The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 12, 1920, Image 2
TIT33 NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TliTBUNE. NEXT OF KIN RECEIVE FRENCH MEMORIALS DEVONSHIRE HOUSE TO BE A HOTEL SITE Next of kin of American soldiers, sailors mid Murines who died In tho war receiving the French certificates of Ihonor In the Twenty-second Regiment nnnory In New York city. At the left, B. L. CunnlnghaM, Jr., holding tight the Memorial of his father, who was killed In France. ! NEW MILITARY SCHOOL OPENED IN MEXICO CITY Hlnborato ceremony marked the opening by president Carranzn of Mexico's new military academy at Mexico 3lty. For years the academy for training officers occupied n building connected with the palace of Chapultepcc on the summit of the hill by that name. Lack of suillclcnt drill ground and the dilapidated conillton of the building led to the erection of the now school. This photograph whows n front view of tho new ncidemy. GETTING READY FOR A FLIGHT AT SAN DIEGO ALONE IN SYRIA FOR YEARS United States nnval aviators getting a seaplane ready for a flight at tho North Island naval-air station at San Diego, Cal., tho largest naval-air station Ion tho west coast. VICTORY CELEBRATION IN JERUSALEM The famous Devonshire house in IMccadllly, L6ndon, home of the duke of Devonshire, Is reported about to bo purchased by nn American, with a view to using It us a site for a monster American hotel. Tho pnotograpn shows the gorgeous hall and concert room of the mansion. LIVE SNAKES FEATURED AT THIS BANQUET At the annunl dinner of the Reptile Study Society of America In New York, snakes were much In evidence. Many of the several hundred guests brought their pet snakes nlong. Tho photograph shows Dr. Allen S. Williams, founder and national director of the society, with Mrs. Williams.. AMERICAN GOBS LOOK DOWN ON RIO Joseph Ilajjar, Jr.,twelvc-yeur-olc son of J. Ilajjar of Boston, Mass., is onco moro with his father after a sep aration of flvo years during which time ho wandered nlono in Syria de pending entirely on his own resources. In 1014 with his mother, two brothers and a Ulster lie went on a visit to his grandfather. Tho war camo on, food heenpo scarce, his mother died, then his brothers and his sister, ills grand father, iio did not survive long, strangled tho boy's Infant sister, say ing she were bettor dead than slowly succumbing to the pangs of hunger. Tho boy tagged on to tho Syrian, Turk- i Mi, German, French aid British ar mies In turn. A British cnptaln ques tioned mm, communication with nn American consul started search, and the father was found. Hajjar, senior sent .$."00 for his son's passage to nierlcn and In charge of a Red Cross worker bound home, bo started on his way. " 1 HUNTING THE ALLIGATOR Sailors of the battleship Idaho, which recently returned from the South Atlantic and the Panama canal, viewing the wonders of Rio de Janeiro, from a mountain top. DESTROYER AT ANCHOR AT NATCHEZ French troops of the allied guard In Jerusalem passing In review before Major General Shen of tho British army during the- big victory pnrndo nnd celebration In tho holy city. GATHERED FACTS No gold hns been coined In the Unl tod Kingdom since October, 1917. .' Chocolate was Introduced from America to Europe by the Spaniards. t The South American sloth Is enpa- tile of going without food for inuny thtys. Next o (lie elephant tho hlppopota tuns l 'in largest Mvlg terrestrial Brazil soon w,ll ho added to the list of countries maintaining aerial mall services. The ceramic industry of Turkey for merly enjoyed consldernblo fame, hut nothing now remains of Its former glory but a memory. Prior to tho dlscovory that cotton seed could bo made to yield a plen ttful supply of oil, millions of pounds of seed were destroyed or left to de cay In heaps. Self Mastery. It's tho biggest business ot life to think character Into rounded fullness. There Is no roynl rond to It. Men of wealth and men of poverty must travel the samo road and make the samo sacrifices. Only the rich man makes moro of them. Full-blooded life Is heaven's greatest gift. It Is every man's right. Tho price men pay to win and retnln It Is complete self- mastery. That means dctlnlto princi ples of living. It means u sot goal and forcing tho llfo to make every deed contribute toward realizing It. Call It visionary If you will. By so doing you confess to failure of realising life's guiding principles. To win tho highest worth you must keep tho mind focused on making the llfo reach tho perfection to which It Is heir by crea tion. It can bo doue, i ,., n in,, ... . - Hi- These alligator hunters, photograph ed In a marsh In' Louisiana, are trying to get their bearings. They are after the hibernating alligators and use n long polo with a hook with which tho animal Is hauled from his place of concealment. Airplane view snowing an American destroyer at anchor at tho town of Natchez, Miss., on the Mississippi river. This view was made from a navy flying boat. BRIEF INFORMATION The smn Is 000,000 times brighter thna the full moon. For picnic purposes a folding table that has n shelf beneath tho top has been patented. . In deference to the superstition of the actors, most theatres have no dresslug-roonis numbered 111. Although grapes are grown In Arabia, no wine. Is manufactured there. It is said that "the Koran Hindu Arabia 'dry' long time ago." Recognize Weaknesses. There's nothing gained by disregard ing weaknesses. Tho fact that tho ostrich buries her bend In tho sand does not remove the danger of attack. Men cannot scoff at deficiencies nnd mnke headway. -They must bo re spected for what they nre. Only virile treatment will remedy them. Left nlono they are sure to Incrense. They must not ho disregarded, they must be cured. In this the mind Is tho great factor. It mado tho bed ridden little maid of Kentucky to be come the founder of tho flower and sunshine committee. It made Lincoln n master of logic and of circumstances. The thing to do Is to recognize I ho need and then supply It. A man Is always stronger for having overcome himself. Exchange. t i i