The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 12, 1920, Image 6

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    Keith, Monday and Tuesday.
Another ''big man" role for Farnum and a remark
ably satisfying tale of love and heroism.
J' Vi'..,, i-H'MHi i H I
mmm fiif - nB -"Tar it iTir m f r iTt -i
15c. ll
i Graduate Dentist
Otfice over the McDonald
Statu Bunk.
Dixon & Son, Sight Specialists.
I Mrs IlatUo tlti-Rtodt, of I'axton,
. spout Wedndsdny with friends In town.
LOCAL AJTO personal
Thos. O'Nloll, ot Llncpln, Is a guest
nl tho homo of his undo; W. R
Stack. '
The Roxall hnndlo tho goods, lltf
Mr. and Mrs. Slmrploy Thompson,
of Ilorshoy,, ware huslnoss visitors in
town Tueatlny.
Soo its for wall -paper, Tho Rexall
Store 14tfj
Fred Hanlon spent sovoral days In
Ogahvlla HiIm weak doing shoot Iron
work on a job tnkon by Simon Uron.
All kinds of nursory stock for sale.
It. McFarland, I3ox G2G, North Platte,
! Nob. 14tf
Miss Agnos O'NoIll arrived toilay
from Lincoln for a visit with her
cousins, Misses Florence and Mnrle
Mrs. T. A. Llndonmoyor returned
Wodnosday, to lipr homo In Fairfield
after spending tho wenk ond at tho J.
J. Crawford homo.
Mrs. H. A. Brooks Is quite 111 with
nn attack of tho flu.
Miss Dorothy Hlnman Is qulto ill
with a Bovero attack of tho grippe.
Mrs. P. K. Burnett, of Suthorlandf
visited with friends In town tho first
of tho week.
' Clinton
& Son, Eye-Sight
MIss Irma Johston went to Grand
Island today to spend tho week ond
with frlonds, .
Miss Bculnh HUdobrand, of King
gold, visited with friends In town tho
first of tho week.
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. McKlnloy, of
Sutherland, wore Hie guests of frlonds
In town Tuesday.
Now LaTusca pearls just arrived.
Step In ami sco them. Dixon, So
Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Oglcr returned
Tuosday from a short visit with
frlonds in Omaha.
A pair of properly fitted glasscB will
stop that headache, Clinton & Son.
Opticians. tt
Boy Banks purchased tho C. S.
Clinton bungalow on Vino street Tuos
day, tho consideration being $G000.
Misses Mildred and Josophlno Mc
Kcown returned Tuesday from a
week's visit Svith frlonds In Lincoln.
Lost 34x4 & casing, rim, tubo and
black and red tiro cover. Reward of
$25 for return to tho Overland Gn
rago. 17-3
i Mrs. Louis Petorson returned last
Engineer Thos. Cox is nblo to bo'out night from Rossvillo, 111., whore she
again after a month's illness with tho had been visiting hor brothor and sis-
flu, iter for three weeks.
Mrs. F. R. GInn has resigned hor
position ns mntron nt tho Twlncm hos
pital. Ono day sorvlco for broken lenses,
Clinton & Son, Optician's. tf
Tho Baptist parsonago on cast
Fourth street has been sold to J. R.
Loudon . '
Mrs. A. C. I lull, and children left to
day for Grand Island, where Mr. Hull
has aceptcd tho pastorate of the Bap
tist church.
T. M. Cohagcn returned Tuesday
evening from a visit In Omaha nnd
other points, having been absent
about ten days.
A seven topped mounting of plati
num and gold with a beautiful bluo
white stono at $100.00 displayed at
Dixon's. Soo it for it is a rare beau
John Schnchtlor, who gavo Madrid,
Nobraska, as Ills homo, was arrested
Wcdno(dny charged of having in
toxicating liquor In his possession. In
pollco court ho pleaded guilty and was
fined ono hundred dollars and costs.
