The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 19, 1920, Image 2

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Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound Has Been
This Woman's Safeguard
All That Time.
Omnhn. Neb. "I havo used Lydia B.
Pinkham'a VegctablcConi pound forovcr
twenty years lor ie-
male troubles ana it
hau helped me very
much. I havo also
used Lydia E. Pink
ham's Sanative
Wash with good re
sults. I always have
abottleof Vegetable
Compound i n t h e
house as it is a good
remedy in time of
need. You can
publish my testi
monial as every statement I havo
made is perfectly true." Mrs. J. 0.
Elmquist, 2424 S. 20th Street, Omaha,
Women who suffer from those dis
tressing ills peculiar to their sex should
be convinced by the many genuine and
truthful testimonials wo are constantly
publishing in the newspapers of tho
ability of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound to restoro their health.
To know whether Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vcgctablo Compound will help you. try
it! For advice write to Lydia E. Pink
ham Medicine Co. (confidential), Lynn,
Mass. Your letter will bo opened, read
and answered by a woman, and held in
strict confidence.
Your Bowels
Cut out cathartics and purgative
They ore brutal harsh unnecessary.
Act gently on the
liver, elimin
ate bile, and
soothe the
delicate mem
brane of the
bowel. Correct constipation, bilious
new, sick headache and indigestion.
Small Pill Small Dose Small Price
great nerve and blood tonic for
Anemia, Rkeamatlara, Nervousness,
Sleeplessness and Female Weakness.
i.ilstEiutlfc(irilaialiir tOnrtsexrcC
A Hint.
She Did I hear anything fall?
lie I think not.
She Excuse mo. I thought yon
dropped a remark.
To half pint of water add 1 oz. Hay Rum,
a small box of Barbo Compound, and 'A
oz. of glycerine. Apply to tho hair twico a
week until it becomes tho desired shade,
Any druggist can put this up or you can
mix it at homo at very little cost. It will
gradually darken streaked, faded gray hair,
and will make harsh hair soft nnd glossy.
It will not co'or the scalp, is not sticky or
jreasy, and does not rub oil. Adv.
Valuable Quarters.
Ilowell What was tho most expen
sive room you over hnd?
Powoll I once Blept In n coal bin.
Freshen a Heavy 8kln
With tho antiseptic, fascinating Cutt
cura Talcum Powder, an exquisitely
scented convenient, economical face,
nklti, baby and dusting powder rtnd
perfume. Renders other perfumes su
perfluous. One of tho Cutlcuru Toilet
Trio (Soap, Ointment, Talcum).- Adv
Thero Is no nioro pitiable and tin
fortunuto creature In tho world than
tho glutton for luiiuseniont.
But Donn's Effected a Complete
Recovery Alter Other Kcmcuies
Failed. Now in Good Health.
Mm. .1. A.
Stitaworth. 12. Hell Ave.
Red Key, Ind., Bays: "Kidney trouble
came on ine miilucnly nnd before I real
ized it 1 vnn in a critical condition.
My body bloated and my feet anil
nnun-s Hweilud like
toy balloons. The kid
ney secretions burned
terribly in iMHtmge.
My face puffed up
and the flesh under
my eyes and on my
cheeks hung down in
folds. 1 had smother
ing spells, when I
thought I would die.
Bo much water had
collected under my
skin, I weighed 170
pounds, n en in of 45
Mr. StlUwarth
pounds. My Bight failed and little
black specks pasted before my eyes. I
felt drowsy and was bo iiuivoiih, I
couldn't stand the least noise. Rheu
matic pains darted all through me and
it felt as if every nerve in my body
was nffectcd. Medicine didn't help me
and T had little hope or strength left.
Finally I used noan's Kidney Pills
nnd tney restored me to health. I am
now well and strong."
Bioorn to before me,
31. M. WUITTJNaiinjj.
Salary Public.
Get Doan's at An Stare. fiOe a Flnr
Old Folks' Coughs
wilt be relieved promptly by Plso's. Stops
throat tickle! relieves Irritation. The remedy
letted by more than titty years of ue is
Look at tongue! Remove polsom
from stomach, liver and
Accept "Cnllfornln" Syrup of Figs
only look for the numo California on
tho pncknrjc, then you are sure your
child Is having the best and most harm
less laxative or physic for the little
stomach, liver and bowels. Children
love Its delicious fruity taste. Full
directions for child's dose on each bot
tle, (live It without fenr.
