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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1920)
( if. 'f Investigate This Offer MEN Fine Quality SUITS two piece Made to Order Very Special at SO Full Suits 43 .50 The values are exceptional. Compare them with the suits now heing sold elsewhere at $50 to S60. , Hundreds of styles to select from, many of which are exclusive with us. New and attractive colors and shades in grays, browns, greens, blues. At the special price o2 $39.50 and $43.50 H'h ly far the greatest value offered anywhere Burke's Tailor Shop. 608 DEWEY ST. UP STAIRS. LOCAL AND PERSONAL For Sale-Elm trees. C. I. Lewis east C street 19-2 Miss Neenah Abel, of Lexington, was a guest Saturday of Miss Josephine Robb. Spring shipments of petticoats have arrived at The Style Shop. C. M. Sullivan, of Maxwell, was among the business visitors in towr Saturday. Clinton & Son, Graduate Opticians, see them for Service. ti Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cramer spent Sunday with relatives in St. Taul, Nebraska. Hoyt Sinithers sold his residence in the Trustee's addition last week to Elizabeth Conifer for $2,800. Sand hauling, well rotted manure for lawns and good soil for filling. H. Litz, Phone Black 719. 18-C Every girl appreciates Silk Lingerie which can be purchased at a real Bale March 18th, 19th and 20th at E. T. Tramp & Sons. Miss Myra White, of Sutherland, whe is. attending school at Rockford, 111., has been quite sick, but at last reports was improving. Black Minorca eggs for setting $1.50 per setting or $10 per 100. Inquire of Otto MeSmer or phono 79GP14. 18-G Magazines are again raising in price. Subscribe now, while you can get them at the old rate. Mrs. Fred G. Rector. Phono 537. 18-2 Word was received the latter part of last week of tho birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Tighe, of Oaklahoma City. See us for wall paper, Tho Rexall Store. 14tf Sergeant John AVarrcn.who had been in the navy for four years, arrived homo Saturday, having received Ills honorable discharge. See us for wall paper, Tho Rexall Store. 14tf SEE THE WONDERFUL SAND STORM faithfully dopicted" in "Tho Garden dl Allah" Keith Theatro Wednesday and Thursday. Walter Harbold and Thurston Wood hurst left yesterday morning for Goth enburg and other Dawson county towns to sell Insurance for tho Fidel ity company. Tho Rexall handles tho goods. 14tf mm A. W. Phelps of Sutherland and Mrs r unnsuna Holmes or Omaha were married at tho homo of tho groom in Sutherland last Wednesday, Rev. Yost officiating. Do not fail to see our Silk Under wear to bo on sale this week. E. T. Tramp & Sons. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lewis, of Suther land, left last week for a visit In Ireland. They were given a farewell reception by the Modern Woodman and Royal Neighbors. If you aro looking for good work horses or good roan Durham cows, come to my sale eight miles north of town on March 24th. 19-3 B. A. ELIAS. Mrs. Edward Grieser, Mlssess Mario Schwalger, Nell Hanlfln and Mayme Gorham will entertain tho Catholc Girls club Thursday evening, at the home of the former i You can select your new Easter coat, suit or dress at The Stylo Sh6p and have It laid away until you want it. Visit our Ready-to-Wear Dept, and see our complete lino of Now Spring coats, suits, drescs and skirts. All tho latest models and materials rep resented. Tho Loader Merc. Co. Mrs. J. W. Fitzpatrick returned the latter part of last week from Omaha accompanied by her daughter Margarel who had been seriously and returns' homo to remain for some time. ' Wo make a Speciality of fitting glasses, Clinton & Son. Opticians, tf New models in the Henderson Fash ion Form Corsets. Made of the best materials and absolutely guaranteed to givo satisfaction. E. T. Tramp & Sons. Was everyone pickin' on you when you were a boy? You know it and you will enjoy the pathos and humor in "In Wrong" with Jack PIckford at tho Crystal theatro tonight and Wednes day. If you want to keep in stylo get into Stylo Shop clothes. Mrs. W. T. Burklund ran a needle head first in her right thumb and the needle breaking left a piece an inch long in her thumb. She went down to North Platte and had tho needle ro- moved . Word from Sidney is to tho effect that the present Union Pacific hotel will bo converted in nn employes' club house and a now eating house will be erected. An addition to tho depot building will bo built. "I help take the tire out of tire trouble" Chesterfield LIGHT up! Attaboy! Even the toughest job seems easier if you can "draw" on Chesterfield. Those fine Turkish and Domestic tobaccos and that can't - be - copied Chesterfield blend "satisfy" as no other blend of tobaccos ever did before. I'arcnt-Tcnelicr Association Lincoln school , parent-teacher as sociation will meet Wednesday, March 17th, at 3:00 p. m. at tho school building. Tho following program will bo given: Primary Games, Mrs. Ku sor's room; Talk, "What tho Lincoln School Library Will Do for tho Boys and Girls," Miss