The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 12, 1920, Image 4

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Mutual Building and Loan
Of North Plalte, Nebraska.
The Association lias unlimited funds at its command to
assist in the building or purchase of homes for the people of
North Platte. If you arc interested, the officers of this
Association will render every assistance and show you how
easy it is to acquire your own home.
President. Secretary.
Observers Have Seen and Noted In
stances of Reaoonlng That Aro
Little Short of Human.
The Earth's Crust.
The most Important scientific Inves
tigation of the Inst yenr in nny coun
try lins probnbly been the attempt to
measure the enrth's crust. We know
very little nbout the shell on which wo
live. Scientists huvo been studying the
The grizzly bear, snyH Mr. Knos A.
Mills, Is superior In mcntnl power to
tho horse, tho dog nnd even the gray
wnlf nnil In Mo linnlr "Tim Clrtfr.V."
"VIM .1. WUWIi, u.....'.,,. . j
. . 1 Wnnli ilnln iinm in Dnlnnnn lina tiif.n
no oners convincing oviuence or nis . " "" Bi,mv. j,H Cnrt,
(. 1910, by McCliire Newnpnper Syndicate.)
Nell Mackenzie was the blggost,
broadest lad In Wlnsbury, with the
crlspeat dark hair nnd tho clearest
blue eyes. He had that combination
of strength nnd boyishness which wom
en love, and could easily have been
very much of a ladles' mnn had ho
not been as bashful as he was hand
some. Girls adored his lithe virility,
and he received an early Invitation to
all of tho Wlnsbury merry-makings.
Hut tho presence of tho other sex In
variably turnel Nell from a living,
laughing Hermes to n frozen statue.
And to mnke things worse, he wns
very much 4n love with Cecily.
Cecily wns a wee bit of a lassie,
honey-colored as to hair, vlolot-hued as
to eyes, npplo-blos.somy ns to cheeks.
A pretty air of dignity tried to con
tradict her llttle-glrl figure, and she
was, according to an enthusiastic
friend, "Just swee't!" And If she hnd
the appearance of a tinted marble
Venus she must have had some of thr
attributes also, for none of tho tnnny
suitors Wlnsbury and other towns of
flared had made, the slightest Impres
sion on the cool little heart under her
dainty laces. She accepted their de
votion graciously, was th.e merriest and
most fun-loving of the younger set, but
always with a fastidious reserve that
problem In Hawaii, Tuscany nnd In
Salvador, where the opportunities for ,ot fnrth(,p Umn c f-gt
investigation nre especinny invorouie.
statement A grlzzty cub In Yellow
stono park, he says, once found a ham
Bkln n prized dollcaey4 Just as tho
little fellow was lifting it to bis mouth
n big bear appeared. Tho cub Instant
ly dropped the ham skin, sat down on
it nnd pretended to bo greatly inter
ested in watching something In the
edge of tho woods.
Another young grizzly In tho Yellow
stono ono doy fpund a tin can that was
open nt one end and partly filled with
fish. Lie raised It In IiIb forepaws and
peeped in, then deliberately turned the
can upside down and shook It. Noth
ing enmo out. He shook again, but
still nothing came out. no then placed
the can on tho ground, open end down,
nnd hammered tho bottom of it with a
stono until tho fish dropped out.
In a zoo ono day a piece of hard-tack ;
tlint a grizzly bear wanted fell Into tho
hnnds of n black benr. The black bear
dipped tho hard-tack In wnter and
stnrted to take n blto. Evidently it
was too hard, ITe put It In the water
again, and while It soaked gave his
attention to something else. When tho
black bear was not looking, the grizzly,
stnndlng on tho fnrthcr edgo of tho
pool, stirred the water with a forepaw
and stnrted the hard-tack toward him
on tho waves. Tho Instant tho first
wa,vo touched the black bear he looked
round, grabbed tho precious hard-tnek,
which was rapidly floating away, and,
pushing it to the bottom of the pool,
put ono hind foot upon It. How very
ffko tho mental processes of human
1VIM. I.I... elm .,,...
collected concerning the shell, Its" com- """" ,"" "
,., ,,, mn, , coquetted, his Invltnt ons she never re-
pos tlon and probable ago. Still other , , , . ' . . . . . .
