The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 26, 1920, Image 1

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VCJ f $vV4
No. 22
At tho mooting of tho county com
missioners Monday 0. II. Eyorly, of
Horslioy, wns appointed county high
way commissioner tho appointment
being continued by tho stato highway
commissioner. Tho dutlcB of com
missioner Eyerly will bo tho general
supervision of all roads and bridges in
tho county, and as thoro aro ovor 1400
miles of roadways in tho county, olght
river bridges and numerous small
bridgos, it can be said that he has
hold of a real job.
In the supervlson of the Stato and
fedoral aid roads, Commissioner
Eyerly will act In conjunction with
deputy state engineer Cochran and on
other roads he will make his reports
direct to tho county commissioners.
Commissioner Eyerly has been in
town for several days getting maps
and data on all roads and bridges in
tho county and otherwlso familiariz
ing himself with tho duties which it
will bo his to perform. Tho work of
commissioner will keep him Ujjsy all
tho time and ho will need do much
driving in covering the territory.
Tho selection of Mr. Eyorly who
did not seek tho position is a mqsl
oxcollent ono. He has been a resi
dent of Horshoy for moro than a
quarter of a contury, whero for many
years ho followed farming and later
engaged in business in tho village.
Ho is a level headed man, courteous,
straight as a string and will play no
favorites .
A Cordial Invitation Is Extended to
You to See the Complete
Madge Evans
for Little Ladies
We are happy to be the exclusive
agency in this city for Madge Evans
Hats. Thoir youthful charm and qual
ity of material, trimming and tailoring
together with their extremely moder
ate prices make them universal fav
Every Live Town
Must Have a
Live Chamber of Commerce
This can not be ,
"Unless Every Live Citizen
is a Member of the
Chamber of Commerce.
Aro You Dead or Alive?
Kor Sale Simplicity Incubator, al
most new. Phono Red 173. 321 So.
Dewey. 21-2
Leon Darling, colored, who on tho
night of September 23, 1919, shot and
killed Conductor Robert Massey, of
Omaha, on wost Sixth street ,In this
city, pleaded guilty to homicide boforo
Judgo Grimes In tho district court
Tuesday night and was sontonccd to
ninety-nine years -in tho penitentiary.
The fact that Darling waived trial and
pleaded guilty boforo tho Judgo gave
, him an opportunity, to oscapo tho
death penalty, a penalty that can be
Imposed only by a jury before whom
anyone charged with wilful and ma
licious murder is tried.
Darling, who had been confined in
I the penitentiary at Lincoln for safe
1 keeping since tho day following the
'crime, was taken from Lincoln to Mc-
Cook ovor tho Hurllngton by Sheriff
Salisbury and County Attorney Keofe,
and brought over from McCook to this
city in nu auto, arriving here Tues
day after dark. Judgo Grimes was in
formed of the arrival and going to tho
court house had tho accused brought
before him in open court and In the
presenco of tho court oftlcors and wit
nesses tho information was read to
Darling. Asked as to whether guilty
or not guilty Darling pleaded guilty
to homicide and Judgo Grimes ex
plained to him tho penalty of the
crime. Tho court accoptod the plea
of guilty and sentenced the acci"
to ninety-nine years In tho peniten
tiary and to pay the costs of prosecu
tion. Darling unaffectedly accepted the
sentence, following which ho was tak
en to jail where he remained until a
midnight train when ho was taken back
to tho penitentiary, tho entire trip
from and to Lincoln consuming but
little ovor twenty-four hours.
Upon arrival at McCook Darling was
taken to jail for an hour, and before
being admitted was searched for
matches, as on a former occasion a
prisoner had set' tire to bed clothing.
This search resulted In finding a table
knife filed down to a dagger shape on
Darling's person. As he was hand
cuffed during -the entire trip, he had
no chance to use tho dagger had ho
been so disposed. How ho managed
to secret tho knifo and make the
dagger is not known, and Is it some
what unusual to allow a prisoner to
leavo tho penitentiary without being
To correct many, rumors to tho effect
that tho prico of Dodge Brothers cars
have raised to $1400 and $1500, I wish
to state that all Dodge open models
aro still $1225. F. O. B. North Platte.
