The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 19, 1920, Image 5

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lis Medicine Recommended by a Doctor
isfy beyond a doubt that PE - RU -
PE-RU-NA may bo purchased
Reminded Him.
A well-known preacher was giving
one of his stirring discourses, when
'he remarked:
"Ah t that reminds me of something
1 shnll never forget."
Then he stopped nnd thought, and,
lifter thinking and waiting a long time,
ll-UUJ IU till' iiniUilliMlllJUMl UL U1U
congregation, he said:
"Dear mo, I can't think of whnt it
f s 1" Pittsburgh Chroulcle-Telegrnph.
Never mind I Just take
Cascarets if Bilious,
Everyone must occasionally give to
tfhe bowels some regular help or else
suffer from constipation, bilious at
Uicks, stomach disorders and sick head
ache. But do not whip the bowels Into
activity with harsh cathartics.
What tho liver and bowels need is
gentle and natural tonic, one that
an constantly bo used without harm.
The gentlest liver nnd bowel tonic Is
"'Cascarets." They put the liver to
work and cleanse the colon and bowels
of all waste, toxins and poisons with
out griping (hey never sicken or In
convenience you like Calomel, Salts,
Oil or Purgatives.
Twenty-five million boxes of Cas
carets are sold each year. They work
while you sleep. Cascarets cost so lit
tle too. Adv.
The Important One.
A young stenographer was discuss
ing her Christinas shopping with tho
jglrl who worked across the hall from
'hor. "I've got something for. all my
nieces and nephews except the new
est one," she said, "and she Is only
two months old, Can't you suggest
something for a baby of that age?"
Tliu other girl smiled. "Why are
.you going t) get her anything?" siio
asked. "A baby two months old
loesn't know there Is such a thing as
"No," agreed tho stenographer
then added wisely: "Hut her mother
Fit Not Needed.
A rather plainly dressed young man
wont Into a furnishing goods store and
asked to see a suit of clothe-. "Oh,
don't bother about fitting it, Just wrap
It up as It Is anil, by the way, put
In ii hat."
"What size, please?"
"Any old number around seven will
"Any shirts?" ventured, the clerk,
woiulcringly selecting a lint.
"Yep, throw In three or four, and
don't mind the size, for I wns a pri
vate in the A. H. V. for over a year,
and I'm afraid If 1 got any duds to (It
me now I won't feel at home," said
tiro former soldier. Tonshun 21.
Record In Dry-Docking.
A world's record In dry-docking
Achievement was established recently
by the 30.000-ton floating dry dock of
the Morse Dry Dock and Repair com
pany of Brooklyn, N. Y.. when tho S.
S. Minnesota, tho largest cargo carrier
afloat, was lifted In minutes actual
(tumping time.
A spinster says that dying an old
maid Is easier than living one.
Rich men have coffers and poor men
tinve couchs.
A Morning
certainly does hearten one up
for the day. Why shouldn't it?
GrapeNuts is ready-cooked,
ready-sweetened, and contains
just those good elements nature
requires for the strength to do
Make Grape-NlltS your home cereal
' "Theres a Reason "
When a doctor uaos a mcdlclno hlm
sclf besides prescribing It to his patlontff,
he must know that It has merit.
This Is what Dr. J. H. Wagner, a prom
inent physician of Skato, Kentucky, has
to say about Dr. Hartman's well-known
remedy, PE-RU-NA: "I have used PE-ItU-NA
myself for catarrh and havo
given It to others for catarrh, bloating
after eating nnd other ailments. It ha?
proved a success In all cases with old
nnd young men nnd women. All speak
well of PE-RU-NA. It is tho best of all
Dr. Wagner, out of tho fullness of hla
own personal experience, for tho good of
all sick and suffering, recommends a
mcdlclno which ho knows to bo good.
You may bo suro a doctor would not en
danger his professional roputation by
endorsing PE-RU-NA unless satisfied be
yond a doubt of its value.
Whether your troublo bo a cough or a
cold, or a moro subtlo catarrhal offcctloa
of tho stomach, bowels or other organs,
givo PE-RU-NA a trial. Tho immediate
improvement which vou will neo will sat
NA is what you need.
anywhero in tablet or liquid form.