Mother I You must sny "California.'
t Adv.
The Slackers.
An army olliuer mid at a dinner:
"Some of our pillunt young ofllcera
are licensed of having acquired the use
of face creams nnd powder over In
France. Ho that ns It may "
Here the- olilcer winked his eye.
"Ho that as It may, 1 know of some
young oillcers here at homo who took
even greater care of their skins."
Take a Glass of Salts if Your Back
Hurts or Bladder
If you must have your meat every
day, eat It, but flush your kidneys with
Baits occasionally, says u noted au
thority who tells uh thnt meat forms
uric acid which almost paralyzes tho
kidneys In their efforts to expel It
from the blood. They become slug
gish nnd weaken, then you suffer with
n dull misery In the kidney region,
shnrp piilns In the bnck or sick hend
ncho, dizziness, your stomnch sours,
tongue Is coated and when the weather
Is had you hnvo rheumatic twinges.
The urine gets cloudy, full of sedi
ment, tho chnnncls often get soro nnd
Irritated, obliging you to seek relief
two or- three times during the night.
To neutralize these lrrltntlng acids,
to' cleanse the kidneys nnd Hush off
the body's urinous waste get four
ounces of Jnd Salts from any phnr
niacy hero; take n tiiblespoonful In a
glass of water before breakfast for a
few dnys and your kidneys will then
act fine. This famous salts Is modo
from the acid of grapes nnd lemon
Juice, combined with Ilthln, and hns
been used for generations to flush
nnd stimulate sluggish kidneys, also
to neutralize the nclds In urine, so It
no longer lrrltutes, thus ending bladder
Jnd Snlts Is Inexpensive; ennnot In
jure, nnd makes a delightful efferves
cent llthla-wnter drink. Adv.
"You look depressed this morning,"
"I hnvo n good reason. When I went
to look at my private stock I ound I
was out of spirits,"
Look for name "Bayer" on tablets,
then you need never
To get genuine "Hnyer Tablets of
Aspirin" you must look for tho safety
"Bayer Cross" on each package nqd
5n each tablet.
The "Hnyer Cross" means truo,
rvorld-fninous Aspirin, prescribed by
physicians for over eighteen years, and
proved safe by millions for Colds,
i Moiiduche, Earache, Toothache, Keu
I ralgla, Lumbago, Neuritis, and for
. Pain In general. Proper nnd safe dl
! rections ure lu each unbroken "Hnyer"
I package.
Untidy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost
but a few cents. Druggists also sell
larger "Hnyer" packages. Aspirin Is
tho trndc mnrk of Bayer Manufacture
i f Mononcetlcacldester of Sallcyllo
icld. Adv.
Don't ocllnso the irood Meart In you
by a mean, selllsh deed. Sunshine Is
what makes Uo corn grov
Constipation Invites other troubles
which fame Kneedllv milnaa mill.-lv
... .,......,,
cnecaeti nnti overcome by Green's
August Flower which Is u gentle laxa
tive, regulates digestion both In
I itoinach nnd Intestines, cleans nnd
iweetens the stomach and alimentary
ennui, stimulates tho liver to Becrete
the bile and Impurities from the blood.
It Is a sovereign remedy used In many
thousands of households all over tho
civilized world for more than half a
century by those who hnve suffered
with Indigestion, nervous dyspepsia,
ilugglsh liver, coming up of food, pal
pitation, constipation and other In
testinal troubles. Sold by druggists
ind dealers everywhere. Try a bottle,
tuke no substitute. Adv.
Life Is a grind If your grist Isn't
worth grinding,
1919 Railroad Freight Robberies of $45,000,000
WASHINGTON. Whole-sale looting of inorchiindlso In trnnslt upon the rail
roads of the United States caused n loss of approximately S-l 0.000,000 lr
1010, according to United States
III get
cloth or waste paper. These are referred to as "concenled losses' by rail
road men. and are especially dlflicult
Jlscover at what point the theft occurred.
The silk Industry has been one of
and so great has the risk become that the railroad administration has been
considering excluding raw silks from the privilege of freight transportation
by rail.
