The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 16, 1920, Image 3

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flavors like the I
I pyramids of Egypt? I
I Because they are I
I Ions-lasting I
II And WRIGLEY'S is a beneficial I
as well as long-lasting treat. I
St helps appetite and digestion I
keeps teeth clean and breath 1
sweet allays thirst. 1
i Sealed Tight 5 -1
I p Kept Right yfhjt
College Professor Had Something to
Learn Concerning the Changed
Order of Things.
President Melkeljohn of Amherst
was talking about the changed finan
cial conditions that now prevail.
"I heard the other day," he said, "of
1 harassed college professor who, In
order to make ends meet, decided to
take up manual labor.
"So ho visited a large building op
eration and said, nervously, to a red
faced man with a diamond horseshoe
In his necktie:
'"I nm ahem an ox-collego pro
fessor, and I would like to hn6w If
you could take me on here as brick
layer?" "The red-faced man gave a derisive
" 'Bricklayer? I guess not !' lie said
We might start you In as an architect,
though, and let you work your way
up.' "
What's the Use?
Wifey Hub, do you know what day
this Is?
Hubby (a funny paper addict) Sure
thing, precious. It Is the anniversary
of our marriage.
Wifey (bursting Into tears) It's
nothing of the kind, you callous brute 1
I Just knew you weren't keeping track
of itl Cartoons Mngnzlne.
Find Out!
If you suspect coffee is upsetting your
stomach or nerves, don't let the mat
ter run along. Find out! Change
over for ten days to
a snappy, invigorating table beverage
made from wheat, with a bit of whole
some molasses. Postum has a delight
ful flavor, much like a high grade
coffee, but there are no coffee troubles
in Postum.
"There's a Reason"
Made by Postum Cereal Co., Battle Creek,, Mich.
Twice as Sore.
At a recent club entertainment an ad
mission foe of 50 cents was charged.
The entertainment, to some minds, was
not worth the price and several women
were not backward in saying so.
"It made me mighty sore to bo
charged CO cents for that performance,"
one objector said.
"Oh, you got off easy," remarked an
other. "I understand the chulrman of
the affair wanted to charge $1 admls
"In that event I would have been
Just twice as sore," the original Lady
Peeve shot back.
Christian Spirit.
"You seem to have great confidence
in your grocer."
"Yes," replied the sympathetic citi
zen. "When he tells you a yarn to ex
plain why lie is compelled to chargo
outrageous prices I dare say you bo
lleve him and console with him."
"I do. And if the subject melts him
to tears as it often does I offer to
wipe away his tears." Birmingham
A Simple Method.
"I'm getting rich now."
"Making more money?"
"No spending less."
Unless a man Is a good listener he
should stay out of the matrimonial
Great Many in Common Use in
Agricultural Discussions Not
Yet Recognized. ,
Department of Agriculture Plans to
Secure Uniform National Usage
of Terms Indispensable in
Agricultural Work. ,
(Prepared by the United States Depart
tnont of Agriculture)
A great many tonus In common uso
In agricultural discussions have never
found a place in the dictionaries. So
widely used and Important a term as
"vitamin" has not yet found Its way
Into the principal unabridged diction
aries. For the public, therefore, there
exists no approved spelling, no ap
proved pronunciation, and no approv
ed definition of the name of a thing
that is vital to all living things.
Terms Not Recognized.
There are scores of terms. Indis
pensable In agricultural wilting or
speaking, thnt have not been recog
nized by the lexicographers, and
there are quite as many new usages
of established words. "Blood line,"
n term commonly used in discussions
of breeding, is not in the dictionaries.
Nobody knows whether) It Is one word,
two words, or a hyphenated word.
"Overrun," n term widely used to ex
press the thing that Is practically tho
determining factor of profits in cream
ery establishments, Is unknown to tho
dictionaries "Standardbred," "trap
nest," and any number of other com
monly used terms, understood well
enough by agriculturists, remain un
defined for the accurate Information
of the general public.
To Standardize Terms.
