Corporations Increase l'opnlnlJoii. Those who are Interested In the wol fafe Mini growth of" North Plalta ae aupt with pleasure the fot UmI the Waste Union Telegraph Co. ha on Itn N'orth Platte pay rotl six tea t o;,. ployes. When th Standard Oil Vy. gat Its dtstrlot ofrices located hare sixtoen or eighteen persons Will Ue glvon employment, some of whom will bring their families. And thus a North Pintle grown big corporations Increase their ojmralions In our city and llkewiso Increase our imputation. ::d:; Fashion Form Corsets In all tho now model. A stylo for each Indi vidual ffgtiro U)Klutly guaranteed to give saUefnotlon. K. T. Tramp A SOUB, , ('. of ('. JlemliorMifp Cnmpnigii. The forty men who are ..engaged In ihn Chamber of Commerce indirtber shlp ofcttipevlfn met together at the Pnlaao Cafe Tuesday evening and ft mpletetf arrangements for tha work '. . 3 two team aro known as the na-.: ;-nd tho Whltee. The Whites, t.-.rt. i.ttd by Harry Samuelson, will c-nvaaa the Second and Third wards, ard the Blacks, ciiptnlned by .loo Iterschfekl. will gather In members, from the First and Fourth wards. The campaign started yeatorday and will continue for eight days, and at the close the team scouring the larg est number of mombors will bo treated to a supper by tho other loam. ::o: n ' g'li'e OhH strsw, $3.00 per load i . l?re. Phone 78F13. J. T. Ustor, To First Ward Voters. In asking for- support from the vot ors of the First ward as a candidate for counoUman I will state that I was horn In Lnentn county, nave beou n resident of the First waVa for ten yep re, that I nm a proifflrtA' owner, and that I stand for public Improve ment tlipt will give omployment to mechanics and laboring mon of the city. While advocating such Improve ment. I am one of those who bolleve that the city should get a full return for every dollar tlwit It aponds; In In other words, I do not believe In the extravagant expenditure of tho tax payers' money. J. V SMALMVOOI). -::o::- Ur. llomird Yost. Dentist, Twlnnm Hnlhllnir. Phone SI07. "7lf FOR SALE One 5 yoar old Hlack Goldlng, weight 1150. One aged Registered Dlaclr Porcheron Stallion will he sold cheap. Also one kitchen range, ono small healing stove, somo dishos and other household goods. Single buggy harn ess, a few farming tools and other Hiiia.Il tools. For prices inquire of BLiANKBNBURG DUOS. 1305 North Locust St . Phone Red 851. 23-3 ::o:; For Sale. Four room house, earner lot, barn, chicken house and coal shed. ,i!ho two row, riding lister, field iliac, 2-section harrow, cultivator, 1-hore culltvntor, double set harnesH, single set hnrness, bujfgy. A. IJ. SmMhi S03 V. Eloventh street. ' 24-2 1st. Lullicrnn Church. Special Good Friday aorvloes with sermon tonight at olght o'clock. . Master Day, Early praise sorvlco. 7:30, subject. "Our Lord and His Triumph".' 11 o'clock, Baptism of children, confirmation and Holy Com munion. 8 o'clock, Easter musical "The Resurrection," by Porter. Special mush! at all services. Tho Holy Communion will bo admin istered at cloo of evening service. Children's Easter Cantata 7:30. Euster day. REV. C. F. KOCH, Pastor. : :o: : Sale Fordson Tractor, good For shape tho L Inquire of Harvey, Tilllon on 13. Jonos farm. ' 24-5 Clinton ft Son, Eye-Sight Specia lists. tf Methodist F.nslcr Services. Sunday schodl !:45 a. in. Eustor services 11 a. m., suhjoctu "Josus' Easter Appearances'. Recep tion Of now mombors. Easter Cantata by tho choir at 3 p. in, Epworth Loaguo soclat half hour 0:00 p. m. and devotional meeting at G:30. ' Children's Easter Cantato 7:30. ::o:: Christian Church. Bible School at 9:45 a. M. Preaching at 11 a. m. Subject "Slgnlflanco of tho Resurrection." Preaching at 8:00 p. m. Subject, "Burning Hearts". Subject of Friday nights sormon, "Tho Cruclllxtlon." ' 'T " " " . ' '' . OColIeffinn Clothe ivio All Clothes are high priced these days and it is to yoiir interest to buy where you are sure to get the most for your money. COLLEGIAN CLOTHES, tailored by David Adler & Sons since 1849, have been recognized for more than half a century as representing more for the price asked than any other line of High Grade Clothes. -A w I 1 We are proud ot our showing of COLLEGIAN CLOTHES for Spring and we invite your inspection. Edwards-Reynolds Co. GOOD CLOTHES.