The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 02, 1920, Image 1

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    I'll VXlt
NEB., APRIL 2, 1920.
No. 24
(Jorporal Tracy Soaburg left yester
day for Los Angeles, Cal., after a
Tlsit with his mothor.
Misses Lena Scnsil and Lillian Car
eon left this morning for Kearney to
spend tho week end with friends.
Old Trusty and Queen Incubators
ml Brooders at Fnctory Trices.
Luke Healey came down from Don
Tor this morning to upond the day in
town transacting business and visiting
rolatlves and friends.
For Sale Young male calf. Phone
Block 390. 23-2
A telegram recoived ycHtordny fore
noon announced the birth of a daugh
ter to Mr. and Mrs. E. It. Goodman,
who have been In Omaha for several
The W. It. Maloney Co. Veport tho
unlo this week of a milking machine to
II. Williams living wost of town who
will conduct . dairy. The machine has
a capacity for milking thirty cows an
The funeral of tho lato Mrs. Mary
Norris was hold from tho Catholic
church Wednesday morning, many
friends attending. Present were Pat
rick Boyle of Fremont and Thos. Boyle
of Schuyler, brothers of tho deceased;
Mrs. Thos. Fly nn of Omaha and Mrs.
Oulnn, of Lexington.
Why look for your Easter suit, coat,
dress or blouso in stores carrying
limited Btocks when you can choose
at BLOCK'S from hundreds of tho
most exclusive and beautiful garments
ever shown in n city, tho size of North
Bllliken and Educator Shoes for
children at Wilcox Department Storo
Tho mean temperature last month
was thirty-eight degrees, or throe de
grees warmer than the normal for tho
month; the precipitation for the
month was a half inch less than the
normal for March, and since January
first there is a deficiency of a half
inch of precipitation aiJ compared wltji
the normal for tho first three months
of the year.
One of North Platte's most promi
nent ladles just returned from Los
Angeles remarked today whilo shop
ping at BLOCK'S, "I have visited all
tho great specialty shops In tho coast
cities, and I wish to toll you that none
of them havo got anything on Block's
as far as stylo, quality and prlco Is
TimmiIIpUi Century Club.
Tho rogular meeting of tho Twen
tieth Contury Club will bo hold at tho
rosldonco of Mrs. C. Franklin Koch on
Tuosday evening, April Gth at 8 p. in.,
with Mrs. W. A. Skinner and Mrs. F.
C. Wllloby assisting hostesses.
The following program will bo
given: community sing led by Mrs.
Gllfoylo; soventh nnd eighth lessons
In Citizenship Stato Institutions,
Mr:-. W.-W. Cumming, lender: music
Street Commissioner Salisbury say.'
the Fourth wnrd is away ahead of the
oilier wards in tho way of clean alleys
nnd dean streets, nnd that the neatest
appoarlng alley in town is the one be
tween Eighth and Ninth stroeU, and
that this cleanliness In this alley ex
tends the cntiro length of the" city.
This cleanly condition In the Fourth
ward is not the result of a recent
clean-up; the condition prevnlls at all
times. Tho Tribune commends tho
pooplo of the Fourth ward for their
After efforts extending over several
months a public health nurse has been
secured In the porson of Miss Emily
Green, of Washington, D. C, who is
expected to arrivo tho latter part of
next week. Miss Green will take
chargo of a public health clinic and
assist In social welfare work. The ex
pense of this nurse will for tho present
bo borne by tho Red Cross.
Niagara Maid silk gloves for Easter
Sunday In all shades to match your
Easter coat, suit or gown in short and
long lengths from $1.00 up at Block's.
The annual supper and congrega
tlonnl business meeting of tho Baptist
church was hold Wednesday evening
with a largo attendance. Reports of
tho church work for the past year
wore read, showing tho different de
partments to bo in excellent condition.
Deacons, officers and committees for
tho coming year were elected.