The United States department of
agriculture, through the Joint efforts
of the bureau of animal Industry mid
the division of publications, lias begun
a movement to standardize the uso of
such terms, and about .10 of them aro
on the griddle now. Three points of
view are taken that of the Held man
who knows the common usage of tho
layman, that of the scientist who has
the view point of tho specialist, mid
the point of view that looks merely to
the use of goon English. Each word
Is submitted to the. various classes of
persons Interested, together with tho
proposed usage and the authority or
lack of authority for It. From tho
suggestions received In reply, the final
ly approved usage will be determined.
The first agricultural term to ho
acted upon In the manner descrlht'd
was "corn belt." That was consider
ed more appropriate than corn-belt or
Although tho principal purpose Is to
establish approved usage for depart
ment of agriculture publications, lists
of terms ovolvod will, be furnished
later to dictionary editors with tho
view of obtaining uniform national
usage. The co-operation of agricul
tural experts and editors Is Invited.
Where Crop Can Be Grown Success
fully It Excels All Other Hay
Crops In Yield.
Thirty years ago alfalfa was quite a
stranger in Wisconsin, hut Its Intro
duction nnd dissemination have gone
on at a rapid pace until about 00,000
acres of this great forage are now
grown In the state.
"Alfalfa growing Is popular In Wis
consin," declares It. A. Mooro and I
I Graber In a free bulletin Just Is
sued by the experiment station at
Madison. "Whero alfalfa can bo
grown successfully. It excels all oth
ei hay crops In yield to the ncre. feed
ing value, drought resistance, soil en
richment, and weed eradication."
Trials conducted on the Wisconsin
experiment station farm at Madison
show that alfalfa gives yields practi
cally double that of clover hay and
tlree times as much as timothy. An
aero of alfalfa produced In a single
season three times as much protein as
an acre of clover and nine times as
much as an ncre of timothy.
Glass Should Be Replaced Without
Unnecessary Delay Muslin or
Paper Is Good,
When a window glass becomes
broken In the poultry house It should
be replaced or covered without a day's
delay. Hy no means should the aper
ture he left over nlgh't.
It Ik hut the work of n few minutes
to tack over the hole n thick piece of
muslin or other white cloth. This
will keep' out the wind and lot In some
light. If muslin Is not handy, paper
can be used. This Is, of course, only
a makeshift until one can get the
glass needed.
When All Things Are Considered
There Is Nothing More Depend
able on Any Farm.
Live stock Is not always profitable:
neither Is exclusive crop growing.
Men cannot always he sure anything
will he profitable. lint when all things
are considered whnt Is surer and snfor
than llvo stock with crops?
Progress of Work In Devolopini
Improved Stocks.
Department of Agriculture Co-operat
Ing With Experiment Stations In
Practically All of Important
Producing States.
(Prepared by the Unltpd States Depnrt
mont of ARrleuUure.1
Seed stocks of Irish potatoes com
monly available to growers contalt
many mixtures, not Infrequently dls
eased, and as a rule not as produc
live as they should he. The chief o1
the bureau of plant Industry, Unlte((
States department of agriculture
makea this statement In reporting ot
the progress of work In developing iui
proved seed stocks. It Is a recognizee
fact, he says, that the yield of pota
toes In this country Is far below tha
secured In some other countries, nn
the difference Is commonly attributed
to the use of relatively Inferior seec
stocks. Seed-lniprovemeut work It
being carried on hy the department
in cooperation with agricultural ex
Typical First-Class Irish Cobble th
Leading Early Commercial Variety
in the Atlantic Coastal Plain States.
periment stations in practically all
of the Important potato-producing
stales. The best seed stock of the
leading vnrletles In different regions
Is being grown' In the various states,
During the progress of the season the
various plats are Inspected several
times for the purpose of eliminating
diseased plants and those which are
not true to name or to type. At har
vest time carefully studied selections
aro made for the purpose of obtaining
tho best strains of the different vn
rletles. These potatoes In turn will
be used for seed purposes with a view
to developing stocks that arc true to
name, true to type, free from disease
communicable through the seed, and
that possess hlgh-yleldlng proclivities.
Government Formula Given for Bene
fit of Those Wlsnlng to Brighten
Up Buildings.
