The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 12, 1920, Image 1

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No. 18
Mrs. Homer Munday, who was de
serted by her husband ton days ngo,
was sent to relatlvoa in Kansas City
Wednesday by charitable people who
donated her carfaro and 1 raveling ox
ponses. Mrs. Munday, and her eight
months old child arrived hi North
l'latto Tuesay evening of last week
from Brady and expocted to And her
husband awaiting hur when sho ar
rived. Ho did not appear, and prac
tically without a cent in lflSr- pocket
made the depot her abiding placo for
forty-eight hours. Her stay at the
depot awakened a suspicion with the
police, and to them she told her story.
Policeman Thayor took the woman
and child to his homo where they
were cared for until provided with
transportation to Kansas City.
According to tho story told the po
lico, Homor Munday is an alias for
her husband whoso real name Is Dil
llon Dunbar. Thoy were married in
Kansas City March 1st, 1919. Dunbar
was interested in a garage at Kansas
City, was drafted and spent a year or
so in service. Upon his discharge ho
returned to Kansas City and thoy
were married on tho above date. Soon
after their marriage Dunbar and sev
eral others went to Tulsa, Okl., where
-thoy purchased a car, had it Insured
against theft, one of tho party stole
the car, and the other parties collect
ed tho Insurance, this game hoing
played several times until it got too
hot for tho gang and Dunbar went to
Salt Lake, thence to Denver and from
there to Sterling, Colo., whore he stole
a Dodge sedan. His wife and child
had joined him in Denver, and from
Sterling they started east in the sedan.
Some mishap occurred to the car
when they reached Brady, and being
almost without money, Dunbar said
he would hop a freight for North
Platte and that she should follow on
the local. She saw her husband get
on a train, and that was the last she
had seen of him. Sho came to North
Platte on the local expecting to meet
"him hero.
Tho car deserted by Dunbar is still
at Brady and officers arc attempting
to locate its owner.
Miners and Operators Indicted
Indictmonts charging conspiracy
woro returned against 125 mlno oper
ators and coal minors by a special
federal grand jury In United States
district court at Indianapolis ,lato
Tho chargo tis reported is con
spiracy under tho Lovor net to en
hance tho prico of necessaries by
restricting distribution, limiting
manufacture and by other means
and conspiracy to commit offonsos
against tho United States as defined
in tho criminal code.
Names of thoso Indicted will not be
announced except as each defendant
Is served by a United States marshal
with the Indictment notice It wag
'said. All the men are said to bo ac
tive in the so-caled central compoti,-
tivo field, which embraces Indiana,
I Illinois, Ohio and westorn Pennsyl
vania. More than ono-half of tho do-
fendants are said to be mlno opera
tors. i ;:o::
1 A largo and enthusiastic meeting of
tho Lutheran Brotherhood was held
In tho basement of tho church Monday
ovonlng. The following officers were
'elected for the ensuing year: Wm. J.
I Hondy,. president: Herbert F. Tramp,
YlUO-iH UBIUUIll , VJtlll, I Will, Dtliiouilf-
treasuror. Tho hosts of tho evening
were Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Welngand,
Mr and Mrs. Win. J. Hendy, and Rov.
and Mrs. Koch.
New lot of sport coats in polo and
sllvortono clothB. with flap effect
pockets and cunning collars, novelty
buttons and narrow leather belt, light
mixtures, copen and remcioor, on saio
nt t9.A UK 4!n fif. nnrl S34.fIK. Mrs.
Cantlin and Mrs. Kline In charge of
tho department at Tiio L,eauer .ier
p.mUlo Co. will bo clad to have you
drop in and let them show them to
Miss Gladys Hall will .return Mbn
rlnv. from Sldnov where she has been
J serving as relief message operator for
tiie union racinc ior me past
months. After a short visit with
friends she will leave for Long Boach,
Calif., for an extended visit with her
Dixon & Son, Slghb Specialists.
