The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 09, 1920, Image 1

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No. 26
William Welch, for twenty-two years
a resident of North Platte, and a pas
senger onglneor on tho Third district
passed away at his homo in tho Fourth
ward at one o'clock yesterday nftor-Litsoy
noon. Tho funeral will bo held from
the Catholic church at nine o'clock
tomorrow forenoon with interment In
tho city comotcry.
Mr. Welch had boon In poor "health
for about a yoar. Last November he
submitted lo an operation nt Omaha
but this failed to rostoro his health
Wednosday ho suffered a paralytic!
stroke and tills hastened dissolution
Tho deceased was ilfty-two years of
age, and leaves a wife to whom he was
married about four years ago.
"Billy" Welch, though of a retiring,
deposition, was popular with all his
acquaintances and highly esteemed,
especially by railroad men who knew
hint best. Ho was a member of the
Knights of Columbus, the Elks and the
B. of L. B.
::o:: '
If North I'latto does not have a
Tho Stylo Shop is showing some
pretty now golf skirts.
T. C. Patterson Is driving a now
l'atge sedan which ho purchased this
week through tho local agent Frank
clean-up of alleys and lots during tho
weok beginning April 19th such as it
nover know boforo It will not be bo-
causo Chairman Jim Sebastian and Monday
Secretary Moraii of tho Chamber of
Commerce aro not nctlvo In Interesting
people in tho work. Both have devel
oped tho clean-up "bug" to an alarm
ing degree. Why shouldn't North
Platto bo a clean town?
Patrons who wish appointments In
tho Marinello Beauty Parlor at The
Stylo Shop aro requested to make their
appointments as far in advance as pos
siblo if they want to mako suro of an
appointment. Increased patronage
necessitates this notico in order not
to disappoint patrons.
Mrs. J. B. Murphy returned tho early
pnrt of tho week from Chicago whoro
she vas called by tho illnoss of a
Dr. Howard Yost, Dentist, Twinorn
Untitling. Phono ! 1107. 77lJf
The season for game fiah opens May
flrjt nnd John Den. 0. E. Elder and a
few more real ilshormen aro counting
the days until they can hie to tho
lakeu up north in quest of bass.
You can wear The Stylo Shop's Kolf
skirt whether you play or not.
He produced whiskey that would
make n canary bird bark nt a tat, and
no missionary could convert him. It
took a missionary's daughter to
change ills heart. See "When Bearcat
Went Dry" at tho Keith Monday for
the story.
Tho diamond she wants is at Dixon's.
You ask her if it Isn't.
Mrs. F. H. Woodgate entertained
afternoon at a pro-nuptial
shower in honor of her daughter. Miss
Goldie Woodgato, who was married
Wednosday to Mr. Richard Putman
Tliirty-flvo guests attended and tho af
ternoon was spent in music and games.
Did you seo thoso now blouses tho
Stylo Shop is selling for $10.00. About
thirty different styles to soloct from.
There Is nothing that will add more
to the attractiveness of your homo
for tho samo amount of expenditure
than now wall paper. Mako your selec
tion now wlille our stock is complote.
DUKE & ORVEN. 21S East Gth St.
In the caso of Keith Neville against , Phono 207. 26-8
tho North Platte Light and Power Co. i Icy-hot bottles, Ice cream packers,
in which tho plaintirf sought to oust, Just arrived at Dixon's for tho out
tho defendant out of the occupied of- door people.
ficc on Dewey street, Judge Woodhurst DaVo Robinson of Chudron candidate
gave a decision in favor of tho defen- for tleiogatc to the ropUUllcan national
convention from this congressional
district, spent Wednosday in town
meeting members of his party. Mr.
Robinson's first choico for president
is Hiram W. Johnson, but his vote in
tho convention, if elected a dolegate,
will be governed by tho outconio of tho
Nebraska primaries.
If you aro at all in need of a now
spring silk dress you surely cannot
afford to miss tho Big Dress Sale bo
ginning Saturday morning at Block's.
If your neighbor calls you up on tho
phone bo sure and tell them about the
pretty new clothes-at Tho Style Shop.