Music In your homo is necessary.
Dixon can nrrango payments on an
Edison so you 'can afford ono.
Arthur W. Billiard, who had been
Hpondlng several days In Staploton,
roturned Wednesday to And a telo
gram stating that ho was tho father
of a girl Baby born Sunday at St. Paul,
Minn., where Mrs. Dullard Ifas been
visiting her parents for sovoral
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Thoolccke and
daughter returned Tuesday from a two
mouths' visit in California, Otto's
power of description is good, he Is an
observing follow, and ho can tell you
moro about Southern California than
can those who reside thore.
For Sale Registered Hereford
Bulls. II. P. Hanson, North Platte,
Neb. lGtf
Miss Irma McMIchaol has resumed
her duties as bookkeeper iov the W.
R. Maonoy Co. after a three weeks
absence duo to la grippe.
Wo mako a Speciality of fitting
glasses, Clinton & Son. Opticians, tf
Engineer Fred II. Thompson Is con
fined to bed with a very, severe attack
of lumbago. Engineer Hugh Bird has
boon off duty for ten days with the
samo trouble.
Wo pay cash for butter and eggs.
McGovorn & Stack, phono 80. Free
delivery. 8tf
Harry Gantz, of Alliance, district
deputy of tho B. P, O. Elks, will mako
nn official visit to the local iodgo
Monday evening, Match 22d. At that
time a class of candidates will be in
itiated. A St. Patrick's Day dnnco will bo
held at tho K. C. hall Wednesday
evening of next week. This should
appeal to every loyal Irishman, though
of courso everybody Is invited to par
ticipate in tho' iplcausures of tho
Mrs. C. M. Newton returned yester
day from a week's visit in Omaha and
Lincoln. She attended tho auto show
in Omaha and then went over to the
capltnl city to visit her son Donald
who Is attending tht state unlvorsity.
Let us repair your broken glasses
whllo you wait,' Clinton & Son. Op
tlclans. t
Mr. and Mrs.. Joseph Roddy will
leavo about April first to visit their
son Vincent who is located in Cnlfor
nla. This will be tho first
vacation Mr. Roddy has taken since
he began filling his present position
with tho Union Pacific.
Is fhe incomparable food
Bread is a muscle builder, a brain stimulator and withal the
only food of which you never tire.
The innumerable ways in which bread can be can be serv
ed, is an added attraction taken advantage of by too few.
Try this dainty, hunger-satisfying confection today:
Bread Muffins
3 'cups bread crumbs,
2l cups milk,
1 cup Hour,
3 eggs,
1 tablespoon melted butter,
2 teaspoons baking powder,
Quarter teaspoon salt.
Cover the crumbs with
milk and let sook fif
teen minutes. Beat to
a paste and add the
beaten egg yolks.llour,
salt, baking powder
and melted butter.
Fold in the stiffily
beaten egg whites.
Bake in buttered mat
fin pans in a quick
oven for 20 minutes.
BAKE-R1TE BREAD is the bread t6 use wheu making this recipe. Its flavor is
absolutely delicious. Buy some Bakc-Rite Bread today and make Bread Muffins.
M' V M3fiT?TWIiin
See Our
I in
For Men's Wear That Men Wear
See Our
Uothing Value
We Have Just Received a Shipment of
These suits are of the newest spring
models; conservative and high
waist line effects in single and
double breasted, belters and plain.
These suits were boughtbyusatlot
price and we are going to offer
them for sale at
This is a Good Opportuni
ty to Save Dollars on
Your Spring Suit.