Bobby Bylund loft Wednesday night
miss Aiario etuart wont io Unicom for Dallas. Texas, where ho will
Wednesday to visit hor brother Prank wrostlo Pot Brown tonight. Brown Is
and family.
a tfavorlto in Toxns and has a wldo
Tho Episcopal giild will hold a food reputation ns a mat artist.
Bale at tho Dorryborry & Forbes storo
Saturday, March 27tu
Whilo absent Bylund will moot sev
eral other wrostlors at difforont
nnii, rinn,, innvna ,in,, places. Ho vHH return homo tho lat-
r nfi- t, to. ii, nfi. tor part of tho month to meet "Rough
noss connected with her late mother's Hou8 Charlr ?BOn' ot Chicago.
cstat0 WJ11 Ohscrrc Annlvcrsnry.
uick tsaKor is spending louay in
town while enrouto home to Staple
ton from a business trip to the cen
tral part of the statg
SUvor Loaf Camp, Royal Neighbors,
will celobrato Its twenty-fourth an
niversary Wednesday evening, March
17th, at eight o'clock at tho K. P. hall.
Mrs. W, J. Stuart will return this A supper will bo served, followed by
evening from Chicago whore 'she was a- literary and musical program. To
called three weks ago by tho Illness this celobratlon members of
and death of hor mother. Cam p and tholr families
W. C f!nln. former Nichols nrenlnr.t. I Invited aB are also members
fnrmer, wdnt to Omaha last night to the Modern Woodmnn Camp.
accept a position as chocker for the viVuiiu
Updike lumber and coal company. 1JW l1ini w. ,, . . nvn v,.v
Arthur Bullard loft this morning Lnroful examination of ..vo in
for St. Paul, Minn., to visit Mrs. Bui- dotnl wo nro equipped with tho lnt-
lard and extend a welcome to tho eat nml ,n08t Instruments
daughter who arrived the early part aud oyo testing methods obtnlnablo. A
Of tills Week. visit tn nliro!Tlp.n will rnnvlnnn vnii f
Henry Fulk, of O'Fallons, returned this. In collection with our optical
this morning from Iowa where be department wo have a completo lonse
was called a couple of weeks ago by grinding plant which enables us to
the Illness of his mother. When he give you tho quickest service possi
left she was considerably improved, bio. Our eyesight specialist dovotos
For Sale Electric washer, parlor his entire attention to his work in our
set, parlor table and sanitary cot. optical dopartment. He is a graduato
Enquire at C04 oast Sixth street. of Northorn Illinois Collogo of Chl-
Tho Episcopal guild will hold tholr cag0, ,A1i w0rk ,s Guaranteed to
annual Easter sale In the B nsincuon
Surprise l'aslor.
Tho "Northslders" of tho Lutheran
church surprised tholr pastor and wlfo
last Tuesday ovonlng by calling at tho
parsonngo en masse. Thoy enmo
armed" with tho nocoasary articles
for a sumptuous lunch which they
served during tho courso of tho ovon
lng. A beautiful ciuilt, tho work of
tho Fourth ward sowing circlo, was
presented to tho pastor aud wlfo as n
mark of appreciation for Borvico ren
dered during tho construction of tho
building. It was a happy occasion
for Loth pastor and people.
HiiKF Hall MVelln;,'.
1'nsclmll enthuiasts have made ar
rangements for a mooting to be hold at
tho Landgrnf harbor shop at ?:,10 to
night nl which all players and fans
nro naked to be- prcsont and help mako
plans for the coming baseball season
In North Platto. Bret Slmonds of
Stockvlllo, and Bob Aitloy, of Mny-
wood, former North Patto players, aro
desirous of again playing on tho team
hero. It Is hoped that with a paid
pitcher and catcher we may havcf a
team fast enough to give tho fans
somo really good games this summer
and put North Platto on the map In
tho basoball world.
church basement on Thursday after
noon, April 22nd, where aprons, rugs
and fancy work will bo offered to the
public. A twenty-five cent lunch will I
bo served.
The home falont play "Engaged by
Sight Specialists.
Rockefeller Snys Must Save.
