The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 16, 1920, Image 7
it. FAIR AND FORTY By LILLIAN M. RICHARDS. (. 1920, by McClure Newspaper Syndicate.) Down on n narrow struct. where the newsboys nre shouting "extra" most of the time, Myrn Wiggins sits nt the cnshler's desk In ono of those fnmous restaurants with n buckwheat front. For three years now she .hns sat In the same window. Her eyes and cars are nlwnys open and nothing escapes her notice. "Say, mister," loudly called Myra ono day to a customer trying to sneak out, "pay your cbeck here, please." "Huh," growled the man, coming bnck, "think you're smart, don't you?" And slamming the money down on the counter, "I suppose you thought I was trying to steal a feed." "My goodness, no," replied Myrn, smilingly. "Guess you were suddenly called to a fire; but after this, when In here, be sure and see me before you leave." "Well, Is that so," snccrlngly. "I suppose you're the one who runs this place, or maybe you " Just then her nntngouizer felt n strong hnnd grab his collar and dc mnnd an npology. Without hesitating the lrrltnnt murmured something about being sorry, and slunk out of the door. Myrn's well-rounded face became as red as roses when she looked up Into the set features of big Jim Rolnnd. Jim was a traveling man. and every time he enme to town It was not the eats alone that brought him to this well-known restaurant. Myra Wiggins' welcome smile and pleasant "How do' won him from the start. Now their friendship grew rapidly Into something more deep nnd lasting. They were both around the ago of forty and hnd come to that quiet tin derstnndlng of accepting things as they were; neither Inquired Into the other's affairs. A buxom widow was Myra, with one child, whom she boarded at a small farmhouse In the country. Little Irene Wiggins was the Joy of her life, and Myra delighted In her trips to the re gion where she could breathe God's pure air, awny from the smoke and dust of the city. One day, as she nnd Irene were starting for a stroll over the hills, a rosy-cheeked lad of ten begged to go with them. "He lives here, loo. mamma," plead ed her little girl. "He's my bestest chum. Can't he go?" "Well, nil right," replied Myra. good nnturedly. nnd taking his hand she In quired : "What's your name, little boy?' "My name's Jack Roland," was his sturdy reply, as he stumbled along by her side. "Roland!" gasped she. hearing the name. Then, curiously, "And what's your father's name? Jack, too?" "No, my daddy's name is Jim," nnd with upturned face, "you've never mot my daddy, have you? He's the biggest man In the world." Myrn's thoughts were racing a milt a minute, nnd her cheeks burned wltl curiosity. "He must mean my Jim," sh thought, nnd still it didn't seem pos slble. The children ran ahead and were sliding on the Ice. little dreaming of the turmoil they'd created for Myrn After a few minutes' silent pondering she called them to her side and turned back toward the houo. As they wen chatting In their childish way sh heard little Jack sny to Irene: "My Nation's coming this afternoon with daddy. She brings me candy nnd everything." Unable to restrain the question an longer Myra nsked. "And who's you Nnnnn, little hoy?" at the same tlm dreading the answer. "Why, that's his mother, of course. quickly replied Irene, as If Myrn ought to know. "She works In the city," Joined Jnck wlstfully. It was with quiet dignity that sh refused Jim's many Invitations th next week, and his big, jovial face wore a puzzled expression, althougl he said nothing. Myrn. who was usu ally the picture of health, looked drawn and pale. She'd grown fond of Jim Roland, and to discover him in this light hurt not a little. Tucking Irene on her sled. Slyni started down the buck lane througl the meadows. The cold, clear al brought the color to Iter cheeks, as Irene pulled the end of her scarf and shouted, "Gltty-up-horsey." It was a wonderful day and ended all too quick ly. On their