The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 26, 1920, Image 6

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Constipation, Headache",
Colds, Biliousness, driven
out with "Cascarets"
ln 1 t1 t"tM"','"'JH''4l",'i""'""'
Drive nwny those persistent enemies
Of hnpplllOSN blllOUKtlOSS iiiul constl-
fmtlon. Don't stny headachy,
tongue coated, sallow und miserable!
Never have colds, Indigestion, upset
stomach or tlint misery-making gas.
Keel splendid nlwnys by taking Cs
carets occasionally, discards never
gripe, sicken or Inconvenience you like
Calomel, Suits, Oil or misty, harsh
Pills. They cost so little nnd work
while you sleep. Adv.
Never the Same After That.
Ah I win milking u hed one Monthly
morning n friend cnino to see mo. She
walked right In nnd not seeing me,
said : "Are you tit home?" I siild.
"Oh, yes, I never go vleltlng Monday
morning." When I thought how 't
sounded, 1 was awfully embarrassed,
and she never ncted the same toward
me. 12xchiingo.
Instant Relief With a Small Trial
Bottle of Old "St.
Jacobs Oil."
Kidneys cause Backache? Not
They havo no nerves, therefore can
not cause pain. Listen I Your back
ache Is ccuscd by luinlmgo, sclntlcn
or a strain, and the quickest relief Is
soothing, penetrating "St. .Tncobs Oil."
Hub It right on your painful back,
nnd Instnntly the soreness, stiffness
nnd lnmcness disappears. Don't stny
crippled I Get a small trial bottle of
"St. Jacobs Oil" from your druggist
nnd Umber up. A moment after It la
nppllcd you'll wonder what became of
the backache or lutnbngo pain.
Rub old, honest "St. Jacobs Oil"
whenever you liavo sciatica, ncurnlgla,
rheuinntlstn or sprains, as It Is abso
lutely harmless nnd doesn't burn tho
skin. Adv.
Butlers Are Scarce.
"Tlio servant problem In glided clr
'cles must bo acute."
"Why do you think so?"
"I see where the wl.'o of a niultlnill
llonalre has brought suit against the
wife of another multimillionaire to re
cover the person of one JSngllsh butler."
Birmingham Age-Herald.
Tolls How to Get Quick Relief From
Head-Colds. It's Splendidl
In ono minute your clogged nostrils
will open, the nlr passages of your
head will clear und you can breathe
freely. No more hnwklng, snullllng,
blowing, headache, dryness. No strug
gling for breath at night; your cold
or cntorrh will be gone.
Get n smnll bottle of Ely's Crenm
Bnlm from your druggist now. Apply
n little of this fragrant, antiseptic,
healing crenm In your nostrils. It pen
ertotes through every air passage ot
tho head, soothes the Inflamed or
swollen mucous membrane and relief
comes Instantly.
It's Just fine. Don't stay stufl'ed-up
with n cold or nasty catarrh Relief
comes so quickly. Adv.
Life Ip Death.
It was a death-bed sceno, but the
nrt director was not satisfied with thu
horo's acting.
"Come on I" he cried. "Put more
life Into your dying I"
A cold Is probably tho most com
mon of all disorders and when neglect
ed Is apt to bo most dangerous. Sta
tlstlcs show; that mora than three
times ns many people died from In
fluenza last year, us were killed In
the greatest war tho world has ever
known. For tho last lltty-thrco years
Hoschce's Syrup has been used for
coughs, bronchitis, colds, throat Ir
ritation and especially lung troubles.
It gives the patleut a good night's
rest, freo from coughing, with easy
expectoration in tho morning. Made
In America nod used In thu homes of
thousands of families all over the
civilized world. Sold everywhere. Adv.
Don't havo too many opinions.
They are a frequent sourco of op
pression of others.
Important to Mothers
ICxamtno carefully evury bottlo ot
OASTOHIA, that famous old remedy
for Infants and children, and see that It
Benrs tho
Signature of
In Uho for Ovor HO Yriirn.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castorio.