American peoplo aro facing tho
greatest struggle of tho age, accord
tng to a statement made by John D
Wednesday,", given by tho Camp Fire , 1ulJru,u,0u rned tha only
girls, will be repented at tho Franklin " ?i?U" ' .5 " ?In?.lL. .
girls and the Episcopal guild.
We are showing tho most beautl-
lamlty and stated that wasto of mon
ey should' be guarded against by ov
eryone at this time. Ho also referred
ful models in dresses, don't fail to to cnf0rcemont of prohibition at this
see them. Mrs. Cantltn and Mrs
timo, stating that it had dono much to
Kline will bo pleased to show you at cause tho serloUB economic altuatlon.
Why Co to the City to Spend
M;VICKEIt'S MILLINERY (inn fiirnish you with" tho very
latest styles in lints. "
Our liuyers visit tho wholesale houses many times during
the season, ennhling us to give you best and newest
ideas the markets afford.
We also employ experienced trimmers from the leading
cities, who are capable of giving: you tho most efficient
rorsoiial inspection will convince you that we are second
to none.
The Leader Mercantile Co.
Al Tift has been In town this week
visiting friends and looking after bus
iness matters
has been running two hotels In Oma
We are showing new additions to
our hosiery stock. Seo tho good
For a year past ho tooKhjB rind sorvlceablo ladles' and
: two hotels in Oma- misses! socks. For this coming soa-
ha, one of which ho has sold and will son socks promise to bo "quite the
Wo aro showing tho most beauti
ful models, in dresses, don't fall to
seo thorn. Mrs. Cantlin nnd Mrs.
Kline will bo pleased to show you at
Tho Leador Morcantllo Co.
Chatlol mortgages so far filed this
month in tho county clerk's oft'Ico ag
gregate flvo hundred and seventy
thousand dollars. This Is an echo of
tho many farm sales held during tho
past month nnd represents purchases
of cattle, horses and machinery,.
Tax collections by County Trosasur-
or Haudor last year woro in oxcess br
six hundred thousand dollars. This is'
equivalent to tho payment of $25 of
taxes a year by, each man, woman and
child In tho county. Howovor, the
railroad ands other corporations pay
nearly one-fourth of this tax.
Clinton & Son, GraduSto Opticians,
seo them for Service. tf
soil the other soon. During tho past thing;,'. Ask Mrs. Garrison in charge
year ho was-marriedand,ho and his f tliohoslory department at The
Wife-will spend this;-summer travel- oauorpiorcanuio Co.
Ino-. vHo.bjivh .hln.vlfnl?n.'SRn AAA In I V- " "op-
ling. Ilo' says lilsyjfehiw "$80,000, in
her owrr name ' " '
her own name.
Wo are showing new additions, tq
looking and serviceable ladles' and ar ouern.s our properiy ai uut
Aj Fine Suburban Home.
Having decided to chango location.
misses' socks. .For this coming sea- North Strcet' containing two
son socks promise to be "quite tho u "l iul,u
tli.lng." Ask Mrs. Garrison in chargo
of the hosiery department at The
Leader Morcantllo Co.
A twenty-five per cent wage In-
on the highest and best ground In
North Platto, for sale. Tho house Is
modern, containing 8 rooms, bath,
plenty, of closets, fireplace, built In
features and full basement with co-
crease for bituminous coal minors is ment floor nn(1 plastcrod, hot air fur-
recommonded in a majority report
of tho commission appointed by Pres
Ident Wilson to settle the coal strike
This report was submitted to the pros
nace, electric lights and city water,
Thero is also upon tho placo a priv
ato irrigation plant, largo slzo stable,
3G x 3S, divided Into open nnd box
ident yesterday. The Increase ab- Lfniia in- i,v mn, nnn fnr nnn
F , Biamu j. offIco and wi(o driveway through
last November, so tho additional In- atnMn Rmnii onw ,,- fr o ,,,,
without Ostentation
The Innate correctness of E. T. TRAMP & SONS foot
wear explains its popularity with women who appreciate
what it means to be well dressed. We have a shoe to meet
the requirements of every occasion.
