The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 13, 1920, Image 1

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No. 27
1 1 tt
(01 til
A quiet but impressive wedding oc
curred at seven o'clock yestordny
morning at the Mrs. Francis McKeown
homo whon her daughter Miss Jose
phine becomo tho bride of Capt. A. V.
Wortman, a member ot tho U. S.
Aviation reserve corps. Tho ceremony
was performed by Hov. Stevens, of the
Christian church, tho doublo ring ser
vice being used. Tho bride was at
tended by her sister Miss Mildred Mc
Kcowu, and tho groom by E. H.
Kendall, of Denver.
Tho bride was attired In a going
away gown of blue trlcollete and
carried an arm bouquet of sweet peas.
Following tho ceremony a wedding
breakfast was served at the" home, and
tho newly weds left at 8:15 on a west
ern wedding trip, following which thoy
will be at home at Hebron, Neb. The
summer will bo spent on a soldiers'
homestead near Craig, Colo.
Mrs. Wortman Is a graduate of tho
nigh school, and following her gradu
ation accepted a position in the
O'Connor storo, by her efficiency she
was promoted to cashier and assistant
manager of the storo, and as such her
sorvlces woro very highly appreciated
by Mr. O'Connor. Capt. Wortman, nt
the outbreak of the war enlisted In 'the
aviation service and for a number of
months was stationed at Kelly Field,
Texas, as an Instructor, lie still re
mains In tho aviation reserve corps
and Is subject to call when his sorvlces
aro needed. Prior to entering tho ser
vice ho conducted a newspaper at
Hebron, and following his term of ser
vice, resumed the management.
Several y.ears ago he was 'employed as
local reporter for Tho Tribune.
Notice To Odd Fellows.
Wnlla Lodge No. u(S will confer tho
second degree Thursday evening, April
J. Ol'Y SWOOrK, Sec'y.
Gordon Love had a leg bruised in the
U. P. shops Saturday morning when a
piston head weighing 750 pounds
which was being hoisted fell and struck
htm a glancing blow. He was fortun
ate to escape without greater Injury
Transparent hats, flower trimmed
nre quite the prettiest stylo of the
spring. See them at The Leader Mer
cantile Co.
Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Wickstrom, Mr.
Thompson and Belle Leypoldt, of Her
shey. were Sunday visitors at the D.
M. Leypoldt home.
Don't let them go See' DIXON &
SON. Sight Specialists.
r. c. coon: H, a cah
F. C. Cooper, employed as a car re
pairer, and about thirty yours of age
was Instantly killed at eleven o'clock
Friday night when he was struck by a
car pushed ly a Hwltch engine".
Cooper, with other oar men, was await
ing the arrival of train No. 12, and
I woro standing on the platform. A
switch engine with a cur ahead came
up the main line which wns not noticed
by Cooper and he stopped back on the
track when the approaching car and
1 engine were but a few feet distant.
The switchman on the car shouted to
Cooper, but his warning came too lato;
l In fact the end of tle car was so near
that ho could not get out of the way.
Ho was knocked down and run over,
his body being badly mutilated. The
dismembered body, was tuken up and
convoyed to tho Maloney morgue.
Tho unfortunate had been working
In the car gang about two weeks. Ho
Reaves a wife and ono cldld.
j North L'Inlie Flour Mills.
I Wo offer, subject to prior sale, the
unsold portion of the capital stock In
the North Platte Flour Mills. Price
$100.00 per share plus 8 from April
first. This stock participates fully in
all of the earnings of tho company.
I Investors wishing to place their
money In a safe, conservative, going
concern, where It will pay them sub
stantial dlviends, are invited to call
at tho Mill office either in person or
by phono and full particulars will be
gladly furnished. Move quick If you
want in for this offer wUl not last
long. You ipay no selling commissions
and there is no water in this stock.
Wo also have a few First Mortgage
IBonds left Intrest guaranteed, 7,
semi annual. $500.00 denomination.
Invest your money, in North PJatte
where you can watch it grow. Nebras
ka Securities Board Permit No. 942.
Tickets are now on sale by mem-
ibers of tho Lutheran choir for the
j recital to be given on their new plpe
I organ by Dr. Clarence Eddy next
Monday evening, April 19th.
