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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1920)
NORTH PLATTE SiaMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. BACK HURT ALL THE TIM Mrs. Hill, Says Lydia E. Pmkhaip's Vegetable Compound Removed The Cause. Knoxvillo. Tcnn. "Mvbaek htirtmn .nil the time, I was nil run down, could jnot cat and my head ootnerca m e, all I caused by femalo trouble. I was three years with these troubles and doctors did mo no pood. Your med Icino helped my sis ter so she advised mo to take it. I took Lvdia E. Pinkham's JVegotablo Com 3 pound and the Liver Pills and used Lydia E. Pinkham'a Sanative Wash and now I nm well, can at heartily and work. t 1 give you my thanks for your great medicines. You may publish my letter and I will tell everyone what your medicines did for ine. Mrs. Pearl Hill, 418 Jacksboro St, Knoxvillo, Tennessee. Hundreds of such letters expressing gratitude for tho good Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound has accom plished are constantly being received, proving tho reliability of thi3 grand old remedy. If you are HI do not drag along and continuo to suffer day in anq day out but at once take Lydia E, Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound, a woman's Temcdy for woman's ills. Wretchedness OF Constipation Can Be Quickly Overcome by -CARTER'S LITTLE XJVER PILLS, Purely vege table act sure- CARTER'S ITT i LE IVE Ft jie liver. Cor- zect Diiious ness, head ache, dizzi s ness and indigestion, duty They do their Small PIU Small Dose Small Price DR. CARTER'S IRON PILLS, Nature's great nerve and blood tonic for Anemia, Rheumatism, Nervousness, Sleeplessness and Female Weakness, Oeoalne anil scar slgsilort yavriieC "Hatching Dollars" is a Look that tells you how money makes money it tells you about high class securities from which big men get their incomes how you can buy these same safe securities by small payments. Scud for your rca copy today to Investment Department MORGAN, LIVERMORE & CO. J 71 Broadway - New York City "1 II I .XT V C-t C t I One CexnpltU. uUr, Copy ol our -30c. V with huutifc) torn pictures IFwnow Film Sun ro coW toirthef Uh StxtUrPopulMUiof Intro Juctofr OOu Cnjpon. (tl.SO worth lot SOc). 5ml 3c. tump promptly. METROPOLITAN MUSIC PUD. CORP, 1400 BROADWAY, N. V. CITY. No Call. "I saw nn auto-Jack at work to ln.v." "Did you call the police?" . "No; they were only using It to put on a new tiro." Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CARTORIA, tlint famous old remedy Cor Infants and children, and see that It Bears the fffl .ITj? P' Signature of yr&&s In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Well Matched. "She has dyed her hair a raven hue." "I suppose that is to match hor orow's font." WATCH THAI COLD! rVlrla anA MtHIa IpnVrt f linilflftTllla With wofttr Irirlnnvn fltlfl nnhinff bflckfl. TllG kidneys have to do most of the work of fighting ou a cold nnu tuey weauen glow up. You feci dull and irritable and have headaches, dizziness, back ache, and irregular kidney action. Give the kidneys quick help with Doan's Ktaney vmsi uoam are used and recommended the world over for weak kidneys and bad backs. Ask your neighbor! A Nebraska Case Mrs. II. U. Bailor, Ponca, Nebr., says: "My back was weak and It pained almost constantly. I had sharp twinges through my Doay ana puny spots appeared under my eyes. My head RChed terlbly and my kidneys acted Irregu larly, causing annoy ance. I used Doan's Kidney Pills and In a short time the back ache and weakness dls. appeared. I continued Inldntt tllAIYI llnHI T was preatly benefited and the benefit has betn permanent " Ccl Doan'i at Any Store, 60c Bos DOAN'S "jfssy FOSTER. MILBURN CO., BUFFALO, N. Y. IIIIIIMffiJIill wmm W htry PWiCT -f4j5 Rrritating Coughs Promptly treat couhs, colds, hoarseness, bronchitis and similar Inflamed and Irritated conditions of the throat with a tested remedy PI SO S MnONALF QM1AL AfTAIM Latin America Wants the WASHINGTON. -Latin American countries which participated In the peace conference and also those Invited to join tho League of Nations are watch ing tho request of Salvador that tho United Stales define the Monroe doctrine so that they will know Just what they c (wHAT DO" it yT? lack of clearness. 