Dependable leathers in serviceable colors form the
materials of the low cut shoes which we are now showing
for spring and summer wear. They have been designed
and fashioned with the knowledge and skill that comes
from long experience in shoemaking.
Our courteous salespeople will provide the only other
requisite for shoe satisfaction a good fit.
See the window of New Spring Styles.
E. T. Tramp & Sons,
Shoe Store.
stable, small cow barn for 2 head
2 largo chicken houses and yards and
a work shop
Land is planted in bearing fruit
treos applo, cherries and plums. If
land is not all needed It can bo dlvid
cd into lots, and sold nt a cood firairo
To whom aro you going to sell your The buildings, if built now. would cost
nay ana urainf ino tiarringion Mer- about ?12,000,
cantlie vo. win oner tno highest Price $13,000 for all. For torms and
Prices. G4tf anv other Information inquire of
Blankenburg Bros., ownors
crease is but eleven per cent. CoaL
oporators say this increase will bo
added to the price of coali If so, It
will probably raise the prico of coal
In North Patto from fifty conts to a
dollar a ton
Christian Church
Bible school at 9:45. Preaching at Nob
11 a. m., subject "Tho Lost Christ."
Preaching at 7:30 p. m., subject,
"The Lost Sheep." A cordial welcome
awaits you at all services.
Phone Red 851.
North Platto
For Sale By owner, bungalow of
four rooms, bath and basement. Phono
Black 1219. 13-4
Keith, Saturday.
Delores Cassinclli
The Virtious Model
2-reel Texas Guinan
"The Oakdale Affair"
Neal Burns Comedy
Clnudo Wcingnnd Wins.
C. O. Welngand received a tolegrain
Wodnesday from tho Midland Collogo
nt Fremont stating that his son Claude
had won first plnco In a debato Tues
day night In which thlrty-slx had qual
ified. This debate was hold for tho
purposo of Bolectlng a Toprosontatlvo
In tho slnto-wldo school dobato, and
this honor was won by Claude. v
Whilo this wns good news to Mr.
Welngand, tho tolegram also contained
bad news for it stated that Claudo had
been taken Bick with bronchial pneu
monia Wodnosdny morning and had
boon tnkou to a hospital. That ho
should dobato one night nnd suffer
bronchial pnoumonla tho noxt morning
Is Indeed unusual.
Announcements are out for the wod
dlng of Miss Faye Parsons and James
Jowol. Tho ceremony will take place
at oloven thirty on Tuesday, March
twenty-third, at tho MethodlBt church
and will bo followed by a twelvo
o'clock dinner In tho church parlors.
Norrls C. McKinloy and Miss Mar
gies MapoS; both ot Sutherland, wore
married In this city Tuesday .by Ilov.
C. F. Koch.
Dixon & Son, Sight Specialists.
The True Oil
of Ripe
Fresh ollvos and rlpo olives only arc"
used in tho production of our olive,
oil. Thoro Is no finer grade with n
nicer tnsto or with hotter value ns a
medicine than I' ours, Sold, In bulk or
standard sized packages, Just as, you
Drug Co. -
The Most Valuable Implement
on the Farm.
It should be used before and after plowing
so as to conserve all possible moisture for
the production of the crop.
An International Disc Harrow stands by
itself, superior in work and construction. Its
many anvantages can only be realized by
i .
Frank Keenan
Smoldering Embers
Ball Bearing but Hard
Keith, Tonight.
Earl Williams
The Hornet's Nest
7th Chapter Bound and Gagged
i Li 117 1J V... I
In nrestlnc drama of lovo and loy-
nllv whlnli a wnmnn hecrcars hor-
soll to pay hor liusuanus uoot oi
honor .
Sennctt Comedy
Would You Make An Investment Which
would Pay you a 15 or 20 per
. cent Profit.
Buy a tire Today or Saturday and make such an in
vestment as mentioned above.
All Tire prices have advanced from 10 to 20 per
cent. This is no idle rumor but an absolute fact.
Our prices will not advance until Monday, March
1 5th. All tires sold before that date will go at the
old price. Get yours now and save the price of a
new tube on every tire.
S. & R. Service Station.