Smart ccatc for a Miss. We have
them. The utility coats, or short coats
In silks or woolen. Many new models
at $19.65, $24.65, $34.65 and upwards
at The Leader Mer. Co.
There will be a Bpeclal meeting of
Chapter AK P. E. O. held at the home
of Mrs. Rtncker Wednesday evening
at 7:30. All members nro urged to bo
Did you see that $25.00 dress In The
Style Shop window?
Our annual April snow storm ar
rived Saturday night, continued near
ly nil day Sunday, and r a moisture
producer wub an unqualified succoss,
Observer Shilling reporting the pre
cipitation at one Inch and sevonty
nlne one hundredths. Tho storm
started Saturday evening with a rain
which continued until lute at night
when It turned to snow, and when the
storm closed several Inches of snow
covered the ground.
I The moisture was needed, as tho
j top of tho ground, owing the winds ot
two weeks, had become dry, and wheat
wns suffering to some extent.
' Tho storm was general throughout
j western Nebraska, and tho fall of
;snow was about as heavy through to
, Denver as here. At Grand Island and
! east there was more rnln and loss
-: :o:
Postponed. (
On account of unavoidable delays,
Dr. Evans has wired that ho will not
he able to meet his engagement on the
Auditorium Lecture Course until some
time next week. This Is the lust num
ber of the Course and Is a good one.
It is worth waiting for. Watch for
the announcement of tho date.
Tho M. E. Aid 'will meet Thursday
afternoon In the church parlors with
the Mrs. Robt. Derrybery, Cuihmlngs,
Tout and Conrad as tho entertaining
committee. A good attendance Is
! Hats for girls of two years and over.
All colors and black. Tastefully
trimmed and roasonabfy priced. Tho
Leader Mercantile Co.
The pupils of Miss Florcnco Mac
Kay will give a recital at tho Presby
torla church this evening at eight
cclock to which the general public is
Invited. No admission will bo charged.
The pupils will bo assisted by other
talent and a splendid program has
been prepared.
1 Double silk gloves, just the thing for
spring, in all tho best shades. E. T.
E. D. Bellls, of Omaha, for forty
years ono of the leadhig pipe-organists
of tho state, expressed surprise
when he learned that the Lutheran
Choir had made arrangements with
Dr. Eddy of Chicago for a pipe-organ
recital next Mondny evening. He
said "North Platte should consider
itself extremely fortunate In having
an opportunity to hear Dr. Eddy. He
is without question America's best:
he's In a class by himself."
Th Lincoln Highway from the &lt
line of the county west to Keith
county will receive considerable work
thn your at the expense of the slate
And federal aid fund. The highway
from the river bridge oast of town to
Brady will be graded almost the mi
tire illstonce, the expense to bo borne
by the state. From Brady to the east
line of tho county, the highway will
be put in as good a shape as possible
with tho funds available from tha
county road fund, and then next yoar
this stretch will be turned over to the
state for further Improvement.
Tho Lincoln Highway from North
Platte to Sutherland will bo graveled
Just as soon n Contractor Whelm
complutes his grading, and the high
way from Sutherland west to the
county line will be graded and put in
good shape.
The highway through tho county
will ba looked after by thre road
nutlntalner outfits; one will have
charge from the oast county line to
Keith, tho second will look after that
portion of the liforhwuy from Keith to
Blr'dwood, and tho third outfit will
cover the district from Blrdwood west
to tho county lino. Thoso maintain
ing .outnt will Include a tractor
Present .Monograms.
At the Joint nsembly of tho Senior
and Junior High Schools yoitsrday-
This morning's import siate that Student Council presented", 1ti6
while the unauihorljiod snlko of rail- "hor of the Boys and Glrlg Bail.
