mmH3crkly Iriluntc. HI A h KARL. Kdltor and Publisher SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Ono Veiir by Mall, In ndrance. .l.7t" Ono Year by Carrier, In aitrnnco, 82. 00 (Entered at the North Platte, Nebraska Postofflce as Second Class Mutter, FRIDAY, APlflli mil, 11)20. ASinoimccnii'iit of ill. P. Klnlmld for (lie Republican Ue-noinlnution for RoprcM'tilnllvo in Congress. T Respectfully, submit to the voters 4t th Sixth District my candidacy for r-iiomluntloii for congress. 1 be lieve the record of my neventeen .ywtr of service Is. a gunnintoe of the offortu I have mlulo In their belmlf, alBo'of tholr confidence In the success of thoao offorU. '' Groat changes have como In that pe I0d. Agriculture has come to bo rob qgnlzod an Uio most Important of our Industries. Irrigation bus dovolopod naw areas of cultivation, and must tj6ntlntio to do ho. Potash discoveries In our Sixth district has mado It ono of the greatest factors In tlila country iin furthering agricultural dovolopmont My long Borvlpo hna placed mo at the hond of the Committee on Irrigation of Arid LandH, bosldofl giving mo ad vanced positions on othor coinmltteon, winil has otherwise afforded mo an op portunity to bo of still largor service to my, constituents, and It Is becauso I fool that I can ronder that bettor and largor service that I submit my candidacy again to the voters of tho Sixth district. I maintain thoro should ho a moro oqultablo division botwotm tho price jroallzed by Uio producer and that paid bj the ultlmnto consumer, and that this should bo accomplished largoly by tho firm enforcement of existing fed oral anti-trust statutes. Tho cost of lubor Is regulated large ly by tho cost of living, and American labor has tho rljjht to oxpoct a living wngo commonsurato with Amorlcan standards of living as compared with the lower standards of foreign coun tries. I favor tho reduction or tho prosont 'heavy, federal tuins as fast as may bo. consistent with the actual nocassltlor, of tho government, based upon truly economical management, outstand ing obligations and tho maintenance of tho integrity of our national cred it, and that tho, m&ssoa should bo re lieved In a measure by shifting a por tion ,of their burdens to tho shouldors of thoso who realized lmmonso profits on war contracts. Shall support tho Soldiers' Four-fold ndjurttod Compensation bill, rocom 'monded by Uio Amorlcan Loglon. Am rppoln?r compulsory mllltnry -trulring In iccordanco with the major ity rentlincnt of mv constituents. I doom it mysduty to remain In at tendance on the prosont session of congress, which il regret must pro vent my return homo to moot voters In person. M. P. KINK AID. '.:o:: 'iirlnll Pnuinge to Freight, The district commltteo for tho pre vention of loss and damago to ffroluht of which station agent Earl Stamp ht chairman, held Its monthly meeting Tuesday evening In this city with sta tion ngonts and employes between North Platte and Sidney present. I. A. Sharon, of tho claim department at Omaha was also present. Koports showed that slnco tho formation of tills employes' association in January, 101D, tho loss of ttnrt dajrtilgo to freight litut been lossomid to a mark degreo aind that employes of tho freight de partment as woll as train men nro mure careful In tha handling of freight both In transit and at freight ware houses. Shippers will no doubt ap preciate tho good showing that tho us Vuntlon of loss aiKl damage to freight sedation s ninkliig. ;;o;: .MHIiodlsl. Cliureli Announcements. Preaching at 11 a. m. ut 8 p. m. Dr; Henry Chung "will spunk 011 Korea. Dr. Cluing was tho Korean Envoy to tju Purls Conference, a noted compiler, of