The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 09, 1920, Image 7

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;t I P'
ConemM.4ooats - ft .
Ai medium- (weight for6&Gta, v."
April is the diamond month and we have
a fine selection of sizes and quality sets as
desired. It will pay you to let us show our
selection as they will be much higher by the
first of July.
Nice fancy single stone rings $50.00 up.
Nice fancy clusters $80.00 to $500,00.
Single stone rings $15.00 to $1000-00.
You can save money by buying before there is
another raise.
sraa, jeweler.
Diamonds! Diamonds!
What's In the package? 25c each,
let's buy one and see April 22nd at
the Guild Luncheon and Sale. tf
Bloomberg, the taxi man, Henry Ol
son, the auto mechanic, and A. L. Bait
er, the battery man, each paid $14.80
this week on the charge of auto speed
ing. Information will bo filed against
half a dozen others today.
WANTED Girls to take nurses'
training. Bocome It. N. nurses. Call
or write North Plate General Hospi
tal, North Platte, Neb. 23-4
Are you going to paint? Wo are
ready to meet your demands in any
thing in the varnish or paint line.
Come in and see us before letting your
contract. DUKE & ORVEN, 218 East
Cth St., Phone 207. 2G-8
Up to noon Wednesday 3250 auto
licenses had been issued at the county
treasurer's office. This represents
about $35,000 in real money and used
on Lincoln county state aid roads and
for road dragging ought to make quite
a showing..
"Tho Strange Boarder" at our house
says: "Them confidence guys may
have gotten my ten thousand but they
didn't got my goat." Will Rogers was
the Boarder and ho says a lot more.
See him at tho Crystal tonight last
Early next spring Julius Plzer will
begin tho erection of a business block
on the Blankenburg corner which ho
recently purchased. In this building
he expects to house a stock of dry
goods and ready-to-wenr garments
flint will be second to none outside of
For Rent 11 room rooming house.
East of depot. Call at 51G cast Fifth
street. 25-2
The Knights Templar hold an elec
tion of officers Tuesday evening with
tho following result: H. C. Brock,
eminent commander; Chas. Dixon,
generalissimo; Ralph Hansen, record
er; T. J. Kerr, senior warden; Hurry
Dixon, pilot; and W. H. McDonald and
F. L. Mooney, trustees.
For ?G.50 you can buy a very pretty
flowered Georgette blouse at The
Stylo Shop.
w i m mm u 0 n . " tmr , nr
is Tctie
handy .most
most useiui q& au
1 o.ey come
. p.
V 1
. any: time o'the
V ; ,fc .
hiy.e. the.min thBoKBy
.as shown here; alsoin
conservativemodels. ? StricOy
O Collegian Clothes 1920
David Adler & Sons Company
Messrs. Elliott and Banks have con
cluded to retire from tho merchandis
ing business, so Mr. Banks Informs us.
They have a purchaser who will take
the stock after it has been reduced to
a certain figure, nnd they propose to
start in to reduce at once. They ex
pect to make the sale within a few
Iead for Eversharp pencils. Dixon,
tho Jeweler.
vou thi:
we are Kicked
i the fouilldieg we wi
Close Out Osir Stock.
Sale Starts Friday April 9th,
This stock of Merchandise amounting to about
$15,000 will be sold at a
1 1
This Sale will continue until everything is sold.
If in need of anything this will, be the Place to Buy.
At a regular meeting of the board
of education the early part of the week,
teachers for the coming year wore
elected. Just how many of those
elected will accept, is not at this Unio
known as somo are considering posi
tions that .have been offered elsewhere!
Teachorsrwho were not candidates for
re-election included Supt. Tout, Mr.
Minccr.jjMrB. North, Mrs. Allen, Mrs.
Westphal, Miss Leazenby and Miss
Thi' teachers elected were:
Administration Edna Burhans.
household arts; II. H. Newman, man
ual arts; Ethol Fritz, Music.
Senior High School Martha Hert
ford, principal: Esther Robeson, Com
mercial; Mabel Carter, mathematics;
Charles Killian, science;' Helen Thorn
ton, English; Alice Schott, history;
Marie Shannon, langungos; Lura Erh,
normal training.
Junior High School Florence An-
.i.tondes. principal; Mary Morrow,
'jlGirl's physical culture; Stolla Nich
ols, languages; Julia O'Neill, history;
Besse Smith, lltoraturo: Ina Dionor,
geography; Lola Tilford, mathemat
ics; Gertrudo Baker, penmanship;
Elizabeth Rocho, englisli; Frank Rey
nolds, science.
