The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 12, 1920, Image 12

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    IHA Ii BANK, IMIIor niici'l'iibJIsJicr
Ono i'cnr by .Mali, In ailvunce. .$1.7.'
Ono Year by Cnrrlcr, In ndvnncc, $2,00 '
Bonrtl met. pursuant to adj6Unrn-j W'O.MAX I'ASSKS AWAY.
m'mt, prosont Hormlnghausen, Spring-
fir nnd Koch. " ,
Sundry pornoiiB, dragging, $G4.G0. "8 following rnlntlvo to the death
R & w nnknr. mdun tmuntv ioor. 'f former North Platto resident Is
union iron u iarriMurg. urogon, pa- j
Entered at tho North Platte, Nebraska
Postofflco as Socond Class Matter.
John Kotcham, road work, $14.00.
S. M. Soudor, offlco oxponsos, 138.0S
John Schram, dragging, $12.00.
It. Perkins, bridge work, $14.00.
W. T. Elliott, river work, $18.00.
Wesley Cockle, dragging, $15.00.
W. K. Boatichnnip, dragging, $18.G0.
P. O. Johnson, dragging, $35.10.
Bond of O. K. Clement, roail over
seer District 18, approved.
Tim Travel and Studv Club will meet ' Meyer, special road cominis
FBI BAY, 31 AKdll liMli, 1020.
Tuesday ovoningwith Mrs. O. B. Dont. Hio"0,r; ?,!,1,r'?
Try tho Roxnll first, It pays. 14 tf
A. T. Yartor, of Brady, was a busl-'
lioss visitor In town, the first of tho
Tho Rebokah konslngton will moot
this afternoon at the homo of Mrs. $40.50.
N. U. Black, mdso county poor, $1.00
II. C. Graham, road work, $73.00.
C. Mayn, road work, $30.00.
ChasSclirowlck, road work, $9.00.
F P. Thompson, roadw ork, $9.00.
O. P. Cling and Klctchor, dragging,
Julius Plzor. !
Avallno Gntos, returned Tuosday to
Oakland aftor spending a week here
with Ills mother-
J. D. Pilo went to Julosburg this
morning to Bpend a fow days looking
after business.
Yesterday was a typical Marqh day,
cool, cloudy and windy: In fact so dls-
agrocablo that 'few people woro on J
mo sweets
Carl Fletcher, road work, $55.80.
Frank Bothwoll, road work, $11.00.
Peter Kllng, road work, $12.00.
Fred McClymont, road work, $8.10.
James Jewell, dragging, $2.10.
Frank Shirley, dragging, $15.00.
John Anthony, services, $5.20,
Adjourned to March 9, 1920.
"Hurrisburg tomorrow will pay the
last snd respects to one of Us bent
women, Mrs. Pen Wf (lunar.
Like a Hash of lightning from tho
clear sky death sought her out, and
tli announcomont as It pnssod from
mouth to mouth yesterday morning
was m startling In Its effect.
Mrs. Wident-r had been at the hw
irltal since tho middle of February
ujhon alio operated upon for appendi
citis. Her rccovory was assured,
and ospoouJIy during tho few dis
preceding her death had her strength
and splris to a markou h
groe. Even on tho morning of Iir-r
demise she felt tho vigor of return
lng strength and was most cheerful
with those who called or waited on
her. Her daughter, Mrs. Martin, was
with her when tho chango came, and
'1 splto the 'n'o:u of nursis and phy
slclaiis who were working over her
within a fow moments llfo slipped
awny, tho end had quietly como.
Rosa Wldoner waB a woman who
mado real friends nnd she mado many
of thorn. Whilo eho performed her
part In tho social affairs of tho town
sho was especially devoted to tho work
of tho Rebckah lodge. Sho had
of Lowell and Mlbs Laura Fay, of Gib
bon. r-
Mrs. Geo. Rob'crts returned yester
day to her lmnTo In Maxwell after
Two Cent Fnrc Probable.