! . . . 1 . , 7 vt.., fused, toward him she showed a sweet
tests have been mnde In New South , .. ..,,. , .. , ,
Wales where a creat reservoir conccn-,n,1(1 s"",,, ,lldnK: nnd 800,1 t,,c ,,,B'
waies, wiicro a great rcseroir conccn lfl k , d , Howerllko girl
trntes nn Immense weight of water on . ... . , ,
. , . , were seen together very often Indeed
a limited area, nnd instruments have ,,. : , ,.:.,,. ..
nvimi (fin 1.111 ii V'llllllJ UII 1(1
of the enrth's crust under this weight.
New light has thus been thrown on
tho action of volcnnoes. Boys' Life.
Ground Hogs.
drifting through the rhythm of n
Hut this very friendship puzzled
Nell. It was so different from her
treatment of other lovers; nnd It never
occurred to him that her feeling for
In the American Hoy bnos A. Mills j i,n, ,Ki,t ,(. different also. To Jiis
says: "Two summers while I wns nilnd her laugh was the most Joyous
guiding on Long's peak, a ground hog . filing 0n earth, and herself the dear
summered on tho summit. A few Cst. Hut he feared to tell her lest It
minutes after I arrived on top with end their friendship; so they were pals
a party of climbers he showed him- through the spnrkllng January days
self and waited for lunch scraps. J nnd the wistful April ones, with no
After he was better acquainted he did . hint of anything deeper,
not wait but expected to have help- when June came he could stand It
ings trom ino urst innie. uis winter , no lonirer. He decided to take the ble
den was 2,000 feet below the top.
(iround hogs, especially In spring,
wander In search of the first green
plants; usually, from their tracks,
they know Just where these are most
likely to be found."
Rare, However.
"Are they hnppljy married?"
"How can they be? Why, his wife
won't let him smoko In the house."
"That isn't always fatal to domestic
bliss. There aro cases on record where
n mnn was so taken up with a woman
that ho actually put her ahead of pipe,
cigar or cigarette." Birmingham Ago-Herald.
Churches Observe Candlemas Day.
Candlemas dny, celebrated as tho
day of Christ's presentation at the
temple, Is observed In the Anglican,
Roman nnd Greek churches, Kebru
ary 2, this day being tho fortieth after
tho birth of Christ, on which the puri
fication of tho mother nnd the presen
tation of the son should occur accord
ing to Levltlcal rules.
The Institution of tho festival Is
attributed to Pope Golaslus, In tho
latter part of the fifth century, in many
dctnlls showing Itself to bo n Chris
Unitization of the pngan Februalln,
celebrated In nnclent Uomo nt about
tiio snmo period. The special services
of the day among Uoinan Catholics
consist of a blessing of candles by
Uie priests,
I FEED OFl I i 1
1 Its xcliisive j
I features maise 1
I M "trouble-pro!"
I Western Electric I
chance, tell her, then If she couldn't
marry him, go where his profession of
engineer promised success. How should
he ask Cecily? He never could bnrtj
his heart with those purple eyes cn
him; a letter was so Impersonal and
cold; there should be no third party's
blundering, and those were the only
orthodox methods of proposing, un
Nell rushed to the nearest music
store, purchased a blank record nnd
had It on the vlctrola at home before
the glow of the wonderful Inspiration
hnd time to dull. Into the little disk
he spoke his love straightforward,
yearning, tender, as he could never
have expressed It to her In person.
Vlslonlng a star-eyed girl In the shad
ows, ho told how he cared for her with
the simple, honest love of a efenn
heart, how eager he would work to
make her happy; but If she didn't,
couldn't love him, she was not to feel
the least bit grieved nor blame herself
at all, for how could a girl like her
love n great, clumsy thing like him?
"Only please let me know as soon ns
you can, dear; and If It Is 'no' there Is
a position watting out West, where
work will keep me a man. When your
answer comes I shall either telegraph
that I ennnot accept or start at once.
Oh, Cecily, Cecily, shall 1 stay?"