Korean Treaties, 'unrt author of the , recent book, "The .'Oriental Policy of, the Unltod States." ; You cannot afford 'to miss hearing tills eminent spoakor. ' Sunday school at1 9:45 a. in. , 1 Epworth LcngiuV-soclal hnlf hour 8:30 p. in., devotions 7 p. nr. : :o: : First Lutheran Church. Morning worship 11 o'clock, sub ject, "After Easter; What?" Evening worship. S o'clock, subject, "The 'Easier Peace." Sunday school 0:45. The first or tho , 'lessons In Church History will bo Uyjght in the men's . class Sunday morning by the Pastor. AU the men of the church invited. ::o:: Electric scalp treatments for men or women at Tho Stylo Shop, Marlnollo ' Mount y Parlor, 'phono 19!) for appolnt . ments. A X VOUNCKM KM'. I (lied my petition for nomination to tho office of County Judgo on March 1st, 1920. Tho primary election will be April 20, 1920, and as the dutlos of the County Judge are so ex acting and tho business of such vol- j nine and Increasing every day, I will be unable to make an active canvas. which I think a Judge should not be required (0 do, thereby eliminating any bias he might feel for favors asked. If the tax nnvers consider that I have done my duty In tlillr behalf ! as well as the general public, and without fear or favor, I 11111 ontitled to your endorsement by your vote. My I official record Is open for inspection and I court examination. The office 1 of County Judge Is non-partisan. , -we 11. c. wuounuuaT, , County Judge ::o:; 1 1 Lease Part of (,'ily Park. The Park Commissioners have leased the north side of the Fourth ward park to the fair association for a period of twenty years at an annual rental of $200. and the lease was approved 1 the mayor and council Tuesday even ing. Undor tho provisions of the lease tho fair grounds and grand stand, when not in uso by tho fair associa tion, aro open to uso for base ball, football or othor civic purposes, with out charge, and tho leaso provides that thoro shall bo no Interference with park Improvements as embodied under tho original laid out plnns. Tho city is safe guarded against liability of nccidonts, nnd In other matters. Now that tho fnfr association hns bo curcd a lease, additional grandstand and bloachor accommodations will be provided and additional buildings erected. 9,1 7f P DRY GOODS - WOMEN'S READY TO WEAR - CLOTHING - SSOES Unusual, Values Brought by the Leaders after Easter Sale of WoiBeFd's and Misses' Co 111 111 en (Is Fair Association. At a recent mooting of the Public Welfare Hoard a resolution was passed commending the county, fair associa tion for the good accomplished nnd urging that tho fairs be continued, nt tho same tlmo recommending that care bo oxerclsod to ollmlnato any gamb ling that might bo engnged In by tho concessionaires. Tho board accepted an ordinance regulating public dances and provid ing a license therefore and tho ordi nance hns boon presented to tho mayor nnd council for passage. Slnco Mnrch lGth eight cases liave been roportcd and Investigations have been mado. COMMISSIONERS' '. PROCEEDINGS April C, 1920. Hoard mot pursuant to adjournment, proBont Koch and Springer and county clorkwhen the following clalmo were allowed : S. Workman, dragging, $30.70. J. I). Hemphill & Son, supplies, $1G. A. J. Salisbury, Jailors foos, $13G.50. A. J. Salisbury, board of prisoners, $2S3.GG. A. J. Salisbury, mileage and expense 544G.81. i. J. Salisbury, office expenses, $53.85. A. P. Kelly, supplies, $190.50. E. C. Hoatettor, brldgo work, $30.00. Paul Moyor, rent and ofllco ox ponacs, $27.90. Win. Smith, road work, $111.80. It. C. Solby, road work, $23.48. J. M. Barton, road work, $8.50. John Barton, road work, $7.50. George