The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 09, 1920, Image 4

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Has Been Spread Over Barren Lnnda
In Hawaii Without Any Effort
of Artificial Planting.
V k . '
JPl'i? inw'mllo trot .or.uliwrobavVns
orjjjnih.U.v Introduced into lluwnll by
FiltlfUr IWCliolot, anil nlnnft'il in' tin-,
CnhDllojiinlpsIon grounds. Honolulu, In
1828" Tho'rIglnnl tree iffjalffKl
. illninofcr of thre' fo't 'ihreo Itichfa
K nnd.ft height of 00 feel'butoro It Wns
topped In inCffi toimfk room for a
now city block'. ; -
Tho fllgarouiLlH the irtot valuublft,
tree In, llAvfrtIL ,Thu algalm fijr
J'J'dl ttO,$d Vrd t'xucllejit
woo1 flnVaJly. IhiujilUotr t $160,000
worth of ,lrOney uti'l unonttous l'"u'
tftyts qf burins vhio(iri8,n liH-iflua
bio fiJt'teiMng food for sti'k'ut a til",
vbn ffio( drysummer hftt' usTiuujftuTt
' II16 r&t '.simply. "
The nffenroba tivo- boln . 16, henr
pods VhonO years oljh and wllon thffo
popff' lire oaten -b.v stork 'tho'!fnnl!
liprjiy seeds nn not cr.uRhoff' lAit rflth
prepared for fpilfcU 'gerhilntUloiyby
' thuMctlon of the dljfofftliViUllds.- tfllo
-spread of the tree without, the. 'Xjien
Ve. effort of planting py nrtnjjhil
" methods over vast ureas of barren
' lands of Hawaii ,lifis, therefore, fifen
''diio almost solely to Bfbrkj.ifhd'hnH fn
" this ninnner becomeMvild forest tree.
The nlgnroba In Ilnw'all 'linH a very
shallow root system ..niVd.'fs1' subject
to windthrow In vrry heaW.ltorina.
;Va single colony, of cuvfir aire fnp
Vnbljj of constniclJpg,'ir 1niti 12 , feet
linkup ; quarter of " a- mile, long,
ii was lyccntiy nscayreu
the. center aV the dam, 10 foot hlgJi
rind' I0 ,fe(0broad the base,, ,tho
sleeping ripartme.nt Insldo tho house,
was1" excnptlonally -spuctouH vidr it
beaver hbnie, 'n'oInKMurfco, .enoushiwfqr!
a inn iijiiu iu iiu u)vii iiiu iuhiu.
TJlb floor fourtd fh lie Covered with
ti flrystibdtitnce and f,vvrisfjitf clenninfl
a whistle .LarKotqujntljtIcsvof fqotl
Wqto ,foun(l fltqrcd .fqr cylcj , weather
use; ,'tylno benvers; the pnrents .and
tljjltt clilhireu, weroifftund living com
ffirjably 'Jri ie."hoU(ie,jtho result of
hejrenff tigering ,
Explaining the" "Ring finger." '
Of all the men, both young and old,'
who plnco engagement rings on the
fingers of their brldos-toiQ,, It Is al
most an nbsolute certniiitytl'tt not.
one-tenth of them knows why iie' places
the- ring on tho ring linger of Jtho, left
hand. Of coure. the 'answer' could
bo: "I'jverybody'e doln' It." Tlio cus
tom of placing the ring upon the fourth
finger seems undoubtedly to owe Its
origin to the fancy that a special
nerve, or vein, ran directly from this
finger to the heart. Mitcrohlus, In his
Saturnalia, alludes to the belief In the
following words: "Because of this
nerve, tho newly betrothed places the
ring on this linger of his spouse, as
though It were it representation of the
heart." This Information, he asserts,
wns derived from an Hgyptlan priest.
People of Japan Loath to Embrace
Faith Introduced Into the
Country by Korea.
Buddhism was Introduced Into Japan
by Korea In the year 5152. It was first
embraced by the higher classes, partic
ularly In scholarly circles, but the
lower classes still clung to their old
faith of Shlntolsm. The doctrines of
Buddhism were written In tho Chinese
language and tho believers offered
their prayers In that tongue. '
At one time Buddhism made such
Btrldes as to become the state religion
In Japan, but the people still opposed
It with a determination of upholding
their own Shlntolsm, until the states
men and priests Invented ait Ingenious
way of explaining and Interpreting the
religious principles of Buddhism.
