Big Type Poland SALE OF China Hog Wo, tlio undersigned, breeders of Big Typo Poland China hogs, desire to announce our offering, consisting of forty head of tried sows, fall yearlings, spring gilts and herd boars, on onday, March 15th, 1921), at tho II. M. Johansen Sale Barn, two blocks south of tho Union Pacific station, North Platte, Nebr., sale commen cing promptly at 1:30 p. m. Tho above offerings consist of tho most popular blood lines of the day, the. foundation of our herds have been purchased in the East at a large expense with tho sole purpose of giving a bigger and better Big Type Poland China for Western Nebraska. You can obtain catalogues by writing C. G. Landholm & Son or Claus Anderson, North Platte, Nebr. Believing it will bo worth your while to attend this sale as these offerings will all be sold. We desire to thank you for your presence. C. G. Landholm & Son, q nerg Claus Anderson, ) s" Col. A. W. THOMPSON, Auctioneer. Col. H. M. JOHANSEN, Auctioneer. P. C. PIELSTICKEU, Clerk. Diiroc Jersey Bred Sow Sale 88 Proven Sows and Gilts University of Nebraska NORTH PLATTE SUB-STATION Under ihe Auspices of the Western Neb. Breeders Ass"n Wednesday, March 17 See Our Herd Boar North Platte Great Orion Sensation Sired by the Greatest Hog of the Breed , .,, GREAT ORION SE?SATION Grand Champion of theWorld. SALE TO BE HELD AT Experimental Station Horse Barn Three Wiles South of North Platte Commencing at 1:30 P. M , Central Time R. I. CHAPPELL, Auct. C. P. KILDAHL, Clerk. PUBLIC SALE. Tho umlcrslKtiod will offer at public sulo at his ranch ton miles southwest of North Platto and sovon miles southeast of Hershey, on Wednesday, March 17th, 1920, Commencing at ono o'clock sharp tho following property to-wit: 35 , HORSES AND MULES 35 Team gray ami uml sorrol horsos C years old weight 2C0O; team bay horsos ,0 yearn old weight 2400; tonm black 'horses G and 9 years old weight 2500; team bay mares 8 years old weight 2000; team bay marcs G years old wolght 2000; two black colts coming 3 years old; threo colts "coming 2 years old;b lack liorso 8 yoars old weight 900; black maro G jyars old weight 1400; buy mare 8 years, old weight 1400; bay horso, 4 years old wotght H00; sorrol horso C years old wolght 1200; UKilr block mulos 4 yoars old wolght 1800; pair gray and sorrol horso mulos 4 years old wolght 1800; four maro mules 3 yoars old woight 900 each; two horso mulos 3 yoars old wolght 800 each; ono horso mulo 2 yoars old; ono horso mulo 1 year old; horso mulo 7 'years old weight 9d0. 275 HEAD OF CATTLE 275 35 helfor calves; 35 steor calves; 30 yoarllng stoers; 25 two year old-fsteers; 3 puro bred Hereford bulls, 2 registered; 7 milch cows; 30 two year old heifers; 110 cows from 3 to 10 years old. Theso aro all good grado WUlto Kacos, 90 por cnot White Face. 40 HEAD OF HOGS 40 5 sows, wolght 250; 15 sows, weight 175; 15 barrows, wolght 175; 0 pigs. FARM MACHINERY Dooring Ol'foot mowor now, 5 McCormlck 6-foot mowors, Doorlng 12-foot hayrako, McCormlck 12-foot hay rnko, 2 hay swoops, push hay stackor," John Dooro gang plow, walking gang plow, 3-soctlon har row, wldo tread lister now, Emerson llstor, other llstor, 8-foot disc, John Deoro two-row sultlvator, 2 row-cultivator, 3 ono row cultivators, two 4-lnch tiro wiions, 4-inch low whool truck wagon, slcklo grlnd or, 8-foot grain Doorlne binder, 50 pounds twlno, Dulck car, cream separator. , , HOU8K1IOLD GOODS Largo oak kltchou cabinet, now largo ro , frlgorator, Detroit vapor stove, heating stovo, good G-actavo organ, , oak socrotary, commotio, bedstead and springs, stands and chairs, throo-mlnuto chum, 2-gallon ico croam freezer. n Free Lunch At Noon TERMS OF SALE $20 and under cash; sums ovor ?20, olght months tlmo will bo given on baukublo paper bearing 10 por cent In w toroat from dato of Balo. No property to bo removed till settled for. : FRANK ENGLAND, Owner. col. ed icii:itju Mud DULL