The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 23, 1920, Image 8

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(Copyright, 1930, Western Newspaper Union)
If Nettn and Dorothy Blssell, sis-
tern, lind remained nt home Instead of
f ii t 'li I ri c tho rlfv fivir. tlicv would
not have been responsible-for n sec- I
ond hoirlrii from Brookvllle on the nart '
or Warren and Bert Spencer, brothers,
The Blssoll and. the Spencer farms
Joined and the four had grown up to
gether as playmates. In later years
Warren had courted Nettn and Bert
had kept compnuy with Dorothy, ami
It looked as though the two neighbor
families were destined to be still more
closely linked together.
Netta was church organist and guvu
music lossoim. Dorothy had graduated
and had served as an extra district
schoolteacher. Both were restlessly
ambitious. They had heard of tho gold
en opportunities lying In wait In tho
city for bright, up-to-dulo girls. Netta
had Kiivcd some money and meditated
a course at some standard musical col
lege. ' Dorothy had learned of those
who bad specialized In Homo educa
tional branch and had worked up to
phenomcnnl salaries.
"We won't stand In your way of n
success In life, girls," said patient
plodding John Blssell. and a little lat
er Warren and Bert Spencer stood
forlornly watching a departing
train disappear beyond the little old
rallrond station, bearing away from
them Into the dark and uncertain un
known tho objects of their slncerest
devotion. Then there came about nat
urally their ardent longing to be near
those from whom they had parted. The
Spencer fnmlly went through the snmo
ordeal as their neighbors.
"Give tho boys a chance," submitted
JUchard Spencer, and Warren and Bert
followed the lead of their undaunted
girl neighbors, the former dreaming
of fame as a Inwycr, his brother flllad
with enthusiasm as nn embryo editor,
author, or whatever came along In the
literary line.
Netta was missed at the church or
gan and Dorothy had little student
friends who mourned her desertion, for
she hud won their love completely.
Many a tlmo Richard Spencer straight
ened up from grubbing with his hoe
und lenned upon It, sad and dreamy
looking, thinking of the pride ana"
pleasure he had taken In the past In
having his stnlwart, diligent elder son,
Warren, In the next field, whistling
cheerily while be did the work of two
ordinary tollers from sheer strength
and the ardor of living amid nature.
It was the fond mother who grieved
over Bert, the youngest. Ills farm
duties were lighter.
Cheerful, hopeful letters came to the
respective families after the departure
of these dear ones and very often the
dcsolnted ones spent the evening In
company, their one theme the loved
children far away. The Blssell girls
were living In a community house un
der careful supervision. Thu Spencer
boys occupied a room together nearby
nnd they saw one unotlier nearly every
In the city tho brave, struggling
souls who had found disillusion where
they had anticipated a sure fruition of
thu Impulses of youth and ambition
had ono by one sorrowed because of
their disappointment. The pressures
of homesickness resulted In a generul
comparing of notes and a frank con
fession of longing for home. Love, too,
had blossomed the while, nnd centered
Interest awuy from the sordid prom
ises of the world. Netta acknowl
edged a lack of Interest In the ml
nutliie of music which took In fads and
fancies of melody subservient to Jazz
doggerel, love songs und ragtime. Dor
othy resented the hurd, practical train
ing th'nt would take her among serious,
solemn students cherishing theories
and fads.
Warren found 'the law promised a
herd nnd long apprenticeship, and
Bert the road to literary fame full
of twists and turns and the caprice of
nn exacting public.
John Blssell and Itlchard Spencer
had been away for two days attending
a grange convention at a neighboring
county scat, it was into in the niter
noon when they got off of the train
on their return. In the hearts of both
thoro was a vivid sense of returning
to homes bereft of their brightest
treasures. Each was absorbed along
the line of thut suggestive thought
Abruptly as they passed the little
unlou church of the village, they halt
ed. Swelling out upon the air was an
old familiar hymn. It thrilled John
Blssell, It made Ulchard Spencer look
at him queoily.
"John, It sounds like Ncttn's pluy
lng," lie observed, and together they
stole to nn open window of the struc
ture nnd looked In.
