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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1920)
UlA I, JtAltl:. Editor and lljIItior LINCOLN COITXTV EVEtNTS A.NU PERSONAL .MENTION. Tile acreage of mtgar boot in the two districts between North Platte mid the west line of the county includ t'io Sarben neighborhood has , 1.'d six thousand with probable SUBSCRIPTION HATES: Ono Vcur by .Mall, In nth unci'. Ono l'cur by (,'nrrlor, In inhaiicc. i52.H0 jn..rcaae to 7,000. - - Mrii. Chan. Kloniger died last Wed- Entered at tho North Platte, Nebraska , nesday evening of paralyals at the Postofflco as Second Class Matter, TUESDAY, .MAUOII SOIb, I IK I). ANNOUNCEMENTS. Kr County Coijimlfiiloiier. I hereby announce my candidacy Tor the nomination for comity communion-, or of the Third DIstrM on the rsptibll drfn tloltet at the primary election April 0lh( 1920, subject to the will of the voters, Jwhoe mijiium I respectfully solicit. DAVID H' MARTIN. For Clerk IHnlrlct (Jourl. I horoby announce that I have lllod for Hanubllcan Nomination for Clark Of District Court subjoct to the will of Godeker home near O'Fallons. Albert P. Staples, who made his heme at the home of his son O. A. Staples at Hershey, died at Keystone March 16th at thu age of eighty -six. He was the father of U. I Staplos of North Platte, A. J. Staplos of Arthur and Wm. Staples of Way wood. Mr.' and Mrs. Hay Morgan, of Her ts, o o..te.tainod at a dinner party Sunday of last week complimentary to Mr. and Mm. Edward Jennings who were married March 21st. John Uryan, of Hershey, fluid mana ger for the America n Uoet Sugar Com pany, spent last wook in Lincoln hutuling laborers for the beet fields. Mr.,. V.'ni. Drownllclri, of Hernhoy. uasHod away Monday of last week at,T,'f-u the age of B8. Death was duo to EVENTS IX NOJIT PLATTE TimtTV-l'lVi: YEA1LS A0 (From The Tribuno, Mnrch 26, 1SS6.) The county clork Issued warrants for llfty-slx coyote scalps In' on day and it wasn't a good day for scalps either. A passengor on train No. 1 pur- chased a string of beads from the' "train butcher" while In a doinontod condition and proceeded to swallow them -one by one until Interrupted by the conductor. He was takon off at this station and Dr. Dick summoned who "fixed" him . . llyron CJUlette a locomotive fireman died while visiting in Michigan. Ho was a popular employe of the company, Tho precinct assessors met and placed the following valuation on pro perty: Farm land $1.25 per acre, grazing land B0 cents per acre, Amer ican horses $20, cow ponies $12, cattle $8, sheep GO cents, hogs $1. The county commissioner met in session and created Garfield precinct. W. i' Campbell was. appointed Jus tice of the peace for tho product and Frolkey appointed con- At this meeting I. U. llosl- tho voters at tho primary Election blood poisoning following an attack of , o'Fallon precinct. April audi, iuzu. Your support win the flu. Tho deceased had lived m wJclf waB appointed assossor for bo grontly be appreciated. ! Lincoln County since 1885. MgR jj, g. n0nn, county Biipcrin- W1LLIAM M. UITNEU. Chan. Loypoldt, O. S. Thompson : tondont. announced a special oxamln- I'or Coi.i.l7wli,illoti..r .and Irl Comstock nro the aldormanlcjatlon for thOBe who wlsliod to lonch l oi Loiinfj LoiiiinlHHloncr. Icandidatos at llorshoy. G. M. Smith, chool d. a eai'8f r' ESS? ffiSS Jon. ' UEPot SslS " ' " W , ,T Tl married at St. Paul March 20th to , SUlte Uank am t10 Greek shine parlor Miss Myrtle Welsh. Tho groom Is a na,j nrrivod. son of Mr. and lira. Henry Fulk and Dr. Clark. Charley Price and W. L. the bride was ono of tho teachers in the Mcac0 llful j)eou ont hunting and in u i'iuions school i ney win maae crossing tho old railroad bridge oast of liome on tho Fulk farm. , town which was also used as a wagon In tho declamatory contost at j bridge nt night were met by a train. Sutherland last weok Jack Moyors ro-Tho mcn n.rC(1 their guns to nttract the ceiveu nrst piace in me oratorical , cnginoer's attenion, and tho train was oislon of the republican voterH JOItN R. RITN13R County Commissioner. j'J For tho first time during the forty oars that I have resided in Iilnooln bounty, I am asking for the