Are you ready for the Eastor Sunday
promenade? Tho woman who seeks to
bo at her best on the most fashionable
Sunday of all the year will bo well
pleased and look her best If her selec
tions are made from the largo display
of tailored suits, coats and drosses
now being shown at reasonable prices
Merlo Maupin, Donald Newton, Wil-
ma Coats, Eva Hoaglantl and Joe l'izor
wero among tho state university stu
dents who came homo yesterday to
spend tho Easter vacation.
Onion Sets. McMlchaol's Grocery. 23
Crystal, Saturday.
Copid's Round-Up
Thrilling story of the Golden West.
.. ....i mi iimnnrYT vtttt
Pumps and Oxfords
of Rare Grace
DISTINCTIVE something which discriminating women
instantly recognize differentiates JOHN KELLY foot
wear from the mass of shoes lor women.
They are the choice of the painstaking purchaser be
cause they have the style which appeals to feminine love of
the beautiful and the quality that makes them,practical.
We invite you to inspect this remarkable line. New
Spring styles just in.
Join (lie Chamber of Commerce.
A campaign is now on for mombers
of tho Chamber of Coiumerco and It
is hoped to swell tho momborshlp not
loss than 000. This caniDalcn is be
ing conducted lnrgoly among resldonts
who aro not engaged in business, but
have property. Interests and nro thoro
foro interested in tho future advance
ment of tho city. Tho buslnoss mon
havo already becomo members and
havo contributed to tho budget tho
maRliincont sum of fourteen thousand
dollars, each business man subscrib
ing from fifty to two hundred dollars
each barod on the volume of busi
ness transacted. Tho membership is
divided into two classes, the men ac
tively engaged in buslnoss are classed
as A members, thoso not in buslnoss
are members of tho It class. Each
class has the same privileges with the
one oxcoptlon that Class B mombers
cannot hold office.
In thoso days a commercial organiz
ation Is as necessary for tho buslnos.'
welfare or a city as is business Itself.
During a year hundreds of uucstions,
problems and proportions present
themselves for solution and through r
commercial organization they aro sol
ved. Wero tho citizens acting Individ
ually instead of collectively (and thev
act collectively through' their business
organization) scarcely one of those
problems and propositions would re
ceive any consideration whatever. This
commercial body Is to a town wht
a board of directors Is to any company
or corporation a clearing house for
tho good. Indifferent and bad phases
of commorco.
Tho object of tho North Platte
Chamber of Commerce Is to build up
tho town to lnceaso tho volume of
business transacted, to get enterprises
to locate, to urge pefrplo to build
homos and become permanent resi
dents, to assist in building good roads
and encourage others to help, to stand
behind the city government In public
Improvements, and to feature a better
feeling between seller and buyer.
Thore js not an owner of a home in
North Plntto who cannot afford to take
a Class B membership, which will
cost him live dollars. It Is an invest
ment which will bring him good re
turns in tho growth of the town and
tlio consequent increase in tho
value of his property. But this is not
all. ho has tho satisfaction of knowing
mat no is one of tho many who is do
Ing his part, and doing it effectively.
in making North Platto a bigger and
oettor town.
Tho larger tho membershin of the
Chamber of Commerce the greater Its
influence. Just think what may bo
possible if 500 men in North Platto
nut their shoulders to tlm wlmnl! Tim
fact that Class B memberships have
been placed at so low a figure as fivo
dollars, Is ovidonco. that tho Influonco
and booster spirit of tho homo owner
is really, more desired than his money
tho runner living rdjacent to North
Platto can also well afford to become
a member, for as North Platto crows
In population, tho better market It bo-
comes for his produce; and the neigh
boring farmer should not" bo forgetful
of tho fact that the Chamber of Com-
merco is Improving tho roads which
ho travels, having expended $5,000 in
machinery and work last year, and
will do as-well or even better during
The Tribune hopes that tho 500 mark
sot by the membership committee will
bo exceeded.
Mr. W. L. Richards, who had noun
visiting in Omaha for six week, re
turned Homo Tuosdny.
