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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1920)
4 SPECIAL! New Chic Veils just re ceived for Veil Week. MARCH 15 to 20. McVICKERS MILLINERY STYLE PLUS QUALITY STORE. DR. o. n. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Office oyer th McDonald State Bunk. ; LOCAL AND PERSONAL Misses Annn and Einmn AndorHon havo moved from east Eleventh to 114 West Ninth. Trainmaster Sholvcr Bpcnt Tuesday f- In Choyonne attending a safety, first v meeting. Mrs. IJ. It, Fletcher returned tho tcarly part of tho week from a visit In ' Grand Island. A Mra. J. H. Morrow has hoon confined to tho house this week by norvouB prostration . License to wed was granted Monday to Simon L. Starkoy and Merva Hank, both of Dickens. ' 1 Mrs. W. W. Whlto was called to St. Joe, Mo., tho early part of tho week y the Illness of a relative , , J. V. Itomlgh roports tho sale of a 'Dodgo Coupo to Paul Harrington and h Dodgo Roadster to Lillian Sturgos. ' Miss Mario Stunrt returned Tuesday ejrenlng from a week's visit with hor brother Frank and faml'y In Llncon. August Dovish nnd Mildred Colo, 'both of Etna, Nob., wero united In marriage by Judgo Woodhurst Wednos ' day. A Mrs. Wnyno Lonard loft tho early part of tho week for her homo li ToxaH niter having visited local relatives for a month. Tho world Is safo fpr Democracy hut how about chickens? Soo "A Twilight Baby" at tho Crystal,, Tuesday and Wednesday. Arthur Connor, who lives southwest of town, Is now at Hot Springs, Ark., taking trentment and enjoyng a rest from farm work. W. E. Starr, caHhlor of tho McDon ald Stato Hunk' has been confined to tho Iiouho for tho past wook by, a very sovoro attack of flu. i Aftor visiting hor slstor Mrs. Herman Schleutcr for two wcoks, Miss Cather ine Sullivan returned to her homo In Grand Island Tuesday afternoon. ? Arrival of Beautiful Gorgetto and Cropo Do Cheno Silk Waists at unbeat able prices. Soo thorn In Waist Do- partmont of Tho Leudor More. Co. ? , Tho second monthly morning mus ical given by tho Presbyterian Choir will bo hold during tho 11 o'clock ser vice noxt Sunday morning' March 21. t Our sympathy Is herewith expressed for thoso who aro too occupied with busluoss or other matters to spend an hour In Lnughland seeing "A Twilight Baby" at tho Crystal, Tuesday and Wednesday. Miss Fayo Parsons, who will soon bocomo tho brldo of James Jowoll, was honorco at a mlscoUnncouB show er, TuoiOay ovonlng glvou nt tho Falk homo by Miss Ella Falk and employes of tho Wilcox storo, Undertaker Forbes waa called to Tryon Wcdnosday to proparo for buri al 'tho body of Waltor Cllno, who had died of flu. Tho iloceasod was one of tho earliest settlers In McPhorson county and wob well known In this city. ;i--' KEITH THEATRE, ANITA STEWART supported by Tho greatest all star cast In tho history of tho screen in a plcturlzatlon of Louis Provost's powerful novel "Her Kingdom of Dreams" Directed by Marshall Noilan Thero Is a "Kingdom of Dreams" in overy woman's "heart and is tho story of how ono woman found her soul's k mato through a marriage of Adults 30c The Travel and Study Club mot at tho homo of Mrs. Goo. IJ. Dont Tues day ovonlng and enjoyed a burlesquo stylo show staged by Miss Whit take and MIsb Stamp. Tho stuntu wore very e'evor nnd much enjoyed by the members. It. E. Gelsbergcr, who had lived In Somorsot precinct for thirty years, was In town yesterday enrouto to tho south. He has closed out his real estate hold ings In Lincoln county and will locate In one of tho southern states where tho chllloy winds blowcth not. Running truo to nationality, Leon ard Redmond beenmo tho fathor of a girl baby on tho morning of St. Pat rick's Day. Tho mothor and daughter aro reported to bo getting along nice ly, and "Dink" Is touching only tho lilgh spots. Tho Income of tho local Union Pacific ticket offlco could bo consider ably augumonted if North Plntto people wnon purchasing tickets would secure round-trip tlckots. It Is an advantngo tq North Platto to have tho ticket sales snow up as largo as possible. Tho mooting of the Parent-Teacher Association of tho Jefferson School which wns to have been hold March 17th, at 8:00 p. m. was postponed to March 24th, at tho mime hour. This chungo was made on account of a con lllct with other Important meetings. For Sale Good Buggy and single Harness. If Interested phono Blk 245. For Sale A combination huffel and a sowing machine Call at 204 west Fifth, or phone Black G04. 