It Is quite easy 16 convince somo
married men that It is good to bo
No harmful drugs in Qnrficld Tea. It is
composed wholly of simple, health-giving
herbs. Adv.
Tho man who thinks doesn't talk
much ; the tniin who talks much, sel
dom thinks.
A Feeling of Security
You naturally feel secure when you
know that the medicine you are about to
take is absolutely pure and contains no
harmful or habit producing drugs.
Such a medicine is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, kidney, liver and bladder remedy.
The same standard of "purity, strength
and excellence is maintained in every
bottle of Swamp-Root.
It is scientifically compounded from
vegetable herbs.
It is not a stimulant and is taken in
tcnspoonful doses.
It is not recommended for everything.
It is nature's great helper in relieving
and overcoming kidney, liver and blad
der troubles.
A sworn statement of purity is with
every bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root. If you need a medicine, you should
have the best. On sale at all drug stores
in bottles of two sizes, medium and large.
However, if you wish iirst to try this
great preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Uingliamton, N. Y., for a
sample bottle. When writing be sure and
mention this paper. Adv.
Het Point of View.
The house whore granny lived wns
said to be haunted, and tlfteen-year-old
Erlc was rather nervous of sleep
ing alone In it. During the first night
he fancied lie heard all sorts of
strange noises, too.
So In the morning he tackled the
old lady.
"Do you believe in spirits, granny?"
lie asked.
The old lady thought deeply for n
moment, then suddenly her face
brightened, and she said slowly:
"Well, they do say that whisky's
good for rheumatism !"
Frank Confesisons.
"May I ask what you are reading?"
"The memoirs of n lion tamer."
"I presume he never saw a wild an
imal he was afraid of?"
"Oh yes. That's why I like the
book. He writes entertainingly of
times when the hypnotic power of his
eye was nothing, but his ability to
sprint was everything." Birmingham
Beyond Doubt.
Tin class in business organization
at the Arsenal technical schools was
listing the essentials of production,
which Included manageinent. D. C.
Morgan, teacher, defined the meaning
of the word nnd cited examples of
"good managers." To illustrate a poor
manager, he asked, "What would you
call a cook who put one cup of sugar
and Kirty-elght eggs In a cake?"
"I should call hor a rich woman,"
answered ono pupil Instuntly.
Talking Back to the Parcon.
"I fear, doctor, I am not good
enough to go to church."
"But, my dear nindam, it Isn't your
goodness, It's your desire."
"But I'm not good enough to havo
any desire." Boston Transcript.
Sense of Humor.
"Has your wife a sense of humor?"
"Yes," replied Mr. Growcher, "of a
kind. She thinks that everybody who
doesn't wear the same absurd fashions
she does Is Immensely funny."
Dish Of
EVKRY duj sees the sport skirt and
the hygienic blouse growing in im
portance, and It looks now ns though
they are to crowd tho tailored suit for
wear upon some occasions where, here
tofore, the latter has reigned supreme.
For Instance, sport skirts, hygienic
blouses and summer sweater coats or
sweaters appear often on railway
trains, when their wearers are making
short trips. They are practical for
clean trips that is, where oil Instead
of coal is used In the engines, and
there are no cinders or smoke. They
are sponsored by people who dress
well- nnd we may look for them to per
sist In the use, for frequenters of the
California and southern resorts have
established a precedent.
Among the new arrivals In these
separate skirts there are some Inter
esting blnck and white models In fou
lard or similar silks and u few striped
taffetas have entered the contest for
Revivals and
AMONG the accessories of dress
which the smnrt shops uro featur
es, then are to bo found revivals of
ovely things that pleased the gentle
ivomen of two or three generations ago.
Mong with the vogue for shorter
ileeves came tho lace mlts, to make a
)ld for favor, and lace stockings to he
worn with satin slippers, or other
3nery in tho way of footwear. Natu
rally in their oompnny we find tho older
:ypes of fans, like that shown in tho
picture above, tho cut steel slipper
luckles, together with headed, knitted
md crocheted purses anil wlile
jrlmmed, liower trimmed hats. They
ire all enchanting, with a flavor of old
time elegance.
