The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 30, 1920, Image 5

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Here is the Ford Runabout, a perfect whirlwind of utility. Fits
into the daily life of everybody, anywhere, everywhere, and all the
time. For own and country, it is all that its name implies a Run-
&utvit. Low in cost of operation ; low in cost of maintenance,
with all the sturdy strength, dependability and reliability
for which Ford cars arc noted. We'd be pleased to have
your order for one or. more. Wc have about everything in
motor car accessories, and always have a full line of
genuine Ford Parts. We'd like to have you for our customer.
Remember if you want your Ford to give continuous
service you must keep it in good condition. We
will do it for you.
Touring $650 Roadster $625
Sedan - $975 Truck $640
Rhode Island Red egs for setting.
C, I, Lewis, East end C, stret,
John Crockett, a former resident
of this city is tho guest of his brother
A. C. Howard.
Mr. aiuTMrs. Albert Le DIoyt,, of
Paxton, spent the week end in town
visiting friends
Tho Best Dressed women of North
2'latte and vicinity buy their apparel
at BLOCKS. There is a Reason.
Mrs. E. F, Seebergo'r left for Omaha
yesterday, to visit Austin Bedell who
has been ill for a week or so.
Olerks Wanted. Apply to W. J.
O'Connor, 5( 10 and 25 cent store. 21-tf
Mrs. Fred Duncan left yesterday for
Denver whoro she will meet Mr. Dun
can and they, will visit in that city for
a week.
WANTED Girls to take nurses'
training. Become R. N.' nurSes. Call
or write North Plato General Hospi
tal, North Platte, Neb. 23-4
A boy baby was born Saturday to
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith, making
Win. Norris, who has been located
at Thcrmopolis, Wyo., for somo timo,
arived this morning, having been call
ed home by the dcatli of his mother.
Silk kimonos and negligees, danity
colors made up In the very best style.
It will bo a real pleasure for you to
see them. E. T. TRAMP & SONS.
Tho Sun Theatre will have tho fa
mous Joe Martin in "Bnby Doll Ban
dit" Thursday, and Friday. Tho chil
ren will want to see this famous
monkey comedian.
Lot us repair your broken glasses
while you wait, Clinton ( Son. Op
ticians, t;
Sarah Rebekah Lodgo will meet next
Friday evening at eight o'clock. A
largo number of candidates will be In
itiated folio wed by a social hour and
tho serving of refreshments,
Wo have already sold moro suits and
coats this season so far than wo over
have at any previous season. Wonder
why? Because wo deliver tho GOODS
at the right price. BLOCKS.
C. E. McLean returned Saturday and
will remain for a couplo of weeks clos-
four of a kind. Mother and son are lug out his real estate holdings. He
reported to bo doing nicely. 'has purchased property in California
We have without a doubt tho best and says he Is well pleased with that
assortment of suits and coats ever country.
shown in North Platte. E. T. Tramp Dr. H. C. Brock. Dentist. X-Ray
& Sons. Diagnosis. Reynolds BIdg. Phono 148
1 rot
As Merchants of Our City and
Your City
Wc appreciate the business that has been coming
our way from the people o North Platto. We are
glad that we are residentsand have the opportu
nity of doing business in a city that shows such
progressivencss. Inerefore we are line for a
297 BUSY STORES IN 1920.
Tho Parcnt-Tcacher Association of
the Junior and Senior High Schools
will meet Wednesday afternoon at
threo o'clock in tho Franklin audi
torium. Easter Blouses! Tho most beautiful
blouses wo have over shown in long
and short sleeves, nro now on display
and salo at BLOCKS.
At tho meeting of the board of di
rectors of tho building and loan as
sociation Friday, evening thirty-throe
applications for loans were granted.
The sum involved was in excess of
eighty, thousand dollars.
The most wonderful and good look
ing dresses at most reasopablo prices
now being shown at THE LEADER
Engineer James McNeil has purch
ased tho Alex Fcnwlck residence on
west Sixth street for a consideration
of $7,800. This looks as though our
friend Jim is to take an important stop
(n tho near future.
For Sale 4 lots with now 5 room
Bungalow. All modern with own
water system and electric pump, at
1714 East 4th. Phono Red 1081. 20-4
Aro you tired of ordinary picture
settings? Then you'll welcomo tho now
freshness of rugged scenes in tho
stirring story, of stormy coasts and
sunny hearts, shown in "Out Yonder"
with OHvo Thomas at tho Crystal
Tuesday and Wednesday.
A pair of properly fitted glasses will
stop that headache, Clinton & Son
Opticians. tl
I will have two of tho now Chandler
Dispatch four passenger speedsters
for delivery next week. They aro ex
tremely scarco and you would do well
to speak now for ono of theso beauti
ful and classy models. Still $2175, de
livered at North Platte, but probably
not so long, as all similar models aro
at least $500 higher.
