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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1920)
We Can Save You Money ON YOUR BUILDERS' HARDWARE Since the first of this ' year Builders' Hardware" has steadily advanced in price and right now it is hard to ob tain at any price. We were very lucky indeed to have had some lai'Ke orders filled in time and are now in a position to sell Builders' Hardware at a very attractive price. As we carry the leading brands in this line we can show you some of the neatest designs in lock sets, etc., in both the copper and brass finish on steel as well as solid bronze. When you are ready to build, come in and talk it over with us. We will be glad to furnish you an estimate of your hardware bill, as we are here to please. W. R. MALONEY CO. LOCAL AM) PERSONAL Your next purso will be Conlovla and you will bo pleased. Dixon, the jewe'er. Keith Neville went to Omaha yes terday morning to transact business for a few days. Louis Tobin, of Denver, spent yes terday in town transacting business and visiting friends. Most up to date wall paper patterns at the Rexall. 14tf Mrs. Clarence Day, of Shreveport, La., arrived Wednesday Tor a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Beeper and other relatives. Mrs. W. It. Hodshtre and mother, "who have been visiting in Los Angeles for a couple of months, will roturn home the latter part of the month . We pay 'cash for butter and eggs. McGovern & Stack, phono 80. Free delivery. 8tf Mabel Normand a "circus herself" playing in a circus picture, hence a circus within a circus. See her in Jinx at the Crystal, Saturday and Monday. J. H. Geiso, who is now living in town, will sell 0ff his persona prop ert on his ranch seven and one-half miles of Maxwel1 on Monday, March 29th. Dr. H. C. Brock. DentiBt. X-Ray Diagnosis. Reynolds Bldg. Phone 148 'It. is noticed by tho Lincoln Journal that the North Platte Flour Mills has made, application to the state board of .sotfBflties to increase its capitnl fifty thousand dollars. - Try the Rexall first, it pays. 14tf J.' Fred Clark, of Fairfield, Iowa, will arrive Sunday to accept a posi tion with The Tribune. Mr. Clark was for a number of years with the Daily Telegraph force. Dr. Howard Yost, Dentist, Tivlncm Building. Phono 307. 77tf Take friendly tip and follow the crowds to Laughland to see Henry Lehrman's picturizatlon of tho funniest baby in the world, shown at the Crys tal Tuesday and Wednesday. For Sale Registered Hereford Bulls. H. P. Hansen, North Platte, Neb. lGtf Tomorrow, is. tho iast day on which filings for political nominations for county offices can bo made. The list of candidates is already large enough to permit a wide range of choice. Clinton & Son, Eye-Sight Specia lists, tf Dr. Geo. B. Dent went to Omaha Wednesday to meet Marjorlo Liddell, who was taken ill at her school in the east and will probably be placed in an Omaha hospital for treatment. Now materials in Silks and Dress goods arriving daily at Tho Leader Merc. Co. BAND CONCERT PROGRAM. Tho following is the program for the concert to be given by tho High School Cadet Band at the Franklin Auditorium this evening: Star Spangled Banner National Hymn Royal Guest March Cadet Band 'Sweet Sounds Andanto and Waltz Cadet Band Old Folks at Home Selection Lydia Yost, Margaret Edwards at piano Fay Ycarsley, Mabel Getty, Thclma Brownell violin Think Love of Mo Vocal Solo Caryl Derryberry Martha Thorton at piano Rustling Leaves Overture Cadet Band Ah! That Was Many Years Ago Baritone Solo Harrison Tout Mrs. Wilson Tout at piano East is West - Reading Helen Bonner Nobody Works But Father ...Musicians Strike Cadet Band In Old Madrid J- S. Fearls Celesto Chorus Club. Miss E. Z. Fritz director Evelyn Dionor at piano Somowhero a Voice is Calling Cornet Solo t Wallaco Harris Yydla Yost at piano' Freedom Grand March Evening , Shadows -Waltz Cadet Band I'm Forover Blowing Bubbles Saxophone-Violin Duet Chester Cummlngs, Emmott Moody Saxophone . Fay Yearsley, Mabel Getty Violin Lydia Yost at piano Flower Song Clarinet Solo ' Norman Moulton Madolono Bllckonsderfor at piano Feast March -.