Slake a half-bushel of lime with boll
Ing water, keeping It covered during
tho process. Strain It Add a peck of
salt dissolved In warm water; three
pounds of ground rice put In boiling
water and boiled to a thin paste; one-
half pound of powdered Spanish whit
Ing; one pound of clear glue dissolved
A Whitewashing Outfit
In warm water. Mix well together and
let the mixture stand for several days.
Keep tho wash thus made in a kettle
or portable heater. When used, put It
on as hot ns possible with painter's
brushes or with whitewash brushes.
Particularly Advisable to Make Appll
cation In Winter, Says Pur
due University.
The Purdue university extension do
partment particularly advises applica
tion of manure In winter when It con
tains a great amount of straw and un
decomposed matter. The loss of plant
food because of the leaching of the
manure will he offset hy the advan
tages of winter application. As far
possible coarser manures should bo
applied to the bo.avler clay soils, since
these will respond In fertility and will
he made more mellow nnd porous.
Young Animals Will Make Splendid
Growth on Corn Silage arid
Clover or Alfalfa.
Young stock, from the time It Is
weaned, will make a splendid growth
on corn sllago. and clover or alfalfa
hay without any grain. This ration
Is not only a cheap one. but Is within
the reach of most every farmer.
"Bayer Cross" on Aspirin
"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," market!
with the safety "Bayer Cross," can bo
taken without fear because you are
getting tho true, world-famous Aspirin,
proscribed by physicians for over 18
Always buy an unbroken package of
"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" which con
Let" Him Beware.
"Tho prima dojiua seems n bit upset"
"Is It serious?"
"Not very. She has mislaid her hus
band somewhere. If ho Isn't caught In
the company of a youngor woman all
will be well." Birmingham Agc-IIcrnld.
Rub Backache Away With Small
Trial Bottle of Old "St.
Jacobs Oil."
When your back Is soro and lame
or lumbago, sciatica or rheumatism
has you stiffened up, don't suffer! Oct
a small trial bottlo of old, honest "St.
Jncobs Oil" at nny drug store, pour a
llttlo In your hand nnd rub It right
on your aching hack, and by tho time
you count fifty, tho soreness nnd lame
ness Is gone.
Don't stay crippled I This soothing,
penetrating oil needs to he used only
once. It takes tho pain right out nnd
ends tho misery. It Is magical, yet
absolutely harmless nnd doesn't burn
tho skin.
Nothing else stops lumbngo, sclntlca,
backache or rheumatism so promptly.
It never disappoints! Adv.
Bello Isn't It cold?
Nell Yes; I'm so sorry I had to
put nway my summer furs.
You Can't Cure Rheumatism
With Liniments and Lotions
If you are afflicted with Rheu
matism, why waste time with lini
ments, lotions and other local ap
plications that never did cure
Rheumatism, anil never will?
Do not try to rub the pain away,
for you never will succeed. Try
the sensible plan of finding the
cause of the pain. Remove the
cause, and there can he no pain.
You will never be rid of Rheuma
tism until you cleanse your blood
Among Planets.
"Do you think wo shall bo ablo to
talk with Mars?"
"If wo are," replied the busy report
er, "Mars will bo getting tho best of
tho conversation. I'm willing to make
n bet that right now this llttlo earth of
ours is developing the biggest news of
tho solar, system."
Thousands of women have kidney and
bladder trouble and never suspect it.
Womcns' complaints often prove to be
nothing else but kidney trouble, or tho
result of kidney or bladder disease. '
If the kidneys are not in a healthy
condition, they may cause the other or
gans to become diseased.
Pain in the back, headache, loss of am
bition, nervousness, are often times symp
toms of kidney trouble.
Don't delay starting treatment. Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root, a physician's pro
scription, obtained at nny drug store, may
be just the remedy needed to overcome
such conditions.
Get a medium or largo size bottlo im
mediately from nny drug store.
However, if you wish first to test this
preat preparation send ten cents to Dr,
Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y for a
sample bottle. When writing be sure and
mention this paper. Adv.
One Is Enough.
Thero are !l,-12l spoken languages
and dialects in uso 10 tho world.
