The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 09, 1920, Image 10

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"Hlflhbrow" City of Bogota, In Colom
bia, Does Not Really Live Uf.
to Its Reputation.
Bogoln. the capital of tho Kepuwllc
of Colombia, Is a sort of South Amur-lean
Boston. Hvor since tho dnya whon
It wns n colony or Spain It has been
accounted n "highbrow" town and Its
name has boon associated with II torn
ture, art, science and education. It
la filled with sculpture, which ranges
Inr subject from local heroes to grunt
figures In Spanish history. There are
many scjiools nnd colleges, a museum
and an nstrohoitilcal observatory.
Despite nil this, tho Intellectual nt
mosphcrc of Bogoln is more of a tradi
tion tlinn a reality. No groat works of
nrt hnVo been produced there. The
city Is full of pools, but that Is truo
of cvory city In Latin Amorlen, whoro
young" men nnd women compost) nnd
recite poetry ns n social dlversloiw
Just ns they play tho piano and sing
songs In this country. The scientists
of Bogola hnvo made some real prog
ress, especially In nrcheology nnd nat
ural history.
Many of the people of Bogota nro
Spaniards of tho purest descent When
the country was colonized by the Span
lards centuries ago the colonists re
tired to the high Andean region nnd
have lived there ever since In nn Isola
tion which has kept thorn true to type.
These Spaniards form tho ruling clnws,
the rest of tho people being "mestizos"
of mixed Spanish nnd Indian blood.
Bogota is situated at an elevation
of almost 0,000 feet and enjoys n
splendid climate.
Plants Demand Cold.
After the period of growth in spring
! nnd summer there is n poriod of dor
! mnncy before the cold weather sets In.
I and If plants nre malntnlned nrtlfl-
dally at a high temperature this dor
mant poriod persists. ISxposure to
cold Is needed to activate the plant for
1 another period of growth. I'orhnps the
(liberation of enzymes acts on the
stored starches, converting them Into
J sugars, or the phenomenon mny be due
to a change In the permeability of the
cell-tnenibrnne. Though normally the
stimulus required for n renewal of
' growth Is supplied by cold, mechanical
, Injury or a period of drying may have
i the same effect. Tho process occurs
, Independently In any exposed pnrt of
1 a plant, so that If one or two branches
of a plant bo kept continually warm
while the other Is subjected to the
, usual winter chilling, the former will
' not develop on the return of summer
1 temperature, though the latter devel
ops ns usual.
isa la Li il 0 0 j 5 &i
At tho close of the Spanish
war Leonard Wood's supremo
administrative duties began. Ho
was made the governor of tho
city of Santiago and a few
weeks later of tho entire eastern
half of Cuba. Hero at this timo
came the tost of his methods of
organization and of his adminis
trative qualities, for out of con
ditions of starvation, disease uud
empty treasuries It was neces
sary to bring order, reasonable
food conditions, protuetlou for
life and property, reorganization
of tho customs service and the
control of food prices.
Rehabilitated Cuba
Under Wood profiteering wns
abolished, Industry was built up,
agriculture rehabilitated, Iiob
pltnls organized, equipped and
maintained, tens of thousnnds of
people clothod and fed and all
this was done In a thorough
buBlnoss-llko manner. It was
dono under trlbulntlons which
aroso from tho fact that tho poo
plo vrcro Impoverished to tho
point of starvation nnd hnd
been dying by thousands for tho
lack of tho things which Wood
quickly provldod. The farmers
woro furnished with imploments
and food, and woro Klven that
aid which onnbled them Instant
ly to start nt tho work of pro
duction. The wholo nature of
things changed with nlmost in
credible swiftness. Order speodl
ly supplanted dlsordor.
Then there camo the rehabili
tation of tho municipalities, tho
establishment of schools, tho
opening of roads, tho organizing
of government In the provinces,
the readjustment of taxation,
nnd of the courts, and tho work
of providing for tho thousands of
children mndo orphans by war
or famine.
Striking Business
Leonard Wood was In Cuba
about four years. Ho left there
n reorganized ond sound banking
system, a good rnllroad system,
no debts, nearly $2,000,000 un
incumbered money in the treas
ury, a sugar crop of Hourly 1,000,
000 tons, sound munlclpol laws,
flno public works, a firm agri
cultural foundation nnd an nb$o
luto respect nmong tho people
for Hfo and property. Tho school
systom which 'Wood ostabllstiod
wns founded on tho laws of Mas
sachusetts anfl Ohio. Hoods
were built which mado com
munication speedy, Tho hos
pitals erected undQr his supervi
sion woro of tho highest type.
