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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1920)
IUA I. HAKK. Krtttor nnil Publisher SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One i'wir by .Hull, In advunrc. .7." One Year by Carrier, In adrunco, $'2.00 Entered at the North IMatto, Nebraska Pfwtofflco as Second Class Matter. mcsiMV, MAiiuit 2:1.1, itco. EVENTS IN NORTH PLATTE TllIKTl'-FlVK YHAUS AGO (From The Tribune March 21, 1885.) Ilutlor Buchanan, then a Justice of tho peace In Kox Creek precinct, per formed a marriage coromony with W. ll. Lundy and Efflo Furnish an tlio contractinir parties. It was announced that Bishop Worthlngton would visit the local Episcopal parish April 28th. A concort and lecture at the opera houso under tho auspices of the LINCOLN COUN'I Y EVKNTS AND rKHSONAL MIXTION. (Condensed from County Exchanges.) Fred St. Mario has sold his pool hall building at Brady to Thompson Ileucr, of Gothenburg.who nrc conver ting It Into a larngo. l ouniy Commissioner Sprlngor, of Brady, was tho reclplont of a surprise party at his home ono evening last week on the occasion of his birthday. About twenty-live friends were present and spent a delightful evening. Dr. Gilbert, district superintendent, will preach Uastor Sunday evening at the Methodist church In Brady. Up to the middle of last week Field Agent Bryan, of the American Sugar Co. had written 2C00 acres of beet con tracts and Field Agent Cady, of the Groat Western Co,, 2400 acros. Tho alfalfa mill at Hershoy was completely destroyed by fire Wednes day evening or last wool; entailing a loss of ton thousand dollars. It Is presumed that the lire originated from sDarks of a passing train. Mr. Schustor, owner or the bunumg, uiu not carry a cent or insurance, but ox fi,Hwlln Irwllnu noftorl tint) nnrtii mill 1 noets to rebuild. I liVIJ 1U ill l;n iwui uiu nuivu I 1111 ft south Bldos burned ovor a wido scope - Tho cltlzons of Hershoy will hold a of country. On tho south side the caucus tomorrow evening for the pur- . . I ... Jl 41 .. area uurnou was iwoive oy jiueun mllos. Considerable hay was burned. Sovonty couples attenddu" tho ball given by tho Platto Vnlloy Lodge Brotherhood of IQallwny iBrakcmon held at tho Lloyd skating, rink. Tho rink was decorated with colored lan terns and lodge emblems. ! Roller skating was dying out and tho attendance at tho rink was growing less each evening. A committee of local onglneors who had boon In Omaha for some tlmo in regard to the wago schedule woro successful In securing ovory, concession asked. Geo. Vroman was chairman of tho committee and for tho oxcollont work ho porformcd tho engineers pre sented him with silver water service A clttzon who had returned from the Medlclno country roporlert a big dance hold at tho rosldonco of Ilutlcr Bu chanan and nnother dance had been slated nt tho Crossloy homestead. The south part of tho, county twns filling up with homostcadors and' thuy woro getting all tho plcasuro out of life they could. A Chinaman running a laundy on "hop joint," but tho follows who had "pop Joint," but tho follws who had boon hitting tho plpo refused to give ovldcnco and tho heathen Chinee was discharged. Thoro wero twonty-nlno cases on tho docket for tho March term of court. Of thoso four woro burglary cases, four forgory cases and threo divorce cases. k ::o:: Tor Sale. Having sold our real estate, we are placing on sale our porsonal property, preparatory to loavlng tho city. This consists of tho following: Household goods, farming tools and implements, a comploto outfit of haying machinery, wagons, buggies, carts, work harness, buggy harness, carptmtor and black smith' tools, Including forgo, anvil and vlso, baled hay, somo grain, some wood, a heavy black work team, wt. 28001bs., a registered trotting stal lion, registered Tennessee Jack, ago 7 y,rs., a pacing gelding, record 2:35, a good young milk cow, a lot of gar don tools, a hlvo ofboes and some extra hlvos und oxtra boo suppllos, two Incubators and brooders and a flock of puro bred Barred Rock chickens Also ono now automobile, 1920 mod el Hudson Supor-Blx speedster, five cord tiros and fully equipped. Theso goods can bo noon at 1305 No. Locust St. Blankonlmrg Bros. No. Plntto Nobr Phono Rod 851. 10-3 pose of nominating threo candidates for vlllugo trustees. Tho North Platte Produce Co. has opened a branch at Hershoy with It A. Radcllff as manager. Tho Republic Chemical Works, of Sutherland, have been sold to tho Mid west Potash and Refining Co., who will push tho uncompleted plant to com plotlon as soon as possible. W. II. Wlsomlllcr died at his homo at Sutherland Wednesday morning. Funoral services woro held the follow ing day. Mrs. uraco Crosby antl tnree cnuu ren of Sutherland, havo gone to Long Beach, Cal for the benefit of Mrs. Crosby's health. Tho C. II. Emplo stock of general merchandise at Sutherland has lleon sold to E. R. Williams and Fred Buchanan.