The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 23, 1920, Image 4

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    Keith Theatre, Wednesday and Thursday.
William Farnum
o talc of tender love and supreme sacrifice
"Heart Strings"
A biy sacrifice of a brother for his little sister. A corking good
story! It's Farmuns best!
Adults 30 c.
Children 15c.
Graduate Dentist
Otficu oyer the McDonald
Stat Bunk.
.7. K. Sebastian left last night on a
buslnoHH trip to Omaha nml other enst
crn polntB.
K. V. Jennings nml MIhh Mury Mil
ler, both of Sutherland, were united In
marriage by Judgo Woodhurst Satur
day. Cut glass, nno lliiu. .S. AUSTIN.
Mth. Fred Stoddard, of Lena, arrived
a fow day8 ago to aHslHt In caring for
licr father, A. II, AdamHon, who Ih
critically 111.
For Halo White Ivory lied, sewing
machine, three rocking chnlrs. COS W.
Fourth Htrcot.
Fifteen monttm on the rock pllo and
his licart still full of sun and moon
shine. Keo how Iil6yd (Ham) Hamilton
doeH It at tho CryHtal Theatre, Tonight.
Lady hookkeopor wanted, Bteady em
ployment. Imiulro of Star Mottling and
Mercantile Co.
Tho O. I. A. will meet Frldny after
noon at tho K. I'. hall. There will ho
initiation services, following which a
lunch will ho served-.
Mr. and Mth. Dan ValerlUH will leave
about April first for Detroit, Mich., to
niako tholr future home. They resided
In that city prior to coming- to North
OHnton & Son, Graduato Opticians,
. sco tlicm for Service. tf
Harry Ulock will within tho noxt
week start tho erection of a now homo
on his lot on tho corner of Fourth mid
AVillow BtrootB. It will bo u two-ntory
nine room house with stucco finish and
will cost not Icbh than $12,000.00. D.
M. Hogsott hnB been uugnged to sup
erintend tho conBtructlon.
Dr. H. C. Drock. Dentist. X-Ray
Diagnosis. Reynolds Rids. Phone 148
The business of tho Mutual Building
& Loan Association for tho year ending
March 1st wna $690,000, and tho total
resources on that dato wero $1,193,000.
Tho loans on real estato held by tho ns
Hoclatlon amount to $1,111,000. It can
thus bo socn that tho association Is
ono of considerable Importanco nmonu
tho financial institutions of not only
North IMatto but of tho state.
. . Black Minorca eggs for setting $1.C0
per sotting or $10 per 100. Inqulro of
Otto Mesinor or phono 796Ft4. 18-0
Miss Irma llarraclaugh Is visiting
friends In Denver, having left for that
city Saturday.
Harry Dixon returned yesterday from
Omaha where ho spent Sunday with
Dr. nml Mrs. Frank Conklln.
Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Carroll, of
Gothenburg, Bpent the week end w'th
their son L. C. Cnrroll and family.
Miss tllady'rt' Stcgail, a student at tho
Grand Island business college, came up
to spend tho week end with her par
ents. Tho Ladies Aid Society of the Chris
tian church will meet Thursday after
noon In tho church basement. A good
attendanco is desired.
Miss Ethel McWllllnms, assisted by
Mrs. Thos Haggorty and Miss Edna
Sullivan, will entertain tho Catholic
Girls' Club Thursday evening.
For Sale 5 rooms and bath. Close
In. Trees, lawn, garage and coal house.
Phono Red '365. , 21-2
Leo Rowley camo down from Suther
land Frldny nml onllsted in t.h, fleltl
artillery. Hp was sent to Fort Logan
and from there ' will go to Cnmp
Tho blrthstono for April is a diamond
do not tlolay. Let (us show you our
lino solltalrs, gold or platinum, clus
ter and dinner rings. C. M. AUSTIN.
por Sale Passenger Hrakeman Coat
and Vest. Inquire at Samuolson. A-
Mrs. Mnry Coudor,, who hod boen
visiting her sister Mrs. C. S. Clinton
for a couplo of months-, left tho latter
part of last week for her homo In
Michigan City, Ind.