jmOWNFIMIiD, Auclloiu'ers. MAUL BROWN PI F.1,1), Clerk ts . MA h BARE, Editor and Publisher SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Toucher' Salaries In (lollicnburg The Gothenburg school board ut n meeting hold last week gave teacher a substantial incroaso in pay. In the grados tho minimum salary has been up to this time $800; the Ono Vcnr by Mall, in advnnco. .81.75 j "''"'"JVa950-, ,The neY m,niVonm Uno lear by Carrier, lu advanco, $2.00 Entered at tho North Platte, Nebraska Postofflco as Socond Class Matter. TUESDAY, MARCH Dili, 1021). NORTH PLATTE EVENTS TJURTY-FIVE I'll AIM AUO (From tho Tribune of March 7, 1885.) Several democratic Hags floated on March 4th lu honor of Grovor Clove-: laud's inauguration. It was expected that hundreds of thousands of trees would be planted on tho timber claims which had been taken. Somo of the best grovos now in tho valloy woro set out that year. Tho Tribuno editor acknowledged the receopt of an invltutiou to attend tho first annual ball of IMatto River Lodge No. 29, Brotherhood of Railroad Brakcmon to bo hold March 17th. Tho secretary of tho school board was instructed to advertise for bids for erecting a windmill and pump at the Second ward school house. A committee was appointed to secure a alto for a school building In the First ward. Tho Lincoln county agricultural so- clody was organized and committees named to solicit members. T. C. Patterson and W. C. Ritnor were among thoso who took an activo part in organizing tho society. Cody's Wild West Show was exhib iting In Now Orleans butnot doing well financially on account of con stant wot weather. Grounds which had boon fitted up at a cost of several thousand dollars became a mudbolc and had to bo abandoned. In thoso days tho city council talked of paving tho streets, either with as phalt or Colorado rock. Tho cost of oithor material was about tho same two dollars 'per yard. Good work horses wore soiling around $150 and milch cows at $30 to $35. Thirty-five years ago thoro were but two passenger trains each way dnlly through North Platto. From tho east No. 1 arrived at 8:15 a. m and No. 3 at 10:12 p. m., while No. 2 and No. 4 from the west nrrived at 7:20 p. in. and 3:50 a. in., respectively. There were, however, four freight Jrajns each waj which hauled passengers. LINCOLN CO UN TV EVE NTS AND PERSONAL MENTION. will bo $1000, and tho maximum $1200. XOTICK TO CKUIHTOIl.S. ISstate No. 1729 of GeorRp llrown CiinrlBht, Deceased, In Die County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, Tho State of Nebraska, bb: Creditors of said estate will tako notice that the tlmo limited for presentation ami MIiir of claims ntfnlnat snld lOstnte Is July 9, 1U2U, nnii ror nettiempnt or said estnto Is March 6, 1921, that I will sit at tho High school teachers in the past have i county court room In Bald county on beon paid $1200. Tho now minimum ?,p"9' 1,9.I0' j?.1 S n "nd " ,, .i . .Tilly 9, 1920, nt 9 o clock a. in., to re- Is $1500; the maximum $1G00. rVe, examine, bear, nllow, or adjust The salary o tho superintendent lias nit claims and objections duly tiled. in tho-nast boon $2000. lie will ro- . . M. il. c. WOODtlUliST, ceivo in tho .future an advance thirty per cont, cr $2G00. of m!-4 County Judge. -::o::- H. Gaudrenult, of Farnani, who re cently purchased tho old Winuucat ranch from Joo Sullivan, nrrived In town M mdu morning and expects to brln his herd of thoroughbred cattle ovor in about two weeks If the weath er permits. Mr. Gaudrouult Is leaving a highly improved ranch, and it will bo necessary for him to make about twenty thousand dollars in Improve ments on his newly, acquired property, which will then make it ono of tho largest and finest stock raising farms in the state of Nebraska. Tho citizens of tills community will cortaluly wel come Mr. Gaudrenult to our town. Brady Vindicator. ::o:: Slock For Sale Fourteen work horses nnd mules, threo now wngons and four sots of harness, thirty bend of pure bred White Face cattle, 100 head pure bred Galoway, cows and heifers for sale privately. Located two miles south and two mile3 cast of Horshcy. 