WYRTTT PT,.TTP VrT-vrKfiKT V TT?TnTTXE. HAYTI HONORS U, S. MARINES AT GRAND REVIEW wmM President of Ilaytl and murine cqrps officers reviewing a Imttailon of gendarmes In whose presence the pres ident decorated marine corps officers for bravery. Tho gendarmerie of Ilaytl Is a hody of nntlvo soldiery led and 'taught by "noncoms" of tho United States marine corps. Viennese Bled By Smugglers Traffic in Food Becomes Dvaily In creasing Scandal in the City. PRICES CONTINUE TO CLIMB White Flour 100 Crowns a Kilo and Beef 80 Crowns a Pound Custom-Made Clothes and Shoes Quoted In Foreign Money. Vienna. Smuggling of food and other necessities or luxuries becomes n dally Increasing scandal In this hun gry city. As the crown approaches the disap pearing point In value, tho operations of these Illicit "left-hand" traders become bolder und more extensive. It Is an old story now that anything can bo bought for a price In Vienna. Tho only now phase Is that tho prlco goes up dally. While tho city finds It difficult to sup ply the bread ration of a loaf of coarse black stuff, tho components of which It would take a chemical analysis to determine, n nearly double tho price of early autumn, white dour can be bought "by tho left hand" at about 100 crowns tho kilo (2.20 pounds). (Sugar Almost Prohibitive. American and Argentine tinned corned beef can tie hnd, hut delivered to one's room It costs about 80 or 00 crowns tho pound. White loaf sugar from Czecho-Slovnkln Is avail ablo at a prlco that means about one week's wago of tho average ofllce man or woman for a kilo. Venison, mutton chops, goose, duck nnd other meats are here, but they represent three figures of crowns for ono portion In restaurants. Seventy Aviator Shaves and Lathers an Onlooker San Francisco, Carrying out n bet with a fellow aviator, Ivan Gntes, San Francisco premier "police traffic ofllcer of the air," shaved himself 3,000 feet up In the nlr recently. Hut for tho fact that when ho landed again on tho Marino, his razor slipped and cut him on tho car, that his shaving water upset nnd splashed over tho by standers, and that his brush, all covered with lather, fell on tho upturned face of one of the on lookers, the shave was a big suc cess. Gates had mado his bet with Pilot L. do Arce. On landing, Do Arce person ally Inspected Gates' chin to see whether ho bad mado a good Job of It. no declared himself quite, satisfied, saying that no expert barber could have donu better. --$ Who Invented Ouija? Brothers Ask Baltimore Court to Settle Dispute. Brothers, Apparently Lacking Faith In Talking Board, Ask Judge to Decide. Baltimore. At tho moment that tho ouija board, which some years ago ex cited tho country nnd then virtually disappeared, has again come Into tho limelight throughout tho world, two brothers nro engaged In litigation hero over tho ownership of the patent. Tho trlnl Is now in progress of tho suit of Isanc Fuld, trading as tho Southern Toy company, who Is ask ing for nn Injunction to restrain his brother, William Fuld, from dwlvlng pecuniary profits through the sale of the ouljn hoard. Tho plalntlP i-worts thnt In 1001 he thousand persons fought for 50,000 pounds of salt meat In n market snle the other day. For such things as shoes to order, tailored clothing nnd similar things tho price Is no longer quoted In crowns, Tho dealers charge In dol- Inrs, pounds sterling or francs, al though this Is Illegal. They say they must pay In foreign money for mate rials and cannot sell In crowns. Tho correspondent bought n suit In Oc tober for 2,200 crowns. This week tho same tailor asked the equivalent of 0.000 crowns In pounds sterling. Remove Price Marks. In the shops prlco marks have been removed from articles. Tho whole re tall trade Is trying to ndjust prices to foreign exchnngo,, nnd thnt fluctuates so rapidly that each sale is calculated on tho dny's quotation from Zurich Still Use for Offenders Delaware Only State in Union Where Whipping Is Permitted. CLAIM IT GETS RESULTS Law Designates the Number of Strokes for the Various Felonies No Dis tinction Made Between Petty and Grand