The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 06, 1920, Image 1

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    I;, v
No. 25
0 $
north sum; merchants
KUY 1IUSIXESS pkoimjktv.
.Th former Gaunt property, on
North Locust street owned by Julius
IMzor has been sold to Ganjblo &
Springer nnd Simon & Son, tho former
grocors and tho latter meat market
men. tho deal having been closed tho
latter part of last week. This prop
erty Is GGxl32 and" Is well located 1
tho buslnos section on North Locust.
Tho purchase Is mado with tho viow
of erecting a business building which
will be occupied by tho buyers. Doth
of the firms arc doing a line business,
and feeling the need of larger quarters
concluded to secure a site and erect a
building that will fill their require
ments. The Tribune commends Gam
ble & Springer and Simon & Son for
this evidence of enterprise and thrift.
Unusual distinction has been tailor
ed into the women's and misses suits.
Wo are selling that kind. There Is a
truly surprising goodness about these
suits a trlmnesa a painstaking care
In tailoring, a wisdom of designing
and selection of materials and linings
that will servo best. Which taken all
together make them just such suits as
women who select servicablo clothes
will liko very much. Tho Loader Mor.
The following is the menu of tho
supper to bo given by tho Catholic
Girls Club and tho Catholic Ladles at
tho Masonic hall tomorrow evening
at six o'clock: roast pork, dressing,
mashed potatoes, brown gravy, cold
slaw, baked bean, hot rolls, cake and
cotteo at fifty cents a plate.. Tho sup
per will bo in connection with a fancy
work bazaar the both of which will
open at live o'clock and dancing will
begin at nine and continue throughout
the evening.
In order to appreciate the quality
and style of our Suits, you must try
them on, the very best workmanship,
which means fit and satisfaction.
Ladles and gentlemen you can all
vote for Chas. Llerk, Jr., in tho pri
mary election April 20th for the office
of County Commissioner. 25-4
Tonight and Wednesday
"Sooner or Later" -
For bachelors who are avoiding tho
matrimonial trap. Just the thing f6r
leap year.
Full of Fun Clean as a Whistle.
Miss Irene Schott nnd sister aro
virltlng friends in Omaha. 1
Frank Turplo wont to Fremont yes
terday to transact business for a few
Mrs. A. M. Schnrmann and Mrs.
Thos. Orton woro visitors in Kearney
lllght colored silk handkerchiefs
for ladles now patterns just arrived.
Louis Peterson was called to Chey
enne last evening by the death of a
Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Huff left Sunday
for Arkansas, where thoy will visit
i olatlves.
The Indian Card Club will meet to
morrow nftornoon with Mrs. Fred J.
Lr. H. C. Brock. Dentist. X-Ray
Diagnosis. Reynolds Bldg. Phone 148
Mrs. M. II. Hosier has been visiting
friends In Council JJluffs for several
days past.
"Dad" Ulalock. who had been visit
ing relatives In tho west, arrived home
yesterday morning.
Thurston Woodhurst, of Kearney,
spent Easter with relatives and
friends in town.
Silk hosiery to match all tho now
shades in tho spring shoes. E. T.
Now silks and voiles. Quality fabrics
In a pleasing rango of now patterns
and colorings now on sale at Tho
Leader Mor. Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Porcy O'Brien aro
guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Smith,
liaving arrived a few days ago.
Mrs. Thos. Baldock. who had been
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen
Baldwin, loft yesterday for Guernsey.
The Christian Aid Society will meet
in the church basement tomorrow af
ternoon instead of Thursday afternoon.
Bacon & Honsley sold the furnlsh-
j ings of the Liberty Inn tho latter part
of last week to Konnedy and Van
For Rent 14 room rooming house.
East of depot. Call at 51t east Fifth
street. 25-2
Straw tailor hats pleasing assort
ment being shown at The Loader Mor.
Co. a posltlvo delight to choso from.
Miss Hcdwlg Peterson, who had
been conducting services at th People's
Mission on north Locust street for
two weeks, left for tliccast yesterday.
The Buplibt congregation has pur
chased tho John MtGrjiW residence on
south Locut which will be used as a
parbonagn Tho consideration was
The Increase of business at the
county treasurer's, office duo to the
auto licenses has necessitated an
additional dlerk, nnd Mrs. Cletus Wat
ers began work in tho office yesterday.
Miss Margaret Mallory' returned to
Lincoln this morning after having
spent Easter at tho home of Mr. nnd
Mrs. C. M. Newton. Miss Mallory Is
a university student.
J.Jff. Romigh's Platform
I believe in personal service, and the intense
personal concern .for your automobile needs
which dominates this business is an atmosphere
which cannot be produced artificially. '
It is the principle upon which our business is"
built "the customer's satisfaction first."
