NORTH PLATTE SEMT-WEETCLY TRIBUNE. i r HAS NO PAIN NOW What Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound Did for Mrs. Warner. Onnlaska. Wis. "Evervmonthlhnrl wich pains in my back and lower part of lsiomacn i could not lie in bed. I suf fered bo it seemed as though I would die, and I was not rcjjular either. I suffered for a year and was unfit to do my housework, could only wash d is ho 8 onco in a y while. I read an 5,1 . . naverusemcnt 01 what Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound had dono for other women and decided to try it. It surely did wonders for me. I havo no pains now and I can do my house work without any trouble at all. I will always praise your medicine oa I do not believe there is a doctor that can do as much good in female weakness, and you may uso these facts as a testi monial." Mrs. Lester E. Warner, R. 1, Box 69, Onnlaska, Wis. The reason women write such letters to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. and tell their friends how they are helped is that Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound has brought health ana happiness into their lives. Freed from their illness they want to pass the good news along to other suffering women that they also may be relieved. No More Constipation or Blotchy Skin Want a clear, healthy complexion. regular bowels, and a perfect working liver? A . mm,. . mm i?L" mP CARTER'S IITTLE Little Llvct PlUs.thesufe safe and cab acting reii- PILLS dy. For leadache, dizziness. upset stomach ad despondency, they have no equal. Purely vegetable. Small Plllj-Small Dose Small Price JDR. CARTER'S IRON PILLS, Nature's oreat nepe and blood tonic for Anemia, Iheumatlsm, Nervousness, Sleeplessness and Female Weakness. Otialoe nai atirilQQiliro y!canff?vC No Rest. " she said, "If you should me I shnll certainly try to "Dnrll die befo talk to y. u." "Gosh he said, "aren't you even going to lve ino a minute's rust after death?" $100 Reward, $100 Cntarn Is a local disease greatly Influ enced y constitutional conditions. It therefos requires constitutional treat ment. IlALIVS CATAKHH MEDICINE ts take) Internally and nets through tho Blood i the Mucous Surfaces of the Sys tem. ALL.'S CATARRH MEDICINE destroj the foundation of tho disease, gives lie patient strength by Improving the gdcral health and assists nature In flolnglts work. $100.00 for any case of Catar that HAL.IV8 CATARRH aiEDIINa falls to cure. Druklsts 75c. Testimonials free. F. J Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. A Boy's Idea, Tlf small boy's Idea of hell seems to Wan empty wood-or-eoal-box when It Iftlme to go skating. Leavenworth Po: Wain Cutlcura Improve Your Skin, Onrlslng and retiring gently smear the face with Cutlcurn Ointment Will off Ointment In flvo minutes wn Cutlcurn Soap and hot water. It Isl'onderful sometimes what Cutlcura wl do for poor complexions, dandruff. Ufilng and red rough hands. Adv. Nothing to I'.. f 'While there's life, there's hope." J"I get you. Don't be a dead one," ist. Louis Globe-Democrat. The lack of ( lehi's Is almost as had tho abuse of them. FIND THE CAUSE! It isn't right to drag along feeling miserable half Kick. Find out what is making you fori mi badly and try to correct it. l'erhnps your kidneys are ciuieiiiK that throbbing backache or tliiwo nharp, htabbing pains. You may have tnoriuiiK lameness, too. head aches, dizzy spells and irrcguliir kid ney action. I'oo Doan's Kidney Pills. They have helped thmiMtuls of ailing folks. Ask your neighbor! A Nebraska Caso Mrs. Earl Curtis, KV K St.. N. Au burn. Neb., says: "I had puffy sacs bo neath my eyes and nurtured from norv oim heailaches, backaches, In fact, my whole body was In pain. I unM dif ferent medicines but kept on getting worm instead of hotter. KUially I began using Douii'h Wlilnoy ruin unii wan entirely UUrPd ' 01 Dn' at Any Stoi. COc a Dos DOAN'S "ifX? rtWTKH.MIUlUUN CO., HUI-YAt.O, N. V, wmLmm A Bad Cough . If IU1, tni Ud( tt( Miteut UvmtiW. 6fkui.