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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1920)
AN UGLY DUCKLING $ j Dy ALICE FREEMAN. j (. J92I. by McClure New.iMper Hyndloat.) ...... .... . . 1 meso court flourished, tells or n blnck A group of five cirls wore sitting bo- Rmtl ()f ,)rodlKous tr(.nRth nnmed fore nn opon fireplace In Hie living jfahnglrl. He possessed n sister of room of Edith Hull's country lwme. Brout i,t,n,y wJl0 wns coinuinndeil by Pour of them were enthusiastically Hl0 knR ()f Tagaung to be brought be planning a sleighing party. Elizabeth f()re ,,,, 8llortly afterward being chos Martin, as usual, simply sat aud I CI, a tll0 1)rIlcpai qnci.n, The king's listened. Now and then she sighed , nfat,mtlon brought Jealousy among softly as one of her friends related some Incident which took place on the last sleighing pnrty. They were try ing to decide what fellows they could depend upon to even up their party. "There Is that now family n cross the Btreet nnd a perfectly stunning young man conies out of the house every morning, but he simply will not look nt one of us," said the hostess with n hnnelRiM slcli. "Ho wns tiros- ent at the church social the other eve- Ing the ceremony, before a nanii couiu nlng, and when 1 met him tlie next be outstretched to save her, she morning I thought surely he would Jumped Into the fire, and was burned recognize me, but he passed by with with her brother, out even looking at me!" A few days after the burning the Each girl had some such story to spirits of tho two victims were re relate, excepting Elizabeth. Ported In the form of two "nats. In Soon Elizabeth excused lioraelf, and n,on oC ,thls' V" J?",T 7l with a hurried good-by she went out. Tim later "sued an X ... .. .. ,., , subjects should honor tho spirits by "I suppose Belli would have to be mispon(1, coconnt shclI ,n thelr Included." said one girl. hQ U)ls CUB,om 8tm b(snR ol). "Yes, but T doubt If she will go, re- Sorvcl, by cvcry uiirmnn In tho coun- plled another, "l'ou know how she Is j when there nrc fellows concerned." ' ...... .. , . . Just outside In tlw hallway I'.nza- both Martin smothered a low cry. She had come back, unnoticed, for her rub bers, and as she heard her name tossed around she took a quick step forward as If to rush Into the room where the girls were talking. A mo ment Inter she hud changed her mind, nnd noiselessly she slipped out of tho house and hurried ncross tho street nnd home. So that was what they thought 1 She was nfrald of fellows! Well, she would show them something. She, who hod never had a beau she would go on their sleighing party and she would go with a fellow, too. Yes, she would to with Allen Morse, tho fel low who had Just moved In, next door tho fellow that nil the girls had tried to attract nnd had failed. But she would not fall! Then perhaps they would change their minds, nnd she would bo tho ugly. duckling no longer. The next tiling to decide wns "how to meet him." It was Tuesday and tho party was to bo Thursday. She spent the rest of the afternoon nnd evening In thought That day the sun hud shono brightly, and the snow on the walk In front of her houso hnd melted. "If It freezes tonight, I can do It," sho told herself nnd as she dropped off to sleep late that night, a smile rested on her Hps. Fate was with her, for the next morning was cold nnd windy. Slip was up early and with her cont on and an attractive tain, which was arranged becomingly over one car, she stood In the doorwny, hidden from view by n curtnln which was drawn partly aside. She watched the pedestrians as they passed, carefully picking their way along tho Icy sidewalk. Suddenly the curtain nt tho door was drawn together and Elizabeth Martin enme quickly out of her houso, Just ns n young man came Into view In front of his own house, next door, They both reached tho end of Ellzn both's walk nt the same moment, nnd their eyes met. As Elizabeth turned the corner her foot slipped on the Ice, nnd with n low cry she fell forward Allen Morse threw out his arms and caught her, holding her closely for n brief moment, but long enough to bring n burning (lush to the girl's checks. "All right?" ho asked, simply. Sho thought sho was, sho told him, nnd after thanking him, sho tried to free- herself from his grasp. But ho linti mistaken the quiver In her voice for one of pain, and kept a Arm hold on her arm. As she stepped forward sho swayed n little, then sank hack In his nrms. "Better Ipt mo help you," ho offered, and with a supiwrtlng arm around her, ho