Copyriaht 1919
The Home of Kuppenhu'mct
A few Conserva
tive and Young
Men's Models go at
US fan) W
Exceptional Val-
& ues go. at
Wonderful Val-
. ues go at
Men s
Spring Hats
The Most Popular Styles,
Shapes and Colors in
Black, Brown, Green, Blue,
'Olive- Seal, Smoke and
North Platte's Foremost Clothiers
Mlsa Mfiblo McVickor returned to
hor homo In Loxlngton Tuosday aftor
spending a couplo or daya witn uer
cousin, Mrs. Abbio McVickort
Most up to dato wall paper patterns
at tho Roxall. 14tf
John ii. KtlwnnlB. of tho Edwards-
Roynolds Co., returned yesterday from
Omaha and Chicago whoro ho had
beon transacting business for ton
days .
Mrs. J. II. Curry -wns called to St.
Paul, Nobr., tho early part of tho
week by tho critical lllnoss of her
mother, whose recovery Is scarcely
Dr. H. C. Brock. Dontlst. X-Ray
Diagnosis. Reynolds BIdg. Phone 148
Word reached this city yostorday
that Chas. Harding, a former Lincoln
county resident, had beon killed "wlillo
crossing tho Union Pacific tracks at
Big Springs.
Bert Naporstock, who had boon vis
iting In town for ton days, roturned
to Ogdon Wednesday. Ho Is employ
ed as a freight conductor between Og
don and Evan'ston.
Sovoral Bulck cars woro driven
through town tho early part of tho
weok by a Sldnoy doalor who hnd gbno
to tho factory to drlvo thoin out
rathoi than Wait their slow arrival by
railroad shipment.
Mrs. W. R. Harding, wifo of Con
ductor Harding of tho Omaha-North
Platto run, returned Tuosday from a
two months' visit in California. Her
stay on tho coast proved very beno
flclal to hor health.
Louis Tracy's famous adventure
novel with William Farnum and
Loulso Lovely In tho leading roles,
supported by an oxtra flno cast will
mako an ovonlng of genuine enjoy
ment at tho Keith Theatro Monday
and Tuesday.
Several contracts for residences
have beon lot, but contractors say that
present conditions do not Indicate
much building in North Platto this
year. They nscrlbo tho lack of build
ing operations to tho high prlco of
matorial and labor.
Mrs. Harry Moran and daughter,
family of Secretary Moran of the
Chnmbor of Commorco, arrived tho
oarly part of tho weok from Oolweln,
Iowa. Thoy aro quartered at tho
Dorryberry homo until thoy can find
a sultablo house In whHi to livo.
Tickets aro selling rapidly for tho
first annual family luncheon to be
given by tho Chnmbor of Commorco
noxt Wednesday ovonlng at tho Ma
sonic hall. Tho Buppor will bo served
by tho ladles of tho Christian church.
Mrs. Esther Stock Kroeger, socretary
of the Koarnoy Commercial Club,
will bo rtio speaker of tho ovonlng nnd
sho will havo a mossago of Intorest to
men and women alike.
Tills Is tho mcssago from James
(Cardinal) Gibbons read at tho big
meotlng in Washington in aid of tho
Near East Relief. Tho venorablo pri
mate of tho Catholic Church in Amer
ica is Intonsely Interested in tho ap
peal which tho Near East Relief will
mako to tho country in March for
funds to Bupport Its work among tho
starving peoples of that stricken land.
To tho Washington meeting ho wroto:
"Advices and information coming
from tho Near East cannot bo doubt
ed. There is great actual sufforing
and famine. Theso peoplo, recently
becomo independent and roleased
from bitter thraldom, cannot support
themsolvos. And tho Christian and
common iustincts of humanity which
havo prompted tho people of tho Unit
ed States during tho last two years to
rollevo tho distress and needs, espec
ially of tho Near East, must not be
allowed to grow cold and bo diminish
ed. "I hopo wo shall all unlto In thh
prcsont emergency, and bo ablo tc
collect sufficient funds to onabK
theso peoplos to livo and work until
noxt Bummer brings them permanent
rollef and subsistence. I call upon nil
to respond generously to tho appeal
now being made and trust that th
committee- will ho satisfied with -tho