1 refer to article 21; '"Nothing In this covenant shall be deemed to affect tho validity of In ternational engagements, such as treaties of arbitration or regional under standings like the Monroe doctrine, for securing tho maintenance of peace.' "My government recognizes that the Monroe doctrine consolidates the Independence of tho continental states of Latin America and saved them from the great danger of a European Intervention. It realizes that It Is a powerful factor In the existence of the democratic form of government lu this conti nent and that It raised a barrier to European colonization. "Since however, the covennnt of the Leagtto of Nations does not deter mine the purposes nor fix u definite criterion of International relationship In America, find since, on the other hand, the doctrine will be forthwith trans formed In view of tho full sanction, of the nntlons of the world Into a prln ciple'of universal public law, Juris ot de Jure, I request that your excellency will bo good enough to give the authentic Interpretation of the Monroe doc trine, as It Is understood In the present historical moment." "Stop Throwing Forests' Into the Waste Baskets!" orOP throwing the forests of tho country Into your waste basket," Is the U message sent to the business houses of the country by the American Forestry association, which Is enlisting the nld of the schools, business houses, and women's organizations In a pa- per conservation campaign. Charles Lathrop Pack, president of tho association, has given out llg uros which show the tremendous In crease In pulp wood consumption. In congress the subject has come up for frequent discussion. Here are the figures submitted by Mr. Pack, who calls for a nntlonal forest policy and for better lire protection for the forests, in cords con sumed and vnlue: 1SS9 . 1.9S6.310 9,837,510 INK) 4.001.C07 31,477,540 1916 J. 5,228,558 45.7S5.CS2 "A look at those figures will cause some deep thinking on the part of publishers." said Mr. Pack. "We must stop throwing our forests Into the waste basket. Business houses can bring about a grout saving If they will write the carbon of the letter they are answering on the bnck of the letter received. This will save paper and cut The situation, Mr. Pack declared, production of raw material. One of Hie lean Paper and Pulp association, which the future raw material supply. It recommended a nntlon-wldo forest sur vey, better fire protection, and increased planting of trees. One of the first organizations to In Its campaign for paper conservation is the National Woman's Association of Commerce of Chicago. Miss Florence King, the president, has Issued a call to ull members connected with business houses to start tho agitation at once. "Boiling" Senators .Give Soldier a "Square Deal" SENATOKS got excited the other day over the matter of soldiers nnd the loss of their private property. In consequence the senate passed a bill to amend the act now in force and give the' soldier a better chanco to recover from Uncle Sam. Senator Wads worth CANT AUow ir You wwEttT sk no fault of tljolr own. However, a series of decisions by the officials of the-treasury department have placed such restrictions on the law as to preclude favorable consideration of n majority of the claims which have been filed. These decisions are brlelly summarized ns follows: The auditor has disallowed all claims for property lost by fire unjess claimants can certify that the loss occurred while tho claimant wns engaged lu saving government property. The comptroller has ruled that "money" Is not nn article of property. The comptroller has recently decided that property lost In Franco can not be considered as having been lost "in the field during campaign," unless the claimant wis actually in the battle line. This decision will affect prac tically all losses of personal bnggtige In tho field other than that In course of transportation. Senator Wndsworth said the committee on military affairs "boiled with Indlgnntlon," and Its purpose was to give tho soldier a "square deal." Great War Makes Many Millionaires in America AMEKICA'S millionaires Increased by 1,470 In tho first year of the wnr In Europe. During the second year the Increase was twice as great, for In 1U10 there were 'J,80!t more millionaires than In 1010. And In 1018, while tho net growth was only .11. the true situntlon rests In the old saying, "Illm who has gets I" Tho increases of that year were in Increased Incomes of those Included in the totals of years gone by. Distribution of these new million aires throughout tho country shows them thickest where war activities were greatest, with New York state alono having 2,888. Nevada was the only state that didn't claim a million aire resident In 1017, but her million aires live elsewhere, that's- all. Of American millionaires, capitalists as a group made up 3,383 of tho total; manufacturers who made war material 020. and tho producers of food, 120. Corporation officials numbered 710 millionaires. The largest Income In 1017 was $34,030,001. Tho mnn claimed to ho unmarried, which