They adopted the theory of monothe
ism lis well as polytheism by saying
that there Is only one supreme power
which Is personified In the form of
various gods and goddesses, according
to tho different countrlus and different
The principles of Buddhism and
Shlntolsm were thus reconciled and,
In order to convince the popular mind
of this theory, Kmperor Shomu pa
tronized a movement to erect a large
bronze statuo of.Dalhutsu or Buddha
at Nara, tho statue being conmlotod
In tho year Tftt after I t years of cast
ing and construction.
New Orleans, La. Iteports of the
growing Wood strength In (ho South
were bornu out hero when twelve dele
gates, believed of Wood sentiment,
wore selected to represent Louisiana
at Jbe Republican natlonnl convention.
Leonard Wood has demonstrated his
courage on tho battlefield. That ImB
never been considered as an undesir
able uuullty in a president of tho
United States.
i.couurii uuu nan iiouiousirated nil
willingness and ability to cut through
army red tupe. That la why ho Is not
popular with tho old reactionary artuy
Leonard Wood Is a Htatesnmn am) la
so recognized throughout the world.
Ho Is classed with such great states
men as Roosovelt and Boot.
ijy. atfltgrtrnivArnrucn. n,a kcciuoi-u
nM 'tilnff'taVli'r creak. BnyHdlrt
conlitv!'' WIh. Tliebcnvor '.house at
. '' ..A .... ...
..o w..h ,uvo vofc aim o;ue'rmatlon to C. W. Morton, North
ung It wits n birthday, party gLveu n,i,Intu,i an,i roCelvo suitable reward,
hondr.of u child pf40il. Mopt of tljot,
attending the function U ere ahdUU orf Sr - --------
unfler Hint iro, but Iiino ,SunUjntid,'
Itnftpniii M.ihrtJ lwilli irfl.ti oil fiillv, 111.'.
w ...... ;-""...... -yv-r'
io ine sinrit or uie oiTaBign, i
Tho, tiny debutante of
hnd dlstrlbuk'd VMvf of tiinlT(btj('d ,
candy lozenges, so. doYtr lt XnifWillil
leii lieart', und" ;iiLfeiit rmM
spelled out the fjuaTiliiR
t the j;ublnR( tjentrmehts
Rlorlng ivdulolMlijj Wljfte
Vury. tbufniy,'a)a'tVnm pre-
entwl oife to rJfrTBjitudMR: "Will
you. b jny friend," utjd ifto selected
for a reply the nb:collTtVll
inoiil,'"!' flkd your, ct.mpuliy."
.Tlii'iparty vAiS brcaKlJiB
up, when
HortrribMcalno''heroH8Kino"ln n cur
tninctl niche. and boldTy nletornilned
to give" expression to thplomptlngs
of hlsjariltnLi'ncart bofotuuiey sepa
rated. '& ' J
"Mil y&fkfsrinor reM Ihb heart
slipped ennfectkm with wljlcli he pre
sntetf hur, aira!Rfllo flushodTind qulv
ered nnd JpaiiQil Ifc'r !v3lv'ety cheek
towards him, hcroyes sparkling bright.
Jusflthen her name was culled out and
'two girl friends, seeking her, Ibroke In
upon the' elusion of thej niche. Kf-
m, stnrtledj dnMback froTiiuho rapt,
engerly'expectant fado of hcryputhful
suitor mul advanced to itiaht llio oth
ers, She, JidyerJ dlrectetl 'a swift
glance Over hfc'r Shoulder alJram
Intensely cxpre.sslvo 6f dlnppoTntincnt.
Then, c6mlngvto n "nause beor lh
two gtrlsho p'ut bnc, cluspcdl.hnnd
bejiind her. t ? i '
2fhe dainty member 'described' -an,
unmlstftkalo .signal to lujFJuc'kless
swajn, Ik'ttrnuMvas kepn Voiconstruo;
. It. ' 1IC glided directly behlndlipra Uei'
lingers unpiogqn, revealing p, lojengii
evlilcnlly treasured fdr the'-Qcqaslori?
jSluQllppcd It - Into. JertranFa h'i
'nmrihon Avont awny " ,
...XS,. . Li "... 7 Ji... -r.l".
