The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 09, 1920, Image 6

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ays Uniy
JFor real
B mmxananmananpcnsBU HHBsawarane
Free Alterations!
or ihree L
aturday, Monday
I mmtitnmawtmMKEsnu wmasrBsfmBnxmatmn nwaaMLUMjaBUwauaa
OfIteor th MePwtaM
.".' , " '
ci youK lo,wu ihower: hrp)(l at
YfcrtQie&Ve'B, bl&ckstftltft" , 2?-
i!l?Hewia'. cnst end C Btreefc&s&'te.
&Vnn Nnttor snont tlio oar ly.f wart
eC&tuq week In Denvor transact!
Potatoes and dahlia bulbs
Phono 1207 J.
Mrs. F. N. Buchanan and brol
C. Todd lott tho early part of tlio week
for a visit In Iowa.
Good kindling $1.00 by wngoulond,
freo dollvery. Phono 407 1
Mr. and Mrs. John Burko returned
Wednesday from California whore they
spent several months.
Farm, Hall, Autmobllo Insurance
Woodhurst's Lm AKoncy. 2-1-3
County Commissioner Hormlng-
hauson returnod Tuosday from a bus
iness trip to Missouri.
For Salo. Vulcanizing machlno and
tools, price $300. It. A. Arnold, 520
south Pino, Phono 730J.
Do you need rugs? Tho Episcopal
Guild will huvo a largo assortment
for salo, Thursday, April 22nd. tf
Morrlt and uprightness In all things.
"Wo keep thoso kind of Companies.
Mrs. Ed. Park, of Chicago, arrived
Wednesday morning for a visit with
her stator Mrs. P. 11. Dakcr.
Foi ?alo Registered Iloroford
Bulls, xl, P. Hansen, North Platto,
Neb. 10tf
C. C. Pargeon loft yesterday for
Lovlngton, 111., to visit a brother and
may decide to locato In that state.
Wanted Job spading gardens, GCc
an hour. Phono tho Hlnman lodging
house. 2G-2
Members of the Tuosday Evening
Brldgo Club were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Horton Mungor Wednesday ovon
Ing. Old Trusty and Queen Incubators
and Brooders at Factory Prices.
J. N. Bakor will soon bogln tho erec
tion of a homo on tho corner lot on
west Sixth atrcot formerly owned by
Saml, Goozoo.
Let us put an Edison In your homo
on trial. Call us ovor tho phono.
DIXON'S Music Shop.
Mrs. J. A. Frazlor Is at Momonco,
111., tnldng caro of hor grandmothor,
Mrs. Marovlsh, and may spond tho
summer thoro.
Indies and gontlomen you can all
voto for Chaa. Llork, Jr., In tho pri
mary oloctlon April 20th for tho office
of County Commlsalonor. 2G-1
Clinton A am. CirAiaiu 'rtitfe(ii
tieo tbm tor airrice. ', .;-'ftfj
By a ye4(w ot 3 i-6 fW, CkthwUmM
defeated Indus' kill; iM kfi&cfced
J'out & propoeW jnunfcfpJUliulfdl -by
colonies of boos fehtl aut)bUfe8i , J''Li
irfistinga, 210 'FUIow, North Vitcm
Nob; 'Vsgsg
Mm & 8. Gjlnefi' flMbmlUwlitipS
rlous operaMoa at , Uia'OstpHhjcl
hmm jWedftemky'' arid Mufng!
ftl,Qng8Ufactc-rlIyi 'wjriy'
Mrf' ' 1 4 tf
V4imiiBlt friends and attend a
lMitHufjSl by the sorority of
WaltcSSuy- From one to ilfty
colonlSSfofjhonoy bees, and supplies.
'jr"S." ifaMlngs, 310 Willow, North
Dress val
ues sec
our South
unwo teummmmeisaa utonBB&mnmmxDamm atrBuuimaaaxsautxtan
North Platte and Columbus, Neb.
Any Gar
ment pur
chased here is
Free of
The Greatest Dress Offer of The Season!
Perry Carson, who purchased the
vacant Vosclpka lot In tho south part
of town contemplates erecting a mod
ern homo this summer.
