The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 27, 1920, Image 6

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mtif yow
It won't be the fault of your watch if you do miss your
train if you buy your watch from us; because the first thing
we DEMAND of a watch is that it .keeps on keeping CORRECT
Then we look out for weight' and appearance so as not to
overburden your pocket and please the eye.
' We sell the best watches made, (WRIST WATCHES, too)
and for Reasonable PRICES.
CLINTON, The Jeweler.
Sign of tho m Kl"!,'
'Mrs. Kady, of Ilershoy, visited with
friends in town yesterday.
,Goo. Cash roturned to Tryoti today
after spending soveral days in town
on business.
Trainmaster Weir, of Grand Island,
spent yesterday in town looking after
Second district matters.
Try tho Rexall first, it pays. 14tf
Mrs. Alvin Ellas will leave tho ilrst
of tho week for St. Joo where sho will
spend a couplo of weeks visiting rela
tives. Mrs. Chas. Burroughs and Mrs.
Vaughan ilinman wore called to Chap
pell Wednesday, by tho death of a rel
ative. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Gray and little
daughter Junnita wont to Grand Islan
Wednesday for a. short vllt with Mrs.
Gray's mothor . ' f;
Mr. and Mrs. A. O. .Hamilton, ot
Denver, camo horn Wednesday to at- j
tenu uio tunerar or Mrs. u. y. kohb,
mother of Mrs. Hamilton.
Most up to dato wall paper patterns
nt tho Itoxnll. 14tf
Charllo Chaplin has n brand now(?)
car and ho io bringing a Whole load' of
fun to the Keith thcatro March 5 and
6 In his latest comedy, "A Day's Pleas
ure." Somo wild doings at tho Crystal
Saturday afternoon and evening. Ma
bel Normand in "Pinto" is a riot of
fun and sho certainly does start
f t
Tho Hnptlst choir, under tho tltroc
lion of Mrs. Gllbort Drown, wont to
Maxwell last evening to repeat the
song recital which Ihoy recently gave
,.nt tho' Franklin auditorium.
fcj Quito a" number of North Platte
Tpooplo nro planning to attend tho auto
tshow to bo hold in Omaha next wook.
Among tho cars to bo oxhlblted will
bo a Packard, selling prlco of which
.is $11,000.
Tho spring term of district court
jvill convono Monday, March 15th, and
: svlll ho a Jury term. It is probable
-Mhnt tho negro murderer of Conductor
fliobort Mnssoy will bo tried at this
OBltting of court.
Let all tho klddlos come to tho mat
ftlneo at tho Crystal Saturday to boo
Mubol Normand in "Pinto." Thqy will
..oujoy it moro than any plcturo they
lhavo seen for months. It is a clean,
clover entortnlnmont for them.
In the wrestling match at the fire
men's hall Tuosday ovoning, Tommy
Itny socured tho first fall from Bobby
Dylund in thirty-sovon minutes. Dy
lund securod tho scoond fall and in
tho fall Hay was knocked out and fall
ing' to respond to tho final, forfolted
tho match to Dylund.
New Rates for
Daily and Sunday by mall, 1 yeari. $7.00
Daily by Mail, Sunday by Carrier, 1 year $8.50
Daily, only, by mail, 1 year 1 $6.00
Sunday, only, by Mail, 1 year $2.50
Daily by Mail, Sunday delivered by carrier, 3 months $2.25
Sunday by carrier, per copy .10
Sunday at Store, per copy .05
Sunday by canMer, 3 months in advanco .. $1.05
All subscriptions must bo paid in advance as papers
will be discontinued when out.
C. M. NEWTON, Agent
For Omaha. Bee, City and R. F. D. Routes for North Platte
P, O.
Strained honey for sale. Mrs. Doo
Httlo. Phono 782F022. 14-4
L. C. Carroll expects to soon begin
tho erection of a modern resldonco on
west Second Street on the corner lot
formerly, owned by J. V. Claubaugh
Tho present houso will probably be
moved to the rear of tho lot.
.Now spring suits and coats. Newest
styles. Lowest prices. The Hub.
Roy Touklnson, of Kcarnoy, was a
visitor in town yestorday, coming here
m 'business connected with tho
Prest-o-Llto sorvico station which he
owns arid which Is mannged by "Sor
vico" Dnkor, an expert in electrical
matters pertaining to motor cars.