Unless tho railroads themselves tako
some action In court to nrovont. the
Rev. Roland Mackintosh united In . Nebraska 2 cent nassenuor law will
marriage Wednesday Robt. Lolslngor again become effective on tho first of passed tho chairs tho second tlmo nnd
next September. I was at the time of her death secretary
The railroads are now back In prl- f tho local order. Friday her ro
vato control, nnd tho 2 cont fnro law mains will bo laid to rest In tho Odd
of Nebraska would bo In force todav ! Follows' cemetery, her sisters and
spondlng several days with friends In If H woro not for tho six months' ox-1 brothers of this order performing tho
town (tension granted tho roads In tho act ofjl'ist sad rites In the administration ot
Tim Omnw inker on east Front congress that restored them. It fol-" their ritualistic sorvlco. Her church
strco irS. when that time expires It S?1""? e0Im WUh th LUthr"
cMHrcn of oxceodlnc tho auto snood wiu bo tho ''" of 1,10 Btato officials n denomination,
limit and niS C dolli?B nnd costs that tho law Is enforced. This Rowi Albrocht was born December,
&M r , Vl n UT 18 an act of th IcglBlaturo, not ro-'l87G, at North Platte, Nebraska,
"Old faces for now was her slogan vIowa,, or n,noI1(nbi0 by the raiiwny whero Bho spent her llfo until 1911.
and sho backed up hor promlso wltlt comml3Hlon Sho wa8 mrrlcd to Albert Marsh
pcTformanco. Does sho ( eso 0l tWo ftro Ua,)bltt oll August n, 1897. 0no child
VmhuCnv LUS vn w.n m, a return of tho 2 cont faro In Nebras- was born to this union, Florence
2 "."i Ita. Ono Is Injunction suits In federal Kunlco, now Mrs. W. J. Martin. On
J"' ...w Pm,rf I1V 1 rn Irnnilu rinii Hi nllmr Jlino 29. l'JOS. S 10 WaH lOtt a WlllOW
, lattor Is not likely. With respect to marrlago to Perl Wldoner and removed
WoTX ITwff 'clftoTo ' M" c oj'n Ct0ber C:i9U' 8,10 WaS U",tCd ,n
WOll Say yOU Will! COmO tO lllO ,,,.. , . i,. urui. . i. Imnrrlnrn tn PnH Wlrixnnp nml rnmnvml
Crystal Saturday or Monday.
Dixon & Son grind tholrown lensos;
one day service If you break a lonso.
Now lot of sport coats In polo and
sllvortono cloths, with llap offect I re-ostabllshod.
pockets nnd cunning collars, novolty
buttons and narrow Icathor bolt, light
mlxturos, cOpon ana rolndeor, on sale
at $24.65, $29.C5 and $34.05. Mrs.
Cantlln nrid Mrs;' Kline In chargo of
tho department at Tho Leador Mer
tho railroads themselves initiating in
junction suits, It is pointed out that
a number of prominent railroad men
think that tho 2 cent faro should bo
cantlle Co. will. bo glad to havo you
drop In and 161 thorn show thorn to
Evorsharp ponclls at Dixon's.
Mr. and Mrs, Geo. N. Frlrik, of Des
Moines, Iowa,' will arrive In North
Platto this afternoon at 4:55 for
tho purposo of 'attending tho Yeomen
meeting to bo held this evening
at tho K. C. hall. Mr. Prink Is tho
highest officer of tho Brotherhood ot
American Yoomon, and tho local lodge
Imb prepared many, spoclal featuros
to mako tho meeting unusually intor
Public Sale of Short Horn Cattle
Wo want to call your attention to
our coming Short Horn cattle salo
March 20, 1920. In this salo will be
cowb with big calves at foot, and bred
back to a puro Scotch bull, and some
of tho cows lioavy In calf to different
Scotch bulls, and an extra flno lot of
open holfors and sovon good young
bullB of Borvlceablo ages, reds and
For cataloguo address Frank. Stroll
borg, mnnagor, North Platto, Nob.
W. P. Snydor, Experiment Farm and
Prank Strollborg, owners. 10-3
Stock For Sale
Fourteen work horsos nnd mules,
threo now wagons nnd four sets of
estlng. As tho Prinks will bo hero harness, thirty head of puro bred
to Harrlsburg whero thoy havo con
tlnuoualy mado their homo.
Besides hor sorrowing husband and
daughter sho leaves her aged mother
Mrs, Margaret Knapp, who has long
mado her home with tho deceased."