wny back, as Myra went to Jump a brook she fell with a scream In the snow. Irene tried to help her up, but finding iter arms limp became frightened and cri"d for help. Little Jack Roland and his daddy, who wen walking near by, came to their assist ance. "Is this little girl yonr sister?" he nsked smilingly after the pain hnd sub sided. "No, Jim, she's my daughter," ex plained Myra quietly. "I've been n widow for several years now. And I I thought until recently that you were single also." Why so I am," Iks replied emphnt icnllv. "Little Jack's mother died when he wns a baby." "And and Nnnnn?" asked Myra tremblingly. "Nnnnn." with n relieved look. "She's my sister, and has almost been a mother to Jack, who knows her by no other name." Then, leaning closer and looking Into her eyes, ho continued: "Myrn, 'dear, he would so like to have n real mother. The children already love tveh other. Could could you ever can- enough about a big clumsy like myself to" "Oh, Jim, I'm so hnppy " TERM'S ORIGIN IN DISPUTE Many Explanations of the Letters "O. K.," Have Been Made, but Few Are Trustworthy. Quite a cycle of legendary explnnn Hons have gathered around the origin of the popular term "0. K." It Is held that In early colonial days the best rum nut) tobacco wure imported from Aux C'nyes, In San Domingo, notice the best of anything came to be known ocally as Aux Gayes, or "O. K." Another exiianatlon refers to the use of "Old Keokuk." on Indian chief. who Is said to have signed treaties with the Initials "O. K." However. the term didn't come into general use until the presidential campaign of 182S, when the supposed Illiteracy of Andrew Jackson, the Democratic can didate, led Seba Smith, the humorist, writing under the mime of "Major Jack Downing," to start the story that Jackson Indorsed bis papers "0. K." under the lnyirosslon that they formed the Initials of "Oil Korrect." James Pnrton. the noted biogra pher, discovered In the records of the Nashville court, of which Jackson was Judge, numerous documents In dorsed "O. R.." meaning "order re scinded." He therefore urged that It was a bclnted business that Major Downing saw on the desk of the pres idential candidate. The Democrats. In lieu of denying the charge, adopted the letters "O. K." as a sort of pnrty cry nnd fastened them on their ban ners. ONE OF THE OLDEST METALS Abundant Proof That Iron Has Been In Use Since the Very Earliest Days. Iron must have been familiar In the time of Moses. A wedge made of Iron wns left in the great pyramid by the builders, which proves that the metal was known and In use about l.fiOO B. C. Besides, In the fourth chapter of Genesis, It Is mentioned that Tubal Cain was a pioneer In developing the arts of Iron making nnd brass work ing. Brass, however, was a very In definite term nmong the natives. When spoken of In the Scriptures it is sel dom to be understood to signify the alloy of copper and zinc now called by that name. The "brass" tempered for etlgcd tools or weapons of wur was a bronze, usually a compound of copper nnd tin. Copper wns also known to mankind at a very early period. Articles of cop per were fount! 81 feet under tlto statue of Barneses the Great, which was erected .1,500 years ago. Debris lias accumulated there to a depth of nine feet, and the copper articles were found, on further excavation, 72 feet lower down. Gretna Green. Gretna Green, the rendezvous of eloping couples, was once the liaunt of persons who exerclsetl cupidity at the expense of Cupid, and innkeepers ferrymen and tollhouse tenders ex plotted the couples who tied there Any witnesses served to make the marriages recognized as legal, but the "professional witnesses" there, like the "marrying parsons" of some Amer ican towns, engaged "touts" to bring couples to them, nnd when the rail roatl from Glasgow to Carlisle started running, the station platform at Gret na Green thronged with these obnox ious "commissioned men." According to a popular