-March Loyal Hearts - Waltz Cadet Band Souvenir Do Poson Violin Solo (Mazurka Characteristique) Mr. Charles J. Kllllan Mrs. Charles J. Kllllan at piano First In Action March Captain - Ex,t March Cadet Band CITY AND COUNTY NE1VS. r Dixon & S6n Sight Specialists. D. J. McDennott, of Broadwntor, camo down Wednosday to tako treat ment at tho General Hospital. C. C. Pargeon has sold his residence on oast F street to Mr. Schwartz, who will move here from Loxington, and who owns a ranch south of town. Mr. Pnrgoon expects to leave soon on an extended trip. Wo mako a Speciality pf fitting glasses, Clinton & Son. Opticians, tf A. W. Wilcox has resigned as car rier on Motor, route A and has nc- copted a position with tho J. S. Davis Auto Co. In chargo of tho filling sta tion. Ho Is succeeded as mall carrlor by Harloy Tlloy. For Sale or Trndo ono block of ground. Will trado in on city resi dence. Phono Red 478i or. luqulro of At G. Artz. . .. f -ij: 15-20 Petitions nrc being circulated nom inating James Sniallwood for council man from tho First ward. Mr. Small wood Is a well known resident of tho ward, a property owner nnd a wlde awako young man. Onion Sets. McMlchaol's Grocery. 23 Wo have been having regular March weatlior this week an almost Incessant wind nnd a temperature around the freezing point. This weather Is somewhat disagreeable, but it is about what wo may expect at this season of tho year. See us for wall paper, Tho Rexall Store. 14tf Anita Stewart herself Is ATTRAC TION ENOUGH but with twenty well known stars makes one of tho most remarkablo plcures for tho delight of theatre goers In "Her Kingdom of Dreams" at tho Keith, Monday and Tuesday. Black Minorca eggs for sotting $1.60 per setting or $10 per 100. Inquire of Otto Mesmer or phono 79GF14. 18-G For somo timo past tho First Na tional Bank has been receiving and posting daily bulletins on llvo stock prices at South Omaha, thus giving stockmen tho receipts and prices twelve hours in advanco of tho dally papers. - All kinds of nursery stock for sale. R: McFarland, Box 626, North Platte, Nob. 14tf Tho Chamber of Commerce road' maintaining outfit has been at work this week on the road leading south, and on the east road has covered a distance of nearly ten miles. Yester day and today tho outfit has been working on the road north of, town. For Sale Residenco on west Second street. Phono Rod 1128. 17tf The Tribune has learned of but ono real estate deal that failed to go through on March 1st, which consider ing the great number of transfers made, is an unusual record. Prior to March 1st it was predicted that many of the purchases made under contract would collapse when tho initla1 pay ment camo due. Suits for ladles and misses in all the latest spring models now on display at Tramp's Ready to Wear Store A representative of tHo civi1 service commission and an employe of tho postolfico department wcro in town this week getting viows of business men relative to applicants for post master. 'It is said that all but two ap plicants were eliminated by lack of post office experlenco nnd tho choice lies between ono of these two. Da Morrill, Dentist, office over Wilcox Department Store. J. E. Sebastian is general chairman of tho "Clean Up" campaign which will bo staged next month nnd ho has appointed as clminnen of sub-commit- tles men and women who aro just as active and thorough. If North Platte is not a "Spotless Town" by tho first of May it will not bo through any oversight of Sebastian. New records just received yester day, Columbia and Edison. Cnll In early and hear them . Dixon, tho jeweler. Yesterday was a disagreeable day with tho high wind and rain and snow, but it was not as bad as at Choyonno Wednesday night when tho wind at tained a velocity of seventy miles an hour, nor at Allianco where tho deep est snow of tho season fell. Let us bo thankful our conditions aro not worse. If you nro looking for good work horses or good roan Durham cows, conic to my salo eight miles north of town on March 24th. 19-3 B. A. ELI AS. Rov. J. II. Curry, Is preparing for a big church day on Easier Sunday, April 4th. Oho feature will bo tho reception of now members, of whom Dr. Curry hopes to havo not less than thirty. With those additions tho church membership will havo Increas ed about forty per cent sinco ho as sumed tho pastorate. Your eyes wi'l bo under the pjirn of a sight specialist if you entrust them to our caro. Ji. Dixon & Son. Tho choir will glvo ono of their special programs of music Sunday at tho 11 a. m. scrvico at Tho First Presbyterian church. Tho pastor will preach at 7:30 a. m. At tho Sunday school hour tho annual Decision Day bervlco will bo observed by tho school. Every, member of tho Sunday school snouid bo thoro. Tho parents aro re quested to bo present. Dear Public Wo aro anxloiiB that you snouiu know about our ovo to Ing department. Wo aro equipped it.l,l. 1. 