The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 06, 1920, Image 2

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Look at tonguel Remove poisons
from stomach, liver and
Let "Danderlne" check that nasty
dandruff and stop hair
Accept "California" Syrup of Figs
only look for the nanio California on
thq package, then you nre sure your
child la huvlng the best nnd most harm
less laxntlvo or physic for the little
stomach, liver and bowels. Children
love Its delicious fruity taste. Full
directions for child's doso on each bot
tle. Give It without fear.
Mother! You must say "California."
The Only Kind That Does.
"Pop. what Is a deponent?"
"A deponent Is n man who works
around depots. Any fool knows that."
On tho street cars, the fnt men al
ways seem to fief the Inside feats.
What Neighbors Say
thoy saved my lifo,
and if I can bo In
strumental in help
ing others I will feci
I well repaid. My
kidneys and bladder?
were in very bad
condition for a lone
time and got woroo
every day. I used
, ono bottlo of a well-
known kidney medi
cine without any ro
lief, then I took two
bottles of nnothes
remedy nnd used them but got worso every
day. I was in tcrriblo shape, was disturbed
eight to twclvo times in a night and Buffered
excruciating pain and there would bo a
thick brownish sediment. I was despondent.
At hut I saw 'Anuria' advertised in a
Kansas City paper and I thought it just
suited my caso so I sent to Dr. Pierce's
Invalids Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., for a trial
pnekago, which was ten cents. I took two
tablets at night and felt much better in the
morning ana by tho second morning I
didn't feel any pain at all when voiding tho
kidsoy secretion. In a week thero was no
sediment in tho water, and it has been
normal ever sinco. That was eighteen
months ago. therefore it would bo hard to
mako the claim for JAnurio' too strong.'!
When Run-down and
in Need of a Tonic
' Kansas City, Kans. "About tho only
tnedicino I havo ever given my littlo boy to
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery.
Bo novcr was very strong, and being deli
cate would becomo run-down very quickly;
would suffer loss of appetite I would givo
him tho 'Golden Medical Discovery' and it
always built him up in good health. I havo
also givon this medicine as a spring tonio;
for such 'Golden Medical Discovery' has no
equal. I do recommend its use.'-MRS.
GEO. MAUL. 1042 N. 13th St.
Caused by
Let II ATONIC, the wonderful modern
atomach remedy, irlve you qulok relief
from dlnguetlne belching, food-repeating.
Indigestion, bloated, gaaay etomach, dyapep.
la, heartburn and other stomach miseries.
They are all caused by Aold-Htomnch from
which about nine people out of ton suffer
In one way or another. One writes as fol
lows: "Uefore I used EATONIC, I could not
eat a bite without belching It right up, sour
and bitter. I have not had a bit of trouble
tinea the first tablet."
Millions are victims of Acld-Htomneh
without knowing It. They are weak and
ailing, have poor digestion, bodies Improp
erly nourished although they may eat heart
ily. Orave disorders are likely to follow It
an acid'Stomach la neglected. Cirrhosis of
the liver. Intestinal congestion, gastritis,
catarrh of the stomach these are only a
few of the many ailments often c- by
A sufferer from Catarrh of the Stomach
of 11 yeara' standing writes' I had catarrh
of the stomach for 11 Ion ears and I never
found anything to do rite any good just
tomporary relief until 1 used DIATONIC. It
Is a wonderful remedy and I do not want to
be without It."
If you are not feeling quite right lack
energy and enthusiasm and don't know lust
where to locate the trouble try 3 ATONIC
and soe how much better you will feel In
very way.
At all drug stores a big box for 60o and
rour money back It you are not satisfied.
and Bowels
You can relish your neoJi without fear
of upsetting your liver
or stomach if you will
Liver Pills. mitti p
Foulaccumu- MtTIT?
luiiona that aU. VER
poison tho PILLS
ciooa ore ex- IXBKKreWxML
pclled from the bowels and headad
flizzinesa and sallow skin go.
Small P1H Small Dose Siftall t'rfc
great nerve and blood tonic (or
Aaeaiia, Rheumatism, Nervousness,
SJeeptegsneaa and Female Weakness.