"It's Netta she bus come back," ut
tered Blssull tremulously, "and oh I
Richard, someone Is waving from our
"Dorothy," cried Spencer "with the
old calico housedress on "
"Look look, Ulchard," shouted Bis
sell excitedly "over In your field
pitching liny Warren I"
Itlchard Spencer choked up and neur-
ly fell over. "Oh I could It be true tha
the welcome wanderer hud returned V
ilo knew that It was so, us out
through tho hroud farm gateway cumo
the team, and in the driver's scut was
"Out of tho way," he yelled like
Bomo delighted hoy. "Got to get some
tilings for ma In tU town. Ob, dad
we've como baclc to stay. And every
thins Is Just right."
(Cupyrlght, 1920, Western Newtpapff Union)
Blossom time 111 (lie Valley of I hippy
Days I . A dreamland garden Bpread out
by nature, as If for lovers-only ! It
wn wonder, as they wandered hand
In hnnd ncross tlie velvety sward and
the very birds seemed to warble th
loveliest melodies for their enraptured
cars alone, that Evan Reese and Miri
am Wayne felt that the world was
mnde for them alone and that life was
all of love nnd happiness.
"Sweetheart mine," mucin u red Kvnn,
"it will not he long before we shall
have our own little home In the most
beautiful spot In this most beautiful
paradise. We have reveled In star
shine, und (lowers, and bird song, und
perfumed breezes, nnd poetry, und
dreaming. The practical calls now, but
memory will sweeten und hallow the
golden dnyB we have passed amid
these lovely jtcenes."
She clung to bis strong arm and
leaned her fair golden bead lightly on
his shoulder In u vision seraphic the
rapt smile on her face, the ecstuctlc
glow In her eyes revenllng the pure
soul within. He was nil sincerity nnd
honor, she n lovely bud, Just expanded
Into the full flower of radiant girl
hood. The pretty village nestled In n
golden haze beyond tho end of the
valley. They bad paused nt the emi
nence of a gentle slope, gowned with
(lowering trees und commanding a
view of alternating dale and brook for
miles acros the sun-gilded expanse.
"I have secured an option on the
site here, Just two acres," spoke 'Evan,
"and the owner will hold It for mo In
definitely. When I go bnck to work It
will be raro happiness to prepare the
plans for tho bungalow. As 1 progress
I will send the first outlines to jrou.
to accept or alter at your will. Two
yenrs Is not long, nnd by the end of
that time, with hard work and econ-
ilomy, I snail nave sumcient 10 uuuu
the little nest that shall echo all day
with yeur merry song nnd lnughter."
Dreamers of dreams, alas 1 for their
sublime faith In goodness ono In the
other, In the smo'olh, even materiali
zation of their hopes and plans. Evan
went to Chicago from the little villuge
where he nnd Miriam hnd been born
to become cashier and bookkeeper for
distant relutlve, who made u busi
ness of purchasing commercial paper
on u small capital.
He was Adam Muy, and he bad a
customer named Rupert warren, n
broker, who borrowed on a limit of
ten thousand dollnrs, always on a
special and reliable collateral. One dny
when Evan's employer was away Wur-
ren entered the office In great urgency.
'The full amount," ho said. "There
are the usual securities," and so reg
ular and reliable had been the dealings
of Warren with the house thnt Evan
simply glanced at tho securities, saw
they bore the usual name, "Midland,"
gave a check for ten thousund dollars
and entered the transaction upon his
It was the next morning thut rumor
tlew about In business circles that
Rupert hud absconded, leaving nothing
hut debts. Then Adum Muy made a
discovery that crushed hlni. Warren
had foisted on him not securities In
tho Midland Construction Co., n pros
perous concern, but those of the Mid
land Building Co., a stock jobbing
pronation whose stock was not worth
the paper It was printed on. Of course
ho blamed Evnn, and the latter cen
sured himself for not examining docu
ments more closely. The loss of the
money crippled May, but honest Kvnn
Reese enme to his relief.
Mr. Muy," he said manfully, "the
loss Is due to my carelessness. I will
work for you until the amount Is paid
up for my slnipk board and lodging
Tho rest of my earnings will go to u
fund to recoup you."
It wus tho only way of honor, and
Miriam, with a sigh, with ten years
bnnl servitude before them, gave up
all her bright drenms and urged him
to the noble sacrifice.
Miriam found employment In a
store In the village, Evan labored
nights at extra work, striving to re
duce tho great debt be was obligated
to pay. Those two met only once a
yeur,. and then only 0110 afternoon, for
the hours of work were dnlly precious
to them, it was Just nt the beginning
of summer two yeurs Inter, however,
thut a week's vacntlon cutne for both
at the same time.
