NORTH PLATTB SKMI-WKKTCLY TTUBUNR c To atop the pain of H fnrnl DhmIam f . 1 T .. . . T. 1 1 . , 1-1 J U Aching, Swolltn, lender Feet, use ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE The Antiseptic. Henllnir Powder to Shake Into Your Shoes and sprinkle in me i-ooi-unm. Sold everywhere, lie miri in trrt inia pacicagc r rr-zz ; mm mm KODAK F1MSIIIM. A free enlargement, 6x7, from each roll sent us for finishing. Send for prices and particulars. Topoka Photo Supply Company, Pox 427. Topeka, Kansas tVe Teiitrh Corset Miililnc In 3 easy lessons by mill sewing maoh all's nressary. I.aFrance Corset Drafting System. Los Annsles. Calif. Imvu linprntrd 1'iirma, PhlcWaaftw. Adjnln tnit 'os Direct from owner $17C to $325 a. AKts Wtd ItrilK Ilros New Hampton. In. FRECKLES 111 UStTtVELY RCMOVID br Dr. lUrrr't uimmm--iour aruatriai or dt icmun A"tnuii tmcai Nebraska Directory When Prints Are Ordered Prlnti II cento; 2l3i-t, 4 cents) poutai curd uizc, 0 cents, postpaid, Beaton Photo Supply Co. 15th & Farnam St. Omaha, Neb, OMAHA PIPE CO. Importers and Jobbers ! DTDPC AWn CMftVPDC ClIMHDirC 1 11 UJ mil UIIUILLiIIl) UW111llLlk EXPERT PIPE REPAIRING 1503 Howard Street, Omaha, Neb. COLORADO LAND FOU SALE BURLINGTON DISTRICT, 160 acres un improved; good farming or investment, $35 per acre, $1,500 cash. Balance easy terms. Address, FRANK GASS, Owner, 4005 North 25th Street, Omaha, Nebraska c V Motel Loyal, Omaha Take Dodee Street Car Prom Stations ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF Po4oc J $1.50 up without bath. Tito Hotel With a Reputation aOUSTOUN R. HARPER ProprUtori CIIAS. J.KRIEL i fill1 JwtAa & w Omaha SEND FOR UNIQUE CATALOG WRITE Scott-Omaha Tent & Awning Go iuiiu I uit& w riiiiiiiir. uui I5th and Howard, Omah.i, U. S. A. IN OMAHA .Iffll T3fe Henshaw Hotel KUltOPKAN VL&X j. II. Keenan, Urt JI.M WITHOUT BATH I2.C0 IJ1 WITH 1IATU 15th ud Farnam Sts, Omaha Exceptional opportunity at the present time tor young women over nineteen years of aire whs have had at least one year In high school U take Nurses' Train ing In general hospital Our graduates are In great demand. Address Supt. of Nurses, Lincoln Sanitarium. Lincoln. Nebr. MOORE "Looks Good" "Rides Well" $1,175 Factory list Ttie World's Dlgaest tlltlo AutomoMU Good territory open to live dealers. (KNUDSON All! OMO BILE COMPANY 2107 Farnam St., Omcba, Neb. Distributors, Ne))iasUa nml WeHlrn OTr SALTS IF BACKACHY AND KIDNEYS HURT Stop Eating Meat for a While If Your Bladder Is Troubling You. When you wnke up with huckitcho j ami dull misery in the kidney region it generally mentis you have linm eating too much meat, says it well-known mi nority. Meat forms urle ncld which overworks Die kidneys In their effort to lllter It from the blood unit they he? come- sort of paralyzed and loggy. When your kidneys get sluggish mid clog you must relieve them, like you relievo your bowels', removing nil the body's urinous waste, else you bnvo bneknclie. sick headache, dizzy spells; your stomach sours, tongue Is coated, nnd when the wenther Is bud you have rheumatic twinges. The urine Is cloudy, full of sediment, channels often get sore, water scalds mid you tire obliged to seek relief two or tlireo times during the night. Klther consult n good, rellnble physl clnn at once or get from your pharma cist about four ounces of Jad Salts; tuke a tnblespoonful In a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts Is made from the ncld of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with lltbia, and has been used for generations to clean nnd stimulate sluggish kidneys, also to neutralize nclds in the urine so It no longer Irritates, thus ending bladder weakness. .Tad Salts Is a life saver for regular meat eaters. It Is Inexpensive, cannot injure and makes a delightful, elTer vescent Ilthlu-wnlcr drink. Adv. Suspicious Adolf. She (as her lover Is about to star, on a journey around the world) My dear Adolf, will you bo true to mo when you are far away? Promise ma that you will write to me from every town you visit I He Ob. Ada. Is it love that prompts you to say I his-? Ada. swear to me, do you really love me, or are' ynr merely collecting foreign postngt stamps? BILIOUS' 1 .. 