Cecils ami ut llistlart
At the uiiiiuul dinner of the Reptile Study Society of America In New York. sunken were much In evidence.
Many of tho sovernl hundred quests brought their pet snukes iiIoiib.
The photojirnph nhows Dr. Allen H. Williams, founder nnd nntlonnl director of the society, with Mrs. Williams.
Contains Fertile Fields and Moun
tains Stored With Precious
At One Time There Were 300 Tribes
and Dialects In Region Is Sort of
Three-RIng Group of Nat
ural Marvels.
Washington. With vnrlous nntlbol
ehevlc Kovernmenta flecking a resting
place and capital at ono end of the
range nnd fabulous oil hoards of Baku
at tho other, Inspiring covetous Im
perialistic Interest, the long lino of
mountains which separates Europe
from Asia gives promise of once more
attaining the headline position It so
often has held throughout the ages.
Made up of 400 miles of majestic
pcakH, in three ridges, the Caucasus
stretches from northwest to, southeast
like a petrllled wave, whose north
enptcrn face mounts to the snow crest,
but whose southwestern front, hieing
townrd Turkey, seems dashed Into
countless precipices by the titanic
forces of nature, says a bulletin from
tho National Geographic society.
Tho Caucasus is the most Interesting
rabbit warren of humanity on the
globe. Vor uncounted ages various
peoples sifted through tho secluded
valleyH, leaving a fraction of their
number In somo remote spot, so that
at one time El Azlzl said that thero
were ?!00 tribes and dialects In the re
gion, 050 inlles long and 100 miles
broad, which ho called the "Mountain
of Languages."
Straby spoko of 70 races of men,
some of them armed with poisoned ar
rows and wearing skin shoes with
spiked soles. Troglodytes they were
nnd nre. The Caucasus Is a sort of
three-ring group of natural marvels
compressed between Europe and Asia,
between tho Black sea and the Cas
pian. On the European slope tho Caucasus
Spanish to Introduce
Goatskin Clothes Here
New York. Branch houses of
Spanish manufacturers of goat
skin clothing will bo establish
ed In this country, It was an
nounced by .lose Bernltex de
Usunlo and Joaquin Hernandez,
representatives of the (Inn, who
arrived yesterday. Exhibitions
will be given In several Ameri
can titles and Spanish girl mod
els will display the apparel.
Many of tho skins bear lino fur,
Mr. Hernandez, said, and cer
tain grades are turned Into
men's clothing and women's
Names Mean Nothing
You're Merely a Number in U. S.
Census Records.
Identity Lost When Individuals Be
come Cards With a, Lot of Holes
Punched In Them.
Washington. Names mean nothing
nt all in the Job of counting noses In
the United States for tho 1020 census.
You have a name when you come
Into tho big bam-like building here
where 4,000 clerks are tabulating you
and about 110,000,000 like you.
Very soon, tl migh, you become noth
ing but a card with a lot of holes
punched In It. You have sej:, age, na
tionality and a lot of other things, but
no miiue.
Your card Is Just as Important, yet
as anonymous, as the president's. In
lie census bureau tho president Isn't
Woodrow Wilson. lie Is merely u
Is Hanked by the Cossacks of the Don,
the Kubnn and tho Terek, nlong whose
banks tho famous Tolstoy served as a
young soldier. On tho Asiatic side
there are the new republics of Georgia,
Azerbaijan and Armenia, pnrtly carved
from Russian, partly from Turkish
The people who have left the deep
est Impress on the Caucasus, although
most of them emigrated to Tunkey In
180-1, are the Tcherkees or Circassians.
The Tcherkees gave to the Caucasus
and the fancy dress ball the Tcher
keska, the familiar skirted costume of
the warlike Cossack and the lithe
Georgian grandee. It Is the original
opera boufTe uniform, with a narrow
wnlst and flaring skirts above soft
hoots without heels. This costume is
also distinguished by 18 cartridge
cases ranged across tho chest.
Martial Dress Once Worn.
Formerly real cartridges gave n truly
Smoke Evil Is
Found Costly
City Dweller Nicked for $12 to
$20 Each Year in Property
Damage Alone.
