The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 30, 1920, Image 4

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    I T
You nark voiir U
! picture, for it is
tal, Thursday and Friday.
oublcs outside when you come to see this
crammed full of giggles, laughs and roars.
Friday "Over the-Ocean Wave."
Graduate Dentist
Office over the McDonald
State Hunk.
For Salo Young nrnlo calf. Phono
Black 300. 23-2
Joo Illrschfold roturned Saturday
from Omaha whoro ho attended a
mooting of tho Shrinorn.
Nobby Tailored Suits and Coats,
now ready for your Inspection at Tho
Londor Mor. Co.
Tho flro department was called out
Friday ovonlng by a car of burning
hay In tho railroad yards.
For Rent Now garngo with electric
plant at Wollllcot, Nob. Addross A.
C. Burton, Wolllloot. 22-3
Mrs. C. B. Lllos arrlvod from
Youngstown, Ohio, yontorday, having
been ailled horo by tho death of her
brothor, Geo. W. Ilhoades.
' Garden Seeds. McMichnol's Gro
cery. 20-4
Mrs. Emma Madison annouueos tho
ongngomont of her daughter Cnrrlo
Alwllda Brownoll to Donald Nowton
Bclsncr of this city.
Sue us for wall papor, Tho Retail
Store. 4 14tf
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hanson and
daughter spont sovoral days In Omaha
last week, Mr. Hanson going dowh to
nttond tho mooting of Shrlnors.
For ' Salo-Washlng Machine and
Wrlngor. Phono Rod 545. 20-4
Sol Cornell, who had boon visiting
his brothor Charley Cornell for a weok
left yostorday for Iaramlo to tnko
charge of tho Barkalow Bros, news
Just recolvcd! A beautiful assort
ment of hanrt-ombrocUorod InfanVs
dresses at BLOCKS.
.Too Ivarson, of Groon River, Wyo.,
npent Sunday In town with friends.
Ho wna returning homo from Fremont
whoro ho had accompanied his wife
and baby.
For Sulo PaBsonBor Hralcoman Coat
and Voat. Inquire at Satmiolson. 4-4
For Salo Roglitored Hi
Bulls. II. P. HSnson, North
Mrs. W. A. Buchllnck and children
are visiting relatives in Grand Island.
Most up to date wall paper pattorns
at the Rexall. 1 itf
Mrs. Frank Uarnoll and daughter
Olndys were called to Omaha the latter
imrt of last woak by tho death of Mrs.
ltornell's brother.
The high winds of tho past ten days
has damaged wheat to quite an extent
on ground where the soil Is loose. On
the 1'. & II. ranch the whoat was
protected by sproadlng a light cover
ing of mtinure ovor It.
D. Morrill, Dentist, office ovor
Wilcox Department Storo.
C. P. Clinton, who had boon spend
ing a couplo of months In California,
returned homo Sunday. "Jim"
thoroughly, enjoyod his visit on the
coast nnd returns feeling stronger and
looking bettor.
For" Salo Good Buggy and single
harnoss. If Interested phono Blk 245
Tho Automobile Club of Southern
California recontly had an oloctlon of
officers and J. Clark Buchanan, form
erly of this city, was re-olectod assls-
; tant mftnagor of the Intor-insurnnce
'oxohango department, a position ho
has hold for sovoral years.
Ono day sorvlco for broken lenses,
Clinton & Son, Optician's. f.t
J, V. Romlgh reports tho salo of n
Chandler four 'passengor roadster to
Gcorgo Taylor of Wollileet, a Chandler
'Speedster to C. O. Dedinoro, a Dodge
j Commercial to Simon Kruger and
) Dodge Brothers touring cars B. W.
IRInckor, Win. Hawley and Louis
Easter Gloves in long or short kid,
or silk, in all slzos and in all the
popular now spring shados to match
your Easter suit or gown at BLOCKS.
Tho wind reached a voloclty of fifty
mllus an hour oarly Sunday morning.
Tho north window In tho room occu
pied by tho Durbln garage wns blown
as was also tho room on Front street
(occupied by Chua. Echolborry. Sovoral
fences and big trees, wore blown
down and a gnrago In tho south part
of town overturned.
To whom are you, going to sell your
Hay and Grain? Tho Harringtou Mer
cantile Co. will offer the highest
prices. 04tf
For Sale A Torrlngton BJleotrlc
Sweeper. Phone Red 1107.
Mrs. Minnie Seese will lwivo this
wrck for Sand Point. Idaho, t make
her future home.
