this matter
I with the voters of Lincoln County. We
have just got through a session with
government control of railroad and
telegraph and telephone Vnos and as a
colossal failure It has no parallel In
history. There is not a voter in Lin
coln County who will coml'dor voting
for a return to thnt condition.
; Paragraph seven calls for all pos
sible encouragement to tho orgnnlza-
On March 8th the Prices Advan
ced from IS to 25 per cent.
and we are informed by by leading tire
manufacturing concerns that another ad
vance is probable. At this time we have a
a large stock of tires on hand and to reduce
this stock we have decided to sell tires and
tubes at
12 1-2 Per Cent Discount Until May 10th
These tires and tubes are guaranteed first
quality tires no seconds-r-and all fabric tires
'carry a 6000 mile guarantee and all cord
tires an 8000. mile guarantee. If you need
lires come in and see us.
Stearns Sleeve-Valve-Motored Cars.
The Motor Car masterpiece. The simplicity of
Stearns Sleeve-Valve mechanism has long been
approved. The preferred Motor - Car. You'll
know when you sit at the wheel.
Auto Co,
tlon of fnrmers and wags earners co
operative associations. The present
I laws of the State of Nebraska need no
additions along that lino. They are
already taking care of this subject and
! there was no form of-corporatlon or
association in the State of Nebraska
during tho last few years that mado a
higher percentage of profit nor enjoy
ed a greater prosperity than the Far
mer's Co-operative Associations under
jtho present law. To tamper with the
present laws along that lino would be
to endanger ther'r own interests.
Paragraph eight calls for state in
spection and dockage of grain ami
other products. Tho Federal Govern
ment is already in charge of this In
spection and dockage ofgrain and for
tho state to duplEcatc the federal de
partments would only create confusion
and would benefit no ono, for certainly
if tho Federal Government can not
handle dockage and grading satisfac
torily It would bo ubIchs for tho stato
to attempt It.
Pasagraph nine calls for up to date
labor legislation and so forth. Tho
labor leaders of the State of Nebraska
are more than satisfied with the treat
ment thoy. received In tho last Legis
lature and will find no difficulty at any
time in getting through any further
measures that aro Just and fair.
It is apparent from this brief nnaly--i-
that their platform is a catch vote
nflu)r and that probablv tho candidates
ito not understand or bollovo In ono
lialf oi It. Opposed to these abovo
n.Miii'd candldatos Is a gonulno patrio
tic American Republican ticket. For
Stato Senator Walter Hoagland, Stnto
Legislature 13. S. Davis, Float Itepre
intative T. L. Carroll, and a goodly
array of republican candidates for
county Judge and commissioner. A
campaign of deceit cannot bear good
results for our peoplo and It is decoit
whon theso Non Partisan Leaguers
opposo such men as lloagland, Davis
and Carroll for theso offices. Nono of
these threo men is making a strong
personal campaign. Thoy have served
us before and done It well, satisfac
torily representing us at Lincoln, not
as any Individual class but as tho
peoplo of Lincoln. County, and worked
day and night for the intereBts of our
peoplo ns a whole. To rcfuso to re
elect men of their standing and ability
under times ltko those would bo an
error nothing short of crimo. No
honest farmer, laboring man or busi
ness man has anything to fear with
theso men as their representatives.
Call for tho Republican ticket and voto
for the Republicans. Do not bo fooled
by, a clique who wish you to voto for
them as Ropubllcuns so that thoy can
represent us as Socialists.
Not vests In very pretty designs for
tho now spring suit. K. T. Tramp &
: :o: :
For Sale.
Span of big mules, wolght 2G00, 7
and 9 years old; also ono mulo
wolght 1000. AddrosH 11. L. Doug'
los, North Platto, or phono 702F013.
Wall paper and paint at tho Rexall
Mrs. C. C. Kitenour and daughter
loft last evening for Julesburg lo
which placo they were preceded by,
Mr. Rltcnour and whoro thoy will
make their homo for a time.
With the primary election but, four
days away there is but littlo politics
talked or discussed, in fact you can
stand on tho streets for an hour and
not hear a word of politics mentioned.
Out door work for tho right-man at
Dixon's, see oar ndd. Good money.
O. IT. Thoelocke, who wont to Lar
amie last week, was ti sufferer from
ptomaine poisoning after reaching
Laramie, resulting from something he
had eaten on the diner. IIo returned
home nt onco and wa confined to tho
houso for four or live days before fully
Christian C"urrh.
Bllblo school at IL'45 a. m.; preach
ing at 11 :00 a., in.; preaching at 8 p. m.
O. L. Smith, of Bethnny, Secretary
of tho Nebraska Missionary Society
will bo with us Sunday morning nnd
will speak at 11 o'clock. This Is broth
er Smith's first visit to us and he
should bo greeted by a largo audience.
Mrs. O. E. Elder and daughter Fayo
returned this morning from Omnha
whoro thoy were called by tho Illness
of a relative.
Our entlro stock of suits and coats
ono salo, Saturday, April 17, altera
tions frco. E. T. TRAMP & SONS.
For Hate. . . ,
100 loads of dirt. Best filling and top
dressing for lawns. Bert M. Reynolds,
No. 1 Reynolds' Terrace. 28-4
Dizzy Headaches
Headaches accompanied by dizzi
ness, or vertigo, nnd congestion of
tho face with cough, Is the lioadacho
of heart trouble. Usually such head
aches occur at a tlmo when tho hourt
;s trying to cnlargo to adapt itsolf to
a back How ot blood which occurs
when valves do not properly close.
If the heart is able to enlarge to
take onic oi this trouble, the pulse
remain -toady, tho face rudrfy, and
tho individual is strong nnd capable.
But if tho heart is unablo to nccom
modato itolf to tho situation forced
upon It, thoro Is a hard pulHe, sleep
lessness, and the henducho and tho
conditions described above.
Lack of norvous tone in tho heart
muscles and cells la back of overy
phnse ct this form of headnche and
heart trouble. Adjusting to ro-allgn
tho Joints of the splno so that nervo
openings aro restored and tho weak
ening nervo pressuro Is removed,
brings health and strength.
Consultation Is without a charge or
Drs. States & States,
Tho P. S. C. Chiropractors.
Building nnd Loan Building
North L'lntlo -- NelmiHlin.
iSpigdciolifnit LIMBS