I'lio Jewelers, who have always been
fared better last year by approximately
It was said by the Jewelers' Protective
Among tho methods frequently used by thieves are the following:
A truckman nt a freight station with a load of goods watches his op
portunity and takes the freight clerk's
lading, and then drives off with the goods.
Another method Is for n truckman
mi empty box on his truck. Ho substitutes a box of stolen merchandise for
tho empty he brought In.
Bobbers often get aboard trains and
pick up along the route.
Women Voters Desire a
MEN voters of the United States
ly tho teachers, are Interesting
measure now before congress Known
seeks to make what Is now the bu
reau of education In the department
of tho Interior a department of the
government Itself, with administrative
functions and a secretary the same
as any other department.
The bureau of education gathers
Information showing the condition
and progress of education and has
been of great help In giving advice
to state, county and municipal oill-
cials respecting tho administration
and Improvement of schools. It can
not Interfere directly with state operations, nor could a national department
If created. But the bureau lias not hesitated to call public attention to un
satisfactory conditions whenever criticism was desirable in the Interest of the
children, and thus It possesses a power of grent value for the public good.
It has direct charge of the education of the native children of Alaska, and
promotes home gardening under school direction and Increased food produc
tion. But becnuso It Is n bureau, one of many of n great department, the women
assert that It has not the lntluoiice which the Importance of Its work justifies.
It Is looked upon ns a minor branch of the government, whereas, because of
tho value of education to the people as n whole, It is claimed it should be on un
equality with other nlTiilrs of not greater moment to the nation.
To It could he transferred the educutlonal activities which exist to som
extent In both the army and navy, nnd especially the children's bureau, which
now functions under the department of labor.
Incidentally, if a woman Is ever to have a seat In the cabinet, a depart
ment of education seems to be her best chance.
Overlooked by the respondents in Washington
THE senate, the other day. passed n bill directing the secretnry of the treas
ury to pay "to Gertrude Lustig. the sum of $1,280X)3, being the amount slit
would hnvo received as pay and allowances ns chief nurse, army nurse corps,
y r-nr 1 v
y c &Vl (SORllY IT
aw a tr
mi, I . Vi ILriUIUWL
treatment of a good woman by the
government. It arose from a frame-up. The story In a rather distressing
one, and I hesitate very much to tell It. The military Intelligence department
of the war department realized the error thnt had been made, and the depart
ment of Justice also realized It; and both departments, together with the sur
geon general, tho head of the whole medical service, joined in an urgent re
quest that this relief be granted to Miss Lustig. She has been restored to
service, and sho Is now a member of the army nurse corps. I may say to the
senators that the government has done Its best to locate the blnme for this
thing. The persons Involved lu It have utterly disappeared."
This Is practically nil that Was said In the senate conernlng tho facts In
tho case. Senator King of Utah said: "I feel that the war department
should determine who committed this crime against tho nurse nnd prosecute
them criminally, and compel them to refund the amount. After waiting" a
reasonable tlnio I shall ask an Investigation of the entire mntter."
Vacancies in United States Diplomatic Service
ASIDE from the enemy countries and nations with which the United States
. has severed diplomatic relations there are eight vacancies in the American
diplomatic list. The United Stiues has no minister at the capitals of China,
Denmark, Costa Ulcu, Greece. The
Netherlands, Salvador, Slain and
fiuiUerlnnd. While Finland has n
minister here, no American envoy hns
vet been sent to tins new Finnish re
public. As ninny shifts usually occur fol
lowing a change of administration,
fear Is expressed that It will be dilli
cult to find men willing to accept
some of these appointments who are
well suited to tho work. Many men
would welconio an appointment for
one year as ambnssador or minister, hut experience seems to show tlmt tho
first year has been merely a training period for most dlplomnts.
Successful diplomatic achievement, as a rule, depends largely upon con
tinuity of service. Consequently, it Is snld. the men best qualified to till tho
existing vacanlos would not care to undertake the duties of envoy for so short
n period.
Furthermore, most of the secretarial positions held by diplomatic secre
taries lire now protected by civil service, and diplomatic secretaries who ac
cepted positions as chiefs of missions would risk the danger of removal In tho
event of a change of administration.