Bureau of Mines Says Best Way Is to
Turn Bituminous Coal Into Coke
and Gas, Using Coke for Heat
ing and Gas for Cooking.
Washington. Tho smoke evil, which
costs each city dweller of this coun
try from $12 to $20 ench year In prop
erty damage alone, cannot be abated
If tho people continue to use In the
old way the same smoky coal, accord
ing to the bureau of mines, department
of the Interior. Now tho bureau main
tains that tho best way to get rid of
tho smoke plague In tho resldental por
tions of the cities Is to first turn the
bituminous coal Into coke nnd gas,
which are smokeless, the coke being
vised for house heating and gas for
cooking. The factories may continue
ns usual to use the soft coals, for It
has been demonstrated that In the
boiler and heating plants the coal can
be burned practically smokelessly.
Use Smokeless Fuel.
"The only way of eliminating smoke
In lnrge cities Is by using smokeless
fuel." says Dr. Van H. Manning, direc
tor of the bureau of mines "a fuel
that will burn without producing smoke
In any equipment now In use. In the
past the only smokeless fuel available
In quantify for bouse heating was an
thracite. However, anthracite Is mined
white man. born In America, living
In Washington, head of a family, English-speaking
and able to read and
Neither king's horses nor king's men
could drag your nanio out of the cen
sus bureau. Draft ollkiuls In 1017 tried
It and failed.
The census bureau gave General
Crowdor lots of Information about the
number of men between certain ages
living In certain areas. But when the
slacker drive was on and General
Crowdor. with the whole war depart
ment back of him, tried to get the
names to check up against enlistments
and draftees the census bureau called
his attention to tho law.
It ?, not only against tho law to give
out such Information, but enumeration
sheets carrying names are destroyed
after the Information has been trans
ferred to cards.
A bald headed man Is soon partod.
martial aspect to the. dress until the
automatic revolver came Into fnshlon.
But comparative wealth and pence
overtook the Georgians and the other
town dwellers who wore the striking
dress, and gradually these cartridges
were changed for decorative Imita
tions. Some of them were made of
ebony at one end and Ivory at tho
Modernity has gone even further.
One of these cartridge cases Is now
sometimes used for a fountain pen, and
the ultrn-fastldlous dundy sometimes
has hollow decorations In whose solid
gold shell Is concealed, rich perfume
for the mustache.
The North Caucasus Is not distin
guished solely by legendary lore and
fancy dress manhood. The broad fields,
which sweep gently up toward the
slopes, produce some of Russia's most
abundant grain crops, nnd form nn Im
portant Hold for the sale and use of
modern agricultural machinery.
Central Americas as One.
El l'oso, Tex. The republics of Cen
tral Amerlcn have formed plans to
unite themselves under one govern
ment, beginning September 15, 1021.
the centennlnl of their Independence,
according to Excelsior of Mexico City.
In only ono district In the United
States and, therefore. Its use Is limited
to the area lying within reasonnblf
freight distance of the anthracite
mines. Much the lnrger part of the
country has to depend on soft coal.
"Coke should be used for heating
houses because It Is a clean nnd con
venient fuel. It eliminates smoke, re
duces the necessity of cleaning the
fumnco and Hues, requires less atten
tion thnn coal, nnd gives n more uni
form temperature In tho house. By
burning coke for domestic bent, more
soft coal will be used In by-product
plants, which sav.o many valuable by
products that are wasted when tho
coal Is used directly. The by-product
of popular Interest obtained In the
coking process nre gas, light oils, am
monia and inrs.
By-products of Coking.
"With soft coal costing $7 a ton
turned Into Its by-products, you will
get .'i.OOO cubic feet of gas valued al
$5; three gallons of light oil valued at
7o cents; 25 pounds of ammonia sul
phate valued at 51.25; nine gallons of
tar worth 25 cents; and more thnn
half a ton of coke valued at $0.