One has to be able to reason some
what In order to know when ho lb
Tho Cutlcura Toilet Trio
Having cleared your skin keep U clonr
by mnklng Cntlcurn your every-day
toilet preparations. Tho soup to cleanse
nnd purify, tho Ointment to sootlio nnd
heal, tho Talcum to powder nnd per
fume. No toilet tnblo Is complete
without them. 25c overywhoro. Adv.
Nothing Is so locnl ns not to bo of
Rome general benefit,
Tills photograph inKcn nt (iiuiitiiiituiii imj. I'uiiu. wiiet" tin- Atlantic Heel
Simpson boarding the battleship Pennsylvania to meet Admiral Wilson.
Reed Found In
Communist Long Sought on
Charge of Conspiring Against
United States.
Lcnlne Welcomes Him as Envoy From
United States Communist Party
Lived in Kremlin ad Guest
of Authorities.
Washington. John Ueed, close
friend of Lcnlne and Trotzky, who Is
under Indictment .In Chlcugo for al
leged conspiracy to overthrow the
United Stntes government, nrrlved in
soviet Russia by way of Klnland last
December, It Is learned. Since his In
dictment recently federal and Illinois
state agents hnvo been searching for
Heed all over the United States.
On being told of Heed's presenco In'
Itussla It Is not known yet whether
he bus left there the stnte depart
ment was Interested to learn the chan
nel through which ho obtained n pass
port. The department Is Informed that
lie shipped as a sailor from an Ameri
can port to Norwny. From there ho
traveled pn foot to Stockholm. Thoro
ho stowed himself nway, or was
stowed away, on u vessel about to, sail
for Helslngfors.
The adventurous Mr. Heed narrow
ly escaped arrest In Helslngfors, but,
disguising himself as a llusstan peas
ant, he crossed the frontier Into Itus
sla. Ho was received In Moscow as
tho ofllclal envoy of the American
Communist party, and as such at
tended the meetings of the third In
ternationale, nnd made a speech nt tho
All-Husslan Soviet convention In the
mlddlo of December.
Lived at the Kremlin.
In Moscow Mr. Heed lived at tho
Kremlin as tho guest of the people's
Tie was In constant communication
with Lcnlne and Trotzky, It Is stated,
Use Stones as Money,
Says This U. S. Marine
San Francisco. Stones, flat
smooth ones, with holes drilled
In tho center, constitute the form
of money the Yaps use, accord
ing to Mnrlue Corps Sorgt. M
bertos Bresnnhiui, who Just re
turned from the Orient and who
was a visitor recently at the
Island of Yap, a tropical Isle In
tho Pacific, used ns n trnns-l'n-clflc
cable station.
"A Yap dollar stone weighs
two pounds," adds the marine.
"When the natives get on top
of n mountain and pitch pennies
It reminds one of a landslide."
Aviator Has Thrilling Experience
Trying for Record.
Oxygen Tank Begins to Fall and Flyer
Almost Loses Con
sciousness. Dayton, O. Dropping 11.000 feet
while six miles In the nlr and still
nllvo today was nn experience through
which Mu,l. H. W. Schroedor. chief test
pllbt at McCook Held and champion
altitude flyer of tho secret son-Ice,
passed recently.
Major Schroedor formerly lived on
Washington boulevard, Chicago. He
made his first flight over tho stock
yards hero ten days ago.
While making a maximum test flight
In a Le Pcre ship, In which ho has
beon Hying for ultltudos, Schrooder
noticed the thermometer of the ship.
It registered B2 degrees below zero.
nnd visited the Hed army at the front.
Mr. Heed was In Moscow until the
middle of January. Of that the state
department Is quite certain. Ills re
ception In Hussla was the warmer be
cause two years ago Trotzky appoint
ed him bolshevlst consul general at
New York. Mr. Heed never assumed
that office, for,, as It turned out, the
nppolntment was made to facilitate
his return to the United States.