This atmosphere is apparent-here because we
have facilities for maintaining cai-s and men ex
perienced in automotive lines who believe in and
understand this principle- and who are able to
express it in service to you.
Dodge Brothers
Chandler Motor Cars
Gth and Locust.
Phono 844.
Our aim -a car a day for the next 200 days,
and every owner satisfied.
To convono nt tho Baptist Church
Thursday afternoon at threo o'clock.
Tho Baptist County Campaign Di
rector will preside.
:i:00 Quiet Moments of Song nnd
Prayer, conducted by a Baptist pastor.
3:15 Four Mlnuto Speech by a Mln
uto Man.
3:20 "Tho Work of tho Mlnuto Mon"
by a Mlnuto Mon Chairman.
3:30 "Tho Work of the N. W. M.
Visitors" by a N. W. M. V. Supervisor.
3:40 "The Platform Campaign In our
County" by the County Director.
3:50 "tt'he Relation ofthe Local Bap
tist Church to tho Community Inter
church Cabinet" by a Local Church
Campaign Director.
4:00 Four Minute Speech by a
Minute Man.
4:05 Drill: "How to Solicit the Now
World Movement Pledges, and How to
Raise tho Quota In the Local Church"
Conducted by the State Organizer.
5:15 Intercessory: Prayer for tho
Success of the Campaign, Conducted
by a Baptist Pastor.
5:30 Adjournment.
lulcr-Cliurch World Comentton.
The Lincoln county conference of
tho Interchurch world movement will
behold at the Methodist church in this
city Thursday, April 8th, beginning nt
10 o clock.
In this conference wo will consider
tho facts of tho world survey involving
our own state. This will deal with
missionary facts at homo and abroad.
social and welfare work, ministerial
support, etc.
The grent financial budget and the
coming campaign will be explained.
This conference is Indispensable to
our united interests and will bo In the
nature of a conference for inspiration
and Information.
We urge that every person Interest
ed in kingdom affairs be present. If
your denomination Is not officially a
part of the movement, you an1 urged
to come and share in this conference
with tho rest. A respect for truth
and human welfare should lead us
to a candid consideration of this grent
See that your church "leaders are
J. H. CURRY, Convener.
The Al Tift property at the corner
of S'.xtb and Pino has been sold to
Bratt. Goodman & Buckley for a con
sideration of eight thousand dollars.
Wo understand that Mrs. Pulvor, who
owns tho Besack livery barn site and
nlscthe corner occupied by tho PIcard
carpenter 'snopi-nas neon mnue oners
for both properties. It looks as though
that particular section will soon have
some business houses.
The new spring style coats, suits
nnd dresses are ready for your choos
ing. The styles aro delightful and be
coming and youthful. Many models in
coats at $19.05 and up. Many models
In suits at $29.05 aiid up. Many models
In silk dresses at $14.05 and P at The
Leader Mer. Co.
For a good supper tomorrow even
ing be suro and go to the one given
by the Catholic Girls Club and Catho
lic ladles at the Masonic hall at six
o'clock. The fancy work bootli will
be open at five and dancing will begin
at nine.
Julius I'fzer informally entertained
a number of men friends last evening
in assisting him to celebrato tho Feast
of tho Passover, which he is observing
this week.
Miss Huldah Jonnson spent tho Eas
ter vacation with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Hans Johnson and roturned to
her school work at tho Kearney state
normal last evening.
Here Is Your Chalice.
Keith & Perkins Co.. Kiowa Co. Col.,
and Grooly Co., Kans. Real bargains
A-l modern houses for sale at Ogall
ala. Before you buy seo us.
John A. Rowo W. E. Rowe
500 S. Chestnut St..
25-2 North Platte, Neb.
Campaign Moves Rapidly.
The campaign for mombors of tho
Chamber of Commerce, which was
Inaugurated April 1st moves rapidly
and satisfactorily and tho two twins,
tho Rods and tho Blacks, are vicing
with each other as to which can so
curc tho greater number of now mom
bors. Friday, and Snturday two days bc
Iforo EListor woro busy days 'with
qulto a numbor of tho two teams, and
not a groat amount of soliciting was
dono, but yesterday tho campaign
started In earnest and nt noon tho
membership thormomotor in tho win
dow of Secretary Moran's office In
dicated 1G0.
5As tho loams' bring In the member
ship cards, the dial on tho ther
mometer is moved, so thnt passers by
can nee just what progress Is being
The wards have been districted and
mombors of tho teams apportioned to
the districts. Boost North Platto by
booomlng a member of the Chamber
of Commerce. '
While Tramp's have a poor location,
but first clnss garments, bought from
only Tollable manufacturers, which
means best styles and materials and
wo can also add In case of alterations
Nono Bettor than TRAMPS.