Ilo had grown older und more serl
ous. The roses In Miriam's cheeks hud
faded somewhat, but sublime fulth one
In the other was its bright us In those
olden days when they had roamed and
dreamed, us they roumed and dreamed
They sat on the green sward In the
shade of somo bushes near to the site
where the dream house bad never been
built except In their fnncy. There was
a strain of sadness to their mutual
coming together, thoy glunced over the
plans for a little home framed wlleu
Joy and youth glided nil the future.
''It muy be yeurs, but we will not
give up our hope." spoke Kvnn tender
"It will not bo yeurs," spoke nn In
trading voice, uniL both stared nt 11
man bronzed, bearded, who bud step-
ped Into view.
"You don't remember me?" he asked
"Think again. I urn Rupert Warren
made good In my exile. I went to see
May to pay up what I bad no righ
to take, lie sent me It you. nnd I huve
come to restore to you the money that
will build w uo'ibO of dreams."
(3. 1920, by McClure Newipaper Syndicate)
Phyllis was a talehtcd, well-educnt-
cd, handsome but unspoiled child of
wealth. The male portion of Kings
town openly adored her, while' the
contrnry sex secretly copied her mun
ners, gowns nnd her style In 'hnlr-dress-
She was" n born mntchmnker" nnd
quarrel-pa tcher, and when any of the
girls of the town were benrtbroken
over some John Henry, she was sought,
and although she was only twenty-two,
her advice was sage. In this wny she
had earned tho name that the boys
bad given her, "doctor of henrts."
When her friends wrote to her they
always placed D. 0. II. after her name,
nnd with smiling good-nnture she ac
cepted their fun, and no one ever
guessed that the doctor's own heart
needed mending.
Many of her ndmlrers proposed to
her, but she refused them all, for she
did not love them, and she was a firm
believer In whole-hearted love or none
at all. She very tactfully found some
charming girl for ech of the disap
pointed swains.
One benutlful morning the doctor,
feeling rnther lazy, took an Interesting
book nnd some red-cheeked apples that
vied with her own cheeks for roslncss,
nnd settled herself In the couch ham
mock to wait In comfort for the mall
man. When he arrived she smiled ns
she read the D. 0. II. placed after her
nnmc on four of her letters. She
smilingly opened one of them nnd rend
a long letter from one of her "pa
tients" who hnd found happiness. One
letter bore a foreign postmark, but the
usual D. 0. II. was there, and she was
puzzled, for ns fnr as she knew, none
of her friends were nbrond, and the
address being typewritten, gave her
no Information. , She slit the envelope
nnd read:
"Dear Phyllis At last I have found
where you live. Until tonight I have
been unable to find you, although I
have searched for the past three years.
After I returned to Camden and found
you gone, I ran down every possible
clew to find you, but nil In vnln. Last
week I came here from London, for I
knew of your fondness for Egypt, but
I could find nothing here until to
night, when I dropped Into the English
club, nnd hero I met a chap numed
Clark, who knew you. When he told
mo thnt you were not married, I made
up my mind to see you at once, nnd
beg your forgiveness, If I can, for my
foolishness. So I nm coming to you ns
fust as I can, with the hope In my
heart .that you still love me a little.
"Yours forever,
The rest of the mnll was forgotten,
nnd her dnnclng heart made her eyes
glow with a wonderful light. Tom was
coming to her after three long years,
and he had searched until he had
found her; the silly thing they hnd
quarreled over was forgotten. For the
next three days she lived In a fever of
expectancy, nnd each day found her
dressed In some wonderful dress, for
she was anxious to look well when he
enme. For a week she watched for
him nt train time, but be did not come.
One morning In her plain glnghnm
dress she curled up In the hammock
to rest nnd sleep and dream of his
coming. She woke to find Tom lenn-
Ing over her, nnd with a glnd cry her
arm encircled his neck nnd In the kiss
that followed nil the pnln of the years
,wns forgotten.
Suddenly she became conscious of
her plain dress, and asked him to ex
cuse her until she changed It.
"Why chnnge It, sweetheart? You
are wonderful In that dress, and silk
or satin could not Improve you any."