Tho Catholic Girls' Club will hold a
bazaar at tho Masonic hull Wednesday.
April 7th. They will hoyo on sale
fancy work nnd aprons, will Borvo a
Bupper and In the evening give a dance.
For Sale 5 rooms and bath. Close
In. Trees, lawn, garago and coal house.
Phone Red 355. 21-2
C. F. Trocoy, who ns' secretary of tho
U. of L. 12. protectlvo board has been
in Omaha for six weeks attending the
conforonceH of tho board nnd the Union
Pacific ofllclalB, camo home Friday to
spend a couplo of days, returning to
Omaha Sunday . Tho board will com
plete Its work In a week or ten days.
Wanted to buy 5 or 0 room house.
Also a Jack fo'r sale. Inqulro 51 C East
V St.
Inspector Moore, of the stnte auto
license department, spent tho lntter
part of last woek In town, and will re
turn hero tdday or tomorrow. Ills
buslnoss horo Is to look up licenses and
records ns rognrds stolen cars and also
to sco that car ownorB have taken out
tho 1920 license. Failure to take out n
license subjects tho violator to pros
Framed Parchments Just arrived Rt
Dlxons Vory Ilnq variety and new
See us for wall, paper, The Ro.tall
Store-. i ' 14tf
Mrs. Ralph tarnin returned the
lntter pnrt'of last week from Malvern,
la where he was culled on business
n vei'lY Ixtforc.
For Sale-Washing Machine and
Wringer. Phone Red 54G. 20-4
Mrs. Koch, Mrs. Spencer and Mrs.
Hlnrimn returned Friday from Hustings
where thoy nttended the state conven
tion of the Daughters of the American
For Sale Good Buggy nnd single
harness. If Interested phono B1U 245.
Mr. and Mrs. Msurlco Munslnger re
turned Friday from lown, where tho
former had been transacting business
for several weeks, and where Mrs.
Munslnger accompanied the remains of
her mother.
For Stile A combination buffet anil
n sewing machine. Cnll at 201 west
Fifth, or phone Blncjk C04. 20-2
- W. C. Cole, for many years a farmer
living wost of the city and who sold his
land Inst year, was married at Lincoln
March 13th, to Mrs. Minnie Stewart, of
Ord. Neb. Thoy will make their fu
ture homo In Omaha, where Mr. Cole Is
In the employo of the Updlko lumber
and coal company,
For Sale Now four room house,
modern except heat, full basement.
Good location. Good terms. Phono
The Northwest WnrrlorB Is the name
of a now organization that Is being
formed In tho west nnd a lodge will bo
formed in North Platte within the next
woek or so. The object of tho organ
ization is to build up Americanism,
and fundamentally to- fight the red
element, I. W. W'b. and their like.
An organizer will reach here soon to
tell why the NorthweBt Warriors nre
necessary In order that tho United Sta
tea may be mado safer for Americans.
A. pair of properly fitted glasses will
stop that headache, Clinton & Son
Opticians. tf
A. R. Adnmson, author, poet and
master mechlnlst, who has reached the
advanced ago of past eighty-one years,
has been confined to the house for some
time and Is now bed-ridden with an at
tack of bronchitis. His condition Is
pronounced critical by the attending
physician, his ndvanced years leaving
but little vigor with which to combat
tho trouble. Wo regret the condition
of our old friend who has made North
Platte his homo for so many yenrs and
who Is so well and favorably known
to so many of our people.
Most up to dato wall paporcpatterns
at tho Rcxall. 14tf
Keith, Tonight.
Last showing.
'Her Kindgm of Dreams
There Is a kingdom of dreams In
every woman's dream and this is tho
story a symphony on tho pulse of life.
& sf: & & & S & & & & r. & & & & & &t
That we have one of the largest
and most complete lines of
ever shown in Western Nebraska, You
are invited to come? to the building
known as the Old Lloyd Opera House
and look over our show room.
Leypoldt-Pennington Co
What art extraordinary food is MWEfiB
Not only is .it tho most nutritious, most economical food there is not
only is it simply delicious with butter, jam or toasted but innumerable
delicacies and appealing dainties can be made with it.