led her back Into tho liouse, He made sure that she was resting comfortably before he left her, with a casual remark, that "he would drop In In tho evening to see If she wns nil right." As soon ns sho heard the front dooi close she quickly aroso aud run to the window, from where she watched him until he was out of sight "Well," sho declared, "If all young men woru liko him, I would soon loso my rcputntlon for being afraid of them." True to his promise, Allen Morse rang the doorbell of Elisuboth Martin's homo ut eight o'clock that evening. Ho was surprlsod when she hersolf answered tho ring, nnd Invited lUm In, but n greater surprise was waiting Elizabeth's girl friends, for beforo ho left her that evening Allen had given his promlso to accompany her on the Blelghlng pnrty. The following evening a bright moon lighted Uio way for a merry crowd, packed tightly In n largo slolgh. Eliza both Martin was undoubtedly the hap piest member of tho parly, unloss per haps It was Allen Morse, As sho pre sented Allen to tho others, she smiled mysteriously. Unable to wait nny longer ono of the girls finally whispered enviously, "Beth, how did you ever do It?" Tho astonishing reply came In three short words, "Juxt vamped htm t" and sho refused to tell anything more. DIED WITH LOVED BROTHER Pretty Eastern Legend Concerning the Affection and Loyalty Displayed by Burmese Queen. A legend concerning Mount Popn, ,l,.ll.... ...Ill, 1, lUi, ..,).., flin Tllir. the lesser queens, and they Instituted n plot to destroy her. As n means of destroying the girl's Influence over the king, her brother wns charged with being a traitor, and the king, In bis terror, ordered the blacksmith to bo brought to Justice and burned. The unhappy sister used all her allurements to save her broth er, but failed, Ilnally asking that she might be present nt the burning. Dur- . . . , it ptTDM CPIRIT VVfco I tnnl brim I IN CHINA Head of University In the Great Yel low Territory Has Proof of Spread of Occidental Ideas. "Ho had been pretty well all over tho world," sold tho professor, "and when I asked him what country had Impressed him most, ho said at once, China. And when I nsked him what In Chlnn had Impressed him most, he said at once, tho West China Union university. Tho professor's remnrks were made to tho Dally News, London, and ho followed them up with a de lightful story of the way In which Chlneso eminences showed their ap preciation of this blossom of Western enterprise, tho university of which the professor happens to be tho presi dent. Somo dozen years ago bo was fleeing for his life 1,G00 miles down tho Yangtze to save his head, no was n "foreign devil," nnd no university had been started. Seven or eight years later, thc military governor of Szcchuan sent him a beautifully In scribed statement of his opinion of the university, nnd n gift of $:i,000. Tho professor wns on his wny homo vln Peking. In the Chinese capital he had nn interview with the president of the Chlneso republic, then Yuan Shlh Knl, who nlso gnvo him a declaration of npproval and $4,000 as n personal gift to the university. The First Congress. The flrst congress wns supposed to meet on March 4, 1780, and It Is n curious fact that there was not a quorum of either houso present for n month thereafter. Only eight sena tors were present on March 4, aud they adjourned from day to day until April 0, when a quorum wns present Only 13 members of the houso assembled on March 4, and n quorum was not present until April 1. The Constltu tlon of tho United States took effect In tho following states: Delaware, Pennsylvania, New .Tcrsey, Georgia. Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland South Carolina, New Hnmpshlre, Vir ginia and New York, on March 4, 1789. Dream That Means Death. A pecnllnr dream Is that which hns visited a certn n Irish family for Ron.. s, Invariably before a death or ontlons somo big change. They call It their kissing lady dream. Tho person who experiences It drenms that they are sitting In n very old-fashioned room before n blazing wood lire, when sud denly tho door behind them opens and a beautiful girl In green, tight-fitting garments enters, nnd, stenllng softly behind them, draws their head gently back nnd kisses them full on tho lips. As she does so there Is always tho clanging of steel on n stone staircase, the hurried tramp of armed men, and they awake trembling. Mnemonic for Grams, Scientific papers aro getting to use tho metric system of weights and measures more nud more, and It has become almost necessary fic every one to bo able to convert such terms us grams Into ounces nt once. It Is not however, easy to remember that there are 28.35 grams In an ounce. How ever, If one remembers the sentence, "It converts ono ounce," tho figures will Instantly recur to the mind. For the number of letters In each word gives 2-8-3-5. Mnemonics for other terms of the metric system are needed. Statue of the Greek Slave. ml.l.