"iLioveyou, uireiyi, anu ucriram,
e yt ffilt; a . sudden surging ,6t 'de
lclouffniQtTon .within his" beng: that
il&yctFwIth "lllfh. fpidAy's, hnd after
that was aWincmorv. sweet. Innocent.
nbldlnrtr -years:
Bertrnig'sYather and mother moved
away frbm Uockton within a month
tindiio snw Kllle only once or twice
during that period, nnd then In the
company of others upon the street.
lit; fell lonesome and homesick amid
now scenes until ho became Interested
In ro8umedschool duties. It was two
years latu when ho graduated Into
a higher eilucatlomil phase. Tho Im
pulse came upon htm to write to his
little friend of old, proudly telling of
being awarded recognition as tho
youngest nnd most proficient qf his
class. The smoldering fire of his
early love was fanned Into vivid Hume,
when he received a pretty girlish note
In reply, full of little nothings, but
showing that Hlllo had not forgotten
It became u great pleasure to Ber
tram to thus begin a correspondence
that alleviated the tedium of the four
succeeding years. The mutual mis
sives never went beyond the bounds
of friendship, but It was a fond mem
ory for Bertram to picture the Idol,
of his boyhood dreams grown Into a
young lady, nnd when she sent him
her photograph he treasured a second
prized memento of bis only love ex
perience, the first being the lozenge,
so surreptitiously, but consolingly
passed to hint that memorable evening
In the long ago.
The day that Bertram Morris oh
tallied his diploma as a member of
the legal bar, thus equipped to meet
the uiaturo responsibilities of life, he
received u letter from Elbe glowing
with pride and pleasure over her own
graduation Mit the seminary at Uock
ton. She told of a pnrty that was to
be given In her honor. "And what do
you think?" she wrote vivaciously, "It
Is to be at the hoine of Kleanor Dwy
er, don't you remember, Bertram,
when wo last met and where we were
the same good friends that we are
now? Of course you can't come all
that way Just to sou me. but Klennor
Insists she shall send yon an Invita
tion, anyway."
Tho same arrived. A legacy from
an aunt hud given Bertram a favorable
Income, and there was no question of
sparing the money for the trip he at
once meditated. lie voted It ir favor
of fate that was reassuring, as at the
patty during tho evening lit' and Kllle
found themselves In the same retired
niche wjiere their early mutual liking
had found Its birth. Their eyes met
ln mutual comprehension of the situa
"Is It not strange?'' spoke Kflle. "It
was six years ago that you and I f
"Were boy and girl, In this sunm
spotT' added Bertram, leaning closer
towards her. "I wish to show you
something, Kllle," and from an lni"M
pocket, wrapped In a fragment of silk,
he drew forth nnd revealed tho "1
love you" lozenge he had preserved
through the years.
Kllle blushed untl fiuttered as he
caught he baud In his own. "I asked
you a question then," whispered Ber
tram. "Do you remember, dearest?'
he pressed. "I ask It again now."
"Tlu answer men is tne answer
now," whispered Kllle, her fair face
half averted because o) confession
and emotion.
Ami tne long ueterreii kiss was
given and taken, a sure pressgo of the
union of two loving hearts In thc'iieur
Ijtock For Salo
Fourteen work horsos and raulou,
threo now wagonn and four sets of
harnoBM, thirty head of pure bred
White Pace cattle, 100 hoad pure bred
Oaloway cows and helfors for sale
priTOtoly. Located two miles south
and two miles oast of Horshey.
ESTIIAYI5D March 2flth, two colts
one bay mare, other red mule with
lralter on head. 3 yecrs Old. Ssnd In-
(euernl Farm Sale a Specialty.
Kefrrrnces anil Dates at First Na
tional Bank, North Hutte, Neb.
100 Ilast Third St. Phone 012
Sale Dates.
I'. II. LLOYD, Al'ItIL I lib.
I. ('. OltVSSHAl'H, APRIL 20th.
The Reds Win.
