The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 12, 1920, Image 7

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    Crystal, Saturday and Monday,
"The Blooming AngelV
Shodes of Bnrnuml
P. T. Barnum buncoed the world with n white elephant but
she went him one better when she jnzzed up the town with a
pink elophont and a brass band. It's a typical, zippical made
Kennedy comedy.
Saturday Century Comedy,
Monday Arbucklc CorVedy,
P. W. Hansen, formorly of this city,
now located at Winifred, Mont., writes
that oil has been struck on land which
ho homcsteaded and now owns.
Magazines arc again raising in price.
Subscribe now, while you can get
them at the old rate. Mrs. Fred G.
Rector. Phono 537. 18-2
Charley Turner, colored, well known
boozo distributor, who was told that
his presence was not desired in town
and forthwith removed, returned the
early part of tho week. Ho hadn't
breathed much North Platte ozone un
til Chief Winslow advised him to skip,
but Charley was disposed to take his
time about skipping.
Sand hauling, well rotted manure
for lawns and good soil for filling. H.
Litz, Phone Black 719. 18-G
Tho Chamber of Commerce good
roads committee composed of Messrs.
Pennington, Hendy and York, have
started In on this year's campaign and
tho road outfit has been at work at
Intervals for the past threo weeks.
Wednesday and yesterday the outfit
worked on tho road just north of tho
Black Minorca eggs for setting $1.50
per setting or $10 per 100. Inquire of
Otto Mcsmor or phono 79GF14. 18-G
Will Rector, who is with the police
department in Now York City, was
called here the latter part of last week
by tho death of his motherland brother
and will remain for ten days. Ho loft
North Platto a dozen years ago to
servo in tho navy, and at tho out
break of the war enlisted and saw ser
vice overseas, and during his combin
ed service with Uncle Sam saw much
of the world. In his present position
in New York he has many opportun
ities to see the. bright and dark sides
of life and learn much of human nature.
Miss Piersoa has resigned her po
sition at clerk at tho Wilcox Depart
ment Store.
Most up to date wall paper patterns
at tho Roxall.- l"4tf
Mrs. C. O. Wcingand left Wednes
day evening for Fremont, where she
was called by tho Illness of her son
DRESSMAKING. 1714 cast Fourth
street. Phone Red 1081. 14-8
Ray Peters, who has been taking
treatment in a Grand Island hospital,
camo up Tuesday to visit his parents,
returning to tho Island this morning.
Wail paper and paint at tho Roxall.
Mrs. Wm. Houenshell, of California,
has been in town for a fow days, hav
ing been called hero by tho death of
her mother, Mrs. Wm. Rector, and
brother Raymond Rector. Sho will re
main for a week or ten days and irpon
her return to her California homo will
bo accompanied by her father who
will' remain thero for some time.
For Sale Residence on west Second
street. Phono Red 1128. 17tf
John E. Nelson has been re-appointed
chairman of tho auto camp ground
committee and Is already, planning im
provements to tho grounds used by
auto tourists last year. These grounds
proved very popular with tourists and
Incidentally brought quite a volume of
business to North Platto merchants.
Tho existence of this camp ground ad
vertised North Patto from tho Atlantic
to the Pacific.
Try tho Rexall first, it pays. 14tf
The board of directors of the Cham
ber of Commerce havo appointed L.
C. Carroll, N. E. Buckley and R. D.
Birgo ns the membership committee
and these hustlers will do. their ut
most to secltre not less than 400 mem
berships in tho organization. Every
property owner in North Platto who is
interested in the welfare of the town
should become a member.
! A son was born Wednesday (to Mr.
and Mrs. C. T. Whclnn.
I Clinton & Son, Graduate Opticians,
seo them for Sorylco. tf
j Perry Carson wont to Omaha Tuos-
llnv in cmntltl anvnrnl tlnva nit' final-
Dr. Howard Yost, Dentist, Twlncm
Hiilldlng. rhono 007.- 77tf
F. M. Kusor wont to Paxton yostor-
day to transact business for a couple
of days.
Mrs. MIko llay.os wont to Omaha
Wednesday to spend several days vis
iting friends.
Her dlamold Dixon has tho one
sho wants, ask hor.
Mrs. F. L. Lawronco'loft yesterday
for Denver whoro sho will make her
future homo.
Arthur ;McCaba left tho early part of
tho week for Denver to nccoptu po
sition with tho Union Pacific. . :
High grado watches, Dixon, U. P.
watcl Inspector.
Tho county commissioners havo
been In session this week checking up
the bookrf of tho county treasurer.
Thos. Hawloy, who had been taking
treatments at tho Twlncm hospital,
returned yesterday to his homo in
For tho next thirty days I will sell
nursery stock at a discount- of five
por cont. R. McFarland, Box G2G.