15tf JULIUS MOGENSBN. m:.niN. Court of Lincoln Ana 841,09 5.000.00 S.400 113,100.00 (Condensed from County Exchanges.) The people's progressive party of Sutherland has nominated W. J. Root, G. L.. Buddin and Frank Coates as conilidates for village trus tees. Tho Courier says that with threo olovators In operation this fall, Suth erland will bo tho best grain market in western Nebraska. t.- C. S. Everly has sold Ills garage stock at Maxwell and leased itlio building to D. L. Mooro. J. R. White, of Sutherland, spent last week at Torrlngton, Wyo., and from thero expected to 'go to Missouri to look after his real ostato Interests. Clarence Runner and Miss Ida Mr Johnson wcro married Fobruary 24th at tho homo of tho bride's parents at O'Fallons. The bride has taught in the 0'Falloii3 schools for our years and the groom is a prosperous j'ojmg farmor living south of Horshey' vho spent fifteen months as a marine on tho U. S. S. South Dakota. They took a wedding trip to Donver and up on their return will be at homo on a farm south of Ilershoy. A. P. Anderson, living south of Maxwoll, was called to Sioux Falls last wool; by tho lllnoss of his moth er. Thirty head of Poland China hogs offered by B. G. Sowlo & Son -nt Maxwoll average eighty dollars each. Zach Carter, who "wus employed in ono of tho lumber yards at Brady, has moved to a farm noar Maxwell, Grandtia Koonoy passed away at Horshoy Thursday ovoning at tho ago of ninoty-three. Ho was a Nebraska pioneer. The Nichols aid society met with Mrs. F. O. Johnson last week to givo her a farowoll party prior to hor leaving for hor now homo southeast of North Platto. Sho was presented with a beautiful dresser scarf. Win. Longpro and family, of tho Maxwoll section, liavo moved to his farm near Broadwater. Gub Rosontrator, of Brady, wont to Omaha last week to have an op oration porformed. Ho had a rib brokon sovornl yoars ago and it has since given him much trouble. 11. L. Oldfuthor. of Brady. loft Inst woek for Ilift, Col., whoro ho and his family will locnto. In an advertisement in tho Horshey Times tho Great Westorn Sugar Co. says: "We very strongly fed that tho piico of $11.50 por ton is the maxi mum that wo aro warranted in offer ing In tho Ilershoy territory at tills tlmo, and wo do not proposo to alter tho price." Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Young,, of Horshoy have returned front an ex tondod visit in California. ::o:: Order 1(H) Locomotives Tho Omaha papors stato that tho Union Pacslflc has placed an ordor for 100 locomotives at a cost of six million dollars. Eighty will bo for sorvlco on the Union Pacific, tho otb or twenty on tho Oregon Short Lino. Ton of tho eighty nro of tho Mikado modol, twonty-flvo of tho Santa Fo.flvo Mallets, ton of tho Pacific paBsengor typo and thirty switch onginos. Tho Pacific Fruit Express Co., op erating ovor tho Union Pacific, has placod an order for 4,000 refrigerator cars. ::o: : Must Chaiigo Location. Chanco to buy a good home cheap. Good sovon room houso, wash houso, garago, coal iioubo and othor imnrovo- monts; C good lots, 3 blocks dast nnd 7 blocks south of tho 10c store. Prico $4000. F. H. Woodgnte. Phono Black Report of the Condition of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK Charter No. 3490. Reserve DIst. No. 10. nt North Platte, In the Stato of Nebras ka, at he close of business on February 28, 1920. RESOURCES Loans nnd dis counts . ... ... $1,000,914.24 uvoruratts unse cured IT. S. (aovcrnmciit HecurlttcM otviicili Deposited to se cure circula tion, (U. S. bonds par val ue) ; $100,000.00 Pledged to so curo nostal savings depos its (par value) Owned and un pledged Total U. S. Gov ernment secur ities Oilier