( y( lillli, iUr ymir itlttivt mmIIi ytmi tlllUiM.1 Out by Ukitia PI SO S TRUCKS USEFUL FOR FARM WORK Fifty Thousand Farmers Now Own Motor Vehicles. CENSUS NOT YET COMPLETE Pleasure Cars and Trailers Not Taken Into Account by Reporters New York Stato Is In Lead With 3,171 Machines. (Prepared by tho United States Depart ment of Agriculture) At least HO.OOO farmers In tho Unit ed States own moto? trucks which they use on their farms. This Is shown hy n preliminary survey of the ownership and use of motor trucks hy farmers undertaken by the olllco of fnrm management and the bureau of crop estimates. Tho data secured by this Inquiry nnswer many questions which have been asked" repeatedly In recent years regarding tho extent to which motor vehicles nre used for farm hauling. How Figures Were Secured., The figures on which totals for tho nntlon and the several states nre based were secured from approximately 215, 000 selected crop reporters of the bureau of crop estimates. These co operators were asked to report the nnnip.s and addresses of farmers they knew who own motor trucks for farm use. Pleasure cars and trailers for use with pleasure cars were excluded, and the reporters were asked not to take account of trucks which nre used primarily for general custom hauling, or on regularly established routes. This survey can scarcely be con sidered a complete census, for It Is probable that In some localities the crop reporters were not acquainted with all the truck owners, but It Is certain that a very lnrge per cent havo been listed. It Is believed that In no stnto were less than 75 per cent of the trucks reported. If not complete In every respect, the figures show the relative distribution very satisfactorily. How Truck Are Divided. The exact number of motor trucks reported Is 10,1!).", divided among the states as follows: Alabama. 847; Arizona, 93; Arkansas, 721; California, 1,019; Colorado, 80-1; Connecticut, 1157; Delaware, 100; Floridn, .ISO; Georgia, 1,808; Idaho, 1520; Illinois, 2,201; In diana, 1,5 18 ; Iown, 2,7715; Kansas, 1, 732; Kentucky, 818; Louisiana, 310; Dairyman Carrying Milk on Good Road in New York. Maine, 435; Maryland, 500; Massachu setts, 001; Michigan, 1,030; Minnesota, 1,255; Mississippi, 957; Missouri, 2, 005; Montana, 359; Nebraska, 2,739; Nevada, 41; New Hampshire, 283; New Jersey. 802; New Mexico, 104; New York. 3,171; North Carolina, 1, 150; North Dakota, 501; Ohio, 2,201; Oklahoma, 723; Oregon, 309; Pennsyl vania, 2,700; Rhode Island, 152; South Carolina, 1,190; South Dakota, 1.70S; Tennessee, 978; Texas, 1,008; Utah, 173; Vermont, 282; Virginia, 1,- 128; Washington, 0S2; West Virginia, 405; Wisconsin, 1,405; Wyoming, 174 SPINACH IS FINE VEGETABLE It Is Very Luscious, Tender, Succulent and Appetizing Has Me. diclnal Value. Not every gardener recognizes the value of spinach no a vegetable. It Is i very luscious vegetable, tender, suc culent anil appetizing, and it also has a medicinal value, It is said. It Is n very important food for the brain, it Is believed. TUBERS RESISANT TO WART Malady That Threatens From Penn ' sylvar'i Is Particular as to Varieties Attacked. Ttu deadly potato disease wart that threatens our doors from Pennsylvania N fortunately particular as to the varieties It attacks. The Irish Cobbler and (ireen Mountain, for example, are very resistant to wart. HAVE VEGETABLES ALL YEAR In Making Selection of Seeds for Fam. Ily Garden Plan to Have Well Assorted Variety. If a little care bo given In making the selection of vegetable Hint nre to be plumed the garden will produce a variety of vegetables, from early spring until late In tint fall. 4? frt.wd CLOVER IS THE KEY CROP IN ROTATIONS Specialists Are Concerned Ovci Decline in Its Use. Less Planting of Crop Has Injurious!) Affected Productiveness of Soil Possible to Find Substi tute Crop. (Propared by tho United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) From tho Atlantic to Iown and from Tennessee to Canada clover Is the key crop In rotations, but there Is 8 gradual though steady decline In the culture of red clover In this area Specialists In the bureau of plant in dtiHtry, are seriously concerned ovct this decline and urge all farmers tc get hack to clover. .. Less planting of clover has Injuri ously affected tho productiveness ol the region and Is likely to affect II still nioro Injuriously If something It not dono either to Increase tho acre- Raking Crimson Clover Hay In Del aware. nge of clover or to find n substitute "Whether u farmer adopts a three four, or live-year rotation," the spe clalists declare, "ho Is sure to find that his yields will decline If he does not have clover somewhere In tho ro tation. Theoretically, of