The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 19, 1920, Image 11

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Instead of kalsomine or wallpaper
N Tacktt
WithM Crtts
and Cirtlt
Printtdin Rtd
Beautiful Sanitary Durable Economical
for Homes, Schools, Churches and all Interior Wall Surfaces
Alabastine can be applied to plastered walls, wallboard, over
painted walls that havo become soiled, or even over soiled wallpaper
solid on the wall and not printed in aniline colors.
Alabastine is a dry powder, ready to mix with pure, cold water, full direction!
on each package. Alabastine packed in white and beautiful tints. These, by
combining and intermixing, en?blc you to carry out individual color plan in
matching rugs and draperies. Alabastine is used in the finest residences and
public buildings, but priced within the reach of all.
You will readily appreciate the economy of Alabastine over paint or wall
paper, and its results will be most gratifying.
New walls dtmand Alabastine, old walls apprtdatt Alabastine.
coio wvrra B
If your local dealer cannot or will not supply you,
take no substitute but write for Alabastine designs
and we will give you name of nearby dealer.
Alabastine Company
1645 Grandville Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich.
It Sometimes Happens.
"Well, he ninde Ills bed
"Ant! now ho Hps In It?"
"No, he lies ubout It."
$100 Reward, $100
Catarrh Is a local disease greatly Influ
enced by constitutional conditions. It
therefore requires constitutional treat
Is taken Internally and acts through the
Blood on tlio Mucous Surfaces of tho Sys
Sestroys the foundation of the disease,
rives the patient strength by Improving
the general liealth and assists nature In
flolng Its work. 1100.00 for any case of
MEDICINE falls to cure.
Druggists 75c. Testimonials free.
P. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. Ohio.
Met With Blank Stare.
Is there anything more embarrass
ing thnn asking four people to spend
Sunday evening with you and then
promptly forgetting all about It? On
the evening designated, while friend
husband nnd I were rending, he coat
less, collarless, and In slippers, and
I In a kimono, our guests arrived. I
stared blankly and husband ran to the
nearest shelter while our friends ask
ed "Aren't we expected?" I ninnaged
to welcome them but finally told of
iny social error, was forglveir and ex
cused while I dressed but I still
Idread meeting them. Exchange.
Manitoba Has Largest Elk Herd.
Manitoba boasts that It has the larg
est herd of elk In the world and one
of the Inst two herds known to exist
on the Iorth American continent. It
1h to be found In the Uhllng Mountain
reserve nnd Is believed to number be
tween 0,000 and 8,000 hentl. The elk
are strictly preserved under tho game
laws of Manitoba and their feeding
grounds are within the prescribed
areas In which no guns can ba car
rled by other than a game guardian
or other olllcer of the crown.
Apprehension in Crimson Gulch.
"What has become of Bill the Bar
keep?" asked the traveling man.
"lie's acting queer," replied Cactus
Joe. "He mopes around the garage or
tha paint store all day long. He's so
lonesome-like, since prohibition struck,
thut we're afraid he has quit belli
sober and Industrious, and took to
If You Hear
Anybody Talking
ruSout coffee prices or coffee troubles,
tell them to quit coffee and try
A ten days' trial shows Jesuits that
please, and with gain in comfort there
is no loss of pleasure.
A wonderful table drink, pure, health
ful, economical, delicious! No advance
in price.
"There's- a Reason"
Made by Postum Cereal Co., Battle Creek, Mtch.
Tt Ctt
Rtiulti You
Muit Ait fir
by Nairn
A Difference.
"I hear you havo been visiting
"No. Relatives."
Now I the Time to Get Rid of
These Ugly Spoti.
There's no longer the slightest need oi
feeling ashamed of your freckles, as Othlni
double strength Is guaranteed to removi
these homely spots.
Simply get an ounce of Othine doubli
strength from your druggist, and apply i
little of It night and morning and yot
should soon seo that even tho worot frecklel
have begun to disappear, while the llghtei
ones have vanished entirely. It Is seldoir
that more than one ounce Is needed Co com
pletely clear the skin and gain a beautiful
clear complexion.
Be sure to ask for the double strength
Othine, as this Is sold under guarantee u
money back If tt falls to remove freckles.
Dizzy's Rap at His Old Foe.
Disraeli's unpublished novel will he
rend with eager interest by all who
enre to learn his yiew of his great
rival, Gladstone, who Is therein por
trayed as Joseph Toplady Falconet.