Lady Ited Feather Is a Rhode Island
Red hen belonging to tho Peters Mill
ing Company, of Omaha, but placed in
tho egg laying contest at. tho State
Farm during February. Miss Red
Feather laid twenty-eight eggs, thus
smashing all long dlstanco egg lay
ing records so far. This Is proof pos
itive of tho value of tho Reds for egg
production. But this very Important
quality Is not the only ono possessed
by tho Rhode Island Rods. Thoy
cannot bo beat for beauty or tablo use
I havo eggs for salo from tho best
Rhode Island Red blood In Amorlca
Improve your stock nl small cost.
Rose Comb Reds only.
Gamble with Springer.
No. 1, 220 North Locust, Phone 203.
No, 2, 110 East B Street, Phone 49G.
No. , 021 East Fourth, Phono 071.
No. 1, 821 West Third, l'hono No. 7.1.
Notice of Petition.
Estate No. 1748 of Mary Hansen,
deceased In tho County Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska.
Tho Stato of Nebruska, To all per
sons Interested In said Estato take
notice that a petition has been filed
for tho probato of a certain Instrument
as tho Inst will nnd testament of Mary
Hansen nnd for tho appointment ot
TIllIo S. Blankonburg as executrix of
said estate, which has been set for
hearing on April 30, 1920, at 10 o'clock
a. ni.
Dated April 3. 1D20.
nli-23 County Jubge.
Notlco Is horoby given that sealed
bids will bo recoived nt tho office of
tho City Clerk of North Platte. Nob.,
up to 8 o'clock p. m. April 20th, 1920,
for tho construction of Sower Lateral
"05" In Blocks 2, 3, 8 and 9. South
Park Addition In said city, according
to plnns and specifications on filo in
tho office of the city clerk of said city.
Said bids to cover complete costruc
tlon of 10 Inch sowor 12S0 feet In
length, ono flush tank, one man hole
and one lamp holo complete. Certi
fied check for $50 payablo to tho city
treasurer of said city to accompany
tho bid. Said city reserves tho right
to reject any or all bids.
aO-2 O. K. ELDER, City Clerk.
Estato No. 1750 of Mary Norrls, Do-
coasod, In tho County Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska.
The Stato of Nebraska, to all per
sons Interested In said Estate: Tako
notlco that a petition has been filed
for tho probato of an Instrument pur
porting to lio tho last will and testa
ment of said deceased and tho ap
pointment of William Norrls as ex
ecutor of said estate, which has been
set for hearing herein on April 30th,
1920. at 9 o'clock a. in.
Dated April 2. 1920.
nfi-3 County Judgo.
Estato of Henry B. Plant, Deceased,
In tho County Court of Lincoln Coun
ty, Nebraska.
Tho State of Nobraska, to all por-
sons interested in said Estate: Toko
notlco that a potltion lias been filed
for tho probato of the last will and
testament of said deceased and ap
pointment of V. II. Halligan as ad
ministrator with tho will annexed, of
snld ostato, which has beon set for
hearing boroln on April 30, 1920 at 9
o'clock a. nt.
Dated April 5. 1920.
nG-3 County Judgo.
Estato No. 1751 ot David Jonos, Do
eeasod, In tho County Court of Lincoln
County, Nobraskn.
Tho Stato of Nebraska, to all per
sons Intorostod In said EsUite: Tako
notice, that a petition has boon filed
for tho appointment of Henrietta
Jones as administratrix of said ostato,
which has been sot for hearing hero
in on April 30Ui, 1920, nt 9 o'clock
a, m.
Dated April G. 1920.
n6-3 County Judgo.
..General Hospital..
One Hall Block Nortb ot i'ostoflicr.
I'hone 58
A modern institution for tho
cientlfic tratmint of medical,
surgical and confinement ennes
CornpIfly equipped X-ltay
and diagnostic luborntoriefi
Geo. B. Dent. M. D. Y. Lucas. M. D.
J. B. Redfield. M. D. J. S. SIMMS, M.D.
', 0, 7 Building & Loan Building.
Office Phono 70. Res. Phono 1242
Over lllrschfelil's
Offlco Phono 333 Res. Phone 1020
Practice Limited to
Surgery and Radium Thorapj
798 City National Bank Building.
Omaha, Nebraska
Phsylclan and Surgeon.
Special Attention Given to Surgerj
nnd Obstretrlcs.