Larceny. Wilmington, Del. Tho whipping post has been abolished In Delaware, but whipping still remains. Instead of strapping offenders to a post, they aro forced to stand against a wall, with their hands out stretched on either side. Delaware Is tho only state In which this form of punishment still Is per mitted. In other states It was abol ished long ago. In Delaware even the pillory was ubondoned only recently. What Law Provides. Here are the various felonies pun ishable by whipping, and tho number of strokes that the law provides for each : Horse-stealing Twenty lashes. Larceny not more than twenty lushes. Arson In Second Degree Not more than twenty lashes. Burning a Court-houso Where Of ficial Records Are Kept Sixty lashes. llouse-bronking Twenty lashes. Highway Hobbery Twenty lashes. Wlfo-heatlng Not more than thirty lashes. Attempt to Havlsh Thirty lashes, in addition to the whipping, the of originated, manufactured ami placed upon tho ninrket the board under tho copyright namo of the oracle nnd that later WUllnm Fuld started the manufacture of tho ouljn board. William Fuld asserts that he and Isaac Fuld were In business together years ago, and that the ouija board Is the original talking board, and claims that the oracle talking board manufactured by Isaac Fuld Is a copy of tho one placed on tho market by lilin. The Fulds about 28 years ago were In charge of a wooden toy factory known ns the Keunnrd Manufacturing company nnd tho ouija board was one of the devices they made to entertain tho young. It quickly won tremen dous popularity and so overshadowed the business of the concern that tho plant was largely devoted to tho mak ing of tho ouija board. Kot" Is the leading port of Japan, (the Swiss franc rate governs local quotations). When the passenger train service throughout the country wns suspended for ten days the bills of fare In the restaurants and hotels furnished evi dence of the extent of tho smuggling business. Not only did most meats dis appear, as well as green salads, hut the prices went up correspondingly. Motor cars are scarce and gasoline Is gov ernment controlled, so even the ac complished and resourceful smuggler finds himself at a loss. In the queues that formed In front of ticket ofllces when train service re sumed It Is said that by far the larg est proportion of applicants were smugglers anxious to rench the prov inces and ohtnin the top prices for fresh food supplies. How they cvndo the food control permits at provincial borders Is not explained. Lease Islands for Fox Farms. Cordova. Alaska. Dozens of small Islands lying off southern Alaska nro being used for fox fnrms. Twcnty-nlno Islnnds In Prince William sound hnvo been leased for the breeding of the Ioacx. Fur buyers visit the Islands every spring. Lash fenses are also punishable by Impris onment. The most of tho stntutes merely provide pennltles for the various of fenses with no, provision that they shall not bo Indicted upon women, public opinion In Delaware will no longer permit the lnshlng of women. A majority of the offenders to bo punished In thnt manner ur6 negroes, but white men suffer It as well. Tho whippings usually take place at tho end of ench court term or, If the tonus last more than one week, tho whippings occur nt the end of each week. They are administered by tho warden of the Jail. A curious feature of the law of Delaware Is that it makes no distinc tion between grand nnd petty larceny ; the theft of a loaf of bread by a hun gry man Is technically as serious a crlmo as the stealing of $5,000 by a hardened criminal. There Is nothing In the law to pre vent a Judge from sentencing the for mer to be lashed on the hare back with a cat-o'-nlne-tnlls, made of leath er thongs. See Nothing Brutal. "I do not see anything hrutnl about our form of punishment," former Judge J. Frank Kail, counsel for and a member of the County Workhouse commission, said to me. "The men are not bentcn severely, for the strokes do not draw blood. No man who came to see one of tho whippings, and who was unprejudiced could Hnd anything to object to In them. "I do not know of