Youngs Not o Bun.
Elmer E. Youngs, of Dawson county,
who was nominated last week for
governor by tho nonpartisan league
declines to make tho race.
Mr. Youngs, In a lettor to tho league
heads, pleads that his health Is such
It will not permit him to enter the
political arona. Tho Nonpartisan
League has also decided not to name
a ticket for tho primary race, bvit to
ondorso or nominate their ticket on
May 4th, at a meeting to bo held In
T 1. '
fk$, y sams fad
P and work! "
: :o:
First Lntliernn Church
Morning worship cloven o'clock,
subject, "Tho Greatness of Humilia
tion." Evening worship eight o'clock,
over Saturday, tho local commlttoo Wlilto Face cattlo, 100 head puro bred subjoct, "Our Lord and Ills twelve
Btato thoy will have some ontortnln- Galoway, cows and helfors for sale Disciples." Sunday school at 0:45
ment fonturcs for that day, announco-' privately. Located two mllea south with classes for all. Everyone he'art
mont of which will bo mado nt tho and two miles east of Horshey. (lly welcomed nt all our services.
Friday mooting. 15tf JULIUS MOOENSEN. ' REV. C. F. KOCH. Pastor.
H 1 I HLoa
We hnve purclinsod (ho North l'lnttp Yitlcanuliij? Too til laicttst Street, North
riatte, NelmiHku, nnd have opened a liruneh store at that location.
We will carry ai complete line of ft UN K HAL TIUKS and TU11ES every size
from a 0x to a lOxB and operato ono of (lie 1H3ST EQUIPPED VULCANIZIXG
Wherever the G13NE11AL TIKE has been sold It has made an enviable reputa
tion for itself and those of you who have. been fortunate enough to have purchased
them in tho pust know of their sterling qualities by the service thoy hafve glvon.
GENERAL TIltES are guaranteed for: Cords, 10,000 miles $ Fabrics, 7,000
miles; but as a rule thoy go far beyond that guarantee.
This brunch will bo In chargo of S. J. WALTEH, an expert tiro repair man, and
any repairs wudo on a tire aro guaranteed to outlast the tire itself.
Adair-Lee Rubber Co.,
Americacs Largest Distributors of General Tires.
r Homo Offlco:
21KI0 Furunm
Omaha, Nebr.
Ill Locust St.
East of tho Postofflco
North Platte, Neb.
A famous fuel saver because of its ove?i ventila
tion and scientific construction resulting in maximum
heating efficiency on the least possible amount of fuel.
A famous labor-saver because simple in construction, makinir it easv
to operate and to keep clean. For unequaled cooking and baking effici
ency, own a
Combination Range
Burns Coal or Gas or Both Combined
No Parts to Change !
The only combination range on the
market requiring absolutely no changing of
parts when you wish to shift from the use of
coal to ens or vice versa. Merely turning on
the gas automatically adapts all parts for the
use of gas.
Not only superior as a cooker and baker, but
according to thousands, the most artistic look
ing combination in existence. And the last
word in economy. Sanitary, du-ablc. infallibly
satisfying the crowning achievement of
over 40 years' of stove and range building ex
perience. Its unusual simplicity and many
exclusive" labor, and fuel saving features have
won friends everywhere. Come in and see it.
Card of Thanks.
Wc express our sincere thanks to'
neighbors andvfrlenus, to members or
lodges, shopmen, high school band
members and mombora of the" high
school class for tho acts of kindness
shown us and the sympathy extended
during tho Illness and following tho
death of wife, mother and brother
and for the boautlful lloral tributes.
win, Rector and Children.
For Sale
Nino acres, two acres In alfalfa, 4-
room house, good barn, cow barn, hen
house, work shop and plenty of young
shado trees. Located In 220.0 block oi
cast Fourth street.
17-S Geo. W. Miller.
Lasi Big Block
of the Canadian Pacific
Reserved Farm Lands
THIS announce the offering
of the Intt bis block of tho
Canadian Par. t'ic Reserved
Form Lands. Until thi block ie
ditposcd of you can sreure at
low cost (i farmliomn in Western
Canada that 'will mako you rich
bnd independent. Never r.gain
on the American Continent will
farm lands bo offered at prices
ao low.