1 .. i . , . . . . . mill lliu illlUBL II1MU UIIlUIllSi lCf stanco tho Onthnlom which it Is posslb'o to throw a bright ngnt into tno oyo nnd oxamlno tho op tic norvo and find if anv diseasnd uon ditlon exists. If so you aro informed nnd told who you should consul',. Our oqulpmont is comploto in ovory detail ovon io grinning our own nses Very truly. H. DIXON & SOX. ' fr Order by van'tcome Suede black ami patent n Ki .mm A new shipment of 20 styles arrived this week Folks, Please Remember That EASTER Is Only Three weeks. Away! HO ah.-, w 1 " n So it's time to go out and get X those new Easter Low Shoes ;.,,;, ' right away. The glorious Spring -Fashions we've provided fill the store with their sunshine. But some of these fashions are in greater demand than others. Chances are these styles would also be your choice --- and the size you wear may be gone unless you buy at once. Come in tomorrow. if b S HOE MARKET aves you oney on Shoes. KEITH THEATRE BLOCK. Hexlcnn Turned Looso Pablo Vonzuolln, who was arrested on tho chargo of stealing silks and other goods from a Suthorland merch ant, and was arrested In Texas and brought hero for trial, was turned loose Tuesday afternoon In tho dis trict court. Tho evidence against Venzuella was not sufficiently connect ed up to secure conviction. It could not bo proven that ho was In Suther land when the robbory occurred. ::o:: Sinlllicrs Sel's Out Hoyt Smlthers sold his interest in tho Rexall drug store Tuesday to J. Nolan nnd wl'l inovo to Kearney whero ho will purchase a drug storo. Mr. Nolan, who Is a brother of Paul Nolan, is an experienced drug clerk, having been thus employed for sev eral years in California prior to the timo ho ontered tho war service. ::o:: V. E. 0. Elects Officers Chaptor AK of tho P. E. O. held an eleclon of officers at tho homo of Mrs. H. M. Grimes this week with the fol lowing result: President, Mrs. W. J. Hondy. Vice-presidont, Mrs. Anna Church. Recording secretary, Mrs. M. E. Scott. Corresponding secretary, Mrs. W. P. Snyder. Treasurer, Mrs. C. II. Moroy. Chaplin, Mrs. II. S. White. Guard, Mrs. .1. S. Twinom. For tho noxt thirty days I will soil nursery stock at a discount of five per cent. R. McFarland, Box 626, City. 1 16tf Woman "Spilled the Beans." Loss than a century ago n Germnn professor of chemistry succeeded re peatedly In producing smnll quantities of gold, which ho exhibited to fellow scientists whoso keen Interest mny we.ll bo Imagined. It wns Inter ascer tained that a devoted servant, anxious to give his mnster pleasure, hnd bought gold leaf nnd surreptitiously contributed It to the contents of the crucible. .One one occasion, however, the. servant wns sent on a dlstnnt er rnnd, and left money with his wife for the purchase of the requisite gold leaf- She spent tho money for drink, buying instead somo "Dutch metal," which she put Into tho pot. This led to n discovery of tho fraud, prompt revelation of which by the professor gave rise to lmnieiino amusement. Old Chinese Burial Places. Shanghai's old buildings on tho Bund nro rapidly disappearing, and with tholr destruction many discoveries In tho way of old burial places aro be ing made. While excavating for a now building two Chinese gruves wcro discovered. Upon being opened, the cofllns were found to bo In a good de gree of preservation, considering tho length of timo they must havo been lying in the swnmp. Tho Inscriptions upon the stono tablets marking tho graves aro llllglblo, so any conccturo as to their age Is almost Impossible. An urn containing a qunntlty of bones wns also unearthed. Christian Science sorvlco Sunday 11 a. m. Wednesday evening meetings ovory week at 8:00. A cordial Invi tation is extended to all to attond theso sorTlcos. Building & Loan build ing, room 25. : : :o: ; For Snlo. 1007 AV. 3rd St. G room houso, mod ern oxcopt heat. Garago 12x24. Prico $2800. Call at 1003 W. 3d St. or phono Rod 606 for terms. 19-6 The Star Cafe for a Good Meal and the Silver Front Cigar Store for a Good Smoke. Both under the same Management. Under the new management The Star Cafe is striving to please the public both in the quality of meals served and the service rendered, You are cordially invited to give The Star a trial. Saves Its Cost In a Year In thousands of cases, Lalley Light has saved its coat in the first year. It has done so by saving tfme and labor and money on the farm. Isn't such a plant rvorlh investigating? LaUey-Light it a complete unit tngitw and lwwlof tcilh 16-ttU flora gt bait try, II npplUt ampU tleciru-ily for ligltli, water pump, vaiking maehine, iicttper, errant teparater, fanning mi, iron, ik. The Porter Electric Co. Lighting Fixtures. Wc donothingbutElectricWork. Why not get n Specialist. 510 Locust St. General Hospital Bid. North Platte, Neb.