20-2 Peter Harvoy, who purchnsed the bcott Reynods ranch of OliO. acres southwest of town and moved thereto three weeks ago, was a Trlbuno caller Wednesday. Mr. Harvoy camo hero from St. IJaul, Nob., where ho had spont all his life So far ho Is woll pleased with conditions in Lincoln county. For SaloWaalilng Machlno and Wringer. Phono Red 545. 20-4 J. M. Calhoun, who lives north of the rlvor, has boon circulating a petition for a day or two past In order to got his namo on tho primary ballot as n can didate for county judge. Thoro will bo threo candidates in tho Hold for this offlco, W. H. C. Wootlhurst tho present Incumbent, F. W., ironninghnuson, present county commissioner, and Mr. Calhoun. F. L. Moonoy, Miss Grace Mooncy and Mastor Frank Moonoy will leave tho early part of next month for Cal ifornia, Mr. Moonoy will ho absent about a month, spending tho time nt points In California, Oregon and Wash ington, Miss Moonoy nnd Master Frank t will remain until July first In order to j build up tho physical condition of tho , latter. j For Salo--Now four room houso, I modern except heat, full bnsomont. Good location. Good terms. Phono Rov. J. II. Curry, of this city, has boon appointed a member of a team which will hold district conferences In tho Interests of tho lntorchurch world movement. Conferences will bo he'd at points In Dawson, Buffalo and Lincoln counties. Tho dato of tho iconferenco in North Platto Is April 8th with tho Chrlslan church ns tho mooting place. Tho Best llolsory Values for the ontlro family aro to bo had at Tho Leader Morcantllo Co. Most romark ablo values In boys and girls stockings aro being sold at 33c 39c 47c and lino Bilk Llslo at Mo. Lay, In a supply now. Thoy aro going hlghor. Monday and Tuesday. convenience. Children 15c CONTKltT TONIGHT J1Y TlIII H1CII HOHUUL BAND This ovonlng' tho High schoo1 band, will give a concert at the Franklin auditorium nnd It In hoped the gen oral public wi'l display sufficient In terest In this organization to crowd tho neating capacity, of tho hall. The band has forty members and the In strumentation Is as foBowB. Charles .1. KIHten, director. Cher ter dimming captain, snxophone, Norman Moulton nontenant, clarionet. Cornet Section Wallnco Hnrrls corporal, Evan Lantz, Rob. Honlnnd, Leo Leon, Walter Morris, Austin Woodcock, Henry Hnnor, AUiert D' Ayos, Harold Gnrman. Clarionet Section Ralnh Simon 1 Tlimnnn f'nrrnll. T.mils Hrel- ornltz, Dona'd Russell, George Pit man, Allen Lawhead, Linn Tinern. Victor Wnltemath, Darrell Tout Trombone Section Francis London Int sorcoant. Fav Years'ev corporal, Francis Scharmann, Elmer Koontz, Ray Easton. Saxonhotm Sect on Emmet Moody corjKiral, Ernest Gunsolloy. Herbert Burke, Frunk Moonoy,. Alto Section Glenn WnUomath cor poral, Charles Hlnnvnn, Cecil Bar ber, Rnlph Wlckwire. TinHtnnrf nnd Bass Section Har rison Tout copora1, baritone. Austin Snyder, E fiat bass, Wilbur Swanson E fiat bass. Drum Section Elmer Pease, .snare, Arthur Howard, bass, Arthur Weeks, bass. ::o:: More Filings for Commissioner. Sampson Workman, a well known farmer living on tho Slebold ranch northwest of town, filed Wednesday for county commissioner from tho Third district. Some time today T. M. Cohagen wlU file as a republican candidate for county commissioner from the First or North Platte district. Mr. Cohagen becomes a candldntc at the request or a numbcij of business men. Yesterday filing papers wero sent out to Gcorgo II. Jenkins, of Dickens, who will file as a candidate for com missioner from tho Third district. This makes four candidates for commissioner In both tho First nnd Third districts. -::o:: For Snle. Having sold our real estate, wo arc placing on sale our personal property, preparatory to leaving tho city. This consists of tho following: Household goods, farming tools and Implements, a complete outfit of haying machinery, wagons, buggies, carts, work harness, buggy harness, carpenter and black smith tools, Including forgo, anvil and vlso, baled hay, some grain, some wood, a heavy black work team, wt. 28001bs., a registered trotting stal lion, registered Tennessee Jack, age 7 yrs., a pacing gelding, record 2:35, a good young milk cow, a lot of gar den tools, a hlvo of bees and some extra hives and extra boo supplies, two Incubators and brooders and a flock of. pure bred Barred Rock chickens. Alsn nno now nntnmobile. 