any movement to abolish whipping, and I do not know nny citizens who would favor such n thing. We feel thnt we know what we ate doing, and we don't want outsiders to dictate to us." ! ADOPTED AT 41, GETS MILLION New York Pastor Inherits Residue of Estate of Produce Broker's Widow. New York. -Hequ-sts aggregating more than $1,000,000 are left to tho Uev. Henry Nntsch Furnnld as tho re sult of his legal adoption In 1910, when he was forty-one yenrs old, by Mrs. Sarah S. Furnnld, who died, leaving property estimated at more than $2,000,000. Mrs. Furnnld was the widow of Francis P. Furnnld, member of tho produce exchange, who died in jn)7, giving ?300,000 to Columbia university to erect Furnald hall In memory of his son, Henry H. Furnald. who died In 1002. Mr. Natsch-Furnahl was a student nt the Union Theological seminary when he was adopted liy Mrs. Funiald. and had been regarded us a son long ; before lie was ronlly adopted In 101(1, when the law was passed peri-Itting tie adoption ir pn-nns who had J rent bed their urijurlty. MTIOMi CAPITAL AfTA!Do3 East Is Against West on St. Lawrence Improvement WASHINGTON. The question whether or not It Is ndvlsnble to Improve the St. Lawrence river so that ports on the Great Lakes will have access eastward to the sea, wo that deep draft ocean-going freighters can load at Chi cago and other lake ports Is now up W HAVE TO HAVf? YOU DOtfT THIS HEED ir- on the commission. Tim United Stntes s represented by Obadlah Garner, of Maine ; R. B. Glenn of North Carolina, ind Clnrence D. Clark of Wyoming. The Canadians tire Charles A. McGrath, . J. Powell and Sir William Hearst. Mr. Gardner Is chairman. The points o be considered by the commission come under the following heads: (1) De drablllty of the suggested waterway; (2) probable effect of the improvement m the development of commerce, both on the Great Lakes and between lake ?orts nnd the seaboard; (3) inlluence of the Improvements on the Industrial development on either side of tho border, it being estimated that fully 2,500, )00 horse power can ho developed ; (4) effect on existing, or projected, water routes between the Grent Lakes and the Atlantic, with special reference to he New York barge canal. During tho hearing at Buffalo it developed that representatives of the New York barge cnnnl, together with Interests along Its line, are antagonistic to tho proposed St. Lawrence development. All o those who represent the West are In favor of the project. Proud Congressmen Boast of Record Corn Yields PROCEEDINGS that went in brief about like this produced much laughter and npplnuse In the housa the other day: Rubey of Missouri began It oy snylng: "Mr. Spenker, I ask unanimous consent to speak for about throe minutes. I want to boost Missouri n ... little. I have In my hand a letter from the editor of n farm paper stat ing that a prize of $1,000 for the best five acres of corn In tho United States has been awarded to J. R. Shelton of Holdcn, Johnson county, Mo., the nv jrage yield being 127 bushels an acre, Mr. Wood of Indiana. The same Qrst prize that you are talking about went to Washington. (Laughter.) Mr. Bnnkhend. Mr. Speaker, I want to sny to the gentleman from Missouri, who Is manifesting so much state pride, that Alabama has tho record of 237 bushels. (Laughter.) Mr. Kitchln. I want to say If they continue to encourage these farmers In Missouri nnd In Alnbnma they may possibly get up to the record, eventually, of North Carolina, which holds a record of 250 bushels per acre, tho largest In the history of the country. (Laughter.) Mr. Mann of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, It was reported to me tho other day that a former member of this house, Joseph C. Sibley, had raised on 12 acres of ground 331 bushels of corn to the acre. Mr. Iladley. In the prize contest the first three prizes on wheat went to tho stnte of Washington. Fred De Wilde, Oak Harbor, Wash., 83.00 bushels per ncre; John Le Sourd, Coupeville, Wash., 81.33 bushels; Justus L. Hancock, Coupevllle, Wash., 81.24 bushels. Mr. Rubey. From what has been said by my colleagues, It