- Mrs. Ella TIbbots, aged sixty-two, died of asthma March 9th, while visit ing her son S. G. Tibbies near Max well. F. N. Austin, Into banker nt Max well, left with his family, last week for Oregon. Ono daughtor will remain at Maxwoll until tho end of tho school term. ::o:: For the next thirty days I will sell nursery stock at a discount of flvo por cent. u. McFarianu, uox 02i, City. lGtf Wullaco Iiuh oranlzcrl 11 ball team with Tlieron Iloclit iih tnnnnRer ami the players lmv nlrcmly been out on tho diamond Umbering up. Wo invito the Wallaco boyB to como over to North Plntto nml show' our team how to well piny tho Knme. Garden Soeds. McMlcuael's Gro cery. 20-4 T, M. .I0I111B011, of Clurlleld, trnutmctctl buslnuHH In town yesterday and innde The Tribune n call. Mr. Jobuson nnd Mr. Gill nre tlio only two loft of tho men who located on tho Garllcld tublo In the early SO'h, and ho tbluku somo of moving to Callfornlai wbtch state ho recently visited. For Sale Registered Horoford Bulls. II. P. Hanson, North Platte, Nob. lGtf A commercial club was organized at Wallaco last wcok with a membership of twcnty-nlno and this numbor will no doubt bo larKely increased as time boob by. This Is a good move on tho part of tho Wallace pooplc, and we nre retain good will rosuit from the or ganization lu tho way of n bettor nnd more cltlllcd town, better roads and blKffer business. Big Crowd Attends Concert. Tho conoort glvon by, the High School Cadet Band, assisted by other school talent, hold at the Franklin auditorium Friday evening attrncted an audience that filled the seating capacity of the floor with an overflow of a hundred or two In tho gallery. The program was sufficiently varlod to avoid sameness, and tlio hand members and others appearing on tho program were enthusiastically applauded. The Trlhuno man was much sur prised to hear tho band pluy so well; In fact these forty hoys who con-, stltuto the band are nn .organization of which the town may feel proud. TO' Prof. Kllllan, who Is finished music ian Is duo much credit for the time he hns given in Instructing and directing the boys, and that ho is a competont taocher Is evidenced by the progross tho band hns made. Tho Individual numbers on the pro gram woro woll rendored, cspclally tho violin solos by Prof. Kllllan. ::o:: Country Club Annual Meollwr At tho annual meeting of tho menthol's of tho Country Club hold Friday evening C. T. Wliclan, R. C Langford, Loren Sturgcs and W. J. O'Connor woro olected mombers of tho board of directors. Tho club house on tho grounds, orected tit a cost of $7,000 Is prac tically ready for occupancy, and when the weather becomes moro summer like will bo frequented dally by mem bers and their Indies. ::o:: Perry Miller, of Lincoln, department commander of tho Spanish War Vet erans sppont Saturday In town and was present at tho meeting of the veterans hold In the evening. For Sale Houso and lot close in. Rent will net owner moro than 9 per cent 011 investment. Ono half block east of Junior High. Phone Red 834. 20-2 Abrnham Melton, ylio died ten days !iko nt bis homo In Willow precinct nt the nifo of sixty-one, wns ono of the oarly settlers In tho south pnrt of the county, having located there In 1SS0. Ho was well known to many of tho old er residents of tds city. D. H. Mulliken, who has lived in Somerset precinct for t.wonty-nine years, wns a Tribune caller yostorday Ho says that practically ovorybody In bis section of tho county nre strongly against tho league of nations, and are not backward about expressing their views. In spenklng of crops, be said rye Is proving the redemption of the loose soil of that precinct; nnd Mint blown out land Is being reclnlmcd by tho ryo crop. BIG BANC at the K. C, Hall Thursday Evening, Mar. 25. re OACH'S OYAL IOTING M ERRY USICAL OKES Stock For Sale Fourteon work horses nnd mules, three new wagons nnd four sets of harness, thirty liond of puro bred White Faco cattle, 100 head puro bred Gnloway, cows and heifers for salo privately. Located two miles south and two mllos east of Hershoy. 15tf JULIUS MOGENSBN. Riots lead by the following: Saxaphone Dixie Land Jackie Arthur on his squealing moaning Alto; "Old Folks" ICetchum on his smearing, groaning double-barrel pump; "Banjo' Bruce, the African harp artist full of eyncopation on his plinkity plankity ragg banjo; Happy Dick Gill syncopating ivory tickler all over it; Raggedy Roach drums with trimmings. Come Early. Stay late. Registered Suffolk Stallion for salo or trade. Weight 1C50, six years old. Inqulro of Albert A. Glnapp Brady. lOtf Cash Paid for FEED OF I I 'r 1 " ( SPLotH XwWMf f ams v nrool 1 tiecrnc CREAM, POULTRY AND EGGS. Stenvad Poultry Co., 312 Enst Front. To be held in New Sale Pavillion, LEXINGTON, NEB., on Its features m it 'trouble' Western Wednesday, March 31, Sale Starts at 1:30 p. m. Col. M. H. Cruise of Council Bluffs, Auctioneer SO Head of Purebred Hcjrefords Consisting of 14 Bulls of serviceable age. 22 yearling Heifers, some open. 14 bred Cows, some with