Offlco: Building & Loan Building
Phones: Office 130, Residence 116
Special Attention Given to
McDonald Bank Building
Office Phono S:t Resldcnco .18
Office phone 241. Res. phone 217
L. C . DROS T.
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, Nebraska.
Knights of Columbus Building.
North Plutte, Ncbr.
For tho treatment of Medical, SurglcalJ
and Obstetrical Cases. A place
where tho sick are cared for so a3 to
bring about normal-conditions In the
cusiest, most natural and scientific
Phono 110. North Plntte, Neb.
Graduate Veterinarian
Ex-Government Veterinarian and ex-
assistant deputy Stato Veterinarian
Hospital S15 South Vine Street.
Hospltat Phone Black 633
House Phone Black 633
Embodies for the first time in motor
car building the scientific princple
Duplex Engineering.
Dailey Motor Car Co.
We carry a complete line of repair
We want these.
Big Price for Cast Iron.
Dry Bones $10 to $12 ton
Plumbing and Heating Contractor.
I am prepared to do all kinds of
plumbing and heating. All matorlnls
and work guaranteed. Estimntcs
cheerfully given.
Shop and Residence LtO.'t East lh St.
Phono Red 45S
Nutloe or Filial Itcport.
UaUte No. 1700 of Major A. Whlto,
(leneenaed la the County Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska.
The State of Nobraska, to all parsons
Interested in snld Ustnto tako notice
that the Administratrix has filed a final
account and report of her 'administra
tion nnd a petition for final settlement
and discharge as such, nnd prayer for
(innl decree and distribution of said
ostnto which have been Bot for hearing
bofore said court on April 16th, 19i0, nt
S o'clock p. m., when you mny appear
nnd contest tho snmo.
Dntod March 22nd, 1920.
M23-A10 County Judge
1)11. lllil) FIELD
Physician, OhstetrJctnn
; Surircon, X-Itar v
; Calls Promptly Ansucrcd Night or Dnj
! Phone Office CI2 Residence 070
Koonif l mjiI 2 Uelton Building
Nortb Platte, Nebraska,
Romigh Garage,
Phone SI I Day Call. Phone 1270 Com.
merclul Hotel Night Cn'l.
Taxi Service.
Estate No. 1737 of Georgo W.
Trembly, Deceased in the County
Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska.
Tho State of Nebraska, ss: Credi
tors of said estate will tako notice that
th6 time limited for presentation and
filing of claims against said estate is
July 30, 1920, and for settlement of
Bald ostato is March 2C, 1921; that I
will sit at tho county court room In
said county, on April 30, 1920, at 9
o'clock A. M. and on July 30, 1920, at
9 o'clock A. M., to recolvo, examine,
hear, allow, or adjust all claims and
objections duly filed.
M30-4 County Judge.
To Elsie S. Hoy, Harry A. Hoy,
Doris Hoy, his wife; Ruborta E. Von
Goetz nnd Victor Von Gootz, her husb
Gootz and Victor Von Gootz, her hus
band; Alta B. Eastman and Charles II.
Eastman her husband; William A.
Hoy; and Lorota I. Hoy a minor and
Elsie S Hoy. mother and natural
guardian of Lorota I. Hoy, a minor
and nil other persons Interested In the
estato of Frank P. Hoy, deceased.
You and each of you,, aro hereby
notified that thcro was filed on March
2Gth, 1920, in tho district Court in and
for Lincoln County, Nebraska, by A.
E. Jared, executor of tho estato of
Frank P. Hoy, deceased, a certain
petition, tho object and prayer of which
aro that an order bo issued by the
District Court of Lincoln County, Neb
raska, authorizing A. E. Jared, as
executor of tho estato of Frank P.
Hoy, deceased, to oxecuto bis certain
good and sufficient deed of conveyance
convoying to ono Lester H. Joy the
fee simple title to tho east half (E)
of tho North west quarter (NWJ4)
and the east half (E&) of the South
west quarter (SW'4) of section 19,
and tho east half (E) of tho south
west quarter (SW'A) and lots 3 and 4
all in section IS, all in Township 10
North of Rango 2G West of the 6th P.