IloiiiW, MecurltlcM etN.t Securities other than U.S. bonds (not Including stocks) own ed and un pledged 40.079.41 Total bonds, sq- securltles, etc.. other than U.S. Stock of Fedor- , . , al Reserve Dank (no per pent of sub scription .... Value -of bank- ing house, own- , ed unlncumbor- , cd 53,000.00 Equity In bank ing houso . . . Furniture and flxturoa Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank. Cash in vault and not amount due from na ztional Ban Icq. 224,153.81 Net amounts duo from banks nnd bankers, and ' trust compan ies (othor than included 1 u items 12, 13 or 14) 33,704.51 Checks on othor In the same city or town as report ing immc coin er than Item 1C) 15,930.26 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer nnd due from U. S. Treasurer I NOTJCH Ol 1 . .In the County County, Nebraska. In the Matter of tho Estate of mricg, Junior, Iiecensed. The State of Nebraska, To all per sons interested In said estate: Hoth creditors and helra take notice, that Warwick W. IClbben has filed his peti tion alleging that Asa IIIclcs. Junior. died Intestnte on or about tho first day oi January, i8sy, ocing a resident and innaiiitant or Taswell county. Illinois. nnd the owner of the following de scribed real estate, to-wit: Tho North- cast ounrter of Section Fourtenn. Township Nine, Range Twenty-nine, worn oi mo utn r. m., in Lincoln coun ty.Nebraska; and that said petitioner Is tho present owner of said premises, having purchased tho samo; that moro thnn two years have elapsed since the death of said deceased, and that no application hns been made In the State of Nebraska for tho annolntment of an administrator; said petitioner praying tnnt tins court will make and enter a decree determining tho date of tho death of said deceased, tho right of succession to said above described real estate, who aro the heirs of said de ceased, their degree of kinship and tho rignt or descent or the real nronertv of which the said deceased died seized. Snld Detltlon w 111 be for hearinir on the 2d day of April, 1920, at the hour of ono o'clock l). m. Dated at North Platto. Nebraska, this 27th day of February, 1920. WM. II. C. WOODHURST, m9-3 County Judge. 40,079.41 5,100.00 58,000.00 5,200.00 68,117.41 ,4 5,000.00 347,242.02 Total ? t ,570,770.70 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In Surnlus fund . . Undivided profits 16,301.75 Loss current ex penocs, Inter est, nnd tnxos o s paid 7,282. 5S' Clrciilntlnir notes outstanding . . Net nmountn due to banks, bank ers, and trust compnnies in tho United States nnd for eign countries (othor thon In cluded in Items 29 or 30) 92.8S4.51 Cashier's checks on own bank outstanding . . 20,387.96 IltMiiniid dcnoxltw (other tlimi linnk iI(iohI(h) sub ject to ItcHcrvtt (dopos slts payablo within 30 days) : Individual de posits subject to ohockt 780.064.71 Certificates of deposit duo In less than 30 days (other than for mon oy borrowed). 14,356,61 Tlmo doposlUi subject to re serve (payable after 30 days, or subject to 30 days or moro 1 notice, and postal savings: Certificates of deposit (othor thnn for mon ey borrowed). 285,000.00 Postal savings deposits 1,842.62 Othor time de posits 60,241.05 United SI ii (oh DcponltM (other than postal sav ings): War snvlngs cer tificate and thrift stamp depoHlt account 5.13 Letters of Credit and Travelers' Checks sold for cash and otit standlnff . . 