1920 mod el Hudson Supcr-slx speedster, five cord tires and fully equipped. These goods can bo seen at 13Q5 No. LooiiRt St. Blnnkonburc Bros. No. Platto Nebr Phono Red 851. 19-3- ::o:: Ehrlght. ri'es for Senator. Wm. Ebrlght Tuesday filed his petition as a candidate for state Honntor In opposition to W. V. Hong land, making tho filing ns a republican though ho Is ono of tho leaders of tho non-partlsm league In tho county. Tho lenguers announco that with tho following thoy havo In Keith, Lincoln nnd Dawson counties which con stitutes tills sensatoriol district, they will bo nblo to got Hongland's hide. ::o:: Judge 1'iilno Holding Court. Duo to tho Illness of Judgo Grimes, It was necessary to secure another judgo to preside at tho term of district court, and Judgo B. II. Paine camo up from Grand Island Tuesday and is sitting ns Judge. Judge Grimes' trouble is duo to the application of iodino to a fiesh wound, aggravating the wound to such an ox tent as to becomo extremely, painful and requires him to keep In a reclining position. ::o:: April (it It DoLavuI Day For tho benefit of our many cus tomers and users of tho DoLaval Cream Separators wo havo established a DoLaval Bervlco day. On this dato wo shall bo glad to havo any Dolaval user bring IiIb com ploto Bopnrator to our storo for a thorough nnd earoful Inspection and adjustment. This Will bo mndo absolutely free of charge excepting tho replacement of any necossary, now ropalr parts on tho soparator, no charges for labor. DERRYBBRRY & FORBES IMPT CO., Local Agents. Viral Lutheran Church. Morning worship, 11 o'clock, sub- Joct, "Tho Greatness of Lovo." Even ing worship, 8 o'clock, subject "Our Lord and his Enomlos." Sunday school 9:45, special classes for mon and wo- mon. All aro woolomo at our services' Row, C. F. Koch, Pastor. ::o:: Royal Neighbors. Tho twenty-first meeting of tho Fifth nnd Sixth districts will bo held at Konrnoy April 6th. ::o:: A country Girl's Ideals, onthused by nu unconquornblo dcslro to oxploro tho great world boyond, leads Anltn Stewart Into tho private llfo of a great lumber lung. Hero Bho walks with Fnto while tragedy, and duplicity Ftnlk hor overy movo until nt last through a realm of sonsntlonnl hnpponlngs sho Is lead into hor "Kingdom of Droams shown at Kolth, Monday and Tuosday. Gardon Soeds. McMlchaol's Gro cory. 20-4 Mrs. Boyland, of Arthur, August Potora, of Coznd, and Mrs. Alexander, of Sutherland, arrived this weok to tako treatment nt tho Gonoral Hos pltal. A pair of proporly fitted glassos will stop that hcodaohe, Clinton & Son Opticians. tf I What an exfrnardirwri food is BMEAUD B m. Not only is it the most nutritious, most economical food there is not S Not only is it the most nutritious, most economical food there is not only is it, simply delicious with butter, jam or toasted but innumerable delicacies and .appealing dainties can be made with it. Use llAliK-JUTK Bread when trying this appetizing receipe: STEAMED BREAD PUDDING ' " 2 cups fresh or crumbs ! cup chopped l"cuphot water 1 cup flour 1 cup molasses 1 cup currants Grease a mold and decorate it with almonds. Pour hot water ove bread crumbs, add molasses, suet, flour, soda, spices, currants, salt and egg well beaten. Turn into prepared mold, cover with greased paper and steam steadily for sweet sauce. -. Give your family steamed bread pudding this evening and make them happy. WE USE COW BRAND FLOUR EXCLUSIVELY. .lrutual Building and Lonn Association Annual .Meeting Tim Anniinl election of Directors and tho Annual Meeting of said Association win lm linld at tlio office of tho Associa tion on Saturdny, March 27th, 1920. Tho Polls for tho election or tnreo Directors will be onen from 1:J0 p. m. tn F. n m. nnd from 7 to 8 n. m. and tho annunl meeting will be held at S p. m. All stockholders are earnestly re quested to partlcipato In