Jefferson School Mable Walters
principal; Clones Graham, interme
diate; Florence Krutza, Intermediate;
Edna McKlbben, Intermediate; Then
Hansen, primary; Mary Whelpley.
primary; Dorothy Hubbard, primary
Washington School Laura Mur
ray, principal; Margaret
tcrmrdiato; Sybil Gantt, intermedi
ate; Gladys Lyle, Intermediate; Maud
Frost, intermediate; Ruth Karlson,
primary; Gladys Bird, primary; Mrs.
Adda Turpie, primary.
Lincoln School Viola Olson, prin
cipal; Mablo Reynolds, Intermediate;
Daisy Miller, intermediate; Mrs. Win.
Haist, intcredlato; Graco Brown
Intermediate; Mrs. Ella Drake, pri
mary; Emma Brown, primary; Mrs.
Fred Kusor, primary..
Central Orido School Lena Gart
ner. Intermediate.
Baker School Mrs. Hay Kuhns
: :o: :
Woodgate-I'udiinn. -
A very pretty wedding was solem
nized jit the F. II. Woodgato residence
Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 when his.
daughter Goldie Viola Woodgato bq
came the brldo of Richard B. Putnuui,
Rev. C. F. Koch, officiating. To the
strains of a wedding march rendered
by, Mrs. Harold d'Ayes, the contracting
parties took their plnces, the bride
bolng attended by Mrs. Albert Baker
and tho groom by' Herbert Woodgato.
Tho brldo was becomingly gowned in
whito georgotto and carried an arm
bofltiot of Voses, The guests were
limited to the inimediato relatives.
Following tho ceremony a wedding
dinner was served. Mr. and Mrs. Put
nam will leavo shortly for Caspar,
Wyo., where they will inako tholr
The brldo is well and favorably
known in both city and county, having
lived for a number of years near Far
nani beforo tho removal of tho family
to North IMatto. Mr. Putmun came
here from Nowtonin, Mo., and is
highly esteemed by acciuaintancos.
AVii. JJeatty spoilt estordny in town
visiting his son Bob while onrouto
homo from .Qftllftfrnla whero ho spent
several iinoulli'
AH members of the Knights of Col
umbus nVd reotioated to meet at the
hall Saturday morning at 8:.10 to til
end tho funeral of tho lato Win. Wolch.
Seo the lino of draperies at Wilcox
Department Store. .
IL J. Van Natter loft this morniiiK
for Drlrtgoport whore ho oxpocts to lo
cate. MrH. Van Natter will follow In.
a couplo of weeks.
Lad I oa Suits from ?25 to $100 at -Wilcox
Department Store.
Mrs. II. p. Ilonckle, Mrs. J. F.
Schmalzrled nnd sovoral othor mom-'
bors of tho local knlgo or tho Royal
Neighbors attended' tho district con
vention hold at Kearney, this week..
Mrs. Hencklo was honored by bolng
elected vice orncle.
Children's Hats, the largest assort
ment in town at Wilcox Department
Tho Heboknh lortgo will clvo a faro-
On Sunday afternoon, April 11, Slg-' well party for M'r. and Mrs. Alex Fen-
wicic J uesrtny ovonlng at tho Fonwiclc
home on west Sixth street. Tho mom
hors are cordially Invited to attend'
this party as tho Fenwicks will leavo
soon after for their new homo in Califs
Also all Store Fixtures to be sold consisting of 5
floor Show Cases, 5 Wall Cases, 3 Counters, 40 feet
of Shelving, 1 Button Fastener Machine, Cash Reg
ister, Shoe Setting Chairs and Stool.
Mfimui aem
717 North Locust Street.
net Chapter, Order of tho Eastern Star,
will hold memorial services at .'1 p. in.
nt tho Masonic hall. The public Is
Tho funoral of our late Bro. Win.
. Wolch will be hold from tho Catholic
Church at 0 a. in., Saturday April 10.
All engineers will moot at the residen
ce, 500 west Dili. st. at 8:45 n. in. M.
Infants Dresses a complete line at
Wilcox Department Store.
Know what a buckaroo is? Well,
look In tho dictionary, and you likely
won't find this: Buckaroo (buck-a-roo)
A gay dog; ono who doesn't glvo
a dorn; a rip-snortin' (ng-bustln'
dovil-imiy-cnro crittur from away
back, headed for tho land-knows-whero.
Bettor seo tho Buckaroo nt
the Crystal Saturday.
If you are at all in need of a now
spring silk dross you surely cannot
afford to miss tho Big Dross Sale be
ginning Saturday morning at Block's.