President Wilson hns made no diplomatic appointments since ho was
taken HI with th exception of tlu't of Robert Undorwood Johnson to bo nm
bmwndor to Holy.
rnllrond administration statistics. A
technique of robbery hns been (level
oped so highly thnt the methods ol
"muster thieves" are similar In the
United States, England. Franco, Italy
and Argentina. Thief hunters here,
however, are Inclined to discredit the
belief that n "widespread Internation
al organization" Is nt work stealing
Substitution is the usual nnjtliot
uetl by the robbers. Boxes supposed
fo contain velvets are found nt their
destination to be filled with cheaper
to trace, ns It Is almost Impossible to
the most severely lilt In tho last year,
looked upon as easy prey by thieves,
CO per cent than lu the previous year,
receiving stamp, puts It on the bill of
to drive Into a city freight yard wltn
throw goods out for conlcderntes to
Department of Education
actual and prospective and especial
themselves and otlier citizens in tut
. f... ...i. m rm.i,. l.tll
as me Biniiii-iuwin-r um. amis uni
from September U8, IHia, tlie date oi
her unjustifiable dlsmlssnl from that
position, to amy aa, iuiu, me uiue oi
her restoration to the service." In
reply to questions Scnntor Wadsworth
said :
"The unforttinnte thing was thai
tho nurse In question was In jail dur
ing thnt entire time. This case con
stitutes one of the most distressing
and horrible things that I have evet
encountered In connection with the
Parents Were Almost Hopeless, But
He Is Now Well and
"Our llttlo boy's bealth was bo poor w
were afraid we were irolng to loso him,
Ho Is ten years old, and has bad weak
lungs ever since be wns eight months
old, caused by pneumonia. We have been
very careful with hint nnd doctored him
continually, but wo bad almost despaired
of over ImvliiK a strong, well boy.
"Hut since giving him Mlllts Emulsion
all bin trouble Is gone, and bo Is In per
fect health." Mr8. a. W. Smiley, 20 Maple
St, Dayton, O.
For restoring nppctlte, health and
strength in sickly children, mothers will
II nd Milks Khiulslon the thing they have
always nought. Most children like to
talto it, hecnuso unlike many emulsions
and tonics, It really tastes good.
Milks Kmulslon Is a pleasant, nutri
tive, food and a corrective medicine. It
retores hoalthy, natural bowel action, do.
log away with all need of pills nnd phys
ics. It promotes appctlto and quickly
puts the digestlvo organs In shapo to
nnsltnllnto food. As a builder of flesh
and strength Milks Emulsion Is strongly
recommended to those whom sickness has
weakened, and Is a powerful aid In resist
ing and repairing tho effects of wasting
diseases. Chronic stomnch trouble and
constipation are promptly relieved usu
ally In one day.
This is the only solid emulsion made,
nnd so palntablo that It Is eaten with n
spoon like Ice cream.
No mntter bow severe your case, you
nro urged to try Milks Emulsion under
this guarantee Toko six bottles home
with you. use It according to directions,
and If not satisfied with the results your
money will bo promptly refunded. Price
BOo and $1.20 per bottle. The Milks Emul
sion Co'., Tcrro Tlnute, Ind. Sold by drug
gists everywhere. Adv.
She Why do you smoke so much?
He Because a good cigar helps me
to think.
She It's too bad your cigar dealer
carries sucli poor stock.
Kansas City, Knns.: "When I was a
girl just coming into womanhood I became
on run-down, weak ana
nervous. I was pale
as death; my people
becamo very much
alarmed thought I
was going into a de
cline. My mother took
mo to our druggist and
asked him if he could
recommend some med
icine that ho thought
would bo good for my
case. Ho told her to
try Dr. Pierce's Favorito Prescription and
sho did. I had only taken it a shortltimo
when I began to improve and it was not
long when I waa well in tho best of health.
I have since taken 'Favorite Prescription'
during expectancy and found it a wonderful
help, keeping me well and strong tho entire
time." MRS. BELLE GAMMON, 2019
Roosevelt Ave.