J. V. ROMIGH, Dealer.
ItO'HIvcl OffJrrrs mid Directors
The annual election of directors nnrt
officers of the Mutual Building an '
Loan AbhocIhUou was hold Saturday,
the polls for the election of directors
bolng open in the nftoruoon and ovon
IttK. There wore 1380 shares of stock
voted, about ono-soventh of the total
in force. The retiring directors were
W. H. Maloney,. Geo. W. Finn and
CO. Welngami and they were unani
mously re-olocted, every ono of tho
1880 votes being cast for thorn.
Following the election the of
directors assembled In sosslon and re
elected tho officer. Those nro T. C.
Patterson president, Victor Von Goet
vicc-prosldent. Miss Bessie Salisbury
secretary and W. II. Munger treas
urer. Notice h"Thc Public.
On and Utter April 1st all repair
work will bo cash, tho ownor or ton-
.ant to pay tho plumbor whon tho work
Is finished. This wo find will bo a
wiving to tho ownors and plumbors,
and wo think this system will bo moro
I satisfactory, to all parties concerned.
North Platto Plumbing & Hoctt
Ing Co..
i Platte Valley Plumbing & Heat
ing Co.,
! Standard Plumbing & Heating
Elmer Hultman,
Jos. F. Pillion. ' 22-2
We have nlramly sold moro suit and
. coats this soason do far than wo ovor
(have at any provlous soason. Wonder
why? Because wc deliver Iho GOODS
'at the right price. BLOCKS.
The American War Mothers mot at
I tho homo of Mrs. O. Brodbeck Friday
evening and transacted business,
among which was tho appointment of
a committee to make arrangements for
tho proper obsorvanco of Flag Day.
Soveral chapters in tho state will bo
visited. This historian, Mrs. J. E.
Evans gave an interesting history of
tho chapter. Dollcious refreshments
were served.
Holo proof now fashioned hosiery
of high quality. . Seo them at Hoslory
counter Mrs. Garrison In chargo at
A fruit journal published In Cali
fornia gives live views of John Keith's
orchard in West Hollywood, John hlm
solf appearing in ono of tho illustra
tions. Mr. Keith's orchard Is so var
ied In trees that Is yields delicious
fruits every month In tho year, and
some of tho fruit is, very rare. Mr.
Keith has a standing order with tho
Santa Fo railroad dining service for
all tho fruit ho can sell. Tho orchard
is ono of tho beauty spots in the
Hollywood section.
You may Inspect somo of tho now
Dodgo touring cars with tho now
Alomite oiling system this week, ns wo
have a carload coining and will hold
at least ono thru tho weok for the show
room. Yes they nro all sold on orders
of long standing. Get your Dodgo
ordered today.
J. V. ROMIGH, Dealer.
Dr. Brock has purchased tho Butler
Buchanan rcsldonco on west Second
for a consideration of $7,500, nnd
Georgo Zentmoyer has bought tho
Perry Buchanan property adjoining
for $5,000. Tho Messers. Buchanan
and families will soon occupy tho now
duplex residence erected by Butler
Buchanan on tho same block.
Tho Millinery Department at THE
LEADER MER. CO'S is filled with
most exquisite styles In Millinery.
Miss Littlo and Mrs. Woodhurst In
chargo who will bo very glad to show
you .
Wo speciallzo In Extra slzo stylish
stout gramcnts to fit tho Stout Lr.dlos.
Wo carry a completo stock of stylish
stout suits, coats, drosses, waists,
skirts, . houso dresses and potticoats.
All very reasonably priced nt Blocks.
Completo display of authentically
styled spring apparel for women,
Misses and Children at THE LEADER
Hereford Bulls for Sale.
Twenty head of
Bulls for sale.
f registered Hereford
S.J. Koch, Hershoy,
...mill III I Mini,
..,,1111 ltllil'NUUW
The "First Home in the Land"
has its rugs cleaned thoroughly by
It Beats... As It Sweeps An It Cleans
At the White House, in the regal abode of theMikado, in the
sumptuous homes of six U. S. Supreme Court Judges, in
John D. Rockefeller's palatial dwelling, and in fine homes
everywhere, some of the rarest, costliest turs in the world
are "Hoover-ed" regularly to remove dirt thoroughly and
to lengthen their life just as The Hoover cares for the
charming rugs of these well-known local residents:
The best care is none too good for your fine rug3. We
will gladly demonstrate The Hoover at our $tore or in
your home ..thout obligation.
North Platte Light & Power Co.
Whore oeiehj T&runh OHofljra nro sold
miuiirimiiii i i in .,fljj.ro7T. nil, , , mranmnaiii
O A. D. & O.
ityle is harder to
get than all-wool
HERE would be no distinction Tor
SocicLy Brand Clothes if their only vir
tue was all-wool. Any maker could give
you this if he wished. But style is a mat-,
ter of creative designing and careful, costly
Society 'Brand Gothes
For Young Men and Men Who Stay Young
There are many new patterns for spring
new touches ol smartness in cut, new fea
tures that you should see to know what's
Outfitter for Good Dressers
Irl A. "Y
We Buy mtd S
in our Prices.