J. V. Romigh, Dealer.
Nobby Tailored Suits and Cont
now ready for your inspection at The
Leader Mor. Co
Keith Theatre Monday.
Crystal Theatre, Saturday.
wm. s. HART
"Square Deal Sanderson9'
On the square, but bad as ever when he is aroused. They
get him red under the collar when they mistreat a helpless girl
and then he wraps the infernal regions around their ears.
Matinee- Adults 20c. Children 10c.
Evening Adults 25c. Children 10c.
Swift's Premium Hams
35c per lb.
Weights from 14 lbs. to 16 lbs.
Twentieth Century Club Meeting.
The rogular mooting of tho Twen
tieth Century Club was hold at tho at
tractive now homo of Mrs. "W. J,
Tiloy, with Mrs. W. Q. Harbold and
Mrs. Robort Dlckoy assisting hos
tesses. Mrs. Gilfoylo conducted tho
singing and tho solos by Mrs. Conley
and Miss Caryl Pennington added
much to tho ploasuro of tho aftor
noon program. Tho club ordered flvo
wolghlng and measuring scales for tho
public schools of North Platte. Tho
club will co-oporato with tho Cham-'
ber of Commerce and tho city officials
In the Clean Up Campaign April 19th,
and ward chairmen were appointed
to make a canvass of tho needs along
this lino. The Cainptlro movement
was endorsed by tho club and those
resolutions wore ordered printed in
tho city paper.
Tho program of tho afternoon wns
conducted by Mrs. Mornn assisted by
Mrs. Blalock and Mrs. Sklnnor, the
topic being "Music as a llolp In Amer
icanization." Those were strong
papers that deserve repetition in any
organization wher Americanization
is emphasized. The afternoon pro
gram closed with dainty refreshments
served by the hostesses.
Mrs. C. P. Sponcor, Press Cor.
Four Renl Simps.
We submit horewith four pieces of
city property which wo know to bo
wonderful bargains at tho presont
prices and which can all bo bought on
exceptionally good terms:
14 South Ash. S rooms strictly
modern, $4900.00.
15 South Ash. Tho same descrip
tion in 14 South Ash. Both of these
properties stand side by side. Thoy
are about six years old, have cast
fronts, nice lawns, trees and side
walk. Can be bought for $4900.00
each .
715 West 7th. Story and one-half
excellent condition, nico lawn and
trees, water and lights. Full size lot.
Prico $2900.00.
921 East 2nd. Five room, electric
lights only. Big barn. Lot 80x190.
Side walk and a bargain at $2500.00.
$1000.00 cash, balance on payments.
Anyone interested in the above
properties aro advised to take it up
with tho II. & S. Agency immediate
ly. ::o::
The Episcopal ladies will hold a
food exchange at the Derryborry &
Forbes store tomorrow.
Now Blouses in all thoir dainty
beauty aro now sjiown in our Blouso
Shop. Mjrs;. Cantlih and Mrs. Kline
In charge at The Leader Mer. Co.
Tho Cody Boal property at 314 wost
Front street was sol this week to Der
ryborry & Forbes. Tho consideration
was $2,700. The sale was mado by
the II. & S. Agency.
Adolpli Wondt readied his eighty
third birthday yesterday nnd a gath
ering of tho children, grand children
and great grand children was hold.
The children present wore Mrs Jos.
Spies, Mrs. Fred Wendoborn, Mrs. D.
M. Hogsott and Mrs. II. S. Johnston
of this city and Mrs. Prod Welngand
Of Omaha. There were also in at
tendance grand children and great
grand children. On the nicely doc
orated tablo was a cake containing
eighty-three candles.
A few desirable second-hand Fords
at Uio right price. Come in an seo us
at once. Hoiiiiy-Oirler Aitlo Company.