mrikes him appear to be Standard Oil's daddy, J. D, Rocke feller. A "single woman" received $r,704,r50. She may have been Mrs. E. II. llnrrlman. In the great group of excessively rich over tho United States there were 227 classed as "single women." From these lutest avallablo figures It Is shown that Individuals through the Income tax returns contributed In 1018 on their 1017 Incomes a great total of $301,480,177, while corporations In the same period yielded Undo Sam's ttrong boxes Just $2,142,44 5,700. Monroe Doctrine Defined are agreeing to If they Join the league. Tho state department has acknowl edged receipt of the request from Juan Franco Paretics, minister for foreign affairs of Salvador. His note says, among other things: "The text of the treaty contains one article which has awakened warm discussion throughout the whole Amer ican continent. Including the United States, due no doubt to Its brevity and TflERE ARB THESE CAME PROM 1917 6.4S0.075 $00,815,05' 1918 5,250.794 73.167.111 filing expenses, too." will not improve until there Is greater pressing problems before the Atner met recently In New York city, was join the American Forestry association saiu the present situntlon was "per fectly nbsurd" and rend these para graphs from a letter from the secre tary of war: The original act was Intended to provldo a simple and expeditions method of settling tho claims of offi cers and enlisted men for reimburse ment for personal property lost, dam aged, or destroyed In the military services of the United States through BMLDING DIRT ROADS CARE IN SPRING Proper Drainage Is Chief Essential In Maintenance Road Drag Especially Useful, The cardinal essential In spring maintenance of earth ronds, especially those on heavy soils. Is good (Irnlttnge. So long as the wnter can bo kept from penetrating deeply Into these roads they will remain at least fairly passable. To accomplish this on aver age earth roads, however, Is far from ensy. During the early part of this season of the year rains are often of long duration and tend to saturate the soil. Water from melting snows Is perhaps even more penetrating than long-continued rains, whllo alternate freezing and thawing of the wet sur face tends to Increase the porosity of tho soil and permit oven more ready access of water Into tho foundation. The chief attention of the road mnn must therefore be directed toward getting and keeping the water away from the rond. So long ns tho founda tion can be kept dry, even a heavy freeze followed by a rapid thaw will do little or no real damage to. the roatl surface. A dry soil does not heave. The foundation will thcreforo still bo solid, and the road will be able to sustain the traffic without serious rut ting. On the other hand n saturated soil expands greatly on freezing, and when It thnws out has not only lost practically all power of sustaining tho weight of trnfile, hut also Is In nn Ideal condition for taking up or absorbing still more water, and thus forming still more mud. During the early part of the season, ns long as tho weather Is very rainy or there Is melting snow on the ground It will pay to have tho road man go over the road dally to see that the drains and side ditches do not hecotno clogged and to note tho need of any necessary repairs. A few minutes' work with a shovel may prevent a so rlous washout or dnmnges. which, If not promptly checked, might make tho road practically Impassable. The rond drag or somo other slmllnr device finds its greatest usefulness during this season. It may ho used to good advantage to clear tho road way of slush and melting snow nnd so prevent this water from soaking Into mm Drag Most Useful in Spring. nnd softening tho subgrnde. To fill ruts smooth the surface and maintain the crown of tho road, the drag Is un i excelled when In the hnnds of n skilled operator. An unskilled mnn amy do moro harm than good. Fur thcrmore, tho nctunl condition of tho rond during this period will depend very largely on the knowledge of tho rond man ns to' Just when to drag, ns well as his skill In the operation of tho implement. In addition to tho mnlntennnce, pro vision should he made for doing nil necessary grading or earth work as rurly in the spring ns possible, In or tier that It may become thoroughly con olldatcd before the dry weather of summer. If the work Is done too Into (lie road will not only probably be nunc very dusty in dry weather but u III need additional attention later In the fall. Where tho soil Is a heavy -lay or gumbo tho condition of tho road may ho very materially Improved hv adding sand from tlmo to time ns hat already on the road Is worked In by the passing traffic and t.ho