i I'M U THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., MARCH 2, 1920. No. 15 mm 4. S. DAVIS CO. LEASES THE HARRINGTON 110031. Tho J. S. Davis Auto Co. has leas ed tho Harrington storo room on east Sixth street lately occupied by CM. Trotter, and will uso it as a show and salesroom for tho Nash and Stearns cars and the Nash trucks. Hero will bo quartered J. J. Crawford as sales manager, car salesmen W. J. TUoy and Lloyd Powers and also tho truck salesman. An offico force will also bo Installed In the room. Provisions will also bo made for rest rooms for both men and women. This largo room Is admirably adapted for show and sulcs purposes, and Is Just such quarters as tho Davis Company needs as tho garage at the corner of Fourth and Locust Is Inade quate to meet the requirements of tho company's constantly Increasing bus iness. Tho present quarters will be retained for general garage purposes. : :o: : Wm. Ebrlght, J. M. Calhoun and M. S. Hartman returned Saturday from Lincoln where they attended the stato convontlon of tho non-partisan league. Mr. Ebrlght was a member of the com mittee which drafted the platform. The most classy spring suits ever shown In North Platte may be soon now at Block's. The Methodlso aid society will meet in tho church parlors Thursday after noon, March 4 th, with Mesdamcs R. L. Ford, Thornburg, Max VonGoetz, J. A. Adams, and H. C. Welch as tho en tertaining committee. You can buy coats and suits at Tho Stylo Shop for $29.75 and up. Moonshiners shown In feudist bat tles; night riders In thrilling chase; girl Jockey wins great horse race in "In Od Kentucky" at tho Sun Theatre this week. LaCamllle corsets with tho ventllo back in all tho now spring models; overy corset guaranteed and sold ex clusively at Block's. Roy Bangs, of Minden, was a week end guest at tho Edward Oleson homo. SENATE FORECASTS DEFEAT OF THE PEACE TREATY An oarly and unfavorable voto on ratification of tho pcaco treaty was forecast in tho uonato yesterday, whon republican leaders, roplylng to tho do mands of tho treaty's lrreconclllblo republican opponents, re-affirmed tholr docislon not to accept any chang" of substance or of language In tho re publican reservation to article" 10. ! Both sides conccdo . that enough democratic senators to dofoat rntillcn , tion are determined to stand with Pres. Wilson and voto against tho treaty unless tho Article 10 quallflca- i tlon is modified. I Tho republican decision Monday was followed by evidences that all the j elements In the senate fight would co operate to end debate and lot the treaty lssuo go undecided into the campaign. Some of tholeadors predicted a linn voto by Thursday, but others thought it would not como before tho first of next week. ::o;; Probably a million dollars worth of Lincoln county land chanced owner- shlp tho lattor part of last week and yesterday. Thousands of acres of land sold under contract last year became transferable March 1st, hence tho big volume of the transactions. Vory few of tho deals made foil through, which can bo taken as ovldenco that money is plentiful and easily obtainable for legitimate transactions. . Gloves! Gloves! French kid gloves and silk gloves in all tho wanted shades; long and short gloves In all sizes from $1.00 up at Block's. The War Mothers held a meeting at the home of Mrs. J. F. Clnbaugh Fri day ovenlng and appointed a commit tee to arrange for a celebration on Flug Day, Juno 14th. This committee will confer with citizens relative to a program to be given at tho Franklin auditorium. Tho organization last week week received Its charter from national headquarters. Nover go past The Stylo Shop wlth out looking in the display windows. CP THE STYLE SHOP Wishes to announce that they are now ready to show you a complete line of SUITS AND COATS, in all sizes, ranging in price from $29.75 and up. y t Our Salesladies will be pleased to show you through our new Coat and Suit Dept. NORTH PLATTE, NEB. Marinello Beauty Parlor In Connection. Phone 199 Cold on the Chest , (Health Talk No. 38 by Dr. States.) There is often a warning of the com ing on of this form of cold In the form 6t chilliness not warranted by tho de gree of temperature shown by tho thermometer. 