4pt $100,000.00 70,000.00 9,019.17 100,000.00 NOTICB OF HKAIIIXO In the County Court of Lincoln County, Nebrnska. In tho Matter of the Estate of Mary E. Sibley, Deceased. Tho State of Nebraska, To all per sons Interested In snld estnto: Both creditors nnd heirs take notice that Warwick W. Kibben hns filed his pe tition alleging that Mary E. Sibley died Intestnte on or about the 24th day of September, 1904, bolng a resident nnd inhabitant of Lincoln county, Ne braska, and tho owner of the follow ing described renl estnte, to-wit: The Northenst qunrtor of the Southeast qunrter of Section Fourteen, Township .Nine, itnnge Twenty- nine, west of the 6th P. M In Lincoln county, Nebraska. and that snld petitioner is the present owner or snld premises, having pur chased the same through the heirs of snld deceased: that more than two yenrs hnvo elapsed slnco the death of snld denei'seM. nnd that no nnnllcatlon hns been mnde In the state of Nebraska for the appointment of nn administra tor; said petitioner praying that this roiirt will mnke ana enter n decree determining the dnte of the dentil of snld deceased, the right of succession to said above described renl estate, wlv nre the hlrs of snld decensed their degree of kinship nnd the Mirht of de scent of the renl nronertv of which the said deceased died qelr.ed Snld petition will li for bearing on tho 2d day of April, 1920, nt the hour of one o clock p. m. Datd at North Plntt. Nohrnfikn. this -an iny or B'i)piiv, ti-m. WM. II. C. WOOrHUtST m9-26 County Judge NOT I CM voiv mix Notice Is herMv p-lven. that the Bonrd of Pt'U r,o-imi,'lon'rs of the cltv of North Plntte. Lincoln Pountv. Nebr.iskn. will venelve periled bids ill) until noon on the uii '"y of Ann! 1920. t the now V V Elliott, tlie chiilr',""i of i'iffl iionvr'. for tiin labor and terlils .nppvsnr" In t,ift con struction o eertln lt-ftii inn fi.f In len""f'i. vl1-' ntn nri" enjvert 16 fet lo'i". with rnn("",tn .d M'nlls. and One nnllrl't ' fr' lonfT with c'vln,-f' ni .i-i'io ,n'i r"n con crete .ltiln fir ft-t lof .-v.i(l. cjntd later"1 i""i. f,--i "i.- nol be po" .." f i m. , ..-, Titt nt nark, nnd for t.'. . - i tho excavation or moo cubic j-ards of dirt In tho buildlne- of snld lnke or swimming pool, said bids to be sub mitted netmrntolv 'of the wo'k nnd mntprlpi neoesFT-v in the construction of snld latsrl ouiverfo nnd siphon, nnd for work neoessarv In the excnvntlon of snld swinmilne nool. or lnke: all work to be performed "ndpr the uporvislon of the fty engineer In accordance with the pinni nnd specifications on file In bin omee. Snld hldi tn e nceompnnlod with a certified ohe-'U In the pnm of $50.00. The Hoard reserves the right to re ject any nnd all bids F. R. FLLTOTT. Chnlrrnnn of tb" rmrrl of P.irk Com missioners of North Plntte, Nc brnskn. mOaS llcirlstcrcd Suffolk StaHIon for salo or trado. WTolght 1G50, bIx years old. Inqulro of Albert A. dlnapp Brady. tt Col. II. M. JOHANSEN, AUCTIONEER. Salo Dates: March. 11th. W. II . Towers, general farm sale, southeast of Maxwell. 15th. Landholm & Anderson hog sale at the North Platto Sale Barn. C. P. Esslcy, March 10th, general farm sale, 10 miles south and ono cast, of dandy. Neb. DR. L. J. KRAUSE, DENTIST McDonald Bank Bldy. Phono D7. R. I. SHAPPELL GENERAL AUCTIONEER See or write mo for dates SUTHERLAND, NEBRASKA DR. HAROLD FENNER Osteopath Over Illrsclif eld's Office Phono 333 Res. Phono 1020 OKDKH OF HKAIUXr; In the tho mnttor of tho estateof Al bert Coolldgo. Deceased. Now on this 6th day of March, 1920, on tho filing of the petition of Delia A foolldgo praying for the acceptance of tho reslgnntlon of W. IT. McDonald ns ndmlnstrntor and approval of his re port and that A. F. Stroltz be annolnt ed ns Administrator De Uonl Non of said estate. It Is hereby ordered that April 2nd. 1920, be sot for tho hearing thereof before tills court at 10 o'clock a. m., and that notice of snld henrlng bo glv on tho Heirs, devisees nnd all nersons Interested in said estato by publication of n notice thereof for three successive wooks prior to said hearing, in the North Plntte Tribune, a legal semi weekly newspaper printed nnd pub lished In Lincoln County. Nebraska. (SEAL) War. II. C WOODTIUItST. ml-20 County Judge. 975.00 1.291,757.59 Total . . .91, 570,770.70 119. 11-5 State of Nebraska, County of Lincoln bb. I, F. L, Moopny, Cashier of the nbovo nnmed bunk, do Bolomnly Bwear that the above statement Is true to tho best of my knowledge nnd hnllof. F. U MOONET. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 5th day of Mnroh. 1920. N. IS. BUCKLEY, Notary Public. Correct Attest: R 1. SEERETtOEH, HAT C LANOFOHD, KEITH NEVILLE, Directors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In tho Matter of tho Estato of County, Nebraska. In tho Matter of tho Estate of Adolph Schorz, Deceased. Notlco Is hereby given to any and nil iporsons having claims nnd do mands against tho estate of tho saW Adolph Schorz, deceased, that tho 3rd day of July, 1020, has been : o- nnd ap pointed as tho day for tho i ception. examination, ndjustmont and allow ance of lawful claims and demands of all porsons, against said ostato nn(i that tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, will at said tlmo receive, oxamlno, adjust and allow all such claims against said ostato, as provide'd by law, at tho County Court Room in tho Courthouse In the City of North Platto, Lincoln County, No brasha, and all porsons so interested in said estato. will appear at said tlmo and pluco and duly prosont thoir said claims and domands In tho man ner required by law. or show cause for not so doing, and in caso any of said claims or domands shall not bo prpsontod on or prior to the said 3rd day of July 1920, tho samo shall Ik. forover barrod. In Testimony Whoroof, I have sign ed this notlco nnd nffixod tho seal of said Court this 8th day of March 1920 Vm. II. C. WOODHimST. Seal County Judge M9-' ROBERT A. PHILLIPS Plumbing and Keafing Contractor. I am propared to do all kinds of plumbing and heating. AH materials and work guaranteed. Estimates cheerfully given. Shop nnd Residence i:!0.'l East (itii St. Phono Red 458 NORTH PLATTE -Genera! Hospital.. (incorporated) One Hall Block North oi Posloflice. Phone 58 A modern institution for the scientific treatment of medical, surgical and casf. Completely equipped X-Riiy. and diagnostic laboratories.. Staff: Geo. B. Dent. H. D. V. tocos, fil 0. J. B. Redfield. M. D. J. S. SIMMS, H.D. Romigh Garage, Phono 811 Day Cnll. Phone 1270 Com. morclnl Hotel Night CaU. Taxi Service. DItS. STATES & STATES Chiropractors 5, 0, 7 Building & Loan Building. Office Phone 70. Res. Phone 1242 Gamble with Springer. THE CHAIN SYSTEM No. 1, 220 North Locust, Phone 203. No. 2, 116 East B Street, Phono 490. No. a, 621 East Fourth, Phono 971. No. 1, S21 ycat Third, Phone No. 75. Attachment Notice. William Adair will tako notlco that on tho 2d day of February, 1920, Paul O. Meyer, a justice of the peace of Lincoln county, Nebraska, issued an order of attachment for tho sum of f 13.55 in an action pending before him wherein Tho Star Clothing Company, a corporation, is plaintiff, and Wil liam Adair is defendant; that prop erty of tho defendant consisting of a Ford delivery car has been attached under said ordor. Said causo was continued to tho 15th day of March, 1920, at 9 o'clock a m. THE STAR CLOTHING COMPANY By E. J. Vnnderhoof. President. ORDER FIXING CLAIM BAYS. In the Estato of Edith May Walker. Deceased. Now on this 14th day of Fobruary, 1920, it is ordered by tho court that tho administrator bo allowed ono year from this dato in which to settlo said estato, and creditors will bo allowed until the 19th day of Juno, 1920, to file their claims, after said dato, claims will bo forover barred. That on the 19th day of March, 1920, and tho 19th day of Juno, 1920, at 9 o'clock a. m. of each of said days, tho court and tho administrator will attend at tho coun ty court room in said county to re ceive, oxamlne, hoar, allow and adjust claims. That notlco of this order bo given creditors and nil porsons inter ested in said estato by pub lication of a notlco for four succes sive weeks immediately preceding tho nw.d0?f Marchl 1920' ln lh0 North Platto Tribuno, a legal semi-wookly nowspapor printed and published in Lincoln count, Nebraska. mi. ii. c. woodiiurst, m'4 County Judge f