And then, In the approved fashion, he
told her Just bow wonderful she wus
to him. With n happy nigh tho little
doctor of hearts dropped her head on
bis shoulder. A shrill whistle and the
postmnn entered the ynrd with several
letters, all with the D. O. II. after her
name. Tom, picking up one from
where she threw them Into the hnm
mock, kissed the D. O. II. as he said,
with his arm around her, "Doctor of
henrts Is a good name for you, my
dnrllng, for you suru can fix sick
hearts, but after the way you have
fixed mine, I'll tell the world that to
1110 D. O. II. menus delight of henven."
' Largest Dictionary.
Tho ponderous dictionaries of Eu
rope, even the famous many-volumed
etymological Index of Lurousse, which
is the monumental work of nil mod
ern tongues, are more than surpassed
by the Arabic dictionaries of BOO
years ago, which are still the great
authority for students In that lan
guage. The Arabic dictionary most used by
scholars who. are familiar with no
other laiiRunge Is In 20 quarto volumes
and weighs close to 100 pbunds. There
Is a large W) pound, 10 volume abridge
ment of It, presumably for use at
home. This and practically all the
Arable dictionaries were made In the
tlmo of the great Ilarun-al-Roschld.
Little to It
"Now and then wo see a pair of tur
tle doves out In n car, with the man
driving and tho girl hugging tho man."
"But It doesn't look like much of a
success from tho standpoint of cither."
The Non-Producer.
Jud Tunklns says ho knows n man
who kept so busy thinking up Schemes
to boost the price of wheat that he
forgot to raise any.
When In North Flatto stop at the
New Hotol Palace and Cafe. You will
be treated woll.
General Farm Sales a Specialty.
References and Dates at First .Na
tional Hank, North Platte, Neb.
100 East Third St- Phone 912
Sale Dates.
March 23d It. S. I- Vnss.
Jlurch 2 lib B. A. Ellas.
March 20Cnlle sale, Western Ne
bruska Breeders' Ass'n.
NorWi Plnttc, Ncbr.
For tho treatment of Medical, Surgical
and Obstetrical ' Cases. A place
whero tho sick are cared for so as to
bring about normal conditions In the
easiest, most natural and scientific
Phone 110. North Platte, Neb.
Graduate Veterlnnrlnii
Ex-Government Veterinarian and ex
assistant deputy State Veterinarian
Hospital 315 South Tine Street
Hospital Phono Black 633
House Phone Black 633
County Clork's Office
North Platte, Nehr
By virtue of tho authority vested it?
mo by law, I, A. S. Allen, County
Clerk of Lincoln County, Nebraska, do
hereby direct and proclaim that a Pri
mary Election bo held in the several
polling places In Lincoln County,
Stato of Nebraska, on Tuesday, the
20th day of April, 1920, during tho
hours designated by law, for 'the fol
lowing purposes, to-wlt:
1. To express a preference for can
didates by each of tho political parties
for President and Vice-President of
the United States.
2. For tho olectlon of four dele
gates at large and two from tho Cth
Congressional District in tho State to
tho National Conventions of tho re
spective political parties, and the
election of a like number of alternates.
3. For tho election of ono National
Committeman by each of the political
4. For the non-partisan nomination
oj two candlatos for Chief Justice of
tho Supreme Court.
C. For the non-partisan nomination
of two candidates for Judge pf the
Supreme Court to fill vacancy.
6. For the nomination of one can
didate for Congressman from the 6th
Congressional Dlsctrict, by the sev
eral political parties.
7. For tho nomination by each of
the political parties of the following
Stato Officers, to-wit:
1 Governor,
Lieutenant Governor,
Secretary of Stato,
Auditor of Public Accounts,
State Treasurer,
Attorney General,
Commissioner Public Lands and
Railway Commissioner, and
Railway Commissioner to fill
For tho non-partisan nomination
of four (4) candidates for Rogonts of
the Stato University.
9. For the non-partisan nomination
of two candidates for Superintendent
of Public Instruction, as provided by
tho Session laws of 1917.
10. For the non-partisan nomlna
tlon of two candidates for Judge of
the District Court for tho Thirteenth
Judicial District.
11. For thp nomination by each of
tho political parties Ono Candidate for
Stato Sonator from tho 25th District.
12. Tho nomination by each of the
political parties Ono Candldato for
Representative from tho 68th District.