Onion Sets. McMlelmeTs GrOcory. 23 j
It's perfoctly scandalous tho way
that fellow carries on? Who? Oh,
Tom Moore of course at the Crystal
Thursday, and Friday.
Most up to date wall paper patterns
at the Roxall. litl
Do you like Punch! Pop! Powor!
Olive Thomas Is there wlth'em all In
"Out Yonder" shown at tho Crystal
Tuesday and Wednesday.
Dr. Howard Yost. Dentist, Twlnein
Itiiildlng. Phone 807. 77lf
' John Saltow has purohaaed of
George McKaln the formor Stoggman
residence properly and the throe lots
on east Twelth street.
For SaloNew four room house,
modern except heat, full basoment.
Good location . Good terms. Phone
Blk 200. 20-4.
Grace Hecker filed a petition Satur
day praying for a divorce from her
husband Henry Hecker and for the
custody of tholr fourteen year old son.
Now Blouses In all tholr dainty
i beauty are now shown In our blouse
shop. Mrs. Cantlln nnd Mrs. Klino in
charge at THE LEADER MER. CO'S.
I D. M'. Brooks has purchased of E.
;N. Oglor tho house which tho latter
moved from west Fourth jto wost
Sixth and remodeled. The price paid
,was $3,800.
Don't forgot tho bazaar noxt Wed
nesday, March 31st, at tho M. E.
church parlors. Dinner wll bo ser
ved and useful articles will bo on sale.
Bo sure nnd bo there. 22-2
J For Sale Three aero farm and four
room house apd barn adjoining town.
Possesion lirst of May. Inqulro at 302
south Chostnut. 22-2
! Harry Bllckonsderfer has purchased
one of tho Ben Wilson houses In tho
southwest part of town and will ro
movo thereto In a few days. Tho
consideration was $4,900.
Try our 30c Coffee. McMlchaol's
Grocery. ' 20-4
License to wed was granted to Emil
S'tnitlor and Ora Grabert both of
Mema, and Saturday a licence was
Issued to Roy E. Dolton and Grace
Rodus, both of this city.
Silk Jorsey. union suits or separate
silk jersey vests. Also silk jersey
bloomers at BLOCKS.
Norma Talmadgo was castupon
"Tho Islo of Conquest" and thoro
found love and happiness. You will
like this thrilling talo shown at the
Keith Thursday and Friday.
Conductor L. L. Bertho.has purch
ased tho C. E. McLano property In
tho southwest part of tho city for a
consideration of $4,500. This is one
of tho best buys that has recently been
Sec us for wall paper, Tho Roxall
Store. 14tf
Another templing morse
made with BMBy
Besides its tastiness, its whol.esomeness, its economy, bread can he
usod in the most savory and appetizing of dishes.
Good Bread with its appealing flavor is the bread to use.
Look at tho , dainty combination
1 slice Good Bread 3 inches thick 1 cup cooked peas
2 cups milk 4 tablespoons butter substitue, salt
G hard cooked eggs 4 tablespoons Hour
y lomon , and pepper to taste
Shell and cut each egg in half. Cut slice of BAKE-R1TE Bread to
suit serving dish, notch it round with a sharp knife and scoop it out so'
as to form largo case. Fry golden brown In hot fat. Melt half the but
ter -substitute in small pan, stir in flour, add milk- and stir till it boils.
Season Avith salt, popper and lemon juice. Lay In pieces of egg and lot
heat gontly. Add remainder of butter substitute to peas, shako them
over tho flro and season with pepper. Put a layer of peas in bottom of
bread croute, and fill up with eggs and sauce and lay it on a hot dish.
Arrange border of peas around top and serve at once.
Try tills reclpo with "13 AKE-IUTE" Bread today.
Resplendent in their New
fC- 5513 M a i
94J4 9260 94 17
Spring Voices the Call of "Out-Doors"
And all the world is joyful. Gone is winter, and winter clothes
As Spring beckons in the smart and voguish Suits and Coats
Which are now here, awaiting for your call, make your selection.
They are" wonderful in style conception
And are beautifully made of distinctly spring materials and fresh
new color effects.
Whether it is a modest suit or a delightful Sport Coat you may
fancy '
You will find a variety of styles in both, in our ready-to-wear-section.
We urge an early visit.
Prices on Suits range $29.65, $34.65 and upward
Prices on Coats range $19.65, $24.65 and upward
New. School Dresses Fine jfTWogp
Ginghams for Girls. IliSbtb
You may choose Spring Head Wear from
any number of exquisite styles. With small,
medium and large shapes and well repre
sented. Miss Little nnd Mi3s Woodhurst in
charge, who will be pleased to show you.