support of tho voters. I am a canuKluto tor tho republican nomination for county commissioner from Uio I'lrst dletrlct and will appreciate Uio Htipport of the votors at tho primary election to be hold April 20th. J. 13. KOONTZ. l'OIt CLUltK 01' DIHTUICT COURT I announco that I am a candidate for tho nomination for Clerk of the District Court .t tho inimary election April 20th. I am tho present incum bont of tho offlco, and If you feol that my past services Iuito been satisfac tory I will be glad to liavo your sup port for a rc-nomlnaUon. GEO. M. IMIOSS13R. A8NA1 , ' Beautiful, strictly modorn 14 room liouso, gnrago, chicken house, 4V6 lots, curbed drlvoways, south-east comer, beautiful lawn, shrubbery. vino hodgos, about forty largo olm and other shado trees, small fruit' troos and bushos. It would take years and three times tho mony to roproduco this property. Lowilcd at 1203 West Fourth Street, being In tho vory best resldonco pnrt of tho city. Part cash, good torins. Will consider other de sirable property In part trado. A real bargain at $15,000.00, II & 8 AGENCY, west of Suhorland. At tho village cancus at Maxwell J. W. Elliot and 13. E. Ellonwood wore nominated for villago trustoos. Jim Elliott is the former North Platte druggist. A box social will be held at the Max well school building the ovonlng of April 1st. A program of music and readings will bo rendered. Mrs. Robert Lewis, Hazel Lewis and Vivo Lowls, of Maxwell, have gono to Excelsior Springs for the benefit of tiie Intter's health. , J. G. C. Akcns has begun tho erec tion of an opera house In Wallnce. The building will bo 2Gx90 feet and built of brick or tile. O. II . ICennoy has purchased the Charles Farmer general merchandise store at Wallace. Ono hundred Wallace pcoplo ten dered a surprise shower to Mr. and Mrs. Itnval Ponce, wbn wore lately wxcuiBivo Agents. nmrriod.; Tho newly-weds rccjoivod : ' o : many presents . Christian Church. Mr. pOWors Is enlarging and addiirg The Pastor will conduct meetings a nuInl)0r of Improvements to the grnln each ovonlng this week, beginning at olovator nt Wallace. 8 o'clock. Subject for tonight "Christ's j ::o:: Las Public Teaching." Short services . ' ' will bo bold for children of Junior ! Hanch of 15 ncres on west Ninth ago at 7:30 -each ovonlng. so: class, iuewa JWOiNooi m tno dramatic 8iOWG(i ,i0wii, but not enough to pre class and Hlldred Wlig in tho hum-, ent a colliHlon. Doth horsoB were orous class. . I killed and tho buggy demolished. The Jake Miller spont a day or two In me nia(lo thoir escape by, jumping the Sutherland section last week pros- from t10 buggy and taking to their poctlug lor oil by trying out a machino lieoi8 toward the end of tho bridge ho carried. Tho working of tho tiiey had entered, machino indicated oil both east and Tll Tjcohi countv auricultural 'street Joining city. Good house now orfirnire !Cx20. now chicken houno 12x32. bwciilsli Mission Alerting-. with Rlnsa covorod scratch shod for Proachlng by Itov. Iandburg, of 'winter, horse barn, cow barn; land all Gothenburg, Friday evening, April 2, foncod and cross fenced. Priced for 30 at 7:30 nt tho samo placo as usual on days at $S000. Call at 1S0G west Ninth North Locust street. All aro invited to street or phono Black 3D0. attond. 21-3 ' n. n. iikndeuson. ::o:: ::o:: Hundrods of now Eastor suits, coats Clinton & Son, Grndunto Opticians, and frocks to choose from at P.LOCKS. boo Mmm for Service. tf society was organized by the election of B. I. Hinninn President, Isanc Dillon Vice-President and T. C. Pat terson Secretary. Tho society start ed with 120 members who had paid Into tho treasury $240. Miss Anna Norris, the Unitarian minister, was subject to criticism by Rev. W. Vessels, Methodist minister, because she permittod a danco to be held In Unitarian hall, where she hold services. Lester Eolls and Chns. II. Stamp wore candidates for city treasurer, John Noary and C. H. Ormsby for mayor and 13 . C. Dixon, W. D. Conklin and Rev. Vessels for school board. L. Ogllvoy was given a verdict of $1.8(10 in tho district court against tho Union Pacific. A train of the de- fondant company run into a bunch of cattlo that had congregated on