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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1920)
A Blowing Skirt A Trim Ankle AND A PAIR OF OUR NEW SPRING SHOES OH BOY! Wc arc arc featuring some unusually clever, newly arrived models this week in eyelit ties, oxfords, high tongued pumps and colonials. They come in kid, patent and suede. 't "WE DO REPAIRING." s HOE AVES YOU MARKET ONEY ON SHOES Hi Hi Hi LOCAL AJJD TEIiSONAL An out-of-town Jazz orchestra will Bive a danco at the K. C. hall Thurs day evening. AVatch Dlxons windows, always some- "Toby's Bow" t tho Crystal, Thurs day and Friday, Is a story of lovo and adventure below tho Mason-Dixon line. AVe feel conlldent you will enjoy i. Try tho Rexall first, it pays. 14tf. Judgo Grimes was able to resume his duties yesterday after a week's illness and court Is grinding along with the Judge on the bench. Dr. Howard Tost, Dentist, Twlnom Building. Phono 807. 77tf Lost Ladles black muff on Lincoln Highway between North Platte and llershcy, on evening of March 15th. Finder leave at this office. 21-2 For Sale-Elm trees. C. I. Lewis, east C street 19-2 Harry 1'lzer Is at present located at Augusta, Kan., where he has charge of the office of his cousin Abe Marcus, who is an oil broker and well supply dealer. Look for the new records in Dlxons add of this issue. Ilg.mem.ber the' meeting of the Parent-Teacher Association of tho Jeffer son School to bo hold March 24th at S p. m. This evening meeting has been arranged so that the fathers as well as the mothers may attend. Special program , qierks, Wanted. Apply to AV. J. O'Connor, G, 10 and 25 cent store. 21-tf Sunday was tho first day of spring and upon uncovering our bed of hy acinths found some of them had bud ded and with moderately warm weath er will bo in bloom by Easter. Last year we picked the first hyacinth blooms April twelfth. Found bicycle outside of Ten Cent Store. Owner can have same by paying for this ad. 21-tf p. L. Mooney, president of the recen tly organized Rotary Club, was advised yesterday that at least twenty Rotar ians from Kearnoy, accompanied by a twelve piece orchestra, will arrive in a special car on train No. 7 this evening. Tho club hore will be lnstltutodunder the direction of the Kearney club at the Masonic hall this evening and vH be preceded by a banquet. A "great" evening is anticipated. The recruiting officers who ire spend ing this week In town, have placed on display In tho Dorryberry & Forbes window a varied assortment of Gorman war trophies or relics. Tho display Is tho largest that has ever been shown in North l'latto and Is well worth seeing. See us for wall paper, Tho Rexall Store. 14tf Mrs. T. C. Patterson and daughter Edith, who have been sojourning In Los Angeles for three months, will leave for home this week. Enrouto they will spend a week In San Fran cisco nnd will arrive hero the early part of April. Dixon & Son, Sight Specialist, thing new. It has been some time since any motion picture producer has; found niaterlal enough to make a comedy four reels long, but Henry Lohrman has found it and made the comedy. It's a pippin nnd it will be shown nt tho Crystal, Tonight nnd Tomorrow. Wanted to buy A good gentle driv ing horse. Inquire at this office 2t Mrs. Plummer Is now prepared to take orders for Taylor's homo canned fruit. Should there be a scarcity of fruit this year my contract with Tay lor's states that tho earUer orders will be filled ilrst. Call, .or Phone Red 491, Mrs. E. R. Plummer, 21 ' All kinds of nursery stock for sale. R. McFarland, Box G2G, North Platte, Neb. 14tf The regular army recruiting olllcers. who are spending this week in town, have placed a Hag on practically every flag pole in tho business section. It Is a good way to call attention of the public to the presenco oftho party In town, and at tho samo time reminds us that "old glory" stand for tru Americanism. Clinton & lists. Messrs Shoemaker and Oman, who spent sevoral