3IDELIGflI5 Light on Late Committee on Public Information tTfrASniNdTON. Congress or at least the senate apparently would like to W know something ubotit the actual operations of the late lamented com mittee on public Information and the present condition of Its affairs. Anyway, Senalor Smoot of Utah, Introduced a resolution the other day, which was read, considered by unanimous con sent and agreed to In part as follows: Resolved, That the director of tho council of national defense Is here by directed to report to the senate as soon ns praellcable: A statement .showing all the expenditures of tho committee on public Information by principal classes, such as salaries; traveling; printing done at the govern ment printing olllce; printing done elsewhere than nt the government printing olllce; advertisements, photographs, and films; telephone, telegraph, and cable; olllce furniture; rents; and automo biles. In this statement set forth In detail the inline, address, position, busi ness, or occupation of each payee, together with an explanation of the pur pose for which such expenditures were made. If the expenditures were for traveling, Including subsistence, state fully the purpose of such traveling, whether the expenditure therefor Included persons other than the payee; If so, the names and addresses of such person, together with a general statement as to the extent nnd purpose of the traveling. A statement of the unpaid accounts of the committee ou public Informa tion In the same form as the foregoing statement. A statement of the funds and property In the possession of the committee on public Information, Its employees, ngents, or representatives, nnd the lo cation of the snino- at the time the council of national defense was placed In charge of Its affairs. The resolution also calls for a statement of funds and property recovered, nnd disposition of Illes and mailing lists and all other pertinent facts In con nection with the auditing and closing of the accounts and affairs of the com mittee. Apparently, also, the senate Is In n hurry, since If the Information Is not ready a preliminary and partial statement Is requested. You Can't Rub It Away; Rheumatism is in the Blood Liniments Will Never Cure. If you nro afflicted with Rheu matism, why waste time with lini ments, lotions nnd other local appli cations that never did euro Rheu matism, nnd never will? Do not try to rub the pain away. Try the sensible plan of finding tho cnuso of the pain, and go after that. Remove tho cause, nnd you remove tho pain. You will never bo rid of Rhcu- Imatism until you cleanso your blood of tho (forma that causo tho disease. S. S. S. has never had au equal as n blood purifier and scores of sufferers soy that it has cleansed their blood of Rhoumatism, and re moved all trace of tho disease from their system. Get a bottle of S ,S. S.. and get on the right treatment to-day. Spo cinl medical advice free. Address Medical Director, 111 Swift Lab oratory, Atlanta, Ga. PTOaiidis J fl&ppy Housewives V t OOH'T THINK HE LIKES ME " Quick! Get Liver and Bowels Right with "Cascarets" Furred Tongue, liad Taste. Indiges tion, Sallow Skin, anC Miserable Head aches come from a torpid liver nnd sluggish -bowels, which cause the stom ach to become filled with undigested food, which sours and ferments, form ing nclds, gnses, nnd poisons. Cas carets tonight will give your bilious liver and constipated bowels a thorough cleansing and straighten you out by morning. Cascarets never sicken or in convenience you like nasty Calomel, J Salts, Oil, or griping Pills. They ' work while you sleep. Adv. But One Way Is Better. I A bluff, hearty old bachelor frlenn ' nf tlin fdlnllv f-vlll,r t n ,r,if fi tni'tti. ' with the son of the house, asked him "Have you practiced any fancy moth 0(Ls of skntlng, sonny?" "No," said sonny, "I can sknto only two ways as yet." "Ah, and which are they?" "Standing up and sitting down," snld ponny. 