It would seem that Heed antici
pated that he would be Indicted and so
sought more hospitable shores. In the
course of the widespread search for
him as n fugitive from Justice n man
suspected of being Heed was arrested
near Poughkcepsle, N. Y. This mnn
proved that he was Harrison B. Ellis,
thnt he hnd not been In Chicago for 15
Grim End of
Perfect Dream
Living Conditions in Russia Pic
tured in Dismal Colors by
Prof. Zeidler.
Typhus, Cholera and Influenza Are
Rapidly Depleting the Population
Cold, Hunger and D.espalr
Are Lot of the Living.
Helslngfors. Heports of serious liv
ing conditions nt Petrogrud have been
received by Prof. Hermann Zeidler of
Vlborg, showing that typhus, cholera
nnd Influenza are taking a heavy toll
of the depleted population.
Up to January 15 deaths In Petro
grud were reaching a total of .'1,000 a
day. Tho collln factories could turn
out only 1,000 coffins dnlly. and most
of the bodies were being carried Into
the country on sleds and left In the
Many bodies wore being dropped
through the Ice in the Hlver Neva. Fu
nerals were prohibited owing to tho
scarcity of horses and because of the
depressing effect of funeral proces
sions. Stagnant Broken Sewers.
"Living conditions are Intolerable,"
Professor Zeidler said. "It costs I!0,
000 Lcnlne rubles a day for food nlone.
Petrogrud at night Is without light
and there Is very llttlo drinking water.
Bouses are flooded by the bursting of
frozen pipes. The sewers nre stopped
and sanitary conditions are deplora
ble. "A month ago the number of typhus
cases was J100 a day and steadily In
creasing. Hospital conditions mo In-
In this extreme cold the oxygen
tank began to fall.
Ho had nearly lost consciousness
when he suddenly realized that ho was
losing his sense of direction and con
trol. He reached for tho throttle or
his ship and missed, lie then tried
the switches.
Suddenly tho ship dropped. At IS,
000 feet Mujor Schrooder partly re
gained consciousness and found thnt
his ship wns turning a spiral. In a
desperate effort he righted the Le
Pore, which began diving safely Into
McCook field.
As a result of tho ordeal Schroeder's
sense of hearing Is dulled.
Ho was at the hangars next day pre
paring to mnko another Might. Nerves
shaken? No I
It Is for him that Is lonely or In
prison to drenm of fellowship, hut for
111 in that is of a fellowship to do nd
not to dream. William Morris.
is ai winter practice, sliows Admiral
years and hnd never uttered or written
unpatriotic opinions.
Klghty-llve big and little leaders of
the Communist party In America were
Indicted in Chicago on the sumo
charge as Heed on January 23 last.
Among t beni were Mrs. Hose Pastor
Stokes of New York City, n member of
the executive committee of the Com
munist party; Nicholas J. llourwitch
of New York city, publisher of Novy
Mir, the most prominent Husslan
newspaper In the United States, who
formerly employed' 1 Leon Trotzky ;
Isaac H. Ferguson, chief counsel for
the pnrty, and Louis K. C. Fralnc, edi
tor in chief- of nil Communist .propa
ganda In this country, who is in Mex
ico. It is believed.
The authorities here regnrd Hood,
although be was graduated from Har
vard, as one of tho most enrnest young
Communists In America. Before the
Indictment which hangs over him wns
found, federal and stnte courts had In
dicted Heed for alleged seditious ut
terances nnd writings. But the Indict
ments were quashed, or, on being tried,
he wns acquitted.
describably bad. There Is no bed linen,
no medicines, no soap and no disin
fectants, the last of the supply of sub
limate having given out Jnnuiiry 1,
when !15 disinfecting stations were
"The people have given up hope nnd
they do not wish to live. They mnko
grim Jokes among themselves ns to
how much longer they will hold out."