Styles and materials exceptionally pretty
Dainty silks and Crepes in plain and nobby
patterns. In most graceful models and a
wide range for individual expression. Mrs.
Cantlin and Mrs. Kline in charge, who will be
pleased to show them to you.
10c to 25c
: t "jro--rl " dvrj
rc'WMiiiHi own grf-iffi "
Geo. AY. Kliondes Dies,
finn w. Rhoades. need forty-fivo,
employed as receiving clerk at the
Union Paciac frolght liouso, cneu ni an
Omaha hospital following an operation
for gall stones, tho remains woiu
irmurii tn fjii o.ltv nnd tho funeral
will bo hold at three o'clock this after
Tim iiononHPii wns unmarrlod and for
st. hurt mado his homo
with Mr. and Mrs. P. H. BarnellJ
Mrs. Darnell bolng his sister. Ho wns
a momber of tho Odd Fellows lodge
and hold In high esteem by all those
who know him.
Welch Socshc.
, vorv nrnttv woddlnc was solomized
nt tho hntnn nf T" . Tl. SnesbO 118. East
8th, street, Sunday, March 28th. at G
p. m., when Ulchnrd L.o uoy woicn
and Mary, Ellen Soesbo wcro united In
marrlago, Row sivits oiuciaiing.
Daniol Soesbo acted as best mau,
Miss Margaret Welsh was brldosmald
and Miss Bortha Stobbtns played tho
wedding march, "Flowors of Spring."
Tho brldo wns attired in a urown
satin dross and carried a bouquet or
pink and white carnntlons. Follow
ing the ceremony an eloborato supper
was served. Tho wedding was oiuy
attondod by tho young couplos rola
tlvos and intimate frlonds. A largo
number of beautiful gifts woro re
colvcd .
Mothers Attention! Wo carry a
completo lino of Infant's wear, evory
thlne for ilm Ttahv to wear from head
to foot, long and short drossos, long
and short coats, potticoais, uonneis,
blankets, enrringo robos, Jdmonas,
aulltod coats, swoators, bibs, shoos,
et .. Main iloor at BLOCKS.
Selling Experience Not Ncccssnry.
Ono of World's largOBt Qroqers,
(capital ovor $1,000,000.00) wants am
litMnna tiiaii In vnnr locnlltv to soli
direct to consumor nationally known
brands ot nn oxtonsivo iino 01 gro
onrtna. TinlnlB. rooflnes. lubrlcntlllK
oils, stock foods, otc. No capital ro-
nulrArt. Write todav. State axe and
Library Increases Look Supply.
Over two hundred books have been
added to tho children's department.
Mrs. Chas. Clinton donated a set
of educational books for young folks.
Mrs. John Baker contributed sovor
al sets of technical books and many
interesting books of fiction.
AJagazIno contributors: Miss Anna
Kramph, Atlantic, Survey, Annals;
Miss Myrtlo Hill, American Journal
of Nursing; Miss Noll Ilartman, Amor
lean Boy; Mrs. Will Hondy, John
Martin Book; Miss Laura Murray,
Bird Lore; Rev. Hess, World Out
look. Tho magazines System, Good
Housekeeping and tho Musician have
been added to tho magazine section.
For' Salo.
1007 W. 3rd St. 5 room houso, mod
ern oxcopt heat. Garago 12x24. Price
$2800. Call at 1003 W. 3d St. or phono
Red 506 fbr terms. 19-6
Coming Again.
Yes, the Nlcailceo Camn Firn nirla
at tho request of tho Episcopal Guild
wm again glvo their play, "Engaged by
Wednesday." If you saw it before
como and laugh with them again. If
you didn't soo it, hero is an opportun
ity to soo ono of tho best entertain
ments over given in North Platto.
Reserve tho date. Friday Evening,
April 9th.
I offer for salo 1020 acres of sand
hill land located 23 mlJos from North
Platto on Tryon road; 200 acres broko
and can break another 100, all in ono
body, 700 ncres fenced with 3-wiro
fonco, good framo barn, sod houso,
well and windmill, tank and cistern,
good cave and other improvements.
Address R. L. Douglas, North Platto,
or phono 792F013 .
Mutual Building and Loan
Of North Platte, Nebraska.
The Association has unlimited funds at its command to
assist in the building or purchase of homes for the people of
North Platte. If you are interested, the officers of this
Association will render every assistance and show you how
easy it is to acquire your own home.
President. Secretary.
ooouitlon. John Soxton & Co., 352
W, IlliuoU St., Chicago. 111.