In denying him any sense of humor
tho novelist does not exceed tho priv
ileges of poetic license, for certainly
his model was always In grim, serious
earnest. In declaring, however, that
he was never seen to smile Disraeli
somewhat maliciously exaggerates, for
Gladstone's smile wns not Infrequent,
and was among his many personal
charms. But it must be remembered
that the novel was written when tho
two statesmen had long been settled
nnd unrelenting foes, nnd Dizzy was
a good hater. London Chronicle.
Auto Needed In Peru.
Tho Peruvians take eagerly to the
automobile, wherever 'Its use Is pos
sible. Outside of the sections served
by railroads nnd there nre only about
1,700 miles of railway In Peru's 700,
000 square miles of land transporta
tion has hitherto depended on pack
mules or burros. As trails or bridle
paths are being converted Into high
ways, motor ears and trucks are
bringing new life to formerly Isolated
centers of mining and agricultural
Those who wait for the help of the
"upllfters" nnd politicians may never
secure help.
Greatest Quantity at Lowest
Cost for Production Makes
Dairying Profitable.
Produced More Milk and Butterfat
on Pasture, Silage and Roughage
Than When Fed Grain Feed
Stuff Grown on Farm.
(Prepared by tlio Unlteil States Deptirt
mont of Agriculture.)
Profitable dairying does not conslsf
In producing tho greatest possible
quantity of milk.
It does consist, however, In produc
ing the greatest possible quantity of
milk at the lowest possible cost.
To produce more milk, many dairy
men feed too much grain, and pile up
stupendous feed bills. Hut the grain
does not always Increase tho llow of
milk nbove what It would have been
without grain, enough to pay the dif
ference In the. feed bill. Dairy special
ists of the United States department
of agriculture believe that In ninny
cases more grain Is fed to dairy cows
that can be Justified by the results In
milk and butterfat.
If your neighbor told you that his
cow, that had not eaten a pound of
grain for n whole year, produced 11,000
pounds more milk and 00 pounds more
butterfat than she ever did when fed
the regular grain and roughage ration
well, what would you believe. If your
neighbor told you that? Aud yet,
that has actually happened. At least,
that Is substantially the story that the
United States department of agricul
ture tells about Its Ilolsteln cow,
Helen Ullkje Calamity 14rS57.
Up to the time Helen wns eight
years old, she had always been fed
n grain, sllngc, and roughage ration,
and the best she had ever done was
11,778.2 pounds of milk and 3GS.3!)
pounds of butterfat. When she wns
eight years old, that bing In the
spring of 1918, it wne decided to feed
her no grain for u year. She lived
for n full 12 months on pasture, si
lage, and roughnge. And that year
she produced 1-1.210.1 pounds of milk
nnd 470.21 pounds of butterfat. The
experiment was carried out nt Hunt
ley, Mont.
A Revolutionary Cow.
Helen mny properly be referred to
as a revolutionary cow. Some other
cows, In cow-testing associations nnd
elsewhere, have shown similar tend
encies. And the result Is that tho
dairy specialists are urging dairymen
to seo If it is not possible to produce
milk nnd butter without feeding so
much grain as is commonly fed.
The basis of successful dairy feed
ing Is now said to be to feed the cows
on the stuff that the farm produces
Instead of buying n great deal of grain
nnd other concentrates. The dairy
man should plan his feeding nnd crop
growing to take care of the herd ho
has, Instead of buying as the need
arises for more feed. He should de
vote special attention to hnvlng the
right kind of pasture and the right
kind of rouchage. If he cannot grow
Che Produced More Milk Without
Grain Than With It.
fiilfnlfn, sny, he should seo what can
be done townrd growing soy beans or
cowppas or some other roughage crop
that will supply the protein needed.
Caring for Pasturo Pays.
In the old dnys, when a cow could
he fed on grain and roughoge at $5
or $0 a month, there was no great In
ducement to take enre of pastures.
Hut today It costs from $15 to $!H) a
month to feed n cow on grain nnd
roughage. Attention devoted to pas
ture, therefore, pays bigger dividends
thnn formerly. Dairymen used to fig
ure that they must get $15 n year
from every acre of land In pnsture,
nnd this mount that the acre luid to
pasturo a cow for three months. Now,
If the snme ucro pastures a cow only
one month, It produces Its $15. If it
pastures a row for three months It
Is producing $15 n year. And the
price of pasture land has not Increas
ed In that proportion. Therefore, ev
ery day that the cow Is kept on pas
ture means a saving of money to the
dairyman. It pays, nowadays, to take
care of the pastures. And It pays
equally well to take care of the rough
nge. Pasture, forage, silage these
things are tho essentials In dairy pro
Commercial Breeders Have Discover
ed Importance of Green Food in
Ration of Fowls.