The tiny pnrcol which meant so
much In life nnd hopes of Nell Mac
kenzie was dispatched by special mes
senger, and nn anxious boy faced the
hours that must pass before an an
swer came. He could see Cecily re
ceive the record and run merrily to
try It through at once, as she nlways
did a new one; ho could see her look
of amazement but tlajre his vision
failed. Did her face grow tender or
sad or frightened?
Scarcely two hours had gone before
n ring nt the doorbell revenled an
other messenger boy with a parcel.
Mackenzie tore It open nnd found Just
his record.
He slipped the record Into place nnd
started the machine. How strange to
hear his own tones! He smiled, half
sadly and hnlf-whlmslcnlly, at the pas
sion of the words. The plea came to
nn end: "Oh, Cecily, Cecily, shall I
stny?" The needle whirled noisily sev
eral times. Then clear and vlbrnnt
in the voice of his sweetheart can
the answer she had spoken Into it:
THIS direct-connected type of Western Electric
Power nnd Light is practically automatic in
its operation a child can operate it.
Dependable electric service night and day for
your farm
r See thi.. plant in operation.
lorlh Platte Plumbing & Heating Co.
106 E.fGth, ST.
According to English Authority, This
Is One of the Results of
the War.
There nre five times as many peo
ple In Knglnnd rending books as there J
were before the war, according to Sir
KrucMt WllllaniM. one of the foremost
publishers of Londoti. He says war
has aught the people there the value
of books, and shown them the Joy of ,
reading. When air inlds wor nuiiier-1
otis and all soclnl actlvltlen stopped,
there still remained the Inner room,
Hie light and books. There was a
milek demand developed for light
reading, but It has changed and gro .n ,
so that now tho best books arc most
In demand. When air raids were ended
and lights nnd social activities were
used again, the habit of reading was
continued and has grown rapidly the
past year.
There Is an Insistent demand, this
publisher says, for books that deal
with real life. It is Ids belief that
out of the experiences of war has
been born a deeper appreciation of life
and understanding of how tremendous
ly worth living It is. On this new con
sciousness ho bases the demand for
books that deal sincerely with prob
lems of life. Ohio State Journal.
Hew the Female Population of Helgo
land Upset Calculations of
Danish Admiral.
Helgoland, the naval wall flower
during the World war, had Its fate
decided, upon one memorable occasion,
by the women of the Island, according
to a bulletin of the National Geograph
ic society. About the time William
I'enn wns settling Pennsylvania a
Danish admiral captured the Island's
fishermen one night while they were
placing their nets. He threatened
to hold them as hostages until the
Island surrendered to Denmark.
Wives, mothers and sisters arose and
forced the Danish garrison to re
llmpilsh any claim upon Helgoland.
In the fifteenth and sixteenth
centuries Helgoland was a center of
the North sea herring fisheries. Then
herring veered back to Scotland's
coast and the Islanders handed down
a tale of the Impiety by which they
forfeited the boon. Until a few years
ago horses were unknown to the Is
land. One story has It that when. an
old woman saw an Englishman ride
up the hills she dropped dead from
the shock of what she believed was
a supernatural creature.
Use for Persimmon Juice.
Persimmon Juice Improves the pnlnt
used on the bottom of a ship, or the
roof of a house. In Japan It solved
the problem presented by the failure of
western house paints to last satisfac
torily In the Japan climate. It was
only quite lately, however, that west
ern countries hud shown any inter
est In this Japanese product. Now
that a boglnnlng has been mad In us
lng It to mix enamel and white lead,
n foreign demand has begun which Is
expected to increase to lame prnpor
Llnksd Oceans Long Ago.
Tho Paiuimu cunal Is one of the
modprn wonders of tho world, but the
ltojal Mail company organized transit
by imilan'Hiul cftuues ttcrntts the Isih
mini as fur back its 1840 and par
tially fliiMucfyi th Panama Hallway
company In ISM).
