NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NAME "BAYER." ON GENUINE ASPIRIN Safe and proper directions are in every "Bayer package" "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" to be genuino must bo marked with the Bafety "Bayer Cross." Then you are Betting the true, world-famous Aspirin, prescribed by physicians for over 18 years. , m Always buy an unbroken package o "Uayer Tablets of Aspirin" which con- tains proper directions to safely relieve Colds, Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Neu ritis, Joint Pains, nnd Pain generally, Hnndy tin boxes of twelve tablets cost but n few cents. Druggists also sell larger "Bayer" packages. ' Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetlcncldcsterof Sallcyllcacld. Merry-Go-Round. First Sojer Say, Bill, lemme hnve five, will yer? Jack Just borrowed live off me. Second Sojer Can't do It, buddy. I Just borrowed five off Jack a minute ugo. The Dome Sector. Eighty-five thousand women are now employed by the railway system of the United States. The Reason. "There are no more liquor Jokes now, are there?" "No; I suppose the prohibitionists were afraid people might drink them In." Baltimore American. The Result. "Ksau gave up his birthright for a mere pottage." "Yes. nnd he made a mess of It." The Itching and Sting or Klazmg, Fiery Eczema Skin Is on Fire. I The source of Eczema is in th Seems Lilcn tli There is a harassing discomfort caused bv Eczema tnnfc Viornmoa a torture. The itching is almost uuuuuiiiuiu, una uie sum seems on fire with the burning; irri tation. A euro from local applica tions of salves and ointmenta is im possible, because such treatment can only allay the pain temporar ily. The disease can only bo reached by going- deep down to its, source. 1 the blood, the disease being caused by an infection which break3 out through the skin. That is why tho most satisfactory treatment for al so-called skin diseases is S. S. S., for this remedy so thoroughly cleanses the blood that no imnurl- ties can remain. Get a bottle to day, and VOU will sen rosiilta frnm the right treatment. Write for advice. Address Medical Director, 110 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. LEFT BEFORE TROUBLE CAME I MEANT FORM OF CRITICISM Spectator at Moving Picture Refused to Be Mixed Up In Any Shady f " Domestic Affairs. "I saw you at tho moving picture show last evening," said the fat plumber, "but when I looked for you a little later I missed you." "Yes, I got up and went home." "When was that?" "I left when the villain began to lay n snaro for the wife of the man who had to stay at his otllce on ac count of business." f "Didn't you see uny more of the picture?" "No." "Aud. you left at tho most Interest ing part?" "Yes." "I knew. If things kept on as they were headed there would be a fuss pretty soon between the two men, or between the man and Ids wife and I made up my mind I wouldn't be mired up in anybody's domestic troubles." Youngstown Telegram. Clothes and the Man. "The clothes do not make the man," (remarked the ready-made philosopher. "No," replied Mr. Chugglns. as he climbed out from under the car. "If clothes made the man, mobbe I could put on a fur overcoat nnd a cap and make this fool machine treat me like I was u regular chauffeur." Natural Question. "Wlint are you doing to sava money?" "To snve money? Is anybody try ing to do thnt nowndays?" Original Expression, "Getting the Dickens," Was Not, as Many Think Something Profane. Sometime, somewhere, from some body we all get "the Dickens." And those of us who become prominent get it more than the others. Among those of us ordinary mor tals who occasionally find relief In let ting off steam in the form of some thing more expressive than Blnng, there seems to be a common miscon ception thnt "getting the Dickens" lg a modification or abbreviation, of (Heaven help us I) "getting the, devil." It Is not. It is n harmless, legitimate und respectable expression, that may be used with Impunity In tho best of company. It Is simply an allusion to our old friend, Charles "Dickens. Though immortal as a novelist, Dickens was well known In his own time as a newspaper man. So vitriolic Is he said to have been In his at tacks on faulty public olllcinls or other prominent men that gradually it came to be said, when any one was criticized by him, that ho got "the Dickens." Technical Error. Rubb What was the worst mistake you made In the army? Dubb The tlmo I called the cap tain boss "and hit him for a raise. Home Sector. A cynic Is a man who claims to bo tired of the world. But In reallt tho world is tired of him. Australia has nenrly 300.000 acres of untouched forests. If You like The Taste Of Coffee You'll like :nstant POSTUM and youll like it better if you are one of those with, whom coffee dis agrees. dThe flavor is similar but PosIzizxtl does not contoim caffeine or any other drug. Better-health follows the change. Sold by all Grocers Ntuifi fy'Postum Cereal Co, Battle Creek.Mlch. s ADVANTAGES OF GOOD ROADS Prosperity Made to Flow Into Any Locality by Construction of Sub. stantlal Highways. Tho way to make prosperity flow Into any locality Is to build roads that will hist and not have to he