, One reason why people like Tho
.Style Shop clothes is that each cus
tomer is given individual attention
and seen that the apparel they select
is best suited for them.
The Stylo Shdp does not expect you
to make a, purchase every time you
como into tho store, but wo do want
l'A.MI I'llti: (JI1US
Keith Saturday
"An Amateur
Three is a crowd and two more is too
Two part comedy "Ono Dollar Down."
The Camp-firo Council mot at tho
homo of Mrs. M. E. Crosby Wednesday
evening. It was decided at this moot
ing to give local honors to any Camp
lire girl who would givo eight hours
tlmo to helping in tho Cieau-up cam
paign. Timo spent Cleanlng-up thoir
own y,eards can bo kept account of and
credit will bo given for same. Local
honors will also bo givdn for tho fol
lowing: Mako a spring hat and wear it for n
period of mx woeks.
Refrain from wearing silk stockings
to school for a period of six weeks.
Save 10 per cent of your allowanco
by doing without sundae and sweets
of all kinds for a period of one month.
Shine your own shoes nnd shnmpoo
your own hair for a period of two
As a liealth measure, take six hlkos
in two months In place of paid amusements.
Bo In bed not later than 9:30 o'clock
for a porlod of six woeks.
Mend your own stockings for (W
Do not tease nor beg your parent
for anything for a month.
MRS. H. N. GETTY, Sec.
Dale Changed.
On account of tho changes in rail
road tlmo tables it is impossible for
tho Orator Arthur W. Evnns to reaclti
hore in timo for his date on Monday
April 12th so tho date has been chang
ed to Tuesday April 13th. This is tha'
last number of tho Auditorium Leclura
Course and is worthy of our attend
J. E. Sebastian and mombors of tho
local sales force of tho Minnesota Mu
tuol Insurance Co.. attended a banquet
at Paxton given by Pat Murphy, agent
at that placo, to the iolIcy holders of
the company. Plates were laid for 107
an orchestra was in attendance, good
toasts wero made and as a whole
the affair was docidedly agreeable.
Don't forget tho sale of fancywork,
rugs and 25c packages and tho lun
cheon to bo hold by tho Episcopal
Guild Thursday,, April 22nd. tf'
The Catholic ladles and the Catholic
Girls Club held a supper, bazaar
and dance at the Masonic hall Wednes
day evening. Tho supper was a
splendid one, well prepared and nicely)
and quickly served, the sale of fancy
work was well patronized and the,
dance in the evening was well attend
ed. The total receipts were about
?500. ' '
Tlmo Our Llfo, Years, Days, Hours,
Minutes and Seconds aro dealt out to
us by,, the hands of time. Timo, theJtWhen you are looking for a now
most precious thing In tho world
must make use of every second as
when it is gone it cannot be recalled
nga.'n. it is out of our life, it may
have boon wasted. To measure . out
this unit of life that we may make tho
0. H. Thoolecko loft Wednesday
nignt for points in Wyoming on bust
ness connected with real ostnto deals
For Sulo B room houso, strictly
mouern. uiu 001 J. 817 East Gth St,
Tho teachers of tho city schools who
wore elected tho early part of tho weok
wore given a substantial lncronso in
Ross Stebblns is a guost of his sister
Aim. lata Bonnor whilo onrouto to
California. Ho is accompanied by his
two ciuniren.
200 now classy spring drosses. Val
uos us to $G5.00 now on salo nt $29.75
and $42.75 at BLOCK'S. Tho Lndlos
Store of tho Town.
W. .1. Bryan spoilt a short time in
North Plntto Thursday while enroute
oast from Scottn Bluffs phoro he do
Hvored an address Wednosday night.
Tho Style Shop carries extra largo
sizes in everything for women.
To give ymi an idea of the unmatch
able dress values wo arc offering at
this great dross sale don't fall to seo
our South Window Display. BLOCK'S.
A convention of tho Eloventh Rebck
ah degree lodges will bo hold nt Suth
orland April lGth. This Is n hlir ills
Irict and many delegates aro expected
to uo in attendance.