legend blacksmith shops were favorite nice cos fdr eloping couples, but authority Is lacking for stories of .smithies who would pause while shoeing horses to help legalize marriages. Hatshopsu-Pharaoh. Who antedated De Lesseps (18C9) by 4,000 years In digging the Suez canal? A woman. Ilntshopsu-Pha raoli. She ascended the throne of Egypt with her brother, Thothmes II, about 1000 B. C. Her courage and ca paclty brought the reins of govern' ment into iter own hands. At the death of Thothmes she wus the mas ter spirit of the ago. The dominant womnn built the splendid terraced rock temple of Dair-el-Bahuri on the Thebnn plain. Her chief glory wa In sending an expedition to the Lnnd of Punt (Ophlr) by wny of the Retl ava. A woman dug tho first Suez ennui, and as the expedition returned up the Nile the shouts that greeted the queen (who always wore the habil Iment of the male) was the llrst "God save the king" In history! Too Much Self-indulgence. The greatest weakness of human na ture is self-indulgence, drifting along tho path of least resistance with HI health at the end of the roatl. Good health Is. of course, the first prerequisite to a long nnd useful life, Longevity Is sought as a high price of constant exercise of will power and self-control There are many iwr sons who hnve not that will power nnd self-control. In these cases we cull not go against nature by any amount of teaching. Exchange. Loss of the Griffin. This vessel, the first to navigate the western lakes, wns loaded with furs nnd other goods by Ln Salle, to tho value of 22,000 Hvres, and sent bnck to Montrenl. vln Mncklnac nnd Ni agara, In order to pay off Ln Sulle's creditors. It set sail on September 18, 1070, with n crew of five men and pi lot, nnd was never heard of again. A severe storm sprain; up that night and It Is believed the vessel struck the snntl and wns burled In It, or It msy have been lost through the treachery 3t the crew. Col. H. M. JOHANSEN, AUCTIONEER. Sale Dates: March. i C. P. Essloy, March 10th, general farm sale, 10 miles south nnd ono cast of Gaudy. Neb. ; J. P. Johnson, March 18th, General ! Farm Sale. G. W. Smith. 2 miles south and 5 miles west of North Plntto, March 25. Land Sale, 8 miles north of Maxwell, March 31 . EXTENSION ROAD NO. ilO!). To Whom It May Concern: The special Commissioner appoint ed to locato n road as follows: Com mencing nt station 21 of Road No. 309 In tho SBVdSWVi of Section 35, T. 13 N'., R. 29 W. running thonco In a northwesterly direction along the slope of tho cast side of n canyon about 40 rods to tho North lino of tho NEtfNW of section 3, T. 12 N., R. 29 W.f terminating there, said road to bo 40 feet wido, has roportcd in flavor thereof us follows: Beginning at a point on tho North and South contor line of Section Q, T. 13 N., R. 29 W., 7. GO chs, North of tho 14 section corner on tho South Lino of said Section, running thonco N. 85 degrees W. about 9 chains, thonco S. 45 degrees W. about I chain, thence S. 10 degrees W. about chains, to a point on the South lino of said Section 35, or N. lino of Sec tion 3. T. 12 N.. R. 29 W., about 10.25 chains west of tho Section comer on tho South lino of said Sec tion 35; all objections thoroto or claiming for damages by tho reason of tho establishing above road must be filed in tho offico of the County Clerk of Lincoln County, Nebraska, on or boforo 12 o'clock noon on tho 5th dav of May. 1920. Witness my hand nnd otiiciai seal tliis 24th day, of February, 1920. (SEAL) A. S. ALLEN, m2 County Clerk. NOTICE OF SALE. By virtue of nn order of sale Issued bv tho District Court of Lincoln coun ty, Nebraska, on Decomuer it, vjiv, in an action In partition wherein A. Belle Swarthout is plaintiff and Wll liam E. Pickens, tho heirs, dovlsees legatees and personal representatives of said William E. Pickens, and all persons Interested in tho estato of said William E. Pickens are ueronu ants, I will sell at public auction nt the east front door of the court