done over every few years. With good roads farmers can dellvei all their product' directly to towns within a radius of s'O or more mlos. and by making more profit themselves thej reduce the high cost of living for other people; for merchants are able to take advantage of new sources of supply tc buy their stocks under favorable con dltions. and sell them to their custom' ers at a lower price. Millions of dollars are lost everj year through perishable goods spollliifi on the railroads because of freight delays and complications, writes C. W. Morrison In Farm Journal. Slnglf large linns have actually saved more An Improved Highway In New Jersey. than $100,000 yearly by using motor trucks; and the trucks will undoubted ly contribute laruolv to onrunlzod lm. provement of roads. Good roads are a nn.vln- Investment. Local authorities in cities, towns and counties should net without delay to meet the growing nntlonal and local demands before trade goes In other di rections. It Is nlmnst Imnosslble to get back the lost advantage after other districts have won It. Good ronds brine frmlo mnl in. crease property vnlues In a commu nity. They attract homeseekers nnd Industries. ROAD PROJECTS AUTHORIZED Plans Involving Improvement of 12,159 Miles at Estimated Cost of $181,143,644 Ratified. The record Indicates Um't from 3nH 1. 1M8. to NovemlKsV J., '1010. the Unltec? Stales department rf agriculture np proved 1.U45 rond projects. Involving the Improvement of 12,150 miles, nt an estimated cost of approximately S1S1. 143.044. Of this sum approximately S78.002.107 represents federal funds. Since tho passage of the federal aid road act 1.027 projects have been ap proved. These call for tho construc tion of 18,500 miles or road, at an es iiina'ed cost of ?22.").207.847, of which about 50n.408.140 will he borne by the federal government. Grntlfylng prog ress also hns been made In connection with the national forest road work. From July 1, 1018, to November 1. 1010. 74 projects. Involving 02. miles of road, were approved, and plans were completed for tho improvement of 30 others, aggregating 040 miles. These facts are brought out In the annual report of the secretary of agriculture. BENEFITS OF BETTER ROADS Release From Bondage the City Man as Well as Farmer Solve Living Cost Problem. To both city man nnd farmer the good road means release from bond age. Counties nnd states whore good ronds have become n part of n pro gressive program of legislation hnve seen values rise, nnd this again has brought home the fact that good roads pay for themselves. More Important to the city dweller, however. In the fact that eventnally good roads will prove the solution of the high cost of living problem. COST OF ROAD CONSTRUCTION Some of Determining Factors Are Right of Way, Material and Cul verts or Bridges. Some of tho things which determine the cost of road construction are: Cost of right of way, cost of clearing nnd grubbing, amount and kind of material to be excavated rid amount of filling to be done, amount of ditching for sur face drainage and tiling for subdraln age, number and sjjie of stream miss ings necessitating culverts or bridges, cost of securing and placing material. DISADVANTAGE TO TRUCKERS If Roods Are Not Improved He Is Un able to Compete With Farmer Living on Good Road. A trucker ten miles from a market for spring crops, such a rhubarb, peas und spinach, Is at a (.lent dis advantage If his market road is un improved, and he may be totaiij un able to compete with the trucker the same distance from market In another illrt'i lion on ti good road WAS BADLY RUN-DOWN FROMJNEUMONIA Mrs. Washburn quickly regained her strength and flesh. " bad grippe, followed by pneumonia, it left mo with n torriblo soreness In my chest, constant pain in my throat mid bo weak and norvous I could neither cat nor sleep. 1 had a chill every morning. "9no dny 11 '0UnK man told mo how Milks Kmulsion had got him out of bod and built him up after ho had been ro duced to a skeleton and glvon up by tho doctors. So 1 tried it. I have Rained In strength, nppetlto and flesh, sleep bet ter than I have for years, nm doing all my own work again and feel llko a now person, "The beauty nbout Milks Emulsion Is that it doesn't wear out like most things, nnd Is bo pleasant to take. It Is a food as woll as a mcdlclno and builds up tho blood nnd tissues. It surely put now blood in my veins nnd I havo tho health iest color I ever had." Mrs. M. Wnsh burn, El Centro, Cat. It costs nothing to try Milks Emutslon. It will build you up moro quickly, more suroly than anything else. Milks Emulsion is a pleasant, nutrltlvo food nnd a corrective inedlclno. It re stores healthy, natural bowel action, pro motes nppetlto and puts tho dlgcstlvo Orsrans In nlinnn tn fln,lmltnln tnri Chronic stomach troublo nnd constipation uro unuauy rciievcu in ono day. This Is tho only solid o-iulslon made, nnd so nalatablo that It la eaten with n spoon llko Ico cream. no matter how sevens your enso, you are urged to try Milks Emulsion under fill Cl 1 n m Tl t Oft Tn lr n nlr ttrtlllfla 1 , . with you, use It according to directions, and If not satisfied with tho results your money will bo promptly refunded. Prlco 