LAD1KS! Have you looked nt our
line of blouses I TIio Intost sly'es. New
styles arriving every day. Prices $!I.r0
to $25.01). The Hub.
C. F, Tracy will return next week
from Omaha where ho has beon spend
ing sovoral weeks attending the con
foronco of tho B. ot L. E. nnd U. P.
officials. Mr. Tracy i secretary of
ef tho general eomm1iUc.o of thoJJ. of
JLi. E. on tho Union Pacific
j " '
Tho mombors of tho Christian choir
hold a farewell reception at tho church
parlors Wednesday ovoning compll
montnry to their director, Mrs. Gil
bert Brown. Music furnished enter
tainment for tho ovoning nnd a light
lunch was served. Mrs. Drown will
leave tho first of tho week for her new
homo In Lincoln.
Tho nowost spring npparol and ac
cessories for womon now being shown
at Tho Leador Mor. Co.
Of I,2fl0 votes cast at the special
oloctloh t Kcarnoy, Tuosday, to voto
$100,000 In bonds for tho erection of a
municipal auditorium and sales pa
vilion, nearly 900 supportod tho Im
provement. About 300 womon voted.
Tho Chamber ot Commorco, which
launched tho election, will now clo
voto nil energies to speeding up con
struction of tho building.
Dixon & Son, Sight Specialists.
Frank England, who for forty yearF
has lived on his ranch southwest of
town has leased tho property to AV
Mooro, and will havo a salo of his
stock and muchinory March 17th
About tho first of Juno-Mr. and Mrs.
England and their four children wll)
leavo on an nuto trip to Seattle and
othor western 'points and may con
tinuo to trnvol around for a year or
North Platte railroad men with
wlioni wo have talked, whllo oxpreslng
regret that congress passed the
railroad hill In its present form, say
that thoy do not oxpoct nny sorlous
trouble In tho way ct strikes or walk
outs to occur. Among local employ ot
thero Is a division of opinion as to
whother tho government management
of tho roads was moro satisfactory
than prlvato management.
the Omaha Bee
Julius lMzpraKaTors Extensions.
Editor TrlbunSr I notice by The
Trlbuno that the city council will Mib
mlt at the April election a proposltioA
to vote bonds for water nnd sower ox
tenblons, and this early I want to go
on record as favoring such bonds fot
extension purposos. While I havo no
property which will bo bonofitted by
such extensions, and ronlizo that with
the amount of business property I
own that my taxes will be increased,
ypt I bellovo that wo should play fair
with those who do not havo water an"
sower sorvico nnd by making thba,e
extensions givo them tho convanloncos
which the rest of us enjoy. I will do
all I can to help carry tho proposition,
and I bellevo It is the duty of every
other citizen to do so, thus giving
tho outlying rosldonce districts water
for fire and domestic purposes and the
advantages and conveniences which
accrue from sewage.
"i'lii! Twentieth Century Club."
Mrs. EJmorCoates' lovoly new hemi4
was the scono of the Twentioth Cen
tury Club meeting on Tuosday after
noon. Mrs. CoatoB was assisted In hei
Vuties as hostess by Mrs. J. S, Davis
and Mrs. Harold Blalock. Child Wel
fare claimed the attention of the Club
during the business session, Mrs. Frat-
or, president, introducing Mrs. Coch
ran, County School Supt., who made
an oloquont appeal for health super
vision In tho schools, explaining what
wan already being done In the County
and the benefits arising in othor sec
tions of tho country by the employ
ment of doctors nnd nursos In the er
aminntlon of school children.
Mrs. Frator urged tho Club to In
vost the money derived from tho saler
olf Reel Cross Soals In tho purchase of
weighing and measuring machines f
tho flvo schools and tho omploymont
of a capable nurse for ono or two
months, which same wns voted on and
Thus will Thrift and patriotism Join
hands in tho conservation of health
and tho united effort for tho bettor
mont of our future citizens. Mrs. C.
F. Sponcer and Mrs. York Hlnman
road splendid papers on. "What Amer
ica Is giving to tho Immigrant" in
which tho proper relation of the old
and the new Immigration to the pres
ent situation and the wonderful op
portunlties held out by our magnifi
cent country to tho alien within our
gates, was exhaustlngly dealt with.