house in the city of North Platto, Lincoln county, Nebraska, on the third day o April, 1920, at the hour of ono o'clock P. M.. tho following doscrlbcd real es tate situate in Lincoln county, Ne braska, to-wlt: Lots five (G) and six (C). Block ono hundred nnd eighty six (18G) of the original town of the city of North Platto; part of lot three (3), Union Pacific plat lying south of lots five (5) and six (6), block one hundred elghty-stx (186) in the city of North Platto; tho north forty-four feet of lots ono (1) and two (2), block ono hundred seventeen of the original town of the city of North Platte; nil of lot three (3), block ono hundred twenty-seven (127), of the original town of the city of North Platte; west twenty-two feet of lot three (3), block one hundred four (104) of the original town of tho city of North Platto; part of lot six (6), block ono bunded four (104) of the original town of tho city of North Platto, Nebraska, described as follows: Beginning at tho north east cornor of said lot, thenco 13 feet in a southerly direction along the east side of said lot to tho south east corner thereof, thence G6 feet in a westerly direction along the south line of said lot to tho Boutliwest corner thereof, thenco 82 feet In a. northerly direction along the west lino of said lot, thenco cast 3 feet, thonco 15 feet in a northerly, direction on a lino par allel with tho west lino of said lot thence east 3 feet, thonco 35 feet in a northerly direction on n line paral lel with the wost lino of said lot to the nortli lino of said lot, thenco east GO feet to tho place of beginning; nil of blocks ono (1) and two (2) in Thom son's sub-division of a part of lot 4 of Section 4, Township 13, North of Rango 30, west of tho Gth P. M., of the city of North Platte, Nebraska. I will soil nt public auction at the west front door of tho court house in tho city of Loxlngton, Dawson coun ty, Nebraska, on tho second day of April, 1920, at tho hour of ono o'clock P. M. tho following described roal es tato sltuato in Dawson county, Ne braska, to-wlt: Lots ono (1), two (2), and three (3) In block fifty-six (GG) of tho origi nal town of tho city of Lexington; all of block ton (10) in C. L. Ervln's ad dition to the city of Loxlngton; and n part of block seventeen (17), Mac Coil's Addition to tho city of Lexing ton, Nebraska, describel as follows Commencing 100 foot wost of tho northeast corner of said block 17, thonco south parallel with tho cast lino of said lilock 150 foot, thonco west parallel with tho north lino of said block 100 feet, thenco north par allol with tho west lino of salt! block 150 feot, thenco cast to tho plnco of beginning. Tho terms of said snlo to bo cash in hand. Dated at North Patto, Nobrnska this 1st day of March, 1920. m2a2 O. E. ELDER, Roforee. Nollco to CretlllorH Estato No. 1722 of Georgo E. Rogers deceased, In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nobraskn, ss. Credit ors of snld estato will tnko notlco that tho tlmo limited for presentation and filing of claims against said estato is June 2Gth. 1920, and for settlement of said estato Is February 20th, 1921: thnt I will sit at tho county court room In said county, on Mnrclt 2Gth, 1920. at 10 o'clock n. m., nnd on Juno 20th. 1920, at 10 o'clock n. in., to ro colvo. examine, hear, allow, or adjust all clnlms and objections duly fllea. (SEAL) WM H. C WOODHURST. f24ml9 County Judgo When In North Platto stop at the New Hotel Palnce nnd Cafo. You will be treated well. 68tf ED. KIERIG, Auctioneer General Farm Sales n Special t). References and Dates nt First ' ttonal Hunk, North Plntto. Neb. 400 East Third St. Phone 012 Snle Dates. Frank England, March 17th. Mnrch 23d R. S. L. Vitas. March iilth-B. A. Ellas. Mnrch 1(J Cattle sale, Western Nc briiHliii Breeders' Ass'n. THE TWIXEM HOSPITAL, 1003 WEST FOURTH STREET, North Platte, Ncbr. For tho treatment of Medical, Surgical and Obstetrical CaBes. A place where the sick are cared for so as to