So whon people ask "Whnt
has boeu tho bualness experience
of this man," thor can got from
the above In condensod form
some of tho many things which
wera dono undor his Imuiodlafo
direction and for tho efllclency
of which ho was directly responsible.
Theodoro Roosevolt' Friend Make Strong Answer to Wood's
"If the American people want n man In tho White House who
knows and hates militarism, who Is hated by every militarists
Soldier In America and, ha Buffered vitally from their opposition
and Jealousy, who was loved by the ooldlera he trained because he
wan human, who wig hnteri hv 4Vi mlllt.u -il....- il.
- .. rf vilUU ivr me oumv
reason let them take Leonard Wood." Qlfford Plnchot, Chief
of the forestry service under Theodore Roosevelt.
((ft, 1916. by McClure Newspaper Byntlleiit )
"Now, you listen to me, Mr. Ted
Harlow," demanded his wife, one
morning as they were seated at the
breakfast table. "If -you wanted a
new fur coat, you wouldn't sit down
with pencil and pad to see whether
you could afford It or not. you'd sim
ply buy It. and then figure nfterwards.
So, why can't I do tho same?"
"But, darling," responded her hus
band pleadingly, "you know they're
terribly high just now, and they'll
surely take a drop In price a little
later. If you'd only wait "
'"Walt!"' exclaimed his wife on the
verge of tears. "That's all I hear,
'wait.' I'll not wait I" Then she Hopped
her napkin down on tho table. "For
once lti my life I'm going to have what
I want, when T want It." And she hur
ried out of the room.
Ilazel Hariow was In a rage. Her
ungovernable temper had been the
cause of much repentance on her part,
many times. In a few minutes she
heard Ted go out of the door whistling,
and that settled It. Before another
hour had passed, she was dressed for
the street, and headed for Hayden's
department store.
After trying on several coats with
out finding one to suit, she became
discouraged and was about to leave,
when the clerk brought out n Hudson
senl, with skunk trimming.
"IInvt;nuch Is It?" she Inquired
"Just five hundred," replied the girl,
ns If she were saying five cents.
"Five hundred !" repeated Ilazel
thoughtfully. That was a great deal
more than she bad Intended paying.
Thnt evening the Hnrlow's were
hardly on speaking terms, you know,
one of those chilly sort of affairs. The
next morning Ted Informed his wife
that he would he leaving at noon on n
business trip, which would necessi
tate his absence for several days. Al
though, he'd try and return for her
birthday. With a relieved look, Hazel
hid him good-by. She would have a
few days in which to wear her now
coat before he saw It. As Ted Har
low closed the door of their apart
ment, a delivery hoy opened the lower
hall door, with a box for his wife.
Hazel had a wonderful time visiting
her friends, enveloped in her sealskin.
R!e was like a child with a new play
thing. But, when the newness wore
off she realized the folly of her hnsty
decision, and wondered what she
would do if Ted really couldn't afford
such nn expensive coat.
Finally her birthday came and went,
! with no Ted. not even a present. It
was the llrstyear he had neglected
her. and it hin t. "Serves me right,"
she thought, "maybe he knows all, and
will never come 'tack." TIazel began
to realize, that Ted's love and affec
tion were worth more than a dozen
fur coats. "Why lid I go agnlnst his
wishes," she thou-rlii. "when he plcad
od with me to wait?"
The next day, tear-stnlned nnd
weary, with a box under her arm, she
started In town for tho store.
"I've worn It several times," she ex
plained to the clerk, "but I'll pay for
nny dnmnge If you'll only tnko It back
nnd credit my account."
"Why. Mrs. Harlow," said the girl,
with a look of surprise, "the coat you
bought was returned."
"Returned 1" gasped Ilazel, Incredu
lously. "There must he some mis
take." Ab tho clerk enme from the olllco
with the Information that her account
was In balance, and tho coat had been
sold to another customer, llnzel, still
carrying the box, left tho storo In a
When she reached homo and found
n telegram stating' thnt her husbnnd
would return thnt evening, her brnln
was In n whirl. Whnt would she do?
now could she ever explain? If tho
coat was not hers, then whom did It
belong to? Tired and weary, sho
throw herself on the bed In n flood of
When Ted Hnrlow camo In that eve
ning tho soft, red glow of the floor
lntnp helped to hide tho swollen eyes
nnd worried expression of his wife.
"Hello, little sweothenrtl" ho ex
claimed, giving her n fond embrnco;
"glnd to see me back? I've had a hard
"Gladl" cried Ilazel, covering hit
face with kisses. "Ted, I've missed
you terribly." You'd think they'd -never
spoken n cross word.
Later, ns they sot In front of tho
crackling logs In tho fireplace, Ilazel
ventured :
"Darling. I've something awful to
tell you. I I bought n fur cont nnd
they won't tnko It back." Then trem
bling, sho outlined her predicament.