M., Lincoln County.Nebraska, upon
tho payment to him by tho said Lester
II. Joy, of tho sum of $2860.00 with
interest thereon at tho rate of 5 per
cent from March 1st, 1920 being tho
balance due in accordance witli the
provisions nnd terms of a certain con
tract of salo executed by tho said
Frank P. Ho.y during his life time
and In accordance with tho prayer of
said petition, said matter has been set
for hearing by order of the District
Court, of Lincoln County. Nebraska,
for May 14, 1920, at the offlco of H. M.
Grimes. ludgo of tho District Court,
of Lincoln County, Nebraska, nt the
Court house in tho city of North Platte.
Lincoln County, Nebraska, at which
time, you and each of you. may appear
and show cause why the prayer of said
petition should not bo granted as
prayed .
Executor of tho estate of Frank
P. Hoy, deceased.
By Beoler, Crosby & Basklns.
His Attorneys. M30 M7
Estato No. 1748 of Mary Hanson, de
ceased In tho County Court of Lincoln
County, Nobraska.
The Stato of Nebraska: To all per
sons interested in said Estate, Tako
notlco that a petition lias beon filed
for the appointment of Wlllads Han
sen as administrator of said estato of
Mary Hansen, which has beon sot. for
berolng heroin on April 23, 1920, at 10
o'clock a . m .
WM. H. C.
County Judge.
Estato No. 1730 of Botty Wolnbarg,
Deceased, in tho County Courfof Lin
coln County, Nebruska.
The State of Nebraska, ss: Credi
tors of said estato will tako notice that
the tlino limited for tho presentation
nnd filing of claims against said estato
is July 30, 1920, and for settlement of
said ostato Is March 23, 1921; that I
will sit at tho county court room in
said county on April 30 1920, nt 9
o'clock a. ni., and on July 30, 1920, ijt
9 o'clock a. in., to recolvo, oxnmlno,
hoar, allow or adjust all claims and
objections duly filed.
m30-4 County Judgo.
I5y virtue of an execution Issued
from tho District Court of Lincoln
roun , NobrnKka, In favor of Anna
Iloldernoss, plaintiff, and against Wil
liam A. Holdomoss, dofondam. and to
mo directed, I havo levied upon tho
following described real estato in Lin
coln County, Nebrnskn, to-wlt: West
Half (W) of tho East Half (E)
and West Half (WVj) of Section Six
(6), Township Eleven (11), Range
Twenty-Nino (29), Four Hundred Flf-ty-Elght
and 90.100 acres. I will on
tho 19th day of April. 1920, at 2 o'clock
P. M. at the cast front door of tho
Court Houbo In North Platte, Lincoln
County,. Nebraska, soil at public auc
tion to tho Highest bidder for cash, to
satisfy said oxocutlon, Interost and
costs aggregating tho sum of $4754.87,
tho following described property, lov
lod upon by mo, to-wlt: Wost Half
(WV6) of tho East Half (E) and
West Half (VV4) of Section Six (G),
Townslilp Eleven (11), Rnnge Twon-ty-Nlne
(29), Four Hundred Fifty
Eight nnd 90.100 acres.
Dated North Platto, Nebr., March
13th. 1920. A. J. SALISBURY,
mlS-5w Sheriff.
LMijsician and Sorgeom
Office over Rexall Drug Stoto
Offlco Phone 371. House 10G8
McDonald Bank Bldy.
Phone d7.
Office Phone 340 , Res. Phone 1237
Osteopathic Physician
Uelton Bldg. North Platte, Nob.
Phono for Appointments
Notice to Creditors.
Estato No. 1733 ot Nels C. Rasmus
son, deceased, In tho County Court of
Lincoln County, Nobraskn. .
Tho Stato of Nebraska, ss: Credi
tors of said ostato will tako notice that
the time limited for presentation nnd
filing of claims against said, estato Is
Juy 23d, 1920, and for settlement of
said estato is March 19th, 1921, that t
will sit at tho coijjity court room in
said county court room in said county
on April 23d, 1920, at 9 o'clock a. m.
and on July 23d, 1920, at 9 o'clock a.
m., to receive, examine, hoar, allow or
adjust all claims and objections duly
m 23-4 County Judge.