bring nbout normal conditions In the cuslcst, most natural and scientific manner. Phono 110. North Plntto, Nob. W. T. lMUTCHAHD, Grudunte Veterinarian Ex-Government Veterinarian and ox- assistant doputy Stato Veterinarian Hospital 815 South Vine Street. Hospital Phono Black 633 House Phone Black 633 PRIMARY ELECTION. Proc'ainatlon County Clerk's Offico North Platto, Ncbr By virtue of tho authority vostod Id me by law, I, A. S. Allen, County Clerk of Lincoln County, Nobraska, 'do hereby direct and proclaim that a Pri mary Election bo hold in tho sovornl polling places in Lincoln County, Stato of Nebraska, on Tuesday, tho 20th day of April, 1920, during the hours designated by law, for tho fol lowing purposes, to-wlt: 1. To express a proforenco for can didates by each of tho political parties for President and Vlce-Presidont of tho United States. 2. For tho olectlon of four dele gates at largo and two from tho Gth Congressional District in tho Stato to tho National Conventions of tho re spective political parties, and tho election of a like Jiumbor of alternates. 3. For tho olectlon of ono National Commlttoman by each of the political parties. 4. For tho non-partisan nomination of two candlates for Chief Justice of tho Supremo Court. 5. For tho non-partisan nomination of two candidates for Judgo of tlt Supremo Court to fill vacancy. 6. For tho nomination of ono can didate for Congressman from tho 6th Congressional DIsctrlct, by the sev eral political parties. 7. For tho nomination by each of the political parties of the following Stato Officers, to-wlt: 1 Governor, 1 Lieutenant Govornor, 1 Secretary of State, 1 Auditor of Public Accounts, 1 State Treasurer, 1 Attorney Gonoral, 1 Commissioner Public Lands and Buildings, 1 Railway Commissioner, and 1 Railway Commissioner to fill vacancy. 8. For tho non-pnrtlsnn nomination of four (4) candidates for Regents of tho Stato University. 9. For tho non-partisan nomination of two candidates for Superintendent of Public Instruction, as provided by tho Session laws of 1917. 10. For tho non-partisan nomina tion of two candidates for Judge of tho District Court for tho Thirteenth Judicial District. 11. For tho nomination by oacli of tho political parties Ono Candidate for Stato Senator from tho 25th District 12. Tho nomination by cacli of the political parties Ono Candldato for Ropresontatlvo from tho G8th District. 13. Tho nomination by each of tho political parties Ono Candldato for Roprcsentatlvo from tho 77th District. 14. The nomination by each of tho iwdltlcal parties Ono Candldato for Clerk of District Court. 15. The nomination by each of tho political parties Ono Cnndldnto for County Commissioner from the 1st District. 1G. Tho nomination by ench of the political parties Ono Candidate for County Commissioner from tho 3rd District. 17. Tho non-partisan nomination of Two Candidates for County Judgo. 18. The nomination by each of the political parties Ono Candldato for Po llco Magistrato for tho City of North Platte. Tho nbovo Primary, Election will be hold in tho various precincts In Lin coln County, Stato of Nobraska, on tho 20th day of April, 1920, tho polls will bo open at olght o'clock in tho morning and remain open until 8 o'clock ln tho afternoon of the same day. Dated nt North Platto, Nebraska, this 23rd day of Fobruary, 1920. In testimony wehorof, I havo here unto set my hand nnd affixed tho seal of Lincoln County, Nebraska, this 23rd day of February, 1920. (SEAL) A. S. ALLEN, f24m2G County Clork. NOTIOK OP VIXAli IIHPOIIT. Kstato No. 1695 of Henry F. Coates, deceased, In tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nobraska. Tho State of Nebraska, to nil persons Interested In said estato take notice that the executor has tiled n final nc eount and report of his administration and e. petition for final settlement and discharge as such, which havo been set for hearing before said court on April 2, 1920, at 9 o'clock a, m., when you may appear