Murphy; song, 3rd grade; violin solo, Nita Johnston; paper, MIbs Miller; Vocal solo, Mr, Halst. A lunch will bo served at tho closo of tho program. ::o:: Politics Warming Up. With threo candidates for county commissioner in tho First district, threo candidates In tho Third district, two candidates for county judgo and two each for representative and clerk of tho district court, it can bo said that politics are warming up. Tho non-partisan leaguo, which It is reported has a membership of 1,000 in tho county, and a campaign fund that will well keep tho wheels greased, la very activo and will cut a swath hpth in the primary and in tho election tills. fall.,),- , ) . , t i ::o:: One on Hie Tribune ' In speaking of candidates for county commissioner In the Third district, Tho Trjbuno said all threo wore resi dents of tho valley. This was a mis take as D. E. Martin, whoso homo' is north of Horshoy, lives In tho hills nnd not In the valley, and his candi dacy was urged by friends becauso he was not a valley resident. Tho state ment mado by The Trlbuno was through Ignorance of Just where Mr. Martin lived, tho Impression boing that he lived In tho valley north of tho river. In justico to Mr. Martin, who Is a live wire, farmer and a good bus iness man, this correction Is mado. : :o: : Near Fast Campaign. A. W. Shilling, county chairman of the Near East Rellof, announces that the campaign for funds will start Mon day, March 22d. On tho 23d and 24th an eight-reel picturo depicting scenes in the Near East will be shown after noon and evening at tho Sun theatre. Those pictures will give ono a very good Idea of tho awful conditions ex isting among the Armenians and Syr ians, thousands of whom are being murdered every month men nnd chil dren killed and mothers and rown daughters taken captive to servo the fiendish desires of tho Thrks and Kurd. It is up to christian nations of the world to put an end to theso atrocities, and to save tho destitute from starva tion money must bo donated. ::o:;' The express company delivered them to The Stylo Shop this morning: Stylish Stout Waists. ::o:: Take In Class of Flfty-scven. Homestead No. 3030, Brotherhood of Amorlcan Yeomen had a Bplendld meeting on last Friday at tho K. C. Hall. The head of the society Grand Foreman George N. Frlnk, ac companied by Mrs. Frlnk, came from Des Moines to attend the meeting. The hall was crowded to capacity and the Frinks were given a rousing recep tlon. Fifty-seven new members were In itiated and adopted into the homestead and tho fraternal degree was also con f erred . . Tho Stato Manager, Edgar Miclienor, awarded prizes In a membership cam palgn ns follows: Mrs. Josephine Peters, first; C. W. Likes, second; Mrs. Pearl Smith and Mrs. Elizabeth Burgner, third and fourth. A Rogers 1847 silver set was drawn for by all who had participated in tho campaign, and was Avon by Roy E. Humphrey. Meritorious service buttons woro won by the following: Leah Baskins, Mary U. Brodbock, Ella Stegeman, Bertha M. Pitts, Jo3cphlno Peters, Zola Welch, Roy E. Humphrey, C W Likes, Robert A. Phelps, Elizabeth Burgner, Pearl Smith, Earl R. Smith, Mollio E. Powers, Mrs. W. S. Leon and Mrs. Eva Cheney. A how campaign was started for tho ensuing two weeks, during which 50 now members aro to bo secured and threo 1847 Rogers silver sets to be awarded . After the meeting, the members ad journed to tho Oasis whoro refresh ments wore served. Among the visit ing members were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas from Sutherland, Mr. and Mrs. Scanlon from Brule and quite a number from Ogalalla. ;:o:: . Camisoles, Combinations, Bloomers and Gowns in the wash satin, crepo do chine and georgetto crepe, all on sale Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday, E. T. Tramp & Sons. Forsiuo Nino acres, two acres in alfalfa, 4- room house, good barn, cow barn, hen house, work shop and plenty of young snade trees. Located In 2200 block or oast Fourth street. 17-8 Geo. W. Miller. ltcglstcrcd Suffolk StaWon for salo or trado. Wolght 165Q, six years old. Inquire of Albert A. Glnapp Brady. lotf SHERIFFS SALE By virtuo of an execution Issued from tho District Court of Lincoln Coun y, Nobrnnka, in favor of Anna Holdorness, plaintiff, and against WJ1 llam A. Holdorness, defendant, and to mo directed, I have levied upon the following described real estate in Lin coln County, Nobrnska, to-wlt: Went Half (Wfc) of tho East Half (EVfcl and West Half (W') of Section Six (G), Township Eleven (11), Rango Twonty-Nlno (29), Four Hundred Fif ty-Eight and 90.100 acres. I will on tho 19th day of April, 1920, at 2 o'clock I M. at tho cast front door of tho Court Houso in "North Platto, Lincoln County,. Nebraska, sell at public auc tion to tho highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said execution, interest and costs aggregating tho sum of $4754.87, tho following described property, lov ied upon by mo, to-wit: West Half (W) of tho East Half (E) and West Half (W) of Section Six (0), Township Elevon (11), Rango