E. W. Crossgrovo, of Farnam, the
well known breeder of short horn
cattle, is in town tolay attending the
sale of the West Nobraska Stock
Ass n. It is a peculiar co-incident that
thirty-five years ago today Mr. Cross
grove arrived In North Platte and
made a homestead entry on land which
now forms part of his ranch. Tom
Fort steered him to tho U. S. land
offieo nnd Judgo Cirimos as reglstor
received his tiling.
I. 0. 0. I' Nollco.
Colfax Encampment No. 2.'J I. 0. 0.
F. will confer flic Patriarchal degree
on a class of candidates tonight.
T. UVY SWOPi:, Scribe.
Regular Admsssion
- in
"The Vengeance
of Durand"
Addaptod from Box Beach's Poworful
Story by Mr. and Mrs. George Ran
dolph Chester. Directed by Tom
Torrlss. A Vitigraph Special.
Tho Cast:
Mary Durand
Beatrice Durand
Free Delivery
With sploudld speeches, tolling of
tho advantages of a Rotary Club to a
city In which such exist, and tho
ploasuro that comes from a member
ship, and thoso speeches intorspcrscd
with Rotary songs of good fellowship,
tho North Platto Rotary Club was in
situtcd at tho Masonic hall Tuesday
evening with a momborshlp of twen-ty-flvo.
Tho hall wns handsomely decorated
with Rotary colors and potted plants,
and two Rotary wheels revolved; on
tho spokes of the larger wheel wore
painted the names of Nebraska towns
having dubs, on tho spokes of tho
smaller wheel were tho names of the
members of tho North Platte club.
The institution of the club was con
ducted by Dnn Morris, president of tho
Kearney Club, assisted by other Ro
t'nrlnns from Kearney, Grand Inland
and Hastings, in all about thirty visit
ing members.
Tho visitors arrived in a special car
attached to train No. 7, and as tho
train was hold at tho froight house by
blocked tracks, thoy dismounted there
and woro met by tho local committee.
Headed by a twelve plcco band which
tho Kearney Club hnd brought with
thorn, a procession of visitors and
local members was formed and a
march mado to tho hall.
Following a six courso dinner, with
Dan Morris of Kcarnoy presiding as
toastmaster and institutional oftlcor,
addresses woro made by Mr. Morris,
Dr. J. V. Beightol of Hastings, Wra,
Suhr of Grand Island, A. C. Kllllan of
Kearney and F. L. Moonoy, and Harry
Dixon of this city, after which tho fol
lowing officers of tho North Platte
club were Installed: F. L. Moonoy
president. L. C. Carroll vlco-presl-doht,
N. E. Buckley socretnry, W. J.
O'Connor treasurer and R. D. Blrgo
sargoant-at-arms .
During tho evening tho Kearnoy or
chestra rendered popular music nnd
song aftor song was sung.
In tho formation of Rotary Clubs
ono member from each lino of busi
ness Is selected, and lator two or three
nov members are taken In each
month. These clubs work In har
mony with tho chamber of commorce
anil other civic organizations and pay
considerable attention to developing
tho Boy Scout movement.
A,mong tho objects of a Rotary club
To promoto the recognition of tho
worthiness of all legitimate occupa
tloifBrfmd to dignify tho occupation of
each member as affording an oppor
tunity to servo society.
To encourage high ethical stand
ards in business and professions.
To increase tho efficiency of each
member by tho exchange of ideas and
buslnes methods.
To stimulate the deslro of eacli
member to bo of service to his. fol
lowmon and society In general.
To promote the scientlzing of ac
quaintance as an opportunity for ser
vice and an aid to success.
To quicken the ijiterest of each
member In tho public welfare of his
community, and to cooporato with
otliors in its civic, social, commercial
and industrial development.
Tho North Platto Club will meet
Monday afternoon of each week for
luncheon nt which civic and other
matters will be discussed. Thoro will
also bo hold ono evening mooting each
month .