60c nnd Jl.SO per bottle. Tho Milks Emul sion Co., Tcrro Ilauto, Ind. Sold by druggists everywhere Adv. Loolo In Her Assertion. Mabel, age seven, led off after the Suntlny blessing with a story she had heard on the way homo from Sunday school. "A little boy." said Mabel, "who went to ball names said Sunday school wasn't much different from bnll games, because at the Sunday school they sane 'Stand Un for Jesus.' and at tho ball game they said " "Mabel 1" cried the horrified family In unison, "don't tell thnt story 1" "Why?" asked Mabel. "Have von nil heard It?" ''Of course, and It's " "Well then." proceeded Mnbel calm ly, "it wont hurt you to henr mo tell It." Kansas City Star. GRUMPY? If Constipated, Bilious or Headachy, tako "Cascarets" Brain foggy? Blue devils got you? Don't stay sick, bilious, headachy, con stipated. Remove the liver nnd bowel poison which is keeping your head dizzy, your tongue conted, your brenth bad nnd stomach sour. Why not spend a few cents for n box of Cascarets nnd enjoy the nicest, gentlest laxative-cathartic you ever experienced? Cas carets never gripe, sicken or Inconve nience one like Salts, Oil, Calomel or harsh Pills. They work while yon Bleep. Adv. Not Yet but Soon. Peddler Can't I sell you a paper o pins today, lady? Lady No, thanks-, my husband bought a new shirt yesterday. Judge. Its Style. "That child actor has a part which fits him llko n glove." "Yes sort of kid glove." teek fi0d appetites I : C'ft and di2estions W Its benefits are as GREAT K as its cost is SMALL! IK It satisfies the desire for I sweets and is beneficial, too. ) I Sealed Tight Kept Right I "After F the 1 Every M jtWRiGLEYStjffl pi Flavor 1 I Near I mSEOt ! Lasts I K W. 1 trwr- f f A12 l Seeing Ourselves, A well-known film buyer wns chat ting to a producer tho other dny and became so Interested in tho subject of film nctlng that the latter thought he ought to be tactful and offer him a part. When tho film wns complete the producer Invited the buyer to see himself as he really was. "Well I"sald Mr. Producer, "and nre you going to buy the film?" "No," replied Mr. Buyer, "I'm going to commit suicide!" Not Disappointed. My friend's mother wan reported to have died, so I Immediately called nt the house. My friend opened tho door and I said : "So your dear mother !a dend." She looked surprised and an swered : '"Why, no." 1 said: "Well, Isn't that too bad." 1 meant, of course, that It was, too bad such a re port hud got started. Exchange. Only seven metals wore known In the days of Columbus. There are now more than fifty In use. Indian Sltk. There nre 1,000,000 persons In India engaged In the production of silk. Caterpillars and moths of the mul berry silk Industry of lndlu ure entire ly domesticated creatures. OLD GARMENTS NEW WHEN DIAMOND DYED( Shabby, Faded, Old Apparel Turns Fresh and Colorful. Don't worry nbout perfect results. Use "Diamond Dyes," guaranteed to' give a new, rich, fadeless color to anjfj fabric, whether It be wool, silk, llncnj cotton or mixed goods, dresses,' blouses, stockings, skirts, children's' conts, feathers every thing 1 Direction Book in package tells how to diamond dye over iiny color. To mntch any material, have dealer show you "Diamond Dye" Color Card. Adv. The lnrgest single deled fruit crop of the world Is the currant crop pro duced In western Greece. Another Royal Suggestion GRIDDLE CAKES and WAFFLES From the New Royal Cook Book THERE is an art in making flapjack pan cakes, griddle cakes or wheats, call them what you will. But it is an art very easily and quickly acquired if you follow the right recipes. Here are some recipes for a variety of breakfast cakes that will make grandmother envious. The secret, of course, is Royal Baking Powder. Royal Hot Griddle Cakes 2 cups Hour y, teaspoon snlt 4 teanpoohB Hoyal Daktng Powder 114 cups milk i tablespoons shortening Mix and sift dry ingredi ents; add milk and melted shortening; beat well. Bake on slightly greased hot grid dle. Griddle Cakes with Eggs Hi cupi flour H toaspoon salt J teaspoons Hoyal UaklnK Powder 3 eggs 1H cups milk , 1 tablespoon shortening Mix and sift dry ingredi ents; add beaten 'Cgs, milk and melted shortening; mix well. Bake immediately on hot griddle R OYAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Puro Buckwheat Cakes 3 cups buckwheat Sour 1 cup Hour 6 teaspoons Royal Baking l'owder H4 teaspoon salt z4 cups milk or milk and watr 1 tablespoon molasses 1 tablespoon shortening Sift together flours, baking powder and salt; add liquid, molasses and melted short ening; beat three minutes. Bake on hot greased griddle. Waffles 2 cups flour i teaspoons Royal Baklncl Powder 41 teuiinonn nail ' l cups milk Z KKS 1 tablespoon melted shorten ing Sift flour, baking powder and salt together; add milk to yolks of eggs; mix thor oughly and add to dry in gredients; add melted short ening and mix in beaten whites of eggs. Bake in well greased hot waffle iron un til brown. Serve hot with maple syrup. It should take about Vi minutes to bake each waffle. FREE New Royal Cook Dook containing these and scores of other delightful recipes. Write for Itfo day. HOYAL BAK1NO 1'OWDEH CO. lit Kolton Stratt N- Yoth CU "Bake with Royal and be Sure"