drag. PROVIDE RUNWAY FOR WATER Plenty of Space Should Be Allowed in Rebuilding Bridge or Culvert Repair Costs Cease. Whenever a bridge or culvert Is re built use somo form of permanent construction, seeing to it mat plenty of runway Is allowed for tho water. Then repair costs-will virtually cease, nnd tho money now wasted will begin to show In ronds that are good 12 months In the year. KEEP UP FARM APPEARANCE Unsightly Features May De Unseen by Farmers, But Passerby Is Keen to Discern Signs. The farmer Interested In attracting trade In his farm products should look well to the nppenranco of his plnco. Perhaps old, unsightly fentures of uiiich he Is not conscious exist, but the passerby Is keen to discern theso signs of farm management and hesi tates o purchase at a pluco showing neglect. LIFT OFF CORNS! Apply few drops then lift sore, touchy corns off with fincers No parn! Doesn't hurt n bit I Drop a little Freezone on nn aching corn, instantly that corn stops hurting, then you lift It right out. Yes, mngtcl A tiny bottle of Freezone costs but a few cents nt any drug store, but la sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between tho toes, and the calluses, without soreness or Irritation. Freczono is the scnsntional dis covery of a Cincinnati genius. It la wonderful. Adv. Unapproachable Fishing. Tho angler tackled the manager ot the country hotel angrily. 'What do you mean by luring vis itors here with the promise of lino fish ing?" be said. "Thero Isn't a bit of fishing here. Every brook has a sign warning peoplo off." "I didn't say anything nbout lino fishing, sir," said tho manager, calm ly. "If you will kindly read my ad vertisement again with more care you will seo that what I said was 'Fishing unapproachable.' " DRUGS EXCITE YOUR KIDNEYS, USE SALTS If Your Back H'rts or Bladder Bothers, Drink Lots of Water. When your kidneys hurt nnd your baclt feels sore, don't get scared and proceed to load your stomach with a lot of drugs that excite tho kidneys nnd Irritate tho entire urinary tract "Keep your kidneys clenn like you keep your bowels clean by flushing them with n mild, harmless salts which re moves tho body's urinous waste nnd stimulates them to their normnl activ ity. The function of the kidneys is to filter tho blood. In 24 nours they strain from it 000 grains of acid and waste, so we can readily understand tho vital Importance of keeping the kidneys active. Drink lots of wnter you can't drink too much; also get from any pharma cist about four ounces of Jnd Salts; take a tablcopoonful In n glnss of wnter before brenkfast each morning for a few days nnd your kidneys will act fine. This famous salts Is made from the ncld of grapes and lemon juice, combined with llthln, nnd has been used for generations to clenn and stimulate clogged kidneys; also to neutralize tho acids in urine so it no longer Is n source of irritation, thus ending bladder weakness. .Tad Salts is Inexpensive; cannot in jure; mnkes a delightful effervescent llthln-water drink which everyone should tnke now and ' then to keep their kidneys clean nnd nctlvo. Try this, al30 Iteep up the water drinking, nnd no doubt yon will wonder whnt beenme of your kidney trouble nnd backache. Adv. Observing. She was reading Cobb's nmuslng story, "Speaking of Operations." Be ing Interested she took It to business with her and read It on the car. A woman next to her observed tho tltli and inquired:' "Studying to bo a nurse?" STOP CATARRH! OPEN NOSTRILS AND HEAD Says Cream Applied In Nostrils Re lieves Head-Colds at Once. If your nostrils are clogged nnd your head Is stuffed nnd you enn't brentho freely becaiiHo of a cold or catarrh, Just get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Uulm nt any drug store. Apply n littlo of this frngrant, anti septic cream Into your nostrils nnd let it penetrato through every air passnge of your head, soothing nnd healing tho inflamed, swollen mucous mem brano and you get instant relief. Ahl How good it feels. Your nos trils nro open, your head is clear, no more hawking, snuffling, blowing; no more headache, dryness or straggling for breath. Kly's Cream Halm Is Just whut sufferers from head colds and catarrh need. Tt's n delight. Adv. Thirty Daysl Friend (entering show manngor's of fice) Hello 1 What's all this I ManagerA voice trial. Krlend Il'm! I should say convic tion is certnln to follow. Hoston Tran script. For your daughter's sake, uso Red Cross Dall Dluo in tho laundry. She will then havo that dainty, well-groomed appcurauco tlint girlH admire. 6c, ISnvy Is poor ammunition. The only thing dangerous about it Is Its backfire. 