Miss Mildred Skinner added to the
program somo exceedingly clever reci
tations and delicious refresrrmqnts
rounded out a very Interesting and en
joyable session. Mrs. H. M. Grimes
was a guest of tho Club.
Mrs. Stanley Orr, Pres Cor.
: :o: :
Attention Ex-Servlco 3lcn.
Tho United States Treasury. Depart
ment has Issued a new statement rel
ative to government insurance based
on tho liberal provisions of tho recent,
law passed by congres In favor of ex
servlco men. This provides that sol
diers, sailors and marines who have
allowed thoir government lifd insur
ance to lnpso, may reinstate at aiiy
tlmo beloro July 1st, 1920, if tho in
sured man can show that ho is in las
good health as nt tho date of last pay
ment. This will give an opportunity
ot those men who have been out of
sorvico moro than 18 months who
havo not kept up their ipremlum3 and
to those whoso payments have lapsed
for over cloven months tb renew their
government insurance. 1
A provlous statement giving Decern
bor 31st, 1019 as tho last dato for ro
npplicatlon Is hereby cancolled.
Home Sorvico Sections of tho Amer
ican Red Cross have received full in
formation from tho Bureau of War
Rtsk Insurance relating to re-instat-mont
and convorslon of insurance
with dotniled Instructions concerning
tho oxchango of ono form of poltcy'Xpr
another at a lowor rate of premium.
Tho locnl office of tho Rod Cross Is
supplied with ro-inslatment and conversion-application
blanks, printed in
structions and lists of premium rates
and tho Homo Sorvico Secretary on
tho second floor of the post-office
building will gladly give Information
and assistnnco to cx-servico men nnd
their families.
D. A. It. Meets Monday.
Sioux Lookout Chaptor of tho D, A.
R. mectB with Mrs. C. R. Moroy, 30D
wost Third Street, March 1st at 7:30
p. m., Mrs. Moroy and Mrs. Romigh
Amerioa Pledge to tho oldest Flag
of all nntlons, tho only Flag that never
know dofeat."
"Evolution of tho Flag from 1777 to
tho prisont day" Mrs. F. H. Hoxle.
Flag Quorios-"Its Significance
vonorntton nnd fncts," Mrs. Starr.
Three Minuto talks "Duty of every
American cltlzon" Mrs. Etta Bonnor
Mrs. Edith Gnntt, Mrs. Keith Novillo
Mrs. W. P. Snyder.
Roll Call An Item of Thrift prac
ticed since 1914.
A flno nttonllnnco desired with re
ports from all Local Chairmen of State
MRS. GRIMES, Regent.
Curd of Thanks
Wo wish to oxpress our thanks to
tlioso who so kindly assisted us dur
ing tho doath of our son and brothor,
also for tho beautiful floral offerings.
Signed Mr. Mulrhead nnd Family.
An Interesting Experiment.
Itoports that from 100,000 to 300,000
mon omployod on tho railroads undor
government control aro to bo dis
charged and not roplnced when tho
roads nro roturned to prlvato hands
are rather bowllderlng In vlow of tho
thoorlos of offlcloncy and economy un
dor which government control wan un
dortakon. Tho truo history of tho ox
porlmont will bo Interesting roadlng.
Sprlngflold Ropubllcan.
Now 5 room houso and full baso
mont on west Cth street. 5 blocks to
round houso and seven blocks to yard
office. 4500.00.
8 room houso nnd 3 lots In tho
EJynn addition to North Platto at
$4000.00. LIBERTY LAND CO..
14.3 Phono 128
' I
Minn Tnylor House Dresses on Mile
n( The Hub.
A girl baby wtts born Saturday ttV
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Duncan.
For sale Kitchen rango. Inquiro
214 east Third. !
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. tinnier, of Brady
spont Thursday with friends. '
New spring goods nro bolug opened I
up every day, nt The Loador Mor. Co. '
Harry York returned yosterday from
a thrso day business trip to Cheyenno. j
An alarm clock from Dixon's Is
guaranteed . ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Gsno Atkinson, of
Brady,, visited with friends In town
Alfalfa hay for sole, third cutting.