Humidity is the moisture or aqueous
vapor In the atmosphere. The vapor
Is really an Invisible gas. When this
ynpor becomes visible It Is called dew,
fog, mist, haze, clouds, rain, snow, hall,
etc., according to the size of the drops
of water or the method by which the
vapor condenses. A given space nt n
given temperature can contain only n
definite nmount of moisture. When a
given space contains all of the mois
ture it Is callable of holding If is said
to be saturated. Tho percentage of
moisture In the air to what It would
hold If saturated Is called the relative
humidity. When the air is saturated
with moisture the humidity would he
100 per cent, nnd If half saturated fiO
per cent, three-quarter saturated 75
per cent. The Increased humidity has
much to do with the effect of the tem
perature on the Individual, which Is
the reason the subject Is so commonlv
discussed during hot periods.
Thinking of others does not excuse
folks from respecting their own re
sponsibilities. The world wouldn't get
along very fast If all our time nnd
thoughts were given to others. To get
along and have the means to be help-
nil to others we must do considerable
for ourselves. Our Job must bring
enough returns to tho boss to pny hlra
for the trouble of bothering with us.
Our home life touches others and wo
must see to It that our contact loaves
them happier for tho touch. Life Is
more than mere routine however much
It may seem to be cast In n one piece
mold. It's our thoughts for others
that lift us out of the humdrum and
make life worth living. There's no
limit to the enthuslnstns of life when
concern for another's welfnre gets hold
of you.
Don't Beat the Life out of Your
Rugs. Beat the Life into Them.
It Beats, as it Sweeps, as it Cleans and is guar
anteed to prolong the life of your rugs.
North Platte Light & Power Co.
We . Bny and Sell
in our Prices.
Vestibule Uncovered at Rome Scene of
Historic Event That Was De- i
scribed by Tacitus. j
A religious, discovery, but of a
pagan kind, was made some time ago
under the railway embankment a few
hundred yards outside the Porta Mag
glore, Homo. Italy. It consists of a
vestibule elaborately decorated with
mythological svbjecty, such as Jason
tnklng the Golden Fleece, the punish
ment of Marsyas by Apollo, the story
of the Daualds, the liberation of Aeson
and a troop of Moenads riding on pan
thers. It is conjectured Uiat tills ves
tibule wns a place where, In Uie early
decades of the first century of our
era, mystic rites were celebrated. In
deed, It Is supposed that this was the
exact locality of an historical event,
described by Tacitus In the twelfth
book of his "Annals" as having hap
pened In fill A. D during the reign
of Clnudlus. The historian relates
how Agrlpplnn. mother of tho future
Emperor Nero, coveted the gardens of
T. Statlllus Taurus, who had been
consul a few years enrller and gov
ernor of Africa, and how she im
provised nn accusation against him
through a certain Tnrqultlus Prlscus
of practicing illegal mystic rites.
Statlllus Taurus anticipated his trial
and now, nearly 19 centuries later
an accidental landslip on the rallwnj
has led to the elucidation of this for
gotten eplsodo of Roman hlstor;-
"Smooth as silk, eh? Same here"
arc "hitting on all
four" smoothness,
taste, quality and value.
What's the good word,
everywhere you go ?
Saves Its Cost
In a Year
In thousands of cases, Lalley
Light has saved its cost in the
first year.
It has done so by saving tame
and labor and money on the
Istil such a plant worth investigal-
LallevLittU it a complete unit engine and
tentraiorvilh Id-cell tlorago battery. It
luppiui ample, tlntricily or light t, tcaler
pimp, vatHing machine, eveiptr, cream
teparaior.fiinnin mil, iron, etc.
The Porter ElectriaCo.
Lighting Fixtures.
We do nothing but Electric Work.
Why not gel a Specialist.
510 Locust St. General Hospital
Bid. North Platte, Neb.
l.statc No. 1C95 of Henry P. Coatcx,
deceased, In the County Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska.
Tlio State of Nebraska, to all persons
interested In said estate take notice
that the executor has filed a final nc
count nnd report of his administration
and a petition for final settlement and
discharge as such, which have been set
for hearing before said court on April
1920, at 9 o'clock n. in., when you
riy appear and contest the same.
fated March 6, 1920.
WM. H. C. WO0DHUn8T,
m9-3 County Judgo