18,000 Ex-Convicts Organize "Gray Brotherhood" MYSTKRIOUS( organization of ex-convicts, known as the Gray Brother hood has a membership which Is believed to exceed 18,000. It Is stated that its alms are to humanize the prisons nnd develop the ambitions of the Inmates toward cleaner and better lives. Its officers and leaders nro unnamed, but the head, who is known as the Gray Hrother, is said to be a man of much capacity and Influence. He Is on terms of friendly Intimacy with several Uni ted States senators and Is said to be not unknown at the White House. The Gray Hrotherhood Is responsible for several prison Investigations brought wllh the desire to Improve conditions and not merely to piny politics or satisfy a grudge. It Is ul- so clnlmed on foehulf of the Gray Brotherhood that It Is thoroughly patriotic und American. A statement of the program of the new organization Is substantially as follows : The Gray Brotherhood will attempt to help Individual prisoners during their Incarceration, and especially on their release. The Brotherhood will provide Jobs for released prisoners and try to edu cate the public to a more Intelligent attitude toward the man who hits commit ted a breach of tho law. An attempt will be made to clean up the prisons, morally, hyglenlcally, and politically. A fight will be made on the grafts said to be rampant In all prisons. The Brotherhood will light the political control of prisons by entering the political field Itself. It will try to force the wnrdcnshlp and other prison offices out of ihe hands of politicians and Into those of penological experts and students. The Brotherhood will bo organized hi every state to force advanced prison-reform measures through tho legislatures. It Is the purpose to wipe out utterly the present penal system. Passenger Car and TrucRs Nebraska Ohlsmohilc Co. 2559 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. J. R. O'NEAL, Gen'l Mar. FrcozB-Proof Boil-Proof lletall I'rlee 730.00. Install one of our guaranteed "OMAHA" lloneycmnb ltudl otor on your Ford. They give your Ford the dlatlna tlva appearance of the hlEliar-nrlced car. Their eupprlor quality and endurance It unequalcd by any Ford railtutor on the mar ket today. Auk your dealer. If he docs not stock them write us direct We shall be pleased to m-nd you one subject to your examination. We also make liberal allowancea on your old radiator. We manufacture and Install our guaran teed "OMAHA'' honeycomb cores In auto, truck and HH'tor radiators. 24 houri' serv ice on any Job WE iVEPAIIt ItADIATOIlS. OSIAIIA ATTO RADIATOH MHO. CO. "The Home of Kudlulur Service" 1810-21 CiimniR tit. OmiUui. Neb Elective Service on Automobiles JX) Atwnter-Kent Auto-Lite llijure Connecticut Dixie Gray & Daiis North-East Simmshuff Westingliouse AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE HLHOnUOSTA HTKR SPECIALISTS OMAHA. NEBRASKA " W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 15-1920. SHE WEARS NOTHING FADED AND SHABBY But "Diamond Dyec" Her Old, Apparel Fresh and New. I Don't worry about perfect results. Use "Diamond Dyes," guaranteed to give a new, rich, fadeless color to nny fnbrlc. whether It bo wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods, dresses, blouses, stockings, skirts, children's coats, feather's everything ! Direction Book In package tells how to dlnmond dye over nny color. To match nny mnterlnl, bnvo denier show pou "Diamond Dye" Color Card. Adv. . npi 4 TORYSEKVIj IfUXirEP rjOTOgS tERVICT.J' Insinuating, "This nln't the draft; census." "How's that, boss?" "You needn't dodge." It's the State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County as, Frank J. Chonoy makes ontli that ho Ifl Benior partner of the linn of R J. Cheney Ac Co., doing bualnoBS n tho City of To lodo, County and Utate aforesaid, and that enld nrm will pay tho sum of ONIO 11UN UllIOD DOLLARS for any caso of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by the use of HALL'S CATAimil .MLDIC1N15. PRANK J CHENEY. Sworn to beforo mo and aubncrlbed In my presence thlH 6th day of December. A, D. 1SS. (Seal) A. W. Oleaeion, Notary Public. HALL'S CATAKRH MEDICINE Is tak an Internally and acts through the" Ulood pn tho MurnuB Surfacoa of tho System. t, J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio. F. J. Choney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio. Handy Sprayer. A new pump for spraying flowers or fruits Is operated by attaching It to an ordinary fruit Jar, several of which can bo provided to hold dlflurent spraying solutions. Don't Forcjet Cutlcura Talcum When adding to your toilet requisites. An exquisitely scented face, skin, baby nnd dusting powder and perfume, ren dering other perfumes superfluous. You may rely on It hecnuso one of the Cutlcura Trio (Soap, Ointment and Talcum). 