Thos. E. Doollttle. Phone 7S2F082. 14-4
Supt. A. W. McDhffy artd Tittuihti
ter W. C Shelver made a trip up thb
branch yostorday,, '
Mrs. C. E. Souser loft yosterday to
spend a few days In Clarks with hor
son, C. E. Souser, Jr.
Try the Roxall first, it pays. 14tf
L. B. Wilson and Paul Nolan wiU
go to Mitcholl Monday to attend tho
soldiers' land drawing.
C. N. Dobson, of the Union Pacific
commissary dopartmont, looked nftoi
company buslnoss horo yosterday.
YOU can havo an Edison or Colum
bia in your homo. Dixon will bo glad
to arrange paymonts to please you.
Mrs. E. E. Clark, who recently, un
derwent an operation at a Lincoln
hospital, is reported to be doing nice
ly. George Tokulve resumed work at hh
repair shop yesterday aftor a two
veeks absence duo to nn nttack of
the flu.
Auditor II. D. New, of Omaha, wns
in town yosterday checking out Agont
Orr, who left this morning for Cin
cinnati. Mrs. Gannon, of Victor, Ia is a
guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. Hayes while
enroute home from a visit with her
daughter in Colorado.
A valine Gates arrived Tuesday from
fin It In n t wliofo V In tt n? li r I r
sA uu Ma ui niu in u
drug store, nnd will spend a short
time visiting relatives. v
W. L. Richards, who has been In
Oinnha for several woelts attending
the B. bf L. E. conference with U. Bi
officials, will return home next week.
Lost, tho early part of the week,
probably between postofflco and First
National Bank, a bunch of keys. Re
turn to Paul Harrington and receive
Miss Wynne Sullivan came up from
Brady Wednesday to spend a few days
with friends. Sho will leave tomorrow
for Denver to resume her training at
St. Luke's hospital.
Special $20.00 knives, forks, tea
spoons, desert spoons, butter knife
and sugar shell, comiileto in fancy
case, Community plate,' at $20.00 com
plete. Dixon, the Jeweler.
Mr. nnd Mrs. H. J. Rathman will
leave the first of the week for Chicago
and New York where they will com
bine business and pleasure by buying
spring stock and visiting relatives.
When out shopping drop in to The
Leader Mor. Co. and call on Mrs. Gnr
rison in charge to show you the beau
tiful silk under garments and silk
holsery. Sho will take pleasure in
showing you.
J, Guy Swope, Jnmes Smallwood,
Wm. Simants, E. S. Davis, H. A. Lang
ford, Clint York and Harry York will
go to Coznd tonight to put on work
In the Encampment branch of tho Odd
It is G. S. Huffman and not the Fed
erhoof estate that will erect tho now
building on wost Front for tho use of
the North Platto Monumont Co. Final
settlement of the Fedcrhoof estato was
made a your ago.
That now suit or coat you promised
yourself Its here right in our Ready
to Wear Dopartmont now. The first
opportunity you linvo drop in and
have Mrs. Cantlin or Mrs. Kllno show
it to you at Tho Leader Mor. Co.
Character of Future Naval Attack.
Rear Admiral W. F. Fullam summar
izes the method of naval attack of tho
future ns: Plunging fire from long
rango guns; attack by bombing from
aircraft; attack by submarlno mines;
nttack by torpedoes fired either from
submarines or destroyers or by torpedo
planes. He believes thnt aircraft will
become increasingly a determining fac
tor In ranging and he believes that sea
power or fighting power will be largely
dependent upon control of the air and
that the fleet which secures this con
trol must win, other things being ap
proximately equal. Scientific Ameri
can. Germany's Air-Post Plans.
Negotiations are being carried on
between German nnd foreign firms
with tho object of securing Germany's
participation in nn International nlr
post service. Regular alr-malls be
tween Berlin and Copenhagen aro ex
pected to bogin shortly, and arrange
ments are being made with the other
Scandinavian countries. An important
part of tho service will be the convey
ance of "alrgrams" to relieve the tele
graphic service. Tho shortage of gas
oline In Germany nt present Is re
stricting the use of aircraft for mall
purposes. Scientific American.
That War Spirit.
Mrs. Gotham I'd like to go to the
theater or opora tonight, dear.