"When our mineral supply of oil Is
erliiuisted. soft coal will be a mate
rial source of motor fuel. The light oil
recovered from coking soft conl now
supplies part of the ever-Increasing de
mand for motor fuel. Germany, during
part of the war, was cut off from every
supply of mineral oil, and she depend
ed entirely for her motor fuel on her
coal. As a result of that condition,
Germany sent most of her cool through
by-product coking plnnts. What haw
been done In Germany may In the fu
ture have to bo done In the United
Advance Only 48 Per Cent, 86 Per
Cent In United States and
210 In Sweden.
Washington, D. C Living costs
have advanced more In six foreign
countries since 1014 than In the Unit
ed Slates, according to a comparison
of retail food prices In nine countries,
Including America, made public by
the bureau of labor statistics, in Aus
tralia and New Zealand, however, the
advance was less than In this country.
The comparisons nro made from
the latest reports from tho various
countries. l August. 1010, the In
crease In the United States was SO
per cent, compared with 03 per cent
In Cnnada, 100 per cent In France. 112
per cent In Norway, 11(1 per cent In
Great Britain and 210 per cent In
Sweden, while In Australia and New
Zealand prices climbed but 48 per
cent. April. 1010, tho latest report
from Italy, showed on advance of 181
per cent there, ngnlrist 78 per cent In
this country.
Get n small bottle of "Danderlne" at
any drug store for n few cents, pour a
little Into your hand and rub well Into
tho scalp with tho linger tips. By
morning most, If not all, of this awful
scurf will have disappeared. Two or
three applications often remove every
hit of dandruff and stop falling linlr.
Every hair on scalp shortly shows more
life, vigor, brightness, thickness und
color. Adv.
Crusty Comment.
"We nil think Hit! baby has got Itr
mother's nose."
"I'm glad to hear it. Then she
can't go around any more poking II
Into other people's business."
Take a Glass of Salts to Flush
Kidneys If Bladder
Bothers You.
Eating meat regularly eventunlly
produces kidney trouble In some form
or other, says a well-known authority,
because tho uric acid in meat excites
the kidneys, they become overworked ;
get sluggish; clog up and cause all
sorts of distress, particularly back
ache and misery In tho kidney region ;
rheumatic twinges, severe headaches,
acid stomach, constipation, torpid
liver, sleeplessness, bladder and uri
nary Irritation.
The moment your back hurts or kid
neys aren't acting right, or If bladder
bothers you, get about four ounces of
Jad Salts from nny good pharmacy;
take a tnblcspoonful In a glass of
water before breakfast for a few days
and your kidneys will then act fine.
This famous salts Is made from tho
acid of gropes nnd lemon juice, com
bined with llthln, and has been used
for generations to flush clogged kid
neys nnd stlmulnte them to normnl
activity; also to neutralize the acids
in the urine so it no longer Irritates,
thus ending bladder disorders.
Jad Salts cannot Injure anyone;
rnnkes a delightful effervescent Hthln
watcr drink which millions of men nnd
women take now nnd then to keep the
kidneys nnd urinnry organs clean, thus
avoiding serious kidney disease. Adv.
California's Fruit Crops.
In the year ending August 31, 1010,
California fruit growers marketed 10,
004,892 boxes of oranges, 3,708,007
boxes of lemons nnd 203,183 boxes of
Pain Right Out With Small
Trial Bottle of Old "St
Jacobs Oil."
Rheumatism Is "pain" only. Not
one case In fifty requires Internal
treatment. Stop drugging. Rub sooth
ing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil" right
into your sore, stiff, aching joints and
muscles, nnd relief comes Instantly.
"St. Jacobs Oil" Is a harmless rheu
matism cure which never disappoints
and cannot burn the skin.
Limber up I Quit complaining! Got
n small trial bottle of old, honest
"St. Jncobs Oil" at any drug store,
and In just n moment you'll be free
from rheumatic pain, soreness, stiff
ness and swelling. Don't suffer! Re
lief nwults you. "St. Jacobs Oil" has
cured millions of rheumntlsm sufferers
In the last half century, nnd Is just as
good for sciatica, neuralgia, lumbago,
backache, sprains. Adv.
Says an nmntei- poultry fancier:
"The only money In chickens Is what
"they swallow."
Bayer Company, who Introduced As
pirin In 1900, give proper
To get quick relief follow carefully
tho safe and proper directions In each
unbroken packogo of "Bayer Tablets
of Aspirin." This package Is plainly
stamped with the safety "Bayer
Tho "Bayer Cross" means the gen
uine, world-famous Aspirin, prescribed
by physicians for over eighteen yenrn.