Shubbory, Flowors. Bulbs and
Seeds. 5, 10 & 25c Storo.
Tho Methodist ladles wero accorded
very gonorous natronnco nt tlm
baaanr and dlnnor hold at the church 1
Ladles' Suits from S2G to Sinn at
Wilcox Department Storo.
O. K. Marshall ami W. II. Hnmtmn.
enlisted ut the local rocriiltlnir n(Tir
this week nnd wore sent to rmnn
Dodge, Iowa.
Easter Silk Hoalurv In tlm nnlnhmt.
od Onyx make In all the wanted spring
biiuuuh, iinceu very reasonably and
sold exclusively at BLOCK'S, the Wo
men s store of tho Town.
The Methodist Indian WlHll In nvtnml
their thanks to the public for tholr
liberal imtronago toward tho noon day
luncheons which they havo boon sor
vlng the last threo months.
Smart stylos In blousos and KPtinrntii
skirts charming, dollghtfully attrac
tive models on sale at Tho LEADER
Misses Floronco Wilcox
Waltomath, students at the stato
university, returned homo yesterday
morning to spend the Eastor vacation.
Smnrt styles in blouses atlll sntmrntn
skirts charming, delightfully attrac
tive mouois on salo at Tho LEADER
DA Morrill. Dentist. niTIrn nvnr
Wilcox Department Storo.
Last clmnco to soo Norma Tnlmnfiim
in "Tho Islo Of Coiimmsit" nf
Koith tonight. Also tho Sunshine
comedy Her Private Husband. Don't
miss this entertainment.
Ladles' Coats, nowost stvlna. nil
pricos. at Wilcox Department Storo.
Tho AVestcrn Union Toloernnh c.n
and tho Nebraska Tolonhmm r.n nr
limiting neroic oltorts to repair the
ciamages caused by tho wind and snow
of Saturday night. Between North
Platto and Grand Islnnd it is stated
that 500 men nro at work repairing
mo nnes ami tlial these mon arc being
paid one dollnr an hour for their ser
vices. s
ur. H. u. Brock. Dentist. Y-rtav
Diagnosis. Roynoids Bldg. Phono 148
Perhaps you aro worrying bocauso
you find that clothes keep going up In
prico, you will feel bettor when you
como here and sco what beautiful gar
ments wo aro oiionng this season at
the most moderate price. Mrs.
Calvin and Mrs. Kllno in chargo nt
Tho Leader Mercantile Co., will bo
pleased to show you. A look places
you under no obligation to buy.
For Sale Registered Hereford
.Pulls. II. P., Hanson, North Platte,
No''. iotf
Style Show ltl? Success.
Tho stylo show glvon last ovenlng
by tho Stylo Shop was a pronounced
succoss, both in the display of living
models and In attendance. Tho room
whs crowded with Interested lady
spectators and about ono hundred gar
ments of prevailing stylos wero intro
duced by tho modols. Stamp's orches
tra furnished music, Miss Trovlllo
rendored sovora vocal solos, and storo
decorations wore lllllos and tulips. Tho
Indies posing as modols woro Mrs. L.
C. Carroll, Mrs. Will Burke. Mrs.
Harry Cramer, Miss Clara Soronson,
,Mis Adele LoDloyt and oniployos of
tho shop. Mr. and Mrs. Popejoy are
to be commended for placing before
Interested ladles this successful ex
hibition of the season's stylos.
Lest you forgot the Episcopal
1). A. It. Program.
Sioux Lookout Chapter of tho D. A.
R. will meet nt the homo of Mrs. Hook,
April 5th, Mrs, J. McQraw nnd Mrs. L.
E. Mehltnnn assisting hostesses. The
program will bo:
Singing of America; ' snluto and
pledge to tho Flag; "Our Flag within
tho Artie Circle" written by Miss
Eloonor RIdgoway; report of the
yonr's work of Sioux Lookout Chapter
Mrs. H. M. O rimes roport of Nob,
State Conferences by Mrs. Y. A. Ilin
num; roll call, Americanization; song
Battlo Hymn of tho Republic
Mombors requested to moot at tho
homo of Mrs. Grimes at sovon p. in.