1 Well Known Kansas Woman Nortonvillo, Ksns.j "During middle Uf .f l becaruo all run vou. I took Dr. Flcroo's Fnvorito Prescription and it brouRlit me through this critical period In plendkl health. I have nWo taken the Dr. I'ioTco's Golden Medical Discovery s tin blood tonio and for tho liver and found it eauallv m ilwnva clad to meOmineruf Dp. Icrco'a medicines." MRS. WM. OCKEIt. A Nervous Breakdown Kaunas City, Kmis.j "Dr. Plcrco's Fav orite Prc-icriptJon broucht mo through a very critical period for which I shall always be very grateful and I am (dad to tell of it that other Buffering women may tako my advice and try the 'Prescription.' I had a severe nervous break-down, causod by woman's trouble. Doctors called it inflam mation. I doctored for about five years with very littlo help. I saw Dr. Piorce's medicine advertised and was so discouraged that I was ready to do anything for relief. I at onoo sot both tho 'Favorite Prescription' and the 'Goldon Medical Discovery.' I tVik I took about a dozon bottles but it was juroly worth it as it restored mo to good health, curing me of all my ailments." MRS. LUCY FOREMAN, 814 S. Pack ard St. Remarkable Case of a Kansas Woman Atchison, Kons. "About twenty ycara ago I first commenced taking Dr. Fierco's Favorito Prescription for displacement and other feminine weakness. The first hall dozen doics gavo me great relief, and by tho time I finished the first bottle I felt stronger than for n long while. Since then I havo taken this medicine whenever I have felt run-down, weak or nervous and it has always given mo the desired relief. I am very glad to recommend 'Favorite Prescrip tion' as a woman's real friend." MRS. IDA TICKNER. 1118 N. 10th S Same as Now. "Where did you first meet your wife?" "1 don't remember now. but I'll bet I had to wait for her." Coated tongue, vertigo and constipation are relieved by Garfield Tea. Adv. lfr Inn'- wtinf vmi nnv ffa tvtint vrtti get that counts. MAN'S BEST AGE A man is as old as his organs ; he can be as vigorous and healthy at 70 as at 35 if he aids his organs in performing their functions. Keep your vital organs healthy with Th world's standard remedy for iddnsy, Ilvsr, bladder and uric acid troubles sines 1696; corrects disorders; stimulates vital organs. All druggists, threo sizes. Leak for 0a nam Cold MUI on mtwer box a&U axcapl awt Imitation Bad Sickness Caused by Acid-Stomach If people only realized the healtlwleatroy Ins power ot an acid-stomach of the many klnda ot alckneaa and mliery It cauaea ot the Uvea ft literally wrecka they would guard against It aa carefully as they da axatnat a deadly plague, You know In an Initant the nm aymptoma of acld-atomaoh pains of Indlceatlon; distressing, painful bloat: sour, gassy stomach; belching; food repectlng; heartburn, etc. Whonevor your itomach feels thla way you should lose no time In putting It to rights. If you don't, lerlous consequences are almost sure to fol low, such as Intestinal fermentation, auto intoxication. Impairment ot the entire ner rous system, headache, biliousness, cirrhosis t the liver; sometimes even catarrh of the itomach and Intestinal ulcers and cancer. If you are not feollng right, see It It Isn't acid-stomach that la the cause ot your HI health. Take RATON I C, the wonderful mod ern stomach remedy. EATON1G Tablet quickly and surely relieve the pain, bloat, belching, and heartburn that Indicate acid- Itomach, Make the stomach strong, clean and sweet Dy keeping the stomach In healthy condition so that you can get full strength from your food, your general health steadily Improves, Results are marvelousljr sulck. Just try EATON1C and you will b ss enthusiastic as the thousands who havs used It and who say they never dreamed anything could bring nuch marvelous relief. So get a big 60-cent box of KATON10 from your druggist today. If not aatlsfao tery return It and he will refund your money. E ATONIC C TOR YOUR Aap-STPMACH) rr- Nebraska Directory Creamery and Cream Station Supplies Mlllc Bottles and Dairy Supplies; Bffg Cases and Chicken Coops KENNEDY & PARSONS CO. 1309 Jones St. 1801 E. 4th St OMAHA SIOUX CITY THE SOLAR SANITARIUM MuHonlo Temple lNtg. 19th ind Douxltt St., Omths C 1 D tL. kty- FOR IBTOfS. RHEUMATISM fcsP. 1 write for booklet. Colorado Land for Sale NEAIt HURL1NGTON, perfect 100 acres, fine locntlon, Ideal fanning or Investment, $32.G0 per acre, $1,500 cash, balance easy terms. Owner, Frank Gush, 4005 No. 25th St., Omaha, Nebr. BE A NURSE hxt optional opportunity at tho present time for younir women over nineteen j-e urn i a v ulio have had at least one year n liii school to take Nurses' Train. ItiK In KenerKl hospital Our graduates ttin ii treat dnnin 1 Address t oi n'ui' Lincoln Sanitarium, cood. 1 m a mm