Conditions among .the soviet peas
antry, cost of living and scenes nt
Moscow nnd tho other soviet centers
are given by the staff correspondent of
the Amsterdam Handelsblad, O. Ny
pels. Just back from an extended tour
through soviet Hussla. I
"At the railway station In. Smo
lensk," the correspondent writes,
"there Is a long row of stalls In which
people sit behind little barred win
dows nnd sell nil sons of nlerchnndlse.
"I noticed tho prices. Ono pound of
salted meat was S20 rubles; a pound
of black bread, 100 rubles; a llttlo
piece of potato cake, 40 rubles. A lit
tle water glass full of mnkhorkn (to
bacco root) wns 100 rubles.
"On the stntlon platform one sees
the soldiers lying about amidst tho
dirt which covers the ground. They
roll their cigarettes with bits of pa
per torn from newspapers, and wait
patiently for what will happen next.
"By the side of a big unsli register
stands a barmaid selling salted inent,
cake and pnstry to tho smartly
dressed men gathered about her. Tho
poor devils lying on the ground do not
even notice it, for they know very well
that In the new stnte there are rich
men and poor men Just ns before."
Black and White Wed.
London. Black nnd White were the
names of the bride nnd bridegroom at
n North London wedding. The name
of tho best man wns Brown.
London Judge Says It's a Question
Requiring Much Thought so
Reserves Judgment.
London. What Is the cash
a wife? Is n question which agitated the
London divorce court fur a time.
Counsvl for the huslutiwl In a case
arguing on the question of damages,
said that "tho old theory that a wife
was a chattel and that the ftiry had to
award damages to the owner of the
pVoporty still holds true with some
slight modification."
"Then you uill her a qunsl-chuttel."
said the Judge. The court found the
mnttcr too heavy for hasty decision
and reserved Judgment.
State Gets Walter's $35,000.
Snn Francisco. The SUS.OOO estate
left by Harry Hnstlngs, n waiter at the
Klk club here, will go to the state be
cause the public administrator bus
been unable to locate any relatives.
Hastings camo hero from the Hust
25 years ago.
Chief Requirement of Good Earth
Road Is Drainage Keep Crown
Properly Dragged.
It can be truthfully said1 that drain
nge Is the chief essential In putting
earth roads into proper condition. An
old Scotchman, an expert road builder,
aptly said that the three requirements
of good earth onds are drainage, more
'Jralnnge, nnd still more drainage. The
roads must not only have good surface
ilrulnage but must also have good tin
Jer drainage. Surface drainage is se--ured
by proper grading, adequate side
ditches, and by keeping tho crown of
Jio road properly driigged. Stretches
of road that do not dry out quickly
must be under-drained by tile.
The drag must be used after each
rain. If the best results nre to be se
cured. Don't go on the road while too
muddy, let It dry out slightly; It should
to wet enough, however, so It will not
Several of the Grain Belt States An
nually Expend Over $3,000,000 In
Constructing and Maintaining
Roads, Bridges and Culverts.
crumble, but smear. When properly
used, the .drag brings a thin layer of
earth toward the center of the rond
which Is rolled und packed between
the wet periods. If too much crown Is
secured by dragging, the angle of the
drag should be reversed.
Getting the earth roads graded,
ditches open, well drained, nnd prop
erly crowned by dragging Is about oil
that can be dor- until the people nre
reiuly to surface the road with gravel,
broken stone or some other surfacing
Necessary for Many States to Post
pone Expenditure of Federal
Funds for Building.
David F. Houston, secretary of agri
culture. In his annual report, calls at
tention to the fact that the 1910 pro
gram for federal aid road building Is
greater than any previous annual
rond-bullditig nccoinpjlshnient In this
country. It Is so great, In fact, that
It undoubtedly will be necessnry for
many of the states to postpone until
1920 the expenditure of the federal
fundi, because of the necessity of de
veloping experienced contracting nnd
engineering organizations from tho
stngnnnt conditions brought about by
the war. Under the terms of tho fed
eral aid rond act, tho apportionment
to n state for any one fiscal year re
mnlns available for expenditure until
the close of the succeeding yenr. It
Is estimated that funds nlreridy pro
vided will bo sutllcient to finance next
yenr n program more than four times
grenter than any that hns ever been
Pr'rne Essential for Successful Diversi
fied Farming Bad Roads Are
Fnrmers sooner or Inter learn the de
sirability of diversified farming. Per
hnps no cnuse limits farming of tills
description so much ns bad roads, for
the prime requisite for successful di
versified farming Is n good market.