Hole-proof Now Fashioned Holsory
of High quality. See them nt tho Hose
counter with Mrs. Garrison in charge
at Tho Leader Mer. Co.
Miss Margaret Cooney went to
Overton this morning to spend tho day
with frlonds.
Henry Durrand--.
Tom Frarnklln
Annum! LaFarge
("apt. Trouvler---TnUiv
G. V. Seyftertitz
Paroy Marmot
JlBrUurt Pattee
.WiUtaro Dechtel
Eugene Strons
Mark Snilili
me o
jno. Cumberland
"The Gay Old Dog"
Sylvia Hrean and Robl.
"My Husband's Other
'2 Reel MacSennelt Comedy
Alice Joyce
Jlnrch 20th, UOIh and .'list.
Annual road lour of the University
of IN'cbrnslin players, (o appear in
North PlaUo for tho first I hue Good
lulct In plays, playlets,
with music ami dancing
I. .Holiday Evening, Franklin Audi.
lorlum-Tlie Cornlmsker Concert Co.,
admission fit) Cents
'2 Tuesday evening, Kollh Theatre
1' of N Road Show, admission $1A"
il Wednesday cveiilui;. Kelih Then-
tro "M Pays to Advertise". Regu
lar and full production under rojnlty
from Colin & Harris. Admission $M
Buy Season Tickets now- three shows
for $2 ."()
Tickets on sale at N'yall ad (Sum-mere-Dent
Drug Stores
Crystal, Tonight.
Last Showing
Bonds of Love"
as a picture it's alive; It's appropri
ate; what moro can you ask?
Also Animal Comedy
Naughty Lions and Bad Men
1'ino rarciit-Teaclipr Electing.
A crowd that taxed tho soatirig cap
acity of tho mooting room In tho Jef
ferson school attended tho Paront
Toachor Association "Wednesday night
and onjoyod an extra good program.
Tho foaturo of tho ovonlng was a do
bato on tho subject "Hosolvod that tho
fathor should sharo oqual responsi
bility with the mothor in tho educa
tion of tho chlldron." S. M. Soudor
and Mrs. 'Wilson maintained tho af
firmative and Guy Swopo and Mrs.
Httsack argued for tho nogatlvo. Tho
judges wero Moasrs. Shumnn and
Tucker and Mrs. Novlllo. Thoy brot
In a unanimous vordlct for tho noga-'
tlvo. Community singing, a talk by
Sunt . Tout, a drill by tho pupils of
Miss Graham's room and nnnounco- ,
montB of the Clean-up campaign by
Mrs. Dickey and others completed
tho program. Another ovonlng moot
ing Is planned for tho future Many
now mombora woro added to tho roll.
C. AUSTIN for' that April diamond.
Crystal, Monday.
That wonderful uicture
"Stolen Orders"
If ',ou saw It onco you will want to
seo it again.
If you havon't Boon it, you can't
possibly miss It.
The Village Smithy.
Vengeance of Durrant
()tli ('liaplcr '-Hound and Carfred"i
With the world's largest production of any
quality car, Dodge Brothers would be unable to
keep up with, the present: yeais large(doniand if
they made twice as many cars as they now do.
More than '10,000 people have signed orders and
given their deposits with their Respective dealers
for delivery of Dodge cars, as soon as delivery is
possible. This list is being added to daily. A'
friendly word of warning may help you to get
your Dodge car earlier and possibly at the pres
ent prices. Deliveries will only bo made in order
of receipt-of your signed order.
J. V. ROMIGH, Dealer
Noted for stability, Service, power, fuel
economy and general dependability.
Is now being demonstrated Daily on the
Old Lincoln Highway just south of the
South River Bridge.
Under the auspices of
ED GALVIN, Local Agent,
, Mr. Johnston of the Field Service Department of
the factory assisted by Mr. E. R. Harrington, Sales
man is here nnd is prepared to extend every courtesy.