Transportation will bo provided for
"Our Flag within the Artie Circle,"
written by Miss Eleonor RIdgoway
ladlos will hold a bazaar and luncheon !w 111 acknowledgment of a GxlO foot
In the church basement April 22d.
Fancy articles, aprons and rugs will
be on sale.
Tlckots for "Engaged by Wednes
day," which will bo repeated at tho
Franklin lAiditorium April 9th, can be
secured at Frator's drug storo, Dixon's,
Clinton's, Wilcox Dopt. Storo and
Gummore-Dont drug Rtoro.
Furnished rooms for light house
keeping for two pooplo. 1203 W. 3rd
St. Phono Black 831.
Tho voguo for lustre-bright effects
In mllllnory scorns to bo lncquored.or
shollackcd, for gloss and shlna and
gllttor seems to rulo in tho mlllinory
ronlin. Fabric hats aro so roally
lovoly that they aro a big feature.
Thoy aro being mado of shiny satin,
taffeta nnd oven gay colored voiles,
Miss Little and Mrs. Woodhurst In
will be glad to assist you to solcct
your spring hat now. It's so near
ting and a 55 foot pole sent by tho
D. A. R.'s of Sioux Lookout Chapter.
Miss Rldgowny is a missionary in tho
"Church of St. John's In the Wilder
ness' situated at Allnkaket, Alaska, a
llttlo town about olevon miles north
of tho Artie circle.
MRS. GRIMES, Regent.
Kngnged by Wednesday.
A bottor and funnier "Engagod by
Wednesday" Is to bo glvon at tho
Franklin auditorium Friday, April
9th. Tho Nlcaflgoo Camp Flro Girls
aro putting forth their host efforts to
oiuul tholr provious porformnnco. An
ontlroly now Bazza porformnnco is to
bo glvon composed of somo of tho best
talont in North Plntto. Rosorvo tho
dato. You will not bo disappointed.
Silk Pottlcoats If you want to sco
chargo at Tho Lcador Morcnnlllo Go.JP- real stock of them go to tho Wilcox
Department Storo.
For Sale HdVoford Bulls. F. O.
Johnson. Routo 1. North Plntto. 23-2
For Rent Bnrn for horso or hay or
combined, located near corner of No.
Locust nnd East Ninth streets. Call
700F21 for information or address
Geo. McKnln. North Platte tf
Keith, Saturday.
"You Never Know
Your Luck"
Tho story of a freak wuger.
Two part Comedy
Her Private Husband.
Crystal, Monday.
"Poor Relations"
A quaint story of a situation which
comes to most of us.
Coriscian Brothers
Joe Martin Monkey Comedy
Prince of Avenue A
The Black Gate
Last Chapter.
Why StopatT Heaven's Gate!
Go through Eden to
"The Valley o
under Personal Escort of 3$
Sun Theatre
PU Nbw M- the Busiest
Ijw EasterShoeDays 1
ftji 'the Shoe Market has 4
Bl 'ever known .
b&MSf For such Blorio3 stylcVdWl 1 1
EPw' eprt0"! values arc now being
8wSv displayeTlTn each an tl . .Wdry do)" j
mm , -it
I'VilA k Kvor-v ncceptod '
MP 17 t zmm t i siiion's mvo, m
KP P'' M V Is hero Not In
JltkiLlo lifs-'v l.i t onehut in ninny 3w5
Witi&yk sty lea and loath- SMS
- i
iii lljaj luia Cfiiim
our chlldron's'do- iP" 1
I Bn moro than pleased I2&-Kg0j0r 'MOl
mi with tho cunning T c'v yr tH
" fit stylos ami comhl- X-- MSflD
gv aves You "oney on Shoes XrjH
Tuesday & Wednesday.