13. Tho nomination by oach of, the
political parties One Candidate for
Itopresontatlvo from tho 77th District.
14. The nomination by each of the
political partlos One Candidate for
Clerk of District Court.
15. The nomination by each of the
political parties Ono Candldato for
County Commissioner from the 1st
16. Tho nomination by each of the
political parties One Candidate for
County Commissioner from tho 3rd
17. The non-partisan nomination of
Two Candidates for County Judge.
18. Tho nomination by each of- the
political parties One Candidate for Po
lice Magistrate for tho City of North
Tho ubovo Primary, Election will be
hold In tho various precincts in Lin
coln County, Stato of Nebraska, on
tho 20th day of April, 1920, tho polls
will bo open at eight o'clock In the
morning and remain open until 8
o'clock lu tho aftornoon of tho same
Dated at North Platte, Nebraska,
this 23rd dny of February, 1920.
In testimony wehorof, I have here
unto sot my, hand and affixed tho soal
of Lincoln County, Nebraska, this 23rd
day of Fobruary, 1920.
A. 8. ALLEN,
County Clerk.
xotioe op final niaroRT.
Estate No. 1695 of Henry F. Coates,
deceased. In the County Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska, to all persons
Interested in said estate take notice
that the executor has filed a final ac
count and report of his administration
and a petition for final settlement and
discharge as such, which have been set
J l92o7 a "a o'c ock Z m.7 When you
may appear and contest the same,
Dftted MaVi"a woODHonsT,
m9-s ' ' ' County judge.
Special Attention Given to
McDonald Bank Building
Office Phone S.'l Resldcnco 39
We want these.
Big Price for Cast Iron.
Dry Bones $10 to S12 ton
See or wrlto mo for dates
Plumbing and Heating Contractor.
I am prepared to do all kinds of
plumbing and heating. All materials
and work guaranteed. Estimates
cheerfully given.
Shop and Residence 1303 East 6th St.
Phono Red 453 .
Llconsod Embamore
Undertakers and Funeral Directors
Dny phone 41 '
Night phono Black 588
Estate No. 1588 of Mary Duggan, de
ceased, in tho County Court of Lin
con County, Nebraska.
The State of "Nebraska, ss: Creditors
of said estate will take notice that the
time limited for presentation and fil
ing of claims against snid estate is
June 4th, 1920, and for settlement of
said estate is Fobruary 27, 1920; that
I will sit at the county court room in
said county on June 4, 1920, at 10
o'clock a. m., to receive, hear, allow,
or adjust all claims and objections
duly filed.
m2-2Q 1 County Judge.
Extension to Road No. 2S5, ami
Vacating Road No. 300.
To .Whom It May Concern:
Tho consent petition to extend Road
No. 285 and to vacate Road No. 300,
signed by Scott Shaner and 9 others
has been filed in the offico of tho
County Clerk, In words and figures as
Commencing at the quarter section
cornor in the center of the west line
of Section 1, Township 12, Range 29,
running thence east on the north side
of the east and west center lino of sal"
section, 40 feet wide, to the conter of
said section, wo further ask that the
40 foot road commencing whero tho
north and south center line of said
section Intersects the north line of
said section running thence south to
tho center of said section be vacated.
All claims for damages and objec
tions to tho establishing and vacating 1
of above roads must be filed In tho of
fico of the County Clerk of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, on or before 12
o'clock noon of the 30th day of April,
1920, or said roads will be allowed
without referenco thereto.
Witness my hand and official ?eal
this 24th day of Fobruary, 1920.
f24 County Clerk.
George L. Androws and wifo Hattle
M. Androws, Raymond Brothers and
Company, Isaac R. Mclntlro, Peter Mc
Govern, Thomas B. McGovorn and wife
Cathorino McGovcrn, Lots ono (1), two
(2), threo (3) and four (4), block
thirty-soven (37), of tho original town
of North Platte, Section 33, Township
14, north of Rango 30, west of tho 6th
P. M. In Lincoln county, Nebraska,
and all persons claiming an Interest
of any kind in said real estate or part
thereof, will take notice that on tho
24th day of February, A. D. 1920,
George W. Clopine, plaintiff heroin,
filod his petition in tho district court
bf Lincoln county, Nebraska, against
said defendants and each of them, the
object und prayer of which Is to re
movo certain clouds thorefrom and
quiet and confirm the title of tho
plaintiff in and to tho real estate
above described and to cxcludo oach
and all of said defendants from any
title, claim or Interest in and to said
property or any part thereof.