and contest the same. Dated March 6, 1920, WM II. C. WOODHURST, m9-3 County Judgo. JOHN S. SIMMS. M. D. Special Attention Given to Surcrery McDonald Hank Untitling Offico Phone S3 Residence 33 HIDES, FURS AND JUNK. CAST IRON AND BONES. Wo wont these. Big Price for Cast Iron. Dry Bones $10 to $12 ton L, LIPSHITZ. DERRYHKRRY & FORBES, Licensed fimbamera Undertakers and Funeral Directors Day phone 41 Night phono Black &88 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estato No. 1588 of Mary Duggan, de ceased, In tho County Court of Lin con County, Nebraska. The Stato of Nobrnska, ss: Creditors of said estate will take notlco that tho tinio limited for presentation and fil ing of claims against said estato Is Juno 4lh, 1920, and for settlement of sultl ostato Is Fobruary 27, 1920; that I will sit nt tho county court room in said county on Juno 4, 1920, nt 10 o'clock a. m., to rocolvo, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. (SEAL) WM. II. C. WOODHURST, m2-2C 1 County Judge, NOTICE OF PETITION Estato No. 1737 of Georgo W. Trom bly, deceased, In tho County Court o' Lincoln County, Nobraskn. Tho Stato of Nobraskn. To nil por sons interested In said ostato take notlco that a poitlon has boon filed for tho nppointmeut of Sarah E. Trembly as administratrix of said ostato, which hns been set for hearing heroin on March 26, 1920, nt 9 o'clock a. m. Dated Fobruary 25, 1920. (SEAL) WM. II. C. WOODHUIIST, m2-19 County Judgo. NOTICE OF PETITION Estato No. 1736 of Dotty Wlqnbarg, do coascd, in tho County Court of Lin coin County, Nobraskn. The Stato of Nobraskn. To nil per sons hit ores ted In said cstnto tnko no tico that a potiition has been filed for tho probato of nn Instrument purport lng to bo tho last Will and Tostnment of said deceased, and tho appointment of Fritz L. Wionbarg as executor of said Will, which hns boon sot for hearing herein on March 23, 1920, at 9 o'clock a. in. Dated February 24, 1920. (SEAL) WM. H. C WOODHURST, m2-19 County Judgo Extension to Road No. 285, nnd Vacating Roatl No. 300. To Whom It May Concern: Tho consont petition to extend Road , oor. ,i , v inn No. 285 and to vacato Road No. 300, signed by Scott Slianer and 9 others has been filed In the office of the County Clork, in words and figures as .follows I7rm ti mint mr nt Mm nnnrtni nnntlnn corner in tho contor of the west lino' , .. , . , , . n. on of Soctlon 1, Township 12, Rango 29, running thence east on tho north sido of tho east nnd west contor lino of sal" section, 10 feet wide, to tho conter of said section, wo further ask that tho 40 foot road commencing whore tho north and south center lino of said section Intersects tho north lino of said soctlon running thenco south to tho center of said section bo vacated. All claims for damages and objec tions to tho establishing and vacating of abovo roads must bo filed in tho of fice of tho County, Clerk of Lincoln County, Nobrnskn, on or boforo 12 o'clock noon of the 30th dny of April, 1920, or said roads will bo allowed without roferenco thereto. Witness my hand and officiul seal this 24th day of Fobrunry, 1920. (SEAL) A. S. ALLEN, f24 County Clerk. LEGAL NOTICE. Georgo L. Androws and wlfo Ilnttlo m, Andrews, Raymond Brothors and Company, Isaac It. Molntlro, Peter Mc Govern, Thomns B. McGovern and wlfo Catherlno McGovern, Lots ono (1), two (2), tltreo (3) and four (4), block thirty-sovon (37), of tho original town of North Plntto, Section 33, Township 14, north of Rango 30, wost of tho Gth P. M. In Lincoln county, Nebraska, nnd nil persons claiming an interest of any kind in said roal ostato or part thoroof, will tnko notlco thnt on the 24th day of Fobruary, A. D. 1920, Georgo W. Clopino, plaintiff heroin, filed his petition ln tho district court of Lincoln county, Nobraska, against said defendants nnd ench of them, tho object nnd prayer of which Is to ro- movo cortnin clouds therefrom nnd quiet nnd confirm tho title of the plaintiff in nnd to tho real ostate abovo described and to oxcludo each and all of said defendants from any tltlo, claim or interest in ami to suit! proporty or any part thereof You and each of you nrn required to answor said petition on or boforo the 5th day of April. A. I). 