looks like the mistake I made wns In reporting my yield first. (Laughter.) Mr. Hersey. Mr. Speaker, there were three- prizes offered last year for the largest yield of an aero of potatoes and Aroostook county, In my dis trict, obtained all three prizes. (Applause.) Civil Service a "Scientific Raid on Treasury?" A SERIOUS move to reorganize the vast civil service of the federal govern ment on a scientific basis Involving a reclassification of Jobs and the elimi nation of Inequalities of pay, Inefficiency of management and political Influ ence Is In progress. THFRE 15 Some thing none js& Nr.K t&& some time ago described tho work of tho commission ns "a scientific raid upon tho treasury." Many hold this view and as a result strong opposition to the proposed legislation is expected, par ticularly in view of tho present condition of the nation's finances. "Equal pay for equal work," will bo tho rulo If congress adopts the pro posals of the commission, whose report Is to form the basis of consideration nf a readjustment of salaries to meet the Increased cost of living, a condition which hn,s been denlt with crudely In the last two years by voting a bonus of $240 n year to each civil employee. One questionnaire was returned with tho notntlon: "This man has been on the pay roll thirty yours, but Is an Invalid und has not been at his desk for tho last ten years." In one bureau stenographers were receiving 1,800 a year, while In an other htirenu, which hnd been unnblo to Impress congress with Its necessities, stenographers doing Identical work were receiving $000. One of the recommendations wns to appoint a woman to the civil service commission, It having been found that more than half of the federal employees aro women. Whaddymean by Saying "Maple Sugar" These Days? THE sugar shortage nnd the approach of "sugar weather" led department of agriculture experts to mnko the statement that many thousands of American farmers throughout a region comprising more thon n score of states In the eastern and northeastern oart of the United States, art over looking opportunities to got maplo su ?ar and sirup for homo use, as well ns for sale, at very little cost. While Americans commonly think of the maple sugar Industry as con tlned larRoly to circumscribed areas In New England and New York, thero are. as a matter of fact, many po tential "sugar bushes" In the region extmding as far south as- North Carolina and Tennesseo nnd westwnrd to northern Missouri. Iowa and Mlnnesotu, as well as in Oregon and Washington. In u good season a tree 15 inches In diameter will yield sullklent sun to mnko from one to six qutirts of sirup, which In turn cun bo concentrated Into I two to ten pounds of wugnr. Discovery was mado by government Investigators of many groves of sugar ! maples In North Carolina, one of which Is probably larger than any now to be found In New England. Tho owners, being unnwaro of the value of tho trees from the maple sugar standpoint, had begun cutting there for lumber at an average return of less than $1 a tree. Lnwt season, upon suggestion of government experts, these groves were tapped and yleldud sirup that sold for $-1 a gallon. Revelation of the potential value of the groves Induced the owuers to plan more extensive operations for this spring. In enrnest. Ilenrlngs have begun nnd the commissioners have decided to vis It Chicago and other ports so thnt they may he able to got the views o shippers at first hand. The first hearing of the Interna tional waterways commission took place) In Buffalo. As the proposed Im provements nro along the houndnry line between the United Stntes and Cunnda, both nntlons are represented The Joint commission on the re classification of the 100,000 federal employees In the District of Columbia will report to congress a compre hensive reform plan worked out with the assistance of n staff of experts from Arthur Young & Co., the Chicago accounting concern which recently re classified the 00,000 government em ployees of Canada. Representative Mann of Illinois y'Kiarv. n'j.r 'tan, . m 1 I nsW MS It rP For V omen Approach