"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" can he
tnken safely for Colds, Headache,
Toothache, Earache, Neuralgia, Lum
bago, Rheumatism, Joint Pains, Neu
ritis, and Pain generally.
Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost
but u few cents. Druggists also sell
larger "Bayer" packages. Aspirin Is
tho trndo mark of Bayer Manufacture
of Mononcetlcacldester of Sallcyllc
acld. Adv.
Usually no more can bo got for old
Junk than you would pay If you
bought It.
Mr. Helnrlcks Was Ready to Give Up
Then He Found How to
Regain Health.
"My first sleep In 3 months was on the
lecond night after I began using Milks
Emulsion. I had had a bad case of stom
ach trouble and constipation for year
and was ready to give up. I was troubled
with gas, dizziness, bloat after eating,
enawing sensation and cramps In the
stomach. Milks ISmulslon was a Godsend
to me, and I want everyone to know
about a tnedicino that will cure cases llk&
mine." C. E. Helnrlcks, 702 S. Alabama
St, Indianapolis, Ind,
Thousands of sufferers from catarrh or
the stomach, indigestion and bowel
troubles have found that Milks Emulsion
gives prompt relief and real lasting ben
efit. Milks Emulsion is a pleasant, nutritive
food and a corrective medicine. It re
stores healthy, natural bowel action, do
ing away with all need of pills and phys
ics. It promotes appetite and quickly
puts tho digestive organs in shape to as
similate food. As n builder of flesh and
strength Milks Emulsion is strongly rec
ommended to those whom sickness ha
weakened, and is a powerful aid In resist
ing and repairing the effects of wasting
diseases. Chronic stomach trouble an
constipation aro promptly relieved usu
ally In one day.
This is tho only solid emulsion made,
and so palatable that It is eaten with
spoon like Ice cream.
No matter how severe your case, you
are urged to try Milks Emulsion under
this guarantee Take six bottles home
with you, use It according to directions,
and if not satisfied with the results your
money will bo promptly refunded. Price
COc and $1.20 per bottle. The Milks Emul
sion Co., Terre Haute. Ind. Sold by drug
gists everywhere. Adv.
He Gets It Again.
Cholly I feel like a fool tonight.
Miss Keen So glad you've recov
ered. Boston Transcript.
"O Happy Day" sung the laundress.
ns she hung the snowy wash on the
line. It was a "happy day" because
she used Red Cross Bull Blue.
No Scarcity.
"All the world's a stage."
"Yep. and there's no scarcity of
monologue artists."
Drug Stores Sell It
Five million people
use it to KILL COLDS
Standard cold remedy for 20 year
in tamet lorm sate, sure, no
opiates breaks up a cold in Z
hours relieves crip in 3 days.
Money back It it tails, iho
genuine box oas a Kea
top wim jar. n in
At All Drug Stmrmt
Reg U. S Pat. Off.
A convenient safe
antiseptic for home
use. Invaluable for
dressing cuts and
sores. A time-tried
State Street Hew York
Aches, pains, nervousness, diffi
culty in urinating, often mean,
eerious disorders. The world's,
standard remedy for kidney, liver,,
bladder and uric add troubles
"Drina; quick ralief and often ward ofl
deadly diseases. Known as the national
remedy of Holland for mora than 200
years. All druggists, in three Bitot.
Leak ht lb stain Cold MkIiI n Try boa
ad accapt Do imitation
"Hatching Dollars"
is a book that tells you how money
makes money - it tells you about high,
dais securities from which big men get
their incomes - how you can buy lliese
same safe securities by small payments.
Send for your tret copy today to
Invejlmmt Department
71 Broadway - - Now York City
(Memkrs N. Y. Stock Exchanti)
COI.OKA1K) LAND Improved farms In rain
belt, tracts 1(0 to 1,000 acres, good crops,
rood r-.aruets, best of water, healthy cli
mate. JH 00 to I.S00 per acre Write tot
descriptions, B. N Wright, Calhan, Colo.