said election nnd to attend tho Annual Meeting. BESSIE F. SALISBURY, Secretary. Shilling li'ns Grief. In the goodness of his heart, Cnpt. A. "W. Shilling accepted tho county chairmanship of tho Near East rellor committee, conscious of tho fact that tlia situation in Armenia and Syria was such that It should appeal to all and that ho would experience no troublo tn securing plenty of workers to help him conduct tho campaign. But In this the Captain has been sad ly disappointed, for his call for work ers has fallen on deaf ears and no alone Is tho only ono who has evidenc ed nnv Intorest In securing funds for tho destitute people of thoso countries. Through Tho Trlbuno ho makes an appeal for volunteers to gather quar ters, halves, and dollars to rollovo tho destitution of tho people who havo been Viciously maltreated by the un- speakoblo Turks and Kurds. ::r:: Special Meetings. Special meetings nro now In pro- gross nt tho Peoplo's Mission on north Locust street nt 7:45 each ovonlng conducted by Hedwlg M. Peterson, evangelist, of Colorado Springs. Services next Sunday, will bo held as follows: Sunday school at 2 p. in., prenchlng at 3:00, and ovonlng service as usual. Everybody wolcome. -:o:: It is generally conceded that the locnl demnnd for mechanics and la borers will not bo as strong this spring and summer ns last year, duo to a probablo dropping off in building operations. Just at prosont thoro seems to bo moro laborers than jobs. Sand hauling, well rotted manure for lawns nnd good soli for filling. II. Lltz, Phono Black 719. 18-G A woman resldont of Kimball came to town yesterday to outfit horsolf with spring clothos. As Kimball Is about 1C5 miles west of North Platto, It can bo said that our merchants draw trade from a big torrltory. Soo us for wall paper, Tho Roxall Storo. 14tf Clinton & Son, Grnduato Opticians, seo them for Sorvlco. tf For Sale Elm troos. C. I. Lowls east C street 19-2 For Sale Threo room houso and corner lot, oloctrio lights and wator In houso. Plenty shade. Can glvo possession nt onco. Prlco $2,100 cosh. Call Red 310 or nt 221 South Walnut streot. 1S-4 stale bread suet s 1 teaspoon soda io teaspoon salt io teaspoon powdered cinnamon lteaspoon powdered ginger y teaspoon grated nutmeg Few blanched almonds 1 egg two and a half hours, Serve Scientist Was Fooled. A few years ago Doctor Emmens, a distinguished American scientist, wns convinced that he had discovered a "missing element" between gold and silver, which he called "argentaurum." He melted Mexican dollars in n cru cible, dissolved the silver with nitric acid, and exhibited n residue of un dcnlnblc gold. Explanation lny In the fact that there wns originally some gold In the sliver out of which tho dollars were minted. This is commonly the case (owing to Imperfect metallurgical processes) with the older Mexican coins. Chinese Study Real Work. Even n Chinese pocket dictionary contains more than 10,000 characters representing words, and If a man In tonds really to master Chinese ho must learn to recognize them nil "a stupendous task." However, 3,000, 4,000 or 5,000 syllables are all that a Chinese of average education requires, nnd, If anyone will persevere until he has thoroughly conquered a thousnnd, ho will be In a position to have some appreciation of a novel nnd to master the difficulties of a simple business document. But for the sincere student a thousnnd characters Is the minimum. Here is a plan which combines efficiency, strength and durability with simplicity and at a moderate cost. It is not only frame-less but one of tho strongest yet one of the light est owing to simplicity of construction. Equipped with either hand or automatic control makes this plow a plow for all conditions. Derryberry & Forbes Imp. Co. LOCAL AGENTS with hotmilk or Mrs. H. Otten left for her home in Nampa, Idaho, Tuesday, alter a visit with her son and daughters in this city. Lot us repair your broken' glasses while you wait, Clinton & Son. Op ticians, tl James Umbenour, of Broadwater, submitted to an operation for appen dicitis at tho General Hospital this week and Is getting along nicely. Try tho Rexall firBt, it pays. 14tf Cash Paid for CREAM, POULTRY AND EGGS. Stenvad Poultry Co.. 312 East Front.