The most Important discovery the
commercial breeders hnve made In tho
past few years towards solving the
winter egg problem hns been the dis
covery of tile vnlue of green food In n
lender, succulent form In the ration.
Before Planting Be Sure to De
stroy All Fungi.
Sterilization by Heat In Form of
Steam Is Most EffectiveFormalin
Treatment May Be More Practl.
cal for Majority.
(By OTIS nrctNKINQ, Colorado Apr!
cultural CoIIcko, Fort Colllna, Colo.)
Ho sure to disinfect your seed beds,
cold frames or hot house beds before
planting. The purpose Is to kill all
fungi which cause damping off, stem
rot, black rot, and other diseases,
Stcrlllr-atlon by heat In tho form of
steam Is the most effective; however,
tho formalin treatment may bo more
practical for the majority.
The formalin solution Is made up
by using 4 quarts of formalin (40 per
cent formaldehyde to 50 gallons (1
barrel) of water. Apply at the rato
of 3 quarts per square foot of ground.
One barrel, at this rate, will cover a
piece of ground one rod long by six
feet wide. Apply the solution grad
ually to the soil with a sprinkling pot.
It Is well to cover tho bed for 24 hours
with sacks disinfected In the formalin
Do not plant until the third or
fourth day after disinfecting, or until
the ground Is In a suitable condition.
This- will allow all formnlln fumes to
escape so that the seed and young
growing plants will not bo Injured.
Inexpensive Contrivance Comprises
Envelope Enfolding Pad Which
Retains Moisture.
The Sclentillc American In Illustrat
ing and describing u seed tester In
vented by A. I Essllnger of Ypsllnnti,
Mich., says: Tho object of the lnven
tlon Is to provide n simple, nnd Inex
pensive contrivance for testing seeds.
The tester "pmprlsrs an envelope
Showing Manner in Which Seeds 'Arc
Enclosed in Tester.
formed by folding longitudinally tho
outer member and stitching It at ono
of the edges, this envelope enfolds n
pad which absorbs and retains mois
ture for a period sufficient to cause
germination of the seeds. The en
velope is stitched longitudinally and
transversely, to form sections each
of which Is numbered for Identifica
tion purposes.
Many Unprofitable. Pastures Need Re.
seeding o'r Liberal Application
of Plant Food.
Many pnstures gradually prove un
prolltnble not from overgrazing or sea
sonable conditions but from lack of
soil fertility. This Is especially true
where cattle, sheep, etc., graze In an
open field and then ruu Into some
shady spot to rest, so conditions should
be carefully studied. In some cases It
will be found thut the pasturo need
resceding, though in many cases It
will be learned thnt It Is overgrazing
or lack of available fertility In the soil
that causes the decline, In which ease
removing the stock for a time If from
overgrazing or the application of the
necessary plant food If the latter will
prove profitable.
Conditions In Winter Season Are
Vastly Different From Summer
When Hens Are Free.
When tho hens are running In the
field in summer they pick up and eat
small sharp pieces of gravel which
serve as grit to grind the fobd in tho
gizzard and keep tlio digestive organs
In good shape. When the hens are
mnilned to the houses during the win
ter 1 1 ley must have plenty of grit, and
the coinmerelal grit to lie given In
boxes nwl hoppers Is the best, because
tt Is the right size and Is sharp.
Scattered About Henhouse It Has Ten
dency to Keep Fowls In Thrifty
Air-slaked lime ts one of the best
things known to scatter about In the
henhouse, over the walls, roosts and
lloor. ami In the nests, as a disin
fectant. It keeps fowls In good health.
It Is also excellent to use In lighting
roup and mites.
Every. Shovelful of Manure Should Be
Saved and With Rubbish
Plowed Under.