days in town getting tho views of business men on the quallllca tlonsi of flvo applicants for the post tnastorshlp, left for tho east Friday nvenlner. They Interviewed quite a number of our business and profes slonal men selecting those who do tho most business with the postollleo and jwho aro therefore most vitally Inter ested in ofilcent service Many ques tions as to tho standing and quallfica tlons of the applicants were asked and notation of tho nnswers made. Son, Eye-Sight Specia . tf North Platte Produce Co. Special On Poultry. Wanted 10,000 Chickens At Once. HENS 33c. COCKS 15c. GEESE 20c. SPRINGS 26c. TURKEYS 30c. DUCKS 25c. TAKE NOTICE. We buy Cream. We want your Cream at High est Market Price. Phone 192 for Poultry, Eggs and Cream. larkets they are always High. Confirmation Dresses Largest Variety and All Sizes to Select from. Sizes 7 to 19 North Platte's Leading Exclusive Ladies and Misses Store Childern's Coats and Dresses, Silk, Voile, Organdie?, Ginghams Sizes 2 to 14 years At All Times, and Especially at Easter Time, Our Showing of New Spring Wear for Ladies and Misses is Exceptionally Wonderful 1 1 SUITS It will add to your pleasure at Eas ter lime to be wearing our exclusive high-grade Suits that Fifth Avenue cannot excel in style and beauty, because they are Fifth Avenue Suits. In materials-tricotine, serge, poirie will at $35.00, 339.75, $49.75 Other Suits up to $125i00 , ,i ' i , COATS and Coats! Well, any woman would be proud to wear any of our new models. The styles are as numerous as the colors, and they include every new shade that is fashionable this season. Ma terials ore camel's hair polo cloth, covert, tinsel tone, tweeds, poirie twill. $22.75, $29-75, $35.00, $45.00 and up GEORGETTE CREPE BLOlSES Georgette, crepe de chine, silk pongees, striped satins, taffetas striped crepe de chine ' $5.98 Other waists up to $24.75 DRESSES Then you should see the pretty Dresses. Afternoon frocks for street and office wear, all new de signs and finest quality silks, tafleta, georgette, crepe de chine, satin and tricolctte. $19-98, $32.75, $39.75 and up FASHIONABLE NEW SKIRTS Newest spring models in variety of exclusive effects, plaids velours, checks, serges, satins, silks, beautiful color combina tions $5.98, $75, 812.75 Up to $37.50 All Our Other Lines Hi ifi Hi Silk Petticoats, Silk and Wool Sweaters, Middies and Smocks, House Dresses, Aprons, Corsets, Underwear Hosiery ? 3 new Gloves, ALL PRICED VERY REASONABLY. ' 7 We will appreciate an opportunity to show you the many new things in our spring stock. NORTH PLATTE North Platte's Leading Exclusive Ladies and Misses Store. and COLUMBUS. Cullionit KYplnlnx. Editor Tribunes: Your stutomont that I was circulating a petition to name myself for county Judge makes It look as though I was anxious for a Job. Fact Is I was named for that of- llco by a convention of non-partisan farmers 'and refused to run, but on going to town Tuesday morning and learning that they had not looked for another candidate wo got out petitions for myself to bo named for the ballot. J. M. CALHOUN. : :o: : roit SAI.H KoNhloiice l'mpcrty on Klixt Third. AV olTcr for nnln Hie ten room dwell ing lit 220 Hunt Third Street. Unlrcly modern nml full liuNement. Cnrnge for two earn ..For termx nee Ilrntt, tiooil iii tin Jb H n cli ley. ::o:: Tho I. 13. O. will moot tomorrow af ternoon with Mrs. W. J. Hondy, Bead Suitors for $5.00. C. AUSTIN. J. 13. Nelson returned this morning from a business trip to Sterling, Colo. AVanted A housokeepor. Inquire at Marti meat market. Dr. J. W. HuttH, of Garden City, ICan., spent tho weok end with his mother, Mrs. Helen White. Dixon & Son, Sight Specialist. Children's Organdie and (llngham Dressos. Ask to seo thorn at Wilcox Department Store. Mrs. Geo. Iii Dent wont to Omaha Sunday night to visit Mnrjorlo Ltddoll, who Is taking medical treatment In that city. j Di-. Morrill, Dentist, office over Wilcox Department Storo. In railroad circles It