Use HAKE-HITE Bread when trying this ,appettzinglceipe:
2 cups fresh or stale bread
V CUP chopped suet
1 cup hot water
1 cup flour
1 cup molasses ,
1 cup currants
1 teaspoon soda
i- teaspoon salt
teaspoon powdered cinnamon
l"teaspoon powdered ginger
V teaspoon grated nutmeg
Few blanched almonds
1 egg
Grease a mold and decorate it with almonds. Pour hot water ove
bread crumbs, add molasses, suet, flour, soda, spices, currants, salt and
egg well beaten. Turn into prepared mold, cover with greased paper and
steam steadily for two and a half hours. Serve with hotmilk or
sweet sauce.
"AM. IIM.Tlll.rMI lTl I I. IT.TTT- L ! MTlTl U.'Jafc-iV
- -
Give your family steamed bread pudding this evening and make them
Sirs. IlmiHcn 1'iiNHCN Atrny
Jlrs. Wlllnds Hansen, aged seventy-
flvo died at her home on east Fifth
street Saturday morning of a complica
tion of diseases. Funeral . services
wero held nt the home yesterday after
noon conducted by Rev. C. F. Koch.
Tho deceased was born in Denmark
in 18S4 nnd ;cih married in that country
to Mr. Hansen. They camo to North
Platto in 1883, and had since con
tinuously made this city their home.
Bereaved are the husband and a
niece, Miss Thea IIansen who had made
her homo with her uncle and aunt
slnco early childhood.
: :o: :
For Sale
Three room houso and corner lot,
electric lights and water in houso.
Plenty shade Can glvo possession at
once. Price ?,iuu casn. uaii ueu
310 or at 221 South Walnut street. 18-4
For Snlo
Nino acres, two acres In alfalfa, 4-
room houso, good barn, cow barn, hen
houso, work shop and plenty of young
shado trees. Located in 2200 block oi
east Fourth street.
17-8 Geo. W. Miller.
Cum Thiemann Dlc
Uus F. Thiemann, who for several
years had been located In town and
followed the vocation of carpenter,
died at the Rltnor hotel Thursday night
from the result of a hemorrhage.
Though he had been a victim of asthma,
his condition was about normal until
tho early part of last week, when he
became worso, but It was not
until Thursday a physfcinn was called,
but by that tlmo his condition was such
that medical aid was of no avail and
ho passed away about midnight Tho
funeral was held yesterday, the wife
and son of tho deceased coming from
Grand Island to attend tho service.
: : o: :
SflllitK Experience Not NecvsNnry.
One of World's largest Grocers, (cap
ital over $1,000,000.00) wants ambitious
men in your locality to soil direct to
consumer nationally known brands of
an extonslvo lino of groceries, paints,
rollings, lubricating oils, stock lnods,
etc. No capital required. State age
and occupation. Write today. John
Sexton & Co. 352 W. Illinois St.,
Chicago, 111.
Harry Dixon & Son, sight specialist.
For Sale.
8 Room Modern Houso with 4 lots.
3 Room House and one lot. Also a
team, wagon and harness.
L. D. McFarland, 1702 east 4th
Street. 20-5
: :o: :
For Sale.
1007 W. 3rd St. 5 room house, mod
ern except heat. Garago 12x24. Prlco
$2800. Call at 1003 W. 3d St. or phono
Red 506 for terms. 19-6
: :o: :
Notlec of Final Ileport.
Estate No. 1700 of Major A. White,
denceafied In the County Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska, to all persons
Interested In said Estate tako notlco
that tho Administratrix has filed a final
account nnd report of her administra
tion and a petition for final settlement
nnd dlschargo ns such, and prayer for
final decree and distribution of said
estato which have been set for hearing
before said court on April ICth, 1920, at
2 o'clock p. m., when you may appear
and contest the same.
Dated March 22nd, 1920.
M23-A10 County Judge.
Silent as it has fewer moving parts than an other Motor.
Power When Power is needed.
The longer you use the car the more Power it develops.
You'll know when you sit at the wheel.