Burmood, road work, $7.50. Sam Voting, road work. $1.50. Dewey Flcstclior, road work. $18.00. Win. Hollow, road work. $3.00. Albeit Frederick, road work, $3.00. Herman Frederick, road work. $3.00 Worth Oannnlll, toad work. $3.00. Henry McClune, road work, $3.00. George Kurig, dragging, $10.50. Oscar Onrlleld, road work, $7.00. P. U. Peterson, road work. $21.00. W. M. Uubonshalor, road work. $21. Louis Grady, road work. $38.50. Ashley .Peters, bailiff, $27.00. Nob. Tel. Co.. rent and tolls. $G0.10. N. P. I,. & P. Co., lights. $4Q,9S. C. 1'. Carston, road work, $42,00. George Doroty, road work, $17.50. Drady Vindicator, publishing, $27.3G Ivan Shlnklo, blado work, $30.00. J. B. ltedlleld, x-ray. $10.00. U. W. Schloicher. labor. $11.00. Mrs. Geo. Willams, mdso co. poor, $3.75. Martin AVynian. blacksmtthing,$10.7G bundry persons, river work, $15.50. H. M. Perkins, dragging, $20.50. IP. E. Johnson, road work. $GG.50. J. It. Baldwin, road work, $55.00. P. It. Stevens, caro of Mrs. Blakes iey. $21.00. G. M. Smith & Co., induo., $21.75. Fred Tobas. brldgo work. $35.00. J. S. Hatchor Co., lumber. $19.25. Hurley Soniiormnn. road vork,U25.G0 C. J. Boyco, hauling gravel, $47.25. J. U. Hltner, rip rapping, $47(5.25. T. J. Keofo, salary and office ex penses, $495.00. Adjourned to April 12. 1920. :.o:: For Sale. Five room house, nice Hliade troos and somo fruit trees, wnter. lights and gas, garage lG.x.12 and ohlekon house 718 west Third street. Phono 104 4 W. H!! jj. 1 ? 1 Beginning this Morning in which Customers will secure Savings of Striking Importance While the savings offered in this after Easter sale are of great importance- we would especially emphasize the style, desirability and character of the garments offered. This sale has been especially prepared to meet the needs of hundreds of women who every year plan their spring apparel selections immediately Easter when lower prices prevail and choice can be made without a hurry. ' SUITS $29.65 $39.65 J? AjVvC" 9261 9H57 ' I I 9271 fj 48, 59.50 These suits are indeed noteworthy, all beautifully lined with plain and fancy silks, each suit distinguish 3d by some novel touch of individuality or some feature that will appeal to you. m all Other Suits not included in the four lots offered at $2U. Go, $39. G5. $4S.G5 and $59.50 will be sold to you at a saving of $15.00 to .$25.00 below the regular prices. Fortunate are the women who will choose their suit now. Here are renl bargains: a DRESSES A GOOD VARIETY TO SELECT FROM , at $14.85, $19.65, $24.65, $27.65. Stylish and delightful models. Better grades $34. 65 and upwards. i COATS A GOOD VARIEY TO SELECT FROM AT at $19.65, $24.65, S29.65, $34.65. Styles adapted to missps and women, othor grades $39.65 p a mi upvarns. CERTAINLY NO WQjftEN CAN foLQW bUCH BARGAINS TO PASS MILLINERY Don't wear your wohtliar beaten hat any longer. Visit our Millinery department vt c.iuw ?,liss Little n-- Mrs.. Woodhursl will br plfr.scf'. y arjsisf y.m to rd.c; ?. be coming and stylish h:u for you, a.t a moderate price. 2 Here Is Your Plianee. Keith & Perkins Co.. Klowrt Co. Col., and Orcoly Co., Kans. Ileal" bargains A-l modern houses for sale nt Ot;all nla. Peforo you buy see us. John A. Itowo W. B. Howo, COO S. Chestnut St., 25-2 . North Plntto, Nob. ' ::o:: Remember tho date April 22nd Guild Luncheon and fnncywork sale. rillCAKO IS TIKI) I'P 11 Y A RAH, ST1MKK. 1SCST1 tg TSIVERY woman knowi ".Hot Itn much naolor to wooh nwl thoroughly eleun L-J l2ritntmcocl(n(;uteavilu. QrMa8aUM-BnotaticI;ioaJut)""iUTn. Jvstvns rcaton wfir we uac ninminum Ulr.irninK dlw In tlm SANITARY MIUWMIKSI' CREAM BlyAliATOR. Another rcn Alununum Jil ilo not ru-.t or c. rroJ like tho tiuucU. tcl illc cf otli.r MlkWAUKUE dlwL - pio.'