2.rc each everywhere. Adv. Many a woman who is unable to drive a horse can lead her husband around bj the nose. Shortage of School Teachers Threatens Nation THE country Is faced with ft serious shortnge of school teachers, chiefly through failure to provide adequate salaries, according to reports to the United Stales bureau of education. Conditions tiro becoming slightly better, however, the report slates, In some sections, compnred with those of last October, when the National Education association conducted nn Inquiry Into the situation. Based on returns from stato school officials, the reports show that on Feb ruary III last there wero 18,1!70 schools closed because of lack of teachers and 11.000 wero being taught by teachers characterized as "below standard, but taken on temporarily In the emer gency." Greater shortages are shown to exist In southern ntates. Salaries paid teachers in 1018. statistics show, were on an average of pG00 for elementary teachers and $l,o.'fl for those teaching in high schools. From salary schedules collected from various statos. giving salaries received by Individual teachers In three counties in each state, It Is shown that wages paid rural teachers fell far below the foregoing average in many states, many localities showing salaries paid as low ns $150 and $200 a year. In 100 state, county, cltv and nrlvate normal school Vunresentlng GO per cent of the total normal schools In the i-ouiHry, there were 11,500 fewer stu dents enrolled November 1, 1019, than during the prewar period. A similar falling off Is shown In teacher-training departments in colleges, while other departments show great increases In enrollment. lllrr,r . L. . I . , . I . . I " .... nicy imuuiaKcu mem iu so wiiere iney couiu mage a nome oi weir uvyii 3.1VO payiuK.rcm anu reuuee cost oi nvinjr wnere tney could reach prosperity and independence by buying on maty termf. Fertile Land at $15 to $30 an Acre land similar ;to that which throuRh many years has yielded from 20 to4B bushol of wheat to tho aero. Hundreds of farmers in Western Canada have raised crops ir, a slncle season worth more than the whole cost of their land, with such crops come prosperity, independence, bom homes, and all the comforts and conveniences which make for happy living. Farm Gardens Poultry Dairying nre sources oi income second only to grain growing and stock raising. ovuuviB, tuitu icicpiiuiic. cit:., ko yuu U1U j opportunities of a new land with the con. y$ venlencritnf nlrl settled flittrlrta iX. VttttmeoareM I mill HIT" ' " 1 For illuatritrd literature, mips, description or farm ouportunltl a In Manltoba.Bstkatciiawan, I anu Aiovria, retiuceti raunay rales, etc.. write Department of Immigration, Ottawa, Can., or W. V. BENWETT Boom 4, Dee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. SOMETHING TO WORK WITH WAS GONE BEYOND RECALL Younn Man Perfectly Willing to Prac tice Economy, If Old Gentleman Would Supply Materials. There Is n well-known banker whose only son does not, his father contends, appreciate the value of a dollar by about 00 cents. A short time ago the youlh approached the old gen tlemnn with u request for it consider able sum In addition to his regular al lowance. "Look here, my hoy," the father said severely. "You do not seem to realize that jou spend a great deal of money throw It away, In fact. Don t you think It about time that you be gan to economize a bit?" "Yes, I do, father," fhe young man responded earnestly. "Been thinking Just that fine thing, economy; pro vide against rainy day, and, all that sort of rot. I'd love to start right In economizing, hut I can't, because I haven't a cent to economize. If you'll Just pnss over that thousand, how ever, I will begin, right awayl" A Kindly Caddie. "Oh, yes, sir, there's worse golf play ers In the world than you are, sir," the caddie said