At a late meeting of Division 88, B.
of L. E a committeo was appointed
to arrange for tho thirty-eighth an
nual May Party of tho Division, which '
will bo held this year on May 3d, as
May 1st falls on a Saturday James
McN'eel was appointed chairman of
the arrangement committeo nnd ho
has already begun tho preliminaries
for this big social event with tho viow
of having it equal those which have
occurred annually for thirty-seven
years past.
Tho North Platto Baptist have been
assigned the sum of $20,G10 as tholr
contribution toward tho budget of ono
hundred million dollnrs which tho
Northorn Baptist will raise between
April 25th and May 2d. This sum Is to
bo expended In a great spiritual and
welfare campaign In America
nnd- tho Far East. Mrs. A.
N. Durbtn has been appointed cam
paign manager for tho North Platte
Telephone and telegraph service out
of North Pluttc has been well restor
ed both east nnd west by tho temporary
stringing of wires. In order to ac
complish even tills hundreds of men
have J'been employed. It will take
months to replace tho poles and
cross 'arms and tho miles of wire In
normal, condition. This loss hns been
onogjwHS, and it Is an emergency ex
ponsoTfhat the public neglects to con
skier when tho companies aro faulted
on the grounds of high rates.
When buying your spring supply 'A
underwear in knit, batiste and silks
do not forget TRAMP'S has suro got
he right merchandise as our buyer
looks after the small details of tho
garment that means so much to the
Sunday was a great day, at the
Prosbyterlan church, large audiences
attending the several services. The
day started with an Easter program
by the Sunday school, followed by the
regular church service at which
nearly forty, menibors were received
Into the church. At this service n
splondid program of Easter muaic
was rendered by the choir and com
munion partaken of by a largo mem
bership. In tho evening tho regular
services wero held with added Easter
music and tho demobilization of the
service Hag. Canteen ladies covered
tho stnrs of tho living with white, de
noting peace, nnd taps woro sounded
for tho two who died in defense of
their country.
Wo extend to friends and neighbors
our heatfelt thanks for the kindly as
sistance given us in tho death of our
baby and for tho lloral tributes. Sign
ed: Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Harden. Mr.
and Mrs. Otto Anderson and daughter.
For Sale, Lease or Trade.
Ono section of pasture land, ton
miles south of Maxwell. Well fenced,
plenty of water and lots of sliado.
1 " 11. &. H. Korr. 25-7
! Hereford Hulls for Sale.
! Twenty head of registered Hereford
Bulls for sale. S. J, Koch, Hershoy,
iNeb. 23-8
I. 0. 0. P. Notice.
Walla Walla Lodge No. ."(! will con
for the llisl degree Thursday noil
lug, April Slh.
J. OI'Y SWOPi:. Srcly.
For Sale Horcford Bulls. F. O.
Johnson. Routo X. North Platto. 23-2
What's In tho package? 25c each,
let's buy ono and see April 22nd at
the Guild Luncheon nnd Snlo. tf
Ladles nnd gontlomon you can ail
voto for Chas. Llork, Jr., In tho pri
mary election April 20th for tho offlco
Man Wills!
Woman Weeps!
Woman Wins!
Beauty will find nwny
'"The Thunderbolt" ,
Last time.
Keith, Tonight.
Keith Theatre, Wednesday and Thursday.
"The Dare Devil"
Tom Mix in the daring dashing role of the son
of a wealthy Easterner .who goes West and breaks
up their monotony.
Nash Trucks
1""-' :11gnmaKP
Transportation practically without interruption, is an
assurance that appeals to owners of Nash Trucks in this
This assurance is had from the strong and scientific
construction of these trucks themselves and from the fact,
that in our parts department we have a stock of parts suf
ficient to meet all possible requirements.
With reference to service we are in a most advantage
our position; our thorough shop( equipment, and our staff
of skilled mechanics are further assurance of quick and
dependable service.
We would be pleased to have you call at our establish
ment, to learn more about Nash Trucks, and about our un
usual facilities for service.
NASH (il'AI) CHASSIS 8250.00
P. O. B. Factory
J. S. Davis Auto Co.
Tonight and Tomorrow
Why Stop at Heaven's Gate?
Co through Eden to
"The Valley of
under Personal Escort of
"Tbe Sinners"
Two Reel Monkey Comedy.
lft ,1(1
This Electric Sewing Machine is as .
Handy as Your Work Basket
PORTABLE can be used anywhere that
there's an electric light socket. When not in
use takes up no more room than a hand bag
and is carried as easily.
Workless electricity performs tho
All you do is guide the sewing.
Inexpensive costs no more than foot-
power machines, and can ho obtained
on easy, pny-ns-you-use terms.
I3e ready for spring and Summer Sewing
Call today or let us call on you.