City. lGtf
Harry I. Block loft Wednesday
night for Columbus and Fremont on
business connected with his stores in
those towns.
Tho usual services nt tho First
Presbyterian church Sunday. Sunday
school 10 a. in.; preaching at 11a.
m. and 7:30 p m.
For Sale or Trado one block of
ground. Will trado In on city resi
dence. Phono Red 478 or Inqulro of
A. G. Artz. 1C-20
Tho W. R. C. will hold a social
Wednesday afternoon of next week at
tho homo of Mrs. Edmund Dickey, 821
I east Third street.
I We will bo glad to play Edison or
' Columbia records for you. Dixon,
'the jowelor.
On account of tho lecture, at . tho
! Tl 1.11.. .....lit.... I..... A ,1 .i nirAnlnir
V nilllUJU Ullllliui null muuuaj uiuiiu.&i
tho meeting of tho Community Chor
us will bo held" Tuesday, evening In-
I stead of Monday evening In Uio Junior
high building.
D'. Morrill, Dentist, offlco over
Wilcox Department Store.
R. L. Graves has been spending
this week on his ranch southwest of
I town getting ready to place a hord of
'cattle thereon. Percy Thornton, of
Omaha, a nephew of Mr. Graves, will
arrive next week to Hvo on tho ranch,
'Mr. and Mrs. Graves continuing to
reside In town. .
Fordson Tractor'
Tuesday, March 16th, 1920.
Farmers you cannot afford to miss this. On this jate a
Forclson Tractor will be dissembled and all the working parts
examined and discussed for the benefit of our Fordson Tractor
owners and all others who are interested.
A 'Fordson which has had much service and that hasever
been opened will be used lor the school.
Factory representatives will be here and will lecture on the;
Fordson and all farm tools that follow it. These lectiires will
be instructive as to soil culture and up to the minute Power
The School will open promptly at 9:30 A. M. at the, . v;
A f
I i
Free Lunch will be Served at Noon.
ring Display
Two-Eyelet Ties
aoel Colonial Pumps
Await Women
Who Discriminate
f he two eyelet ties achieve their greatest pop
ularity among women who are particular, who
aren't satisfied with common-place things, and
who damand
Individuality in Their
, Footwear
It mattero not how criticsl a woman may be,
she can be assured comfort and satisfaction in
any of our Spring Oxfords and Pumps. Our
Spring patterns are made in the high Louis, the
BabyLouis and Cuban heels. All are very mod
erately priced.
6.50 to
Come in and inspect our Spring low footwear
before making your selection.
Xollcc to Liberty Hond Holders.
Coupons on the. following described
Liberty Loan bonds nro now imst due:
First converted to 1 per cent.
Second, i per cont.
Third, -IU per cent.
Titian liomlvt should now bo ex
changed for permnnont 114 per cent
UOims so IlllU iney win uruw nutuum.
The First National Hank, to. bo of
service to you, will send them to the
Federal Reserve Hank for exchange
for permanent bonds, without cost.
Jtotary Club to bo Instituted.
At a supper given at tho Hotel Pnl-
aco Wednesday evening at wmcn
twenty-throe wore presont, arrange
ments wore niado for tho Institution of
a Rotary Club In North Platto. In tho
nrelimlnarv organization committees
voro named to arrange- for tho formal
Institution on Eorac evening during me
last, week of tho month. Rotarlaiu
from Kearney, Hastings, Omaha and
Lincoln will bo present at tlio institu
tional ceremonies.
Knights of Pythias llnnuuet.
Mazeppa Lodge, Knights of Pythias
hold a banquet Wednesday ovonino
which wati attended by about sixty
mombtirs and Invited guests. Tho
Liberty Inn furnished tho menu ami
Rtrfmn'B ornliRHtra furnished the mu
sic. O. B. Elder presided as toast-
master and proposed toasis wmcn
were responded to by Messrs. Bare,
Tin nl? In ft nml Snhastlnn. District DonUtJ'
Milner, of Lincoln, mndff tho address
of tho evening in which he emphasized
tho advantages of Pythianism and tho
need of greater fraternal spirit
among men.
Twentieth Century Club Meeting.
Tho regular meeting of tho Twen
tieth Century .Club was hold at tho
homo of Mrs. C. F. Sponcor Tuesday
evening, with Mrs. Wilson Tout and
Mrs. Mary Elder assisting hostesses.
Mrs. Gllfoylo conducted tho singing
in hor very cfflciont mnnnor. Miss
Walker sang a solo with Miss Emma
Hoguo as accompanist.
Tho business of the ovonlng consist
ed of tho election of officers; tho
adoption of resolutions favoring con
gressional action in support of tho
Nowland Reclamation and Conserva
tion Commission; and a contribution
for tho restoration and malntalnanco
of tho blrthplnce of Longfellow, the
poet, nt Portland, Mo.