This market may be either a nonrby
town or a city, or a distant market
which requires railroad transporta
Time Saved In Hauling Over Improved
Roads Really Reduces Cost of
One of the great advantages of Im
proved roads to agriculture Is the time
saved In hauling, which In reality
amounts to a reduction In transporta
tion costs.
Lost Time and Labor on Poor High
ways Will More Than Build and
Maintain Good Road.
Some folks object to a good roads
tax. The American farmer pays great
er tuxes on had ronds than he does
on the construction and maintenance
of good ronds. Tho time and labor
lost on bad roads will more than pay
the tnx levy to build and support u
gooiJ rond.
Apply few drops then lift sore,
touchy corns off with
Doesn't hurt n hit I Drop a little
Freezone on nn aching corn, Instantly
that corn stops hurting, then you lift
It right out. Yes, magic I
A tiny bottle of Freezono costs but
a few cents nt any drug store, but Is
sufficient to remove every hard corn,
soft corn, or corn between the toes,
and the calluses, without soreness or
Freezono Is the sensational dis
covery of a Cluclnnuti genius. It le
wonderful. Adv.
An Exception.
"They say Mrs. Bump's table Is her
weak point."
"Not if you Judge it by the butter
she puts on It."
For many years druggists have watchedi
with much interest the remarkable record;
maintained by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
the great kidney, liver and bladder medi
cine. It is a physician's prescription.
Swamp-Root is a strengthening medi
cine. It helps the kidneys, liver and blad
der do the work nature intended they
should do.
Swamp-Root has stood the test of years.
It is sold by all .druggists on its merit
and it should help you. No other kidney
medicine has so many friends.
Be sure to get Swamp-Root and start
treatment at once.
However," if you wish first to test this
great preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer &, Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a.
sample bottle. When writing be sure anoT
mention this paper.- AdT.
A distinguished scientist estimates
the mean annual rainfall for the en
tire surface of the earth at about 3tt
"Diamond Dyes" Turn Faded, Shabby
Apparel Into New.
Don't worry about perfect results.
Use "Diamond Dyes." guaranteed to
give a new, rich, fadeless color to any
fabric, whether It be wool, silk, linen,
cotton or mixed goods, dresses,
blouses, stockings, skirts, chlldren's
coats, feathers everything 1
Direction Book In pnekngo tells how
to diamond dye over any color. To
nintch nny material, have dealer show
you "Diamond Dye" Color Card. Adv.
A girl never forgets the first kiss
rfe gets afier i caching the age -nere
kisses couni.
112 Millions
used last year
Standard cold remedy for 10 year
in udicc lorra saie, ure, no
opiates creaks up a cold in 24
Hours -relieve! grip in 3 days.
Money DacK it it tails. The
Genuine box has a Red
top witn Mr. niir
At All Drug Stortt
Don't let constipation poison your blood
it your nver ana Dowels
e r 1 y take
Little Liver jft
Pills today A
and your H
trouble will
cease. For dizziness, lack of nnnotit
headache and blotchy skin nothing
can equal them. Purely vegetable
Small Pill Small Doso Small Price
great nerve and blood tonic for
Anemia, Rheumatism, Nervousness
Sleeplessness and Female Weakness,
fltoolne mast bur slgsitore siZ'iSSrlvC
Coughs Crow Better
surprisingly soon, thrpnt Inflammation disap
pears, Irritation Is relieved nml Uirott tick
ling stops, when you use reliable, time-tested
UM1 ft Wit
i?tj Ti u a m