You and each of you are required to
answer said petition on or beforo the
5th day of April, A. D. 1920.
Datod this 24th day of February
f24-4 Plaintiff
By, Hoagland & Hoagland, his Attys
' By virtue of an execution Issued
from tho District Court of Lincoln
Coun y, Nob.rat:kn, In favor of Anna
Holderness, plaintiff, and against Wil
liam A. Holderness, dotondnnt, and to
mo directed, I have lovled upon the
following doscribed real estate In Lin
coln County, Nebraska, to-wit: West
Half (W&) of tho East Half (E)
and West Half (W) of Section Six
(6), Township Eleven (11), Rango
Twonty-NIno (29), Four Hundred Fifty-Eight
and 90.100 acres. I will on
the 19th day of April, 1920, at 2 o'clock
P. M. at the cast front door of the
Court House in North Platte, Lincoln
County,. Nebraska, sell at public auc
tion to tho highest bidder for cosh, to
satisfy said execution, Interest and
costs aggregating tho sum of $4754.87,
tho following doscribed property, lov
led upon by mo, to-wit: West Half
(WJ) of tho East Half (Ei) and
West Half (W) of Section Six (6),
Township Eloven (11), Rango Twon-ty-Nino
(29), Four Hundred Fifty
Eight and 90.100 acres.
Dated North Platte, Nebr., March
13th, 1920. A. J. SALISBURY,
ml-Gw Sheriff.
Kstate No. 1729 of Ocorgc Brown
Canrlght, Deceased, In the County
Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska.
Tho Stato of Nebraska, ss; Creditors
of Bald cstnte will take notice that the
time limited for presentation nnd Ming
of clnlms against said Estnto Is July 3,
1920, and for settlement of sa d estate
la March 5, 1921, that 1 will sit at tho
county court room In said county on
April 9, 1920, at 9 o'clock a. m., and on
...... n titan .. . II nnlnn1 n tti . to rn-
colvp. examine, hear, allow, or adjust
all claims and objections duly nieik
1,19. t County Judge.
..In the County Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska.
In tho Matter of the Kstate of Asa
Hicks, Junior, Deceased,
The State of Nebraska, To nil per
sons Interested In said estate: Hoth
creditors nnd heirs tnke notice, that
"Warwick W. Klbbon has filed lls peti
tion alleging that Asa Hicks, Junior,
died Intostnto on or nbout tho first day
of January, 1889, being a resident and
Inhnbltnnt of Tnswcll county, Illinois,
nnd the owner of tho following de
scribed real cstnte, to-wlt: Tho North
east quarter of Sectfon Fourteen,
Township .Nine, Rango Twenty-nine,
west of tho Cth P. M., In Lincoln cbun
ty.Nebrnskn; and thnt said petitioner
is tho present owner of said promises,
hnving purchased tho same; thnt moro
than two years have elapsed since tho
denth of snld decensed, nnd that no
application bns been mndo In tho State
of Nobrnska for the nppolntmcnt of an
administrator; snld petitioner praying
thnt this court will make nnd cntor a
decree determining tho dnte of tho
denth of snld deceased, tho right of
succession to said nbovo described real
cstnte, who aro tho heirs of snld de
censed, tholr degreo of kinship nnd tho
right of descent of tho ronl property
of which tho snld deceased died seized,
Snld petition will bo for hearing on
tho 2d dny of April, 1920, nt the hour of
ono o'clock p. 111.
Dated at North Platte, Nebraska, this
27th dny of February, 1920.
m9-3 County Judge.
In the County Court of Lincoln
County, Nobraskn.