Twenty-Nino (29), Four Hundrod Fifty Eight and 90.100 noroa. Dated North Plattj, Nbr., March 13th, 1980. A. J. SALISBURY, ml0-5w Sheriff. Notice to Country Club Stockholders. Adjourned annual meeting of the Country Club of North Platte, Nol . will bo held at tho Elks' club rooms on March 19th, 1920, at 8 "o'clock p. m. Sharoholdors aro urcentlv re- qustd to bo prosont. C. T. AVHELAN, Proa. C. M. NEWTON, Sec. : ;o: : lliiys lUankonbiirg Property Clarence Monro, of Hnraliiw. nnr- chased tho Blnnkonburg restdonco property, on north Locust street Frl "tav afternoon for n. cniiMlrinrnltrm of $13,000. Within a half hour after ho had mado tho purchaso ho resold the nronortv to B. O. Pnllnnilnr. of Knv. stono, at an advanco of $500.'Mr. Onl- icnuar will movo to town and make tho promises his home. ::o;; . A Ilreezy Jlljrht Tho wind blow strong Sunday night, strong enough to mako somo pcoplo got a mite nervous. As It swept around tho houso corners and through tho treos It soundod as though It had a velocity of a. hundred mllos an hour, but Obsorvcr Shilling snyB tho maxi mum velocity attained wis but thirty six miles an hour. Tho roof of a box car standing In tho west yards was ripped off and deposited In Jnson Sawyer's yard. A littlo rain, sleet and snow fell during tho night. ::o:: '"IJcscrt Gold." Ever hear of cholla cactus? No, It's not tho name of a now brekfast food or an lco cream sundae. It's a torture a method dovlsed by Indians and Mexicans for putting an end to malefactors many yenrs ago and still being practiced In remote corners of tho West. This horrible punishment la meted out to a U. S. army captain for res cuing a beautiful Amorlcan girl from the clutches of a bandit chief. Whon a baro Inch is all that stands betweon tho gallant soldier and eternity a vision of loveliness, known as "Tho Shower of Gold," appears, gun In hand, and thwarts his would-bo mur derers. Keep your eye peeled for this thrill of thrills in Zane Grey's "Desert Gold" at the !SUN Theatre for threo days now showing. ::o:: Drainage Is Essential, In talking with Hershoy men during tho past week, It seems to bo tho general opinion in that villago that a sugar factory cannot bo secured un til a greater acreago of beets la pos sible, and that tho necessary acreago cannot bo secured until a compre honslvo system of drnlnago Is Install ed. This drainngo question is now in tho United States supreme court, taken there by those who aro opposed to tho formation of a drainage dis trict. Until that court disposes of tho case, littlo can bo dono to further tho proposition. From what can be learned drainage is necessary in every section that has been under irrigation for any consid erable length of timo, this being nocessary by reason of tho seopago of water from tho ditches. If drainage Is essential for tho increased production of- boets, as well as other crops, cor (ainly the valley farmers who aro op p'bscd to tho proposition arc losing money, for increased production would soon pny off tho cost of the drainage system and at the samo time Increaso the value of tho land. ::o:: Stock For Sale Fourteon work horses nnd mules three now wagons and four sets of harness, thirty head of pure bred White Face cattle, 100 head pure bred Galoway, cows and heifers for salo privately. Located two miles south and two miles east of Horshoy. 15tf JULIUS MOGENSEN. Saves Its Cost In a Year In thousands of cases, Lalley Light has saved its cost in the first year. It has done so by saving time and labor and money on the farm. Isn't such a plant toorth investigate, ing? LalUy-hvjht it a complete uniltnaina and immioTvritk 10-ctU storage battery. It mjipiin anvil electricity for ItQlitt, matey pimp, Katking machine, tiruptr, cream nparator,fannlnf mill, iron, ttc. The Porter Electric Co. Lighting Fixtures. We do nothing but ElectricWork. Why not get a Specialist. 510 Locust St. General Hospital Bid. North Platte, Neb. i ft Crystal Theatre, Tonight and Tomorrow. JACK 'member when you were a kid and the boys tied your clothes when you were in swimming, so that you got home late nnd though you thought you were growed up your mn licked you. This picture will take you back to tho old home town! The the doll days and school girl love! Special Tonight FATTY AT CONEY ISLAND. The Star Cafe ? for a Good Meal and the Silver Front Cigar Store for a Good Smoke. under the Under the new management The Sar Cafe is striving to please the public both in the quality of meals served and the service rendered. You are cordially invited to give The Star a trial. 12-20 KerosensTractor The Twin City 12-20 fulfills the desire foremost in the mind of every thinking farmer. Built to do the woi'k, not to rteet a price. ' SOLD BY EDW. GALVIN, North Platte, Neb. Don't Beat the Life out of Your Rugs. Beat the Life into Them. It Beats, as it Sweeps, as it Cleans and is'guar anteed to prolong tho life of your rugs. ASK US hi -A TTVH Wo n ff TJ4 iwnriatteLigM&r PICKFORD IN same Management. mm with 16 -valve engine V- " WHY. p. ower to.