Is reported that trains No. 11 and No. 14 will bo put on noxt Sunday. Whether thoro is any foundation for tho roport wo know not. A navy recruiting olllcor will bo hero Thursday, March 2Gth and remain until Sunday, March 2Sth, for tho purposo of obtaining recruits for tho navy. Ho will bring a ono rool navy picture and ono movie slldo nnd will try and glvo an addroBS to tho public In tho picture h!i6vh during the Intormlsalons on the opportunltleM wliloh t Jib navy offer I'nlverMty Week I'rngrnin. Tickets aro now being sold for tho university weok program, March 29th, 3Qth and 31st. Tho best programs at popular prices. Threo troups from the stato uulvorslty threo entertainments for $2. CO. At tho Franklin auditorium on March 2Dth the Cornhusker Concort Company will appear In a delightful program, tho Instrumentation Including violins, aaxaphoncN and piano, "with solos. At tho Keith theatre, March 30th the I'nlverslty itoad Show will appear In monologues, music and playlets, fea turing tho ''Man Up Stairs." Tho University l'layors will present "It l'ays to Advortlso" at tho Keith March 31st. This Is a Twentieth Cen tury play full of humor nnd thrills. Tickets for the pcrfomnnces at tho Keith must bo reserved commencing Monday, March 29th. Tickets can bo secured of tho com mittee or they can bo secured at tho Smith-Johnson drug storo, tho O'Con nor storo or at tho Guminoro-Dont drug storo. Christian Sclenco Borvlco Sunday 11 a. in. Wednesday evonlng meetings every weok at 8:00. A cordial Invi tation Is extended to all to attend these serTlcos. Building & Loan build ing, room 25. Wall papor and paint at tho Rexall. If you aro 'looking for good work horses or good roan Durham cows, como to my salo eight miles north of town on March 24th. 19-3 13. A. ELI AS. Ono day sorvlco for broken lenses, Clinton & Son, Optician's. tf Mutual Ilulliliiig and Loan Association Annual Meeting Tho Annual election qf Directors and tho Annual Meeting of said Association will bo hold at tho office of tho Associa tion on Saturday, March 27th, 1920. Tho Polls for tho election of threo Directors will ho open from 1:30 p. m. to 5 p. in. and from 7 to & p. m. and tho annual meeting will bo held at 8 p. m. All stockholders aro earnestly re quested to particlpato In said election and to attend tho Annual Mooting. BESSIE I SALISBURY, Secretary. ::o:: Most up to dato wall paper pattorna at tho Roxall. 14tf ::o:: For Snle, Itanch of IS acres on west Ninth street Joining city. Good house, new gnrago 10x20, now chicken house 12x32, with glass covered scratoh shed for winter, horse barn, cow barn; land nil fenced and cross fenced. Priced for 30 days at $8000. Call nt 1805 west Ninth ftroot or phono B,ak 39 21.3 R. It. -HBNDEnSON. PUBLIC SALE The undersigned will offer at public sale at his place formerly known as the A. C. Moore ranch seven and one half miles north of Maxwell on Monday, March 29th, 1920 Commencing at one o'clock sharp, the following property: 18- HEAD OF HORSES Consisting of one bay mare, 8 years old, weight 1000; one fci. iimiu o y vain uiu, wuigur. xuuu; nine uiree- year olds, three four-year-olds, and four one-year- olds. FARM MACHINERY Two corn hellers, two mowers, disc, two grain seeders, lister, corn planter, lay-by two-row, Jphn Deere two-row, two Badger corn plows, stirring plow, grain binder, set of heavy harness, new saddle, some collars, buggy harness, hog feeder, butcher derrick, wagon and box, three wagons and.' hay racks, cream separator, fifty tohs of hay, 8-foot steel tank, two grindstones, some wood barrels, some iron and wood posts, quantity of fire wood, house hold goods, and other articles too numerous to mention. Free Lunch at 1 o'clock Terms of Salo $20 and und er cash, sums over $20 eight months time will bo given on bankable paper bearing 10 per cent interest from date of sale. No property to bo re moved until settled for. ' J. H. GEISE, Owner. II. M. JOHANSKN. Auctioneer. T. 0 SWENSON, Clerk.