"Hnzel, dear," said Ted, soothingly,
nftcr sho bad finished, "you really
cared enough about mo to take It
"Y-yes," she half sobbed. "Can
enn you ever forglvo mo?"
"Forglvo you I" exclnlmod hor hus
bnnd. "I'm afraid I'm tho ono that's
to blame. You see, It wns I who sent
your coat back, and lator bought It for
cash to give you ns n present. I In
tended to Inclose my enrd with birth
day grcotlngH, but must hnvo forgot
ten. That's why I asked you to wait."
"Oh, Teddy, dear. 1'vo been so mis
erable," with tears stroamlng down hor
cheeks. "I'll never novor buy anoth
er thing without your consent."
As the fire o'etl In tho hearth, Its
last lllckerlng glow shono on tho happy
facos of two who had entered that
realm of ( uivoues whuh almost
I ea m i feeW
Let us first suggest soup with bread in it.
This is to be followed by delicious milk-toast and bred and jam.
Ikead molasses tarts will complete this nourishing, satisfying meal.
the recipe:
Here is
Broad Molnsscs Tart
S tablespoons fresh bread
S tablespoons molasses
1 lemon
2 cups flour
i cup lard or butter
y tablespoon salt
Sift flour into a basin, then run lard lightly into it, add salt and enough water to
make a stiff paste. Roll it out and line a buttered tin or platter with it. Mix
bread crumbs, molasses and grated rind and strained juice of lemon; spread
over the pastry, and bake in hot oven thirty minutes, or until the pastry is quite
cooked. Serve hot or cold.
Buy some Bake-Rite Bread today and serve your family with this
healthful meal.
According to This Writer, the Owl Is
Really a Good Friend of the
Superstition still clings to the owl,
due largely to Ignorance and lack of
When twilight falls tho owl comes
forth from some remote recess whoro
It has spent the day in sleep, nnd ut
tering a peevish cry, hurries out upon
Its foraging expedition. As tho tired
farmer Is lost In refreshing sleep, this
bird, against which tbe hand of mnn
has been raised for centuries, com
mences Its benellclnl work which only
censes when the first rays of tho
morning sun come slanting over the
hilltops, blinding Its eyes nnd sending
It quickly to cover.
The great orbs of the owl are re
markably developed and nre keenest
In the early hours of tho night and
morning, when many hnrmful rodents
nro most active. Marvelous, Indeed, Is
tho sight thnt enables It to strike the
tiny mouse In the darkness.
Owls nro tho natural cheek uiwn
this multitude, nnd thus nre of Ines
timable value to agriculture. From
on economic standpoint, It would be
hard to find a mora useful bird. Los
Angeles Times.
Office over the Union State Bank
We solicit your Real Estate AUCTION SALES no
no matter where is it located. To give the best of service
is our aim. Watch oilr results. Our experience and ac
quaintance is wide and we appreciate your sales of 'any
kind. Call on us and let us explain our methods and terms
to" you.
North Platte, Neb.
E. A. OLSON, Manager.
England's Gleaning Dell.
Gleaning went out of fashion with
the disappearance of tho old windmills
nnd wnterniills, because cottagers can
no longer get their gleaned corn
ground. But tho "hnrvest bell," which
notifies tho villagers when they may
begin gleaning nnd when they must
cease, Is still rung In some rural par
ishes within reach of London. At ono
plnce tho "gleaning bell" rings from
tho tower of tho parish church at 0
n. in. and 5 p. in. as soou as tho har
vest Is sufficiently ndvnnccd. Ono
penny Is paid to tho bell ringer by each
family that gleans, so ho can hnrdly
bo called a profiteer.
Birds That Dig.
Wo are not accustomed to think of
birds ns burrowing nnlmnls, hut tho
pufiln answers to thnt doscrlptlon. It
Is a chunky little fowl, loss than n
foot high, with n largo and powerful
beak. For n home, It scratches n bolo
In tbe ground sometimes ns much ns
four foot deep. To enpturo n pufiln
one must go digging. It Is rnthor n
Job, and, Inasmuch as tho bird bites
and claws florcoly, ono Is likely to
suffer In tho process. Thus tho cren
turo has mnlntalnod Its numbers on
many a lonely rookory, whoro othor
species of wild fowl have boon killed
oft' and exterminated. Bhlladolphln
, We Buy and Sell
Obtain our Prices.
Mutual Building and Loan
Of North Platte, Nebraska.
The Association has unlimited funds at its command to
assist in the building or purchase of homes for the people of
North Platte. If you are interested, the officers of this
Association will render every assistance and show you how
easy it is to acquire your own home.
President. Secretary.