Notice Decree of Heirship,
Estate No. 1741 of Harriet Jones,
deceased, In tho County Court of Lin
coin county, Nebraska,
The heirs, creditors and U persons
Interested In said estate, will tako
notice theat on the 11th day of March,
1920, Elizabeth Otten. an heir of said
decedent, tiled her petition heroin, al
leging that tho said Harriet Jonea
died intestnto on or about January 6,
1903, a resident of Lincoln county, Ne
braska, and that at tho time of her
death she was tho owner of, or had an
estato of inheritance in Lot Two (2),
Block Ono Hundred (100) of original
town of City of North Platto, a home
stead of less value than $2000.00 in
said Lincoln county, Nebraska, and
that no applcation has been made in
tho said stato for tho appointment of
an administrator.Tliat sho left sur
viving her: Mrs. Elizabeth Otten, a
daughter, ago 60. residing at Nampa,
Idaho, Mrs. Mary E. McCafferiy, a
daughter, age 53, residing at Van
couver, Wash.; Mrs. Catherine Work
man, a daughter, age 47, residing at
Washangle. Wash: Miss Henr'ctta'
Jones, a daughter, age 49. residing at
North Platte, Nebraska, James Jones,
now deceased; John E. Jones, a son,
ago 43, residing at North Platte, Neb.;
Frank Jones, a son, aged 39, residing
at Grand Island, Neb.; Mrs. Anna Mo
ran, a daughter, age 44, residing at
uary, inu. 'inat James Jones, son,
died intestate in North Platte about
January 1st, 1911, unmarried and that
the above named brothers and sisters,
being the children of the deceased. In
herited all of tho Interest of said
James Jones, deceased, and succeed to
his interest as heirs.
That all of the debts of said deced
ent have been paid, and said real es
tate Is wholly exempt from attach
ment, execution or other mesne pro
cess and not liable for the payment of
tho debts of said deceased, and pray
ing that regular administration bo
waived and a decree be entered barr
ing creditors and fixing the date of
her death and the degree of kinship of
her heirs and the right of descent to
said real estate.
Said petition will be heard April
16, 1920, at 9 o'clock a. nt. at the office
of the County Judgo of said county.
m23-3 County Judge.
Notice of Additional Land to be In
cluded In RlrdvYood Irrigation
Notice is hereby given to oacli and
every owner of land in tho Birdwood
Irrigation District that on this 12th
i day ot January. 1920, Catherlno Boyle
lied at tho offlco of said district a pe
tition praying that tho boundaries of
said district bo changed so ns to in
clude tho following described land,
Part of NM: of NEVi of NE'4 con
sisting of fifteen acres; Part of NV6 of
NWVi of NEVi consisting of fifteen
acres: Part of N1 of NEV4 of NWV4
consisting of fifteen acres: Part of
NV of NW4 of NWVl consisting of
fifteen acres making a total of sixty
acres of Section 6, Township 14, R.
32 west of tho 0th P. M. In Lincoln
County, Nobraska, which aro contigu
ous to the Birdwood Irrigation Dls-
, trlct and which constitute ono tract
of land, said petition prays that tho
aforesaid lands bo includod In the
district and bo irrigated from the
canal and tho water appropriation of
said district tho samo as lands now
embraced within tho boundaries of
said district.
All porsons interested in said peti
tion will appear at this office on Tues
day, April 13, 1920, and show causo
in writing why prayer ot said peti
tioner may not bo granted.
Dated this 17th day of March, 1920.
MARY C. McNEEL, Sec'y.
Department of tho Interior,
U. S. Land Offlco at Broken Bow. No
braska, March 10, 1920.
Notico Is hereby given that Fred
erick W. TIbbols, of North Platto, Ne
braska, who, on Mny 15, 191G, made
homostead entry, North Platto No.
0C355, Broken Bow No. 011910, for tho
N& NEVi Section 18, Township 11
North of Rango 30 West of 6th Prin
clpa Meridian, has filed notlco of in
tenton to make three-year proof, to
establish claim to tho land abovo des
cribed, before W. II. C. Woodhurst,
United States Commissioner, at North
Platte, Nebrnska, on tho 20th day
April, 1920.
Claimant names ns wltnossos:
Georgo Monary, of North Platto. No
braska, David G. Tibbels, of North
riatto, Nobraska. Norman 'Whlto, of
Wellfleot, Nebraska, John II. Boyle, of
North Platte, Nebraska.
lml Reglstor.