course, It it possible to substitute another legumi nous crop for clover, but prnctlcallj clover fits so well into the agricultural practices of this section that It is tin only leguminous crop having any large degree of inlluence upon keeping ui the productivity of the soli." CONSUMER MUST BE PLEASED Produce Should Be Packed So That II Will Reach Destination In Good Condition. The producer dealing directly with consumer must not forget that out shipment of poor produce causes more dissatisfaction than can be overcome with several shipments of hlgli-qualltj produce, say market experts of the United Stntes department of agricul ture. Consumers often Judge the quality of produce by appearance. Farmers should pack produce so thai when It has been transported It will arrive In good condition and present a good appearance. Containers should bo suited to the produce shipped and should be durable, strong and reason able in price. Much dissatisfaction has resulted from the use of unsuitable- containers. REMEDY FOR INFERTILE EGGS Substitution of Another Malo Will Often Relieve Trouble Make a Change of Some Kind. If you find that tho eggs from a certain ynrded pen are largely Infer tile something should bo done to change the condition of things. Very often putting In another male for a time will relieve It, while you feed up the removed male so that he may have greater vigor. Make a change ol some kind and see If it will do the work. PROFITS FROM APPLE TREES When Planted In Permanent Place Six to Eight Years They Should Begin to Bear. Reckoning tho age of a tree from the time when It Is plnnted In Its permanent place, apple trees should begin to bear, as a rule, when they have been planted six to eight years, according to the United States de partment of agriculture. MAKING PLANS FOR GARDEN Splendid Idea to Plant Permanent Crops on One Side Hand Work Is Disagreeable.. In planning the garden, It Is well to plant the permanent crops on one side. Everything should be grown In rows, so as to cultivate it with cultivators. It Is tho hand work that makes gar dening the disagreeable chore that so many dislike. VITALITY OF ALFALFA SEED Stored Under Ordinary Conditions It Will Retain Germinating Power Many Years. Kxperlments with good clenn alfalfa seed stored under ordinarily good con ditions Indicate that It will retain Its vitality for at least twenty-three years. Uvea under rather poor conditions, al falfa seed after 27 years was still able to germinate 40 per cent. 'TK-i. .Pr.v -.. " vqT QJL1W otmci rrnk LI afowcent3 FOWLS OPEN DOOR OF HO Tilting Platform Arranged SoATtw Hens May Libera to Themselvi by Stepping on It Tho following Is ono of the almtfct methods of enabling hens to opcnfEfiff henhouses door In tho morning, ther by relieving their owner of the neces sity of rising at daybreak to let them'. out. The door of the henhouso Is hinged at the top, so that It opens out ward, and tho lower edge catches agntnst the floor, so that It canuot swing lnwurd. Near the lower edgo on the outside n cord Is attached, which passes upward over two small pulleys hanging from a beam. Tho. other end of tho cord supports a tin can weighted with stones, so as to bo just heavy enough to pull tho door open and keep it so. On the lloor of tho henhouse, right In front of tho door, is a tilting platform, with a hook In tho front edge, which tits an eye screwed Into tho door. Tho door can therefore be locked at night by catch ing the hook In the eye, ami the pull of the cord against tho door on tho outside has the effect of making tho hook hold securely. When the own-, cr hns locked tho door In tho evening, after the hens havo gono to roost, .hjQ sprinkles a few grains of feed on tEei outward end of the tilting platfom which is now In a horizontal position,! and leaves tho henhouse by the lurM the following morning, the tlrst. which lumns unon tho nlatforra pick at the feed tilts tho plafeotwjj releasing the nook rrom the ey.ejtnu. tno wcignteu can on me ouisiuejpiujiH, Hens Unlock Poultry House Door by Stepping on Tilting Platform. the door open. A knot in the cord, made to catch In the pulley, will pre vent wrenching nt tho hinges. L. Ilussakof. Brooklyn. N. Y., In I'opu lur Mechanics Magazine. POULTRY IN PUREBRED CLASS Entry of Peafowls Received From South Dakota Farmer Also Turkeys, Ducks and