Last Big Opportunity
Thii block contains both frrlile, opon
prairio an J rich park lanjt in Lloyd,
mtnitar end Battleforil DUtrlcta of
Central Alberta and Saskatchewan.
Farm landa on the rich prairirs of
Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta
average about 16 an acre. Landa in
Southern Alberta tinder an irrigation
ritem of unfailing water from 350 ctt
acre up.
Twenty Years to Pay
The Canadian Pacific offers you this
land under a pNn of long term, eat
Eaymenta that ia remarkable in the
Utory of farm inveatnienU. You py
down 10. Then you havo no pay.
ment on the principal until the end of
the. fourth year, turn fifteen annuat
Eaymenti. Interett it 6fr. In Central
atkatchewan, Srser Wheeler grew
the world'a piiza vheat. World'aprixa
oatt were grown at Lloydminitor,
Lands Under Irrigation
In Southern Alberta, the Canadian
Pacific Railway hat developed the
largeat individual iniiation undertak
ing on tho American Continent. Titia
diitrict contahu tome of the beat
land in Canada. An unfailing supply
of water ia administered under the
Canadian Government. I'rlcea range
from $50 an acre un on the aame caiy
payment termn. 32000 loan on im
provements. 20 years to pay back.
Special Rates f orKomc
scckers and Full Information
The Canadian Pacific will not sell you
a farm until you have inspected it.
To make this easy, special railway
rates have been arranged. Do not de
lay your investigation. This is the
last great block of Canadian Pacific
Reserved Farm Homes. Send today
for complet Information without
For All Information about
Canada see
The Liberty Land Co.,
North Platte, Neb.
Episcopal Church.
Divide services for Sunday.
Holy, communion 8 a. m.
Church school bible class 9:45 a. m.
Morning prayer and sermon 11 a. m.
Church school Northsldo 3 p. m.
E'renlng prayer and sormon 7:30 p.
Confirmation class 4 p. m.
;:: '
Hyliintl Wins .Hatch. :
Bobby nylund, tho local wrestler,
won from Young Americas, of Chi
cago, Tuesday evening at the fireman's
hall, taking two straight falls. Hp
secured the first fall by. a grapevine
too hold In twenty-six minutes and the i
second by a double wrist lock In
eighteen minutes.
Christian Science service Sunday 11
a. m. Wednesday evening meetings
every week at 8:00. A cordial invi
tation Is extended to all to attend
these services. Building & Loan build
ing, room 25.
Card of Thanks.
AVo wish to thank our dear friends
and rolatlves for the beautiful floral
offerings they sent and also the kind
and loving word spoken in our hour
.of grief. Gone but not forgotten our
dear sister, wife and mother.
J. "W. Burgner
Mrs. C. E. Chamberlain
Mrs. Ilnchol Martaln
Miss Alice Chamberlain
Mrs. P. M. Savin
Marion, AVIHard, Horold Burgner
What is home without a mother,
Or tho things the world may send?
For when wo havo lost our mother
We lost Our rlfnna tVto.,1
Mother, wo aro lonesome,
How wo miss your loving faco;
You left us to remember
None on earth can tako your place.
Clinton & Son, Eye-Sight Specia
lists, tf
Mr. ant' Mrs. Ralph Hayden, of
Wallace, were business visitors in
town yesterday.
Recurring Influenza
chiropractor of tho
pressure which is causing tho trouble.
When spinal nerves are under pres
sure thoy "starvo" the kidneys and
lungs, Instead of feeding them a nor
mal supply of nerve onergy. Adjust
ing relievos this pressuro, and with a
normal and full supply of nervous
vigor, Naturo quickly restores health.
Consultation is withous chargo or
Drs. States & States,
Tho P. S. CC Chiropractors.
Building nnd Loan Building.
North l'lattc Nebraska.
Those who suffer a recurrence of in
fluonza aro usually in .poorer condi-'
tion to rosist than on the first attack.
Ono of the unfortunate results of the
first attack has been to Ieavo the sys
tem in a partially poisoned condition.
The weakness of kidneys and lungs
which allows the attack to take hold
is usually a clear indication to the
spinal nerve
Tn THFlDnnftAMc
v i iiL.ui vnvJnH. A
Spinal J