Men como in and lot us mako you a
spring suit, tailored to your measure,
;We have tho woolens right hero in
stocu. no samples. Wilcox Dopartment
Mrs. Ida Boltli, mother of Mrs. W.
R. Hodshlro, arrived today from Los
Angeles and will visit hor daughtor
for a couple of months while onrouto
to her home in Callfornln.
A . ,-, 1 , I 1 1 . . ri..t
Shop windows.
Tho remains of Margaret Marin
.Scliram, threo year old daughter of
Mr. und Mrs. John E. Schram was
brought in from Donver this morninc.
The child was taken to Donver Sun
day night by tho mother nnd Mrs.
Joseph Donegan, for treatmont, but
the trouble was sucli that life could
hot be prolonged.
200 now classy spring dresses. Val
ues us to $05.00 now on sale at $29.76
and $42.75 at BLOCK'S, Tho Ladies
Store of the Town.
Carl Brodbeck, accompanied by
Chris Brodbeck and Bert Culton. went
to Omaha Wednesday night where he
will probably submit to an operation.
Last December Mr. Brodbeck had n
Siege of tho grippe and affection of the
lungs followed, an abscess forming
which has placed him in a critical
m Am
you to como in as' oftpn as possible to best of time, it is necessary that wo
look at tho protty clothes. carry a watch that is capablo of keop-
B ilng correct time, that wo have in our
homo clocks that are really good time
pieces. DIXON'S realize this and car
ry a good line of high grado clocks
and watches.
Remember, wo guarantee our alter
ations, and wo aro doing it to your
entire satisfaction absolutoly, FREE of
charge. BLOCK'S.
Tho Homo of Good Clothes
For Men and Young Men.
Over the Transon
With JOE MARLIN the fam
ous monkey comedian
MAT INN EE 2:30 P. M.
"A Dansel in Distress"
Creighton Hale and June
Also 2-Reel Comedy
HAT1M3I: 1:15 1 M.
coat or dress como in and soo
ours before you buy. Wo have a very
large stock of all the different qualities
and aro always glad to have you com
pare our prices. Wilcox Department
A card recoived by Mrs, E. S. Davis
this week announced tho death of Mrs.
John E. Wallenhaupt in Chicago.
Deatli was duo to pneumonia which
was contracted while Easier shopping
with her daughter. Mrs. Wallenhaupt
was for many years a resident of North
Platto and friends will regret to learn
of her demise.
Tho membership thermometer in tho
offlco of Secretary Moran pointed at
.!lfi last ovoning. Yesterday was the
closing day of the membership cam
paign, but on account of so many
mombors of tho soliciting committee
being unable to leavo their work. It
is probable the campaign will be ox
tended until tomorrow evening.
Style Shop customers know that
their wearing aparol becomes thorn or
tho sale will not be suggested.
P. K. Flynn, a former North Platto
boy, who has been stationed nt West
Mercodos, Cuba, with the Luce Sugar
Cano Ilaryostor Co., is' now in Now
York onrouto to Egypt and Portu
guese, East Africa, on business con
nected with tho company. The fact
that, ho is making this foreign trip Is
evidonco that ho stands well with his
Direct from California to Tho Style
Shop PorCunied Tjoads somo tiling
now: Orange blossom, carnation, rose
jassamino, Iliac, violet and other odors
ask to soo them.
Ever see evor tiling "bust-up" and
go to smnsh? Hard luck over stick
to you like a leech? When It does
can you' smile? If you think you
Iitvo troubles, come see
"Slaves of Pride"
I Chapter "Elmo the Fearless"
Matinee 2:30 p. in.
In His New Picture
"When the Clouds
Roll By"
3 Days Commencing
April 13th
Afternoon Matlnoe
Twentieth Century Club Mcellnir.
Tho Twcntleht Century Club mot at
tlio homo of Mrs. C, Prnnklin Koch
Tuosday. ovoning, with Mrs. W. A.
Sklnnor und Mrs. P. O. Willoughby
assisting hostosson The business of
tho evening Included reports of tho
coming Clean-up campaign which is
rocelvlng tho active co-oporatlon of
the olub; plans nnd progrsns in Amer
icanization; results of Thrift weok.