Tho moro wo see of primary olectlons
tho loss wo think of them. Tho cost
of a primary election In Lincoln coun
ty is about four thousand dollars; as a
rulo less than fifty, per cent of the
voters go to the polls; party organizat
ions havo become disrupted and mob
politics rulo; tho voters don't appreci
ate their givon right to solcct candi
dates, and tho candidates solected are
not a whit better qualified than under
tho old convention rulo. Under con
vention nominations tho candidates
were distributed throughout tho coun
ty; under tho prlmnry system tho
Platto Valley has tho votos to dictate
tho nominations and gobble all tho
Homombor, wo guaranteo our alter
ations, and wo are doing it to your
ontiro satisfaction absolutely. FREE of
charge BLOCK'S.
Your last chanco to soo tho piny
"Engaged by Wednesday" as givon by
tho NlcaflKoe Camp Flro Girls. Tho
special sconory Is in placo and tho
cast all roarty to give you an ovonlng
of wholesomo laughtor and uniluKlng
IntoroBt. You can't afford to mis It.
Tlckots only COc and 35c. Franklin
auditorium. Friday evening. April 9lh.
T ::o::
lHg Kuril for Ken!.
Barn with accommodations for ton
head of horson and 2fi tons of hay or 00
or 75 tons of liny without tho horses.
WoiV.lmr t'M Insurance Agon- ijooaicu on easr .mhui sireer, Known
M-a'as tho Morons n Inrn. Inquire, of
Attention jolliers.
A Saturday special, April 10th, one
day only, a real sjilt for tho boy
Best Ever Suits, with doublo seat, el
,'iows and knees. Ages 5 to 18 years.
Twenty per cent discount. Saturday
only. HARRY SAMUELSON, Outilttor
to Good Dressers.
Light Vote Cast.
Tho vote cast at tho city, election
TueBday was very light, less than
twonty-flvo per cont of tho combined
voting strongth of men and women.
In tho First ward It. L. Cantlin re
ceived a plurality of twenty over J. W.
Sinallwood, whllo tho lattor roceivod
four more votes than 'did W. W. dim
ming. In tho second ward Elinor
Coats defeated J. I. Smith, in tho
Third ward F. J. Dionor won over
Ralph Hansen, Sanforrt Hartman,
candidate In tho Third ward to All a
vacancy had no opposition, neither
did Charloy Llenlngor In tho Fourth
ward. Ed Dickey and E. R. Goodman
wero elected momborH of tho school
board without opposition.
-i ::o::
TELL tho TRUTH, said Grover
Cleveland. The people oloctort him
President twice, and rebukod lila tra-
durerw. We do business on tho square
I W bin-' Phono 1001 W
Gr orgo McKmi V
nli pi it
or phone
N1 tf
Farm for Sale.
l-our miles west and north or North
Platto, on Lincoln Highwny and un
der irrigation.
I am offering for sale tho wost 120,,
acres of the south half of Section 24,
Twp. 14, Rnngo 31; sixty acres of first
class beet and alfalfa land, most of thu
balanco to wild hay. Largo barn and.
beet shack for boot workors. Am
building snialT houso by barn. Forty
acres under croppor's contract to bo
cropped to beets, ono-slxth dolivnrofi
at dump at .North Platto. Alfalfa and
hay delivered on track at North Piatt
nt ono-half crop. If sold by May 15th.
contract to go to buyer..
Included In this sale will bo ono
team of muros, harness, tools, wagons'
and 12 tons of hay and alfalfa in barn,
and ono full blood registered Porcher
on stallion apd 17 head of youii
mares and colts, and ono Ford car, all
go at $25,000; 5.000 to bo paid when
sale Is made nnd $5,000 the 1st of Janu
ary, 1921, tho balanco can lay on th
placo at 7 per cent Interest for 4 or
5 years.
;G0 Acres of pasture land with run
ning water and good grass adjoining;
will rout for tho Hoason at $3.75 par
Inquire at 021 wost Second street,
or Platte Valley Stato Bank.
20-1 W. J. THOMAS;
For Salu.
Span of big mulos, weight 2G00, 7."
and 9 years old; nlso ono mulw
woight 1000. Addross R. L. Doug
las, North Platto. or phono 792F01.
: :o: :
Hereford Hulls for Sale.
Twenty head of registered Ileroforu
Bulls for salo. S. J. Koch. Ilorshoy,
Nob . j3.
t ::o:: ,
Far Sale, Lease or Trmlc.
ujie section or pnsture land, tou
miles south of Maxwell. Well foncoI.
plenty of water and lots of Bhad.
II. &. II. Kerr.
Try tho Hoxall llrst, It pays. 14 tf
Registered Suffolk SlaUloii
for salo or trade. Weight 1G50, six
years old Inquire cr Mbert A. Glnapr
Prad; ion
1 ' fM