1 If nothing to forestall the attack Is done, there Is so6n slight fever, soreness of tho throat and hoarseness, a sense of pressure in the chost and coughing. Tho condition may Increase in In tensity until pnoumonla results. The thing to do Is at tho first symptom of chill to tnko vigorous-steps to restore the natural heat of the body. Spinal adjusting at this stngo is productive of immediate change for tho better. A fow will break It up completely. If tho condition Is chronic, It may be necessary to go through a long course of adjusting to correct tho spinal dis- order and rcmovo the pressure that has destroyed norvous balance in tho organs affffecteii. NO CHARGE Consultation is withous chargo or obligation. Drs. States & States, Tho P. S. C. Chiropractors. Building and Loan Building North Halt Ncbraskn. mrnmruxi muiiiruTujiniuixu jc m Km i m I Spinel jcol CORRECTS DISEASES THE FOLLOWING HEAD EYES CARS NOSE THROAT LUNGS V LIVER TAMArU PANCREAS SPLEEN KIDNEYS BOWELS APPENDIX (bladder. LOWER vrtft LIM35 LOWER PINCHED NERVES, IMPOSSIBLE TO FURNISH PROPER IMPULSES (LIFE AND health) TO THEIR 0RGAN5 l AND TISSUES ixinnnnxt FORMER NORTH PLATTE WOMAN IS HONORED Mrs. Geo. II. Hirst, of Douglas, Arizona, formerly Miss Anna McNa- niara, of this city, has been elected as one of tho Arizona dologatcs to the national democratic convontlon to bo held In San Francisco. Mrs. Hirst hnB boon n resident of Douglas for a number of years, and from papers published in that city it is learned that sho has taken an actlvo ipart in all the progressive work of tho city and stato In which women have par ticipated. Sho is now n doputy proba tion officer of tho juvonllo depart ment of the superior court of the stato. Tho fact that sho hns been selected as a delognte to tho national convention is evidence of her active work for tho betterment of civic con ditions and that her reputation as such is statewide. The old' time friends of Mrs. Hirst will bo pleased to learn of tho honor which hns boon conferred upon her. :;o:: Try tho Rexall first, It pays. 14tf Misses Josephine and Mildred Mc- Keown will leave tomorrow for tt vis It with friends in Lincoln. Children's spring drosses nnl coats In all the newest spring styles, now shown at Block's. E. R. Goodman returned thie morn ing from Denver whore ho transacted business for a couple of days. Rov. J. H. Curry went to Grand Island yesterday to attend a moot ing of the Presbyterian brotherhood. Two thirty-three foot lots for salo. East Fourth street opposite city park. EaBy payments. Call Red 471 15-2 Miss Thclma Frator, of The Tribune force, will leave the oarly part of next week for a visit with reatlvos in Ohio. Referee O. E. Elder will spll nt public sale on April 3d the tracts of mna m tlie city owned by tho lato D. E. Thomson. Tho Dolco light plant in this city has been purchased by W. K. Beau champ, for many years a farmer and stockman living northwest of town. If you nro a lover of color, tone and harmony, you will appreciate "Madam Flanders" blouBcs on display at Tho Style Shop. Hundreds of now spring suits, coats, dresses, skirts and blouses now ready for your Inspection and moro arrlvlngdaily at Block's. - ' W. H. Eshlomafw-who had b'ednitv- Ing on a farm north of tho river, mov ed to town yesterday and Is occupy ing tho premises at 814 west Ninth, Walla Wnlln Lodge No. r0, I. 0. 0. P., will Initiate a class of candidates Tliursdnjeveiilng of this week. J. Guy Swopc, Secy. Ccats! Coats! sport coats, three- quarter length coats and full length coats, up to tho minute in style, now on display at Block's. Promotor Rnlhv niinnminna n ivrocf. ling match on tho evening of March 9th at tho llromon'B hall between Armacus, of Gary, Ind., and Bobby Bylund, of this city. The campaign to raise funds for tho rener or tne suriering Armenians and other far pant, nnnnlna lipp-nn voatnr. day, a number of lady solicitors being .....41 I . 1 . . ... buliiuiiuu ui wiu duiiks ana at mo u P. depot. Mr. and Mrs. Loon Hinldnrt rn turned Sunday from Kansas City where inoy nau ueon spending the past fow months and will again make North Platte their homo. Mr. HmWnrt. r employed os fireman for, tho Union I'acuic. Dresses and frocks In all tho new est spring shndes and materials, de signed and made by America's fore most dosignors and priced very rca Houably at Block's. Prizes offerol by the recruiting of- nccrb ror tno best essay written by pupus or tno city schools on tho sub Ject "What are tho Benefits of an En llstment In the United States were won by Wilmn Conhlll. Mnv Browning and Norma Young, tho first named receiving $5.00, the sec ond ?a.uu ana tno tlilrd $2.00. Tho mean temporaturo for lapt month was live degreos warmer than tno normal for tho month, the tem perature falling to reach tho zoro nolnt durinir tho twnntv Tho precipitation for tho month wns just a s untie over a quartor of an inch, or about a tenth of nn tnnii . low tho normal for February. The ,i (i i i .. j 1 1 ' 1 1 . uuuuiuuuy in iiruuiiuiuuon SlIlCC Jail uary 1st 1b ono-tonth of an Inch. SUN THEATRE March 2, 3, 4, S. EMPLOYERS AND EMPLOYES i'ORMULATE RELATIONS POLICY Tho committee of labor rotations of tho Clovolnnd chamber of commorco has formulntcd n lnbor relations pol icy, sot forth In a declaration of prin ciples mado public Sunday and said to bo tho first Instanco In tho country whoro a definite policy hns booh "plan ned for a community by a group .of leaders of Industry and labor. Warren S. Stono, grand chief of tho Brothorhood of IjOcomotlvo Engi neers, is a mombor of tho committee Progressive recommendations In clude advice to employers to tnko the workers Into their confidence and to plncb beforo tholr employes financial and other Information concerning tholr enterprises. The committee opposes compulsion by olthor omployor or employe to maintain a union or non-union shop, but recogJzes tho possibility or a mu tual agreement of this character. Public Interest requires Increasing production, tho report snys. Hie cost of living is given first placo In wage considerations. Ovortlmo work Is dis couraged and tho Saturday half-holi day encouraged . Tho safeguarding of tho health of workers Is ulvocatod and also enforcement by public of ficials of ujl laws in respect to coorclve measures , Tho Eplscbpal guild will meet in tho. basement of tho church Thursday nfterhoon'. Coats- 'Coats I Sport coats, thrco- nuartor length coats, and full length coats, up to the minute in style, now on display at Block's. Thos. Edison's machines of many merits at, Dixon's. Baptist church groups meet Thurs- lay of this week! blblo group with Mrs. Louden, south Chestnut; Ann Hazoltlno group with MrB. Leon, nnd Q. E. group with Mr3. Dixon, 521 oast B street. , For Salt Household furniture. In quire of Mrs. Nols Rasmussen, 021 east Third street; phone B 4G3. 1 The rush of ox-service men to Tor- rlngton, Wyo., to participate In the drawing of eighty tracts of land was evidenced at tho depot this morning when over fifty tickets woro sold to Goring, the Hearing station on the Union Pacific to tho land. About tho samtTuumoor of tickets wore Bold yes terday morning. These tracts of land range 'from forty to 120 acrdseach , ..It 8cer$ij(dlffjcult to a,waken farmers of thts'sectlon to "tho value of puro, bred stock. On Monday of last week the Western Nobraska Breeders' As sociation placed on sale In this city sixty head of thoroughbred sows and the animals averaged about $100 each. Had tho samo animals boon of fered in tho eastern part of the stato, whoro good breeding Is fully appreci ated, thoy would havo averaged not ncss than $150 each. Leo Sago, a freight brakeman, has brought suit against the Union Pacific for $15,000 damagos for an accident which bofell him nt O'Fallon on tho night of January 23d. In his petition Sago avers that in giving the onglneor tho stop signal his arm came in con tact with an improperly located switch stand and tho bono in his arm was brokon, causing a pormauont Injury Tho plaintiff Is represented by attor noy W. E. Shuman. MRS. JOHNSON FALLS AND FRACTURES SKULL YESTERDAY Mrs. Mary Johnson, elghty-threo years of ago, mother of Mrs. R. A. Gnrmau and Mrs. Munsingor, fractur ed her skull at 3:30 yostordny after noon whon sho foil down tho stairs leading to tho basomout nt tho Mun singor residence. Vp to nluo o'cock this morning tho ngod Indy had not regained consciousness and nttondlng physlclnifk gnvo llttlo hope at recov ery. Mrs. Johnson had gathered up some kindling with the Intention of taking it to the Uasoniont. As sho started to doflcend tho stairway sho cither trip ped or was solzed with a fainting spoil mid fell, tho back of her head striking tho cement door of the base ment. Mrs. MuiiBlnger, who Was talking with hor sister over tho tele phono, hearl a noise and surmising that something had happened to her mother, hastened to tho stairway and found Mrs. Johnson on tho bnsomont lloor unconscious. Summoning help tho lnjurod woman wns carried up , stairs ana a pnysicinn summoned, who upon examination found a fracture of tho skull. ORDINANCE COMMITTEE STRIKES SNAtt ON IJ0NI)VISSUE8 :o:i Miss Irnia Fisher has accepted a po sition as clork nt tho Stoggeman gro cery storo. ) Miss Ella Stoggeman Is back at her duties nt tho grocery storo aftorlnn absenco of tyo weeks duo to She grlppo. Mr. and Mrs. Gone Kisor loft Sjiu day for tholr homo In Snlom, Oregon, after a two weeks visit with frlonps. Mr. KIser was formerly cmployod hero as a train