- ...M.. tl... ....... of Hiram Powers (1803-1873). tlx Amorlcnn sculptor, completed In 18 lit. Five ropllcns are said to have boon mndo by tho urtlst, tho first of which was sold to Captain Grant and taken to England, and is now ln tho gal lery of tho duke of Clovcland. The second copy Is now In tho Corcoran Art gallery at Washington; tho third Is In possession of tho earl of Dudley; tho fourth was purchased by A. T. Stuwart, the New York merchant, nnd the fifth became thv proporty of Hon. B, W. Stoughton. Col. H. M. JOHANSEN, AUCTIONEER. Sale Dates: i March. ' C. P. Essloy. March 10th, goneral i farm sale, 10 miles south and one easi ' of Oandy. Neb. ' J. I'. Johnson, March 18th, Ouneral i 'arm Sale. O. V. Smith, 2 mllos south and 15 mllon west of North I'latto, March 25. Laud Sale. 8 miles north of Maxwell. March 31 . EXTENSION ROAD NO. ilOO. To Whom It May Concern: Tho special Commissioner appoint ed to locato a road as follows: Com mencing at station 21 of Road No. 309 in the SE4SWV of Section 35, T. 13 N., It. 29 W. running thenco In a northwesterly direction along the slopo of tho east sldo of a canyon about 40 rods to the North lino of the NE14NWU "f section 3, T. 12 N., It. 29 W., terminating there, said road to bo 40 feet wldo, has reported in favor thereof as follows: Beginning at a point on tho North and South contor lino of Section 35 T. 13 N., B. 29 W., 7. GO chs, North of tho Vi section corner on tho South Lino of said Section, running thence N. 85 degrees W. about 9 chains thenco S. 45 degrees W. about 1 chain, thenco S. 10 degrees W. about 7 chains, to a point on tho South line of said Section 35, or N. lino of Sec tion 3, T. 12 N., R. 29 W., nbout 10.25 chains wost of tho Section corner on tho South lino of said Sec tion 35; all objections thereto or claiming for damages by tho reason of tho establishing above road must bo filed In tho offlco of tho County Clerk of Lincoln County, Nebraska, on or before 12 o'clock noon on tho Fth day of May, 1920. witness my hand and olTicial seal this 24th day of February, 1920. (SEAL) A. S. ALLEN, m2 County Clerk. NOTICE OF SALE. By virtue of an order of salo Issued by tho District Court of Lincoln coun ty, Nebraska, on December if, l'Jiu. ln an action in partition wherein A. Bello Swarthout Is plaintiff and Wil liam E. Pickens, tho heirs, devisees, legatees and personal representatives of said William E. Pickens, and all persons Interested In tho estato of snld William E. Pickens aro defend ants, I will soil at public auction at tho cast front door of tho court house in tho city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, on the third day of April, 1920, at the hour of ono o'clock P. M., the following described real es tato sltuato In Lincoln county, Ne braska, to-wlt: Lota flvo (5) and six (G), Block ono hundred and olghty- slx (18G) ol tho original town of the city of North Platto; part of lot three (3), Union Pacific plat lying south of lots flvo (5) and six (6), block one hundred olghty-slx (180) In tho city of North Platto; the north forty-four foot of lots ono (1) and two (2), block ono hundred seventeen of tho original town of tho city of North Platto; all of lot three (3), block ono hundred twonty-soven (127), of tho original town of tho city of North Platto; west twenty-two 'feet of lot threo (3), block ono hundred four (104) of the original town of tho city of North Platto; part of lot six (G), block ono hunded four (104) of tho original town of tho city of North Platto, Nebraska, described as follows: Beginning at tho north east corner of said lot, thence 132 feet ln a southerly direction along the oast sldo of said lot to tho south east corner thereof, thenco GG feot In a westorly direction along tho south lino of said lot to tho southwest corner thereof, thonco 82 feot ln a northerly direction along tho wost lino of said lot, thonco east 3 foot, thonco 15 feot In a northerly, direction on a lino par allel with tho west lino of said lot thonco cast 3 feot, thonco 35 feet in a northerly direction on a lino paral lel with tho wost lino of said lot to the north lino of said lot, thonco cast GO f t tQ u ,aco of bog,nn,ns; all 0 b,ock ono (1) m , two (2) ln TUom f son's sub-division of a part of lot 4 of Section 4, Township 13, North of Rnngo 30, wost of tho Gth P. M of tho city of North Platte, Nebraska. I will sell at public auction at tho wost front door of tho court houso In tho city of Lexington, Dawson coun ty, Nobrnska, on tho second day of April, 1920, at tho hour of ono o clock P. M. tho following described real es tate situate In Dawson county. Ne braska, to-wlt: Lots ono (1), two (2). and throe (3) In block fifty-six (50) of tho orlgl nal town of the city of Loxlngton; all of block ten (10) In C. L. Ervln's ad dltlon to tho city of Lexington; and a part of block sovontoon (17), Mac Coil's Addition to tho city of Lexlng ton, Nebraska, describel as follows: Commencing 100 feot wost of tho northeast corner of said block 17, thoucq south parallel with tho east lino of said block 150 foot, thonco west parallel with tho north lino of said block 100 feot, thonco north par allol with tho wost lino of said block 150 foot, thence oast to tho placo of boglnnlng, Tho torms of said salo to bo cash In hand. Dated nt North Patto, Nebraska, this lBt day of March, 1920. m2a2 O. E. ELDER, Roforoo Notice to Creditors Estato No. 1722 of Georgo B. Rogers docoasod, ln tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nobraska, Tho Stato of NobrnBka, ss. Credit ors of said estate will tako notlco that tho tlmo limited for presentation and filing of claims against snld ostato is Juno 2uth. 1920, and for sottlcmont of said ostato Is Fobruary 20th, 1921; that I will sit at tho county court room ln sold county, on March 2Gth 1920, nt 10 o'clock u, m and on Juno 26th, 1920, at 10 o'clock a. m to ro celvo, examine, hoar, allov, or adjust all claims and objections duly (Ilea. (SEAL) WM. H. C. WOODHURST, f24ml9 County Judgo. When in North Platte stop at the Palaco and Cafe. You will well. 58tf ED. KIERIG, Auctioneer General Farm Sales a Special t). References and Bates at Firs) Nn tlonnl Bank, North Phifle, Neb. 100 East Third St. Phone 912 Sate Dntcs. Frank Kiiic'and, .March 17th. March 23d It. S. h. Vnss. .Hnrch 21(1111. A. Ellas. .March 20 CnUle sale, Western No- IjraHka Breeders' Ass'n. THE TWINEM HOSPITAL, I00S WEST FOURTH STHEET, North Platte, Ncbr. For the treatment of Medical, Surgical and Obstetrical Cases. A place where tho sick aro cared for so as to bring about normal conditions in the easiest, most natural and scientific manner. Phone 110. North Platte, Neb. v. 'r. riirrcHAiti). Graduate Veterinarian Kx-Government Veterinarian and ex- assistant deputy Stato Veterinarian Hospital 315 South Vine Street. Hospital Phono Black 033 Houso Phone Black 633 PIUillAltY ELECTION. Proclamation County Clerk's Office North Platto, Nebr By virtue of tho authority vested iu mo by law, I, A. S. Allen, County Clork of Lincoln County, Nebraska, do hereby direct and proclaim that a Pri mary Election bo held in tho sovernl polling places ln Lincoln County, State of Nebraska, on Tuesday, tho 20th day of April, 1920, during tho hours designated by law, for the fol lowing purposes, to-wlt: 1. To express a preference for can didates by each of the political parties for President and Vice-President of the United States. 2. For tho" election of four dele gates at large and two from tho 6th Congressional District in tho State to tho National Conventions of tho re spective political partlos, and tho election of a like number of alternates. 3. For tho election of ono National Commlttoman by each of the political parties. 4. For the non-partisan nomination of two candlates for Chief Justice of tho Supremo Court. 5. For tho non-partisan nomination of two candidates for Judgo of thB Supreme Court to fill vacancy. C. For tho nomination of ono can didate for Congressman from tho Gth Congressional DIsctrlct, by the sev eral political parties , 7. For tho nomination by each of tho political parties of the following Stato Officers, to-wlt: 1 Governor, 1 Lieutenant Governor, 1 Secretary of Stato, ' 1 Auditor of Public Accounts, 1 Stato Treasurer, 1 Attorney General, 1 Commissioner Public Lands and Buildings, 1 Railway Commissioner, and 1 Railway Commissioner to fill vacancy. .8. For tho non-partisan nomination of four (4) candidates for Regents of tho Stato University. 9. For tho non-partisan nomination of two candidates for Superintendent of Public Instruction, as provided by tho Session laws of 1917. 10. For tho non-partisan nomina tion of two candidates for Judgo of tho District Court for the Thirteenth Judicial District. 