Geese. Tho first peafowls have been en teral In the "Hotter Sires Hotter Stock" crusndo of tho agricultural colleges, the United States depart- i ment of agriculture, and co-operating agencies. The entry comes from Butte county, S, D., and tho owner Is ,T. L. Jones. He Is using purebred sires In breeding horses, cattle, swlno and poultry. Among his poultry ho records u peacock and two peahens, also a liberal number of turkeys, geese nnd ducks. The campaign ul rcudy Is giving valuable facts and fig ures regarding the classes of llvo stock most commonly kept together on farms. MAKE FRIENDS WITH FOWLS Hens Will Not Do Their Best When They Run at Approach of Attend antFeed From Hand. Make friends with your hens. Thoy will thrive better. You will like to cure for them better. Hons cannot be at their best when they always run at the approach of their attendant. Feed n little from your hand. You will get their confidence, and more of their eggs. ARRANGE TO PRESERVE EGGS Those Gathered In April and May May Be Put in Waterglass and Saved for Winter. Save eggs during April and May for winter use by preserving In water glass. Mix nine quarts of water, boiled and cooled, with one iniurt of water glass. Place the solution In a five-gallon Jar. Will preserve 15 dozen eggs. Store In cool place for winter use. COLONY HOUSES BENEFICIAL Poultryman Enabled to Place Growing Stock on Clean Ground Reducing Disease Dangers. Colony houses permit the poultry man to place his nrrnvlng ntock on clean ground each year and this re du'eos the danger of disease which If present when young stock Is raised on the same soil over which tho old hlrdi have been ranging for many years. LIFT OFF CORNS! Doesn't hurt at alt and costs only Iktt wick rw ; ; "For cooking hli uTc SWAHP-ROOT FJ WLffl AILMENTS , Him y - riliW'J- kly mmt imc!m tint mJlr imm4s m ' Wflwiant m s, mtdMne for hif bt, fortta woft ibut ii ht vwen . to be it HM Mnawdy Mdd' in tlioand ; .ujKn tMMMni v of ditreinc oai Hwnwi;?t(t , ?k frlewd? quickly b 5'ft!'K lwnd unndiiit 'tffect ! -on ' StItjgtwAt-4 one. SoM all drus storttMlM, of trd .rimm, .wdl- urn andktKlS0&--.'4 '' IloweveriSiijwkjIwt mk tVk great prcparattat iMM'i tft v MMT' to Dr Kilmer & Co.; BiB(thtt6e,3ir X, ample bottle. When writing m sure )m4 mention this paper, Adv. r ' , When a woman Is lncltowltf'bft dlsagreenhlo she Is sure .to IkWlco food.' flWftt. flnntonta 15Fluid Draoli va PER OBNT. Q J it: similatintheFoodbyRciiuUi-a Cheerfulness anuivvswuw"---- ncmieTOnlam,Morphmcnorj I Mineral. NotMotIC J Anna bduUiSttil ll'unn St JiSifinrirfMJtnr mwfrb AhcltifutRcmcdyfor ! GonstiiTXnnnaDlarrhoea 1 ' nnri Pcvrrlshness and I oss or Sleep rcsutUni thcrcfromjnlnfanty- Oh, What's the Use? "More money? Why, only yesterday I gave you $20," "Yes, dear, but I spent that on a new hat." "Hut I gave It to you to buy food. You can't feed yourself on a new hat." "I can feed part of myself with It." "What do you mean?" "I can feast my eyes on It." Thero Is not much uso lu Btartlng on the right road unless you keep on moving. Kongoland breeds a native Bheep which Is without wool. IIRM i Night Morn in j eeoVbur EVes Clean -Clear Healthy h5x .la. . v mm BMW I llll II IBIIIIIII'M II'IIIWIHII -CASTDRI4 mm vim IIwWSWl IN Si Ml ! Exact Copy of Wrapper. thk ccntaur coMPAnr, ncwtokk city. III MM COLDS breed and' Spread INFLUENZA KILL THE COLD AT ONCE WITH ll ILL'S CASCAEALOUININI , m mm lorra mi Money barj geauin f PARKER'S IfAlR BALSAM KMWM C6lar mad rto(yu4 TimWiiHU? bu4$LMat Arnsvrt, Cfcwa; tfc.-rCr'i,K.T, MiFiMkHiHktrl nlNDEnOOIiNl ihiMM owm-. top mm l-feM. nnm , cxwfon Culicura Soap the Hands hmf j&, Ointment 25 imd 50c, Tlcnm 25c. Wi r4. V., OMAHA, NO. 14-1920. For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears Signati In Use or Over irty Years Nebraska Directory Creamery and Cream Station Supplies Milk Dottles and Dairy Suppliej; Bzz Cases and Chicken Coons KENNEDY & PARSONS CO. '1309 Jones Sf. lOrtt 17 Jtl. m mtrxi m mt Ul OMAHA SIOUX C1TV THE SOLAR SANITARIUM Uasonlo Temple Dldir. 19th in j Uouilit St., Omtht Solar Baths FOR llli RHEUMATISM -?a Write rorbooklrt. COLORADO LAND FOR SALE BURLINGTON DISTRICT, 160 acres un improved; good farming or investment. $35 per acre, $1,500 cash. Balance easy terms. Address, FRANK GASS. Owner, 4005 North 25th Street, Omaha, Nebraska TORIA w i n u 5 . the l