Lost String of La Tusca Pearls
Sunday afternoon' botweon 203 W. 2nd
and dopot. Finder lcavo at Clinton's
Jowolry Storo for reward. 25-2
John K. Nelson has boon In Sterling
for a fow days looking after business
connected with tlio department store
in which ho In interested.
For Salo FoVdson Tractor, good
ahapo. Inqulro of Harvey, Tllllon on
tho L E. Jones farm. . 24-5
Mrs. Geo. 11. Dent returned Wednes
day, from Omaha where oho spout ton
days with Majory Llddoll who is tak
ing treatment in that city.
SecrotaryMoran, of tho Chambor of
Commerce, spont Wednesday ovoning
in Ogalalla and mado an address bo
foro tho Keith county community club.
Tho Klhelocheo Camp Flro Girls mot
at tho home of their guardian Mrs. C.
F, Koch Tuosday. evening and decided
to lncroaao tho membership of tho
Lost you forgot tho Episcopal
ladles will hold a bazaar and luncheon
In tho church basoiriont April 22d.
Fancy articles, aprons and ruga will
bo on sale.
Miss Zolla Waaloy, a student nt tho
Grand Island business college, return
od to that Institution Monday after
having spont tho Easter vacation In
D; Morrill, Dentist, offlco ovor
Wilcox Department Storo.
Mrs. Mao Grlddr loft Wednesday
night for her homo in Kansas City af
ter a two months visit with hor sister
Mrs. G. It. Scott and hor mothor Mrs.
N. M. Nlsloy,
Soo us for wall paper, Tho Roxall
Storo. 14tf
Guy Pitts haB been a visitor In town
for a fow days. Ho has leaBod his
farm near Collins and has moved to
Arthur whoro ho Is ongaged In the
roal cstato business.
For Salo Young Porchoron maro,
broko, sound, wolght 1700. Thos. E,
Doollttlo. 25-4
111 addition to our own new stock ol Spring Dresses
fwe have just received a large - shipment of brand 'new
spring dresses from our New York Resident Buyer who
bought these Dresses for us at a great concession in nrice
from one of New Y3rkcs Foremost Dress manufacturers.
The Dresses are up to the minute in style. The materials
arc Taffeta, Georgette, Satin Foulard, Tricolette, Flowered
Ceorgette and Crepe de chine. No two dresses alike, val
ues up to $65.00 on sale now while they last.
No Charges.
No Approvals.
Every Sak Final.
Ladies Outfitting Store. '
No Charges.
No Approvals.
Every Sale Final.
Llconso to wed was Issued Wednes
day to Richard 1J. Putiuan, of Neosho,
Mo., and Goldlo Woodgato, of this city,
and to Oran Ilatley nnd Mabel Roicli-
ninu both of Paxton.
Wanted Washings, called for nnd
dollvored. Pox 2S5. 25-3
Tlio prohibition of Sunday amuse
ments, which included picture shows
and ball games, was defeated In Grand
Island Tuesday by a voto 2,013 for
amusements and 8G3 against.
Ladles and gentlemen you can all
voto for Chas. Llork, Jr., In tho pri
mary election April 20th for the office
of County Commissioner. 25-4
Tlio next tlmo you havo your glassoa
fitted ask for Toric lenses, they are
considered far moro perfect than the
Hat lensos. Wo uso them vory exten
sively. Dixon Sz Son.
Tlio village board of Sutherland has
declared war on the shufflers of cards
and tho shooters of bones. Every
effort will bo made to stop gambling in
that othorwlso model little town.
For Rent llarn for horso or hay or
combined, located near corner of No.
Organized and fully equipped for tho build
ing and selling of homes.
Buying and soiling of rosidenco lots. We
build what you wantYou pay like ront.
Office Ituom'U, llroilbcclt IHclg-
C. F. TEMPLE, President
Pupils Recital.