11. For tho nomination by each of tho political parties Ono Candldato for Stato Sonator from tho 25th District. 12. Tho nomination by each of the political parties Ono Candldato for Representative from tho G8th District.; 13. Tho nomination by each of the political parties One Candldato for Representative from tho 77th District. 14. Tho nomination by each of tho political parties Ono Candldato for Clurk of District Court. 15. Tho nomination by each of tho political parties Ono Candidate for County Commissioner from tho 1st District. 1G. Tho nomination by each of the political parties One Candldato for County Commissioner from tho 3rd District. 17. Tho non-partisan nomination of Two Candidates for County Judgo. 18. Tho nomination by each of tho political parties Ono Candldato for Po lico Maglstrato for tho City of North Platto. Tho above Primary. Election will bo hold in tho various precincts in Lin coln County, Stato of Nebraska, on tho 20th day of April, 1920, tho polls will bo open at olght o'clock in tho morning and remain open until 8 o'clock ln tho afternoon of tho same day. Dated at North Platto, Nebraska, this 23rd day ot Fobruary, 1920. In testimony wohorof, I hnvo hero unto set my hand nnd affixed tho seal of Lincoln County, Nebraska, this 23rd day of February, 1920. (SEAL) A. S. ALLEN, f24ni2G County Clerk. NOTOUR OF FINAL IlEPOUT. Estate No. 1695 of Henry F. Coates, deceased. In the County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. The Stato of Nebraska, to all persons tntorestcd In said ostato tako notice that tho executor lias tiled a final ac count and report of his administration and a petition for final settlement and discharge as such, which have been set for hearing before said court on April 2, 1920, at 9 o'lock a. m when you may appear and contest the same. Dated March 5, 1920. Tf M. H. C. WOODHURST. m9-3 County Judge. JOHN S. SIMMS. M. I). Special Attention Given to Sunrery McDonald Bank Building Office Phone 83 Residence 39 HIDES, FURS AND JUNK. CAST IRON AND BONES. We want these. Big Price for Cast Iron. Dry Bones $10 to S12 ton L. LIPSHITZ. DEItRYBEKHY & FOUBES, Licensed Embamors Undertakers andFunemlDlrectors Bay phone 41 M(rht phono Black 088 NOTICE TO CHEDITOHS. Estate No. 1588 of Mary Duggan, de ceased, ln tho County Court of Lln con County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, ss: Creditors of said estato will tako notlco that the tlmo limited for presentation and fil ing of claims against said estato is June 4th, 1920, and for settlement of said estate is February 27, 1920; that I will sit at tho county court room in said county on Juno 4, 1920, at 10 o'clock a. in., to receive hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. (SEAL) WM. II. C. WOODHURST, m2-2G 1 County Judge NOTICE OF PETITION Estato No. 1737 of George W. Trom- bly, deceased, in the County Court o Lincoln County, Nobraska. The Stato of Nebraska, To all per sons Interested in said estate take notlco that a poitlon has boon filed for the appointment of Sarah E, Trembly as administratrix of said estato which has been set for hearing herein on March 2G, 1920, at 9 o'clock a. m. Dated February 25, 1920. (SEAL) AVM. H. C. WOODHURST, m2-19 County Judge. NOTICE OF PETITION Estato No. 173G of Betty Wienbarg, de ceased, in tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. The State of Nobraska. To all per sons interested in said estate tako no tlco that a petlltion has been filed for tho probate of an instrument purport ing to bo tho last Will and Testament of said deceased, and the appointment of Fritz L. Wienbarg as executor of said Will, which has been set for hearing herein on March 23, 1920, at 9 o'clock a. m. Dated February 24, 1920. (SEAL) WM. H. C WOODHURST, m2-19 County Judgo. Extension to Road No. '285, nnd Vacating Road No. HOO. To Whom It May Concern: Tho consent petition to extend Road No. 285 and to vacate Road No. 300, signed by Scott Shaner and 9 others has been filed in tho office of the County Clerk, in words and figures as follows : Commencing at tho Quarter section corner in the center ot tho west line of Section 1, Township 12, Range 29, running thenco cast on the north side of the east and west center lino of sal1 section, 40 feet wldo, to tho contor of said s&ction, wo further ask that the 40 foot road commencing where tho north and south contor lino of said section intersects tho north line of said section running thence south to tho center of said section bo vacated. All claims for damages and objec tions to the