road employes, which started at Chi- k8t tonmi with tho basket' ball
cflgo two weeks ago with the walk monogram. The monogram Is a.notil
out of 700 nwitduuan. a.pfarod to be design with a circle surrounding tho
gittdually waning It. the west and llon NP. The Council deckled that
southwest, the conditions oat or a student should huvo playod in at
Cleveland to'jk on ;i more serious i loftst lmIr ' tno games ot tho season
aspect, ho .coipU at tho Chicago lm order to earn a monogram and tho
stockyards yosterduy woro hoavlor awards wore made on this basis. Vol
than any day Inst weok. which i lowing nro the namos of tho studontB
taken as an indication that conditions wer" so honored: girls Adolo
on roads entering Chicago nro im- I-oLitoyt. Hlslo Elklns. Alma Spllntor,
proving. About 25,000 men at tho I Helen Schwatger, Betty Turplq, Hclon
Chicago packing plants aro still ldle.jGott'! loys Howard Brown, Donald
:;o:: Yost, Ivan Walter, Darrell Hoaloy,
(rent Day for Local HuptMs. Hurley Bunnell. Julius Hoga. After
I. O. Silvtrn will bo In North" Platte the monogram awards the ulrls' team
presontcd their" oonch.IIss Carter,
with a gold vanity case and their
friend and boostor, MlssIrma Johns
ton, with n mounted, photograph.
witn ins rtorojpticon ror a sorvioo at
tho UtintUt enure' Wednesday night,
April 1 IMi, liog'nnlng at
Tho no.v Pri'tlst pustor U Paul
A. Shook aid family wi'l ,in o nN.i
on Wednesday and a short wolcomo
sorvlco Is to It given for t!un fol
folowlng tho Sllvam meeting.
Both services nro very Important
and nny mombor of tho church or con
gregation who falls to attend will be
sorry thoy woro not prosont. Tho
oung Peoples: Society will sorvo
which iZ been furnished by iio!".fhtl eslunents t the close of the
nrrirfV nmi t in urn i titntm itnn nvnnar i '
1 "'vi iiiMiiivuiiitiivu v Awunat
will be borne by the stute.
A good chance for ambitious young
men at Dixon's.
Mrs. H. C. Brock will entertain the
Tuesday afternoon bridge clu' today.
Tho Travel and Study Club was
,T. Gl'Y SWOOPi:, Sec'y.
Nollce To Odd Fellows.
Will la Lodge No. .Ml will confer the
second degree Thursday evening, April
.1. (SUV SWOOPi:, Sec").
That now spring suit or coat you
promised yoursolf Is here and if you
buy now ytufll got best selection at
a prlco ns low as thoy will bo offorod
at whon season is about over at Tho
Lender Mer. Co.
Tonight & Wednesday?
At The Stm9 Three Days
Commencing Tues., April 13
. Matinee Eaeh Daj
Big New Picture
Special Sale.
Rni'n nf litntit 1 .3 nil vniir lirnmiui
entertained last evonlng by Mrs. Wil- Rmnrrinv nnlv AtiHI 17Hi nt l!fl nnntu
SOU Tout. Irmnli will In tlinv Inn Pntnn nnrtv
Thoy say a woman Is as old as she oto0V0r two 'V''mmnnnv
looks. Tho Style Shop clothes have,272 LOUDEN'S QUOOI3It.
""UH- Sntistlcs gathored at Lncoln show
Ul" aimoii wem. 10 uranu isuuut that during 1019 ono divorce was
this morning to attend a stato con-1 uranted for each four .innrrlniro llcun-
reution of furnace dealers. ses Issued In tho state. Tills record
Ileal values In suits and coats, high, Is certainly appalling and calls for
grade garments made by only rellnblo .somo remedial action,
people. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. Elks to tho number ot 125 attended
J. E. Sebastian and E. W. Blncker , tho meeting last night nt which of
aro spending today in Elm Creek on fleers woro Installed, candidates lnj
Insurance business. tinted, sparring and wrestling matches
For Sale Young Percheron mare staged under tho direction of "lied"
brolto; sound, weight 1700. Thos E SoluV. a 0,B focd sorved and selections
Doollttlo. 25-4 ronderod by Stamp's orchestra.
Seed Potatoes for sale. Phono 994 I Tho Ul0st wmleiiul good looking
Mia i., m..--,.. ,,.,... women's flno tailored sulta are now
tnuVr , nnT-n," -n ,r,,L,L ... V, , lolng sold at The Louder Mer. Co. at
truuo Baker were guests at tho Erics-' Hnr,i.. .... nt mnn fo sor.nn n
son fiirm .jjnntli nf TVT
dnw-n nTnninv n,.,i ,-,.. ,r ,' , any suit you might solect. Come right
even : . returning last (now whUo tho plcklnB , bust nt Tho
w - i -.V1. . m . -Loador-Mer, Co.