Morn fertilizer Is needed on many
farms. Kvery shovelful of manure
should be saved and all rubbish turned
under when possible to Improve iho
fertility of the soli. It takes plant
food to yield crops. Poor land should
be Improved.
i ii'i
illA Ln nnn rlRNT.
neither Oplam.Morphmcnori
frn .W
. - . . in f. iVf-
facsimile Sijwtareou
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
The Eight
In all cases ot
of all horses, brood mares, colts
and stallions Is to
on' tho tonguo or In tho feed -with
Glvo tho remedy to all of thorn. It acts
on tho blood and glands. It routs tho
disease by expelling tho germs. It
wards off tho trouble, no matter how
thoy aro "exposed." A few drops a day
firovent those exposed from contract
us dlscasu. Contains nothing Injuri
ous. Sold by druggists, harness deal
ers or by tho manufacturers. 00 cents
and 11.16 per bottle. AGENTS WANTED.
iisafflsa mrn h n m m m
"You go Into n sideshow nnd you
see about six freaks."
"Hut the living skeleton tells mo he
sees n thousand every day." Louis
ville Courlor-Joumnl.
Rub Pain Right Out With Small Trial
Bottle of Old "St
Jacobs Oil."
Stop "dosing" Rheumatism.
It's pnlu only; not ono case- In fifty
requires Internal trentmcnt Rub
soothing, penetrating "St. Jncobs OH"
right on the "tender spot," and by tho
time you say Jack Robinson out
comes the rheumntlc pain nnd distress.
"St. Jncobs Oil" is n harmless rheu
matism liniment which never dlsnp
polnts nnd doesn't burn the skin. It
takes pain, soreness nnd stiffness from
nchlng joints, muscles and bones;
stops sciatica, lumbago, backache and
Limber up! Get n smnll trlnl bottle
of old-time, honest "St. Jncobs Oil"
from nny drug store, nnd In a mo
ment, you'll be free from pains, aches
and stiffness. Don't, suffer 1 Rub
rheumutlsm away. Adv.
Quite So.
"Did you see where potato peelers
In Chicago want $0 u day?"
"What a skin game I"
Before retiring, a cup of Garfield Tea.
For good digestion and continued good
health. Adv.
A loaf
of hrend never rises to ex-
Yes; S. S. S. Is Purely Vegetable
Nature's Safe Blood Treatment
On tho Market Half a Century.
When you arc in perfect health,
and arc enjoying a strong and
vigorous vitality, it is then that
your Mood is free from all impuri
ties. You should be very careful and
give heed to the slightest indica
tion of impure blood. A sluggish
circulation is often indicated by
Wntch your thoughts as well as your
No wise mnn ever gives advice un
til asked for It.
Nldht nnd Morning,
Have Strong, Healthy
Eys. If they Tire, Itch,
o . n...- ii
A rdrC Irritated, Inflamed or
YOUR LYtJ Granulated, use Murine
often. Soothes. Refreshes. Safe for
Infant or Adult At all Druggists. Write foi
Free Eye Book, floruit Eri Rtmij C Chlup
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Bees Liked Peacock Pie. '
It Is recorded by historians of tho
dny that Queen Elizabeth's favorite
dish on festal occasions was peacock
pie. Brooklyn- Eagle;
"Diamond Dyes" Turn Faded, Shabby
Apparel Into New.
Don't worry nbout perfect results. ,
Use "Dlnmond Dyes," guaranteed to
give n new, rich, fadeless color to any
fabric, whether It ho wool, silk, linen,
cotton or mixed goods, dresses,
blouses, stockings, skirts, children's
conts, feathers everything I
Direction Rook In pnekage tells how
to diamond dye over any color. To
match any material, have dealer show
you "Dlnmond Dye" Color Card. Adv.
The world needs Just ono more tug
to pull It up the hill, nnd that Is your
tug i
Hot water
Sure Relief
rrckl OU)tmntTiir druralat o B
n. - Km koek. Or. elf. rrfr
Co., 2S7S Mlchlian nu, Chlcxo.
an impaired appetite, a feeling of
lassitude and a general weakening
of the system. It is then that you
should promptly take a few bottles
of S. S. S. It will aid in cleans
ing the blood and build up and
strengthen the whole system.
S. S, S. is sold by all druggists.
Valuable information about the
blood supply can be had free by
writing to the Swift Specific Co.,
50 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga.
Cu'iicura Soap
Clears the Skin
and ICeeps it Clear
Sotp 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c, Talcum 25c.
vlrounil U'orlil. 4 Mo. S6S0. HUnmm. Hall,
llbtel. T1H Inclusive. Australia. Africa. Hu-
ropo (Iluttllleltln) Alone or mirtlet, $1 OS
I ItlnerurlcH II Ilnrrli, 34i K HOth.New York.
W. N. U OMAHA, NO. 11-1920.
M & ft 1
W 1