Among new arrivals there are some
natched sets In sports clothes thnt
leein destined to success, with people
vho can afford them. They are tho
lew skirts, scarfs nnd hats made to
natch, or skirts, scarfs and parasols,
r scarf, bag and hat ; In fact almost
iny combination of not more than three
pieces. They are a triumph at south
srn resorts ami will Journey north and
reappear In the summer on tho bunches,
n the mountains, and elsewhere.
These sets are classed among sports
lotltes. but somo other way of deserlb-
fnvor, the latter in colors and white
as well as black and white. All these
skirts, with dainty lingerie blouses,
look well. The light, open-knit sweater,
In black yarn, trimmed with white, fol
lows naturally and is very smart, but
the gayer colors look well also with
these blnck and white skirts nnd white
In wool there are such good speci
mens as are pictured above. There Is
not much to say about the detnlls of
these skirts, for they are nearly all
simply made this season. This one Is
straight with fiat box-plaits over tho
hips and Inverted plaits at tho back
to dispose of the fullness. The set-In
pockets reveal a very clever, Ingenuity.
They appear to be straps with rounded
ends turned back nnd fastened with
small blnck and white buttons. Two
very large buttons .of the same kind
fasten the wide belt.
New Arrivals
1 nig them must be found, for that term
is too narrow. "Pastime clothes" fits
pretty well. They are of several degrees
f costliness and expenslveness out of
i he' category of Inexpensive things en
tirely. Still, a clever needlewoman
! might ncqulre a mntched set without
i too much extravagance by making the
; pieces herself.
One very hnndsomo set Is made of
white figured fanlasl silk combined
i with white and sapplilro blue striped
silk of tho same kind. This upper
part of the, skirt Is of tho all whlto
J and the side pnnels nnd border of tho
i striped silk. Tho long scarf .Is whlto
i with borderd ends in the stripe and
I the crown of the soft hat Is also white,
I tmt the uprolllng brim Is striped. One
can think nf many color combinations
that would bo as adorablo us this inus
terpleco In blue and white.
There Is a decided voguo for tho
dark silk blouse which will he wel
comed by women who go in for the.
practical things.
By an nrrnnRcmcnt just completed The Omnha Bee, in con
junction with The Chicago Tribune, "The World's Greatest
Newspaper," is receiving the complete special news service
of a brilliant staff of writers in every part of the world, to--prettier
with the superlative feature service of The Chicago
This special news service is handled over a leased wire
appear in The Boo on tho same days as in The Chicago
Among the Correspondents
Arthur Scars Hcnning at Wah
Ington. Floyd Gibbons, Henry Wales and
Betty Benthuysen at Pari.
Parke Brown, Berlin.
John Steele, London. '
Thomas Stewnrt Rynn in the
Baltic, with headquarters at Riga.
Frnzicr Hunt, en tour around the
George W. Weeks at Mexico City.
And others in the most active
countries of the globe.
Included also aro the dispatches
of the foreign staff of New York
mumwmumwt mfmkfa Think what
located near
Paris as a Waterlnn Place.
The Paris muulclpul council, at Its
closing meeting of 1010, voted a res
olution In favor of tho capital being
olllcially "classed" as a watering
place. The object of the motion Is
to enable the city to collect a sinnll
poll tax on vlxltors In order to swell
the municipal revenues, as Is already
dono In other watering places. While
agreeing that such a tax probably
would bring in a good round sum,
tho Figaro criticizes the proposal as
hardly in keeping with the, city's trn
Gays Cream Applied In Nostrils Opens
Air. Passages Right Up.
Instant relief no waiting. Your
clogged nostrils open right up; the nlr
passages of your head clear nnd you
can breathe freely. No moru hawking
Blinding, blowing, headache, dryness
No struggling for breath at night;
your cold or catarrh disappears.
Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream
Hnlin from your druggist now. Apply
a little of this fragrant, antiseptic,
healing cream in your nostrils. It pen
etrates through every air passago of
the head, soothes the inflamed or swol
len mucous uiembrunennd relief comes
It's just fine. Don't stay stuffed up
with a cold or nasty catarrh. Adv.
Very Likely.