Mr. Gotham All right. What would
you like to see?
"Oh, something with somo fighting
In it. Henry."
"But you know they've stopped the
production of those Gertnnn operas,
Elwootl- Roger '-loaves Monday, for"
Ogdon, Utah, whore ho "Will probably
ontor a scljpol 6t nuto mechanics.
For sals Calf. Inquiro 321 So,
Dowoy. '
Miss Dorothy Joffors and Miss Arby
Haddorf will ontortaiu nt a miscel
laneous Bhowcr Monday ovoning com
pllmontnry to Miss Stella Hunter.
i Early, spring stylos are now being
shown In tho Millinery Dopt. by Miss
Little at The Leador Mor. Co.
Beecher Parker, of Rawlins, spont
yestorday in town, whllo onrouto
home from Omaha whore he had beon
attending tho conference of tho B. of
L. E. commlttco nnd Union Pacific
officials. Mrs. Parker, who had been
visiting in town, accompanied hot
husband homo, lonvlng lost evening.
Wash Day
Just put jthe finest laces or heaviest garments in the
Laundry Queen Electric Washer
and let the machine do the work. It washes everything
and gives it a wonderful whiteness all without a single
Think what a tremendous amount of energy you expend
when you do the washing by hand. All the rubbing, the
rinsing, the hot steaming room, the wringing You know
the drudgery, and the expense if you employ a laundress.
Why continue this old method when the
Laundry Queen Electric Washing Machine
will relieve you of the labor, save the clothes from wear
and tear and save you money as well.
$10.00 DOWN AND $10.00 A MONTH
North Platte Light & Power Co.
Buy a Real Good Thermometer
A thermometer is very much like a clock. It is an indicator of temperature
as the clock Is an Indicator of time. Either instrument must be accurate
and reliable to give reliable information. Buy a real good thermometer for
insldo tho-house and out. One that' will stand higlv tomperaturo or low. Wo
are offering a fine line of thermometers now" ana someV reaT bargains
among them.
Gummere-Dent Drug Co.
1513 A. D. S.. Inc.
to S H U
And Will Pay These Extremely High Prices
fSS I! S I 8 ! g I iS 10 IIs 1 2-50 ,0 U5 1 2-50 1 i-so I
21! 1 4.50 to 3.75 1 3.50 to 2.75 1 2.50 lo 2.00 1 1.75 to 1.50 1 1.75 to 1.25
IUwt fattd, Cwd30.0fl tn K fl.1 1 ?? nn tn ig nn
0p.,HMjI 22. m
1 ....i..a,.viiaiu.iii) O.WMU O.UUI O.UU 10 4.UU
Inr L P 52 J'00 0,0 m 5-75, 5-00 5.00 to 2i0
Narrow 8.00 o 7X0 6i0to 5i0 55 to 4.75 4i0lo 4.00 4.00 to 2X0
Broad j 5.00 to 4X0 3.50 lo 3.00 1 MB fa m its to ?nn HJ
nri . .... mm mmmmmmma
quoted foV V .hmcnt. No and e
va ue. For quotations oS other uSbnFmltS!J,a lU?'Il.
rehabie and accurate ma,.cet report and price Uofl'u kinS pu?uSh&cd?6,-.?rVVS-ni2
A shipment fo "SHUBERT" will
result inmore money"--"quicker."
W. Austin Ave. Bept'josChicaqoT V.slk.
Htiv Vfniifrftni rnllirnnrl Tilnarln...
from a wcoks visit with rolntlves nt
Waterloo, Iff, J "
F. .L. Tomploj roturned today from
Loxlngton whore- hoi-hnd beoii spend
ing a few days with Mrs. Tompla.
Bronze gobbler for salo. Phone
Maurlco Williams, of Grand Island,
arrived the oarly part of tho week to
accopt. a position with tho First Na
tional Bank.
L. C. McGraW returned Wednesday
from Lexington where he had been
sponding tho last few weeks on busi
ness. Most up to dato wall paper patterns
at tho Roxnll. 14tf
MrB. George E. Rogers will loavo
tho early part of next week for a
visit with her slstor in Corning, Iowa,
oxpecting to bo absent sovoral months.
Nebraska Furs
I ic nn i n ci I i '.. 1 -, I ,
"n " 0 "5