.m too rljTHllHl fPw" lUwMk Ttroilnc v 4 JIo. civin i.-ttict. (;rofcter tcparutuit l!y U:t'.'ivi ccli set tot w 'iifLW.V.'Klii: to oiiUe. on y nbout Ualf tu t.iiuilwr cf iMcoc moJ In ctlvcf iwp.r jio.-.. tu u tunpUJi evou qrjklier.vlof-ur r.lhmv.tri':. AOulilytrcMnUuS MktutwiyiHibur. StC the Sar,i(ry (ltlkuulminu all our d&puiy tfowtu '.Be LHliiiki.'cMtJ.Uvi-llll.ArteKI'.rut.l(-.ri, ,m'' hmi u.tiK t.)iiMtttM""'"""f""rt"T- v.n"t tirjy.4. : iilf!i4. -i a. mi imii. r titm ttmti i.u, iioi.i-utul miuuki . '.. .sT.-.-rr-r r . i-JQiN$9 mm mi ii' mhuhmhi'i m i ii ii mi hm ii " ' r i R. MALONEY CO. i$8 '1MB am 7W Chas. A. McCloud Candidate for Republican National Committeeman Moro of a buolness man than a politician. A man competent to do big things. A great organixer, wlsa coumolor and wondorful constructive ability. In a posi tion to render valuable service to the Republican National Com mittee. Vote for him. An unauthorized strlko of railroad oinployoB which started a week ago In tho Chicago switching district by tho diseliargo of a yard conductor, has spread until It affects 25 railroads and in Chicago had thrown more than f0,000 men out of work, either directly or indirectly. Moro than 10,000 union railroad men In Chicago and several hundred at Huffalo and nt Champaign, 111., were on siriuo. uunurous or unicaso ; packing house oniployos were Idle for i lack of live stock. i Two "out-law" organizations i branded by, the established brother- i hoods as "rump" unions, had sprang up to challenge the right of tho labor heads to load tholr men. In tho face of this opposition from within tho brotherhoods of engineers railway trainmen, firemen and engino men and tho Switchmen's Union of , North America pledged their support to; railroad officers In breaking the walk- out and to thnt end union railroad men throughout the country havo been urged to report to Chicago to sero as strike breakors. TWO FARMS i'OR SALK. I offer for salo tho Southwest quar ter of Section 27-13-31, located four miles west and four miles south of North Plntto on main road to town, j u. I ). routo and toicpnono line past farm, ono of tho best quarter sec tions in tho uplands, nil In natlvo grass; about 00 acres could bo broke and would mnko oxeellont farm land, balance good hay and pasture land. Also tho north half of Section 33-13-31, nine mllos southwost of North Plntto, all In native grass amj all good hay and pasturo land, about 90 acres could bo fanned; on main road to town, on tolophono lino and near It. F. D. route. Thoso farms aro woll located In good neighborhood and aro tho host buys in Lincoln county at tho price. For price and terms soo or address GEO. R. MASTERS. R. F. D. 3 North Plntto. Nob. ::o:: Most up to date wall paper patterns at tho RoxnU, 14tf JACK SKRVICK. I will mnko Uio senson of 1920 with inv Jack 9 miles southwest of North Platto. My Jack has proved hlmsolf a flrst-dnsa broedor. Terms: $12.50 to Insuro maro In foal, $15 for a llvo mulo. Servlco feo becomes duo when maro Is sold or changes hands. 2G-3 GEO. McKAIN. Misses Amy and Faye Elder return-. ; Maybe you remember when Nobras ed the early part or the week from a ka went dry well, see what happened visit in Omaha. ! Monday and Tuesday at the Keith. we welcome nonest competition m i-.u-.mei ".anted Dixon's. See our insurance or any other business !,,ir add Woodhurst's Insurance Agency. 21-3 onlv. Ia; or. 1 Tr I ne i Young men 2G-2 Keeo Hof Wheels Tumirr tfifh Western Efec rk POWER & LIGHT I Dependable Electric Service Night and Day iffjof I I for your Faim. See thib Plum in Operation 01 TSrx I I North Platte Plumbing