The pupils of Miss Florenco Maclvay
will pive a recital at tho Presbyterian
church next Tuesday evening at eight
o'clock to which friends of tho pupils
and tho public aro invited. Assisting
tho pupils will bo Miss Adelo Lo
Dioy.i n readings, Miss Emma Bogue
pianist and Mr. Harrington and Mr
Ellsworth In vocal solos. Pupils ap
pearing on the program are Ted Wein
gand, Lena Mary Stono, Lois Hart
Dorothy Cummings, Alice Edwards,
Dorothy Shuman, Lois Johnson, Man-,
rlno Yates, Margaret Edwards, Elma
May Crane and Petty Turplo. No ad
iul8ion wilt bo charged but a silver
collection will bo taken.
Duo to tho over increasing demand
for Tho Skinner Auto polish which
we manufacture we And wo havo
more than wo can do and must dispose
of cue business.
Our dry-cleaning business is a line
opportunity for a couple of Ilvo ener
getic young men nnd at our price is
an exceptional offer for so well an
established a buslnes;. Wo have a
Locust and East Ninth streets. Call .large buslneis with all tho noighbor-
7G0F21 for Information or address
Goo. McKaln, North Platto tf
Mrs. E. A. Garllchs, formerly of this
city, who hna boon making her homo at
West Plains. Mo., leaves tho latter
placo today for Stanton, Nob., whoro
sho will probably mnko hor homo.
I havo openod a second hand stor
at 310 oast Front streot and buy nnd
sell all kinds of second hand goods
and clothing. Como and see mo If you
want to buy or sell. S. E. GOLTRY.
Tho stork visited tho homo of Mr.
and Mrs. Ernost Casey Tuosday morn
ing and depslted a son, and tho follow
ing morning called at tho Clarence
Vromnn homo and loft a nlno pound
NIco largo homo grown elm troos for
salo. Mrs. R. Owens, 215 east Twolfth.
Phono Rod 058. 22-8.
Mrs. Claronco Day, who had boon
visiting hor paionts for sovoral woeks
loft yostorday morning for her liomq
In Shrovoport, La., Enrouto sho lu
tondod to stop at Lincoln to attend a
sorority banquot.
For Salo Rhode Island Sotting
Eggs. $1.00 for 15 oggs, and $0.00 a
hundred. Inqulro Mrs. Frod Nelson
Two mlloB woet of town. 24-tf
St. Patrick's Council, Knights of
Columbus will havo another class In
itiation next Sunday. The Initiatory
ceremonies nt tho K. C. hall will be
followed with a banquet In the even
lug at thA Vreonl" hall.
Wall rd plnt t the R xill
Great Pipe-Orgnn Itocltnl.
I'hc choir of the Lutheran Church
have made arrangements with Dr
Clarence Eddy of Chicago, one of
America's foremost organ rccitallsts
to give an organ recital on their now
ripe-organ, Monday evening, April
19th at 8:15 o'clock.
Tho name of Clarence Eddy is known
tbruout the musical world. He i3 rec
ognized by the best authorities as one
of tho world's greatest organists, and
his reputation extends from coast to
coast. Ho has given concerts at tho
Paris Exposition, in Saint Cecilia
Academy, Rome, in Germany, Austria,
Switzerland and Holland, besides hav
ing been organist at the following
American Expositions: Chicago, Buf
falo. St. Louis, Jamestown and San
Francisco. Ho is also a publisher of
somo note of organ collections.
His program will bo a mixture of
classical, modern and historical organ
pieces, anil will consist of ten selections.
The organ Is being tuned for the oc
casion, and everything done to make
this a real musical treat. Tickets may
bo procured from any member of tho
choir, or at Tramp's Shoe Storo. Ad
mission will bo one dollar. Proceeds
will go Into tho choir fund.
Attention Mothers.
A Saturday special, April 10th, one
day only, a real suit for tho boy
Best Ever Suits, with doublo seat, ol
bows and knees. Ages 5 to 18 years.
Twenty per cent discount. Saturday
only,. HARRY SAMUELSON, Outfitter
to Good Dressers.
Xorlh Pint to Students Recognized.
Miss Hazel Barber, of this city, who
is attending tho Univorslty, of Nebras
ka college of ogriculturo Is a member
of tho publicity committco for the
"Fnrmors' Fair" to bo hold April 21th.
Paul Ottenstein, nlso of North Platto
and a mombor of tho samo college, Is
chairman of tho parade committee.