establishing and vacating of above roads must bo filed ln tho of fice of the County, Clork of Lincoln County, Nebraska, on or boforo 12 o'clock noon of tho 30th day of April, 1920, or said roads will bo allowed without reference thereto. Witness my hand and official eal this 24th day of February, 1920. (SEAL) A. S. ALLEN. f24 County Clerk. LEGAL NOTICE. George L. Andrews and wife Ilnttio M- Andrews, Raymond Brothors and Company, Isaac R. Mclntiro, Peter Mc Govorn, Thomas B. McGovern and wife Catherine McGovern, Lots ono (1), two (2), three (3) and four (4), block thirty-soven (37), of tho original town of North Platte, Section 33, Township 14, north of Rango 30, wost of tho Gth P. M. in Lincoln county, Nobraska, eind all persons claiming an Interest of any kind in said real estate or part thereof, will tako notlco that on tho 24th day of Fobruary. A. D. 1920, Georgo W. "Clopino, plaintiff herein, filed hlB petition in tho district court of Lincoln county. Nebraska, against said dofondants and each of thorn, tho object and prayer of which is to ro move certain clouds therefrom and aniot and confirm tho tltlo of tho plaintiff in and to tho real estate above described and to oxcludo each and nil of said dofondants from any tltlo, claim or interest in and to said property or any part thereof. You and each of you aro roQulrcd to answer said petition on or before the 5th day of April. A. D. 1920. Dated this 24th day of February 1920. GEORGE W. CLOPINE, f24-4 Plaintiff ny Hoagland & Hoagland, his Attys Notice to Creditors Estnto No. 1721 of Sheldon C. Mo comber, deceased, ln tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nobraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, ss. Credit ors of sold ostato will tako notice that tho tlmo limited for presentation nnd filing of claims against said estato is Juno 2Gth. 1920, and for settlement ot sold estato is Fobruary 20th, 1921; that I will sit at tho county court room in sold county, on March 26th, 1920, at 10 o'clock a. m., and on June 2Gth, 1920, at 10 o'clock n. m., to re ceive, oxamlno, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly fllod. (SEAL) WM. H. C. WOODHURST, f24m!9 County Judge, NOTICK TO CIIKIIITOUS. Estate No, 172S of Oeorgo Brown Outright, Deceased, In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, The State of Nebraska, ss: Creditors of saltl estate will take notlco that the time limited for presentation nnd flllriK of claims nwalnst said Kstnto Is July 9, 1920, and for settlement of Bald estate Is March B, 1921, that I will sit nt the county court room In said county on April 9, 1920, at 9 o'clock n. in., and on July 9, 1920. at 9 o'clock n- m to ro celvc, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly tiled. WM, It. C. WOODIIUllST, tn9-4 County Judge. NOTICK Or IlKAUINti. In the County Court of Lincoln r&VlJff." the K.tnt. .t ai HIrk.i, Junior, Deceased. The State of Nebraska, To all por tions interested In said estato: uotn creditors and heirs take notice, that Warwick V. Klbben has filed his peti tion alleging that Asa Hicks, Junior, died Intestate on or about the flrst day of January, 1889, bclnff a resldont and Inhabitant or Tanwou county, Illinois, and the owner of tho following do scrlbod real estate, to-wlt: Tho North east quarter of Section Fourteen, Township Nine, Ranffo Twenty-nine, west of tho Gth P. M., In Lincoln coun ty.Nebraska; and that said petitioner Is tho present owner of said promises, having purchased tho same; that more than two years have elapsed since tho death of said deceased, and that no application has been tnado In the Stato of Nebraska for tho appointment of an administrator; said petitioner praylnt? that this court will make and entor a decreo determining the dato of tho death of said deceased, the right of succession to said above described real estate, who aro tho heirs of said de ceased, their degree of kinship and tho right of descent of tho real property of which tho said deceased died seized. Said petition will bo for hearing on tho 2d day of April, 1920, at tho hour of onn o'clock p. m. Dated nt North riatte, Nebraska, this 27th day of February, 1920. WM. II. C. WOODHUUST, m9-3 County Judge. NOTICE OH" IIKAIIINO In the County Court of Lincoln County. Nebraskn. In tho Matter of tho Estato of Mary E. Slbloy, Deceased. Tho Stato of Nobraska, To all per sons Interested In said ostato: Both creditors and heirs take notice that Warwick W. Klbben 1ms filed his pe tition alleging that Mary E. Sibley died Intestate on or about tho 24th day of