kindly. "Lot's worse I" "Well, that makes me feel better,' the dub responded. Then he swung his club, failed to touch the hall, but lifted a section of turf as large as a dinner plnte. "Yes, sir," the caddie continued, "there's certainly worse players, but they never lot anybody catch 'cm on the links 1" ljveryliody's Magazine. Headgear for Which Young Wife Had Pined Adorned Head of One More Fortunate. , "Every tiny for a week," tho young" wife said wistfully. "I've gone down, to look at a hat In a show window a wonderful hat, Tom; tho kind of lint a woman dreams of but sees only once In years. Of course, I knew that I could not hope to buy It, as It waa far more expensive than we could af ford. Tim price was" "Perhaps" we could manage It, dear. If you wish it so much," Tom Inter rupted fondly. "Business has been a little better the Inst month. I bnvo two new contracts for large apartment houses. How much Is the hat?" "That Is dear of you Tom," sbo responded with n grateful smile, though her eyes grew sad, "but It Is too late. Our cook happened to pass the store. I saw her wearing It home.' What Are They. "I see the order has gone forth that human icings are to he enlisted l.i tho nrmy as recruits. "That's all right; but how about the drill sergeants nml second lieuten Exception to Rule. Allct, "Yon can't get something from nothing." Edith "Can't you? I got a proposal from Algy." A blind horse Is satisfied If be can feel bis oafs. Making a Start. I beard an amusing story tho other day concerning Sir John Lavery, tha famous society artist. It seems that one day he was en- gnged in painting the portrait of a beautiful but very shy little girl, whoa he chanced to find a threepenny bit In his color box. "Do you collect threepenny bits?' ho Inquired of the child, showing her; the coin. "Yeth," she lisped.. "Here's one for your collection. Now bow iiiany have you?" "One," replied the little sitter. Lon don Tit-Bits. 1 Loan Bank for Trouble. "So many people want to borrow trouble," said tho Old Settler, "that It's a wonder some enterprising cum doesn't start a bank to acconunodnto 'em." The best doctor for colds and most other troubles Is Old Outdoors, M. D. Ills office Is right around the corner. Rome people would have to worlc overtlmo If they practiced half of whnt they preached. America Rapidly Becoming Most Befurred Nation FURS In a temperate climate have always been a sign of wealth. As we nro the richest nation of the earth, we are rapidly becoming the most be furred nation. The lust five years luivo seen the largest uiuount of furs sold In this country In Its history at stead ily Increasing prices und at the mo ment the United States, next to Rus sia, Is probably the greatest consumer of fur garments In the world. Wliilo London still disputes the fact, American fur dealers say this country has become the center of the 'ur Industry. It Is Interesting to note the l'J.000 Alnska sealskins offered for mile on account of the United States government were dressed, dyed, and machined In tills country Instead of at London ns formerly. Tho furs sold In February In St. Louis, cumo from every corner of tho world nnd Included UOO.OOO China dog mats, used mostly for coats In cold north west countries; from Siberia. 1,500,000 squirrels, 1200,000 ermine, 8,000 white foxes. 70.000 kolinskies. 'J00.000 marmots. 125.000 lltch. and 0.000 Ilusslun sables. Australia sent 1,000,000 pounds of rabbit skins, 500,000 Australian opos sum, -10,000 wallaby, 11.000 kangaroo. 100.000 ringtail opossums, und 00,000 red foxes. From Persia anil Turkestan were olfered 10,000 Perslun lambskins. Europe contributed KO.QOO moleskins and many thousand red foxes. The United States offered 800.000 muskrats. H00.000 skunk, 22,000 beavers, 80,000 wolves, 1,000 sliver foxes, 125,000 raccoons, and many otbor varieties. Same Krir Price As Before The War and the same pure, wholesome beverage so many have enjoyed lor jrears. auinmn lliil INSTANT POSTUM ? : I has a pleasing coffee like flavor hut, is more economical than coffee and has the added value of absolute freedom from caffeine or other harm ful ingredients. "There's a Reason Mode by Postum Cereal Company.. Battle Crcck.Mlcli MAS