Tho Club listened to a splondld
health talk by Miss Louise M. Murphy,
a Nebraska public health nurse, who
is giving this week to Lincoln county
under the auspices of tho Woman's
Club to crento an interest in medicnl
inspection of school children, their
mentnl and physical dovolopmont, in
general hygieno and sanitation.
Dolegatcs to tho bienniel meeting ot
the General Federation of Woman's
Clubs which moots In Des Moines, In.,
In Juno, wore elected Mrs. Goo. Frator
being a stato delegate, Mrs. R. AT
Cottcrell was olected to represent tho
Mrs. Geo. Frator and Mrs. W. C.
Shelvor woro elected delegates to tho
Sixth district convention which meets
at Cliadron in April.
Tho election of officers for tho. year
beginning in Juno resulted ns follows:
President. Mrs. Geo. Frator: vlco-
prosldont, Mrs. W. C. Snolvor; record
ing secretary, Mrs. Wilson Tout; cor
responding sdcretary, Mrs. Josoph
Roddy; treasurer, Mrs. v.. A. Skinner;
press correspondent, Mrs. CJias. F.
Tho Fiddler" niid tho Fire.
This is tho tltlo of tho lecturo to bo
given noxt Monday night by Fred G.
Dalo. It is tho fourth number of tho
Lecturo Course nml will bo given In
tho Franklin auditorium at eight
o'clock. Tho lecturo Is a plea for tho
conservation of our national rosourcos
nnd It germinates thought, grips hu
man Interest and galvanizes Into ac
tion. Mr. Dalo was Prosecutor In tho
Juvonllo Court of Columbus, Ohio, for
four years. At that tlmo a yenrly,
avorogo of 1600 children passed thru
tho court and wero under his obser
vation. You can see tho opportunity
ho had to got tho child point of view
and study tho remedies for juvenile
'delinquency Every holdor of a. season
tljckct is admitted without further
charge General admission is 50c for
adults and 2fic for Bchool pcoplo.
Monday, March 16th.
Seo us for wall paper, Tho Roxall
Store lltf
Always lloostlng for Lincoln County.
Tho II. & S. Agency-Farm Depart
ment, under tho management of Mn
W, H. Barrett, Is doing somo REAL
BOOSTING for North Platte and Lin
coln County. As a starter for 1920,
Mr. Barrett has contracted with Tho
World-Herald for a seven weeks' ad
vertising campaign which will bo do
voted entirely to Lincoln County. In
addition ho has mailed tho following
letter to over 200 real estate dealers
In eastern Nebraska, Iowa and Illinois.
s March U, 1920.
Dear Sir:
DO YOU KNOW that exlsting.condl
tions In Lincoln County, Nebraska,
woro nover moro favorable? Tills
feature should bo sufficient ovldonco
to assuro you of tho advisability of
devoting your tlmo in dealing In Lin
coln County lands. Apreclating this
fact, we havo Increased our listings In
order to protect you In handling your
prospects for wo rcallzo that, If wo
aro not lihod up at this end to take
caro of your business, wo nro not go
ing to bo nblo to hold you with us.
You havo, no doubt, watched with
Interest tho advnnco In tho iprlco of
lands In eastern Nobraska, Iowa and
Illinois, lands which tiro no moro
productive than thoso In Lincoln
County, whero from two to flvo acres
can be bought for tho prlco of ono
aero in eastern Nebraska, Iowa and
Eastern farmers do not realize tho
advantages and opportunities to bo
had in Lincoln County, NebrnBka,
whero tho land will produce as many
dollars por aero iv tho high priced
eastern land.
Wo havo had no land boom In Lin
coln County Just a gradual Increase
In valuo duo to developments and nat
ural conditions. NOW IS THE TIME
and assist us in tho snlo of Lincoln
County farms and ranches.
Our sorvlco will consist of good ad
vertising lltoraturo nnd persistent
nowspnpor advertising. Our first ad
vortlslng campaign for 1920 common
cos March 17th through tho Omaha
World-IIorald and will run for seven
consecutive wooks. WILL THIS BE
What nro your proposals as to co
operation nt this tlmo?
Yours vory truly,
Manager Farm Dopartmont.
Tho H. & S. Agency has also pub
lished a Very nttractlvo pamphlot doa
crlptlvo of Lincoln County for dis
The Star Cafe
for a Good Meal and the
Silver Front Cigar Store
for a Good Smoke.
Both under the same Management.
Under the new management The Star Cafe
is striving to please the public both in the
quality of meals served and the service
rendered. You are cordially invited to give
The Star a trial..
12-20 Kerosene Tractor mm with 16 -valve engine
The Twin City 12-20 fulfills the desire
foremost in the mind of every thinking
farmer Built to do tho work, not to
meet a price.
North Platte, Neb.