Calves at fool. I POWER & LIGHT THIS direct-connected type of 'Western Electric Power and Light is practically automatic in its operation a child can operate it. Dependable electric service night and day for your farm. See this plant in opefatioa North Platte Plumbing & Heating Co. 106 E. 6th, ST. tkmmssaixsmm This offering is made up of animals from the herds of the following Dawson County Purebred Hereford Breeders: L. J. Stuart, L. P. Stone, E. E. and N. T. Youngs, Art C. Smith and P. C. Woods & Son. For Catalogue and further information write Art C. Smith, Lexington, Nebraska. HAY We Buy and Sell Obtain our Prices. THE HARRINGTON MER. CO. INCORPORATED 1887. Mutual Building and Loan Association, Of North Platte, Nebraska. RESOURCES OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS. The Association has unlimited funds at its command to assist inTlie building or purchase of homes for the people of North Platte. If you are interested, the officers of this Association will render every assistance and show you how easy it is to acquire your own home. T. C. PATTERSON, BESSIE F. SALISBURY, President. Secretory. NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (incorporated! On; Hall Dlock North ol Postoflicc. Phone 58 A modern institution for the scientific treatment of medical, surgical nnd confinement cases. Completely equipped X-Rtty and diagnostic laboratories Staff: Geo. B. Denl M. D. V. Lucas. M. D. J. B. RedfiehUl. D. J. S. SIMMS, M.D. DR. L. J. KRAUSE, DENTIST McDonald Bank Bldy. Phone s7. Office phone 241 . lies, phone 217 L. C . DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, Nebraska. Knights of ColumbUB Building. Office Phono 340 Res. Phono 1237 DR. SUAFFEB, Osteopathic Physician Belton Bldg. North Platte. Neb. Phono for Appointments. GEO. B. DENT, riisylclan and Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Surgery and Obstretrlcs. Office: Building & Loan HuIIiHur Phonos: Office 130, Residence 116 H1L RED FIELD I'hyslcinn, Obstetrictnn Suxkcoii. X-Ilay Calls Promptly Answered Night or Day Phone Office (M'2 Residence ("( ALBERT A. LAA'h. Dentist Rooms 1 and 'i Belton Building ,S'ortii 1'laiio, NebfhwK;. Notice (( Creditors. Estate No. 1735 of Nels C. Rasmus- san, deceased, in the County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tlio State of Nebraska, ss: Credi tors of said estate will take notice that the timo limited for presentation and filing of claims against said' estate is Juy 23d, 1920, and for settlement of said estate is March 19th, 1921, that I will sit at the county court room in said county court room in said county on April 23d, 1920, at 9 o'clock a. m. and on July 23d, 1920, at 9 o'clock a. m., to receive, examine, hear, allow or adjust all claims and objections duly WM. H. C. WOODHURST. m 23-4 County Judge. -Notice Decree of Heirship, Estato No. 1741 of Harriet Jones, deceased, in tho County Court of Lin coln county, Nebraska, The heirs, creditors and all persons interested in said estate, will take notice theat on the 11th day of March, 1920, Elizabeth Otten, ,an heir of said decedent, filed her petition herein, al leging that tlio said Harriet Jones died intestate on or about January G, 1903, a resident of Lincoln county, Ne braska, and that at the time of her death she was tho owner of, or had an estato of Inheritance in Lot Two (2), Block One Hundred (100) of original town of City of North Platto, a homo- stead of less value than $2000.00 in said Lincoln county, Nebraska, uid that no npplcation lias been made in tho said state for the appointment of an administratorThat she left sur viving her: Mrs. Elizabeth Otten, a daughter, ago CO. residing at Nampa, Idaho, Mrs. Mary E. M'cCafferty, a daughtor, age 53, residing at Van couver, Wash.; Mrs. Catherine Work man, a daughter, age 47, residing at Washangle, Wash; Miss Henrietta Jones, a daughter, ago 49. residing at North Platte, Nebraska, James Jones now deceased; John E. Jones, a son, ago 43, residing at North Platte, Neb.; Prank Jones, a son, aged 39, residing at Grand Island, Nob. ; Mrs. Anna Mo ran, a daughter, ago 44, residing nt Gary, Ind. That James Jones, son, died intcstato in North Platto about January 1st, 1911, unmarried and that the above named brothers and sisters, being tho children of tho deceased, in herited all of the Interest of said James Jones, deceased, and succeed to his interest as heirs. That all of the debts of said deced ent liavo been paid, and said real es tato Is wholly exempt from attach ment, execution or other mesno pro cess and not Hablo for tho paymont of tho debts of said deceased, and pray ing that regular administration bo waived and a decreo bo entered barr ing creditors and llxlng tho date of hor death and tho degreo of kinship of her holrs and tho right of descont to sold real estate. Said petition will be heard April 1C, 1920, at 9 o'clock a. in. nt tho oMco of the County. Judge of said county. ...... t. . yjjui IJ ItJS I'. m23-3 County Judgo.