In tho Matter of the Estate of Mary
E. Sibley, Deceased,
The Stato of Nebraska, To all per
sons Interested In snld estnto: Both
creditors nnd heirs tnke notice that
Warwick W. Klbben has filed his pe
tition nlleglng thnt Mnry E. Sibley
died intestnte on or nbout the 24th day
of September, 1904, being a resident
nnd Inhnbltant of Lincoln county, Ne
brnskn, and the owner of tho follow
ing described real estate, to-wlt: The
Northeast quarter of the Southeast
Quarter of Section Fourteen, Township
Nine, Rango Twenty- nine, west of the
6th P. M., In Lincoln county.. Nebraska,
and that said petitioner la the present
owner of said premises, having pur
chnsed the same through tho heirs of
said decensed; thnt moro thnn two
yrfnrs have elapsed since the denth of
snld deceased, nnd thnt no nppllcatlon
hns been mnde In the stnte of Nebraska
for tho nppolntment of nn ndmlnlstra
tor; snld petitioner praying thnt this
court will make nnd enter n decreo
determining the date of tho death of
said decensed, the right of succession
to snld above described renl estnto. wh"
nre the hoirs of snld deceased, their
degree of kinship nnd the right' of de
scent of the renl property of which the
said dec"n"cd died seized.
Snid petition will be for hearing on
the 2d dny of April, 1920, nt the hour of
one o'clock p. m.
Dated nt North Plntte. Nebraska, this
27th dny of February, 1020.
iu9-2fi County Judge.
notice K011 runs
Notice is hereby given, thnt the
Board of Park Commissioners of the
city of North Plntte. Lincoln County,
Nebrnskn. will receive Rented bids up
until noon on the 9th dny of April,
1920, nt the ofTlco of F. B. Elliott." the
chnlrman of snld Board, for the labor
nnd materlnls nccessnry In the con
struction of a certain lnternl. 4200 feet
In lencrth. with one concrete culvert
16 feet long, with concrete end walls,
and one concrete culvert 24 feet long
with concrete end wnlls. nnd one con
crete slfihon 66 feet long, which said
lnternl lendi to the swimming pool to
be constructed In the North Plntte city
park, nnd for the lnbor necessary in
the excavation of 1000 cubic yards of
dl"t In the builillnir of snld lake or
nwtmmlng pool, snld bids to be sub
mitted sepnrntely for the work nnd
mnterlnl necessnry In the construction
of snld lnternl, culverts nnd siphon, and
for work, necessnry In the excnvntlon of
snld Bwlmmlng pool, or lake; nil work
to bo performed under the supervision
of the city engineer In accordnnco with
the plnns nnd specifications on file In
his ofllco.
Snld bids to be nccompanlcd with a
certified check In tho sum of $50.00.
The Board reserves the right to re
ject nny nnd nil bids.
Chnlrmnn of the Board of Park Com
missioners of North Platte, Ne
brnskn. m9a8
In the tho mntter of the estnteof Al
bert Coolldge., Decensed.
Now on this 6th day of March, 1920,
on tho filing of the petition of Delia A.
Coolldge praying for the acceptance of
tho resignation of W. II, McDonald ns
ndmlnstrntor nnd approval of his re
port and that A. F. Stroltz bo appoint
ed as Administrator Do BonI Non of
said estate.
It Is hereby ordered that April 2nd,
1920, be set for the honrlng thereof
before this court at 10 o'clock a. m.,
nnd thnt notice of said hearing be giv
en tho heirs, devisees nnd all persons
Interested In said estate by publication
of a notice thereof for three successive
weeks prior to said hearing. In the
North Platto Tribune, n legal semi
weekly newspaper printed nnd pub
lished In Lincoln County, Nebrnskn.
m9-26 County Judge.
In tho Matter of the Estnto of
County, Nebraska.
In tho Matter of tho Estate of
Adolph Schorz, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to any and
all ipersons having claims and do
mands against tho estate of tho said
Adolph Scherz, deceased, that the 3rd
day of July, 1920, has beon set and ap
pointed as tho day for tho reception,
examination, adjustmonl and allow
ance of lawful claims and demands
of all persons, against said estato and
that the County Court of Unrein
County. Nobrnska, will at said time
receive, examine, adjust and allow all
such claims against said estato, as
provided by law, at tho County Court
Room in the Courthouse In thn nttv
of North Platto, Lincoln County, Nc-
urasnn, ana an persons so interested
in said estate, will appear at said
time and placo and duly present tholr
said claims and domands In tho'man
nor required by law, or show cause
for not so doing, and in case nny of
said claims or demands Bhall not bo
presented on or prior to tho said 3rd
day of July 1920, tho same shall b
forover barred.
In Testimony Whereof, I have sign
ed this notice and affixed tho seal of
said Court this 8th day of March 1920
Sea' Connty Judge M9-4