At this tlmo a display of work done
In tho various departments of tho col
lego will bo nindo In tho buildings on
tho farm campus; and a parado with
roprosontntlvo iloats will go to Lin
coln. Tho students aro planning to
mnko this big day, day of the collogo
yoar, combining work with piny.' The
fair has boon an annual colobratlon In
tho collogo but owing to the war It has
not been hold slnco 1010.
Whlch way will tho business section
of North Platto grow south, oast or
wost? That's a question In which quite
a fow people aro Interested. The
Tribune editor expects to livo lonp
enough to seo Fifth street tho mail
street of the own. tho business house
t.n pril DOtb for in office ' iMcn'm'T c-t cf Drv c onri -c t c
ing towns, wo have all tho latest
mnchlnory and aro equipped to use
olther city gas or coal to supply our
A'o havo one of tho largest and
most complete gleaning plants In
Western Nebraska; will teach the buy
er tho business to his own satisfaction.
Come In and t-co us. 510 Locust St.,
North Platte, Nebr., First door north
of tho Post Olfico.
Pine Homo Bargain
Eight room residence located In
North Platte's choicest residence sec
tion between Willow und Ash streets
on West llrd St. Modern except heat.
Heating plant can bo put In nt reason
able cost. Lot Gtixl.'l?. Nice lawn and
shade trees. House Is In first class
condition. A bargain nt $0,500.00.
Shown by appointment only.
THi: H. & S. AGENCY,
Exclusive Agents.
' Elks. who fail to attend tho flftoonth
annlvorsary of tho Institution of tho
I idgo next Mrmlay ovoning will miss
a big time. There will bo installation
of offlcors, Initiatory caromonlos,, a
big feed ami some athletic stunts Hint
will tntorost cveryuody.
Come In and lot us show you ono
of our new spring lmll pollolo Mrs.
Kolso In chargo at Woodhurst's Ins.
Agoncy. 24-3
Ladle and gentlimon you can all
voto for Clns Ltcrk Jr in the pri-
irnn i
We have made arrangements vh
Thomas A. Edison's LaboratorU,
Orange, N. J., whereby wo are ini
position to employ a bright young ma
and pay him a liberal rate, morel
for demonstrating the 'New Edison
"The Phonograph with a Soul." It it
possible for an active young man i
earn as high as $25 per week on dem
onstration work alone. In addition
to this we pay a liberal commission
on any sales that ho makes and bests
of all, wo endeavor to teach him the''
fundamentals of salesmanship. :
If wo can find tho right young man, i
wo will put him at work, teach him all '
that wo can from our experience and '
also, wo will get tlio famous Edison i
Laboratories to give him their help
through invaluablo correspondence.
Tho Edison Laboratories havo men
who aro experienced in teaching sales
monship,, and the benefit of this ex
perience will be gladly extended to
tlio young man we- employ.
On top of all this, if wo can get the
right young man, we will endeavor to
arrnngo to send him to ono of the' Edi
son District Sales Conferences, whoro
bo will learn a great deal from contact
with tho most successful men In the
Edison business.
Salesmanship Is tho best paid pro
fession In tho world. Hero Is a chnnco
to learn, under able tutolago, the prin
ciples of high grade salesmanship and
to earn a good salary whllo you aro
learning It. If you can mako good as
a salesman, thoro is practically no
limit to tho airiount that you can earn.
Wo want an ambitious young man
who is willing to learn and who will
not loaf on tho Job. Wo boliovo this
is a splondid opportunity, for the right
Apply first by letter, for tho purpose
of making an nppolntment. Don't call
until you hoar from us.
Jeweler. 2G-2
Dr. II. C. Brock. Dentist. X-Ray
Diagnosis. Reynolds Bldg. Phone 148
Up to two weeks ngo it looked r.;
though not many residences would 1
built in town this year, but as tl
building season opons tho prospect
grow brighter and contractors say th-'
It now looks aa though they will ha
a busy yoar. Pooplo must havo home
notwithstanding tlio high price t.
building material.
Whru do you think of thoso adver
I inr nlidra The Stjlr Shop ti nu
io t tlc I HH-vr tl -re