man . Drosses and" frocks in all tho new est spring shades and materials, de signed nnd made by America's foro-! most dosignors and priced vory rca-) sonably at Block's. Tickets for the annual family j luncheon of tho Chnmbor of Commorco to bo held at 0:30 on Mnrch 11th, arc j on salo by tho secretary, Mr. Moran. J Sarah Stock Kroeger, secretary of tho ' Koarnoy Chamber of Commerce Will be tho speaker of tho ovenlng. Tho first section of train No. 1 yes terday afternoon struck nn automobile t tho crossing west of Gothenburg. In tho car were a man, three women and three children, but nono were seri ously Injured. Tho occupants woro watching an aeroplane and did not notice the approach of tho train, which was running about twenty,-fivo mllos an h'ourV ' " Charlie Chaplin IN his latest picture "A Days Pleasure" WILLIAM RUSSELL IN "The Lincoln Highwayman" The swiftest program of tho year. Both pictures travel on six cylinders and tho big Idea Is SPEED. Keith Theatre, Friday. mm 1WMKI EXTRA ATTRACTION OLD KENTUCKY JAZZ BAND. Street Parade Daily. Crystal Theatre, Thursday and Friday. JUNE ELVIDGE IN "The Social Pirate" Thursday Special, FOX NEWS. Friday Special, RAINBOW COMEDY. When In North Platto ston at the Now Hotol Palace and Cafo. You will bo treated well. 68tf Councilman Losllo Baskins, chair man of tho ordinance committee of tho city council, who started in to propnro tho ordinances calling for n voto on tho proposition to lssuo bonds for the extension of water and sowor mnlns, struck n snag that caused him to halt. It was gcnorallyiaccoptcd that under tho law a city of this class could Issue water bonds up to. twonty flvo per cent of tho assessed valua tion but In looking up tho, statutes Mr. Baskins found that as a' city, wo are limited to water bonds in tho sum of J150.000. Wo hnvo already out standing f 80,000 ill wntcr bonds, so that tho amount additional that could be issuod would bo but $70,000. This is loss than half tho amount which would bo needed to complete tho ex tensions as outlined by. tho mayor, tho city council and Wator Commis sioner Welch, and tho program of tho extension will therefore need bo abandoned for tho prosont year, at least. Just what action will bo takon In tho mattor will bo docfclod at tho regular meeting of tho council which wilt bo hold at tho city hall tonight. Counciman Baskins' plan is to lay out n program of future extensions and voto a certain amount of bonds each year until tho program is com pleted. This is probably about tho host courso that can bo pursued. ::o:: llo-Cronto Falrrlow 1'rcclnct. At a meeting of tho county commis sioners yostorday tho formor precinct of Fnirvlow was ro-croatqd..Tlii8i pre cinct a number of yoars ago; was" con solidated with Sutherland' precinct, but tho Blxty or moro voters in tho ter ritory concluded that It would bo moro convenient for them woro a now precinct created. In tho torritoryom bracod In the precinct thoro nro about sixty sections of land which Ho In townships 12, 13 npd 14, rango 3, or n division six milos east and west and ton mllos north and south. Tho pre cinct will bo known as Falrvlew. Dr. T. J. Kerr, Roy Cochrnn and J. 1 Keofo woro among tho ox-sorvlco mon who wont to Torrlngton yostor dny to register in tho land drawing. Tho Phllos Guna club will moot with Mrs. C. W. SailndorB Wednesday af ternoon. ' Win. Hoy so has boon appointed, cub-. todlnn at tho court houflb," entering uppn his duties yostorday. ::o:: ' ... . Another ltrqom Sale. , " Saturday, March Cth, comiTfonclng.at 2 p, m. sharp, wo will again boII 25 Doz. EAGLE BROOMS at 65c each. Limited two to tho customer. DERRYBERRY & FORBES. Inc. I Crystal, Tonight and Tomorrow. ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN IN "The Country Cousin" Little Miss Innocense straight from Mendowbrook, with pert daisies peeping from a pink bonnet ami calico dress. But the new mown hay puts the city asphalt to flight when it comes to whplesome comparison. Special Tonight- FATTY ARBUCKLE in "A ROUGH HOUSE." Are you tired of the common place film? 1 Then see this one "BACK TO GOD'S COUNTRY" adopted from the story Wapi the Walrus by James Oliver Curwood featuring the brilliant swimming star Nell Shipman 16 kinds of wild animals play a un ique part in the story. Greatest dog sledge race ever. Scenes actually tak en inside the rim of the Artie Circle. Never a Tilm Like This. A tale of love and villainy. Unique, beautiful, daring. Miss Shipman really docs the haz ardous' swim herself. Keith Theatre, Wed. & Thurs. MARCH 3-4. ADULTS 50c. CHILDREN 25c.