ing Middle Life Ottawa, Knns.: "When I renched mil fllo lifo I was very nervous and almost) prostrnlcu. I saw Dr. Pierce's Favor ite Proscription nnd Golden Medical Dis covery ndvertisod and decided to try them. I took six bottles of tho 'Fnvor- ito Prescription' first. During tho first week of tho treatment I Boomed weaker but I was nuviseu bv a rjici(jhbor to keep on taking it, nnd during tho pecond week I Improved rapidly nnd could do my work where before I could not oven comb my hair. I finished tho treatment, using the 'Golden Medical Discovery also, and I was permanently cured. "I have used Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets for constipation whenever I have needed that kind of medicine, for years." MRS. MARY CHASE, C03 N. Hickory St. For Women Before or After Motherhood Kansas City, Kana.: "After mother hood I had feminino weakness. I becamo very nervous and all run down in health. I took Dr. Picrco's Favorito Prcscriptioa and it cured me. I was soon enjoying the best of health. It proved bo good in my case that I do not hesitato to recommend it as a splendid mcdicino for women." MRS. KATE KLINGLER, 18G9 Brighton St. When a girl becomes a woman, when n woman becomes a mother, when a woman, passes through tho changes of middle lifor aro tho thrco periods of lifo when health ana strength nro most needed to withstand tho pain and distress often caused by severs organic disturbances At theso critical times women nro best fortified by tho uso of Dr. Picrco's Favorito Proscription nn old remedy of proved worth. Got Dr. Pierco's Favorito Prescription today, cither in liquid or tablet form or Bend Dr. Picrco's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y.J 10c for largo trial packago. FORD COUNTY, KANSAS Delightful climate, year round. Altitude 2,500 feet Cool, refresh ing summer nights. Relief from hayfever and asthma. Water the best, inexhaustible underflow. Soil very deep silt loam. No rocks, gravel, sand or gumbo. Wheat, corn, oats, barley, milov maize, kafir. Country developing rapidly with modern towns, fine schools and churches. $40.00 PER ACRE We are reliable and do not misrepresent THE L. E. WAIT COMPANY BHOUKH in Colonization Tracts and iuncti PnorrBTiati DODGE CITY, KANSAS HsvaDllsbed 1001 GUARANTEED 3,000 11II.ES AUTO TIRES ALL 1UHDED TREAD 30x3 ....J 7.00 30x3..;. $11. 00 31x4 ....$14.00 32x4 ...i$14.60 32x3 M $12.60 33x4 $16.00 Tire and tuhe repairing; auto radiator re pairing; 2d hand rims, tires and tubes; all slses and prices. Agents wanted. BOYLAN TIRE & RUDDER CO., 1612 Davenport St. Phone Douglas 1241. Watson E. Oolemma, l'atent Lawyer, WubloiiVOE.. 11. U. AdTlceand book fro. Uates reasonable. Highest references. lSeateerrloea. Iowa Jmproieil Kiirin. Chickasaw, Adjoin ing Cos. Direct from owners $176 to $225 a. Acts. Wtd Rellly Dm.. New Hampton. la. Obvious. "If thnt's bouillon I'm nn Idiot." "Thnt's right, sir. It Is bouillon.".- -Tyrlhnns (Christianln). Fresh, sweet, white, dainty clothes for baby, If you use Red Cross Balli Blue. Never streaks or Injures them.. All good grocers sell It, 5c a package.. The man who marries a disagree able woman for her money swallows a bitter silver-coated pill. Even when you want to, don't be lieve hnlf thnt you hear. Sure Relief 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief RE LL-ANS Wm0 FOR INDIGESTION DONT DESPAIR If you are troubled with paina of aches; feel tired; have headache, indigestion, insomnia; painful pass ago of urine, you will find relief ia Th world's standard Mtnedy for Udnay, IWtr, bladder and uric add troubles and National Remedy of Holland sine 1636. Three sizes, all druggists. Guaranteed. tk for th name CoM Medal on rry Ua aod accept no Imitation BE A NURSE Exceptional opportunity at the present time ror younp women over nineteen years of age who haVe had at least one year in high school to take Nurses' Train. Ins in general hospital. Our graduates are In great demand, Address flupt, of Nurses, Lincoln Sanitarium. Llureln. Ntbr. FRECKLES powjivttv rttMoyro k Dr. Km; mil. Mr. rrsM . 2f Mtchlaii Avnu, Cbtc, vr ii fi. "mi LAND