1920 Dated this 24th day of Fobruary 1920. GEORGE W. CLOPINE, f24-4 Plaintiff By Honglnnd & Hoagland, his Attys Notice to Creditors Estato No. 1721 of Sholdon C. Mo combor, deceased, ln tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nobrnska, ss. Credit ors of snld estnto will tnko notlco thnt tho tlmo limited for presentation nnd filing of claims against said ostato In Juno 26th. 1920, and for sottlomont of said estato Is Fobruary 20th, 1921; that I will sit nt tho county court room In said county, on March 26th. 1920, nt 10 o'clock n. in., nnd on Juno 26th, 1920, nt 10 o'clock a. m., to ro colvo, examine, hoar, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. (SEAL) WM. H. C. WOODHURST. f24m!9 County Judgo NOTICK TO CliniHTOItS. Kstntc No. 1729 of Ucorgo Hrown Cnnrlght, Doccnscd, In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nobrnskn. Tho Stato of Nobrnskn, ss: Creditor of said estnto will take notlco that the tlmo limited for presentation nnd filing of claims against Haiti Estnto Is July 9, 1920, nnd for settlement of aaltl cstnto Is Mnrclt G, 1021, that I will sit nt tho county court room In unit! county on April 9, 1920, nt 9 o'clock a. m., nnd on July 9, 1920, nt !) o'clock n. in., to re ceive, examine, henr, nllow, or ndjust nil claims nnd objections duly filed. WM. It. C. WOODHtmST, niO-t County Judgo. NOTICE OP IIKAUINIS. ' ..In the County Court of Lincoln 1 County, Nebraska. I In tho Matter of tho Kstnto of Asa lllcks, Junior, Decentteil. Tho Stnto of Nobraskn, To all por- sons Interested In snld ostato: Doth ' creditors and heirs take notice, that Warwick W. Klbben lias filed Ills peti tion ntloglng that Asa Kicks, Junior, died Intestnto on or nbout tho first day of Jnnunry, 1889, bolng n resident nnd inlinbitnnt or Tnswoii county, Illinois, nnd tho owner of the following de scribed rcnl cstnto, to-wlt: Tho North- enst nunrtor or Mcction iourioon, Township Nino, Rnngo Twonty-ntno, west of tho Ctb P. M., In Lincoln coun- ty.Nobrnska; and thnt snld petitioner Is tho present ownor of said promises, having purchnscd tho snmo; thnt moro than two yonra liavo olnpscd slnco tho dentil of Rnld decensod, nnd that no application lms been ma do In the Stato of Nobrnska for tho appointment of nn ndmlnlstrntor; snld potittonor praying thnt this court will mnko nnd entor n dceroo determining tho dnto of tho denth of snld deceased, the right of succession to snld above described roal estate, who nro tho heirs or snltl do- censed, their dogrco of kinship nnd tho right or deBcont or tno rent property of which tho snld doccnscd died seised. Sn Id not Hon will bo for henrlng on the 2d dny of April, 1920, nt tho hour of one o'clock p. in. Dntod nt North Plntto. Nobmsicn. this 27th dny of Fobrunry, 1920. WOT. II. 17. WUUUUUIlfi, inO-.l County Judge, NOTICM OK HEARING In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nobrnskn. In tho Mnttor or tho issinto or Mary K, Sibley, Dcconsed. Tho State of NebrnsKn, to nit per sons Interested In snld estnto: Doth rrmlltor.i nnd heirs take notlco that Warwick W. Klbben hns tiled his po- t t on nl oir nir thnt alary 13. Hiutoy died Intostnto on or nbout the 24th day of September, 1901. being n resident nnd inhnbltant of Lincoln county, Ne brnskn, nnd tho ownor of tho follow ing doscrlbod rem estnto, to-wit: mo Northonst qunrtor of tho Southeast qunrtor of Section Fourteen, TownBhlp Nine. Hnngo Twenty- nlno. west of tho 6th P. M., in Lincoln county, Nobrnska, and that snld potltlonor is tho prosont owner of snld premises, having pur chnHod tho same through tho heirs of snld deceased: thnt moro tnnn two yenrs hnvo olnpscd stneo the denth of snld deceased, nnd that no application hns been mndo In tho stnto of