tno tracks and killed about sixty head. A middle need man accompanied by a pretty, young girl nrrived ip town, and on the following train an,, Irate young man arrived. Tho latter walk ed down tho cast side of Spruco street with a gun in his hand looking for tho middle aged man who had run off with his young wife. Sheriff Dangs itook tho gun man In tow before the latter met tho man he wanted to shoot. Tho young wife was taken to her husband, she repented of hor folly and tho man who oloped with nor was given thirty seconds to get out of town. ::o:: Found blcyclo outside of Ten Cent Store. Owner can havo same by paying for this ad. ' 21-tf TAKE That we have one of the largest of m a) i ohn Deere ImpSemeats Mirnmieniii iiiiiiiATHiawBaw-iiBimitjm yiFin'iiii urn THE CHFE La CO. OUR GREAT P re - roaster MEKS AND YOUNG M Latest Special ENJ ng hmis 78 FVIT K nil i j ' nnpp Al! of them go at one price. These are of exceptional values in single and double breasted models belts or plain. Special SPECIAL , That most unusual offering of true i; blue,, fast color wire woven pure voiv sted serge suits for men and young i men, standard single and double J breasted models. Sizes 36 to 44. ; Special Price COME IN AND GIVE THEM THE ONCE OVER "RIGHT" ON THE THE HIRSCHFI CO. WORTH PLATTE'S CLOTHIERS FOREMOST THE FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN. 4, ever shown in Western Nebraska, You are invited to come to the building known as the Old Lloyd Opera House and look over our show room. m I m Leypoiot-r eniffit gton Co NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA 0f (0 (!) (?) f (?) (?) n (?) (?) (?) m (?) 4) m Kndorso fanip Tire Girls. Tho Travel and Study Club wish to extend courteous endorsement and as surance of moral support to tho Camp Plro Girls in their campaign for mem bership. Mrs. W. II. McDonald, Secretary. One Minute lMcuso I havo not sold out. Any ono want ing monuments or cemetery, work please call at Hote' or Phono 300. 35 years In the Granite and Marble busi ness in North Platto; G kinds of gran- ito; 4 kinds of marble. 23-1 W. C. niTXBH. ::o:: Drayinjr of All Kinds. Having purchased a truck and re entered tho light and heavy draying business, wo sollct a share of the pat ronago of tho public. ' OLD LINE TRANSFER CO., Splcer & Breczo. Phone 2 17, Huffman's Cigar Store. 23-S : :o: : For Sale Resldonco on west Second streot. Phono Red 112S. 17tf -ForSaIo. Span of big mules, weight 2600, 7 and 9 years old; also ono mule weight 1000. Address R. L. Doug las, North Platto. or phono 792F013. Black Minorca eggs for setting $1.50 j Nice largo home grown elm trees for per setting or $10 per 100. Inquire of Pllle. Mrs. R. Owens, 215 oast Twelfth. utto iUesmor or pnono uoi'i4. is-u . Phono Red 95S. 22-S. Gamble with Springer. THE CHAIN SYSTEM No, 1, 220 North Locust, l'lione 20.'$. No. 2, 11C East 1J Stroct, lMiono 190. No. :t, (121 East Fourth, Phone S71. No. 1, 821 West Third, Phono No. 7.V STEGEMANN GROCERY THE QUALITY STORE fii'riVi a Full Lini of High ii-ndo Groceries, Fruits arid Vegetables in Season Cur Motto is '"Quality Gooiia ai.d Gouti Etivite at Reasmmble Prices." Call in awl tell us if you want Quality Gorr'j, t-hcap goods we do n l handle. Phone 212 R. G. STEGEMANN 813 N. Locust FA I have the on hand to oney close loans promptly. Real Estate Mortgages Bought and Sold T. C. PATTERSON Loan Broker Building & Loan Building e Home 1 Wh NOTICE TO CHEMTOKS." Hstate No. 17S4 of E. R. Raworth. necoasjHl, in tho County Court of Lin coln t'ounty, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, ss: Credit tors of said estate will take noti' that the time limited for pro. i n' tiou and tiling of claims against nani estate is Jgj atli,1920, and for set tlement of Raid itte is March 25th, 1921, that I will sit at tho county court room la said county on April 20th, 1920, at 10 o'clock a. m. and on July 29th. IMO, at 10 o'clock a.m., to receive, examine, hear, ajlow, or adjust all claims and objections duly flled. W. H. r v i . i in30-t County Ju.Irp eels 1 unro ri i.ahlc Fltttiic Smut Night ami Day fur v iir Fain., -ic Plant in Operation North. Piatie Plumbing & Heating Co. . 106 E. 6lh Street. TIC I