BlYd!?SnI0,7.,,CnU T,V,n7ffl' Ju.t.a-wr nwjlnoof silk
iT,.sr,, ""ihags for spring and summer uso.
mnrnhwl fJr.JalI1CB Mt tI,,S DIXON, The JOWolor.
Zfc'w hoduSinTi.lSr? f f
no was accuinpanyiiig as escon. an oiu
lady who had boon an Inmato ofthe
home and who Is In a helpless con-
"The Last of
His People"
a big thrilling spectacular story of
llfo In tho tlmbCrlands of the groat
North woBt.
Tho. romantic Btory of a rod man's
lovo rpr a Whlto girl. '
Comedy, Bpeclal tonight
"NoTcr Too Old."
5' 1 !
ill IB IWllIL
x vk i . . .
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Becoming veils in both the heavy
and lighter meshes to harmonlsso with
every hat. Tho Loader Mercantile Co. dUion
A t lean-up meeting will be held at
tho Jofforson school building tomor
row evening at eight o'clock. All
residents of tho ward who aro inter
ested dn a clean-town are urged to
Furnished rooms for rent. 405 wost
Fourth. Phone 21S W.
An evening of rare musical charm
for all lovers of good music at tho
Lutheran church next Monday oven
um. Dr. Eddy will give nn exclusive
pipe-organ recital.
Tor that ring linger see tho very
lowest diamond rings at DIXON'S.
Tho niDst oi.Jo -f'il uood
women's flno tailored suits aro now
being sold at Tho Leader Mer. Co. at
t saving to you of $10.00 to $25.00 on
;iny suit you might soloct. Come right
,no w-nno ino picking ls best nt The
'Leader Mer. Co.
I' It is siiro to please her If It Is from
.! old-timer et!la attenfiun to the
pwt that last Sunday's snow stoin.
was a ropotitlon of ono which occur
red on tho samo day of tlib month In
th.' year 1890. The stonn thirty years
agi -. as moro sevoro and many cattlo
Fancy Net Vests to wear with tho
in. w Hprlng suit. E. T. THAM'P & SONS
ivrlcsB undermusllns nro lmrn n
,ii- ly arrived assortment of Porloss
jl'iiil. rrnusllns. Porloss garments aro
known to many of our patrons as
uiKicrniusiins of real merit. Perloss
uiiilonnusllns should bo your prefer
ence for spring u.i summer wear on
sal exclusively a The Leader Mer
cantile f"o
Dixon & Son grind tholr own lenses.
i Extra sizes in ladies wear at The
Stylo Shop.
j Silk Kiniouas and negligees -tho
1 -ry best stylos and colors. E. T.
ur. H. O. Brock. Dentist. X-Ray
I -agnoBls. Reynolds Bid. Phono 148
I 'A'anted Washings, called for and
vored Box 285. 25-3
Notice of Pinal Report. .
iNtnte No. of David Day, do-
c ed in tho County Court of Lincoln
C'i nty, Nobraska.
"ie Stato of Nebraska, to all por
so i . lntorestoi in said Estate take
no. ' that the Administrator has filed
a ii ul account and roport of his ad
min Uration and a petition for final
sett'omont and dlschnrgo as such,
whltii has beou set for hearing beoro
said court on May 7th, 1920, at 9
o'clc ;k n. .m, when you may appoar
and onteHt tho samo.
Datod April 13, 1920.
A13-3wU ounty Judge,
Tho smart styles you read about In
tho magazines CO-ED dresses are now
on sale exclusively by The Leader
Mercantile Co.
: :o: :
Teachers' L'.wimlnnllnn.
Tho next Lincoln county teachers'
examination will bo hold Saturday,
April 24th, at tho usual places.
27-4 Alleen G. Cochran, Co. Sunt.
Thursdayand Friday.
The Woman God Sent
A winsomo Miss, champion of right
in a winning light against corrupt
Special Friday Rainbow Comedy.
Keith, Wednesday and Thursday.
Even As Eve" ,
Unusual story of the romance of a girl who was reared in
wilderness by n hermit father and suddenly thrust into polite
society circle?.
Adapted frm Robert W. Chnnibers' story The Shinning
m I 7!'llfl!IIIIIU I
1 V Y
Beautiful Display of
Satin, Taffetas, Fig
ured Georgettes,
rFlourads and com
$25 and up.
The Style Shop