A "Srvo Money on Moat" weok will
bo observed throughout (ho United
States from April 12th to April 17th
undor the direction of tho department
of Justlco and tho supervision of Mrs.
Ryan Of tho Pair Prico Commission.
Thr object of this "Savo Money on
Meat" Is to oducato tho housowifo in
tho buying, cooking and serving of tho
cheaper cuts, and nn interesting dis
cussion and demonstration of thoso
possibilities followed.
Tho subject of State Institutions was
ably handled by Mrs. W. W. dimming
and Mrs. M. J. Forbes. Tho ovonlutr
closed with dainty, refreshments Borved
by the hostesses.
Mrs. Chas., P. Spencer, Pres. Cor. j
::o:: .
Wo will havi in a shlpmont of dry
land Nebraska grown alfalfa seed in n
few days. This is extra fine and you
will havo to got your ordor in early.
Leypoldt & Pennington Co., Phones
9899143. 20-4
200 Now Spring Silk Dresses in Taf
feta, Foulard, Tricolotto, Satin and
Crepo do cliino in nil tho now shades
and values up to $05.00 now on sale at
$29.75 and $42.75 nt BLOCK'S.
Miss Mildred McKcown wan honorco
nt a dinner party given Wednosday
ovoning by Miss Irono Wilson, nt which
covers wcr laid for eight. Miss Mo
Keown will bocomo tho bride of Art
,r. Wortmnn noxt month. Following
tho coromonw thoy will go to Waldron.
Qol., to llvo on a. soldiers' homestead
for soVon months, after which they
will mako thoir homo in Hebron
whoro Mr. Wortmnn is engaged in the
newspaper work.
A good alarm clock. Seo Dixon, tho
Watch the Stylo Shop Windows,
Try tho Roxall first, it pays. 14tf
Dig Sporting Event.
Tho big sport ovont of tho year will
bo tho wroetliuK match at tho' Keith
thontrd noxt Tuesday evening, in which
tho contestants will bo Hobby Uylund,
of Uili city, nnd Walter O'Connor, of
Carroll, In. Dylund comes lmck from
his eastern and southern trip with,
many victories and no Iossob to his
orodlt and will bo in tho pink of con
dition. O'Connor oomea with a well
ostnbllshed rpputntiou ns a mat-artist,
and tho contest, it is bollovod will bo
tho boat that has over been given in
tho city.
As preliminaries thcro will bo a
wrestling go betwoon tho Hastings
boys, tho midget champions, wlio aro
thirteen and fourteen years of ago,
who havo nppoarod boforo tho public
Bovoral hundred times nnd have a na
tional reputation.
This sport ovont Is for tho bonoflt of
tho North Platto ball team and this
should appeal to all who want North
Platto roprosentcd. on tho diamond
with a good toam this season.
: jo: :
200 Now Spring Silk Drcssos In Taf
feta, Foulard, Tricolotto, Satin" and
Crepo do chluo in all tho now shades
and values up to $G5.00 now on sale at
$29.75 and $42.75 at BLOCK'S.
Keith To -Night
Madlaine Traverse
a picture of tho briny deop.
Two part comedy
Crystal, Saturday.
"Knickerbocker Buckaroo"
Being the story of Teddy Drake, who wanted to go some,
place and do things for people and he DID.
Also two part comedy--
"Good Little Brownie'.
Keith, Monday and Tuesday. '
Charles Neville liuck's great story.
In which a quick tempered contrary mountaineer creat
ted a torrid zone "When Bearcat Went Dry."
Suspense and fast action combined with love and pathos
J guarantee all my used cars to have been
thoroughly overhauled and lo he in good
mechanical Condition when they are placed
on sale. We expect that you will get better
service out of one of our used and rebuilt
Dodge Cars than you would by buying many
new cheaj) cars at the same or more money.
Dodge touring winter lop
19 111 Dodge touring
1917 Dodge touring
1919 Ford touring, winter top al
$300 less than new cars of the
same type:'
J. V. ROMIGH, Dealer