Omaha; Nebr.: "I havo used Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription for many
years at certain critical times when such a
tonic was necessary and it never failed to
strengthen and build mo up. When I was
raising my family I took it and always the
results were most satisfactory; then during
middle life it helped me to come through in
a strong and healthy condition. I am very
enthusiastic concerning Dr. Pierce's reme
dies and have recommended them not only
to members of my own family but to many
others besides nnd havo never heard ono
complaint. Dr. Pierce's book, tho Common
Sense Medical Adviser, has been in my
home for 35 years and I know it has saved
mo many a doctor bill, as well as many of
my friends whom I havo advised through
it." MRS. TIIOS. GRAY, 4310 Erskine
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a
remedy that any ailing woman can safely
tako because it is prepared from roots, does
not contain alcohol or narcotics. Its ingre
dients printed on wrapper.
Send 10c. for trial package of Favorite
Prescription tablets to Dr. Pierce's Invalids!
Hotel, Buffalo. N. Y.
Baby's Clothes
will be white as the driven snow
when laundered if you use
Red Cross Ball Blue
It never streaks or spots the
clothes, nor does it injure the
most delicate fabric.
All eod crocers sell it; 5 cents
a package.
Delightful climate, year round.
Altitude 2.500 feet. Cool, refresh
ing summer nights. Relief from
hayfever and asthma. Water the
best, inexhaustible underflow.
Soil very deep silt loam. No
rocks, gravel, sand or gumbo.
Wheat, corn, oats, barley, milo
maize, knfir. Country developing
rapidly with modern towns, fine
schools and churches.
$40.00 PER ACRE
We are reliable and do not
UllllKklt IN
Colonization Thacik and Uancti PRoi'turua
UitablUbed IM
Girls! 'A mass of long,
thick, gleamy tresses
Let "Dnndcrlne" save your hair and
louble Its beauty. You can have lots-
jf long, thick, strong, lustrous haltv
Don't let It stay lifeless, thin, scraggly
r fading. BrlDg back Its color, vigor
ind vitality.
Get a 35-cent bottle of delightful)
T)ntirlne" at any drug or toilet coun
ter to freshen your scalp; check dan-
Iruff nnd falling linlr. Your hair needs
:hls stimulating tonic; then Its life.
:olor, brightness and abundance wll?-
return Hurry I Adv.
Truthful Appearance.
"Bill. I am dead broke."
"Then no wonder you look all gone
u pieces."
Never Judge n man's thoughts bj
whiit he snys.
Never Judge a womnn's age by het
store teeth.
starts with a Cold
Kill tho Cold. At tho
neeze take .
Standard cold remedy for 20 year
vltl xaojee l&rra mic, lute,
opiates DreaKS up a com in i
Hours renevea grip in J oy-
Money back If it lain, me
cenulno Box nas a ea
top wltn tar. rime
At All Drag Star3
For sores, broken
blisters,burns, cuts
and all skin irri
tations. 5
Also, innumerable
toilet uses.
State Street Hew York
Caused by
If peopla who are tilllouo are treated ao
sordlne to locnl symptoms they seldom get
ery much txtter Whatever relief Is ob
alned la usually temporary. Trace bilious
less to Its source and remove the cnuse and
.he chances are that the patient will re.
inaln strong- and healthy.
Doctors say that more than 70 non
rganlc diseases can bo traced to an Acid
itc.mucb. Biliousness Is one of them. Indl
cestton, heartburn, belching, aour stomach,
bloat and gas are other signs of acid
tomach. EATONIC. the marvelous moderr
tomach remedy, brings quick relief from,
.hese stomach miseries which lead to a long
train of ailments that make life miserable
If not corrected,
EATONIC literally absorbs and carries
tway the excess acid. Makes the stomach
itrong, cool and comfortable. Helps diges
tion; Improves the appetite and you thet
ret full strencth from your food. Thousands
ay that EATONIC Is the most effective
itomach remedy In the world. It la the hell
YQV need. Try It on our money-back-lf-not-SHtlsned
guarantee. At all druggist
Only 10 cents for a bltr box.
Bright qyoa, a clear skin and a body
full of youth anc health may be
yours if you will keep your system.
In order by regularly taking
Th world's standard remedy for kidney
liver, bladder and uric acid troubles, the
nsmlea of life and looks. In use since.
1696. All drugcists, three sizes.
Uk for Ike name Cold Medal on ev.rr U
nd ecceot no Imitation