America lias the greatest number of
them. 1,02-1.
To half pint of water add 1 oz. Day Rum,
a small box of liarbo Compound, and
or. of glycerine. Apply to tho hair twice a
week until it becomos tho desired shade.
Any druggist can put this up or you can
mix it at homo at very little cost. It will
gradually darken streaked, faded gray hair,
and will make harsh hair, soft and glossy.
It will not co'or the scalp, is not sticky or
greasy, and docs not rub off. Adv.
Hopo Is a none tonic for ambitious
What we put off yesterday makes to
duy worrisome.
.. Morn in d
eep Your eves
V a
j y ss i m arm m vmmm m w
to m
Clean-Cloar Hoeiltliy
W Tr f.te Car Uwk Murlna Co.CMui.U&A
like "Sterling" on silver.
tains proper directions to safely relieve
Colds, Headache, Toothache, Earache,
Neuralgia, Lumbugo,Ithcumatlsm, Neu
ritis, Joint Pains, nnd Pain generally.
Handy tin boxes of twelve tablets
cost but; n few cents. Druggists also
sell larger "Bayer" packages. Aspirin
Is tho trade mark of Bayer Manufacture
of Mouoticctlcacldcsterof Sallcyllcacld.
lie gave poetry to human life nnd
lifted It from sordid ways to hopoful
iiess and enthusiasm, and tho peoplo
rose to their leader. Ills first operas
were Introduced with dllllculty, which
all beginners experience; hut tho Ital
ian car, long trained In musical com
position, and with Inherited tasto
from ot old, accepted Vcrdl as a mas
ter. When once known ho was there
after loved.1 James D. Phelan.
Money Invested in happiness helps
put the tombstone man out of busi
ness. Pure blood Is essential to good health.
Garfield Ten dispels impurities, cleanses
the system and eradicates disease. Adv.
Soap and wnter will prevent a mul
titude of Ills.
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
of the germs that cause the dis
ease. 5. S. S. lias no equal as a
blood cleanser, scores of sufferers
say Hint it has cleansed their
blood of Rheumatism, and remov
ed all trace of the disease from
their system.
Get a bottle of S. S. S. at your
drug store and get on the right
treatment to-day. If you want
special medical advice, address
Medical Director, 4 Swift Labora-,
tory, Atlanta, Ga.
The Answer.
"I'n, what Is sympathy?"
"Sympathy, my boy, Is what you
nsually give to another when you don't
want to lend him any money."
Tho silk Industry of Chlnn employs,
It Is estimated, from 4,000.000 to 0,
000,000 people.
Aslt for'
Standard cold remedy for 20 year
In tablet form sale, sure, no
opiate breaks up a cold in 24
hours- relieves crip in 3 days.
Money back if It falls. The
genuine box Has a Ked
sp w 1 1 n iur. nuii
A All Drag Start
Shave With
Cuticura Soap
The New Way
Without Mu
Kettore Color una
Beauty to Cray and Faded Hair
wcanu l.oo at drurciua,
HlsroiChrm. Wkt. l'at-iincin. N.T.
HINDERCORNS Itemoves Onrni. Cat-,
louita, eta., nous all aln. ensures romfurt to the,
leet, makes walking eaitr lie by mall or at Drue-J
gUU. llucox Chemical Works, l-utcnogue, N. Y.
I picked 1)111 Rowe, who opened up the
greatest high (trade oil Held In the world, to
drill for me. lie was broke threo year ago.
Today he Is worth millions. Am I a picker!
Is he? Us tells me otlior great oil pools
are to be opened up. 1 don't pick often,
but when I do look out. Bond for free story
of how lilll llowo did It. Address Manning,
No. I West .11th Btreet, New York City.
Watson IC. Colomnn,
i-atont L.aw7ftr,w!uuiuiiiou,
I). O. Aarlceand book free.
Uatet reasonable. Ulgbett references. Uejuerrless.
POftlTIVClV RfMOVED br l. tUfTf
ll ur dfUHMI D)
t. hsabaai. Dr. C. H. Bttrn.
Co.. 287ft Michigan Avnu t Cf4.
mm -m
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 10--1920,