Nobrnska for the nppolntnient of an administra tor; said petitioner praying thnt this court will mnko nnd enter a tloc.ree determining tho dnto of tho denth of said deceased, tho right of succession to said nbove described real estnto, wh are the heirs of snld deceased, their degree of kinship nnd the right' of de scent of the real property of which tho snld decensod died seised, Snld petition will bo for henrlng on tho 2d dny of April, 1920, nt tho hour of one o'clock p. in. Da toil nt North Platto. Nebraska, this 27th dny of Fobrunry, 1920. WM. II. C. WOODIIUURT, tn9-2fi County Judge. notk'i: roii inns Notice Is hereby given, that the Hoard of Park commissioners or the city of North Platte. Lincoln County, Nebraska, will receive sealed bids up until noon on tho 9th dny of April, 1920. nt the ofllce of F. It. Elliott, the obnlrmnn of said Hoard, for tb labor nnd mnterlnlB tiecossnry In tho con struction of a certnln lateral, 4200 feot In Inntrtl, wltli nnn nnnp.rntf. Plllvort tc feet long, with concrete end wniis. nnd one concrete culvnrt 21 foot long .ii, onnrnn ..mi wnin. nnd mm non- crote iiltihon r,C foot long, which snld lntornl lend to tlm swimming pool to bo constructed In the North Platto city nark, nnd for tho lnbor necessnrv In tin' excnvntlon of 1000 cubic yards of dirt 111 tho building of snld lnko or swimming pool, snld bids to bo sub mitted separately for the work nnd mnterlnl nocoBsnry In tho construction of snld lntornl, culverts nnd siphon, nnd for work necessary In tho oxcnvntlon of said swimming pool, or lnko: nil work to bo performed under tho snpervlBlon of the olty engineer In nccordanco with tho pltuiB nnd Bpecincntions on nio in bis office. Snld b dB to bo ncconinnnled with n certified oheek In tho sum ot $50.00, Tho Hoard reserves the right to re ject any nnd nil bids, V. II. ELLIOTT, Chnlrmnn of the Honrd 6f Park Com missioners or North Plntto, Ne brnskn. m9nR OHDKIl Ol' IIlCAIUNfJ In tho tho mnttor of tho estnteof Al bert Coolldgo, Doccnsetl. Now on this Cth dny of March. 1920. on tho filing of tho petition of Delia A. Coolldge praying for the ncceptnnco of tho resignation or w. li. Mcuonam na ndmlnstrntor nnd npproval of his re port nnd thnt A. F. Strelts bo nppolnt ctl ns Administrator Do Uonl Non of snld entnte. It Is horoby ordered thnt April 2nd. 1920, be sot for tho henrlng thoreof boforo thlB court at 10 o'clock a. m and that notice of said honrlng bo giv en tho heirs, dovlsees and nil persons Interested in said estnto by publication of a notlco thoroof for throo successive weeks prior to said hearing, In tho North Platto Tribune, a legal seml weokly nowspapor printed nnd pub lished In Lincoln County, Nobrnskn. (SEAL) WM. II. C WOODHURST, m9-2C County Judge. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Mattor ot tho Estate of County, Nobraska. In tho Matter of the Estato of Adolph Scherz, Deceased. , Notlco is horoby given to any and all ipersons having clnlms nnd do mnnds against tho ostato of tho said Adolph Scherz, deceased, that tho 3rd day of July, 1920, hns been sot and np polntcd ns tho day for tho reception, examination, ndjustraont nnd nllow nnco of lawful clnlms nnd domands of nil persons, ngnlnst said estato ani that tho County Court of Lincoln County. Nebraska, will at said tlmo rocolve. examine, adJUBt nnd allow nil such clnlms ngnlnst Raid estato, as provided by law, at tho County Court Room In tho Courthouse ln tho City of North Platto, Lincoln County, No brnBha, and all persons so Interested In said ostato, will appear at said tlmo and placo nnd duly presont their said claims and demands ln tho mnn nor required by law, or show cause for not so doing, nnd In caso nny of said claims or demands shall not bo prosonted on or prior to tho said 3rd dny of July 1920, tho snmo shall bn forover barred. In Testimony Whoroof, I havo sign ed this notlco nnd nillxcd tho Beal of said Court this 8th day of March 1920. Wm, II. C. WOODHURST, Seal County Judgo M9-4