"What do you suppose Mars can be
signaling us for?" ' 1
"1 guess ho wants an engagement as
n movlng-plcturi, stur."
There ia no excuse for the dyspeptic with
Garfield Tea accessible at every drug store.
A man mny he fast nlsieep and too
slow to get out of his own way when
Hatching Dollars
i$ a book that tells you how money
makes money ittells vou about high,
class securities from which big men get
tlieir incomes how you can buy these
same safe securities by small payments.
Send for your free cofi today to
Investment Department
71 Broadway - - New York City
(MtmUttN. y. SlakErdartt)
Nebraska Directory
importers and Jobbers
1503 Howard Street, Omaha, Neb.
the World
The Feature Service Con
tains the Following:
McCutchcon's dnily nnd Sunday
Orr's "Tiny Tribune" strip.
On Sundays will appenr tho
"Tcenio Weenies," the best of all
children's features.
The comic section contains Sidney
Smith's "Gumps," Penny Ross'
"Angel Child," "Harold Teen"
nnd "Mr. Bones" in short, every
thing The Tribune owns.
Accurate Market News
By Geortj Michael
of Chicago Tribune nnd staff writer
of New York Time will be Morn
Inf. Evenlnf, and Sunday Fenture.
that me.ina to vou In
dollars with the nreat de
mand for wheat at hi oh nrlcea. Manv
farmers In Western Canada have paid for their land
from a slnRle crop. The same success may still be
yours, for you can buy on easy terms.
Land at $15 to $30 an Acre
thriving towns. aood markets, railwavs land nf a
Kina wntcn grows so 10 as ousnais or wnaat to in acra.
Good crazing lands at low prices convenient to your grain farm en
able you to reap the profits from stock raising and dairying..
Learn the Facts About Western Canada
low taxation (none on Improvements), healthful climate, stood
schools, churches, pleasant social relationships, a prosperous and
industrious people.
I'or Illustrated literature, tnipa. deacriptlon of farm opportanlUea in
Manitoba, Uatkatchewan and AlWta, reduced railroad rate, etc., write
Department of Immigration, Ottawa, Canada, or '
W. V. BENNETT, Room 4, Bee Building, OMAHA, NEB.
Canadian Government Agent.
Nebraska Directory
otel Loyal, Omaha
Take Dodge Street Cor From Station
"DnocJSl.SO up wtthoutbath.
Xtamb-j $i,7j Up with bath.
Tho Hotol With a Reputation
Colorado Land for Sale
NKAR BURLINGTON, perfect 100
acres, line location, Ideal farming or
investment, $32.50 per acre, $1,500 cash,
balance easy terms. Owner, Frnnle
Gnss, -1005 No. 25th St., Omaha, Nebr,
Henshaw Hotel
J. II. Keenan, Mf-r
15 th and Farnara Sta- Omaha
exceptional opportunity at tho present
time- for youmr women over nineteen
years of ngo wiio havo had at least one
year In high school to tako Nurses' Train
ing In Reno nil hospital. Our graduates
uro In great demand. Address
Hupt. of Nuraes, f.lnrotn SuiiUarlum,
Lincoln, Nebr.
Fraeze-Proof Boil-Proof
Itetnll I'rlce $30.00.
Install one of our guaranteed
"OMAHA." Honeycomb lladU
utors on your Ford, Thejr
Klvo your Ford the dlstlno
tlfe appearance ot th
lilKher-nrlced car.
Their superior quality und endurance ta
unequaled by any Ford radiator on tho mar
ket today. Auk your dealer.
If he docs not stock them write us direct.
W shall lii) pleased to send you one subject
to your examination. We also make liberal
allowance on your old radiator.
Wo manufacture and Inntall our Guaran
teed "OMAHA" honeycomb cores In auto,
truck and tractor radiators. 21 hourr' oerv
Ice on any Job,
"The Home of lladlator Service"
1810-21 CumniR M. Omnliu. Neb,
170 lb. barrel, with water added, makes
from 1,400 to 1,600 Gallons of Liquid But
termilk, with 33 added feeding value.
Ask your local dealer or write
The Protector Sales Co.
14th and Leavenworth SU., Dept. W.
Office with David Cole Creamery Co.
Phone Douslu U83 j