September, 1904. being a resident and Inhabitant of Lincoln county, No braska, and tho owner of tho follow ing described real estate, to-wlt: The Northeast Quarter of tho Southeast quarter of Section Fourteen. Township Nino, Itango Twenty- nine, wost of the Gth P. M., In Lincoln county, Nobraska, and that said petitioner Is tho present ownor of said premises, having pur chased tho same through the heirs of said deceased; that more than two years have elapsed since the death of said deceased, and that no application ltas been made ln the state of Nobraska for the appointment of an administra tor: said petitioner praying that this court will make nnd enter a decree determining the date of the death of said deceased, tho right of succession to snld above described renl estate, wh" are the heirs of said deceased, their degreo of kinship and the rlght'of de scent of the real property of which tho said deceased died seized. Said petition will he for hearing on the 2d day of April, 1920, at the hour of one o'clock p. in. Dated at North Platte. Nebraska, this 27th day of Fehrtnrv, 19'0. WM. TI. C. WnODTTUTJST. m9-2C County Judge. NOTICK rou inns Notice Is hereby given, that the Board of Park Commissioners of the city of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nobraska. will receive sealed bids up until noon on tho 9th day of April, 1920, at the oillce of F. It. Elliott, the chairman of said Board, for the labor nnd materials necessary In the con- 1 structlon of a certain lateral. 4200 feet in length, with one concrete culvert 1(! feet long, with concrete end walls, and one concrot" culvert 24 feet long with conorete "nd walls, nnd one con crete siphon fifi feet long, which snld lateral leadi to the swimming pool to be constructed In tho North Platte city( park, and for the labor necessarv In the excavntion of 1000 cubic yards of dirt In tho building of said lake or swimming pool, snld bids to be sub mitted separately for the work ana material necessarv in the construction of said laternl, culverts nnd siphon, and for work necessary ln tho excavation or said swimming pool, or lake: all work to bo nerformed under the sunervision of the city engineer ln accordance with the pinna and specifications on nio in his office. Sulci i ds tn be accompanied wltn n certified check in the sum of $50.00. The Board roserves the right to re ject any and all bids. F. R. FLT.TOTT. Chairman of the Board of Park Com missioners of North Platte, Ne braska. m9aS OIIDI3K OF HHAItlNO In the the matter of the estateof Al bert Coolldgo, Deceased. Now on this Gth day of March, 1920, on tho filing of the petition of Delia A. Coolldge praying for tho acceptance of the resignation of W. II. McDonald as admlnstrator and approval of his re port and that A. F. Streltz bo appoint ed as Administrator Do Bonl Non of said estato. It Is hereby ordered that April 2nd, 1920, be set for tho hearing thereof boforo this court at 10 o'clock a. m., and that notlco of said hearing be giv en tho heirs, devisees and all persons Interested In said estate by publication of a notlco thereof for threo successive weeks prior to said hearing, In the North Platto Tribune, a logal soml weokly newspaper printed and pub lished In Lincoln County, Nebraska. (SEAL) WM. II. C WOODHURST. m9-2C County Judgo. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In tho Matter of tho Estato of County, Nebraska. In tho Matter of the Estate of Adolph Schorz, Deceased. Notice is horoby given to any and all persons having claims and do mands against tho estate of the said Adolph Schorz, deceased, that tho 3rd day of July, 1920, has been set and ap pointed as tho day for tho recoptlon, examination, adjustment and allow ance of lawful claims and demands of all porsons, ngalnst said estato and that tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nobraska, will at said tlmo rocoivo, oxamlno, adjust and allow all such claims against said estate, ns provided by law, at tho County Court Room in tho Courthouse in tho City ot North Platto, Lincoln County, Ne brasha, and nil porsonB so Interested in said ostato, will appear at Bald tlmo and placo and duly present thoir snld claims and demands in tho man ner required by law, or show cause tor not so doing, and ln caso any of said claims or demands shall not bo presented on or prior to tho said 3rd day of July 1920, tho Bamo shall be forever barred. In Testimony Whereof, I have sign ed this notice and affixed tho seal of snld Court this 8th day of March 1020. Wm. II. C. WOODHURST, Seal County Judgo M9-4